, 1890-1945 (HT1 - Germany and the growth of democracy)

From the spec; Kaiser Wilhelm II; The Social Democratic Party (SPD);

• Kaiser Wilhelm and the difficulties of ruling Germany: the growth of parliamentary government; the In 1888, Wilhelm's father • Wilhelm II did not have complete power as Germany had an elected Reichstag, which was needed to pass legislation influence of Prussian militarism; industrialisation; social reform and the growth of socialism; the domestic succeeded as Frederick III. He (laws). Wilhelm could however, dismiss the Reichstag (which he often did), but the elections were freely held so he could importance of the Navy Laws. died shortly afterwards, making not directly influence the vote. • Impact of the First World War: war weariness, economic problems; defeat; the end of the monarchy; post- Wilhelm Kaiser at the age of 29. • The growth of socialism and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) was particularly concerning for the Kaiser. The SPD war problems including reparations, the occupation of the Ruhr and hyperinflation. He was a strong believer in frequently voted against the legislation the Kaiser wanted. The socialists thought that wealth should be shared equally • Weimar democracy: political change and unrest, 1919–1923, including Spartacists, and the increasing the strength of the between everyone in society. The idea became more popular in Germany in the 1900s and by 1912 the SPD was the Munich Putsch; the extent of recovery during the Stresemann era (1924–1929): economic developments German armed forces, biggest party in the Reichstag! including the new currency, and the Young Plan; the impact of international agreements on particularly the Navy. His recovery; Weimar culture. policies towards Britain were Causes of World War One contradictory. He alienated Basic knowledge;  Wilhelm pursued a policy that he wanted to make Germany powerful and well respected by other nations. This was Britain with his naval expansion  Germany became a country in 1871 after they beat the French in a short war (1870-71). called Wilhelm’s Weltpolitik (world politics). (Naval Race) and a policy of  They had a (Prime Minister) and a parliament (Reichstag).  Germany formed an alliance (remember these from Year 9!) with -Hungary in1882. There ended up being two aggressive German colonial  The Kaiser (King) could overrule the Reichstag and made ALL the decisions about the Army, Navy alliances, Triple Entente (Britain, France and Russia) and the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy). expansion (Weltpolitik – ‘A and agreements with other countries = Too much power for one man!  This led to a build-up of armies and navies. Germany brought in its Navy Laws which meant that the Kaiser ordered place in the sun’), and also  The new Kaiser on 1888 (Wilhelm II) wanted to make Germany a very powerful country as powerful Admiral Tirpitz to enlarge the Germany Navy to rival the British Navy (then the best and biggest in the world). supported the Boers in their as Britain (with huge industries too), so Germany industrialised so by 1913 Germany was producing  A new super-warship was created called the ‘Dreadnought’. fight against the British. But he more iron and steel than Britain, and dominated the European market in terms of electrical goods This table shows you how quickly both countries were building their navies. and chemicals. was also closely related to the  Wealth increased amongst the landowners and business people, but not amongst workers so they British royal family and was created trade unions and believed that power and wealth should be more equal across Germany particularly fond of his (This is called Socialism). This was a threat to Kaiser Wilhelm’s power. grandmother, Queen Victoria.  The German government trying to prevent a workers’ revolution brought in state education and pensions for older workers, and promised more wealth, power and a big empire.

Year Great Britain (Built that Germany (Built that year) year) 1907 1 0 1909 3 4 1912 11 5 Total (by 1914) 34 22 Germany, 1890-1945 (HT1- Germany and the growth of democracy)

Why did the Germans hate the Treaty of Versailles? Challenges from the left; Weimar ;

