RP-001 9 VOL. 2 Public Disclosure Authorized TONGB.A PUMPED STORAGE PROJECT


RESETTL-EMENTACTION PLAN Public Disclosure Authorized


Objectives of the RAP and the Definition of ResettlementTerminology. 1. GENERAL 1.1. Project Background 1.2. Project Components and Project Description 1.3. Project Design and Approval 1.4. Measures For Reducing Project Influences 1.5 Preparation of Resettlement Works 1.6. Resettlement Preparation 2. REGIONAL SOCL41 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 2.1. The Social Economic Status Of Province 2.2. The Social Econornic Status Of affected Prefectures(Cities),counties 2.3. The Social Economic Status Of affected Towns and Villages 3. PROJECTIMPACT 3.1. Land Acquisition Area 3.2. Affected houses 3.3. Affected Population 3.4. Affected Infrastructures 3.5. Trees To Be Cut 3.6. Other FacilitiesTo Be Affected 4. LEGAL FRAMIEWORK 4.1. Policy Basis 4.2. Rules of Law 5. RESETTLEMENTBUDGET 5.1. CompensationPrinciples 5.2. CompensationStandards 5.3. General Budget Estimate of Compensations 5.4. Funds Flowing Procedures I 6. PLAN FOR RESETTLEMENTAND PRODUCTIONRESTORATION 6.1. Plan Criteria 6.2. Resettlement and Restoration Plan 6.3. ImplementationPlan 7. ORGANIZATIONAND INSTITUTION 7.1. Establishing of Organization 7.2. Linking of Organizations 7.3. Measures for Enhancing Capacity of Organization 8. PUBLIC PARTICIPATIONAND APPEAL 8.1. Public Participation 8.2. Grievance 9. MONITORING 9.1. InternalMonitoring and Reporting 9.2. External IndependentMonitoring, Evaluation and Reporting 10. REPORT 10.1. ResettlementAction Plan (RAP) 10.2. Resettlement Schedule Report 10.3. Reports of IndependentEvaluation of Resettlement (IER) 11. ENTITLEMENT MATRIX ATTACHMENT1 SJUMMARY LIST FOR VILLAGES AFFECTED BY PROJECT ATTACHMENT2 BASICAL STATUS FOR VILLAGESAFFECAT BY PROJECT ATTACHMENT3 LAND ACQUISITIONFOR TRANSMISSIONLINES ATTACHMENT4 MAIN STAFFS OF WORKING I Resettleent Action Plan

Objectives of the RAP and the Definition of Resettlement Terminology.

This Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) is prepared according to the Laws and Regulations of PRC, and local Regulations as well as the Guidelines of the World Bank (Operational Directive for Involuntary Resettlement OD 4.30). 'The purpose of this document is to set out an Action plan for the Resettlement and Rehabilitation of the Project Affected Persons (PAPs) to ensure that they will benefit from the project and their standards of living will improve or at least be restored after the project impact. Acquisition of land and other assets for the project will adversely affect the livelihood of persons who live, work or earn their living on the land that will be acquired for the project. PAPs are defined as those persons whose income or livelihoods will be adversely affected by land acquisition for the project. PAPs include the following categories: a) persons who have a title, right, interest, in structures (houses, enterprises, shelters, or public buildings), land (including residential, agricultural, and grazing land)or any other asset acquired or possessed, in full or in part, permanently or temporarily; b) persons who use the structures, land or assets described above; or persons whose business, occupation, work, place of residence or habitat adversely affected; or c) persons whose standard of living is adversely affected as a consequence of land acquisition. A definition of PAPs is given below: Definition of the PAPs: "Affected Persons" means persons who on account of the execution of the project had or would have theirs: a) standard of living adversely affected; or b) right, title or interest in any house, land (including premises, agricultural and grazing land) or any other fixed or movable asset acquired or possessed, temporarily or permanently; or c) business, occupation. work or place of -residence or -habitat adversely affected, and "affected Person" means individually all those who qualify as "Affected persons:' PAPs may be individuals or legal persons such as a company, a public institution. Definition of PAPs is -not limited to their legal Tegistration or permission to live or conduct business in the affected location, or their -title to property Thus, it

1 Resettlwnt Actio Plan includes: a) all those affected by ihe project regardless of their legal rights or absence thereof to the assets being taken; and b) persons without residential permit to live in a certain area. Therefore all such persons who are affected will need to considered and recorded as PAPs, regardless of their legal connectionto assets land or location. If there are more than one person, family or household using or holding a title to the same land or property that is acquired, they will be compensated and rehabilitated according to the loss they suffer, their rights, and the impact on their living standards. The definition of PAPs is linked directly to the adverse effect of the project, regardless of legal rights title or interest. All PAPs are entitled to the improvement or at least restoration of their standards of living, and compensation for the material losses they suffer. Compensation for assets will cover replacement cost. No deductions or discounts will be applied to the compensationamount for depreciation or other reasons. All PAPs deriving an economic benefit from the affected land and property are entitled to receive rehabilitation benefits in addition to the compensation for their assets lost. Those PAPs without title, authorization or legal permission to reside, conduct business, cultivate land or construct structures are eligible for rehabilitation of their livelihoods and compensation for their assets on an equal footing with those with formal legal title, authorization or permissions to the assets. The term RESEITLEMENT includes: a) the relocation of living quarters; b) finding acceptable new employment for those whose jobs are affected; c) restoration (or compensation) of affected productive resources such as land, workplaces, , trees and infrastructure; d) restoration of other adverse effect on PAPs' living standards (quality of life) through land acquisition (such as the adverse effects of pollution); e) restoration of or compensationfor affected private and public enterprises; f) restoration of adversely affected on cultural or comrnonproperty. Rehabilitation means: the restoration of the PAPs' resource capacity to continue with productive activities or lifestyles at a level higher or at least equal to that before the project. The objective of this RAP is to provide a plan for the resettlement and rehabilitation of the PAPs so that their losses will be compensated and their standards of living will be improved or at least restored to the pre-project levels.

.2 Resettlwnt Actio Plan

To achieve these objectives the plan provides for rehabilitation measures so that the income earning potential of individuals are restored to sustain their livelihoods.Affected productive resources of businesses (enterprises including shops) and public property. Infrastructure and cultural property will also be improved or at least restored to their pre-projectlevels.

23 Resettlewnt Action Plan


1.1. Project Background Since launching of the economic reform, the national economy in Zhejiang Province has developed in a rapid pace. In 1990, the GDP of the province was 89.8 billion Yuan (1990 price, same as below), and in 1995, that was 215.2 billion Yuan., with an average annual increase rate of 19.9%. During the first two years of the Ninth Five-year Period, the annual average increase rate was 11.34% and the GDP of the province reached 2667.8 billion Yuan. The economic increase gears up the development of power industry of the province. In the Eighth Five-year Period, the power load and power consumption of the province increased at an annual rate of 13.28% and 13.81% respectively; while in the Ninth Five-year Period, the annual increase rate in the first two years reached 7.52% and 7.88 % respectively. In 1997, the power loads and power consumption of the province were respectively 8.15 million kW and 5.12 million kWh. According to the plan of the provincial power grid, it is predicted that the power load and power consumption of the province will be increased by 9.3 1% and 8.45% respectively,and in the year of 2000, the power load and power consumption of the province will be 11.0 million kW and 6.60 million kWh. In the Tenth Five-year Period, the power load and power consumption of the province will be increased by 8.45% and 8.23% respectively; in 2005, the power load and power consumption of the province will be 16.5 million kW and 9.8 million kWh. Limited by the natural separation of the Qiantang River and the unfavorable surrounding conditions for building large-sized power plants, it is predicted that the Zhejiang Power Grid will turn to be in a pattern in which large power tide will run from the north to the south and from the east to the west during the period of 2000 - 2005. In order to satisfy the power demand for industrial and agricultural production and people's living of the province as well as safe operation of the whole power grid, some power transmission projects should be constructed. The substations and power lines under this project are part of the 5OOkV transmission projects to be built to fulfill the purpose above mentioned. 1.2 Project Componentsand Project Description 1.2.1 Project Components The corollary tranmission works for Tongbai Pumped Storage Plant are composed of following 7 items.

-4 Resettlint Action Plan

A. Anew 500kV Substation, B. A new 5OOkVXiaoshan substation, C. A new 500kV substation, D. Expansion of the existing Substation, E. Expansion of the existing Substation, F. A new 5OOkV double-circuit transmission line of Zhuji-Tongbai (hereinafter referred to as Tongzhu line), G. A new 500kV transmission line of Ningbo-Wenzhou (hereinafter referred to as Ningwen line), 1.2.2 Project Description A. 500kV Zbuji Substation

The planned capacity of the 500kV Zhuji Substation is 1 X 75kVA at this

stage, and the final capacity is 3 X 75kVA, with ten 500kV outgoing lines and fourteen 220kV outgoing lines planned. The proposed substation site is at Guanhu Village in Wangjiajing Town of Zhuji City. The planned land acquisition area is about 150mu, being cultivated land, tea hill and part of resident housing site. B. SOOkVXiashan Substation

The planned capacity of the 500kV Xiaoshan Substation is 1 X 75kVA, and

the final capacity is 3 X 75kVA,with six 500kV outgoing lines and twelve 220kV outgoing lines planned. The proposed substation site, within which there is no resident, but ofnlyfarm land, covers part of Chengjao village and Wulian village in Chengxiang -town of Xianshan city, about 7kM to Xiaoshan city, 700m -away from the Xianshan- highway, The planned land acquisitionarea is 137mu. C. SOOkVYuyao Substation

The planned capacity of the 5OOkVYuyao Substation is 1 X75kVA, and the

final capacity is 3 X 75kVA, with eight 5 OOkVoutgoing lines and sixteen 220kV outgoing lines planned. The proposed substation site, within which there are paddy field, cemetery and part of residenthousing site, covers part of Tongguangvillage and Zhongjiamen village in Yuyao town of Yuyao city, about 500m away from the Grade-I Yuyao-Ningbohighway. The planned £ Resettlint Action Plan

land acquisition area is 15Omu. D. Extension of 5OOkVWenzhou Substation 500kV Wenzhou Substation is an item of the transmission project using the project cost savings under Zhehiang Power Development Project. It is planned to extend within the original substation site, without new land acquisition. E. Extension of 5OOkVNingbo Substation The 500kV Ningbo Substation is also an item of the transmission project using the project cost savings under Zhehiang Power Development Project. It is planned to extend within the original substation site, -withoutnew land acquisitionproblem. F. 5OOkVDouble-cricuit Tongzhu Line Two single-cricuit will be erected from the Tongbai Pumped Storage Plant to 7Zhuji500kV substation, 60-150m apart from each other and in driection from east to west by north. Two alternatives,i.e., on south side and on north side, are compared by Zhejiang Provincial Power Design Institute. The total length of the proposed the North Alternative is 111kM, which passes four counties and cities of Tiantai, Xingchang,Shengxian and Zhuji. The area along the line is of plain(18%) and hills(67%) and mountains(15%), with max. elevation of 700m. G. 5OOkVNingwen Line Single-circuit will be used from the 5OOkVNingwen line, Tunning from north to south by west. Two -alternatives,i.e., on the east side and on the west side, are compared by Zhejiang Provincial Power Design Institute. The total length of the proposed the East Alternative is 275kM, which passes eight counties (city and regions) of Yinxian County, Fenghua County, , , Linghai City, Huangyan County, and Wenzhou City. The area passed by line is of plain(10%) and hills(23%) and mountains(47%) -and high mountains(20%), with the max. elevation of 700m. 1.2.3 Affect and Service of Project 303 villages in 52 towns of 15 counties (cities) will be affected by the transmission works associated with the Tongbai Pumped Storage Project (Affected towns and villages are shown in Attachment 1), After completion, the Zhejiang 500 kV transmission system will be a backbone of the E1HV transmission framework of the province. Thus, this project will play a very important role in propelling the social economy of Zhejiang province, as well as enhancing power supply for industrial and agricultural productions and domestic use in the province. Resettlemt Action Plan

1.2A Project Schedule Based on the Plan, the project schedule is shown as below: It is planned that constructionof the 500kV Zhuji Substation and the 500kV Tongbai-Zhujidouble single cricuit line will be started in 2001 and finished in 2003. It is planned that construction of the 5OOkVYuyao Substation and the 5OOkVNingbo-Wenzhou single cricuit line will be started in 2002 and finished in 2004. It is planned that the construction of the 500kV Wenzhou Substation will be started in 2003 and finished in 2004. It is planned that the construction of the 500kV Xiaoshan Substation will be started in 2003 and finished in 2004. It is planned that the construction of the 5OOkVNingbo Substation will be started in 2003 and finished in 2004. 1.3 Project Design and Approval Among the corollary transmission works for Tongbai Pumped Storage Project, the 500kV Yuyao substation is designed by the East Electric Power Design Institute, the other project components are designed by Zhejiang Provincial Power Design Institute. During selection the substation sites and line routes, the design units envisaged several alternative substation sites and line routes along with deep-going techno-economic study, and conducted alternative comparison in terms of the project impact on local social economy, land requisition, relocation and resettlement, geological structure, hydrology and meteorology, topography and geomorphology, transportation for large equipment, maintenance of the lines and substations, and project economic justification, and finally decided the project construction blueprint. The project owner has worked on the project package for approval. 1.4 Measures for Reducing Project Impact

A. Reducing quantity of land requisitionand resettlement Constructionof the substations and transmission lines will cause acquisition of certain amount of arable lands and housing removal, which will inevitably affect the livelihoods of the local people and local production conditions. In order to minimize the quantity of cultivated land to be requisited and resettlement to a possible extent, the design units have adopted various measures during design as followings. (1) During design, the design units had made every effort to arrange the substations and line routes at open areas and away from residences, by

7 Resettlet Actiri Pla

optimizing the layout of substation and outgoing line and equipment arrangement. The staff later substation operation residential area will be arranged at the urban district, thus resulting in even less cultivated land to be requisitioned. (2) The double-line single pole arrangement can reduce the quantity of land to be used for line route and number of houses to be relocated. (3) During the line positioning, the design units had carried out analysis on line routes and reasonably added more turning-angle towers to avoid households from being affected. B. Decreasing local impact caused by construction When requisition and resettlement is inevitable, following measures will be adopted for decreasingthe local impact caused by the construction. 1) Enhance basic data acquisition procedures, analyses on local socio- economic status, and formulate practicable action plans with due consideration of actual situation, thus ensuring that the standards of living of the resettlers will not be decreased. 2) Strengthen internal and external independent monitoring activities, establish highly efficient and smooth channel for information feedback, reduce information processing period, thus ensuring that problems can be resolved timely. 3) During construction, use of local materials such as bricks, sand and gravel, etc., will be given priority as well as local transportation means and labor force, thus resettlers can obtain benefits from the project. 4) Optimize construction design, reduce construction period, cooperate fully with the local government at different levels, arrange housing removal and construction in reasonable period such as during farm slack season, so as to decrease the project impact on local production. 1.5 Preparation of Resettlement Works 1.5.1 Determination of Relocation and ResettlementScope The criteria and method for determination of scope of land acquisition for each different objective is described as below. A. Substations The land acquisition scope is only for the main structures of substations excluding the land for outgoing lines. Based on the general layout of the substation provided by the design institutes, the exact boundary of land requisition is defined on site.

8 ?ttlllent Action Plan

B. Transmission Line The design institute determines the land acquisition scope for the transmission line by 1/10000maps, and definesthe boundary on site based on the drawings. The scope of housing relocation for the transmission line is in 30m of central line on two sides. Based on the preliminarily determined line route, the design institutes went to the site to make measurementand set the boundary lines, draw the cross sections of the line route and housing location map, and determine the land requisition scope. The land requisition scope at this stage of design is the max. control scope and the actual scope of land requisition will be reduced as the design gets into more and more details. The final land requisition scope will be staked out based on the field measurement by the design institutes according to Technical Specifications for Overhead Distribution Line Design (SD206- 87). The land area within the four foots of the towers will be the base for calculating the tower base land requisition. (Actually, the land beyond the places occupied by the foots of the tower can be still used by the farmers after construction..Refer to the photo below). After resettlement and power line construction, cultivated land under the transmission lines can still be farmed; and the agricultural income of the concerned farmers will not be affected. However, under the transmission lines, no houses or other structures should be constructed.

1.5.2 Demography and Inventory Survey From the last ten-day of July to the middle ten-day of August 1998, Zhejiang Provincial EHV Transmission Construction Company, who was entrusted by the project owner, organized several survey teams formed by design units, M&E unit and local power supply bureaus to investigate item by item the affected inventory and PAPs. The survey was greatly supported by the local government and village committees. The project impact

9 Resettlonnt Actirm Plan

includes land acquisition, house relocation, scatteredtrees, and relocation of infrastructure and population affected. Statistics of the land to be requisitioned was carried out household by household on the basis of the land contracts. Statistics of the housing relocation was based on measurement of each house to be relocated according to the house location map provided by the design institutes. Scattered trees to be cut was calculated by the empirical number. Statistics of the affected infrastructures was based on the actual situation and counted one by one. The survey on PAPs was carried out household by household. 1.6. Resettlement Preparation 1.6.1 Establishing of Organization Before compilation of the RAP, Zhejiang Provincial Electric Power Corporation had already organized relative departments and its subordinate power bureaus to establish resettlement organizations. Meanwhile, Zhejiang Extra-High Voltage Construction Company will also entrust East China Investigation and Design Institute with the M&E works. 1.6.2 Legal Framework In order to carry out the resettlement work smoothly, and correctly dispose of the benefits between state, collective and individuals, determine the compensation standard rationally and make the resettlement plan tally with the actual situation, the project owner had entrusted, in the stage of preparation, relative units to collect the relative resettlement policies of the state and the Word Bank, on which the legal framework for the RAP is based. The RAP preparation mainly follows the laws and regulations as below: A. Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China B. Implementation Method of Land Administration Law of Zhejiang Province C. Administration Method of Wood Land of Zhejiang Province D. Implementation Method of Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China E. Notice On Adjustment of Farmland Occupation Tax F. Several Rules For Policies Implementation For Transmission Line

10 Aesettlennt Action Plan

Projects Of Zhejing Province G. OperationalDirectives for "InvoluntaryResettlement" - OD.4.30, World Bank 1.6.3 Social Economical Survey of ProjectImpact From the last ten-day of July to the middle ten-day of August 1998, before compilation of the RAP, the project owner organized the relative departments to carry out social economic survey of project impact. The main contents for social economical survey include the local social and economical status before construction and the impact degree for the local social economical developmentand the householdsaffected by the project. Combining collection of local recent social-economicinformation and on- site survey,the project social-economicsurvey was carried out. The detailed information of the household affected by land requisition was collected householdby household. 1.6.4 Public Participation and Collecting Social Opinions In order to encouragepublic participation and solicit the opinions from the society and the affected population, in the preparatory of RAP, the project office and the resettlement office had adopted various means including meetings participated by the local cadres at all levels and the affected persons to the relative resettlement policies and publecize relevant Word Bank' policies, solicit opinions on how to reduce the project impact and make the resettlement and compensation standard for different area, and extensively consult -with local government and resettlers. All of these are included in this report. 1.6.5 Preparationof RAP, Monitoring and Evaluation Under the support of -the local governments at various levels, the preparatory work for resettlement action program is organized by Zhejiang Provincial EHV TransmissionConstruction Company and the power supply bureaus in the affected prefectures and cities, and -participated in by the design institutes and monitoring and assessment units involved in the project(The persons who are invoved in RAP preparation are listed in Attachment 4 hereinaftes). East China Investigation and Design Institute provides technical instruction service. The work which have been completed since March 1998 includes establishment -of the resettlement offices, defmiing the project impact scope, land requisition affected inventory survey, social and economic survey, policy study, formulation of resettlement schemes, Tesettlementcompensation budgetary, and etc. With -all the above mentioned work, the Resettlement Action Plan for the corollary transmission works for Tongbai Pumped Storage -Project is

11 Resettlent Actiw Pla

completed and preparation for resettlement monitoring and evaluation is completed. 2. REGIONAL SOCIAL ECONOMIC CONDMTIONS 2.1 The Social Economic Status of Zhejiang Province Zhejiang Province is located on the east coast line of China, linking with Shanghai and Jiangsu in the north, in the south, and Jiangxi and Anhui in the west. It has the total land area of 101800km2 and is one of economic developed province in China. By the year of 1996, it had 11 prefectures (ten cities and one prefecture) under its jurisdiction, 88 counties (24 districts at county level, 25 cities at county level, and 39 counties), 1884 towns and townships (863 towns and 981 townships), 43322 administrative village. By the end of that year, it had a total population of 44.0009 million (including 35.7017 million farmers, being 81% of all), the population density was 432 person! km2, with a natural population increasing rate of 0.55J1%.The agriculture labor were 20.9603 million, of which the 53.58% were in agricultural, forestry, husbandry, and fishery sectors. The cultivated land area was 1613780ha, with total grain output of 15.1677 million tons, the cultivated land holding was 0.045ha (0.68mu) per capita; grain holding was 425kg per capita; and mean output of the cultivated land was 627kg per mu. The forestry land area covers 54.6% of the provincial land total. The yearly mean precipitation was 1319.7mm and mean yearly temperature was 17.0 C. It had the gross domestic product of 414.606 billion Yuan (1996 price), 14.7% for the frist industry, 53.1% for the secondary industry, and 32.2% for the tertiary industry. The gross domestic product was 9455 Yuan per capita. The gross production value of industry and agriculture was 978.25 billion Yuan (1996 price), in which that of agriculture was 9.8% and industry was 90.2%, with gross production value of industry and agriculture being 22232 Yuan per capita. 66.9% villages got benefits from the running water, 79.28% villages are accessible by highways, and 72.29% villages had telephones. The mean income of urban residents was 6345 Yuanper capita and net income of rural resident was 3463 Yuanper capita.

2.2 The Social Economics Status of Affected Prefectures (City), County

The 15 impacted counties and cities, affected by the land acquisition and relocation for the seven sub-projects of Transmission Project of Tongbai Pumped Storage Project, are in the east of Zhejiang Province, where the social economy is developed and people are relatively rich, and -among which, 8 cities -and~counties (Xiaoshan City, Ymxian County, Yuyao City, Fenghua 'City lHuangyan City, Zhuji City, City and ) are the richest ones in Zhejiang -Provinceand even in China The

12 Resettleoent Action Pla social economic conditions(inl996) of 15 counties and cities are listed in Table 2-1.

13 Resottleent Actioa Plan Table 2-1 Social Economic Conditions of Impacted Regions Involved in Land Acquisition and Relocation

Affected i.1lousehold2.Population 4.CultivatedLand 5.GrainProduction Regions Total Farmer Non-farmer rotal Cultivated Land CultivatedLand TotalOutput Grainper fartner Grainper mu per Rural Agri- per Rural population L.aborer . 1 03. _. _ ( 103) ( 10) (I Oha) (mu/person) (mu/person) (T) (kg/person) (kg/mu) Whole 13539.9 44000.9 35701.7 8299.2 1613.78 0.68 1.15 15167700 425 627 rocincince 1843.3 6032.2 4065.4 1966.8 190.56 0.70 1.12 1784200 439 624 Ningbo 1868.1 5300.8 4t05.8 1195 217.65 0.80 1.25 1903000 463 583 Wenzhiou 1860.3 7043.7 5900.6 1143.1 170.13 0.43 0.79 1584500 269 621 Shaoxing 1397.3 4268.4 3592.4 676 167.54 0.70 1.27 1854600 516 738 Taizhou 6134.2 5329.8 4716 613.8 150.84 0.48 0.78 1780500 378 787 Yinxian 270.2 725.2 636.7 88.5 35.93 0.85 412764 648 766 Fenghua 167.3 485.6 412.8 72.8 21.3 0.77 208843 506 654 Ninghni 177.5 574.6 523.5 51.1 23.27 0.67 183999 351 527 Sanmen 109.4 394.7 363.1 31.6 14.15 0.58 150743 415 710 Linhal 321.9 1074.4. 958.9 I15.5 28.27 0.44 368639 384 869 Yongjia 215.5 847.5 787.1 60.4 22.68 0.43 193294 243 562 Ouhai 146.9 567.3 521.6 45.7 21.26 0.61 141341 271 443 Yuyao 278.7 828,9 696 132.9 39.21 0.85 384969 553 655 Xiaoshan 350.2 1120.5 925.3 195.2 53.06 0.86 455880 493 573 'riantai 164.1 535 483 52 15.94 0.50 178716 370 747 Xinchan 144.6 433.1 379.1 54 15.37 0.61 126001 332 547 Shengzhou247.2 738.6 662.2 76.4 29.01 0.66 336138 508 772 Zhuji 351.5 1048.8 942.4 10640 43.69 10.70 516800 548 789

14 k?esettlement Action Plan (To be continued)

Affected 6.Domesticproducion output value 7.Gross productionvalue of ind stry and agriculture 8.Net income Regions Total First Secondary Tertiary Proportion of Ist; Per Total Gross production Indus: planting Gross production of farmer Regions industry industry industry 2nd; 3rd capita valie of Agriculture value of industry (Yuan/ Sub-total Proportion Sub-totalProportion Sub-total Proportion (109 (109 (109 (109 (%) person) (109 ( 109 among (109 among gross (109 among (Yuan/person) Yuan) Ytian) Yuan) Yuan) Yuan) Yuan) gross Yuan) productiorn o Yuan) gross produiction industry and production of industry agriculture of industry and (%) and agriculture( agriculture %) (% Whole 4146.06 609.18 2200.19 1336.69 14.69, 53.07, 32.24 9423 9782.5 961.97 9.83 431.9 4.42 8820.53 90.17 3463 procincincr I Hangzhou 906.61 84 477.62 344.99 9.27, 52.68, 38.05 15030 1596.55 117.33 7.35 61.76 3.87 1479.22 92.65 3259 Ningbo 795.86 92.96 450.44 252.46 11.68, 56.6, 31.72 15014 1876.12 138.65 7.39 68.15 3.63 1737.47 92.61 4267 Wenzhotu 510.1 47.91 302.06 160.13 9.39, 59.22, 31.39 7242 1085.74 81.8 7.53 32.35 2.98 1003.94 92.47 3371 Shaoxing 513.71 65.38 309.1 139.23 12.73, 60.17, 27.1 12035 1375.17 95.52 6.95 49.83 3.62 1279.65 93.05 3813 Taizhou 486.59 94.26 266.17 126.16 19.37, 54.7, 25.93 9130 1234.32 151.52 12.28 45.78 3.71 1082.8 87.72 3558 Yinxian 106.62 14.19 67.44 24.99 13.31, 63.25, 23.44 14702 328.32 19.9 6.06 12.3 3.75 308.42 93.94 4736 Fenghua 41.34 8.03 23.54 9.77 19.42, 56.94, 23.63 8513 125.69 12.21 9.71 6.7 5.33 113.48 90.29 3718 Ninghai 42.4 10.09 24.54 7.77 23.08, 57.88, 18.33 7379 139.33 14.58 10.46 6 4.31 124.75 89.54 3595 Sanmen 17.61 7.98 5.96 3.67 45.32, 33.84, 20.84 4462 34.8 12.82 36.84 4.4 12.64 21.98 63.16 2530 67.89 13.68 34.94 19.27 20,15, 51.47, 28.38 6319 156.17 20.97 13.43 9.2 5.89 135.2 86.57 2783 Yongjia 40.5 4.57 23.39 12.54 11.28, 57.75, 30.96 4779 74.77 7.47 9.99 3.4 4.55 67.3 90.01 2197 Ouhai 55.9 4.4 40.4 11.1 7.87, 72.27, 19.86 9854 149.85 7.47 4.98 3.52 2.35 142.38 95.02 4823 Yuyao 102.73 17.34 57.94 27.45 16.88, 56.4, 26.72 12394 307.46 23.87 7.76 14.96 4.87 283.59 92.24 4339 Xiaoshan 133.2 16.24 74.88 42.08 12.19, 56.22, 31.59 11888 299.62 21.92 7.32 14.55 4.86 277.7 92.68 4280 Tiantai 26.71 6.22 12.22 8.27 23.29, 45.75, 30.96 4993 53.65 8.78 16.37 4.1 7.64 44.87 83.63 2656 Xinchan 43.02 5.52 28.87 8.63 12.83, 67.11, 20.06 9933 100.75 8.5 8.44 5.3 5.26 92.25 91.56 2861 Shengzhou 61.56 12.93 36.34 12.29 21.01, 59.03, 19.96 8335 158.47 18.14 11.45 9.1 5.74 140.33 88.55 3271 Zhuji 118.36 15.55 70.55 32.26 13.14, 59.61, 27.26 11285 318.6 23.34 7.33 11.6 3.64 295.26 92.67 3985

15 Resettlownt Actiam Plan

2.3 The Social Economic status of affected Towns and villages Due to small influence to the local production caused by land acquisition for transmission lines and big impact caused by land acquisition for substation, the measures for production arrangement are certainly different from each other. Usually, for the transmission line land requisition, the restoration for the producting and living situations of the people whose land will be requisitioned should be realized based on land adjustment and the cash compensation. But, such measure for land acquisition of the substation project is not sufficient, it should be well planned and adopt specific measures. So the information collection of social and economic status for transmission lines and substations is different. The information collection for transmission line route is based on general conditions, while that substations, should include aspects of the social and economic status. By the survey results, the social and economic status of towns and villages affected by substations is shown in Table 2-2, Table 2-3, Table 2-4, and the social and economic status of affected towns and villages along transmission lines is shown in Attachment 2.

