
l All The News Of All

The Pointes, . .ro's's'eQi'nt.~ · EverY Thursday Morning "Gomp~~te.'~ews",Coveiage'of 'All the., Poi~tes VOLUME', I>:-NO. '12 ' " N .. "ICHI~AN M'AR'CH 25' "1954 'Ie Per CoP~ ' EDtered u Second C1aa WaUer Fully Paid Circulation " 'GROS~E POI ,rE,IVl, \;7 .,'.. .' ." I',. "'11.00 Per Ye.. at the Poa 0Uke '" Detroit. MIdi.

r HEADLINES Successful' Blood Hopes.to Get 01 ,b_ IitcjneratQr , \VEEK Site Okayed AJ Compiled. by Collection 'Yields Iq. \ . , GrOll" Poin'e New, Roseville Officials Said to ... Be Favora~Iy [?isposed , - Thursday. l\larch 18 l Total of 1.88 Pints Towards' Erection of ,...... SENATOR McCARTHY vowell Plant There a fight to the finish,oncomm~n- 13m anC: said that he didn't give' Grolse Pointe Presbyterian Church Visited by 324 The Grosse Pointe-Harper " a "tinker's damn" aDout ..criti- Voh.inteer Donors Despite Fact That Woods Rubbish and Refuse 4 cisma cc;.lcerning his ,Red-hunt : Many 19no~ed Appointments Disposal Authority is keeping methods. He made this statement ------its fingers crossed, in hopes before a cheering crowd of 1,200 Grosse Pointe's most recent blood collection, held last that a sDlution to the selection Irish In Chicago. Twice he re- Friday March 19, at the Woods Presbyterian Church, pro- of a site for its incinerator peated that he did not care "how duced '188 pints, making it by far the most successful cam- will soon be found. high or how low" were the peo- paign conduetedhere for along ~ime, Thelast three or four Park City Manager Everitt B. ple voicing criticisms hi either political party. , collections have fallen far short of needs and expectations. Lane, temporary.chairman of the By this statement he felt no A total ~f 234 persons appeared

~ey~o~~~ei~~~%e t~a:n4~Xt~m.e~. ~~~~ , .....p. u,rpo"rte1.d,,:,.5..i.,.g,n,.e,.,r,s,.o•.f.~.._PJ,ti.',t.it,icm.. 5. iF..av.•q..,r,.',In. 9 ..E..re,ction of U. n'u~s"u"ac'l." Prog'rarri.~ Sch ..e.d.ul~d helped,.ser,ve 'the .dirin'~r lC?;; the all plan to disclose their quallft- community which agrees to hav- , . ." , SixCandrdates'File fo'r.Coim~, . d ' professional, istaff and'volunteer cations and ,give, their viewpoints irig an'incinerator located with ~~e,~~~o;:~:~;n~~:n~o~~~ c,ilmanic Positions: Judge' ' ,'lnclherat~rW!thln'CdJty ;~et!PI!1g,.I.entlty: ' Priday Eventog/Api'R ,25, workers. " ~ ' " on t~e many isshue.~WcondfrontingIts boraers,.,bt:!Comesa lul1,mem- tory. The. President was opposed ' . ., d "';::'Guarae Secret ," .... :, ,.... ' ,By'.~ot,hers' Club " .. TM:R~d'Cross was particularly alLdi:ltricls o~ t e 00 s: ber of alormed"AuthoritY. ' to the exemptions on the grounds . Goodrow Oppose' ' '., " , 0' __ pleased.,with.the,results of last lVanb'luformatfon Shores Still Out this would be dangerous to the ' . . ~.'A myste~y is reportedhi.t.h,eW9,~ds,.J?~tain..i~g toa group '0 Aninteresting"and. dIfferent week's collection. It has become. .' f' I He pointed out that the Shores Government Treasury, " With theWciods election of 'citizens, real or mythicsl;:.who'someh.o~'seemed, ~o have increa8Irlgly'~'dlfficul~~'tepeclJill~ ':..T~h~ Cihzens Assoc aho.n s an had not requested admission as a The House then passed by 339 only' two weeks' away, 'all dropped out of slght,'The' group hi' :qtiesti~nis. th~Progressive Open.; House,is. being.pJanhed since th~ ,cessatlun' 'ot 'hostilities incorporated non-partisan organ I- member' of the project,; but the to 811, the Administration's om- candidates for' public' office Citizens Group, who, it was reported s'everal w.eeks ago had Friday, 'Apri125, at th,e ,Grosse in , to obtain "enough don- zaticn which has 'been newly door will be held open and that nibus reform 'bill providing have filea their'p'etitions. At circulated 'petitions seeking sign'atures of persons in favor of Pointe High School at.8 p.m. orsto till the quotas. The need formed'to 'obtain and disseminate ~~:h~~i~ym~~~~S Cit~ join. if the SI,397,000,000 of .relief for most the time of the ,News' dead- havI'ng' a Woods-owned incinerator. ...Parents will, have an .oppor- is,.still great, and it has. been ma~ inrormatlon regarding political He also stated that, when and b . d i di id ,_, tu 't to V'S'l't wI'th the facul terial1y augmented by the de- , . usmesses an many, n v ua1:l line' last Tuesday, only. one Opponents of the inc1nerator,4> my,. 