The Spring Migration March 1 -- May 31, 1984
CONTINENTAL SURVEY The Spring Migration March 1 -- May 31, 1984 AbbreviationsFrequently Used in Regional Reports ad.: adult, Am.: American, c.: central, C: Celsius, CBC: Reservoir, not Reservation,R.: River, S.P.: State Park, sp.: Christmas Bird Count, Cr.: Creek, Corn.: Common, Co.: species,spp.: speciesplural, ssp.: subspecies,Twp.: Town- County,Cos.: Counties, eta!.: andothers, E.: Eastern(bird ship, W.: Western(bird name), W.M.A.: Wildlife Manage- name),Eur.: European,Eurasian, F: Fahrenheit,fide:reported ment Area, v.o.: various observers, N,S,W,E,: direction of by, F.&W.S.: Fish& Wildlife Service,Ft.: Fort, imm.:imma- motion, n., s., w., e.,: direction of location, >: more than, <: ture, 1.: Island,Is.: Islands,Isles, Jct.: Junction,juv.:juvenile, fewerthan, +_:approximately, or estimatednumber, c•: male, L.: Lake,m.ob.: many observers, Mt.: Mountain,Mts.: Moun- 9: female,0: imm. or female,*: specimen,ph.: photographed, tains, N.F.: National Forest, N.M.: National Monument, •-: documented,ft: feet, mi: miles, m: meters, km: kilometers, N.P.: National Park, N.W.R.: Nat'l Wildlife Refuge, N.: date with a + (e.g., Mar. 4 +): recordedbeyond that date. Northern(bird name), Par.: Parish,Pen.: Peninsula,P.P.: Pro- Editorsmay alsoabbreviate often-cited locations or organiza- vincial Park, Pt.: Point, not Port, Ref.: Refuge, Res.: tions. NORTHEASTERN MARITIME REGION /Blair Nikula Althoughthe diversityin this Regioninvariably precludes any con- sensusamong its manyobservers, rarely does a seasonevoke such an extremedivergence of opinionsas did the springof 1984. Comments rangedfrom "one of thebest we everhad" to "a silentspring." This feast-to-faminesituation defies explanationand appearsunrelated to local variationsin the weather, which was fairly uniform acrossthe Region:cold, very wet andgenerally unfavorable, both for migration and for migration-watchers.
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