16 Resettleent Action Plan

Table2-2 The Social Economic Status of Xixoshan Substation Description Chengiang Chengjiao Wulianvillage

. ______town _ _ _ _ 1. Rural household and population (No.) Rural household 69814 497 505 Rural population 232733 1783 1908 2. Rural labor resource (person) . 3. Actual rural labor (person) 71229 1156 1145 3.1 Laborers in agriculture, forestry, stock 26152 239 398 raising, fishery sectors 3.2 Laborers in industry sector 23350 176 350 Township(town)-owned industry 12267 120 Village-owned industry 6362 56 Enterprise below village level 120 230 3.3 Laborers in constructionsectors 4568 120 230 3.4 Laborers in transportation, storehouse, 2778 13 60 postage and communication sectors 3.5 Laborers in wholesale, retail and catering 3250 440 57 trade sectors l _ 3.6 Laborers in other non-agriculture trades 11131 208 50 4. Cultivated land area(mu) 78089 1223 1311 4.1 Water field 65936 1146 1222 4.2 Dry field 12153 77 89 5. Total rural economic income (106RMBY 3335.01 31.15 10.66 5.1 agricuture(106RMBY) 212.40 4.47 3.29 Planting 135.42 1.71 2.07 Forestry and fruit tree 1.56 Animal husbandy 62.35 2.57 1.12 Fishery 13.08 0.19 0.10 5.2 Industry 2322.12 22.90 2.72 5.3 Construction 35238 0.15 1.80 5.4 Transportation 146.28 0.15 0.75 5.5 Catering trade and commerce 10836 3A3 0.60 5.6 Others 39.29 0.05 1.50

17 Resettl.et Action Plan

Table2-3 The Social Economic Status of Zhuji Substation Description Wangjiajingtown guanhu village 1. Rural householdand population (No.) Rural household 13022 323 Rural population 40868 1051 2. Rural labor resource(person) ____ 3. Actural rural labor (person) 24802 782 3.1 Laborers in agriculture, forestry, stock 16331 530 raising, fisherysectors 32 Laborers in industry sector 3113 33 Township(town)-owned industry 723 21 Village-owned industry 461 9 Enterprise below village level 3.3 Laborers in construction sectors 3813 175 3.4 Laborers in transportation, storehouse, 386 4 postage and communication sectors 3.5 Laborers in wholesale, retail and catering 449 4 trade sectors 3.6 Laborers in other non-agriculture trades 1160 36 4. Cultivated land area(mu) 33194 818 4.1 Water field 29911 736 4.2 Dry field 3283 82 5. Total rural economic income (106RMlBY) 1069.11 11.83 .1agriculture(1IORMBY) 87.49 1.79 Planting 57.73 124 Forestry and fruit tree 1.75 0.03 Animal husbandry 21.02 0.51 Fisherg 6.99 5.2 Industry 664.15 8.46 5.3 Construction 195.95 0.46 5.4 Transportation 38.01 0.38 5.5 Catering trade and commerce 10.75 5.6 Others 62.74 0.74

18 Resettleaent Actiow Plan

Table2-4 The Social Economic Status of Yu ao Substation Description Yu towYw Tonggg Zhongiamren

1. Rural household and population (No.) Rural household 26617 325 372 Rural population 80633 978 1108 2. Rural labor resource(person) 3. Actual rural labor (person) 48793 570 605 3.1 Laborers in agriculture, forestry, stock 16312 241 325 raising,fishery sectors 3.2 Laborers in industry sectors 16093 168 78 Township(town)-owned industry 6187 30 12 Village-owned industrv 4761 70 25 Enterprise below village level 3.3 Laborers in construction sector 4638 133 40 3A Laborers in transportation, storehouse, 2227 8 30 postage and communication sectors _ 3.5 Laborers in wholesale, retail and caterin 2124 16 12 trade sectors l 3.6 Laborers in other non-agriculture trades 7399 4 120 4. Cultivated land area(mu) 63345 1225 866 4.1 Water field 61565 1175 836 4.2 Dry field 1780 50 30 5. Total rural economic income (106RMBY) |550464 23.09 19.80 5.1 agriue(1O6M.BY) 351.47 4.28 332 Planting 199.04 3.05 2.06 Forestry and fruit tree 4.68 0.18 0.15 Animal husbandry 143.72 1.05 1.04 Fishery 3.14 0.01 0.03 5.2 Industrv 4403.00 1630 1231 5.3 Construction 227.00 0.65 0.60 5A Transportation 90.99 0.07 0.75 5.5 Catering trade and commerce 334.12 1.60 1.20 5.6 Others 53.40 -0.18 1.63

19 Resettlement Acticn Plan


Among the corollary transmission works for Tongbai Pumped Storage Project, the extension of 500kV Wenzhou Substation and 5OOkV Ningbo Substation is to be carried out in the original land acquisition area, and without land acquisition and relocation. As a result, the land acquisition and relocation are only for five new projects, i.e., 500kV Xiaoshan Substation, 500kV Zhuji Substation, 5OOkV Yuyao Substation, Ningbo-Wenzhou transmission line and Tongbai-Zhuji transmission line. See Table 3-1 for the Summary of Affected Property Indexes Table3-1 Summary of Affected Property Indexes Land acquisition Pop. to be moved Housing relocated Trees No. Project item quantity PAPs House- Pop. Main Auxiliary hole house house (mu) (no.) (nO.) (no.) (m) (room) (no.) 1 Substation 437.0 626 13 93 3625 8 1250 Xiaoshan 137.0 147 0 0 0 0 0 Substation Zhuji substation 150.0 341 7 34 1740 0 70 Yuyao substation 150.0 138 6 59 1885 8 1180 2 Transmissionline 280.8 149 91 392 20134 47 19300 Tongbai-Zhuji 78.3 78 44 196 11509 26 5550

line______Ningho-Wenzhou 202.5 71 47 196 8625 21 13750

Total 717.8 775 104 485 23759 55 20550 Note:Population affected by housing relocation includes 36 people whose enterprise will be dismantled by Yuyao substation. 3.1 Land Acquisition The land acquisition for this project includes permanent land acquisition and temporary land acquisition. A total of permanent land acquisition will be 717.8 mu, including farn land 439.2 mu, garden land 35.0 mu, 10 mu cemetery, 5.0 mu housing plot, and other -non-cultivated land, while temporary land acquisition will totally be 255 mu cultivated land. The permanent land acquisition for substations (on villages basic) is shown in Table 3-2. The permanent land acquisition of transmission lines (on counties basic) is shown in Table 3-3, and the permanent land acquisition for transmission lines (on villages basic) is shown in Attachment 3. The quantity of the lands temporarily requisitioned for construction will be based on the actual occupation of the land during construction. Usually, no temporary land acquisition for substation construction is required. By the plan of construction for Ningbo-Wenzhou transmission line, it required 52 drag

20 Resettlent Action Plan

areas and tensional areas; calculating by three mu for each area on average, 156mu land is required for construction. And, it required 6 material storage areas for whole lines, calculating by four mu for each area on average, 24mu land is required for temperory acquisition. By the plan of construction for Tongbai-Zhuji transmission line, it requires 63mu for 21 drag areas and tensional areas and 12mu for 3 material storage areas for the whole line. The temporary land acquisition of transmission line is shown in Table 3-3.

Table3-2 Permanent Land Acquisition of Substation Project Location of land requisition unit Land requisition(m u)l City Township Village Total Farm Garden House Ceme- Others ______--land plot plot tery Xiaoshan Xiaoshan ChengXiang Chengjiao 55.0 55.0 0 0 0 0 substation city town village Wulianvillage 82.0 82.0 0 0 0 0 Sub-total 137.0 137.0 0 0 0 0 Zhuji Zhuji city Wangjiajing Guanhuvilage 150.0 117.5 30.0 2.5 0 0 substation town Yuyao Yuyao Yuyaotown Tongguang 95.5 69.5 5.0 2.0 10.0 9.0 substation city village II Zhongjia- 54.5 48.0 0 0.5 0 6.0

______men village ______Sub-total 150.0 117.5 5.0 2.5 10.0 15.0 Total 437.0 372 35.0 5.0 10.0 15.0

21 Resettleent Action Plan

Table3-3 Land Acquisition of transmission line Project Location of requisiti ned unit PermanentLand acquisition (mu) County Number o Number Sub-total Cultivated None- temporary (district) town of village land cultivated land land acquisition (mu) Ningbo- Sub-total 33 199 202.5 31.2 171.3 180.0 Wenzhou line . Yinxian 2 5 7.5 4.2 3.3 Fenghua 3 31 19.8 6.6 13.2 Ninghai 7 41 38.1 6.6 31.5 Shanmen 2 17 10.5 10.5 Linhai 4 24 37.5 1.8 35.7 Huangyan 3 16 24 3.3 20.7 Yongjia 8 48 45 5.7 39.3 Lucheng 1 9 8.1 1.8 6.3 _ Ouhai 3 8 12 1.2 10.8 Tongbai-Zhuji Sub-total 17 99 78.3 36.0 42.3 75.0 line Tiantai 2 12 10.5 6.0 4.5 Xingchang 3 23 20.4 9.6 10.8 Shengzhou 6 42 27 16.5 10.5 Zhuji 6 22 20.4 3.9 16.5 Total 50 298 280.8 67.2 213.6 255.0

3.2 Affected House

There is no house relocation for Xiaoshan substation. The affected houses at Zhuji substation and Yuyao substation sites are determined by the land acquisition scope. The house relocation scope for transmission line is determined in this stage by the maps, together with on-site investigation. Site survey was carried out for the inundated inventory. The house relocation includes main house and auxiliary houses. See Table 3-4 for details.

22 Resettleent Action Plan

Table3-4 Survey Result of Housing Relocation County Mainhouse area (m 2 ) Project item (cit) Sub- Bnck- Brick- Wood Wood- Auxiliary total concrete wood housing clay house housing housing housing (room) Xiaoshan Xiaoshan substation Zhuji substation Zhuji 1740 1080 660 D Yuyao Yuyao 1885 320 1505 60 8 substation Ningwen line Sub-total 8625 5818 2115 692 21 Yinxian 563 538 25 Fenghua 855 855 Ninghai 800 800 Shamnen 840 840 Linhai 1490 1200 290 Huangyan 1172 180 300 692 Yongjia 1955 1405 550 15 Ouhai 950 950 6 Tongzhu line Sub-total 11509 9518 911 53 I 1027 26 Tiantai 1584 1584 1 1 Xingchang 1875 1620 255 7 Shengzhou 5674 3938 656 53 1027 17 Zhuji 2376 2376 __1 Total 23759 16736 5191 805 1027 55

3.3 Affected Population The project affected population here means their living level affected directly by house relocation or land acquisition, therefore, they are divided into two parts, i.e., population affected by house relocation and those affected by land requisition. A. Population Affected by House Relocation The population affected by house relocation means those whose main houses will be dismantled due to construction of the substationsand transmission lines. The number of such people is counted by field survey (household to househould),details are shown in Table 3-5.

23 Resettlemnt Action Plan

Table3-5 Survey Result of Population Affected by House Relocation Number of Number of Affected Affected Project County town village house-hold Population (city) (No.) (No.) (No.) (person) Xiaoshan Xiaoshan ( 0 substation , _ _ Zhujisubstation Zhuji 1 734 Yuyaosubstation Yuyao 1 2 6 23 Ningbo-Wenzhou Sub-total 13 14 47 196 line__ _ _ _ Yinxian _ 1 1 4 13 Fenghua 1 1 16 Ninghai 1 1 4 13 Shanmen 2 2 3 17 Linhai 1 1 5 19 Huangyan 2 3 8 36 Yongjia 4 4 14 67 Ouhai 1 1 4 15 Tongbai-Zhujiline Sub-total 9 12 44 196 Tiantai 1 2 8 36 Xingchang 2 2 6 29 Shengzhou 4 6 23 94 Zhuji 2 2 7 37 Total 23 29 104 485 1 Note: The affectedhouseholds and populationby Yuyaosubstation include 3 enterprises,36 employees. B. Population Affected by Land Requisition lThepeople affected by land requisition include those directly affected by land acquisition and the rural population to be resettled as calculated according to Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China. The people actually affected by the land acquisition refer to those who will lose at least part of their farmland due to land is requisitioned. The number of population affected by land requisition for three substations was determined by detailed field survey among individual households within the land acquisition scope. According to a actual field survey (see Table 3-6), a total of 145 househoulds and 626 people will be actually affectly by the land acquisition for all three substation, including 39 households and 147 people for Xiaoshan Substation, 68 households and 341 people for Zhuji Substation, and 38 households and 138 people for Yuyao Substation. The population affected by the tower base land acquisition along the transmission lines weren't investigated household to household because of slight impact on the land contracted households, (tower base requiring about 100 m2 land for each and scattered), though the affected population are in a considerable number along the whole transmission lines.

24 Resettleimt Action Plan

Table3-6 Survey Result of PopulationAffected by Land Requisition project County Township Village Affected Affected (city) household Population .______(No.) (person) Xiaoshan Xiaoshan Chengxiang Chengjiao 10 34 Substation city Town Villagee Wulian Village 29 113 Sub-Total 39 147 Zhuji Substation Zhuji city WangjiajingGuanhu Village 68 341 TownI Yuyao Substation Yuyao city Yuyao Town Tongguang 30 102 Village Zhongjjamem 8 36

______V illage ______Sub-total 38 138 Total 145 626 Note: Because the tower base land requisition is small in quantity and scattered, which results in a less impact on the production and living of -the households, there is only 1-2 person in each village by average, so the affected households is not taken into account. According to the current Land Administration Law of People's Republic of China, the agricultural people in excess to will be calculated by the cultivated land to be requisitioned divided by the cultivated land holding per agricultural people before land acquisition. Following the formula of the Land Administration Law, total number of agricutrual people in excess for the project is listed in Table 3-7, with 617 people, including 199 people for Xiaoshan Substation. 151 people for Zhuji Substation, and 118 people for Yuyao Substation, 71 people for Ningbo-Wenzhou Transmission line, and 78 people for Tongbai-Zhuji Transmissionline.

25 Resettlmwat Actiw Plan

Table 3-7 Statistics of Agricultural People in Excess for the Project

Project Locationof Land Requisition Rural PopulationAffected County (city) Township Village (people) Xiaoshan Xiaoshan Chengxiang Chengjiao 80 substation Town Village _ WulianVillage 119 Sub-total 199 Zhuji substation Zhuji Wanjiaj ing GuanhuVillage 151 Town Yuyaosubstation Yuyao YuyaoTown Tongguang 56 Village Zhongjiamen 62 Village Sub-total 118 Ningbo-Wenzhou 9 33 199 71 line TI Tongbai-Zhujiline 4 117 199 78 Total 617

3.4 Affected Infrastructures Because the transmission lines of the project, generally to be erected spanning over other objects, will mostly pass through the hilly regions, runmningparallel and far apart from the highway, and adopt good conductor for earthing along the whole lines, they will have little influences on the infrastructures of local regions. However, the substation land acquisition and project construction certainly will affect some local infrustructures. The details of the affected infrastructuresare shown in Table 3-8. Table3-8 Infrustructures To Be affected project Affected infrastructure Owner Quantity Xiaoshan Substation 380V transmission line Wulian Village 2 X 400m 1OkV transmission Wuling Village 1 X 50m Tractorroad Chengjiao Village I X 55Dm 380V transmission line ChengjiaoVillage I X 550m Zhuji Substation 380V transmission line Guanghu Village 1 X300m YuyaoSubstation 380V transmission line TongguangVillage I X 600m 220V transmission line TongguangVillage 1 X 400m Rrigationbranch canal TongguangVillage 1 X 1DOm Pimple highway Tongguang Village 1 X 350m 3.5 . Trees To Be Cut 'The amount of odd trees to be cut will be counted on the actual occupation of the construction. By the survey, a total of 70 odd trees within the site of the Zhuji Substation will be cut, and 1180 odd trees within the site of the Yuyao Substation, no odd trees within the site of Xiaoshan Substation. In this stage, 26 Resettlent Actic Pi=i

the amount of scattered tress to be cut along the transmission line land requisition is estimated 50 trees/km by the designer'sexperience (1/5 of which being fruit trees), thus, 5550 trees will be cut for Ningbo-Wenzhou transmission line, 13750 trees will be cut for Tongbai-Zhujitransmission line. The details of the scatteredtrees to be cut are shown in Table 3-9. Table 3-9 Scattered Treesto be cut project Owner Sub-total Indus. fruit trees others trees (No.) (No.) (No.) Xiaoshan 0 0 0 ubstation Zhuii substation Guanghu Village 70 20 50 Yuyaosubstation TongguangVillage 740 580 160 Zhongjiamem Village 440 440 0 Sub-total 1180 1020 160 Tongzhuline / 5550 1110 4440 Ningwen line / 13750 2750 11000 Total | 20550 4900 15650

3.6 Other Facilities To Be Affected The transmission line will affect no other facilities. The other affected facilities within the substation site include cemetery and industrial enterprises. Constructionof Zhuji Substation will affect 10 pits scattered tombs owning to Guanhu Village and Yuyao Substation will affect 30 pits scattered tombs including Tongguan Village 25 pits and Zhongjiamen Village 5 pits and Tongguan-Village-owned cemetery which occupied 10 mu land. In addition, among three substations, only construction of Yuyao Substation will affect three small village enterprises, including one small hardware factory, one stone-processing factory and one tea-making factory. All of them are collectively owned by Tongguan Village, and are currently being contracted to indiciduals to operate by renting the spaces owned by Tongguan Village collective. For the hardware factory, it has 25 employees and occupies 350 square meters of spaces; for stone-processing factory, it has 5 employees and occupies 40 square meters of spaces; and for the tea-making factory, it has 6 employees and occupies 830 square meters of spaces. All such spaces were owned by the village and will be demolished along with land requisition. The amounts of spaces for these three enterprises were included in the total structures to be demolished by the project. The details of other facilities to be affected are shown in Table 3-10.

27 Resettlewt ActicanPlan

Table3-10 Other Facilities To Be Affected Project Other affected facilities Owner Quantity Zhuji Substation Scattered Tomb Guanhu Village 10 pits Yuyao Scattered Tomb TongguangVillage 25 pits Substation Scattered Tomb Zhongjiamen 5 Village Village-ownedCemetery Tongguangvillage 20 pits,affectedland of 1Omu Hardwarefactory Tongguangvillage 25 staffs and 350m2 building Stone-processingfactory Tongguangvillage 5 staffs and 40m2 building 'Tea-making factory Tongguang village 6 staffs and 830m2 building

3.7 Private Business and Shops To Be Affected The project does not affect any private business and shops.

3.8 Affected Crops The affected standing crops means ones attached in cultivated land that will .be requisitioned by the project permanently or temporaily. For the transmission project, a total 694.2 mu cultivated land will be requisitioned by the project permanently or temporaily, including permanent land acquisition of 439.2 mu and temporary land acquisition 255 mu. In other words, there are 694.2 mu of standing crops that will be affected by the project.

28 Resettlent Actim Pla

4. Legal Framework

4.1 Policy Basis The main laws and policies for the land acquisition and resettlement are as following: A. Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (which was approved in the Sixteenth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People' Congress in June, 1986 and revised in the Fifth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People' Congressin Dec., 1988) B. Implementation Method of Land Administration Law of Zhejiang Province (which was approved in the Twenty-third Seminar of Standing Conimittee of the Sixth Provincial People' Congress on Jan. 20, 1987 and revised in the Eighth Seminar of Standing Committee of the Seventh Provincial People' Congress on Mar.12, 1989) C. AdministrationMethod of Wood Land of Zhejiang Province(DecreeNo. 43 of ZhejiangPeople's Government) D. Implementation Method of Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (Decree No. 74 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China) E. Notice On Adjustment of Farmland OccupationTax(Doc. No. 33(1991) of Financial Department of Zhejiang Province) F. Several Rules For Policies Implementation For Transmission Line Projects Of Zhejing Province(Doc. No.215(1998), which was issued jointly by Planing And Economic Commission, Land Management Bureau and Power Industry Bureau of Zhejiang Province) G. Operational Directives for "Involuntary Resettlement" - OD.4.30, World Bank 4.2 Rules of Law 4.2.1 Main relative specifications of "Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China" Section II Land Ownership and Usage Rights Article 6: The urban land belongs to the whole people, namely the state. Except those belonging to the state Tegulated by the law, the rural land and suburbs lands are in possession of the collective ownership. The housing plot, and private plots and hills belong to the collective ownership.

29 iesettlemzt Acticn Plat

Article 8 The collective-ownedland, according to the laws, are in possession of the collective of villagers, and run and managed by the agricultural collective economical organizations, such as cooperatives of villages, or by Village Committees . Article 9: The collective-owned land shall registered by the county level Government,then the certificate issued and the land proprietary rights approved. Article 10: When the land ownership and usage rights are changed according to the laws, the changing registration for the land ownership must be carried out and the certificate shall be changed. Article 12: The collective-owned lands and the state lands which are used by the national and collective units, can be contracted by individuals or collectives to carry out the production of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery. The collectives or individuals contracting the land have the obligationto protect and properly use the land according to the contract terns. The contracting and managing rights are protected by the laws. Section IV Land for State Construction Article 23: When the land is requisitioned by the state construction, the constructionunit must have the Design Task Paper or other documents approved by the State Authority and the local Govemment above the county level according to the infrastructure construction process of state, and then to apply to the Land Management Authority of the People's Government above the county level. After approved by the People's Government above the county level, the Land Management Authority will allot the land. When the land is requisitioned by the state construction, the land owned units shall be objects to the requirement of the state without rejection. Article 24: Ownership of the collective-owned land, which is requisitioned for state construction, belongs to the state and the land acquiring units only have the right to use it. Article 25: When the land vithin provinces and autonomous regions is requisitioned, it shall be approved by the Peoples' Government of provinces and autonomous regions. When the cultivated land acquisition is less than 3 mu and other type of land less than 1Omu, it shall be approved by -County Level People's Government. The approval -right scope of the -people's governments of cities and autonomous regions is decided by the Standing Committee of the Provincial and Autonomous Region People' Congress.

30 Resettleawt Action Plan

Article 27: The land used for the state construction, land compensation fee shall be paid by the land acquiring units. The compensation for cultivated lands shall be 3 to 6 times as much as average annual output value for previous 3 yeas before the land acquisition. The compensation standard for other kinds of land to be requisitioned shall be drawn up by each province, autonomous region, and municipality referring the compensation standard for cultivated land acquisition. The compensation standard for attachments and young crops on the requisitioned land shall be specified by every province, autonomous region, and municipality. When the vegetable land in suburbs is requisitioned, the required units shall pay the development fund for new vegetable field accordingto the relative regulations of the state. Article 28: The land used for the state construction,the land acquiring units shall pay not only compensation fee but also resettlement subsidies. Resettlement subsidies of requisitioned cultivated land shall be calculated according to the agriculturalpopulation to be resettled. The agricultural population to be resettled will be calculated in accordance with the average cultivated land for each person before land acquisition, dividing the quantity of the land to be requisitioned. The resettlement subsidy standard for each farmer will be 2 to 3 times of the annual output value per mu for three years before land acquisition. The Max. resettlement subsidy for the cultivated land acquisition per mu shall not exceed 10 times of the average output value per mu for 3 years before the land -acquisition. The resettlement subsidy standard for the other type of land acquisition shall be specified by each province, autonomous region, and municipalityreferring the subsidies standard for the cultivated land acquisition. Article 29: Land compensationand resettlementsubsidies will be paid on the base of Art. 27 and 28 in the Land Law. With the approval of the peoples' governments of provinces, autonomous region, and municipality, the resettlementsubsidies can be increased in case that the living standard of the resettler can not keep the original level. But total amount of the land compensation and resettlement subsidies shall not exceed 20 times of the average output value per mu for 3 years before the land acquisition. Article 30: Various compensations and the resettlement subsidies due to the land acquisition for the state construction, and the subsidies for the developing production by the land requisitioned units and arranging surplus labors and the living subsidy for un-employees caused by land acquisition shall not be used for other purpose nor owned by any units and individuals, except that paid for compensation for individual attachment and young crops.

31 Besettleiwt 4ctimn Pla

Article 31: The surplus labors caused by the land acquisition for the state construction shall be arranged through the way of developing farming and side-line production and setting up the village and town enterprises by the Land Management Authority of Local People's Government above the county level with the land requisitioned units, the land using units and relative units. The rest who meet the requirements of the land using units shall be assigned to the land using units, or other collective ownership units and state ownership units, and then the correspondingsubsidies will be allotted to those units. If the whole land is requisitioned, the original agricultural residents' registration can be changed into non-agriculturalresidents' registration by the approval of the People's Governmentsof province, autonomous region and municipality. The original collective-owned property, compensation and resettlement subsidies will be treated through the People's Government above county level consulting with the relative townships and villages, which is used only for organizing production and for un-employees living subsidy, and shall not be carved up. Section V Land Acquisition for Township(Town)and Village Construction Article 38: The new houses for agricultural residents shall be built on the existing housing plot and the spare area in villages. If the cultivated land is used for housing, it shall be examined and verified by Township People's Government and then approved by the County People's Government. The land of new houses for the agricultural residents shall be not over the standards specified by the provinces, autonomous region, and municipality. 4.2.2 Specifications of Implementation Method of Land Administration Law of Zhejiang Province Section II Use and Protection of Land Article 20: The state construction units, township(town) and village collective enterprise, joint venture, individual enterprise and house construction of individuals who occupy farmland shall pay the land-built fee according to the relative rules. The land-built fee is used mainly for reclamation of cultivated land, orchards, and transform low-output field. It shall be not used for other purpose. Section III Land for State Construction Article 23: The land requisitioned unit shall pay land compensation fee, attachments and young crops fees.

32 Resettlent Actim Plan

(1) Land compensationfee: The compensationfor land(in outskirts of city) shall be 5-6 times of the average output value for three years before land acquisition, and 4-5 times for land at other places. For the non- cultivated land, the compensationshall be not over half of standard for cultivated land. (2) Compensation for young crops: The compensation for young crops generally shall be calculated accordingto the one crop output value for agricultural crops. No compensationwill be paid if no young crops in land or, young crops planted after land acquisition. (3) Compensationfor attachments: The trees, buildings and structures on land requisitioned shall be compensated or relocated. The compensation standard shall be determined by city, county people's government. No compensation will be paid for those trees and structures planted or built by a rush way during the period of negotiation for land acquisition. Article 24: Except the land compensationfee, the land requisitioned unit shall pay resettlement subsidies. The number of person for resettlement subsidy shall be calculated with average land area and land to be requisitioned. The standard of resettlement subsidy per agricultural person shall be 2-3 times of the average output value per mu for three years before land acquisition. But the max. shall not exceed 10 times of the average output value per mu for 3 years before the land acquisition. For the non-cultivated land, the resettlement subsidy shall be not over half of standardfor cultivatedland. Article 25: When the compensation and resettlement subsidies are paid on the basis of Article 23 and 24, and in case that the living standard of the resettler can not keep the original level, the resettlement subsidies can be increased by the approval of the provincial land management department. But total amount of the land compensation and resettlement subsidies shall not exceed 20 times of the average output value per mu for 3 years before the land acquisition. Article 26: The compensations and the resettlement subsidies due to the land acquisition shall be used by the land requisitioned units for developing production, arranging surplus labors and the living subsidy for un- employees caused by land acquisition, and shall not be used for other purpose nor owned by any units and individuals. It shall be paid for individual attachmentsand young crops.

