GREENKOHATKOTI ENERGYPVT. LTD. GorporateOffice: Plot no.1071, Road no.44, Jubil-ee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033,INDIA ffirwwmM,w Ph:+ 91(40)4030100 E - Mail:
[email protected] GHEPL/FCA/L6-Tu- s( Date01.08.2017 To, DivisionalForest Officer RohruForest Division, Rohru,Distt Shimla, HimachalPradesh. Sub:Diversion of 0.6943ha of additionalforest land for the constructionof 24 MW PauditalLassa HEP in favor of M/s Greenko Hatkoti Pvt. Ltd-Compliancereport against in-principalClearance (Stage-l)clearance received. Ref: i. Your'officeletter No.2709 Dated: 24/05/20L7. ii. Nodalofficer letter No. 48-2152/2010dated 26-05-2017. iii.RMoEF, Dehradun letter no. 8B/H. P. B/Otl 69 /20t6/294 dated: 24/ 05 / 2Or7. DearSir, With referenceto the above-mentionedsubject, here with attachedpoint wise complianceto the conditionsmentioned in-principal clearance as Annexure-1.we also confirm you that, we have paid/depositan amountof Rs5,34,390.85 against Compensatory A forestation(C.A, Rs-46,737.96) and Net PresentValue[NPV, Rs- 4,85-,316)through NEFT UTR NO: SB|N41720893520L, dated CAMPAaccount by Challahgenerate by OnlinePortal Method. We requestyou to kindlyforward the sameto Nodalofficer for hisnecessary action please. Thankingyou YoursFaithfully, For Authori Shimlaoffice: 2nofloor, Plot no.B-2, Lane 4, Sector2, New Shimla,Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh - 171009 Siteoffice: zndfloor, Padam House, Samala, Rohru, Shimla District, H.P. GREENK HATKOTIENERGY PvT' LTD. ffifmWffiMW Corporate Office: no.1071,Roacl no.44, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033,INDIA Prr:+.91(40) 4030100 -Mail:@ Diversionof 0.6943 of additionalforest landfor the construCtionof 24MW PauditalLassa HEP in favourof M/s G Pvt.Ltdl.