Land Who were the Spartacists? - Left-wing revolutionaries who Strengths • Alsace-Lorraine returned to France wanted to get rid of the Kaiser. They wanted a social revolution  All Germans had equal rights, including the right to vote • West and Posen (Polish Corridor) lost to Poland like the Russian Revolution (1917).  Proportional representation made sure parties had the same percentage of • Saarland taken over by the League of Nations for 15 years Reasons for failure of Spartacist Uprising (1919). They were seats in parliament as they did in the election • Germany’s colonies were handed over to the League of Nations, poorly organised and the Spartacists failed to capture many  Provided a strong leader to keep control over the country in an emergency who gave them to Britain and France to run buildings in . They lacked support of other left-wing groups.  Each state had its own assembly to represent local interests The Government had support of the Friekorps. The Spartacist Weaknesses Army leaders were murdered.  It was too radical an experiment given the volatile nature of German society • Air force was disbanded after the war • Army limited to 100,000 soldiers Challenges from the right;  PR encouraged lots of small parties so no one party ever had enough seats to • Navy limited to 15,000 sailors, six battleships and no submarines form a majority government • Rhineland occupied by the Allies for 15 years Who were the Freikorps? - Former soldiers in the .  The president could use Article 48 to become a dictator • No German troops allowed in this area They were a right-wing, conservative organisation who hated the  Local states could resist the authority of central government Treaty of Versailles (1919) - many had been forced to leave the Money Army. They helped President Ebert put down Spartacist Uprising To Give an Example • As Germany was held responsible for the war, the allies could claim (1919). (1) For example (2) for instance (3) in particular, particularly (e.g. particularly reparations for the damage caused Reasons for failure of Kapp Putsch (1920) - Putsch centred on important, was...) (4) specifically (e.g. Hitler bombed St Paul’s Cathedral specifically to • In 1921 a special commission fixed a sum of £6,600 m. to be paid in Berlin – and didn’t spread to rest of Germany. The Weimar destroy British morale) (5) this is shown by (e.g. this is shown by the fact that...). annual instalments Government continued and was able to relocate to Dresden. The • The Treaty also took away 10% of Germany’s industry and 15% of its German people were tired of revolution - Spartacist Uprising 1923 – A crisis year Invasion of the Ruhr Hyperinflation Munich Putsch agricultural land occurred 1919. The workers went on strike which halted the putsch. Why was this a Germany did not keep German govt. printed extra , right-wing Blame problem? up with reparations banknotes to cover costs of extremists plot a putsch • Article 231 of the Treaty stated that Germany was to blame for German outrage; reparations against the Reich government causing the war. When the Germans heard about the Treaty of Versailles, they January 1923, French felt ‘pain and anger’. They felt it was unfair. It was a 'Diktat' an and Belgian troops Value of money goes down and Led by Ludendorff & Adolf IMPOSED (DIKTAT)settlement. They had not been allowed to marched into the Ruhr - prices rise to compensate Hitler’s National Socialist (Nazi) Key articles take part in the talks – they had just been told to sign. legal under the Treaty Party launch an attempted of Versailles Pensions and savings lost revolution in Munich, the 1‐26: The Covenant of the League of Nations ‐ Germany was not allowed of . Question 1; How does Interpretation B differ from to join. Factories & industrial Wages lost all value Interpretation A about ______( 4 marks) 42: The Rhineland was demilitarised ‐ the German army was not allowed production ground to a to go there. halt People blamed new Weimar Question 2; Why might the authors of Interpretation A and B 45: The Saar, with its rich coalfields, given to France for 15 years. government, which had agreed to have a different interpretation about ______(4 marks) 51: Alsace‐Lorraine returned to France. The Germans reparations under the Versailles 80: Germany forbidden to unite with Austria. responded with passive Treaty Question 3; Which interpretation do you find more convincing 87: Lands in eastern Germany ‐ the rich farmlands of Posen and the resistance, but this about ______(8 marks) Polish corridor between Germany and East Prussia ‐ given to Poland. made Germany even 100: Danzig made a free city under League of Nations control. poorer 119: All Germany's colonies taken and given to France and Britain as Question 4; Describe ______(4 marks) 'mandates'. 160: The German Army restricted to 100,000 men. Question 5; In what ways did ______Explain your answer. Fun fact; Words to include; 181: The German Navy restricted to six battleships and no submarines. (8 marks) Germany did not pay off the reparations bill until 2010. 198: Germany not allowed to have an air force. Repayment was interrupted by Hitler during his time in • Therefore…. 231: Germany was responsible for causing all the loss and damage Question 6; A factor question. You will be given two bullet power, which delayed the final pay off to 1996. However, • Consequently… caused by the war. points. You need to write a paragraph on each bullet point and a clause in the agreement said that Germany would have to • Moreover… 232: Germany would have to pay reparations, to be decided later ‐ then a paragraph in conclusion. Example - Which of the pay interest on the bill if Germany were ever to reunite, which • Additionally… eventually set at 132 billion gold marks. following was the more important reason why the Weimar of course it did in 1990. So the final historic payment of £59m • In addition to Republic was in danger in the years 1919-1923; economic was made on Sunday, 3rd October 2012, ninety-two years after this.. problems or political unrest? (12 marks). the war ended. Germany, 1890-1945 (HT1 - Germany and the growth of democracy)