33 Resettflnt Action Plan

Article 27: The excessive labors caused bv the land acquisition for the state construction shall be arranged -throughthe way of developing farming and side-line production and setting up the village and town enterprises and service trades by the Land Management Authority of Local People's Government above the county level with the land requisitioned units. If it is still difficult to arrange, the Labor Authority of county level shall consult with the land using units to employ them. The number of person for employment shall be calculated with average land area and land to be requisitioned.

34 Resettleaent Actien Plan

4.2.3 Main Rules of "Administration Method of Wood Land of Zhejiang Province" Section IV: Compensation of Woodland Acquisition and Occupation Article 25: With approval of woodland acquisition and occupation, the woodland compensation,trees and attachmentcompensation, vegetation recovery compensation,resettlement subsidy and woodlandresources protection fee shall be paid. Article 26: The computation of each fee for woodland acquisition and occupationis as following: 1. Woodlandcompensation: The compensationfor woodland in outskirts of provincial level city and prefecture city shall be 3 times of the average output value per mu for three years before land acquisition, and 2-2.5 times for land at other places. 2. Trees and attachmentscompensation: (1) The actual value of output of mature forest shall be calculation base of commercial forests, protection forests and special forests. For young growth woods: 0.5-0.7 times of actual value for commercial forests, 2- 3 times of actual value for special and protection forests. For mid growth woods: 0.7 times of actual value for commercial forests, 5-6 times of actual value for special and protection forests. For near, mature forests: 0.5 times of actual value for commercial forests, 4-5 times of actualvalue for special and protection forests. (2) The annual output value per mu of economical forests and bamboo forests shall be calculated. Before the output period, 3-5 times of output of economical forests; Teemingperiod: 8-10 times of output of economical forests; Decrepit period: 4-5 times of output of economical forests; 8-10 times of output of bamboo forests. (3) The attachments shall be converted into money or relocated with compensation,which shall be negotiatedby both sides. 3. The resettlement subsidy shall be followed with the standard of non-cultivated land acquisition of "ImplementationMethod of Land AdministrationLaw of Zhejiang Province". 4. The woodland vegetation recovery fee shall be the cost for hill cutting, hill-firing, leveling, cave-digging, forest creating and growth management. 5. The woodland resources protection fee shall be 4% of total amount of woodland and trees compensationfee.

35 Resettlewnt Action Plan

Article 28: The forest authorities above shall return the compensations for woodland and trees to the original units owned the woodland and trees, and pay to individuals who own the trees(or young crops). It shall be used for developing production and shall not be used for other purpose. 4.2.4 Relative rules of Interim Provisions Of The People's Republic Of China On Farmland Occupation Tax Article 2: The farmland mentioned in this provision means the land used for agriculture planting, and the land for agriculture planting within 3 years prior to land acquisition is as the same as farmland. Article 3: Unit and individual that occupy farmland for house construction or other non-agricultural construction have duty to pay farmland occupationtax(Taxpayers). Article 4: Taxpayers shall pay farmland occupation tax by one time based on actual area used. Article 5: The farmland occupationtax rate is as below: (1) under lmu cultivated land per capita within county area(ditto), 2- IORMBY/m2

(2) 1-2mu cultivated land per capita, 1.6-8RMBY/m 2

(3) 2-3mu cultivated land per capita, 1.3-6.5RMBY/m2

(4) above 3mu cultivated land per capita, 1-5RMBY/m2 Article 9: The farmland occupation tax rate is collected by financial department. The land management department shall timely inform the local financial departnent when he approves land occupation to relative units and individuals. And, the relative units and individuals shall present the approval document from land management department above county-level to financial department to pay tax. The land management department will allocate land according to the tax- payment receipt or approval document for land occupation.

36 Resettleant Action Plan

4.2.5 Main articles of Notice On Adjustmentof Farmland OccupationTax of Zhejiang Province Attachment: Farmland Occupation Tax Standard of ZhejiangProvince Area Grade Tax Rate Applicable Cities And Counties (RMBY) Grade-I 6600 (10M2 ) Hangzhou City, Ningbo City, Wenzhou City, Jiaxin City, City,

Grade-II City, City, City, Jiaojiang City, City, 6000 (9/Ne) Yuyao City, Rui'an City, Linhai City, Lanxi City, Xiaoshan City, City, Cixi City, Zhuji City, Huangyan City, Yzwu City, City, Yuhang City, Yinxian County, Shaoxin City, County, Leqing County, County, County, Shangyu County, Haiyan County, City, Changnan County, Fuyang County, , Deging County, Grade-HI 5000 (7.5/M2 City, Lishui City, City, Fenghua City, Yongjia 5000 ) County, , Lin'an County, Chun'an County, Changxin County, , Xiangshan County, Ninghai County, Shengxian County, , Dongtou County, Sanmen County, , , Qinyuan County, , , , Jinhua County, Yongkang County, Wuyi County, Pujiang County, Quxian County, , , , , Grade-IV 4000 61M2 , , Yunhe County, Jingning County, 40(6 ) Panan County, Qingtian Countv

37 Resettlent Actiw Plan


5.1 CompensationPrinciples A. The standards for land compensation and rehabilitation allowance shall be determined respectively based on the provisions in the "Law of Land Administration of the People's Republic of China" and "Implementation Method of Land AdministrationLaw of Zhejiang Province". B. The compensation standard for relocation of housing and its auxiliary structures will be ascertained based on the replacement value (without depreciation,and without deduction of salvageable of old houding). C. The compensation of the infrastructure and other objects affected by the project will be ascertained based on the affected degrees and actual requirements for the restoration. D. The compensation of other items (as scattered fruit trees) will be performed based on the its actual value. 5.2 CompensationStandards 5.2.1 CompensationStandard for Land Acquisition A. Land Acquisition for Tower Base The compensation standard for cultivated land will be 10044Y/mu (including land compensation, resettlement allowance, subsidy of standing crops, reserved funds for local departments, administrative expenses for local departments),referring to Table 5-1 for details. The compensation standard for none-cultivated land will be 4752 Y /mu ( including land compensation, resettlement allowance, reserved funds for local departments, administrative expenses for local departments ), referring to Table 5-2 for details.

38 Resettlent Action Plan

Compensation Standards for Cultivated Land Acquisition for Table 5-1 Transmission Line No. CompensationItems Standard Remarks (Yuan/mu) 1 Land Compensation 4400 The project will pass through hilly area in the southeast Zhejiang province, where the ual output of crop is 1000-1100 yuan per mu. In this RAP, the max. yearly output 1100 yuan/mu is adopted. Therefore,the land compensation is 1100 X 4-4400 yuan/mu. 2 ResettlementAllowance 4400 11 00/mu X 4 times = 4400/mu 3 Subsidyof standing crops 500 Output of one crop 4 Reserved funds for local 372 by 4% of item 1 -3 departments 5 Administrativeexpenses for local 372 by 4% of item 1 -3 epartments Total 10044

Compensation Standards for None-Cultivated Land Acquisition for Transmission Line Table5.2 No. ompensationItems Standard Remarks

_ ~~~~~~~~(Yuan/mu) 1 Land Compensation 2200 11 00 Yuan/mu X 2 times = 2200 Yuan/mu 2 ResettlementAllowance 2200 1100 Yuan/mu X 2 times = 2200

______Yuan/mu 3 Reserved funds for local 176 By 4% of Item 1-3 d_epartments 4 Administrative expenses for local 176 By4% of Item 1-3

departnentsTotal _ _4752

B. Land Acquisition for Substation Site Considering large and centralized area to be requisitioned for substations which will bring large impact to local economy, the compensation standard for cultivated land will be 65,988Y/mu, more than that for transmission line, (including land compensation, laborer arrangement allowance, subsidy of standing crops, associated facility fee for constructions of towns and villages, guarantees for land redevelopment, ploughable land occupation taxes, reserved funds for local departments, administrative expenses for local departments ). The compensation standard for garden plots (or tea.field) will be 65,988Y/mu, the same as that for cultivated land. The compensation standard for non- cultivated land (including land for cemetery land) will be 5076Y/mu, the same

39 jesettlent Action PlI

as that for transmission line. Refers to the Table 5-3 for details. Compensation Standards for Cultivated Land Table 5-3 Ac uisition for Substation No Compensation Items Standard Remarks (Yuan/mu) 1 Land Compensation 6600 11OOYuan/mu X 6times= 6600Yuan/mu 2 Laborer arrangement Allowance 30000 Use for the laborer arrangement 3 Subsidy of standing crops 500 Output of one crop 4 Associated facility fee for con- 15000 As compensations for constrainedtowns' structions of towns and villages deve-lopment by impact of land acquisition 5 Guarantees for land 2400 Fees for farmland balance ,redevelopment 6 Plough occupation taxes 6600 7 Reserved funds for local 2444 By 4% of Item 1- 6 departments 8 Administrative expenses for local 2444 By 4% of Item 1 - 6 departments Total_65988

I =: X Total 65988 ______

C. House Plot The house plots along the transmission line will be re-cultivated and the house will be relocated to other designated places; therefore, only re-cultivation fees and administrative fee are required. In the case that the old house plots are not suitable to re-cultivate, the compensationcriteria of house -plotsis same as that for tower bases land acquisition along the transmission line, but deducting the reserve fund and administrative expenses for local departments, i.e., 9300 Y/mu. This part of compensationwill be listed in the reserved fund. Because the house plots within the substation land acquisition scope cannot be re- cultivated, they must be compensated at the compensation criteria 65988Y/mu, same as that of cultivated land. D. TemporaryLand Acquisition for Construction The areas of the land temporarily requisitioned for construction will be calculated based on the actual occupation of -the land during construction. Compensation criteria are different based on the 4ifference of the land using period and purpose of using. Because -thedrag areas and tensional areas will only affect one crop on the land and not damage cultivated conditions, the subsidy of standing crops is calculated on 500Y/mu. The using period of the material storage areas is longer (generally for two years), and will exert more adverse influence on the Tre-cultivatingconditions, so the compensation standard is higher, calculated on 7200Y/mu (including 2000 for guaranteeing land redevelopment, 3000 for cost of land redevelopment, 1100 Yuan x 2=2200 for loss compensation).

'40 Resettlement Action Plan

5.2.2 Compensation Standard for Housing and Auxiliaries In order to determine adequate compensation level for the lost houses., detail investigation and analysis were carried out. From such investigation, the replacement cost for brick concrete houses was found to be from 300 yuan to 340 vuan per square meter among different cities. (with 327.8 yuan for Taizhou City). In order to ensure adequate compensation for relocated families. a unified compensation standard will be adopted. They will be based on the upper range of housing replacement cost for different categories of structures. which include 340 yuan for brick-concrete structure. 300 vuan for brick wood structure, 280 yuan for board wood structure and 260 yuan for earth wood structure. For those houses with recently complete decoration. additional compensation will be provided through with affected families. For a detailed analysis of the repacement cost for houses of brick concrete structure, see Table 5.4, and see Table 5-5 for the compensation standards for housing and its auxiliaries. Price analysis of house of brick concretestructure Table 5-4. Description Unit Amount er( r2 Unit price (Y) Total (Y) Remarks I. Main materials 1. Cement kg 136 0.325 44.2 2. Steel material kg 17.1 2.7 46.2 3. Timber 3 0.02 1800 36.0 4. Standardbricks pie. 205 0.19 38.9 5. Sands kg 480 0.024 11.5 6. Limestone kg 26.4 0.23 6.1 7. Rubble kg 150 0.018 2.7 8. Pebbles kg 410 0.0165 6.8 9: Steel window 2 0.32 95 30.4 10. Flat glass 2rn 0.36 15 5.4

II. Other materials _ 11.4 5% counted for item I.

III. Man/day _ 3.54 16.5 58.4 IV. Indirect cost 29.8 10% counted for item I-III. TOTAL RM/m2 327.8

41 Resettlamut Action Plan

Table 5-5: Compensation Standards for Housing and Auxiliaries Type Description Unit Compensation Remarks Standard House Main house Brick-concrete y/m 2 340 Relocation Brick-wood 2 300 Board-wood Yhn2 280 Earthen-wood y/m 2 260 Simple house Y/room 1000 Auxiliary Auxiliary Y/person 1000 Relocation Transportation fee Y/person 200 Subsidy Subsidy for loss of working time Y/person 200 House plot Redevelopmentof old house plot Y/person 200 Subsidy Service fee for new house plot Y/person 200 Subsidy for young crops of new Y/person 100 house plot Power, water and road facilities Y/person 500 for the plot area I _ I_

5.2.3 CompensationStandard for Infrastructures Compensation fees for the infrastructures are calculated on actual in vestment in restoring their original function (restoration plan shown in section 6.2.3) . It is estimated that the project compensation for the infrastructures is 420,OOOY.See the Table 3-6 for details. Table 5-6 Compensation Fees for Infrastructures Project Affected infrastructures Owner Compensation (Yuan) Xiaoshan 2 X 380V trasmission line Wulian Village 30000 Substation I 0kV teansmission line 7WulianVillage 90000 tractor road ChengjiaoVillage 0 380V transmission line Chengiiao Village 30000 Zhuji substation 380V transmission line Guanghu Willage 100000 Yuyao substation 380V transmission line TongguangVillage 40000 220V tansmission line Tongguang Village 20000 Irrigation branch channel TongguangVillage 30000 Simplehighway TongguangVillage 80000

5.2.4 CompensationStandard for Scattered Trees The scattered trees include fruit trees and other trees, compensation of which will be calculated by their replacement value, based on the type and age of the trees. The replacement cost for the fruit trees will range between 20 yuan to 200 yuan a piece, while other trees will range between 10 yuan to 50 yuan a piece. See the Table 5-7 for the compensation standard for the scattered trees.

42 Resettlement Action Plan

Table 5-7 CompensationStandard for ScatteredTrees No. Description Unit Compensation Standard 1. Fruit tree Y/piece 20-200 2. Other kind of tree Y/piece 10-50

5.2.5 CompensationCriteria for Other Facilities Other facilities affected by the project mainly include odd private tombs, collective cemeteries and village-owned enterprises, etc.. After consultation with relative departments and the owner, the compensation standard is 1000 yuan per pit for odd tomb. 3 million yuan for collective cemetery, 250.000 yuan for the hardware factory, 50,000 yuan the stone-processing factory and 50,000 yuan for the tea-making factory. These three affected enterprises will not be interruped for production due to relocation, since the village could provide them alternative spaces within the village for them to continue operation. And all employees of these three enterprises will not lose jobs due to relocation, and will maitain their wage income during the relocation. Subsidies for employees during relocation, and subsidies for moving are included in the compensation package paid to the enterprises. decided as shown in Table 5-8. Table5-8 CompensationStandard for Other Facilities Otheraffected Compensation Remarks facilities Criteria Odd Tomb IOOOY/pit Collective CemeterT 3 millionY It is determined by investment agreement between TongguangVillage and Yuyao Lusheng Real Estate Company. Hardware factory 250,OOOY The compensationfees only include the loss of the enterprises due to relocation. The houses have been calculated in the housing compensation. Stone-processing 50,0o0Y Ditto factoryv Tea-makingfactory 50,000Y Ditto

5.2.6 CompensationCriteria for the Affected Standing Crops There are 694.2 mu of standing crop that will be affected by the project, which will be compensated for one season loss based at 500 yuan per mu. The total compensation of the standing crops is 347,200 yuan, which is included in the land compensation.

5.3 General Budget Estimate of Compensations The compensation covers the land acquisition, housing compensation, scattered trees compensation, infrastructure compensation,compensation for

43 Resettleoent Acticn Plan

other items, support fee for vulnerable groups, other expenditures and reserved funds. It is described as below. A. Land Compensation The land compensationmeans the fees that must be paid after land acquisition and relative fees for labor arrangement and other fees (such as subsidy of standing crops, constructions cost for associated facility of towns and villages, guarantees for land redevelopment, ploughable land occupationtaxes, reserved funds for local departments,administrative expenses for local departments). B. House Compensation The housing compensation means the compensation for main house, auxiliaries and house plot, etc.. C. Scattered Trees Compensation It means the compensationof the scatteredtree to be cut. D. InfrastructuresCompensation The fee will be used for restoration and reconstruction of affected infrastructures. E. Compensationfor Other Facilities These fees will be used for compensation of other facilities, excluding their housing. F. Support Fee For VulnerableGroups 5% of land compensationwill be counted as support fee for vulnerable groups. G. Other Expenditures Other expenditures include investigation and design fee, monitoring and evaluation fee, and technical training and administration fee. The investigation and design fee which will be used for land acquisition design, survey and compilation of RAP, which is calculated based on two percent (2%) of total of items A-F. The cost for external monitoring and evaluation will be calculated based on two percent (2%) of total of items A-F. The cost for technical training of resettlers and resettlement cadres will be calculated based on zero point five percent (0.5%) of total of items A-F. The cost for management by resettlement institutions will be calculated based on five percent (5%) of total of items A-F. H. Reserved Funds Ten percent (10%) of items A-F will be calculated for reserved funds. The reserved funds will be the payment for various contingency events. Based on the estimation, the general budget estimate for land acquisition and

44 Resettlawnt Actio Plan resettlement of this Project is 5393.5 X 104 yuan, which is listed in the total budget of the project and be bom by the Project Owner. The detail of breakdowns is shown in Table 5-9.

45 lesettlwt Actiw Pla

General Budget Estimate of the Land Acquisitionand Resettlement

Table 5-9 Unit: 104 Yuan No. Project Name Xiaoshan Zhuji Yuyao Tongbai- Ningbo- Sub-total substation substation substation Zhuji Wenzhou line line 1. Land compensation 904.04 989.82 836.73 68.05 137.82 2936.46 Including compensation of the 6.85 5.88 5.88 10.56 5.55 34.72 standing crops I_I 1.11 Compensation for permanent 904.04 989.82 836.73 56.26 112.74 2899.59 land acquisition 1.2 Compensation for temporary 11.79 25.08 36.87 land acquisition 2. Compensation for house 77.78 83.27 428.77 329.78 919.6 2.1 Compensation for houses 56.52 58.51 381.73 282.74 779.50 demolition and rehabilitation 2.1.1 IMain house 56.52 57.71 379.13 280.64 774.00 2.1.2 Simple house 0.80 2.60 2.10 5.50 2.2 Compensation for auxiliary 3.40 5.90 19.60 19.60 48.5 structures !II___.

2.3 Compensation for house plot _ 16.50 16.50 19.60 19.60 72.20 2.3.1 Compensation for house plot 16.50 16.50 33.00 at substation site . 2.3.2 Compensation for house plot 19.60 19.60 39.20

along transmission line _ 2.4 Compensation for resettlement 1.36 2.36 7.84 7.84 19.40 2.4.1 Subsidy for transportation 0.68 1.18 3.92 3.92 9.70 2.4.2 Subsidy for loss of working 0.68 1.18 3.92 3.92 9.70 time 3. Compensation for 15.00 10.00 17.00 42.00 infrastructures I 4.** Compensation for scattered 0.18 5.34 12.21 30.25 47.98

_trees 5. Compensation for other items 1.00 338.0 339.00 6. Support for vulnerable groups 45.20 53.38 46.00 24.84 23.38 192.80 7 Other expenditures 91.58 107.54 126.01 50.72 49.51 425.36 7.1 Planning & design fee 19.28 22.64 26.53 10.68 10.42 89.55 7.2 Monitoring and evaluation fee 19.28 22.64 26.53 10.68 10.42 89.55 7.3 Technical training 4.82 5.66 6.63 2.67 2.61 22.39 7.4 Administrative expenses 48.2 56.60 66.32 26.69 26.06 223.87 8. Reserved funds 105.56 123.97 145.24 58.46 57.07 490.30 Total 1116138 1363.67 1597.59 643.05 627.81 5393.50 * Compensation listed in the budget-table for the scattered trees is calculated on 50 yuan a piece for the fruit trees and 15 yuan a piece for other trees. 5.4 Funds Flowing Procedures Based on the compensation policy and standards stipulated in the resettlement plan, the project office will sign a "Houses Removal Agreement" with the policy office in -each county (city, district) and sign a "Land Acquisition Agreement" with the county (city, district) land administration. The county (city, district) policy office and county land

46 Resettlewent Action Plan administration will sign the compensation agreement for houses removal and land acquisition with the village (township) and village committees concerned. In accordance with compensation items, amount and time of payment stipulated in the agreement, the compensation fee will be transferred through the banks to the relative county policy office, then through the county policy office to the relative town (township) policy office, finally, through the town (township) policy office transferred to directly to individuals in stages. According to the relative policy stipulations, the land compensation fee and resettlement subsidiaries will be transferred to town (township) government, then through them transferred to the villager committee or villager groups. The compensation for standing crops will first be transferred to the villager committee, then through the village transferred to the land contractors. The funds flowing procedures are shown on the next page.

47 Resettlemut Action Plw

Flowing Chart of the Compensation Fund for Land Acquisition and Removal Compensation for land Project .- Land Administrationof > Township (Town) Villager Committee requisition Office County(City, District) Government Relocation Subsidiary: Project . Land Administrationof e Township (Town) , VillagerCommittee Office County(City, District) Government Subsidiary for Labor Force Project . LAndAdministration of b Township (Town) Villagerr Rearrangement: Office County(City, District) Government Committee Subsidiary for Young crops: Project d Land Administrationof-+ VillagerCommittee . Land Office County (City,District) Contractors Associated facility fee for Project e Land Administrationof-+ Township (Town) constructions Office County(City, District) Government Multiple Cropping Fees: Project . Land Administrationof-+ Township (Town) OMfce County(City, District) Government Taxes for Land Project . Land Administrationof-* Finance Bureau of . Provincial Occupation: Office County(City, District) Coenty(City) Government Benefits for Vulnerable Project . Land Administrationof-+ Township (Town) IIndividuals of the Population: Office County(City, District) Government Vulnerable Population Reserve funds for Local Project .. PolicyOffice and land Administrationof Institutes: Office County(City, District) Management Charges of Project e PolicyOffice and Land Administrationof Local Institutes: Office County(City, District) Compensation Fees for Project PolicyOffice of County > Township (Town) e+ Removal Houses & Appendages: Office (City,District) PolicyOffice Households

Charges for Removal Project > PolievOffice of County . Township (Town) , Removal Transportation: Office (City,District) PolicyOffice Households Subsidy for working hours Project IPolicy Office of County . Township (Town) < Removal Office (City,District) PolicyOffice Households Commissions For New Project 'Policy Office of County . Townkship(Town) . Removal House Pints Office (City,District) PolicyOffice Housebolds Investment for road, water Project e PolicyOffice of County . Township (Town) . Removal & power supply and Office (City,District) PolicyOffice Households ground leveling

Compensation for trees Project y PolicyOffice of County . Township (Town) . Removal Office (City,District) PolicyOffice Households Compensation for the Project e PolicyOffice of County e Township(Town) affected enterprises Office (City,District) PolicyOffice Compensation for Project . PolicyOffice of County Owners Infrastructure Facilities Office (City,District)

Multiple Cropping Fees for Project Policy Officeof County e Township (Town) . Villager Original House Plats: Office (City,District) PolicyOffice Committee Taxes for New House Plat Project Policy Officeof County ,+ land . County (City) Occupation: Office (City, District) Administration of FinanceBureau County(City) I Provincial Government Reserve funds for Local Project . PolicyOffice of County(City, District) Institutes: Office Management Charges of Project PolicyOffice of County(City, District) Local Institutes: Office Design Expenditures: Project -+ DesignInstitute, Loal Governmentand coordinatedunit Office Expenditures for Monitoring Project . Monitoringand Assessment Organizations and Assessment: Office Expenditures for Project - ResettlementExecutive Agencies Implementation and Office Management

48 Resettlesent Action Plan

6. Plan for Resettlementand ProductionRestoration Due to small influence to the local production caused by land acquisition of transmission line and big impact caused by land acquisition of substation, the measures for production arrangement are certainly different from each other. Usually, for the transmission line land requisition, the production rehabilitation should be realized to restore affected persons' livelihood levels based on land adjustment with cash compensation. But, such measure for the substation land acquisition is not sufficient, it should be well planned and adopts specific measures. Therefore, this chapter will mainly introduce the rehabilitation plan for the substation land acquisition. 6.1 Pprinciples of Planning A. The resettlement plan should give due consideration to the overall plan of local land use, the social-economic and social development. B. The benefits between state, collective and individuals should be consideration in an overall plan and taking all factors into account. C. Resettlement plan should be based on inundated inventory and the compensation standards, it should also be prepared in accordance with development strategies and overall plan for increasing or at least recovering resettlers' living conditions as before resettlement. The construction scale and its standards for resettlement items should reach the original scale and standards before resettlement. According to the planning requirement, no surplus, investment will be made in the plan. The investment needed for regional development, enlarging scale and raising standards for the relocated structures, or for the future development, etc. should be raised by the relative local govemments and departments concerned. D. Resettlement plan should be suitable for the circumstances, fully utilize the resources in the local comity. E. And, the plan should be beneficial to production and facilitating the resettlers' living.

49 Resettlent Actim Pla

6.2. Resettlement and Restoration Plan 6.2.1. Production Rehabilitation Xiaoshan Substation A. Analysis on Project Impact (1) Analysis of impact of land requisition on villages Land acquisition for Xiaoshan substation involves Chengjiao village 55 mu and Wulian Village 82 mu in Chengxiang town. After land acquisition, it will cause a certain influence for economic development especially for agriculture production in above two villages. The detail analysis shows in Table 6-1 based on the national economical statistics data in 1997. Influences on Local Economic by Land Acquisition Table 6-1 of Xiaoshan Substation Items Unit Chengjiao Wulian Village Village 1. Total population person 1782 1908 2. Total labor force person 1156 1145 3. Agri. Laborers person 239 398 4. Total cultivated land mu 1223 1311 5. Cultivated land to be acquired mu 55 82 6. Acquisition ratio % 4.5 6.3 7. Cultivated Land Per Capita a. Before acquisition mu 0.69 0.69 b. After acquisition mu 0.66 0.64 8. Cultivated Land Per Labor Force a. Before acquisition mu 1.06 1.15 b. After acquisition mu 1.01 1.07 9. Cultivated Land Per Agri. Laborer ______a. Before acquisition mu 5.1 3.29 b. After acquisition mu 4.9 3.09 10. Grain production a. Total grain output before acquisition ton 954 1100 b. Total grain output after acquisition ton 911 1031 c. Grain ration per capita before acquisition kg 535 577 d. Grain ration per capita after acquisition kg 511 540 1 1. Total income of whole village a. Before acquisition IOxcIc3 y 3115 1065 b. After acquisition lOx103 Y 3107 1052

c. Reduction ratio V 0.26 1.22

50 Resettleomt Action Plan

(Tobe continued) 12. Agri income a. Before acquisition lOx3 171 207 b. After acquisition 1Ox103 Y 163 194 c. Reductionratio 4.68 6.28 13. Net income per capita a. Before acquisition Y 5032 4818 b. After acquisition y 5020 4801 c. Reduction ratio % 0.25 0.36 Note: The indexes of the items stating "after acquisition" in the abovetable is forecast indexes. (Same as the tables below.)