1 . - mand for blood to produce gani- 'Issues and candidates. The. As- if built, the' incinerator will be PJ'~r~:p~i~~i~:~~:tf ~puecl:~~n.1:~~ persDn, Councilman Waid Mc- who recently massed 750 str.ong who, the pros were so 'that a ty, students, will.dem~mstrate ma globulin to carryon the fight llociation believes thatlf people designed In such a manner that • •• 01. Knight, had filed for the office in the Parcells School auditorium, meeting:,could be held' with them in the arts and, crafts depart- against .polio. . , . see and hear ail candidates, they it will' accommodate all members A HIGH-RANKING Detroit ot mayor, City Manager Ray to protest erecting .of the burner, to iron out the difference. but .Inents, and coffee.and' cookies Next Collection, !nl\lay will be better able to decide'. for of the Authority, even after the police official said he will tell MacArthur stated, Now 'with at the Marterroad-qirard Drain the councilman: informed 'the will be served,in the cafeteria The next collecbon, will be themselves who is' best qualified respective communities h a v e the police payoff grand jury that all the petitions filed, two site, and' eSjJecially,people living people at' the meeting,that,the by, the Mothers'. Club.' held some' time in May, at,the to represent ,!hem in the citygov~ reached their full developments. an ex-inspector of police was in more candidates appeareJ on in Aline, went all out In circu- identity of the Progre:lsive Group The,choicQ,of F~iday night for Grosse Pointe, Congregational ernment, . T • . touch with mutuels kings, before the list for the office of. mayor. IDting' petitions to. oppose the will be' disclosedr after the hol~ing Open .. House ',Vas made Church atChaUonte and Lothrop The, organization committee and after he retired. The details erecting of a municipally-owned election. . .' for;several reasons, That evening 'roads., . . Recklegs~ DrIVerS The new candidates are Coun- burner at that site or anywhere '. I .. no !Adult Education C.llisses are . ------and Its' first Board of Govern~rs 'Pay Up In.Court, will be turned over to Judge cilman' George Heckendorn. and else within the city limits. ' . ,. in Isession, thus' makmg,. every B . D t is: Donald W, Jennings, Antom- t~:jot. 3'~~a~~ir~:0 a~o~:~~A~~ Louis Calc~terra.Jr. Get 2,400 Signatures Chemistry' Set. room in the school available and ogus. oc or .' ette' B. Suter, Ann M. Davies, bribes taken from gamblers.. Johnston Changes l\Und The antis were successful in Blas.ts. Youn'gster' t~e parking situation will be re- Gillen J ail.Term William J, Clayton, Robert L. dl;~r~;:,d~i~;:~:e~~erueJic~~e~ Judge O'Hara will begin hear- Councilman Rex Johnston; who obtaining 2,400 signatures of per.lleved'Plan Many Exhibits Duncan, Mary Nellis Most, How- charge of reckless driving whic.h ing testimony on Monday, but had obtained the required num-' sons who were against a .city- . . , . . Donald Lowry, 39, o( Kingston, ard G, Gandelot, Albert F. Sieg- resulted in an accident, against declined to state how many sub- ber of legal signatures, originally owned incinerator, and have pre- William Dom; 9, of 1075 Haw- ,Mobiles, colored stri.ng grafts, mund, ClareQce B. SI'Jcum, Eu- Fred W. Ploe of 11037 Lake- pen as have .been issued. One intended to run for 'the o!fice of sented.the petitions to City' Ad- thorne,'.is'in a critical condition table centerpieces, deSIgned and Ont., was' given a thr~eto 14-. gene A" Most, Beth C., Duncan, pointe, Detrol~ when the de- subject for study will be the mayor, but apparently'chtinged ministrator Ray'MacArthur, who' in> St. John's Hospital, from solved by' problems in plane ge- year sentence in ,Jack:on State Ellsworth :W. Allison, Whitney fendant failed to appear in court speed in which gamblers are re- his mind at the last minute, and stated that thesignatures ..wlll be ~ecor,d and third degree burns ometry ~re some C!f,the examples Prison' on Wednesday, March 17, Collins,',Ruby'W, 'J~nnings, F. on March 17, due to a heart con- leased on writs or habeas corpus. did not file his petition. ' , c~ecked to m~~e' sure no one had received 'on Monday, March 22; that