The Stresemann years (1923-1929) Key Words General strengths Anti-Semitism – Hatred of the Jews.  Experienced politician - Chancellor, Foreign Minister Aryan – Nazi term for a non‐Jewish German, for someone of supposedly  Diplomat – Locarno Tr. (1925), League of nations (’26), Young Plan (’29) ‘pure’ Germanic stock. Correctly used, the term Aryan means a member of  Gifted orator the people who speak an Indo‐European language.  Nobel Peace Prize (1926) Censorship – examination by authority (e.g. state) of books, newspapers, plays, broadcasts, films, etc. Also, the suppression of anything considered International relations irreligious, obscene or against the state. Under the Kaiser, censorship had been strict; the Weimar government was liberal, allowing artists free  1925, Locarno Treaty with GB, Fr., It. guaranteeing its frontiers expression; the Nazis censored every aspect of German life on a scale never  1926, Germ. joined League of Nations known before.  1928, Kellogg-Briand Pact – ‘the solution of all disputes shall only be sought by peaceful Chancellor – in Germany, the chief minister in the government. means’ Constitution – the rules by which a state is governed. Demobilise – to disband troops, particularly after a war. Dictatorship – one‐party state, governed by an absolute ruler; the opposite to democracy, where the people choose the government and opposing Domestic politics views are tolerated. Elite – a select, privileged group.  Stable govt. – Social Democrats formed a coalition supporting Euthanasia – the bringing about of death to relieve suffering. The Nazis  Decline in support for extremists (NAZIs won 12 seats in 1928 Reichstag elections) secretly carried out a policy of compulsory ‘euthanasia’, by cruel and inhumane methods, to kill mentally and physically handicapped people. Economic recovery Fuhrer – Leader; the title adopted by . Genocide – deliberate extermination of a whole race or nation.  Rentenmark – co‐ordination. The Nazis used the word for their policy of  1924, Dawes Plan – US lent 800 million marks controlling all organisations, at every level of society.  1925, French ended occupation of Ruhr Hyperinflation – rapidly accelerating inflation where prices rise ten or even a  1929, Young Plan, reduced reparations 60% hundred‐fold in a single month.  1928, industrial production topped pre-war levels Kaiser – the German emperor.  Construction – infrastructure, 3 million new homes – living space. The ‘need’ of the German people for living space was Hitler’s justification for his conquest of other countries. BUT – Unresolved problems Plebiscite – a vote by all the people on an important issue: for example, a change to the constitution.  American loans Putsch – sudden armed uprising, a political revolt.  Depression in agriculture Reich – the .  Extremism (NAZIs / Communists) Reichstag – the German Parliament.  1925, Hindenburg elected President – opponent of Republic Reparations – compensation for war damage demanded by the Allied  1929, death of Stresemann powers after Germany’s defeat in the First World War.  1929, Wall St. Crash SA – Abbreviation for Sturm‐Abteilung. SS – Abbreviation for Schutz‐Staffel, ‘protection squad’. Originally the private bodyguard for Hitler and other Nazi leaders, the SS later became the In Addition main instrument of terror in . Totalitarian – a state in which every aspect of people’s lives is controlled (1) besides this (as well as this) (2)furthermore (also), (3) also, (4) as well as, (5) on top of this, and monitored by those in power. (6) foremost (most important, e.g. the foremost reason for the outbreak of war was...), Volk – people; in particular, the German people. (7) firstly, secondly,thirdly, (8) firstly, lastly, finally, (9) likewise (in the same way). Wall Street Crash – In 1929, share prices fell disastrously on the New York stock exchange (known as Wall Street from its location). It was followed by a worldwide economic collapse and the Depression of the 1930s. Germany, 1890-1945 (HT1 - Germany and the growth of democracy)

Use the space below to make your own notes of the various questions that you will face in this section of the exam;

• You will have 6 questions on Germany. • The first three will be using 2 interpretations.