Referring to the above table, the total population in Chengjiao Village is 1782 persons with the total labor force 1156 persons, among which the agricultural laborers are 239 persons, accounting for 20.7% in total labor force; the total cultivated land is 1223 mu. The total population in Wulian Village is 1908 persons with the total labor force 1145 persons, among which the agricultural laborers are 398 persons, accounting for 34.8% in total labor force; the total cultivated land is 1311 mu. The land to be requisitioned accounts for 4.5% in Chengjiao Village and 6.3% in Wulian Village. The cultivated land per capita from 0.69 mu before acquisition will be reduced to 0.66 mu after acquisition in Chengjiao village and from 0.69 mu to 0.64 mu in Wulian village. Total grain output before acquisition is 954 ton and 1 100 ton respectively, and the grain holding is 535 kg and 577 kg per capita Tespectively in the two villages. After land acquisition, total grain output will be reduced to 911 ton and 1031 ton, and the grain holding to 511 kg and 540 kg per capital respectively, which still can meet the grain requirement by the population in the two villages. Being impacted by the acquisition, the agriculture income will be respectively reduced by 80000Yand 130000Y, accounting for 4.09% and 4.83% of the agricultural income in the above two villages, so land acquisition will cause a certain influence on agricultural production in -the above two villages. However, considering the total income and net income per capita, the imnpact caused by land acquisition of the substation is little. According to Table 6-1, the total income will respectively reduce 0.26% and 1.22% in the above two villages , 0.25% and 0.36% for net income per capita. By analyzing on the above, combined with social and economic statues of two villages, it is known that town- and village-owned industry is very developed, income of industry and sideline industry accounts for a considerable proportion of the total income in the above two villages, and agriculture is no longer main production activity there.

The cadres of Chengjiao village and Wulian village introduced that town(ship)-owned and village-owned industry and sideline industry are developed , these two villages are both located in countryside of Xiaoshan city,

S1 Resettluaent Action Plan

there are laborers in numerous of families working in town-owned or village- owned enterprises all the year round. Because of lower agriculture production income, local residents are not willing to cultivate contracted responsibility land but grain ration land. Recently, there are some residents returning cultivated land to the village committee. The two villages have cancelled villager groups, and the whole cultivated land in villages is administrated by the village committee. During the period of the project survey, it was found that 84mu among 410mu contracted cultivated land had been retumed to Chengjiao village and 442mu among 548mu in Wulian village; and at present these retumed cultivated land is the reserved collective-owned land, the two village committees have contratted them to farmers from other villages, with contracting period of two years . (2) Analysis of impact of land requisition on affected households The survey on the land-contracted households within Xiaoshan substation site shows that there are 39 cultivated land contracted households affected by the substation land acquisition, with a total of 147 persons. Through statistic analysis,the affected households have features as below. Features of PAPs The survey and analysis show that the persons at age between 17 - 35 account for 29.9% of the total population affected by the substation land acquisition, the persons at age between 35 - 50 account for 313%, the persons who have received education above junior high school account to 37.3%, those below primary school account for 62.8%. ---- Features of affected households From the analysis on the 39 affected households at Xiaoshan substation site, it can be seen that most of them are formed by two generations (one couple with children) and three generations (or more), accounting for 89.7% of the total. Generally,such family have three or more members, with two or more laborers, accounting for 89.8%. According to the survey, more than one of the laborers in such families is involved in non-agricultural work all the year round, gaining a stable income for the family. The impact on such families caused by the land requisition is slight.

-- Income features of affected families The average net income of the 39 affected households is 3637.4 yuan per capita. There are 34 households which have their net agricultural income below 40% of the total family -net income, accounting for 87.2% in the households affected by land acquisition. This indicates that not all of the affected families have their incomes sourced from agriculture excerpt for the

52 Resettlement Action Plan

households planting grain in large scale, thus it can be seen that the substation land requisition does not affect the main income source of the affected households. Features of affected laborers The data of the annals of two villages indicate that proportion of agri-laborers in rural actual labor force is 20.1% in Chengjiao Village and 34.8% in Wulian Village. Also, the cadres in the village introduce that local industry and sideline are developed, especially,there are many camlet-making factories in the local region, where there are four large-scale ones, with staffs of 250 person-time. Generally, rural laborers works in these enterprises indirectly or directly. About 30% among the existing labor force collect feather for the enterprises in the town and village and another 40% work in the enterprises all the year round. Other places' persons account for a certain proportion in local enterprises, for example, in a chemistry company, 30 employees come from other places. The analysis and survey indicate that there are 34 families among the affected households, which have one or more laborer engaged in either non-agricultureproduction or the secondary and tertiary industries, accounting for 87.2%. So the substation land acquisition affected these families slightly. B. ResettlementPlan Xiaoshan substation is planned to requisition cultivated land of 55mu in Chengjiao Village and 82mu in Wulian Village. The on-site investigation shows that 10mu among the requisitioned 55mu cultivated land is grain ration land in Chengiiao village, and llmu is contracted land for their own native villager, and the remaining 34mu is reserved cultivated land returned to the village by farmers; 20mu amnongthe requisitioned 82mu cultivated land is grain ration land in Wulian village, and 5Omuis contracted land for their own native villager, and the remaining 12mu is reserved cultivated land returned to the village by farmers. Because impact on economic income of the two villages and affected households, caused by the land requisition for Xiaoshan substation, is slight, the following three resettlement measures are adopted for affected households and laborers after consulting with the two villagers and soliciting opinions from local government: a. Re-adjusting cultivated land to meet standard of 0.4mu grain ration land per capita. Before construction of the substation, and after expiration of contractingperiod of the village-owned reserved cultivated land, the village committee will take back the reserved cultivated land, part of which will be allocated to affected persons as grain ration land. In Chengjiao village, 1Omuwill be drewn from the remaining 5Omureserved cultivated land as grain ration land and 20mu from the remaining 430mu in Wulian village.

53 Rosettl_nt Action PMao

b. Re-adjusting cultivated land to satisfy the villagers' requirement on contracted land. The village committee will take back the reserved cultivated land, part of which will be given to land affected households so as not to reduce their original contracted-land areas, thus 1 Imu will be drewn from the remaining cultivated land as residents' contracted-land in Chengjiao village, and 5Omufrom the remaining land in Wulian village. If the households having previously returned contracted land require land, the Village Committee will take out parts of cultivated land to them from village-owned reserved cultivated land or other returned land, according to the PAP's will. C. Use of Land Compensation After consulting with cadres of the villages, it is primarily decided that the land compensationwill be used for the following aspects: a. Construction of the infrastructure facilities to improve local residents' living -and investrnent environment, such as cable TV, parts of village- village roads, water supply network and extension of electric power, are planned constructionproject by two villages. b. Construction of production projects such as for flood control and irrigation, improving low output farmland, farmland standardization zone, and building associated facilities of-mechanization. c. Construction of public utilities to improve living level of local residents, especially living level of old persons. Use of the land compensationfees must be decided by -illage Committee and Village Economy Cooperation Committee. Use of non-production expenses more than IOOOOYmust be approved by Chengdong Office (the agency of local government), Use of the compensationwill be made public to the villager once half a year. Besides use for the above measures, the remaiing compensation fees will be administrated in a plan as a whole by the Village Committee,and increasingresettlers' income by taking interest. D. Forecast of Income For Xiaoshan Substation, before the land requisition, annual per capita income will be 5,032 yuan for Chengjiao Village and 4,818 yuan for Wulian Village. Afterresettlement. it is expected that the per capita income of two villages will increase to 5,060 yuan and 4,844 yuan respectively, which is higher than that before the move. For detailed analysis of income change of for XiaoshanSubstation, see Table 6-2.

54 Resettlawnt Action Plan

Analysis of Income Forecast for Xiaoshan Substation

Table 6-2 Before land Items Chengjiao Wulian Remarks acquisition . Village Village Total population 1782 1908 Net income per capita (yuan) 5032 4818 Cultivated land to be acquired 55 82 (mu) Total income of whole village 3115 1065 (10000 yuan) Loss of income due to land 8 13 acquisition (10000 yuan) After Compensation for land requisition 204.05 30422 resettlement ( 10000 yuanl ) Investment Investment 25* 30Q* To be used for and Profit ( 10000yuan) infrastructure, production Profit (l OOOOyuan) 4* 4.1** projects and public services Interest income of the remaining 9 14 Interest rate for bank compensation fund (10000 yuan) deposit is set at 5% Forecasting annual income of 3120 1070 whole villagge ( 10000 yuan ) Forecasting net income per capita 5060 4844 (yuan)

* Chenjiao Village will invest 250,000 yuan, including, 100,000 yuan using, for construction of the infrastructure facilities, 100,000yuan for production projects such as flood control and irrigation, improve low output farmland and buildine associated facilities of mechanization,50,000 yuan for public utilities. Area of low output farmlandto be improved is based on one third of the remaining village land or 400 mu, Assuming income per mu will be increased 100 yuan, the total return could by 40,000 yuan. ** Wulian Village will invest 300,000 yuan, including 100,000 yuan using for construction of the infrastructure facilities, 150,000yuan for production projects such as flood control and irrigation, iprove low output farmland and building associated facilities of mechanization,50,000 yuan for public utilities. Area of low output farmlandto be imnprovedis about 410 mu, based on one third of the remaining farmland from the village. If income per mu will increase by 100 yuan after land improvement. the total profit can increase 4 1.000 yuan. Zhuji Substation A. Analysis on Project Impact (1) Analysis of impact of land requisition on villages Land acquisition for Zhuji substation involves Guanhu village of Wanjiajin town. The total land to be requisitioned from the village is 15Omu,including paddy land 50mu, dry -field 67.5mu, village-owned tea-hill 30mu and residents' house plot 2.5mu. After land acquisition, it will cause a certain influence on economic developmentespecially on agriculture production in the village. The detail analysis shows in Table 6-3 based on the national economical statistics data in 1997. Resettlent Actian Plan

Influences on Local Economic by Land Acquisition Table6-3 of Zhuji Substation Items Unit Guanhu Village 1. Total population person 1051 2. Total labor force person 782 3. Agri. Laborers person 530 4. Total cultivated land mu 818 5. Cultivated land to be acquired mu 117.5 6. Acquisition ratio % 14.36 7. Cultivated Land Per Capita a. Before acquisition mu 0.778 b. After acquisition mu 0.667 8. Cultivated Land Per Laborer _ _ a. Before acquisition mu 1.046 b. After acquisftion mu 0.986 9. Cultivated Land Per Agri. Laborer a. Before acquisition mu 1.543 b. After acquisition mu 1.322 10. Grain production a. Total grain output before acquisition -ton 584 b. Total grain output after acquisition ton 500 c. Grain ration per capita before acquisition kg 555.66 d. Grain ration per capita after acquisition kg 475.74 11. Total income of whole village a. Before acquisition lOx103 Y 1182.8 b. After acquisition 10x103 y 1165.0 c. Reduction ratio ____r_% __ 1.5 12. Agri. incomes L _____L_L a. Before acquisition 10x103 y 124 b. After acquisition IOx103 y 106.2 c. Reduction ratio __ % 14.35 13.Net income per capita a. Before acquisition _ 3851 b. After acquisition Y 3813 c. Reduction ratio 0.99

Referring to the above table, the total population in Guanhu Village is 1051 persons with the total labor force 782 persons, among which the agricultural laborers are 530 persons. The total cultivated land in the village is 818mu, the cultivated land to be requisitioned is 117.5mu, accounting for 1436% of the village's total existing cultivated land in the village. The cultivated land per capita will be reduced from 0.78mu before acquisition to 0.67mu after acquisition. Total grain output before acquisition is p584tons, and the grain holding was 556 kg per capita. After land acquisition, total grain output will be reduced to 500 ton, and the grain holding to 476 kg per capita, which can still 56 Resettlent Action Plan

meet the grain requirement of this village. Being impacted by the land acquisition, the agricultural income will be reduced by 178000Y, accounting for 14.35% in the agricultural income of the village, so land acquisition will cause a certain influence on agriculture production of the village. However, considering the total income and net income per capita, the influence caused by the substation land acquisition is slight. Referring to Table 6-2, the total income will reduce by only 1.50% after land acquisition,net income per capita decreasedby only 0.99% in the village. According to the analysis above, and considering social and economic statues of the village, it shows that income from industry and sideline industry accounts for a considerable proportion of the total income in the villages, and the agri-income is no longer main income source. According to on-site investigation, above 90% of income come from building industry in the village.There are thirteen large- and small-scale individual construction enterprises, among which three enterprises earn their yearly income over 1 million Y. Most of the laborers in the village are working in these enterprises. Because of lower agricultural production income, and developed industry and sideline, local residents are not willing to cultivate contracted responsibility land but grain ration land. Recently, the village committee found it more difficult to carry out land-contracted responsibility system. More and more cultivated land in the village is getting barren. The village committee has canceled villager group. The cultivated land of the village is administrated by the village committee,which will be cultivated by arranging a few large-scalegrain planting households.

(2) Analysis of impact of land requisition on affected households The survey on the land-contracted households within Zhuji substation site shows that there are 68 cultivated land contracted households affected by the substation land acquisition, with a total of 341 persons. Through statistics and analysis, the affected households by the substation land acquisition have features as below.

---- Features of PAPs The survey and analysis show that the persons at age between 17 - 35 account for 30.5% of the total population affected by the substation land acquisition, the persons at age between 35 - 50 account for 27.6%, the persons who have received education above junior high school account for 64.8%, those below primary school account for 3 5.1%. The figures here indicate that a greaterpart of the population in the affected households are middle-aged and young people, they have received comparativelyhigher education and are active in thinking 57 Resettlmnt Action Plan

and have rather strong adaptability to the social environment. Therefore, they possess a rather stronger advantage in being employed in the non-agricultural industry. After resettlement, they can receive more chance to be employed and will quickly get used to the new work. So, the impact caused by the land acquisitionwill be more easily mitigated.

- Features of affected households From the analysis on the 68 affected households, it can be seen that most of them are formed by two generations (one couple with children) and three generations (or more), accounting for 73.5% of the total. Generally, such families have three or more members, with two or more laborers, accounting for 89.7%. According to the survey, one or more the laborers in such families is involved in non-agricultural production all the year round, gaining a stable income for the family.The land requisition impact on such families is slight. ---- Income features of affected families The average net income of the 68 affected households is 5630 yuan. There are 55 households which have their net agricultural income below 40% of the total family net income. This indicates that the affected families have their incomes mainly sourced from the secondary and tertiary industries not from agriculture excerpt for large-scale grain planting households, thus it can be seen that the substation land requisition does not affect the main income source of the affected households. Features of affected laborers The cadres in the village introduce that local building industry is developed, there are many individual contractors who contract building projects in the local region. Generally, local rural laborers are involved in these companies and engaged in houses building in different regions all the year round. The survey found that 62 families among the affected households have laborers involved in either non-agriculture production or the secondary and tertiary industries, accounting for 91.2% of the affected households. So the project affects such families slightly. B. ResettlementPlan Because impact of the substation land requisition on economic income of the village and affected households, is slight, -the following two resettlement measures will be adopted for the affected households and laborers after consultingwith the villager and soliciting opinionsfrom the local government: a. Re-adjusting cultivated land to reduce influence on a few large-scale grain planting households. After land acquisition, there will be 700.5mu cultivated land remaining (paddy land 686mu and dry land 14.5mu). For

58 Besettlemwt Action Plan

maintaining meeting grain ration standard of 0.4mu cultivated land per capita, the village committee decides to distribute the remaining 280mu cultivated land among the large-scale planting grain households on their willing, so as to guarantee their contracted-landareas to be restored. b Raising resettler' income by developing land and multi-operating business. It is introductedby the cadres of the village that there is 1SOmu barren hill to be developed. After land acquisition, the village administrationplans to develop this hill-land as orchards, taking advantage of original two small- scale reservoirs as water source. It is primarily estimated that the general investment for the plan is 750,000Y, including 100,00OYfor heightening the original reservoir dams, 50,000 Y for building a 1000-meter-long concrete irrigation channel, 150,000Yfor ground leveling, soil and stone excavating and backfilling, and 3000Yper mu for planting trees and irrigating. The village committee will contract the new orchards to villagers. C. Use of Land Compensation After consulting with cadres of village, it is primarily decided that the land compensationbe used in the following aspects, besides developing land. a. Construction of the communication facilities to improve local traffic. The existing traffic facilities are poor now, and there is only one tractor road linking the village with other places. After finishing access road to the substation, the village will build a 5OOm-long Grade HI highway connectingthe access road to the substation, the investment being 250,000 Y, which connect with the accessToad to the substation. b. Construction of the electricity facilities. The survey shows that local electricity facilities are very out of date, and the reliability rate of the power supply is not high. After land acquisition, the low-voltage transmission lines will be upgradedproperly in the village. c. Construction of public utilities to improve living level of local residents, especially the living level of the old persons. Use of the land compensationfees must be decided by Village Committee and Village Economy Cooperation Committee, and use of the compensationwill be made public to the villager once half a year. Besides use for the above measures, the remaining compensation fees will be administrated in a plan as a whole by the Village Committee, and mainly

59 Resettlanot Actio.n Plan

used for annual production such as irrigation and improving low output land etc. D. Forecast of Income For Zhuji Substation, before the land requisition, annual per capita income will be 3,851 yuan for Guanhu Village. After resettlement, it is expected that the per capita income for the same village will be increased to 4,338 yuan. higher than before the resettlement. For detailed analysis of income change for Zhuji Substation,see Table 6-4. Analysis of Income Forecast for Zhuji Substation Table6-4 Before land Items Guanhu Remarks acquisition Villa_a__ Total population 1051 Net income per capita (yuan) 3851 Cultivated land to be acquired (mu) 117.5 Total income of whole village ( 1 OOOOyuan) 1182.8 Loss of income due to land acquisition 17.8 ( lOOO0uan) After Compensation for land requisition ( 10000 436 resettlement yuan) Investment and Investment ( 10000 125* To be used for infrastructure. Profit yuan) communication facilities.

P.rofit (10000 yuan) 3-* development,electricity facilities,and publicland utilities Interest income from remaining 16 Bank deposit rate is set at 5% compensation fund (I OOOOyuan) Forecasting annual income of whole village 1234 (lO000yuan) Forecasting net income per capita (yuan) 4338 Guanhu Village will invest 1,250,000 yuan, including 250,000 yuan using for construction of the communication facilities, 200.000 yuan for construction of the electricity facilities. 50,000 yuan for public utilities and 750,000 yuan for developing 150 mu fruit land. Assuming averag,ing 3500 yuan income per mu for the fruit land, the total profit can be 530,000 yuan. Yuyao Substation A. Analysis on Project Impact (1) Analysis of impact of land requisition -onvillages Land acquisition for Yuyao substationinvolves ZhongjiamenVillage 48mu and Tongguang Village 69.5mu in Yuyao town. After land acquisition, it will

60 Resettlel7t Action Plan

cause a certain influence on economic development especially on agricultural production in the above two villages. The detail analysis shows in Table 6-5 based on the national economical statistics data in 1997. Influences on Local Economic by Land Acquisition Table6-5 of Yuyao Substation Items Unit Zhongjiamen Tongguang Village Village 1. Total population person 1108 978 2. Total labor force person 605 570 3. Agri. Laborers person 325 241 4. Total cultivatedland mu 866.3 1225 5. Cultivated land to be acquired mu 48 69.5 6. Acquisitionratio % 5.5 5.7 7. Cultivated Land Per Capita a. Before acquisition mu 0.78 1.25 b. After acquisition mu 0.74 1.18 8. Cultivated Land Per Laborer a. Before acquisition mu 1.43 2.15 b. After acquisition mu 1.35 2.03 9. Cultivated Land Per Agri. Laborer a. Before acquisition mu 2.67 5.08 b. After acquisition mu 2.52 4.79 10. Grain production a. Total grain output before acquisition ton 545 584 b. Total grain output after acquisition ton 515 551 c. Grain ration per capita before acquisition kg 492 597 d. Grain ration per capitaafter acquisition kg 465 563 11. Total income of whole village X__ X a. Before acquisition 10x103Y 1980.2 2309.0 b. After acquisition 1Ox103 Y 1961.3 2284.6 c. Reductionratio _ 1.00 1.06 12. Agri. incomes a. Before acquisition 1Ox103Y 331.3 428.9 b. After acquisition l 101 1 3Y 312.4 404.5 c. Reduction ratio % 5.7 5.7 13. Net income per capita a. Before acquisition Y 5757.9 5647 b. After acquisition y 5740.6 5619.4 c. Reductionratio 0.30 0.48

ReferTingto the above table, the total population in Zhongjiamen Village is 1108 persons with the total labor force 605 persons, among which the agricultural laborers are 325 persons. The total cultivated land is 866.3mu.The total population in TongguangVillage is 978 persons with 570 laborers, among

61 Resettlawet Actiw Plan

-whichthe agricultural laborers are 241 persons. The total cultivated land is 1225 mu. The land to be requisitioned accounts for 5.5% and 5.7% of the total land respectively in Zhongjiamen Village and Tongguang Village. The cultivated land per capita will be reduced from 0.78mu before acquisition to 0.74mu after acquisition in Zhongjiamen Village and from 1.25mu to 1.18mu in TongguangVillage. The total grain output before acquisition is 545 tons and 584 tons with 492 kg and 597 kg per capita respectively in the two villages. After land acquisition, total grain output will be reduced to 515 ton and 551 ton with 465 kg and 563 kg per capital respectively,which can still meet the grain requirement of the above two -villages.Being impacted by the substation land acquisition, the agricultural income were respectively will be reduced by 189000Yand 244000Y, accounting for 5.7% and 5.7% in the total agricultural income in the above two villages, so the land acquisition will cause a certain influence on agricultural production of the above two villages. However, considering the total income and net income per capita, the impact caused by the land acquisition is slight. Refening to Table 6-3, the total income will be reduced by only 1.00% and 1.06% in the above two villages, net income per capita decreased 0.300%and 0.48%. According to -analysis on above, and considering the social and economic statues of the two villages, it is shown that the income from industry and sideline industry accounts for a considerable proportion of the total income in the above two villages, and agricultural production is no longer main production activity. The introduction by the cadres of the two villages shows that most families have laborers working in the county enterprises. The two villages locate at the suburb of Yuyao city, there are many job chances for the rural laborers. Because of lower agriculture production income and developed local industry and sideline industries, local residents are not willing to cultivate land but grain ration land. Currently,the two villages both have canceled villager group, and the whole cultivated land -in village is administrated by -the village committee. The survey indicates that the two village committees have contracted the cultivated land (except the grain ration land) to the large-scale grain planting -householdsor farmers from other villages. (2) Analysis of impact of land requisition on affected households The survey on the land-contracted households within Yuyao substation site shows that there are 38 land-contracted households affected by the substation land acquisition, with -atotal of 138 persons. Through statistics and analysis, land acquisition affected households have features as below.

-- Features of PAPs The survey and analysis show that the persons at age below 35 account for

62 Resettlownt Action Pl1

55.1% of the total population affected by the substation land acquisition, with 15.2%persons at age above 50. The figures indicatethat local population tends to be younger. Among the affected population, the persons who have received education above junior high school account for 51.4%, with 48.6% below primary school. The figures indicate that most laborers have received high education. Features of affected households From the analysis on the affected households, it can be seen that among the 38 affected households, most of them are formed by two generations (one couple with children) and three generations (or more), accounting for 81.6% of the total. Generally, such families have three or more members, with two or more laborers, accounting to 89.5%. According to the survey, one (or more) of the laborers in such families is involved in non-agriculturalproduction all the year round, gaining a stable income for the family. The impact on such families caused by the substation land acquisitionis slight. - Income features of affectedfamilies The average net income of the 38 affected households is 4470yuan. There are 13 households which have their net income per capita below 3000Y. 28 families among the affected households have their agricultural income below 40% of the total family income, with agricultural income per capita being less than 700yuan.But 5 affected households have their agricultural income above 80% of the total family income, with agricultural income per capita being 5260yuan. Analysis on the laborers employment and features of affected families shows that local affected families fall into two groups: those in the first group are few in number and working on large-scale grain planting or working in industry and sideline industry successfully, the laborers of such families are young and energitic and have received high education. Income of such families is high. Those in the second group are simple in employment structure,and their laborers have received little education and are rather old. Total income of such families is lower and they possess a rather worse situation in employment competition. Features of affected laborers Land acquisition for Yuyao substation is in the suburb of Yuyao City, so local rural laborers can generally work in the county enterprises. According the survey, there are 31 affected households which have laborers involved in non- agricultureproduction, accountingfor 81.6% of total affected households. And there are 17 families have their laborers employing in non-agriculture, accounting for 44.6% of the total affected households. It is -also indicated that most of families have part (or whole) laborers engaged in the secondary and

-63 Resettleent Action Plan

tertiary industries. So the project will affect such families slightly. (3) Analysis of impact of land requisition on affected enterprises The construction of Yuyao Substation will affect three village-owned enterprises, including one small hardware factory, one stone-processing factory and one tea-making factory. These three affected enterprises will not be interrupted for production due to relocation, since the village could provide them alternative spaces within the village for them to continue operation. After consultation with relative departments. cash compensation will be adopted for the loss of the enterprises due to relocation. And all employees of these three enterprises will not lose jobs due to relocation, and maintain their wage income during the relocation. Subsidies for employees during relocation, and subsidies for moving are included in the compensationpackage paid to the enterprises.

B. Resettlement Plan Construction of Yuyao substation will requisition 48mu cultivated land in Zhongjiamen Village and 69.3mu cultivated land in Tongguang Village. According to the on-site investigation, 13mu among the 48mu requisitioned cultivated land is the villagers' grain ration land and contracted land in Zhongjiamen Village, and the remaining 35mu is village-owned reserved cultivated land. The overwhelming majority of the 69.5mu requisitioned cultivated land is native villager' grain ration land and contracted land in Tongguang Village, including contracted land of the large-scaleplanting grain households in native village. If calculated by original cultivated land holding per capita, 57 laborers whose living mainly depends on agriculture production will loss their contracted land. Since the substation land requisition induces little impact on the income of the villages and the households, the below resettlement measures will be adopted for affected households and laborers after consulting with the village and soliciting opinion from the local government. a. Before starting construction for Yuyao substation, the village committee will re-adjust cultivated land. After meeting O.4mugrain ration land per capita, the remaining cultivated land will be distributed to the large-scale grain planting households and to those households with their labor employment structure being simple and with a rather worse situation in the employment competition on a voluntary basis, so as to restore their original contracted-land areas. b. According to the local resources (favorable for planting arbutus) and geographical location (nearby the highway from Yuyao to Ningbo), developing -tertiary industries. The two villages have long planned a 2700- square-meter ground near the Yuyao-Ningbo highway for building a free

64 Resettlmnt Action Plan

market. The investment is estimated to be 600,OOOYto build a 2000- square-meter shed and arranging 80 stands for selling agricultural and sideline products such as fruits and vegetables etc.. It is estimated that annual income per capita will reach about 6000Y. After getting the land compensation,two villages will jointly build the free market. Privilege will be given to the surplus labor force in the two villages and the market will be administratedby the two village. c. Scientific farming and adjusting the croppingpattern. So far as grain ration per capita is met, vegetable and fruilt productionwill be well developed by taking advantage of the land resource, so as to raise the residents' income level . C. Using for Land Compensation After preliminary discussion by the cadres of the village, the village will use the remaining for the below some aspects, besides for the use for the above aspects. a. Construction of the infrastructure facilities to improve local residents' living environment. b. Construction of public utilities to improve living level of local residents, especially living level of old persons. Use of the land compensationfees must be decided by Viliage Committee and Village Economy Cooperation Committee, and will be made public to the villager each half a year. Besides the above measures, the remaining compensation will be administrated in a plan as a whole by the Village Committee, some for production such as controlling flood, irrigation and developing fruit garden such as arbutus etc., and the others for subsidy being distributed to resettlers as to increase their income by taking the bank interest every year. D. Forecast of Income For Yuyao Substation, before the land requisition, annual per capita income will be 5,758 yuan for Zhongjiamen Village and 5,647 yuan for Tongguang Village. After resettlement, it is expected -that the per capita income of two villages will increase to 5,858 yuan and 5,756 yuan respectively, which is higher than that before the move. For detailed analysis of income change for Yuyao Substation,see Table 6-6.

