“When you want to test the depth of a stream, don’t use both feet.“ Chinese Proverb (C)2007 * GWI MARKET ACCESS: DESALINATION IN CHINA 1 GWI MARKET ACSESS: DESALINATION IN CHINA Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank for their contribution to this report (in alphabetical order) Elisha Arad, IDE Gireesh Bhat, Hyfl ux Stephen Buonagura, SITIndustrie Lily Cai, Vontron Jackie Cao, Brack Capital Yousheng Chang, Beifang Leslie Chapple, Hyfl ux Haichen Cong, Chinese Desalination Association Charles Desportes, Entropie (Veolia) Xiong Fan, Development Centre of Water Treatment Technlogy Susanna Floth , Aqualia Congjie Gao, Chinese Academy of Engineering André Hansen, Danfoss Guofeng Huang , ROPV Access Xiazhen Jia, Tianjin Waterworks Zhizhong Li, Aqualia Xiaolin Liu, Degrémont Jing Liu, LH International Binghui Liu, MegaVision Runming Pang, Koch Guoling Ruan, Tianjin Institute of Seawater Desalination Beat Patrick Schneider, Calder Spike Shao , LH International Albert Sone, Pump Engineering Mitch Summerfi eld , Siemens Yongwen Tan , Xidoumen Jianguo Tang, Shanghai Water Authority Hattie Wang, ERI Daxin Wang, Dow Sherry Wang, Qianqu Zhaohui Wang, Beidouxing David Wu, GE Jacky Wu, MemShell Kun Yang, Chinese Desalination Association Jason Zhao, Hydranautics Market Nancy Zheng, Motimo He Zhu, Jun He Law Offi ces This report was researched, written and edited by Jensen & Blanc-Brude, Ltd. for Global Water Intelligence Jensen & Blanc-Brude, Ltd. Global Water Intelligence 22 Leathermarket Street, Unit 6 Published by Media Analytics, Ltd. London SE1 3HP The Jam Factory, 27 Park End Street United Kingdom Oxford OX1 1HU
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