Question 1;

How does Interpretation B differ from Interpretation A about ______( 4 marks)

Example - How does Interpretation B differ from Interpretation A about Hitler’s appeal to the people of Germany? (4 marks)

Question 2;

Why might the authors of Interpretation A and B have a different interpretation about ______(4 marks)

Example - Why might the authors of Interpretations A and B have different interpretations about Hitler’s appeal to the people of Germany? (4 marks)

Question 3;

Which interpretation do you find more convincing about ______(8 marks)

Example - Which interpretation do you find more convincing about Hitler’s appeal to the people of Germany? (8 marks)

Question 4;

Describe ______. (4 marks)

Examples - Describe two aspects of the . (4 marks) Describe two impacts of the First World War on Germany. (4 marks)

Question 5;

In what ways did ______Explain your answer. (8 marks)

Example - In what ways were the lives of affected by Nazi social policies? Explain your answer. (8 marks) In what ways did the lives of people in Germany change during the First World War? Explain your answer. (8 marks)

Question 6;

A factor question. You will be given two bullet points. You need to write a paragraph on each bullet point and then a paragraph in conclusion.

Example - Which of the following was the more important reason why the Weimar Republic was in danger in the years 1919-1923; economic problems or political unrest? (12 marks) Which of the following was the more important reason why Hitler was appointed in 1933; the economic weakness of the Weimar Republic or the political weakness of the Weimar Republic. (12 marks) Germany, 1890-1945 (HT2 - Germany and the Depression)

How the Depression (1929) helped Nazis From the spec; Economic policy • The impact of the Depression: growth in support for the Nazis and other extremist parties (1928–1932), including the role of the SA; Hitler’s appeal. • The failure of Weimar democracy: election results; the role of Papen and Hindenburg and Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor.  Weimar government unwilling to print more money or • The establishment of Hitler’s dictatorship: the ; the Enabling Act; elimination of political opposition; trade unions; Rohm and the Night increase expenditure – memories of 1923! of the Long Knives; Hitler becomes Führer.  Chancellor raised taxes and reduced unemployment benefit

Growth of the Hitler’s henchmen Presidential rule Reorganising Winning Mein Kampf Increased Winning Public  Social Democrats withdrew from Weimar Government the party over the membership over middle meetings Categories Josef Hermann Goering Ernst Röhm  Hindenburg used Article 48 to pass laws – not very working classes Goebbels democratic! classes Background Middle class Middle-class Pilot & soldier Working Chicken farmer  Hindenburg was keeping Weimar going – but he secretly background background during WWI class from Prussia hated the new republic and what it stood for! After Munich Targeted Appealed to Increased Nazi policies Political – son of an Fought in WWI – background Fought briefly Putsch, NSDAP working Germany’s from 50,000 appealed to speakers office Ace fighter pilot, Captain in during WWI Rise of extremism (Nazi Party) classes, who love of in 1925 to middle were worker. shot down 21 German banned) suffered strong, 150,000 in classes and specially Didn’t fight aircraft & Army  People become radicalised badly during charismatic 1929 farmers trained in WWI due achieved highest during WWI  Communists blamed failure of capitalism Two weeks Great leadership to crippled medal for bravery  Nazis blamed Weimar, Treaty of Versailles, Jews after Hitler’s Depression (similar to However, Middle- SA used to foot  Violence – 500 killed during 1932 elections release from Kaiser) SDP (Social classes protect Character Highly- Womaniser & Unambitious Tough, Frail, timid youth gaol, ban on Anti- Democrats) suffered speakers and educated socialiser and didn’t crave brutal but Hard-working & party lifted Semitism of Strong anti- remained most during remove and Greedy & power in the efficient precise, e.g. NSDAP had Semitic & largest single 1923 opposition intelligent – arrogant same way other leader recorded in his Question 1; How does Interpretation B differ from Party great appeal racist tones party (1928, where they gained PhD Collected art, Nazis did Joined diary every time he Interpretation A about ______( 4 marks) relaunched, to many of 153 seats) Farmers were in language gambled and Freikorps shaved or had a 27 Feb 1925 working Anti- whilst Nazis suffered speaking studies drank long into and helped haircut Question 2; Why might the authors of Interpretation A and B (in same beer class who communist had only 12 due to Brilliant the night! crush the Couldn’t bear to have a different interpretation about ______(4 marks) hall in felt their (Russia had in the depression Clever use of public Spartacists watch executions Munich!) jobs were become the Reichstag in propaganda, speaker Question 3; Which interpretation do you find more convincing threatened world’s first (German agriculture targeting Work for Joined party Joined party in Joined NSDAP Joined Head of SS & about ______(8 marks) by Jews Communist parliament) & slump in concerns of Nazis in 1922 1922 in 1920 German – Hitler’s set up nation in grain prices ordinary Chief of Put in charge of Deputy of Nazi Workers’ body guards and Question 4; Describe ______(4 marks) 1917 and people and Propaganda Stormtroopers Party and dealt Party the secret police Hitler many in hatred of Close ally of (SA) with matters of (name of Question 5; In what ways did ______Explain your answer. determined to Germany Weimar Hitler Eventually in administration Nazi Party (8 marks) pursue feared the Edited Nazi charge of Plane crashed early in its political rather same would newspaper, Luftwaffe over Scotland life) Question 6; A factor question. You will be given two bullet than violent happen) Volkische (German Air and was Set up and points. You need to write a paragraph on each bullet point and means to gain Freiheit Force) and arrested and ran SA for then a paragraph in conclusion. Example - Which of the power Appealed to (‘People’s economic spent Hitler in following was the more important reason why the Weimar Germans’ Freedom’ organisation remainder of 1921 Republic was in danger in the years 1919-1923; economic sense of called, ‘Four-Year war in prison problems or political unrest? (12 marks) history Plan’ Germany, 1890-1945 (HT2 - Germany and the Depression) How Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 Hitler establishes a dictatorship – timeline