65 Resettlemt Action Pla

Analysis of Income Forecast for YuyaoSubstation

Table6-6 Before land Items Zhongjiamen Tongguan Remarks acquisition Village Village Total population 1108 978 Net income per capita (yuan) 5757.9 5647 Cultivated land to be acquired (mu) 48 69.5 Total income of whole village (1 0000 1980.2 2309 yuan) Loss of income due to land 18.9 24.4 requisition (lOOOOyuan) After Compensation for land requisition 178.08 257.8 resettlement (10000 yuan) Investment and Investment 70* 80** To be used for Profit ( 1 0000 vuan) construction of a Profit ( 10000 24* 26.1** free market. yuan ) infrastructure. production projects, and public utilities Interest income from the remaining 6 9 Rate of bank compensationfund (10000 yuan) deposit is set at 5% Forecasting annual income of whole 1991 2320 village (10000 yuan) Forecasting net income per capita 5858 5756


* ZhongjiamnenVillage will invest 700,000 yuan, including 200,000 yuan using for construction of the infrastructure facilities. 150,000 yuan for production projects such as flood control and irrigation, 50,000 yuan for public utilities and 300,000 yuan for building a free market with Tongguan Village. The Zhongjiamen village will get 40 stands. Assuming each stand (one person for one stand) will earn 6000 yuan, the total profit can get 240,000 yuan. TongguanTn Village will invest 800,000 vuan, including 200.000 yuan using for construction of the infrastructure facilities. 250,000 yuan for production projects such as irrigation and flood control, including development of 6 mu fruit trees, 50,000 yuan for public utilities and 300,000 yuan for building a free market with Zhonjiamen Village and the village can get 40 stands. Assuming each stand will eam 6000 yuan income per year, the total profit can get 240,000 yuan. In addition, assuming 3,500 yuan per mu for 6 mu fruit trees, the total profit can increase 21,000 yuan. Ningbo-Wenzhouand Tongbai-ZhujiTransmission Line The land to be requisitioned for the transmission line only accounts to less than 1%wooof the land of the villages along the lines, which affects each village very slightly, (details are shown in Table 6-7 and Table .6-8)and has little impact on the agriculture. If proper land adjustment in the villages is taken, the households affected by land requisition can continue to farm on cultivated land and their job position will not be changed. Transmission line land Tequlsition mainly occur at the tower base, small in area and scattering in many villages; the impact is small with only less than one laborer in each village on average. After consultation with local governments, land adjustment plus cash

66 Resettlonnt Actian Plan

compensation will be adopted for restoring the resettlers' original production and living level.

Table 6-7 Land Requisition for Ningbo-Wenzhou Transmission Line TOaW ToWa Culovaed Land Pa g CuhnvuedLad Affed Cmty (City) Town(ship) AdmL- iage Populafion Culivated Land per Ragipmon per capimaficr popuiation Land capim Requisition (p* ) (mu) (mu/peson) (mu) ( /6) (tnu ) (paM) YMxizn Yun long Jiacun 3827 3984 1.04 0.6 0.02 1.04 Yingjiadai 609 730 1.20 0.6 0.08 120 I Tianhuang 645 762 1.18 0.6 0.08 1.18 1 Jiangshan Shanxi 1380 1600 1.16 0.9 0.06 1.16 1 _ Sunjiazhuang 670 914 1.36 1.5 0.16 1.36 2 Fenghua Baidu Yujiaba 756 761 1.01 1.5 0.20 1.00 2 Jiqi Zhanghu 1381 1033 0.75 1.2 0.12 0.75 2 Piaoxi 620 463 0.75 0.6 0.13 0.75 1 Hongnong 2319 1373 0.59 0.3 0.02 0.59 1 Miaojia 567 465 0.82 0.3 0.06 0.82 1 Jzyi 1518 1145 0.75 0.6 0.05 0.75 1 Jier 1486 1159 0.78 0.3 0.03 0.78 1 =______Silian 620 463 1 0.75 0.9 0.19 0.75 2 Chensan 1208 1273 1 1.05 0.3 0.02 1.05 I Chener 907 985 1.09 0.6 0.06 1.09 1 Ninghai Xidian I Hongjia 1369 1060 0.77 0.9 0.08 0.77 2 Licun 835 780 0.93 1.2 0.15 0.93 2 Meilin Waiding 193 128 0.66 0.9 0.70 0.66 2 Huangtan Weijia 733 357 0.49 0.9 025 0.49 2 Xiaxi |297 103 0.35 0.6 0.58 0.34 2 *______Shangzhai 751 1 280 0.37 | 0.6 021 0.37 2 l l | Xizhuang |275 -85 0.31 0.3 0.35 0.31 1 Qiantongz Lianghuang 596 225 0.38 0.3 0.13 0.38 1 Chalu Gankeng 1006 513 0.51 0.9 0.18 0.51 2 Linhai Datian Lingwai 500 227 0.45 0.9 0.40 0.45 2 Chengguan Linong 579 441 0.76 0.9 020 0.76 2 Huangyan shidou Shatan 999 436 0.44 03 0.07 0.44 1 Ningxi Huichangyou 905 428 0.47 0.6 0.14 0.47 2 Gehu -285 133 0.47 0.9 0.68 0.46 2 |Shangzhau 1040 356 0.34 1 0.6 0.17 0.34 2 | 777=|Shangjiangao77 7 | 821 383 0.47 0.9 023 0.47 2 Yongjia Xivuan an 1193 453 0.38 0.3 0.07 038 1 Yangjing 614 445 0.72 0.6 0.13 0.72 1 Yantou Xiayuan 760 289 0.38 0.6 0.21 0.38 2 Gangtou 2015 633 0.31 0.3 0.05 0.31 1 Zhangpo 2293 T 738 0.32 0.3 0.04 032 1 Fangao 1805 421 0.23 0.3 0.07 0.23 2 Zhouzhai 1502 363 024 0.3 0.08 024 2 Xialiao Jiangkeng 235 173 0.74 0.9 0.52 0.73 2 Bali_ 548 489 0.89 0.6 0.12 0.89 1 Shangtang Xiletou 418 273 0.65 0.3 0.11 0.65 1 Qiaoxia Shangcun 1130 642 0.57 0.3 0.05 0.57 1 Xiaxie 831 570 0.69 0.9 0.16 0.68 2 Ouhai Pangqiao Mizimg 897 2893 0.32 0.3 0.10 0.32 1 Minh_ro*an 1132 432 038 0.3 0.07 0.38 1 Guoxi Guoxi 2923 1175 0.40 0.6 0.05 0.40 2 Lucheng Yangyi Mangtouzhu 1511 1066 0.71 0.6 0.05 0.71 Yangshan 665 470 0.71 03 0.06 0.71

67 Resettleaent Actio Plan

Table 6-8 Land Requisition for Tongbai-ZhujiTransmission line TotalE Total Cultivated Land Percentage Cultivated Affected County Town(ship) Admin.village opulation Cultivated Land per Requisition Land per capita population (City) Land capita after (person) (mu) (mulperson) (mu) (%) Requisition (person) (mutperson) Timantai Baihe Baishui 757 435 0.57 0.6 0.14 0.57 2 Xiaguoyang 619 416 0.67 0.9 0.22 0.67 2 Xiabaiyan 132 93 0.70 0.9 0.97 0.70 2 ._ _ _ Shangb8 yan 327 206 0.63 0.9 0.44 0.63 2 Xiuyuan 724 458 0.63 1.2 026 0.63 2 Houyang 440 280 0.64 0.6 0.21 0.64 1 Shanglu 1512 783 0.52 0.9 0.11 0.52 2 Xinchang Luao Shangbawu 620 308 0.50 0.6 0.19 0.50 2 Zhiguwu 755 353 0-47 0.6 0.17 0.47 2 Hengduqiao 444 243 0.55 0.6 025 0.55 2 Hengdujie 326 140 0.43 0.6 0.43 0.43 2 Wuwang 1006 519 0.52 0.9 0.17 0.52 2 Luer 1454 643 0.44 0.6 0.09 0.44 2 _ Chengnan Xiavang 494 381 0.77 1.2 031 0.77 2 Pingfengyan 405 438 1.08 1.5 034 1.08 2 _Chen1all Xier 319 270 0.85 0.9 0.33 0.84 2 Houcun 975 652 0.67 0.6 0.09 0.67 1 ______|zhaopoao | 314 231 0.74 0.6 026 0.73 1 ______|Fenghuang i 732 496 0.68 0.6 0.12 0.68 Wulian 545 437 0.80 0.3 0.07 0.80 1 Shengzhou Chengguan Qiaoi s 72 530 0.61 1 0.9 0.17 0.61 2 ______Chafangzhuan 1251 958 0.77 | 0.6 0.06 0.77 1 Zhongcun 1667 1398 0.84 0.6 0.04 0.S4 1 Duntou 519 364 0.70 0.6 0.16 0.70 1 .______Shemougang 607 425 0.70 0.3 0.07 0.70 1 Shangyanke 364 302 0.83 0.6 020 0.83 1 Xiayanice 849 672 0.79 0.9 0.13 0.79 2 Jiangdong 1480 1106 0.75 0.6 0.05 0.75 1 Xinshi 329 208 0.63 0.6 0.29 0.63 1 Bangtou 741 563 0.76 0.6 0.11 0.76 Ganling Xiawu 227 218 0.96 0.6 028 0.96 1 Huangjianfang 1250 870 0.70 0.3 0.03 0.70 1 Jiangtian 1432 952 0.66 0.6 0.06 0.66 Waizhai 563 _397 0.71 0.3 0.08 0.70 Jianan 290 184 0.63 03 0.16 0.63 1 Shangdushan 959 844 0.88 1.2 0.14 0.88 2 Liuan 1261 1013 0.80 0.6 0.06 0.80 I Matang 1712 1612 0.94 0.3 0.02 0.94 1 Houzhu 571 500 0.88 0.3 0.06 0.88 1 Fuiun Zhijianlu 1475 1400 0.95 0.6 0.04 0.95 1 Fangsan 1246 1193 0.96 0.3 0.03 0.96 1 Yangqiao 531 438 0.82 0.6 0.14 0.82 1 Xibing 609 405 0.67 0.6 0.15 0.66 1 Zhujiayan 248 203 0.82 0.6 0.30 0.82 1 Zhangjia 283 215 0.76 0.3 0.14 0.76 _ Ruomnoden 520 436 0.84 03 0.07 0.84 1 liankeng 467 387 0.83 0.6 0.16 0.83 1 Shihuang Dongfang 230 192 0.83 0.3 0.16 0.83 1 Shangcun fl27 673 0.81 0.6 0.09 0.81S Louyi 576 419 07.3 0.3 0.07 -0.73 1 Louer 636 437 0.69 0.3 0.07 0.69 1 Xidong 293 169 0.58 0.3 0.18 0.58 1 Zhuji Lipu Mali 1044 624 060 0.6 0.10 0.60 1 Huangshan Yuexing 1518 1130 0.74 0.9 0.08 0.74 2 Luoling 332 298 0.90 0.3 0.10 0.90 1 _ Jieting Lantian 679 440 0.65 0.6 0.14 0.65 1 W~angjia.ing DaDpengshan 368 313 0.85 0.6 0.19 0.85 1 Fengyilou 976 7317 0.75 0.9 0.12 0.75 2

68 Resettlment Action Plan

6.2.2. HousingRelocation Plan In the Transmission Line Component of Tongbai Pumped Storage Project, some households within the substations and along the transmission lines (only excerpt for Xiaoshan substation) will be relocated, including 1740 square meter houses from Zhuji substation, 1885 square meter houses from Yuyao substation and 20134 square meter houses along the Ningbo- Wenzhou and Tongbai-Zhuji transmission lines. After fully consulting with local government at all levels and resettlers, the house removal and rebuilding will be carried out in accordance with the following principle and methods. A. As only few houses need to relocate and these houses are rather scattered in different administration villages along the transmission lines, and impact of the land acquisition is small for local production, the inhabitants can still engage in their production in the original villages; therefore, the new house will be built in the original community area (the original villages) with in the distance not more than 0.5 to 1.0 km from their old houses, thus facilitating their farming production. Respecting the will of most of the Tesettlers, the houses removal and rebuilding will be carried out by the relocated households themselves. Before project construction, the householder (the owner or the representative of the houses) will be responsible for the houses removal, and this work will be supervised by the local resettlement organizations or institutions; B. Since the houses to be relocated are mainly within the substations sites, the village committee will allocate new house plot to the resettlers on their desires after consultation with the resettled households. The houses will be removed and reconstructed by the resettlers' themselves. Before project construction, the householder (the owner or the representative of the houses) will be responsible for the houses removal, and this work will be supervised by the local resettlement organizations or institutions; C. The resettlers can freely make selections about first removal then construction or first construction then removal. If they select the later, before completion of the new houses, the resettlers can stay in their original houses, no one allowed to force them removal before the deadline of removal. D. According -to"Law of Land Administration", the location and quantity of the resettlers' new house plot will be jointly arranged by the town(ship) government, village committee and village groups. Selection of house plots outside of the arranged places should be approved by the village committee,while the village committee distribute the house plots to the resettlers on their desire;

69 Resettlent Actim Plan

E. Three months prior to building new houses, the resettlers will receive a notice for house construction, at least more than four months will be allocated to -themto build their new houses. During house building, the relative authorities will consult with the resettlers, and may prolong the building time based on actual requirement. The compensation subsidies for relocation and for working hours losing should be timely paid to resettlers, F. During resettlement, resettlement organization will adopt efficient measures to help families which has the old, weak, sick or disabled peoples, and the women-headed families. For these resettlers, the township resettlement group or village committees will be in charge of helping them build new houses and help them remove to new houses; G. All relocated households will get the compensation fees at house replacement price, the salvageable materials of the old houses can be used for new house free of charge. Prior to the house construction, the compensation fees should be paid to resettlers at one-time or in installment by the project owner through local resettlement organizations. If the compensation paid in installment, the last payment should be paid before the new house completion. 6.2.3. InfrastructureRestoration Plan Infrastructures affected by the project need to be rebuilt, except the tractor roads at Xiaoshan substation site. After consulting with the relative departments, it is decided to make one-time cash compensation for the resettlement. Local village committee will rebuild the facilities at other places by themselves. The details for the plan of the infrastructure restoration are shown in Table 6-9 Table 6-9 Infrastructure Restoration Plan Item Affected Owner Quantity Restoration plan Rebuilding infrastructure _ Quantity Xiaoshan 380V Transmission Wulian Two, total 400m One line, to be rebuilt on the north 600m substation line village long of the substation lOkV Transmission Wulian One, 50m long Rebuild it on the west of the 60Dm line village substationto Tractorroad Chengjiao One, 550Dmlong Restoring it as access road to the 0 village substation 380V Transmission Chengiiao One,550m long Rebuild it on the north of the 600m line village accessroad to the substation Zhuji 380V Transmission Guanghu One, 300m long Rebuilding it along the north side 2000m substation line village of the substation Yuyao 380V Transmission Tongguan One, 600m long Rebuilding it along the substation 800m substation line village I 220V Transmission Tongguan One, 400m long Rebuildingit along the substation 400m line village lrrigate Channel Tongguan One, 11Dmlong Rebuilding it along the substation 300m village Simple highway Tongguan One, 350m long Rebuilding it along the substation 400m

70 Resettlement Action Plan

6.2.4. Restoration Plan for Other Facilities Other affected facilities at the substation sites are mainly tombs and industrial enterprises, none of them along the transmission lines. It is decided to adopt cash compensation for the scttered private tombs, which will be moved to other places by the owner themselves. The affected cemetery will be compensated by actual investment, which will be rebuilt at other places or other cemeteries nearby by Tongguang Village and Lusheng Real Estate Company. The affected village-owned enterprises have been contracted to individuals.Both village and contractors have vacant rooms which can be used for resettlement. After consultion with relative departments, it is decided to adopt cash compensation for housing, removal and loss caused by stopping production; the enterprises can build by contractors themselves. Such enterprises should complete resettlement before the project construction, and workers still work in the original units, so there will be no problem of laborers resettlement.

63 ImplementationPlan 6.3.1 ImplementationProcedures A. Land requisitionand compensation The land acquisition and compensation will be completed under the coordination between relative organizations,the typical procedures refer to as followings. a. The design institute is in charge of preparation of the applicable drawings for permission of the land acquisition. These drawings will define the scales and areas of the land acquisitionand houses removal; b. The prefecture or municipal policy offices will apply for planning license and red-line map to planning departments, and apply for approval to land administrationbureau; c. Application for approval; d. All matters conceming land compensation, signing the compensation agreement for land acquisition and getting through formality for land utilization will be the responsibility of the prefecture or municipal policy offices and the land administrativedepartments in county (city, district); e. The acquisition range and areas should be defined on site by the special staff designated from land administration in each relative county (city and district) or town (township) and villages; f. The land administration of county (city and district) will sign the "Land

71 Resettlezit Action Plan

Acquisition Agreement" with each relative town (township) and village; g. Transferring the compensationfees; h. Other legal formalities i. Project land acquisition B. Production resettlementand restoration The typical matters for production rehabilitation will be implemented by the village committee, the procedures is as followings: a. Hold the villager representatives conference, to work out the land adjustment measures and the overall plan for production restoration. b. Timely issue the overall plan for land adjustment and production restoration and collect the opinions from the villagers. c. Land adjustment. d. Discuss the labor force arrangement plan with the relevant departments and sign the contract for "labor force arrangement agreement" and formulate the plan for specific production restoration and labor force arrangement plan; e. Publicize the labor force arrangement plan and the name list, for supervision by the villagers. f. Employment of the laborers

C. Houses relocation and inhabitants resettlement The procedures for house relocation and resettlement should be implemented as followings. a. The scope of housing relocation will be submitted by the design institute; b. Investigation for quantities and qualities of the houses to be relocated will be carried out by the prefecture (city) policy office in coordination with each Telative county (city and district) or town (township) and villages; c. The prefecture (city) resettlement offices are in charge of housing compensation standards and -sign compensation agreement for houses relocation after consultation with-the Telative county (city and district); d. The county (city, district) resettlement office is responsible for sign the house Telocation compensation agreement with Telative town 72 Resettlent Action Pla

(township); e. The town (township) should publicize the relative compensation standards, removal time and quantities of the houses relocated for collection of the households' views; f. The town (township) shall be responsible for arranging new house plots for resettlers and collecting their opinions; g. Sign a house relocation agreement between the town (township) and households to be relocated; h. Resettlers receive the compensation fees; i. Build new houses by the resettlers; j. Move into the new apartment; k. Removal the old houses

6.3.2 Schedule The schedule for land acquisition and house removal will be controlled according to the following principles. 1. Prior to construction of the transmission project, the houses to be relocated should be dismanlted; 2. Three months before the houses removal, the notice for houses removal should be sent to the resettlers, prior to the deadline of house removal, at least four months should be allocated to the resettlers' to build their new houses, and before the new houses completed, the resettlers have the right to stay in their old houses. 3. The relative authorities should fully consult with the resettlers about the house building time and this time can be prolonged, if necessary; 4. The land acquisition should be completed before the construction of the transmission project. 5. The land adjustment should be completed at the interval between two crops. 6. Prior to the construction of the transmission project, the arrangement for labor force should be completed. 7. Infrastructures should be completed before construction of the transmission project. The tentative time schedule for land requisition and housing relocation is

73 Resettlenwt Action Plan

shown in Table 6-10. Table 6-10 TimeSchedule for Land Requisition and Housing Relocation Item Zhuji Tongbai-Zhuji Ningbo- Yuyao Xiaoshan Substation line Wenzhou line substation substation I. Land requisition 2001 2003 2004 2002 2003 1. Defining resettlers affected 1998-1999 1998-1999 1998-1999 1998-1999 1998-1999 2. Survey of inventory 1998-1999 1998-1999 1998-1999 1998-1999 j 1998-1999 3. Consultation and determination of 1999 1999-2001 2000-2002 2000 2001 compensation critena _ 4. Payment of compensation 2000 2000-2002 2001-2003 2001 2002 5. Formalities of land requisition and 2000 2000-2002 2001-2003 2001 2002 use of land 6. Consultationon land adjustment 2000 2000-2002 2001-2003 2001 2002 7. Adjustment of land 2000 2000-2002 2001-2003 2001 2002 8. Job arrangement 2000 2000-2002 2001-2003 2001 2002 II. Housing relocation 1. Defining resettlers to be relocated 1998-1999 1998-1999 1998-1999 1998-1999 1998-1999 2. Survey of inventory 1998-1999 1998-1999 1998-1999 1998-1999 1998-1999 3. Consultation and determination of 1999 1999-2001 2000-2002 2000 2001 housing compensation 4. Payment of housing compensation 2000 2000-2002 2001-2003 2001 2002 5. House plot selection 2000 2000-2002 2001-2003 2001 2002 6. Leveling house plot 2000 2000-2002 2001-2003 2001 2002 7. Building of new houses 2000 2000-2002 2001-2003 2001 2002 8. Final budget of housing 2000 2000-2002 2001-2003 2001 2002 compensation 9. Moving into new houses 2000 2000-2002 2001-2003 2001 2002 10. Demolishing old houses 2000 2000-2002 2001-2003 2001 2002

6.3.3 Financial Allocation Plan A. AllocationPrinciple a All costs relating the acquisition and removal will be listed in the project budget. The Owner will pay the compensation for acquisition and removal and other expenditures to relative enterprises and individuals through the project office. b. Prior to construction of the new houses, the compensation will be paid to the households to be Tesettled; if it will be paid in installment, the final payment should be paid prior to the houses completion. c. The compensation for land acquisition and other facilities will be paid to relative individuals three months before the acquisition; d. In order to guarantee that implementation of the removal and resettlement be carried smoothly, the financial -and supervision departments should be established at different levels by the project office, thus to make sure all funds can be timely transferred to the individuals.

74 Resettlent Action Pla

D. Departmentsresponsible for resettlementfinances a. The project policy office, prefecture (municipality) policy office, county (city, district) land administration, town (township) and villager government committees will be in charge of payment and use of the financesland acquisitioncompensation. b. For rural housing compensation, the responsible departments will be the prefecture (city) policy office, county (city, district) policy offices, governmentof town (township)and villager committee. c. In order to guarantee compensation be timely transferred and be properly used, the resettlement compensationwill be transferred from higher level to lower level; correspondingly, each department should strictly implement the stipulations in finance accounting and audit system. The utilization and transferring status of compensation should be periodically checked and reported, so that the adjustment plan and remedial measures can be work out for unexpected event.

75 -Resettlement Action Plan


7.1 Establishing of Organization 7.1.1 Responsible Organizations In order to prepare "the RAP" and ensure to go smoothly and reach the expected effect, it is necessary to establish resettlement organizations from higher level to lower level which can plan, coordinate and monitor the resettlement. The following institutions are established for land acquisition for transmission line project using the project cost saving; A. Project Policy Leading Group (i.e., Project Resettlement Leading Group) B Prefectures (City) Policy Leading Group (i.e., Prefecture Resettlement Leading Group) C. County (City) Policy Leading Group (i.e., County Resettlement Leading Group) D. Town Policy Leading Group (i.e., Two(ship)Resettlement Leading Group) E. Project Policy Office (i.e., Project Resettlement Office) F. Prefectures Policy Office (i.e., Prefecture Resettlement Office) G. County (City) Policy Office (i.e., County(city)Resettlement Office) H. Township (Town) Policy Office (i.e., Town(ship)Resettlement Office)

I. Village Committee and Villager Group

J. External Independent Monitoring Evaluation Organization

7.1.2 Components of Organizationsand Respective Responsibility

A. Project Resettlement Leading Group

The Project Resettlement Leading Group was organized by the responsible leaders of Zhejiang Provincial Electric Power Co. Ltd. and Zhejiang Extra- High Voltage Construction Company.The main responsibility is to strengthen the leadership of key project, for smooth implementation of demolition and resettlement work, policy-making and coordination among departments. The permanent office is set under the leading group for daily work, which is established in the headquarter of the Zhejiang Extra-High Voltage Construction Company who represents the owner.

76 Resettleoent Action Plan

B. Prefectures (City)Resettlement Leading Group

The responsible leaders of prefectures (city) people's government and prefecture (city) power bureau organize the leading group. The main responsibility is to strengthen leadership of implementationof demolition and resettlement work, and coordination between departments to ensure smooth operation of land acquisition and relocation work within the same Prefectures (city). C. County (City) ResettlementLeading Group The leading group is organized by the responsible leaders of power supply bureau, civil bureau, Telocation office, land administration bureau, public security bureau,judicature bureau and labor bureau. The main responsibility is to strengthen the leadership for the project, to coordinate the state, collective and individual relationship between each department, and to ensure the land acquisition and inhabitant resettlementto carry out smoothly. D. Project ResettlementOffice The responsible leaders of Zhejiang Provincial Electric Power Co. Ltd., Zhejiang Extra-High Voltage Construction Company and power bureau at prefecture level will be the members of the Project Resettlement Office. Its main responsibility is: (1) Entrust and assist the investigation design organization to make survey, statistics on social economy and keep data; (2) Be responsible for the training of key personel involved in resettlement work in various affected prefectures, direct and supervisethe resettlement; (3) Organized the preparation of "Resettlement Action Plan" and coordinate the implementation; (4) Organize public consultationand publicize the resettlement policy; (5) Be responsible for management of resettlement funds and supervision of funds allocationand use. (6) Instruct, coordinate and supervise the implementation and progress of resettlement of prefecture(city)policy office; (7) Conduct internal supervision and compile internal monitoring report; (8) Assist in external supervision activities; (9) Prepare progress report

77 Resettlmwnt Action Pla

E. Prefecture (city) ResettlementOffice After establishing the project resettlement office, the relative office will be set in affected prefecture(city). The office is composed of specialized cadres from prefecture and county power bureaus. It is a permanent agency under the prefecture(city) power bureau. Its main responsibility is: (1) make statistics and social, economic survey by project impact and keep data; (2) Assist to prepare "Resettlement Action Plan" and be supervise the implementation; (3) Organize public consultation and give publicity of the resettlement policy; (4) Go through the formalities of land planning and acquisition license and construction; (5) Sign agreement with county(city) resettlement office and supervise the implementation and progress of resettlement of county(city); (6) Sign agreement with county(city) land bureau and supervise the funds allocation and usage; (7) Assist in internal supervision and external independent supervision activities; (8) Prepare and submit resettlement progress report to project policy office

F. County(city)Resettlement Office The county (city) resettlement office is composed of specialized cadres from county power bureau and affected towns who are in charge of resettlement. It is a permanent agency under the county(city) power bureau, and county land administrationbureau. Its main responsibility is: (1) Assist prefecture(city) power supply bureau and the investigation design organization to make survey, statistics on social economy and keep data; (2) Assist to prepare "Resettlement Action Plan" and be Tesponsible for the implementation; (3) Organize public consultation and give publicity-of the resettlement policy; (4) Go through the formalities of land acquisitionand resettlement; (5) Be responsible for training of resettlement staff in various townships, direct and supervise the township resettlement; (6) Sign land acquisition and resettlement agreement with town(ship) and

78 Resettleent Action Pla

village, and be responsible for management of resettlement finds and supervision of funds allocation and usage; (7) Solve questions and problems during implementation in coordinate manner; (8) Make statistics of the execution progress and report to the prefecture(city) office.

G. Township(town) Resettlement Office The township(town) resettlement office is composed of specialized cadres from power supply managementstation, civil station, land management station, local police station and main leaders of each village who are in charge of resettlement. Its main responsibility is: (1) Participate in the project survey and assist to prepare "Resettlement Action Plan"; (2) Organizepublic consultationand give publicity of the resettlement policy; (3) Implement, examing, supervise and record all resettlement activities in the same township(town); (4) Go through the formalities of house relocation; (5) Be responsible for payment and managementof resettlement funds (6) Sign the house relocation agreement with the resettlers, supervise the land acquisition,removal of houses and ancillaries, and rebuilding the houses; (7) Report to county(city) land bureau and resettlement office about the informationof land acquisition,removal and inhabitantsresettlement; (8) Solve the questions and problems during implementation in coordinate manner.