Political manoeuvring Depression Hitler’s leadership skills Weakness of Weimar government Nazi tactics Date Event How it increased Hitler’s power Hindenburg didn’t like Hitler so he Depression hit different people in Posters and rallies, e.g. Nuremberg Weimar government was criticised for Hitler reorganised party, making it appointed other party leaders as society, e.g. businessmen saw their Rallies built Hitler up to be some sort raising taxes and cutting public more disciplined and effective at With ‘evidence’ of a Communist Chancellor (his right under the business fail, employed people lost of superhero or ‘Messianic’ (Christ spending, e.g. on unemployment campaigning, e.g. Hitler flies across 27 Feb 1933 Reichstag burned plot, Hitler was able to go to Weimar Constitution) who struggled their jobs, there were problems in like) figure benefit Germany (1932, Presidential down Hindenburg and try to get him to to assemble a workable government agriculture campaign) ban the Communist Party Campaigns focused around Hitler’s People feared repeat of 1923 July 1932, Nazis won 37% of vote in 50% or more of young people were personality Carefully used propaganda, e.g. The new law gives Hitler the power 1932 elections (230 seats) and unemployed, 60% of graduates Weimar Government nicknamed Goebbels appointed Chief of 1 March 1933 Hindenburg passes to deal with the so-called became largest single party couldn’t get jobs; 40% of factory Hitler used media & propaganda to ‘November Criminals’ and blamed for Propaganda ‘Protection Law’ ‘Communist plot’ to take over workers were without a job project himself as a powerful speaker having ‘stabbed Germany in the back’ Germany Von Papen persuades Hindenburg to by signing Treaty of Versailles SA used to protect Nazi speakers & Communists banned from taking appoint Hitler as Chancellor with him The government responded by raising Hitler set out clear policies for party in distribute propaganda part in March elections. Leaders as Vice Chancellor and a limited taxes (it didn’t want to print more ‘25 Points’ & Mein Kampf Fear of Jewish-Communist plot arrested. Newspapers shut down. number of Nazis in Cabinet so their money or increase public spending for Hitler Youth formed to brainwash next Hitler won 288 seats (out of 647 views can be ignored fear of repeating the experiences of Rebranded party, National Socialist New liberal attitudes brought in with generation of supporters seats) but NOT a majority hyperinflation) German Workers’ Party to maximise Weimar, e.g. freedom of speech, Hindenburg is worried his own their appeal experimental art angered New technologies, e.g. use of sound & Hitler could make laws without position is in danger if he doesn’t The president was forced to use the traditionalists lighting effects at Nazis rallies 23 March 1933 Nationalist Party referring to Reichstag. He also didn’t offer Hitler the job of Chancellor and undemocratic Article 48 to pass joins Nazis have to worry about Hindenburg there may be a civil war, so he agrees legislation to tackle the problems Hitler uses his to von Papen’s plans caused by the Great Depression majority to pass the Enabling Act People turned to extremists, e.g. Communists and Nazis for solutions Nazis put in charge Gave Hitler power over regional 7 April 1933 of local councils & government, policing and he could police set up a complex surveillance Gestapo formed network to identify opponents of his regime

Hitler banned all TUs were a major force in German 2 May 1933 trade unions politics. They could no longer complain about pay & conditions or organise opposition to his regime.