H. Village Committee and Villager Group The resettlement work group of village committee and villager group is composed by the main cadres in the village and villager group. The main responsibility is: (1) Participate the investigation on social economy and project impact; (2) Organize public consultationand give publicity of the resettlement policy; (3) Select host site and allocate the house plot;

79 Resettlent Action Plan

(4) Execute the land adjustment and organize the production development for resettlement; (5) Be responsible for funds management and allocation; (6) Report to the higher authorities of the comments and proposals from the resettlers; (7) Report the execution progress of resettlement; (8) Help the difficult families for resettlement.

I. External IndependentMonitoring Institutions The East China Investigation and Design Institute will be entrusted by the project owner for the External Independent Monitoring Institution for this project, and the main responsibility is: (1) Observe every aspect of inhabitants' resettlement schedule and implementation, and furnish the resettlement monitoring evaluation report to the World Bank through Project Resettlement Office periodically. This responsibility will be described in detail in the Section of External IndependentMonitoring Evaluation. (2) Assist the Project Resettlement Office to prepare the resettlement schedule; (3) Provide the technical consultation to Project Policy Office and Prefecture(city) Policy Office about data investigationand processing.

7.13 Staffing A. Project resettlement Organizations In order to carry out the resettlement work smoothly, the Zhejiang Provincial Power Bureau and the Zhejiang Provincial EHV Construction Company have manned full-time personnel in the Project Resettlement Office. The personnel are composed of professionals and administrative persons who have been involved in the resettlement work of the previous IBRD-fmnancedprojects and are all qualified in technical and managerial ability with experience in the resettlement aspect. Refer to Table 7-1 below.

80 Resettlemnt Action Plan

Table 7-1 Main Staff of Project resettlement Organizations Organization Main staff Unit Position in unit Position in Responsibility organization in organization Resettlement Wei Guozhong Zhejiang Provincial Power Deputy director Group head All project leading group Bureau Xiao Ditto Department deputy Deputy group _Jianbao director head Resettlement Xiao Jianbao Ditto Department deputy Director All project office director Zhou Jianjian EHV ConstructionCompany Vice manager Deputy director Lin Shaoping Zhejiang Provincial Power Engineer member Bureau Zhang Wenwei EHV ConstructionCompany Deputy sector head member Chen Guofang Ditto person-in charge member Sun Ditto person-in charge member Tongyue Wu Qinglong Ditto person-in charge member Prefecture Fen Shaocong WenzhouPower Bureau Departnent director Group head Wenzhou resettlement substation and office part of Ningwen line Chen Zhuying Ningbo Power Bureau Departmentdirector Group head Yuyao Substationand and part o Ningwen line and and part o Tonghu line Chen Yongviao Taizhou Power Bureau Director Group head Ningwen Line Yu Hanting ShaoxingPower Bureau Deputy director Group head Zhuji Substation and and part of Tongzhu line Resettlement Chen Xixiang Xiaoshan Power Bureau Sector head Group head Xiaoshan Office of substation County (city) Fang Deming Yuyao Power Bureau Director Group head Yuyao substation Gu Zhiyi Yinxian Power Bureau Deputy director Group head part of Ningwen ______~~~~~~~~~~~~~line He guofang Fenghua Power Bureau Deputy director Group head part of Ningwen line Tian Pingyue People' Govermnent of Deputy director of Group head part of Ningwen Ninghai city the county line Zhang Zhenglou People' Government of Deputy director of Group head part of Ningwen Shanmencounty the county line Cheng Xing People' Government of Deputy director of Group head part of Ningwen Linhai county the county line Tian Wenjun Huangyan Power Bureau Director Group head part of Ningwen line Li Shilin Yongjia Power Bureau Deputy director Group head part of Ningwen line Qiu Kanglci People' Govemrnent o Deputy director Group head part of Tongzhu Tiantaicoumy line Sun Shifang Xinchang Power Bureau Deputydirector Group head part of Tongzhu ______~~~~~~~line Yin Zhaiyu Shangzhou Power Bureau Deputy dircstor Group head part of Tongzhu I______I_____line Wang wei Zhuji Power Bureau Director Group head Zhuji substation and part o Tongzhu line

81 Resettlemnt Action PlIo

(To be continued) Resettlement Zhu Jingwei People' Govemmnent of Deputy director of Group head Xiaoshan Office of Chengxiang Town the Town _ substation Chengxiang Chai Zhinan Chengjiao village Village head Deputy group town head Lou Shanhu Wulian Village Village head Deputy group ______head Resettlement BianPinnang People' Government of Deputy director of Group head Zhuji substation Office of WangliaingTown the Town ang part of Wangiiajing Xu Xingmu Guanghu village Village head Deputy group Tongzhu line town . head Zhao Xinghua Guanghu Village Secretary Deputy group head Resettlement Zhu Shuifang People' Government of Deputy director of Group head Yuyao Office o Yuvao Town the Town substation Yuyao town Shu Kunyan Tongguang village Secretary Deputy group ______head Zhang Peigao Zhongjiamen Village Secretary Deputy group I _ _ I I I__ head

B. M&E Organization The project resettlement office has contracted in 1998 with the East China Investigation and Design Institute to undertake the resettlement M&E operation. The East China Investigation and Design Institute will perform all basic monitoring through providing technical assistance to the project resettlement office, resettlement investigation and living level survey of people affected. The East China Investigation & Design Institute (ECIDI) is a subordinate directly under the Ministry of Electric Power of PRC(called the State Power Corporation). In 1993, ECIDI was appraised as one of the hundred best national comprehensive actual strength institutes through the national comparison. In Dec. 1996, ECIDI also obtained the certificate of the GB/T19000 quality system, which is equivalent to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Due to its abundant experiences in respecting of the land acquisition and resettlement for large and medium size of hydropower projects, up to now, ECIDI has completed more than twenty (20) design works for large hydropower projects scattered all over the country. From 1990, ECIDI began to undertake the resettlement monitoring and evaluation work for projects using the IBRD loan, ECIDI is also the first institute to undertake the resettlement monitoring and evaluation works based on the Tequirements of OD4.30 issued by the World Bank, ECIDI has been involved in the resettlement monitoring and evaluation work respectively for the Shuikou Hydroelectric Power Project (partially loaned by WB) in Fujian Province, Electric Power Development Project in Zhejiang Province and preparation of RAP of East China /Jiangsu 5OOkVTransmission Project, and Tongue Pumped Storage Project in the past eight years.

82 Resettlefent Acti=n Plan

ECIDI has numerous experts and engineering and technical personnel. Most of them have participated in the resettlement monitoring and evaluationworks for the projects loaned by the World Bank, among which four (4) people participated the seminar which held by the WorldBank and got the certificates after completing the training courses. Two of them were invited to the World Bank mission for inspection and evaluation research work of domestic communicationprojects, and they lectured on the seminar, which held by the World Bank for the special courses of the resettlement monitoring and evaluation work. In ECI7DI, a particular working group has now been established for the resettlement monitoring and evaluationwork for the project. Refer to Table 7-2. The number of the group member will be increased during peak period of the project according to the project schedule.

83 Resettleent Action Pla

Main Members of External Monitoring Table 7-2: and Evaluation Working Group Name Titles Experience Position Gong Heping Senior Engineer Reservoir resettlement expert, Manager of the reservoir department. He Group is a main participate for the independent resettlement monitoring & Leader evaluation works of Shuikou Hydropower Project in Fujian Province and the Electric Power Development Project in Zhejiang Province. He participated the high seminar which held by the World Bank and got the certificates after completed whole courses of the resettlement monitoring and evaluation works, later, he lectured the courses on -the seminar held by the World Bank Bian Bingqian Engineer Vice manager of the reservoir department. held and taken part in the member many resettlement design works for large and medium size hydropower projects, he also participated the seminar which held by the World Bank and got the certificates Yang Lin Engineer Held and taken part in the many resettlement design works for large and member medium size hydropower projects, he also participated the seminar which held by the World Bank and got the certificates Li Chaoyun Engineer Participated the independent monitoring and evaluation works for member Shuikou Hydropower project and also has the rich experiences of the monitoring and evaluation works loaned by the World Bank Yu Zhijian Engineer Graduated from Hehai University, diploma of technical economy and member engineering supervision, participated for construction supervision of Three Gorges project. Zhou Jianxin Engineer Graduated from Hehai University, diploma of technical economy, and member engineering supervision, participated for the East China/Jiangsu 500kV Transmission & Distribution Project. He has experiences on reservoir I______resettlement and supervision evaluation of projects financed by the WB.

7.2 Linking of Organizations During the land acquisition and resettlement procedure of the project, the resettlement organizations will sign the authorization contract to determine their work content and responsibilities at different levels. The process of signing contract and agreement is as follows: (1) Project Policy Office and each prefecture policy office sign "Contract of Land Acquisition and Resettlement". (2) Project Policy Office and East China Investigation and Design Institute sign "Contract of Independent Monitoring Evaluation" (3) Prefecture Policy Office and County (City) Policy Office sign "Contract of Houses Relocation and InhabitantsResettlement"; (4) Prefecture Policy Office and County (City) Land Management Office sign "Contract of Land Acquisition Compensation"; (5) County (City) Policy Office and Township (town) Policy Office sign "Contract of Houses Relocation and Inhabitants Resettlement"; (6) County (City) Land Management Bureau and relative Township (town) sign "Agreement of Land Acquisition and Compensation";

84 Resettlement Action Plan

(7) Township (town) Resettlement Group and resettled inhabitants sign "Agreementof Houses Demolishing"; The linking of resettlement organizationsis shown in the chart below. OrganizationChart

|Project PolicyLeading Group|

Prefecture(Citv Policy Project Policy Office Monitoring Evaluation Leading Group (Undcr Provincial Power Bureau) Institutio (ECEDI)

Country(City)Policy Prefectures(City)PohicyOffice Leading Group (Under Prefectures(City))

|Township(Town)Policy |County(City)Policy Officel Leading Group (Under County(City)PowerSupply Bureau)


|Village Comnittee and Villager Group

7.3 Measures for Enhancing Capacity of Organization

A. Enhancing Staff Deployment The staff in the resettlement organizationsat all levels should be arranged with the principle of overall consideration,the administrativeand each professional personnel should be provided Teasonably, and be qualified with high professional skill and quality.

B. Training (1) Organize the key resettlement staff at all levels to participate in the training to make clear the state policy for the resettlement and relative requirements of the WorldBank. (2) Organize the staff of the county (city), township (town) resettlement offices to join in professional training and enhance their professional skill and capability of resolving problems. 85 Resettlemwt Action Plan

C. Guarantee fully on funds and facilities. D. Establish database, strengthen infornation feedback and message flow, the major problem should be solved and decided by the Leading Group.

E. Strengthen system of reporting, internal monitoring, and solve issues timely. F. Develop mechanism of external monitoring and evaluation, and set up predicting alarm system.

86 Resettlin.t Action Plan

8 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND APPEAL 8.1 Public Participation In the stage of formulating policy of resettlement and relocation, drawing up plan and implementing of the project, the relevant authorities have paid special attention to the participation and consultation of the people, and solicited opinions widely from them. In the preparatorv stage of feasibility study, the project office has solicited opinions and proposals of resettlement work from county government, the People's Congress, the People's Political Consultative Conference of the affected counties and town(ship)s, representatives of mass. In the preparatory stage of RAP, the project resettlement office has widely solicit the opinions from local People's Governments at all levels and the resettlers' representatives about the resettlement and compensation. With the cooperation of local People's Government at all levels, Resettlement Action Plan is complied. In the implementation stage, the resettlement offices at all levels shall further encourage the public participation in the resettlement and rebuilding work. 8.1.1 Public Participation in Preparatory Stage of Project Early in the feasibility study stage, the project office actively encouraged the public participation in the work. (1) The office had consulted extensively with the local People's Government at all levels, and power supply, planning, communication, post and telecommunication, land administration authorities about the project distribution, site alternatives and route of the lines. All alternatives are decided with cooperation and approval of local government. (2) In order to give extensively a publicity for the project and collect comments from cadres and public on the project construction and resettlement, the project resettlement office, and prefecture(city) and county (city) resettlement offices held meetings participated by the residents and cadres from county (city), township (town), villages and groups on the land acquisition and resettlement, and gave extensively a publicity for the necessity of the project construction and resettlement policies, and made questionnairesheets survey for details. In the investigation, 65 questionnaire sheets have been sent out and received. Among the persons investigated, there are 54 men and 11 women, with the average age of 40.6 and the education degree above primary school. The persons who have received primary school education account to 11%, middle school accounting to 32%, high school accounting to 40% and skilled school and above accounting to 17%. The figures indicate that the survey basically covered the whole areas and the persons investigated is Tepresentativeand the result of the survey is reliable. The shape of the questionnairesheets and the result of the survey are shown in Table 8-1I.

87 Resettlezft Actin Plan

Table 8.1 Sheet of Public Opinions Survey and Result No. Investigationcontent Answer Results 1. Multiple choice 1. In your opinion,the majorproblem which impactthe local Opower supply 48 economicdevelopment is Otraffic conditions 15 Onatural resources O others 4 El No idea 2. Do you knowthat a wind-farmnwill be constructedhere? EYes 68 ONo 32 3. Do you think the wind-farmwill gear up the local economy OYes 83 after its completion? ONo 6 ElNo idea 11 4. Do you think that the wind-farmconstruction is necessary? OYes 83 EONo 3 ONo idea 14 5. Do you think that the influenceon localsociety and OlFavorable 40 residentscaused by land requisitionand resettlementfor the EOUnfavorable 5 project is favorableor unfavorable? OBoth 55

______O N o idea 0 6. Do you think you will support the state construction? OYes 100 O No 0 ONo idea 0 II Questions and Answers: (with simple answers only) 1. What influencescaused by the projectconstruction will be brought about on your family and local society? 2. How do you support the project construction? . 3. Please write down your commentsand opinionsabout the project land requisition and house Temoval.

(3) The symposium, participated by the resettler's representatives, cadres of the village and group and representatives of the women (more than 30 percent), shall be hold under the coordination and support of the local government to introduce the situation and solicit their opinions and proposals. 8.1.2 Public participation in preparing Resettlement Action Plan During preparing and compiling Resettlement Action Plan, the local government at all levels and resettlers were involved in the following work. A. The resettlement offices at all levels, villages and villager groups, and resettlers' representatives all participated in the investigation work on the land acquisition and affected inventory survey.

88 Resettlement Action Plan

B. The project office and the resettlement offices at all levels held the propaganda meeting participated by the local cadres at all levels and the affected persons to make extensive explanation of the relative resettlement policies and all kinds of Word Bank' policies, solicited the opinions on how to reduce the project impact and how to fix the resettlement compensation standard for different areas, and extensively consulted with them. All those are included in this report. C. The survey for the project impact have been carried out with the support of the local governments, resettlement organizations, the project affected villages and the PAPs. It is obvious that the resettlement work has been deeply participated in by the relevant organizations and people affected. D. Before the resettlement and relocation action plan drawn up, the resettlement office and investigation and design unit conducted a large investigation to collect the resettler' opinion during social economic investigation. In this investigation, 236 questionnaire sheets were sent out and received. See Table 8-2 for the detail of Investigation Results of Resettlers' Opinions. Statistical List of Investigation Result from Resettlers' Opinions Table 8-2 No. Investigation content Answer Results BI Do you know the project shall be (1) Yes 73.3 constructed? (2) A little 19.9 (3) No 6.8 B2 Are you in favorable to have the project (1) Yes 79.2 construction? (2) No 0.9 (3) So, so. 19.9 B3 Who will be interested by the project A. State (1) Yes (2)No 99.6 0.4 construction? (available for multiple choice) B. Collective (1) Yes (2)No 93.2 6.8 B. Individual (1) Yes (2)No 72.0 28.0 B4 Do you know the compensation policies of (1) Yes 73.7 land acquisition and resettlement for the (2) No 26.3 project? ____ B5 Are you willing to have the land acquisition, (I) Yes 93.6 relocation and resettlement? (2) No 6.4 B6 If your legal right is interfered,do you know (1) Yes 84.7 _ you can lodge an appeal? (2)No 15.3 B7 Where will you chose for the new house (I) in own group 52.7 plot? (2) in other group of village 30.8 (Only survey the population affected by (3) other area 16.5 _house relocation) B8 Which house rebuilt ways do you chose? (I) Self-dismantledand rebuild 75.8 (Only survey the population affected by (2) Unified-dismantle& rebuild 24.2 house relocation) B9 If you lost your land-, which ways do you (I)Chang residential status 10.3 chose:" (2)Worksin factory 35.2 (Only survey the population affected by land (3)Contiuneto plant 52.4 repuisition) (4)Others 2.1

Note: Only the family members above the age of 15 are selected for inquiry.

89 Resettlimat Actiw Plan

E. Later on, the project resettlement office and the resettlement offices at all levels will further publicize the resettlement policies and encourage the public participation by the following ways: (1) Making publicity of the resettlement message The resettlement office prepared an information booklet of resettlement conditions to ensure the persons in the affected region and local government to know the details of the resettlement plan. The project Tesettlementoffice rectifies the message relating to the resettlement and makes it publicity in the affected areas by posters or broadcasting. The resettlement message includes main contents of resettlement plan, compensation and relocation policies, and the right of resettlers, ways of opinion feedb'ackand appeal. (2) Holding Meeting Public meeting will be held to explain relative policies, laws and rules and compensation standard extensively so that people can know it early before the implementation of the land acquisition and relocation. (3) To make publicity of the construction items, progress and resettlement policies -bytelevision, broadcast and newspaper. 8.1.3 Public Participation in Implementationof RAP The resettlers will participate in the whole process of the implement of RAP. A. Participation in Housed Reconstruction (1) Compensationstandard for house The compensation standards of house will directly affect the interests of the resettlers. Before the houses relocated, the relevant resettlement authority shall consult and sign an agreement with the resettlers on the compensation standard of houses. The consulting results will be declared publicly after the agreement signed for the public supervision. (2) Relocation place and rebuilt type of houses Most of resettlers are willing to have the relocation place in their own groups and have their old houses dismantled and new houses built by themselves. The local governments at all levels will give a helping hand at different stage for house relocation.

90 Resettlemt Action P1an

(3) Old house handled The compensation for all relocated house shall be paid to resettlers according to the rebuilt cost. Within the limit time, the resettler can demolished the house first and then rebuilt it or rebuilt first and demolished later. Resettlers themselves can use the old material dismountedfrom the original house. B. Participation in Production Arrangement After the land requisitioned, the resettlement for the surplus labor will directly affect the benefits of the affected persons and concern on restoring their incoming level. In order to ensure them to get benefits from the project, resettlement alternatives for laborers will be drawn up through the extensive consulting with the affected persons and will be under their supervision. C. Participation in Using Land Compensation The land compensationbelongs to the village and should not be carved up or used for other purpose. The compensationshould be used in a planned way and for special purpose. The use of fund should be approved by the Villager Congress and under the villager representatives' supervision. D. Participation in Project Construction The project construction will cause certain imnpacton the local area. In order to ensure the affected persons getting benefits from the project construction, it is to encourage public participation and give convenience to the local people for supplying construction material and labor employment. 8.2 Grievance In the process of implementing and compiling of the Resettlement Plan, it is always to encourage the public participation, but there still will be some problem occurred. In order to solve problems effectively in time and ensure the project construction and land acquisition to be carried out successfully, except the existing appeal ways set in the local government at all levels, a transparent and effective appeal way has been set up as follows: Stage 1: If the resettlers are not satisfied for the resettlement plan, they can appeal to the village committee and the township (town) resettlement office in oral or in written form. If the appeal in oral form, the village shall make decision and record in written form. Village committee or township (town) resettlement office shall resolve it in two weeks.

91 Resettlemnt Action Plan

Stage 2: If the resettlers are not satisfied for the decision of stage 1, they can appeal to the county (city) resettlement office after receiving the decision; the county (city) resettlement office shall make decision in two weeks. Stage 3: If the resettlers are still not satisfied for the decision of the county (city) resettlement office, they shall appeal to the resettlement office of the project and its Leading Group after receiving the decision, the resettlement office of the project shall make decision timely. Stage 4: If the resettlers are still not satisfied for the decision of the resettlement office of the project, they shall appeal to the civil division of a people's court according to the civil procedural law after receiving the decision of the resettlement office of the project. The resettlers can appeal any respects on the resettlement work, including compensation standard. The resettlers shall know their right of appeal by means of meeting and other ways. At same time, propaganda and report by means of medium will be carried out. The relative authorities shall put in order the opinions and proposals of the resettlement work, which will be dealt with by the Resettlement Offices at all levels. No charge shall be made for appeal by the hearing department, and expenses for Grievance process shall be paid by the project office under the contingence fee.

92 Resettleont Action Plan


In order to guarantee that the resettlementplan can be smoothly performed and can be suitably realized the relocation target, the follow-on fact finding and monitoring will be carried out in full procedure. The tracing monitoring shall be divided into two parts, i.e. internal resettlement monitoring by the resettlement officesthemselves and the external independentmonitoring. 9.1 Internal Monitoring and Reporting 9.1.1 Target and Tasks The target of internal monitoring is to keep the good responsibility of the resettlement organizations when they perform the "Action Plan" procedure, and ensure the project can be constructed smoothly and resettlers' legal benefits will be not impaired. The auditing department of the government above the county level shall independently exercise the auditing monitoring function to concerning units under his jurisdiction accordance with the laws and regulations. All sponsors in higher level has the responsibilities for monitoring their subordinates so that the RAP principle and schedule can be obeyed. 9.1.2 Institutionsand Staff The internal monitoring for land acquisition and resettlement will be held by the Project Policy Office, and to be performed by the County Resettlement Offices, Land Bureau, Town resettlement work group and villages. To validate the internal monitoring, those whose special duty is -prosecuted resettlement works have been participated the compile and implementation of there settlement action plan, also they will carried out the internal monitoring control at the full procedure of the performance. 9.1.3 Monitoring Contents (1) Allocation and utilization of the resettlementcompensation fee (2) Allocation of the house location; (3) Rebuild the private houses (4) Support of vulnerable group (5) Employment arrangement of labor affected (6) Restoration of infrastructure (7) Time schedule for the works above mentioned (8) Compile and implementation of the policies and regulations for the resettlement plan 93 Resettlewnt Actimn Plan

(9) Public participation and consultation during the implementationperiod (10) Staffs designate, training, working schedule and working efficiency of the resettlement office in villages, townships, counties and cities. 9.1.4 Implementation Procedure The resettlement office shall practice mechanism of internal monitoring to review Tesettlementand relocation activities, also establish the database for the land acquisition, resettlement and relocation, and the whole course of implementation and preparation of the resettlement and relocation shall be monitored by the county (city) resettlement office. The county (city) resettlement office shall establish relevant database, and make use of the database to draw up their own resettlement and relocation plan. The work of the resettlement and relocation shall be carried out on the schedule, and internal monitoring shall be conducted in the whole course of the resettlementpreparation and implementation. At the implementation duration, each county (city) resettlement offices shall record the resettlement massages submitted by the each resettlement offices of village and township based on the samples prepared by monitoring institutions, also they shall timely transfer the present active records to project resettlement affairs office so that the continuous monitoring implementations can be reflected. The project resettlement affairs office shall practice periodic inspections to each village and towns and submit the implementation schedule. In the above monitoring operating system, to realize the continuous massage flows of the resettlement affairs offices from the village to project resettlement affairs office, a various information lists with the different forms and contents were drawn up. All project resettlement office and offices of village (townships) and county (city), as an important components of the internal monitoring system, will be made the periodic checking and inspections. 9.1.5 Reporting A. Periodicity After the implementation of the resettlement, a working process report shall be submitted at least three (3) months for once from the village (townships) resettlement affairs office to the county (city) resettlement affairs office; then from county (city) resettlement affairs office to the prefecture (city) resettlement affairs office, and finally, from the prefecture (city) resettlement affairs office to the project resettlement affairs office. The special events shall be continuously reported without any delay. After periodical work -completed, the resettlement affairs office shall make an summary report.

94 Iesettlewnt Action Plan

B. Forms and contents Reports shall be compiled in terms of the requirements of the World Bank, and shall be transferred to executing institutions for each level, and then to be filled and reported by them. Format of the report usually comprises of two parts: First will be detail descriptions with the characters for Tesettlement schedule and compensation allowances, the situations, problems and difficulties met in the implementation process, and the corresponding resolution method and measures. Second will be forms listing mainly data collection of previous three (3) months, which reflected the comparison with the actual and planned data of land acquisition, removal and compensation allowance. The formats refer to Table 9-1, and Table 9-2.

Implementation Schedule of Land Acquisition, Removal and Resettlement Table 9-1: Department: Deadline for Reporting Contents: Date _ Month _ Year Filling Date: Date -Month Year Items Unit Planned Season Total Proportion Number Fund allocation Private houses rebuild

Remove to new residence ______Old houses demolition Reconstructed publ buildings Communication line recovering Road reconstruction Canal reconstruction Land acquisition Land re-allocation __ Labor force employment Reporter: Chief Signature: Seal: Statistic List for Acquisition, Relocation and Resettlement Fees for Land Subsidy Table 9-2: County (City)-Village (Township) Deadline for Reporting Contents: . Date Month -- Year Filling Date: Date _Month _ Year Department Contents Unit'Numbe Cost (Y) Advent of the T Compensation Fees Village.

Villag ______

Reporter: Chief Signature: Seal: Notes: Contents to be filled including construction of the conservancy facilities (canal (m), pump station (piece) ); develop domestic animals (such as pigs, chickens, ducks -and fishes (mu)), land improvement (dry farmland to paddy field (mu), enterprises conducting and labor force employment, etc.