Created a single-party state in 14 July 1933 Banned all political Germany. Nazi Party was the only parties in Germany official party. by ‘Law Against the Formation of New To Give an Example To Show the Reason Why, Cause and Effect Parties’

(1) For example, (2) for instance, (3) in particular, particularly (e.g. (1) since, (2) because, (3) because of, due Ernst Rohm and 100s of regional SA particularly important, was...), (4) specifically (e.g. Hitler bombed St Paul’s to (because of, e.g. due to the effects of erosion, 30 June 1934 Night of Long Knives leaders arrested & shot. All potential opposition to Hitler was removed. Cathedral specifically to destroy British morale), (5) to illustrate (e.g. the coastline appears...), (4) as (because, e.g. as Climate of fear created. Churchill understood the importance of morale. This is illustrated by the most people in the West have free access to food, fact that he diverted firefighters from burning homes in order to save the Hitler merged the roles of President obesity is reaching epidemic proportions), (5) by Cathedral), (6) this is shown by (e.g. this is shown by the fact that...), & Chancellor. Hindenburg was an this, (6) through this, (7) as a result of this. (7) to demonstrate, to prove (e.g. to demonstrate this, we can...), (8) such 2 August 1934 Death of opponent of Hitler and had now as (e.g. words such as [quote], [quote], [quote] create the effect of’) Hindenburg been removed. Army were ordered to swear an oath of loyalty to Hitler. Germany, 1890-1945 (HT3 - The experiences of Germans under the Nazis)