95 Resettlemnt Actin Plan

9.2 External IndependentMonitoring, Evaluation and Reporting 9.2.1 Targetand Tasks The work of extenal independent monitoring and evaluation is to monitor and evaluate whether the target of the land acquisition, resettlement and relocation activities is realized. Through those works, put forward evaluation opinions and proposals of the resettlement, relocation and the recovering status of the resettler's domestic standards, provide predicting alarm system for project administrative departmentsand provide reflecting channel for the resettlers. The independent institution for external monitoring and evaluation shall be a consultant both for the resettlement leading groups and the project resettlement affairs offices, he shall response the tracing monitoring and evaluation for the resettlement active plan and submit decision making or consulting proposals. He shall obtain basic information prior to the project implementation and to conduct the tracing investigation after the project implementation, also sending the evaluation report to the owner and the WorldBank every year. 9.2.2 Monitoring Contents By ECIDI A. Main contentsfor supervision (1) Progress: Including preparation, implementationof land acquisition and resettlement (2) Quality: Including construction quality for relocation, and satisfaction degree of resettlers (3) Capital: Including status for money allocation and usage B. Main content for evaluation (1) Resettlement (X)Economical status: Before and after relocation, including production material of family, living material, assets, and income (® Environment status: Before -andafter relocation, including changes of living environment, transportation, culture -and education, health, commercial service and public facilities ( Employment status: Before -and after relocation, -includingchanges of occupation, labor employment rate, assistance to poor -and weak household in particular (0) Community development: After removing to a new place, status of local social economy, environment development, and relationship among residents, public comments

96 Resettlzeit Action Plan

(2) Infiatructures Change of infrastructuresin affected area before and after relocation 9.2.3 MonitoringMeasures The independent monitoring institution will perform the monitoring activities on the investigation data basis provided by the survey design institution and resettlement implementationinstitution. Based on the complete investigation, the sample survey and quick evaluation shall be combined. Typical samples(household/unit) shall be selected. The qualified resettlement expert shall determine the corresponding evaluation index for different object with "Back to Back" method. Referring to the latest living standard at home and abroad, all survey results shall be analyzed and compared. ECIDI will carry out the following activities: (1) Resettlers' Living Standards Survey The overall base-line survey for this project will be conducted, for this purpose, a sample(theinitial sample will be collected by the random way) of the base-line standards and random sample reflecting the village/group and resettlers' living standard was collected. The living standard will be investigated one or two times in every year to monitoring the variance of the village/group and resettlers' living standard. The investigationwill be adopted the methods of periodical survey, random interviews and fact- finding, etc., to obtain the information concerned, and making the statistics, analysis and evaluation on this basis. The survey list of the domestic standard comprises of the various indexes which is measured domestic standards, using a similar index to reflect the dynamic variety of domestic standards before and after the land acquisitionand resettlement. The indexes design will be expertized on the base line survey to check whether practicably reflected the Tesettlers' living varieties, and to ensure that the information can reflect resettlers' living quantity and quality fully and practicably, these indexes will be improved according to the actual situations Resettlement sample scale: resettlers: 30%, affected villages by transmission line: 15%; affected villages by substation: 100%; (2) CommunityConsultation ECIDI shall participate the zcommunityconsultation conferences, which held by the village and township. By this method, the independent monitoring institution can evaluate the affection and cooperation of the

-97 Resettlinwt Actio Plan

resettlers participating the resettlement action plan. These activities shall be insisted in during and after the resettlement implementation period. (3) Resetflers' Opinions ECIDI shall often interview the resettlement offices in each town, county to investigate the opinions collected from the resettlers and meet the resettlers who have the complaints. ECIDI shall timely transfer the opinions and requests from the individual and collective enterprises impacted by the project, and submitted the suggestions for improvement, so that the resettlement can be more smooth and effective in the implementationprocess. (4) Other Responsibilities During the preparation of the resettlement action plan period, ECIDI shall submit the suggestions to project resettlement office, and monitoring the following activities in the implementationprocedures: 1) Location selection of the resettlement 2) House construction 3) Production arrangement and rehabilitation 4) Support of vulnerable group 5) Infrastructurerestoration and reconstruction 6) Payment and amount of the compensation allowance 7) Resettlers' relocation 8) Employment 9) Training 10) Schedule of the items above mentioned 11) Organizations and institutionsfor the resettlementnetwork 12) Usage of compensationfee of collective land and income of resettlers 13) Increase of income of surplus labor 9.2.4 Procedures (1) Compilingthe monlitoringand evaluatingprograms (2) Developing the softWare system for monitoring -and evaluating of the resettlement

^98 Resettleoent Action Plan

(3) Compiling the investigation outline, survey list, and the recording cards for sample villages and sample households (4) Design of the sampling survey plan (5) Base-linesurvey (6) Established the information system of the monitoring and evaluation (7) Monitoringinvestigation

-- Community social-economic survey

-- Monitoring to executing resettlement institutions

-- Sample villages' survey

-- Sample households' survey

S-ample survey of other items (8) Monitoring informationarrangement and database establishment (9) Comparisonanalysis (10) Compiling a monitoring and evaluationreport in year

-99 Resettlement Action Plan

10. Report

10.1 Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) The project resettlement action plan (RAP) will be submitted by the end of April, 1998. The RAP will be finalized by the end of June and submitted to the WorldBank. 10.2. ResettlementSchedule Report A. Period Prior to July 31 in each year, the project policy office shall submit to the World Bank a resettlement scheduling Teport, with one year interval of submission. B . Format and Contents Based on requirements by the World Bank, the report composes of two parts: the first one is the scripture which includes summary of the introduction for land acquisition, removal and compensation, etc., which reflected the cases, problems and difficulties met in procedures of implementation, and the relative solvable method and measures; The second part is the forms which mainly are statistical data summarized in each half-year on requirements of the World Bank basis. These forms are mainly reflected the comparisons between plans and the actual implementation on land acquisition, removal and compensation cases. 10.3. Reports of IndependentEvaluation of Resettlement (IER) One month after working, the East China Investigation and Design Institute shall submit a reports of the independent evaluation of resettlement (IER). The project policy office shall submit to the World Bank a scheduling resettlement report in every year, and company with the above report, the independent evaluation of resettlement report prepared by the East China Investigation and Design Institute shall be also attached. A. Period Based on requirements of the World Bank, after implementation of the resettlement, a survey for evaluatiop of resettlement shall be carried out in September every year and before December 31, the report of the independent resettlement evaluation shall be submitted to World Bank. All works for project acquisition,removal and resettlement shall be completed prior to December, 2003. During this period, the independent resettlement evaluation shall be carried out five times, i.e., and once in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005. Among which

100 Resettlmwnt Actioc Pla=

B. Contents a. Resettlement base line survey; b. Schedule for land acquisition, removal and resettlement; c. Production resettlement and restoration; d. Removal and rebuild for resettlers' houses and resettlement e Resettler living standards f. Resettlement funds transferring and utilization g. Benefit assessment and organization operation for the management and implementation h. Supporting for vulnerable population i. Existing problem and suggestions;

101 Resettlowent Actiao Plan


All enterprises -and individuals affected by the project will have the entitlement, which are shown in Table 11-1.

Table 11-1 Project Resettlement Policy Type Objects Policy for Land Acquisition and Removal Main removal I.AIl relocated houses should be compensated at replacement price without structures & house-holds depreciation. The households relocated have the right to use salvageable appendages material of the old houses to build their new houses. The deduction from compensation fees for salvageable materials will not be allowed. 2.Since impact of the land acquisition is small on local production, the inhabitants can still engage in their production in the original villages; therefore, the ncw house will be built in the original community (the original villages) within distance not more than 0.5 to 1.0 km from the old houses and close to the land they work on. 3.As only few houses need to relocate and also these houses are rather scattered in the administration village; so, the desires of the relocated households are fully respected and the houses removal and rebuilding will be carried out by the relocated households themselves. The resettlers can freely make selection if they want to use the old house materials. Before compietion of the new houses, the resettlers can stay in their original houses, and should not be forced to move out before the specified relocation deadline. 4.According to "Law of Land Administration", the location and quantity of the resettlers' new house plots will be arranged by the town(ship) government, village committee and villagers teams. 5.Three months prior to building of new house, the resettlers will get a notice for house construction, at least four months should be allocated for them to build their new houses. The relative authorities will consult with the resettlers to choose croping intervals for construction so far as possible. The subsidies for relocation and for working hours loss should be timely paid to resettlers. 6.During resettlement, resettlement organizations should adopt efficient measures to help families which has the old, weak, sick or disabled peoples, and families without male labor force. For these resettlers, the township resettlement office or village committee will help them build new houses and to move in the new house after consulting with them. 7.Prior to houses construction, the compensation fees will be paid to the resettlers. If the payment is paid in installment, the last amount should be paid before the house completion. 8.The resettlers can lodge appeals on any respects of the resettlement. including compensation standard. No charge should be paid for appeal by the hearing department. land owner I.The copensation of land used for project construction, will be paid by the land using units. For the substation land requisition, the compensation for cultivated lands is 6 times as much as average annual output value for -previous 3 years before the land acquisition. For the transmission line land requisition, the compensation for cultivated lands is 4 times of average annual output value for previous 3 years before the land acquisition, and the compensation for non-cultivated land is 2 times -as much as average annual output value for previous 3 years before the land acquisition. 2. The land acquiring units should pay not only compensation of the land used for the project construction, but also Tesettlement subsidy. For transmission lines construction, the resettlement subsidy for cultivated lands is 4 times of the annual output value per mu for three years before land acquisition and for non- cultivated land is 2 times; for substation land requisition, job compensation is 30000 Yuan per mu. 3. The land acquiring units should pay not only compensation of the land used for the project construction, resettlement subsidy but also the compensation

102 Resettlezet Action Pla

for structure which belongs to private property and the standing crops which will be given to the land contractor. 4. Various compensation fees and the resettlement subsidies will be used by the units whose land is requisitioned to develop production and arrange job of the surplus labors and support the unemployees caused by land acquisition, and should not be used for other purpose nor owned by any units and individuals. 5. The surplus labor due to the land acquisition for the state construction will be arranged with jobs by developping farming, side-line production and setting up village- and town-enterprises through discussion between the Land Management Authority of Local People's Government above the county level, the land requisitioned units, the land using units and relative units. 6.Three months prior to land acquisition, the various compensations and the resettlement subsidies should be paid to unit whose land was acquired. 7. Before the land acquisition, job arrangement should be completed.

Scattered owner 1. All trees felled or transplanted due to the project construction should be trees compensated by cash or the expenditures for transplanting. Interprises owner 1. All the enterprises affected bv the project will be compensated by cash. Commercial owner 1. All commercial trees felled or transplanted by the project will be got the cash trees compensation or the expendirures for transplanting. Infrastructur owner 1. All infrastructures affected by the project need to be relocated and es reconstructed, the compensation fees will be paid to the owner by the project office three months before the land acquisition. The relative relocation and reconstruction will be comnileted by the owner himself.

103 Resettleent Action Plan

The compensation standards are shown in Table 11-2 Table 11-2 Summary for Compensation Standards Affected Affected entity Compensation Fee Policy for Resettlement and land Acquisition ob ects Houses Household Main house removal Brick-concrete:340 Yuan/m 2 ,brick-wood:300 Yuan/mi2 relocated 2 2 2 Board-wood:280Yuanlm 2 ,earth-wood:260 Yuan/mi Appen- Household Single structure 1000 Yuan/room dages relocated removal Indoor Household 1000 Y Iperson facilities relocated Household Transportation for 200 Y/person relocated Relocation Household Working hours loss 200Y/person relocated Land Village land compensation For substation land requisition, compensation for the Committee cultivated land is 6600 Yuan/mu. For transmission line land requisition, the compensation for the cultivated land is 4400 Yuanlmu; that for the non-cultivated land the compensation is 2200 Yuan/mu. Land Village Job arrangement 30000 Yuan per mu for substation land requisition. Committee 4400 Yuan per mu for transmission line land requisition; 2200 Yuan per mu for non-cultivated land. Land Villages & infrastructure 15000Yuanlmu Township(town) construction for village & town Land County Finance Tax for cultivated land 6600Y/mu for cultivated land occupied tax by the Bureau occupation substation land acquisition Land Removal Formality cost for 200 Y/person household new house plot Land Village Reclaimation cost for 200Y/person ,committee old house plot Land Affected Standing crop at new IOOY/person _ household house plot Household road, water & power 500Y/person relocation supply facilities, I______groundleveling Affected compensation for 500 Y fmu household standing crops Owner Trees Fruit tree: 50Y/tree, other trees: 15Yuan/tree

104 Resettlement Action Plan

ATTACHMENT I SUMMARY LIST FOR UNITS AFFECTED BY PROJECT AFFECTEDUNITS PROJECT COUNTY TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATIVEVILLAGES (CITY) (TOWN) Ningbo- Yin Countv yunlong Jiacun. Yingjiadai,Tianhuang wenzhou Jiangshan Shanxi, Sunjiazhuang Transmis- Fenghua Baidu Nanao, Hanjia, Shanchang.baidu, Yujiaba,Banting, sion Lines Shuiwuchang,Jiangjiachidou, Liao, Shuitadi Chunhu Jindi, Wengao,Paimen, Xixie, Yangjia,jiexi, Shemang, wujiabu, Tongshan,Maoyu Jiqi Zhanghu, Piaoxi, Hongnong,Xujia, Miaojia, Jiyi, Jieer, ______.______Silian, Chensan, Chener, Chenyi Ninghai xidian xiatianfan, Hongjia, Licun, Zhangshu, Jiyi, Jishan Meilin Fengtan, Waidin, Fangqian, Choujia, Xingshu Chengguan Baimuvang, lingjiaowu,Bailongtan, aoliwang ______Huangtan Weiji Xiaxi,Shanezhai,Xizhuang,vangjia.Zhongyangshan Qiantong Xiangtingshan,dongxi, lingnan, Xiaoting, lianghuang, Xishanli, Shenkengao Chalu Yejiashan,Houshange,Gankeng,Xinyuan,Shangjin, Tankong Dongshandou Sangzhou Shangye,xialu,Mukeng,lishan,changtian-tou,liaowang Sanmen Zhuao Yankeng,Lingli,zhuao,shanghu,shima Gaojian hucun,Yanjiaao,Dushan,Shuanglou,Aokeng,Meikeng, Zhudun,Shuangmengyan,Zhuping,Houfan,Tongyanli, Xiaodongyan Linhai xianrengiao Baimakeng,Nanliao, Liushan Datian Jianggen,Fenglin, Huangnitan, Xixi, DIamailing,lingwai, Fangxi, Shangpeng,Madidou Chengguan Dalingshan,Songer, Songyi, Linong. Longianao Youxi xinkeng, Chaitan,Zhiyan,Banian,Baotian,Meiyuan,Lingxia Huangyan Shitou Shatan, Shidou Ningxi Xiajiangao,Fuli,Tanchangtou,Gehu,Shangzhai, Huangmaoshan,Shangjiangao,Dadi,Taihuling.Fang3iaao Fushan Choulu,Putaokeng,Dongao,liiiashan Yongjia Lingdou Banshan,Xiaochen Yivuan Xiyuan,Yuewan,Yangjing,tengjialong Donggao Pinglongshan,Xiajiaao,Xilu Yantou Fulong(xia),Funong(shang) ,Xiamei,Zhongmei,Shangmnei, Aodiliao,Xiayuan,Hesan,Heer,Heyi,Yandou, Gangtou, Cangpo,Fangao,Zhouzhai,Dutou ______Jukou Yuzhang,Zhuan,Zhuanshan Xialiao Wailiao,Jiangkeng,Zhuliao,Jiangshan,Bali Shantang Zhonglian, Dalejiang,Zhongxi, Xiledou, Ruanjiashan, Zhuao, Lijiakeng, Fengshuxia, Shanjie Qiaoxia Makeng,XushanMeiao,Shangcun,Xiaxie,Xiao Lucheng Yangyi Mantouzhu,Linli,Yangshan,Chencun,Chengshaqiao,Longc huan,Qianjing,Houjing,Yuducun Ouhai Quxi Liniao, Quao I Guoxi Lingtong,Guoxi I Pangiao Minaganghou,Mingangzhang, Minganggian, Tongling

105 Resettlemnt Action Plan

To be continued) AF FECTED UNITS PROJECT COUNTY TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATIVEVILLAGES (CITY) (TOWN) Tongbai- Tiantai Chengguan Baizhang Zhuji Transmiss- Baihe Baishui,Xiaguoyang,Xiabaiyan,Shangbaiyan,Xiuyuan,Hou ion Lines yang,Shanglu,Mukeng.Geshan,Qingao,Xijiaao.Xinlouxia Xinchang Ruao Shangbawu,Zhiguwu,Hengduqiao,Hengdujie,Jiuzhai,Ruyi, Wuwang,Ruer.Hutang,Zushitang,Zhenteng Chengnan Houshan, ingyan, Jiaodou, Xiayang, Pingfengyan Chengguan Yangmeishan,Xier,Huluao,Houcun,Zhaopoao, fenghuan-,Wulian Shengzhou Chengguan Qiaoli,Chafangzhuang,Zhongcun,Duntou,Shemugang,Sha ngyanke,Xiayanke,Jiangdong,Xinshi,BantouXiazhangan Ganling Xiawu,Huangjianfanjiangtian,Waizhai, J _ianan,Shangdushan,Liuan,Matang,Houzhu Furun Zhijianlu,Fansan,Yangqiao,Xibin,Zhujiayan,Zhangjia,Ruo maodun,Jiankeng Shihuang Dongfan,Shangcun,louyi,louer,lousan, xidong,Xixi,Sixin,Tangjiawan Tongyuan _ _ _dongeng Yahuang Jiaokeng,Yahuang,Daixi,Yanshan Zhuji Shizhai Wangguhu,Zhanggaowu Chencai Caiyiwu,Kexiwu,Shanghetu,Xiahetu,Qianke- gwu,Chencai,Zhongcai,xiacai,Guanling Lipu Mali,Meixi Huangshan Yuexing,Luoling,Luojiata,Yanke Jieting Lantian,Xinglong,Mojia Wangjiajing Daopengshan,Fengyilou

106 Resettlement Action Plan ATTACHNMENT 2 BASICAL STATUS FOR VILLAGES AFFECTED BY PROJECT StatFstics For Population Total Cultivated Land (mu) County Township AdministraHtiveGroups Total Total Agriculture Labor Force land Dry field (City) (Town) Village Households Population Population Total Paddy (No.) (lihs) (Person) (Person) (Person) 57895 88 Yinxian Jiangshan 52 488 21792 56633 48715 32324 57983 Shanxi 5 465 1380 1380 1000 1600 1600 Sunjiazhuang 240 670 650 425 914 914 25660 Yunlong 20 162 10823 26391 23922 16240 25660 Jiacun 15 1223 3827 3827 2627 3984 3984 Tianhbllng 7 252 645 645 464 762 762 730 .______Yingjiadai 230 609 609 402 730 385 Baidu 23 5312 15450 14630 10623 17386.5 17001.5 Fenghua 17 Nanao 109 304 304 156 409 392 Hanjia 120 365 365 255 436 397 39 Shanchan 80 235 235 164 257 236 21 Baidu 446 1276 1276 902 1227 1227 Sunhou 235 669 669 453 781 771 10 Yujiaba 275 756 756 500 761 711 50 43 Shuiwuchang 152 470 470 319 372 329 Jiangiiachitou 316 970 970 776 1013 868 145 Liao 84 252 252 171 172 160 12 Banting 223 700 700 517 705 647 58 Shuitadi 184 486 486 308 400 365 35 6088 Chunhu 31 9237 27701 24449 19391 20294 14206 Jindi 8 300 868 860 528 731 681 50 28 Wengao 4 135 393 393 292 348 320 Paimen 11 418 1138 1128 878 1120.5 984.5 136 119 Xixie 12 468 1480 1430 825 1144 1025 Yangjia 4 155 455 449 331 366 353 13

107 Resetttlernt Action Plan (To be continued) Statistics For Population TotalCultivated Land (mu) Cotunty Towtiship Administrative Groups Total Total Agriculture Labor Force (City) (Town) Village tlouseholds Population Population Total Paddy land Dry field

(No.) (Hhs) (Person) (Person) (Person) t Jiexi 10 395 1190 1150 825 732 685 47 Shemang 10 451 1425 1415 987 965 864 101 _Wujiabu 28 1236 3699 3649 2620 2633 2305 328 Tongshan 18 338 1035 1015 585 727 672 55 Maoyu 12 318 898 888 565 817 762 55 Jiqi 19 6257 18263 17100 9130 11500 8050 3450 Zhanghu 12 454 1381 1360 650 1033 1003 30 Piaoxi 6 157 620 601 230 463 442 21 Hongnong 20 839 2319 2236 1200 1373 1306 67 Xujia 4 165 767 747 230 676 654 22 Miaojia 6 192 567 536 280 465 434 31 Jiyi 12 546 1518 1445 780 1145 1104 41 Jier 12 519 1486 1425 720 1159 1106 53 Silian 6 157 620 601 230 463 442 21 Chensan 10 437 1208 1146 600 1273 1210 63 Chener 10 371 907 856 525 985 938 47 Chenyi 10 392 1002 48 570 974 932 42 Ninghai Xidian 11696 37398 37109 25431 18647 18340 307 Xiatianfan 210 712 712 484 540 540 Hongjia 394 1369 1369 931 1060 1060 .______Licun 250 835 835 568 780 780 Zhangshu 917 3036 3036 2064 845 845 ______ijy_Jiyi 336 1100 1100 748 768 768 ______Jishan 535 1586 1586 1078 765 765 Meilin _ 8622 27608 27258 18773 20630 18752 1878

108 Resettlement Action Plan To be continued) Statistics For Population Total Cultivated Land (mu) Cotinty Townshipi Administrntive Groups Total Total Agriculture Labor Force Paddy land Dry field (City) (Town) Village tlouseholds Population Population Total ____ _(No.) (llhs) (Person) (Person) (Petson) Fengtan 242 713 713 485 332 327 5 Waiding 51 193 193 131 128 122 6 41 Fanggian 302 971 971 660 711 670 575 9 Qiulia _ 395 1275 1275 867 584 353 320 33 Xingshu _ 198 659 659 448 38965 38965 Cheigguan _ 16556 62132 62132 42250 Baimrnyang_ 180 729 729 496 304 304 231 180 180 ______Lingjiaowu _ 109 339 339 D3ailongtan _ 282 980 980 666 454 454 Aoliwang .___ 112 486 486 330 146 146 Huangtan 7100 24655 24655 16765 12422 12422 Weijia 221 733 733 498 357 357 Xiaxi 96 297 297 202 103__ 103 Shangzhai 751 751 511 2802280241 Xizhuang 80 275 275 187 85 85 Yangjia 270 932 932 634 440 440 Zhongyangshan 39 193 193 131 75 75 Qiantong 7624 25510 25510 17347 11135 9789 Xiangtingshan 65 206 206 140 100 90 10 Dongxi 68 259 259 176 125 124 Lingnan 315 1019 1019 693 439 331 108 Xiaoting . 530 1685 1685 1146 681 526 155 Lianghuang 172 596 596 405 225 182 43 Xishanli 79 262 262 178 92 78 14 . Shenkengao = 172 569 569 387 209 190 19

109 ResettJea"*t Action Pl1 (Tobe continued) StatisticsFor Population TotalCultivated Lnnd (mu) County To*nship Administrative Groups Total Total Agriculture Labor Porce (City) (Town) Villlkge Households Population Population total Paddy land t)ry field _-__- (No.) ("hs) (Person) (Person) (Person)_ Chalu 8018 27808 27760 18909 12199 9119 3080 .____ Yejiashan 31 87 87 59 41 34 7 4Houshange 213 696 696 473 285 251 34 .______Gankeng 287 1006 1006 684 513 403 110 Xinyuan 160 589 589 401 257 210 47 Shangjin 330 1210 1210 823 679 501 178 Dongtoushan 200 722 722 491 360 304 56 Tangkong 62 206 206 . 140 103 77 26 Sangzhou 7476 24525 24480 16677 9751 361 9390 Shangye 191 585 585 398 208 208 Xialu 121 404 402 275 114 53 61 Mukeng 116 351 351 239 117 117 .______Lishan 228 749 749 509 257 257 Changtiantou 153 476 476 324 204 204 Liaowang 122 421 421 286 194 194 Sanmen Zhuao 44 230 6913 25896 25158 16363 7936 6020 1916 Yankeng 5 132 511 511 333 157 143 14 Lingli 4 195 671 671 424 295 138 157 Zhuao 20 597 2039 2039 1562 495 296 199 Shanpho 2 65 197 197 151 22 14 8 Shima 8 310 1126 1126 636 383 319 64 Gaojian 213 5741 21094 21004 12124 5633 4011 1622 ______Hucun 10 185 759 759 400 190 168 22 Yanjiaao 3 70 274 274 144 55 33 22 Dushan 8 196 746 746 417 138 108 30

110 Restttlement Action Plan (lo be continued) Statistics For Population Total Cultivated Land (mu) County Township Admtlnistrative Groups Total Total Agricultture Labor Force field (City) (Town) Village llouseholds Populgtion Population Total Paddy land Dry (No.) (llhs) (Person) (Person) (Person) Shuanglou 6 165 582 582 324 140 120 20 83 62 21 Aokeng___ 4 80 292 292 193 Meikene 8 250 858 858 560 125 96 29 Zhudun 6 163 634 634 412 113 90 23 Shuangmenyan 6 52 212 212 130 51 36 15 Zhuping 10 250 918 918 511 277 255 22 Houfan 8 132 491 491 256 146 95 51 Tongyanli 6 191 729 729 383 231 163 68 Xiaodongyan 5 106 414 414 271 Ill 86 25 Linhai Xianrengiao 19 184 3092 10573 6595 5540 4907 633 .____ 3Baimakeng 4 60 213 _ 95 115 300 15 Nanliao 4 55 203 142 69 61 8 Liushan 11 229 808 545 417 347 74 2236 Datian 67 661 16927 60031 60031 37446 30768 28532 Jianggen 8 365 1188 825 324 291 33 Fenglin 14 230 728 388 281 278 3 Huangnitan 4 118 438 300 152 142 10 Xixi 23 64 2177 1410 880 746 134 Damailing 3 79 249 133 146 III 35 Lingwai 3 165 500 335 227 194 33 Fangxi 5 106 379 225 164 152 12 Shangpeng 3 61 181 g118 Sl 44 7 Maditou 7 221 746 502 8096 7428 668 52746 33531 23453 20667 2786 Chengguan______67 524 15853 52746 Dalingshan 6 111 384 384 249 66 54 12

111 esottlement Action Plan (To be continued) Statistics For Population Total Cultivated Land (mu) totunty township Administrative Gtoups Total Total Agriculture Labor iPorce (City) (Town) Village Households Population Population Total Paddy land Dry field ____Hhs__(No.) ) (Person) (Person) (Person) Songer 7 210 805 805 558 182 172 10 Songyi I I 297 117 117 600 328 320 8 ______Linong 4 155 579 579 314 441 418 23 Longtanao I- 385 1456 1456 312 626 478 148 Youxi 44 366 7650 25875 25875 16916 9540 7701 1839 Xinkeng 13 235 783 783 520 320 258 62 Chaitan 8 196 607 607 381 255 233 22 Zhiyan 6 148 471 471 277 216 200 16 B_anian 13 280 906 906 528 370 326 44 Baotian 6 125 435 435 286 154 145 9 Meiyuan 12 140 522 522 356 187 172 15 Lingxia 9 210 751 751 405 213 198 15 fluangyan Shitoti 256 4215 15326 182 7982 6316 3646 2669 Shatan 18 286 999 3 531 436 406 30 Shitou 16 357 1116 3 340 528 445 83 Ningxi 43 446 9992 35000 33688 23563 12907 9945 2962 Xiajiangao 9 174 602 602 420 290 248 42 Fuli 13 278 830 830 580 375 366 9 ______Tanchangtot 12 312 905 905 621 428 408 20 Gehu 4 86 285 285 181 133 104 29 Shangzhai to 318 1iO4 1040 612 356 253 103 iHuanemaoshan 5 127 423 423 298 236 132 104 Shangjiangao 10 209 821 821 535 383 313 70 Dadi 6 178 586 586 375 201 139 62 Taihuling 3 70 230 230 160 128 68 60

112 Resettlement Action Plfa To be continued) Statistics For Population Total Cultivated Land (mi) Cotinty Township Administrative Uroops Total Total Agriculture Labor Force (City) (Town) Village Households Population Population Total Paddy land Dry field (No.) (lIhs) (Person) (Person) (Person) Fangiiaao 10 237 859 859 600 434 267 167 Fushan 245 3230 12153 12018 6876 5142 4379 763 .______Choultl 12 233 903 902 361 249 226 23 Putaokeng 4 103 376 376 196 174 152 22 Dongao 4 75 304 304 180 121 101 20 Lijiashan 13 192 715 714 450 353 282 71- Yongjia Lingtou __. ___ Banshan 11 243 883 883 441 415 325 90 Xiaochen I1 194 894 894 526 494 384 10 Xiyuan .. .___. Xiyuan 19 324 1193 1193 754 453 316 137 242 170 72 .______Yuewan 5 158 689 689 418 Yangjing 5 150 614 614 329 445 180 265 Tengjialong 12 251 1083 1083 650 607 511 96 Donggao . 65 34 31 .______Pinglongshan 3 47 Z17 217 96 Xiajiaao 11 310 IS78 1578 621 316 100 216 Xilu 6 160 616 616 452 220 200 20 Yantou _ 205 185 - 20 _ Furong(xia) 12 205 710 360 . Furong(Shang) 16 389 1501 720 408 333 75 39 _ Xiamei 8 237 840 505 271 232 Zhongmei 14 236 828 521 199 182 17 272 242 30 ______Shangmei 16 296 1032 592 Aodi 13 214 867 470 258 161 97

113 ResettlemuentAction PlJn (Tobe continued) Statistics For Populatlon Total Cultivated Land (mu) County Township Administrative Groups Total Total Agriculture Labor Force (City) (Town) Village Households Population Population Total Paddy land Dry field . ______(No.) (Hhs) (Person) (Person) (Person) _ Liao 4 87 315 186 14 106 8 Xiayuan 16 190 760 426 289 252 37 Hesan 16 324 1200 750 106 20 86 .leer 16 260 1009 559 240 170 70 Heyi 9 295 1072 630 250 80 170 Yantou 20 740 2560 1100 529 438 91 Gangtou 21 575 2015 1137 633 432 201 . Cangpo 24 634 2293 1115 73B 644 94 Fangao 14 450 1805 952 421 301 120 Zhouzhai 13 385 1502 860 363 211 152 Dutou 8 211 828 466 198 100 98 Jukou .. Yuzhang 8 245 1060 1060 510 414 246 168