From the spec; SS Concentration Gestapo Police, the courts Informers Heinrich Himmler camps & prisons • Economic changes: benefits and drawbacks; employment; public works programmes; rearmament; self-sufficiency; the impact of war on the economy and the German people, including bombing, rationing, labour shortages, refugees. SS stands for Originally Originally Prussian Nazis took control Nazi Party had a Former Prussian • Social policy and practice: reasons for policies, practices and their impact on women, young people and youth groups; education; control of Schultz-Staffel or temporary prisons secret service, run of existing system strong local chicken farmer churches and religion; Aryan ideas, racial policy and persecution; the Final Solution. ‘protection squad’ set up by SA and by Goering of courts structure Interested in • Control: Goebbels, the use of propaganda and censorship; Nazi culture; repression and the police state and the roles of Himmler, the SS and Originally SS, specialising in From June 1936, Judges took an Towns divided Gestapo; opposition and resistance, including White Rose group, Swing Youth, Edelweiss Pirates and July 1944 bomb plot. squadron of 500 political prisoners became state oath of loyalty to into local units Highly sensitive – men forming e.g. Communists secret service run Hitler called ‘Blocks’. could watch Hitler’s personal and trade union by Himmler Courts displayed Block warden executions he Use of Propaganda Hitler Youth and Women bodyguard activists Tapped phones, Nazi insignia, e.g. visited each block ordered Developed into a Inmates were intercepted mail Swastika and to collect One of those Goebbels  Tradition of youth groups in Germany (Volk culture) force of 50,000 regularly tortured and conducted eagle of the Third donations thought  Suffered from polio as a child  Alternative youth groups closed elite perfect and ‘re-educated’ spying operations Reich Block leaders responsible for  1925, joined Nazis  From 1936 membership compulsory specimens of By 1939, Used torture and Number of crimes wrote reports on Final Solution  Responsible for electoral campaigns  Well organised – different groups for different ages Aryan men concentration surprise to extract punishable by residents, which (1942) systematic  1933, Minister for Public Enlightenment & Propaganda  Hitler Youth, League of German Maidens Ruthless & fiercely camps had confessions from death rose from 3 could determine execution of Jews  1934, Night of Long Knives  1939 – 8 million members! loyal to Hitler expanded to suspects (1933) to 46 whether they got  1 May 1945, poisoned himself & family  Range of activities – games, sports, physical education, Helped crush provide slave (1943), including jobs or not Newspapers & publishing parade, camping – all appealed to young people Hitler in Night of labour e.g. listening to foreign Reported on every  Book publication controlled by Ministry for People’s Enlightenment  Children were brainwashed into loyalty to Führer Long Knives manufacturing radio or publishing activity, e.g. telling  Nazis established an official publishing house - Eher Verlag  Fed anti-Communist & anti-Semitic hatred Distinct black weapons anti-govt leaflets anti-Nazi jokes,  By 1939, Nazis controlled 2/3 of Germany’s newspapers  Children believed they were helping the war effort uniform During WWII holding illegal  Threats to people cancelling subscriptions Unlimited power developed into meetings or not  Book burnings to arrest without mass flying the Nazi flag Radio Opposition to youth groups trial, search or extermination on celebration  6,000 public loudspeakers confiscate camps days  Cheap radios Volksempfänger  Swing clubs – disrespectful to the Führer, e.g. ‘Heil property  Between 1932-9 the number of families with radios rose from 25% to Benny’ greeting Developed 70%  Edelweiss Pirates – bullied members of the Hitler Youth fighting sections,  Mixture of drama, light entertainment & news  Some youths sheltered deserters & escapees e.g. Waffen SS  Only receive national broadcasts  White Rose group – distributed Nazi propaganda Ran concentration  “the spiritual weapon of the totalitarian state” (Goebbels) camps Cinema Role of women  Film going quadrupled between 1933 and 1942  Mixture of entertainment & news  Didn’t work – women were encouraged or forced to  Admission only allowed at start leave their jobs, e.g. all women doctors sacked  Jud Suss – story of an evil Jew  Good housewives – used leftovers, prepared ‘Eintopf’ New Plan Four-Year Plan  Leni Riefenstahl, ‘’ & ‘Olympiade’ meal Festivals & rallies  Good mothers – healthy, promoted traditional family  Dr  Hermann Goering  September 1933-38, Nuremberg rallies values, ‘Honour Cross of German Mothers’  President of  WWI fighter pilot  Mixture of public spectacle, & propaganda  Dressed in traditional German clothes Reichsbank  Head of German  Festivals and celebrations, e.g. Hitler’s Birthday, Munich Putsch Day &  Brought up children to worship Führer & join Hitler  Minister of the airforce (Luftwaffe) Founding of Nazi Party Day Youth Economy  Self-sufficiency  Imports limited  Synthetic raw  Trade agreements materials (ersatz) Nazi economy Unemployment – how the Nazis dealt with the problem  Unemployment  Reduce imports • By 1939 unemployment had fallen to less than 0.5milion reduced  Tighten control on Aims • After 1932, reparations ended wages  Reduce unemployment (1933, 6 million) • and public building projects, e.g. Olympic Stadium, Berlin  Rearmament • Reich Labour Service (RAD) and conscription – 1m in Army by 1939  Self-sufficiency (Autarky) • Government investment schemes, e.g. Volkswagen Germany, 1890-1945 (HT3 - The experiences of Germans under the Nazis) Persecution Nazi economy Opposition to Nazis Date Event Successes Failures Grumbling Passive resistance Open opposition Assassination attempts