.___ M.___ Zhuan 18 540 2220 2220 1337 857 698 159 Zhuanshan 7 180 789 789 435 279 257 22 Xialiao _ _ Wailiai 13 266 899 250 488 456 331 125 Jiangkeng 3 64 235 65 121 173 95 78 Zhuliao 12 220 867 251 464 540 403 137 Jiangshan 9 187 753 219 400 512 434 78 Bali 6 135 548 148 307 489 299 190 Shangtang _ Zhonglian 10 124 545 545 329 398 298 100 Dalejiang 10 185 858 858 429 466 397 69 Zhongxi 10 258 971 971 630 481 431 50

114 Resettlement Action Plan (Tobe continued) Statistics For Population Total Cultivated Land (mu) County Township Administrative Groups Total Total Agriculture Labor Force (City) (Town) Village Households Population Poputlation Total Pnddy land Dry field (No.) (H-ths) (Persot ) (Person) (Person) Xiletou 9 112 418 418 303 273 172 101 Ruanjiashan 8 230 628 628 424 340 255 85 Zhuao 7 157 662 662 414 266 246 20 Lijiakeng 8 93 380 380 247 150 121 29 Fengshuxia 4 87 312 312 180 140 81 59 Shanjie I1 157 731 731 461 352 291 61 Qiaoxia Makeng 7 152 487 486 234 396 296 100 Xushan 13 188 869 868 453 505 330 175 Meiao I1 287 1266 1255 648 581 511 70 Shangcun 8 268 1130 1123 586 642 608 34 Xiaxie 7 189 831 828 410 570 450 120 Xiao 8 175 818 809 374 675 626 49 Ouhal Pangiao Minganghou 7 224 961 961 564 344 274 70 Mingangzhong 8 232 897 897 583 289.3 229.3 60 Minganggian 9 291 1132 1132 701 432 352 80 Tongling 14 488 1695 1695 947 997.2 877 120.2 Quxi _ _ Lingiao 7 216 916 554 358 208 150 Quao 3 179 743 509 227 144 83 Guoxi _ Lingtou 6 187 840 625 311 280 31 ___ _Guoxi 17 681 2923 2122 1175 1090 85 Lucheng Yangyi I___ __ Mantouzhu 19 368 1511 974 1066 900 166

11.5 Resettlefent Action Plan (To be eontinued) Statistics For Population Total Cultivgted Land (mu) Cotitity Towhship Adm inistrntive Groups Total Total Agriculture Laboil Force (City) (Town) Village Households Population Population Total Paddy land Ory fneld (No.) (llhs) (Person) (Person) (Person) Linli 20 374 1499 872 1049 747 302 ______Yangshan 1I 177 665 . 408 470 313 157 Chencun 19 390 1520 993 952 905 47 ______Chengshaqiao 40 656 2508 1791 1270 1270 ______Longchuan 6 175 647 428 288 271 17 .______Qianjing 26 502 2062 1533 1415 1390 25 Houjing 18 345 1326 896 720 675 45 Yuducun 9 228 1035 1035 697 458 448 10 Tiantai Chentgguan 89 519 17676 61804 35177 22035 17072 4963 Baizhang 2 96 281 150 160.1 131.6 22.5 Baihe 103 521 14584 45394 28641 23763 20313 3450 .______Baishui 7 262 757 470 435 397 38 Xiagtioyang 8 204 619 430 416 358 58 ______Xiabaliy&n 2 45 132 93 93 84 9 Shangbalyanl 7 98 327 214 206 180 26 Xiuyuan 8 217 724 450 458 380 78 Houyang 5 131 440 __ 285 280 215 65 Shanglu 16 515 1512 870 783 703 80 Mukenz 9 181 581 383 216 112 104 Geshan 5 103 307 200 136 92 44 Qingao I 32 128 84 47 26 21 Xiiiaao 2 60 193 130 82 56 26 Xinlouxia 15 248 831 544 333 284 49 Xinchang Ruao 53 269 10683 32182 30975 19100 16023 11843 4180 Shangbawu 7 199 620 378 308 236 72

116 Resettlement Action Pl1n (To be continued) Statistics For Popu ation Total Cultivated Land (m County Township Administrative Groups Total Total Agricultilre Labor Force (City) (Town) Village Hlouseholds Population Population Total Paddy land Dry fleld _ (No.) (Hhs) (Persob) (Person) (Person). Ziguwt 6 235 755 420 353 278 75 Hengduqiao 6 139 444 281 243 134 109 liengdujie 2 114 326 212 140 102 38 Jiuzhai 10 356 1139 799 518 393 125 Ruyi 15 606 1702 1126 683 539 144 Wuwane 8 316 1006 556 519 341 178 Ruer 14 513 1454 913 643 528 115 _lutang 4 127 431 271 274 190 84 Zushitan 2 72 257 168 158 130 28 Zhenteng 8 300 890 514 394 282 112 Chengnan 60 225 8220 26977 26529 16718 15133 9171 5962 Houshan 6 211 738 738 532 551 295 256 Qingyan 8 360 1301 1301 625 583 317 266 Jiaotou 3 102 351 351 223 228 97 131 Xiayang 4 150 494 494 269 381 167 214 Pingfengyan 3 121 405 405 192 438 229 209 Chengguan 64 357 30079 83144 38157 23854 20322 15445 4877 Yangmeishan 9 265 850 848 555 371 326 45 Xier 4 119 319 319 236 270 160 110 .______Huluao 17 356 1134 1131 676 746 519 227 l oucun 9 341 975 973 746 652 595 57 Zhaopoao 5 101 314 314 208 231 195 36 Fenghuang 6 246 732 729 503 496 453 43 Wulian 6 152 545 541 306 437 326 III Shengzhou Chengguan 122 720 27233 123952 80395 38699 54050 47632 6418

117 Resettleient ActionPlan Tobe continued) Statistics For Population Total Cultivated Land (mnu) County Township Administrative Groups Total Total Agriculture Labor Force (City) (Tovwn) Village Hlouseholds Population Population Total Paddy land Dry field (No.)_____ (Hhs) (Person) (Person) (Person) Qiaoli 8 262 872 872 372 530 521 9 Chafangzhuang 12 416 1251 1251 580 958 888 70 Zhongcun 28 575 1667 870 1398 1315 83 Duntou 6 188 519 519 303 364 340 24 Shemtugang 9 198 607 205 425 332 93 Shangyanke 6 127 364 151 302 259 43 Xiayanke 5 229 849 330 672 610 62 =______Jiahgdong 6 521 1480 575 1106 1034 72 Xinshi 4 120 329 119 208 193 15 _Bantou 8 232 741 235 563 494 69 Xiazhangan 4 122 392 150 340 305 35 Gatlin 81 400 16185 46411 46411 23139 32420 30403 2017 ______Xiawu 4 80 227 _ 108 218 200 18 ______Huangiianban 14 410 1250 _ 575 870 795 75 Jiangtian 20 560 1432 634 952 952 Waizhai 6 213 563 300 397 354 43 Jianan 2 94 290 117 184 178 6 Shangdushan 10 329 959 450 844 786 58 Liuan 16 425 1261 _ si_ =539 1013 878 135 Matang 12 602 1712 825 1612 1527 85 H1ouzhu 15 208 571 307 500 500 Furun 27 259 7867 21771 _ 10459 16129.4 14842.4 1287 ______LZhiiianlu 18 547 1475 _ _ 844 1400 1349 51 Fansan 14 510 1246 527 1193 1098 95 _ Yangqiao 6 195 531 263 438 409 29

118 Resettlement Action Plan To be continued) Statistics For Popu lation ''otal Cultivated Land (mu) County Township Administrative Groups Total Total Agriculture Labor Force (City) (Town) Village floftseholds Population Poptulation Total Paddy land Dry field __ _(No.) (llhs) (Person) _Person) (Person) Xibin 12 221 609 225 405 395 t0 Zhujiayan 4 89 248 151 203 178 25 Zhatigjia 106 283 160 215 200 15 Ruomaodun 8 165 520 228 436 397 39 Jiankeng 6 162 467 217 387 352 35 Shihuang 54 325 9631 29428 27731 15128 20428 18879 1549 _Dongtan 3 77 230 230 118 192 175 17 Shangcun 10 296 827 827 410 673 628 45 Louyi 6 198 576 576 264 419 407 12 Louer 8 225 636 636 385 437 434 3 Lousan 6 195 564 564 325 406 397 9 Xidong 4 104 293 293 160 169 161 8 Xixi 16 520 1473 1473 884 1079 1001 78 Sixin 2 106 277 277 160 156 - 154 2 Tangiiawan 1 41 118 118 68 70 63 7 'Fongyuan 13 72 2220 6582 3512 3845 2912 2039 873 Xindongkeng 6 176 454 454 222 173 133 40 Yahuang It 51 1516 4409 4335 1990 2416 1440 976 Jiaokene 4 102 282 120 127 87 40 Yahuang 15 446 1283 635 910 465 445 Daixi 5 198 560 257 262 197 65 Yanshan 2 64 196 72 68 47 21 Zhuji Sizhai 4957 16280 15933 Wangguwu 3 132 434 434 296 214 187 27 Zhanggaowu 3 192 674 674 390 203 139 64

119 lResettlerient Action Plan obe continued) Statistics For Population Total Cultivated Land (mu) County Township AdminitstrativeGroups Total Total Agriculture Labot Force (City) (Town) Village Households Population Population Total Paddy land Dry field ______(No.) (Hhs) (Person) (Person) (Person) Chencai Caiyiwtu 3 214 681 678 309 324 283 41 Kexiwu 3 206 688 683 415 329 298 31 Shanghetu 3 156 460 456 311 226 184 42 xiahetu 2 100 354 352 231 116 94 22 Qiankengwu 1 36 129 128 74 33 22 11 Chencai 3 230 640 621 415 246 183 63 Zhongcai 3 372 1145 1120 707 467 424 43 xiacai 6 840 2480 2436 1560 1187 1107 80 Guanling 2 165 531 529 348 338 296 42 Lipu _ _. _. Mali 5 350 1044 350 678 624 553 71 MeixI 5 231 853 378 583 611 560 51 huangshan Yuexing 7 479 1518 948 925 1130.07 1031.07 99 Ltoling 2 101 332 218 218 298 298 luojiata 3 262 877 450 450 764 702 62 yanke 9 387 1176 905 880 800 733 67 Jieting ______Lantian 3 222 679 679 260 440 402 38 Xinlong 3 185 632 632 340 550 550 Maojia 3 287 986 986 398 814 717 97 _Wangjiajing Daopengshah 3 110 368 358 328 313 287 26 ______Fengyilou 3 317 976 956 607 731 593 138

120 Resettleaent Action Plan

ATTACEMENT 3 LAN] ACQUISITION OF TRANSMISSION LINES County Township Affected Land Acquiaition Cultivated Land Non-cultivatedLand (city) (town) Village (mu) (mu) (mu) Yinxian Yunlong Total 3.6 1.8 1.8 Jiacun 1.2 0.6 0.6 Yinjiadai 1.2 0.6 0.6 Tianbuang 1.2 0.6 0.6 Jiangshan Total 3.9 2.4 1.5 Shanxi 0.9 0.9 Sunjiazhuang 3.0 1.5 1.5 Fenghua Baidu Total 8.4 1.5 6.9 Nanao 2.1 2.1 Hanjia 0.3 0.3 Shanchang 0.6 0.6 Baidu 0.3 0.3 .______Sunhou 0.6 0.6 Yujiaba 1.5 1.5 _huiwuchang 1.5 1.5 Jiangjiachitou 0.6 0.6 Liao 0.6 0.6 Banting Shuitadi 0.3 0.3 Chunhu Total 6.0 6.0 Jindi 1.2 1.2 Wengao 0.6 0.6 Pairnen 0.3 0.3 |__ __ Xixie 0.6 _ 0.6 ______Ya _g_i 0.3 0.3 _ _ _ _ Jizxi | 7Je i0.6 | _ _ 0.6 Shemang | 0.6 _ 0.6 ______= I ___Wuiabu 0.9 _ 0.9 _-__|_Tongshan 0.3 0.3 Maovu 0.6 0.6 Jigi Total 5.4 5.1 0.3 Zhanghu 1.2 1.2 Piaoxi 0.6 0.6 Hongnong 0.3 0.3 Xujia __ Miaqjia _ 0.3 0.3 Jiyi 0.6 0.6 Jier 0.3 0.3 Silian 0.9 0.9 Chensan 0.3 0.3 Chener 0.6 0.6 Chenyi 0.3 0.3 Ninghai Xidian Total 10.2 2.1 8.1 XiatianFan 2.1 2.1 Hongiia 0.9 0.9 Licun 1.2 1.2

121 Resettlemnt Action Plan

(To be contiuned) County Township Affected Land Acquiaition Cultivated Land Non-cultivatedLand {city) (town) Village (mu) (mu) (mu) Zhangshu 0.9 0.9 . ______Jiyi 2.4 2.4 ______T_ Jishan 2.7 _ 2.7 Meilin total 5.1 0.9 4.2 Fengtan 1.8 1.8 Waiding 0.9 0.9 Fangqian 0.3 0.3 Qiujia 0.6 0.6 Xingshu 1.5 1.5 Chengguan Total 3.9 3.9 ______0 Baimuyang 1.5 1.5 Lingjiaowu 0.3 0.3 Bailongtan 0.9 0.9 Aoliwang 1.2 1.2 Huangtan Total 4.2 2.4 1.8 Weijia 0.9 0.9 Xiaxi 0.6 0.6 Shangzhai 0.6 0.6 I___ I__T_ Xizhuang 0.3 0.3 Yangiia 0.9 0.9 Zhongyangshan 0.9 0.9 Qiantong Total 3.3 0.3 3.0 Xiangtingshan 0.3 0.3 Dongxi 0.3 0.3 Lingnan 0.6 0.6 Xiaoting 0.6 0.6 Lianghuang 0.3 0.3 _ Xishanli 0.3 0.3 Shenkengao 0.9 0.9 Chalu Total 6.9 0.9 6.0 Yejiashan 1.8 1.8 Houshange 1.2 1.2 Gankeng 0.9 0.9 Xinyuan 0.6 0.6 Shangiin 1.2 1.2 Dongshantou 0.6 0.6 Tangkong 0.6 0.6 Sangzhou Total 4.5 4.5 Shangye 0.6 0.6 Xialu .0.6 0.6 Mukeng 0.9 0.9 Lishan 0.9 0.9 Changtiantou 0.6 0.6 Liaowang 0.9 0.9 Sanmen Zhuao Total 4.8 4.8 Yankeng 0.3 0.3 Lingli 1.2 1.2

122 Resettlewnt Action Plan

(To be contiuned) .. ___ County Township Affected Land Acquiaition Cultivated Land Non-cultivatedLand (city) (town) Village (mu) (mu) (mu) Zhuao 0.9 0.9 Shanghu 0.3 0.3 Shima 2.1 2.1 ;Gaojian Total 5.7 5.7 Hucun 0.6 0.6 Yaniiaao 0.6 0.6 Dushan 0.9 0.9 ______Shuanglou 0.3 0.3 Aokeng Meikeng 0.6 0.6 Zhudun . 0.6 0.6 Shuangmenvan 0.3 0.3 Zhuping 0.3 0.3 Houfan 0.3 0.3 Tongyanli 0.9 0.9 ______Xiaodongvan 0.3 0.3 Linhai Xianrengiao Total 3 3 Baimakeng 0.9 0.9 Nanliao 1.2 1.2 Liushan 0.9 0.9 Datian Total 11.4 0.9 10.5 Jianggen 1.5 1.5 Fenglin 1.2 1.2 Huangnitan 1.5 1.5 Xixi 1.2 1.2 Damailing 0.9 0.9 Lingwai 0.9 0.9 ____ _ Fangxi 1.5 1.5 Shangpeng 0.9 0.9 Maditou 1.8 1.8 Chengguan Total 11.7 0.9 10.8 Dalingshan 3 3 Songer 2.7 2.7 Songyi 3 3 Linong 0.9 0.9 Longtanao 2.1 2.1 Youxi Total 11.4 11.4 Xinkeng 1.8 1.8 Chaitan 1.8 1.8 Zhiyan 1.5 . 1.5 Banian 0.9 0.9 .______Baotian 1.8 1.8 Meiyuan 1.5 1.5 Lingxia 2.1 2.1 Huangyan Shitou Total 5.1 0.3 4.8 .______LShatan______3.6 0.3 3.3 Shitou 1.5 1.5 _ Ningxi Total 9.9 3.0 6.9

123 AesettleAnt Action Plan

(To be conti_ned) County Township Affected LandAcquiaition Cultivated Land Non-cultivatedLand (city) ( Village (mu) (mu) (mu) ______=___ _ Xiajiangao 1.2 12 Fuli 0.6 0.6 Tanchangtou 0.6 0.6 Gehu 0.9 0.9 Shangzhai 0.6 0.6 Huangmaoshan 0.9 0.9 Shangjiangao 0.9 0.9 Dadi 0.6 0.6 Taihuling 0.9 0.9 Fangjiaao 2.7 2.7 Fushan Total 9 9.0 Choulu 1.5 1.5 Putaokeng 1.8 1.8 Dongao 1.8 1.8 ______

_ Xiaochen 1.5 __ _ 1.5 Xiyuan Total 7.5 0.9 6.6 Xiyuan 1.2 0.3 0.9 Yuewan 2.1 2.1 Yangjing 2.4 0.6 1.8 Tengiialong 1.8 1.8 Donggao Total 5.1 5.1 Pinglongshan 1.2 12 ______Xiajiaao 1.8 1.8 Xilu _ 2.1 2.1 Yantou Total 8.7 1.8 6.9 Furong(xia) 0.3 0.3 Furong (Shang) 0.3 0.3 Xiamei 0.3 0.3 Zhongmei 0.6 0.6 Shangmei Aodi 0.3 0.3 Liao 1.2 1.2 Xiayuan 0.6 0.6 Hesan 0.3 0.3 Heer 0.3 0.3 Heyi 0.3 0.3 Yantou 12 . 1.2 Gangtou 0.3 0.3 Cangpo 1.5 0.3 12 -Fangao 0.3 0.3 Zhouzhai 0.3 0.3 Dutou 0.6 0.6 Jukou Total 3.9 3.9 Yuzhang 1.5 1.5 Zhuan 1.5 . 1.5

124 Resettleaent Action Plan

(Tobe contiuned) County Township Affected Land Acquiaition Cultivated Land Non-cultivatedLand (citv) (town) Villane (mu) (mu) (mu) Zhuanshan 0.9 0.9 Xialiao Total 4.5 1.5 3 Wailiao 0.6 0.6 ______Jiangkeng 0.9 0.9 Zhuliao 1.2 1.2 Jiangshan 1.2 1.2 ______Bali 0.6 0.6 Shanatang Total 6.3 0.3 6 Zhonglian 0.3 0.3 .______.___ _ Daleiiang 1.2 1.2 . ______I Zhongxi 0.3 . 0.3 Xiletou 0.3 0.3 Ruanjiashan 1.5 . 1.5 Zhuao 0.6 0.6 ______Lijiakeng 0.9 0.9 Fengshuxia 0.9 0.9 Shaniie 0.3 0.3 Qiaoxia Total 6 1.2 4.8 Makeng 2.1 . 2.1 Xushan 0.6 0.6 Meiao . Shangcun 1.2 0.3 0.9 Xiaxie 0.9 0.9 Xiao 1.2 1.2 Ouhai Panqiao Total 5.1 0.6 4.5 Minganghou 1.8 1.8 Mingangzhong 0.3 0.3 ______Mingangqian 1.8 0.3 1.5 .______. ______._ Tongling 1.2 1.2 Quxi Total 3 3 I ~ ______Lingiao 1.8 Quao 1.2 1.2 Guoxi Total 3.9 0.6 3.3 Lingtou 1.8 1.8 Guoxi 2.1 0.6 1.5 Lucheng Yangyi Total 8.1 1.8 6.3 Mantouzhu 1.8 0.6 1.2 Linli 1.2 1.2 Yangshan 0.3 0.3 Chencun 1.2 1.2 Chengshaqiao 0.9 0.9 ______Longchuan 0.9 0.9 Qianjing 0.3 0.3 ______. Houjing 0.6 0.6 ______Yuducun 0.9 0.9 Tiantai Chengguan Total 1.2 1.2 Baizhang 1.2 1.2 Baihe Total 9.3 6.0 3.3

125 Resettleawt Actioa PId&

(o be contiuned) County Township Affected Land Acquiaition Cultivated Land Non-cultivatedLand (city) (town) Village (mu) (mu) _(mu) Baishui 0.6 0.6 Xiaguoyang 0.9 0.9 ______Xiabaiyan 0.9 0.9 Shangbaiyan 0.9 0.9 Xiuyuan 1.2 1.2 Houyang 0.6 0.6 Shanglu 0.9 0.9 Mukeng 0.9 0.9 Geshan 0.9 0.9 Qingao 0.3 0.3 Xiiiaao 1.2 1.2 Xinlouxia Xinchang Ruao Total 9 3.9 5.1 Shangbawu 0.6 0.6 Ziguwu 0.6 0.6 Hengdugiao 0.6 0.6 Hengdujie 0.6 0.6 ______Jiuzhai 1.5 _ 1.5 ______Ruyi 1.2 | 12 ______~~~Wuwang 0.9 0.9 |___ |____ Ruer 0.6 0.6 Hutang 0.3 _ _ _ 0.3 Zushitang 0.3 0.3 Zhenteng 1.8 l1.- Chengnan Total 6 2.7 3.3 Houshan 0.9 0.9 Qingyan 1.5 1.5 Jiaotou 0.9 0.9 Xiayang 1.2 1.2 Pingfengyan 1.5 1.5 Chengguan Total 5.4 3.0 2A Yangmeishan 0.9 0.9 Xier 0.9 0.9 Huluao 1.5 1.5 Houcun 0.6. 0.6 Zhaopoao 0.6 0.6 Fenghuang 0.6 0.6 Wulian 0.3 0.3 Shengzhou Chengguan Total 6.3 6.3 Qiaoli 0.9 0.9 Chafangzhuang 0.6 0.6 Zhongcun 0.6 0.6 Duntou 0.6 0.6 Shemugang 0.3 0.3 Shangyanke 0.6 0.6 Xiayanke 0.9 0.9 Jiangdong 0.6 0.6 _ Xinshi 0.6 0.6

126 Resettlement Action Plan

(To be contiuned) County Township Affected Land Acquiaition Cultivated Land Non-cultivatedLand (city) (town) Village (mu) (mu) (mu) _ Bantou 0.6 0.6 ____=______Xiazhangan __=______Ganlin Total 4.5 4.5 Xiawu 0.6 0.6 Huangijanban 0.3 0.3 . Jiangtian 0.6 0.6 Waizhai 0.3 0.3 Jianan 0.3 0.3 .______Shangdushan 1.2 1.2 Liuan 0.6 0.6 Matanc, 0.3 0.3 Houzhu 0.3 0.3 Furun Total 3.9 3.9 Zhijianlu 0.6 0.6 Fansan 0.3 0.3 ______L Yanegiao 0.6 0.6 Xibin 0.6 0.6 ______Zhujiayan 0.6 0.6 . . _~~~~~~~~~~~.Zhangiia 0.3 0.3 .______Ruomaodun_ 0.3 0.3 _ __ Jiankeng 0.6 0.6 Shihuan. Total 5.1 1.8 3.3 Dongfan 0.3 0.3 ______.Shan cun 0.6 0.6 Louyi 0.3 0.3 Louer 0.3 __ 0.3 Lousan Xidong 0.3 0.3 Xixi 1.5 1.5 Sixin Tangiiawan 1.8 1.8 .Tongyuan Total 1.2 1.2 Xindongkeng 1.2 1.2 Yahuang Total 6 6 Jiaokeng 1.5 1.5 Yahuang 1.8 1.8 Daixi 1.5 1.5 Yanshan 1.2 1.2 Zhuj i Sizhai Total 3.6 3.6 Wangguwu 2.4 2.4 Zhanggaowu 1.2 1.2 Chencai Total 6.6 6.6 Caiyiwu 1.5 1.5 Kexiwu 1.5 1.5 Shanghetu 0.3 0.3 xiahetu 0.9 0.9 Qiankenewu 0.3 0.3 I Zhongcai 0.6 0.6

127 Resettlmwt Actiom Plan

(Tobe contiuned) County Township Affected Land Acquisition Cultivated Land Non-cultivatedLand (cit) (town) Village (mu) (mu) (mu) ______xiacai 1.2 1.2 ___=_____&Guanling 0.3 _ 0.3 Lipu Total 1.5 0.6 0.9 Mali 0.6 0.6 _ Meixi 0.9 ______0.9 huangshan Total 3.3 1.2 2.1 Yuexing 1.5 -0.9 0.6 Luoling 0.3 0.3 luojiata 0.9 0.9 yanke 0.6 0.6 Jieting Total 3.9 0.6 3.3 Lantian 1.5 0.6 0.9 Xinlong 0.3 0.3 I Maojia 2.1 2.1 Wangjiaiing Total 1.5 1.5 Daopengshan 0.6 0.6 Fengyilou 0.9 0.9

128 Resettlement Action Plan

AfTACHMENT 4: MAIN STAFF OF WORKING Name Units Position Titles Lin Shaoping ZhejiangProvincial Power Bureau Engineer ZhuTianhao ZhejiangPower design Institute Director Engineer YuFeng ZhejiangPower design Institute ProjectChief Engineer SeniorEngineer HuZhangsheng ZhejiangPower design Institute Engineer LuoGuovuan EastChina Power design Institute ProjectChief Engineer SeniorEngineer ZhangWenwei ZhejiangProvincial EHV Transmission Construction Director SeniorEngineer Company ChenGuofang ZhejiangProvincial EHV Transmission Construction Engineer Company Yuchanggen ZhejiangProvincial EHV Transmission Construction Engineer Company Jin Huiyu ZhejiangProvincial EHV Transmission Construction Engineer Company GongHeping EastChina Investigation & DesignInstitute (ECIDI) DeputyChief Engineer SeniorEngineer WengXiaokang ECIDI Director SeniorEngineer BianBing ian ECIDI Deputydirector Engineer Li chaovun ECIDI Engineer Yuzhijian ECIDI ____ Engineer ZhouJianxin ECIDI ______Engineer Zhangiiasheng ECIDI Engineer QiuQinesong ECIDI ___ Engineer ChenXixian XiaoshanPower Bureau Sectorhead FanDeming YuvaoPower Bureau Director GuZhivi Yin CountvPower Bureau Deputydirector He guofang FenghuaPower Bureau deputydirector TianPingvue People'Government of Ninghai Deputydirector of county ZhangZhenglou People'Government of Shanmen Deputydirector of ______coun~_coutv ChenXin Officeof People'Government of linhai Deputvdirector lian Weniun HuangyanPower Bureau Director Li Shilin YongjiaPower Bureau Deputydirector Qiu Kangiei People'Government of Tiantai Deputydirector of county Sun Sifang Xinchang Power Bureau Deputy director YinZaivu ShengzhouPower Bureau Deputydirector Wangwei ZhujiPower Bureau director Zhu Jingwei People' Govertunent of Chengxiang Town in Xiaoshan Deputy director of town Cai Zhinan ChengjiaoVillage of ChengxiangTown in Xiaoshan Villagehead Countv Lou Shanhu Wulian Village of Chengxiang Town in Xiaoshan Village head Bian Pinglang People' Government of Wangjiajing Deputy director of town Zhao Zuohua Guanhu Village of wangjiajing Town in Zhuji countv Village head Zhu Shuifang People' Government of Yuvao Town Deputy director of town Su Kunvan Tongguang Village of Yuyao Town in Yuyao county Village head Zhang Peigao Zhongjiamnen Village of Yuyao Town in Yuvao county Village head

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