Small businesses – Nazis passed laws banning Small businesses - between 1936 and 1939 the 1 April 1933 One-day boycott of Jewish shops, lawyers and doctors all over Germany Ordinary Germans resented Many refused to join the White Rose group new department stores and stopping creation no. of self-employed skilled craftsmen fell from intrusion by state, e.g. party or to give the ‘Heil distributed anti-Nazi Von Stauffenberg & of new ones. Competing Jewish businesses 1,650,000 to 1,500,000 tactics of SA, propaganda, Hitler’ salute; some were propaganda; Navajos Operation Valkrie, July 1944; were closed down. Value of trade double for May 1934 Jews prohibited from holding health Block Warden collecting executed for their sheltered Army deserters 4 members of Hitler’s group tradesmen in this category between 1933 and Farmers – resented Nazi meddling, every hen insurance subs resistance; banned political and RAF pilots; one group were killed and Hitler was 1937 had to lay 65 eggs per year for example. People attended rallies parties went underground killed head of badly injured; failure of plot Farmers suffered from shortage of labour as September introduced which because their jobs might (e.g. Social Democrats in Gestapo led to reprisals and c.5000 Farmers – some farm debts were written off, workers went to work in the cities and 1935 included: depend on it but didn’t exile, SOPADE); 1936 people were arrested and all farmers benefited from increased food factories. 40% increase in income. Law for the Protection of German Blood always endorse the views of Gestapo broke up 1000 , Chief of executed prices and Honour which prohibited Jews from the Nazi underground meetings Reich Security, assassinated Business – greater govt. intervention, e.g. over holding German citizenship and marrying by two specially trained Big business – benefited from rearmaments prices, wages, profits and imports. Govt also non-Jews Anti-Nazi jokes was a safety 1937, Munich, House of Czech soldiers, 1942 and destructions of trade union. Average salary decided who should receive raw materials and valve, a way of expressing German showed officially of managers rose by 70% between 1934 and forced some industries to produce certain July 1938 Munich synagogue burned down criticism or disapproval, but approved at Martin Niemoller and 1938 goods for the war effort. 115% increase in not openly same time as an exhibition Dietrich Bonhoeffer, earnings. of Weimar ‘degenerate art’, founders of the October Jews had to have the red letter ‘J’ stamped Case study of German which attracted 5x as many ‘Confessional Church’, Unskilled workers – most were quickly given Unskilled workers – wages often lower than 1938 on passports doctor, who knowingly visitors Bonhoffer who spoke out jobs on govt. programmes, e.g. constructing unemployment benefit; working week ignored what the Nazis against Nazis and plotted in autobahn. Local govt. took action to provide increased from 43 to 47 hours (1939). 25% 9-10 : 100 Jews murdered, 1000s were doing to Jews because Swing groups listened to secret to overthrow Nazi cheap flats; unemployment reduced from increae in wages November sent to concentrations camps, shops it made it easier for him to banned American music, State, eventually died in nearly 6 million to 119,000 (1939) 1938 destroyed & synagogues burned gain patients for his practice gave fake ‘Heil Benny’ concentration camp on 8 Reich Labour Service (RAD) – all men aged salutes, girls wore make up April 1945; Bishop von Beauty of Labour scheme – helped improve 18-25 had to do 6 months’ work service. and fashionable imported Galen, Lion of Munster, led a conditions in factories, e.g. good ventilation, Unpopular because it was hard manual labour 15 Jews expelled from schools clothes campaign against the Nazis’ hot meals in the factory etc. & was used to indoctrinate young people like November 1938 euthanasia programme the Hitler Youth movement; only 10 days ‘Aktion T4.’ Strength through Joy (Kraft durch freude) – holiday a year November formed offered prizes and rewards for hard work, as 1940 well as savings scheme, e.g. People’s Car Question 1; How does Interpretation B differ from Interpretation A Jan 1942 Wannsee Conference leads to ‘Final about ______( 4 marks) Solution’ leads to Jewish camps becoming extermination camps Question 2; Why might the authors of Interpretation A and B have a different interpretation about ______(4 marks) Persecution Who were the Reasons for anti-Semitism Steps to Final Solution ‘undesirables’? Question 3; Which interpretation do you find more convincing about What was an Aryan?  Those who were a  Anti-Semitism common in  Boycotts, purges, labour camps ______(8 marks)  Characteristics: tall, burden on the Europe for many  Nuremberg Laws blond-haired, blue- community & the centuries  Kristallnacht Question 4; Describe ______(4 marks) eyed work-shy  Jews were associated  Einsatzgruppen (‘one sentence groups’)  Pure genetic race –  Unhealthy or with revolution and  Ghetto Question 5; In what ways did ______Explain your answer. (8 not result of racial disabled Communism  Mobile gas chambers marks) interbreeding  Tramps & beggars  Suspicion over their  Death camps  Physically strong and  Alcoholics wealth & power – Jews  1942, Nazi leaders met at Wannsee, Berlin. Question 6; A factor question. You will be given two bullet points. You healthy  Prostitutes made 1% of German They planned quickest way to eliminate the need to write a paragraph on each bullet point and then a paragraph  Brought up to believe  Criminals population but 17% of remaining 11 million Jews. Concentration in conclusion. Example - Which of the following was the more in traditional family  Homosexuals bankers were Jews camps would become extermination camps. 6 important reason why the Weimar Republic was in danger in the years values.  Gypsies  Religious intolerance major camps, including Auschwitz 1919-1923; economic problems or political unrest? (12 marks)