pare!1ts ,will .appreciate, by Recorder's ,,'Judge Gerald. ,W. Wayne Sharp,' 'Jack Train. Alice dition. However, the defendant's • • • Mayor Paul Rowe and Council-: Signed fraudently. . Proble~s In abstractIon, result- Groat, for passirig' bild checks on Halleid, . Myrtle C, Dougherty, Saturday, l\larch 26 man Herbert S.avage announced' • The .Progr.essiv.es,. however, ,wplhoedned.a.toy chemistry set'ex- ing In'qlstraction are,some recol- drug storp.s in the,Detroit ar~a John' ,Zimmerr.lan, Stuart A. drivers' license was suspended THE O'HARA GRAND JUR'Y, that they will not seek reelection have .yet to be heard from.' For IecUons 0f geom etry lesson,s .. whil"e posmg as a 'd'octor ,.. . Friedrich and Daniel Hodgman.' by the. Secrelary of State for one th th f W!llia~ was across the street Printing,' leathercraft, wood Besides passing '.checks in .De- , '.'.' year •. Investigating the graft.gambling to office. some reason or 0 er, ey pre er playmg 10 the basement of the and metal. ytork,everi jewelry trolt, seven' druistores 'in the. All Ar.e Invl.ted Raymond E. Castro of 14411 scandal ,which has struck .the Dc- Six Seek Councll Seats . to remain in hiding. '. home ot Dale Johnston, 11, of and., cer.amlcs taught ',durlng. reg- P k d C't ' ls Everyone I'nte'rested l'n.C1'V'l'Caf- Cedargrove; Detroit, c'h a r g e d troit Police Department, will~' d'd t h f'l d f .. When the .News called Mr~ 109B H th .. f the 1 bIt Farms, aran I y were a 0 ith kl dri i. d .' . :.IX can I a es ~ve I e or MacArthurT u' es day evening, "aw orne, owner 0 . 'ular day c asses can e 11 er ~ur- victimized. . fairs ancirepresentative' govern- w . rec ess, v ng an caus- question Jts fIrst wJtness on Mon- the two councilmamc scats to be seeking informatiori about the pro set.. '." sued as .vocation " or . avocatlon~ One drugstore proprietor,' be- ment Is invited to.beC:lme a mem- ing im accident at Wayburn and day. Judge John P. O.H::.a, who left empty by Councilf!lon Mc- group, it was diSclosed that {hey D~le ,told Woods:' authorities ,:!,he fine. workmanship 'and beau- coming suspicious, cashed one .of berot The Citizens .Association. Goethe. pleaded. guilty and' wu released the statement" said that Knight, whose t~rm~ expues any- ,had hot yet. made .their voices thath~ ~as at. °tJe .end ~f. the ty. of theftnishedproducts. speak Lowry's checks with $25 in 'cash For' information call TUxedo fined $20: 1.000 subpena blanks have been way, a,;,d Councilman 'Savage. . heam. ~.' ,) . basemen~,~nd Wilba!D was at the well oft both teacher-and pupil. and the balance with an I•.O,:U, 2-5633,.' " It cost Carol M: Baranski of ordered, which should be enough, See~mg council. sea~ are:-, McKnight ClalmS'Kllowledge ' other~ Wllllamwasflll;ng a beak- .The way fingers, at first, all Park Police Chief Arthur Lou- .______3341 Trombley,' a fine of $10 for even if the pr'Jbe .lasts all year. Counc~lman Harry Pratt, Fort;'er. .At a' meeting held 'last. w"eek-. e r.WIth alC~h,ol when sUdde1y thumbs, learn -10' coordinate, and wers stated that there was more TO DEDICATE LIBRARY" operating a motor vehicle with- An initial appropriation of Councilman f\ r n old Diesmg, end, wlth,J . group. of antis, t he set, ~xp oded, caused by ...a' follow a partlcullir pattern to than enough money on Lowry!s out B license. $10,000 has been asked of the James, Bo.wllng, James, Hunt, Coun"cl'lm. an' Waid'McKnight, pint of alcohol which spilled and type perfectly,'wiU be another . h' h as' p.preht:!nd'. 'Wayne University wlll'dedi- Louise C. Berr'aof 15072 East- Wayne County Board of Auditors. K th M Lc d d A thContacted aflame on: a .nearoy most interesting. demonstration ~erson, w ~n . e wa ~ 1 wood; Detroit, pleaCied guilty to Another move was the swearing Kf~~~: c 0 an . r ur lIt~ted; when asked by those burner, " ;_' in the Commercial,Departtrient. ed by Detroit police last Febru- ,cate its. new $2,500,000 Genera permitting an .unlicensed driver in of Wayne Prosecutor Gerald Present Jud e Don Goodrow' present" ~~at there ,w~~ sueh an. The flash fire ignited Williamis Swimmers to pe1iOJ1D.arY,to repay. every one, at his LibraryJn formal ce~m?ri:s at to o~erate a motor vehicle and O'Brien as'a member of the will be opp'~sed by Frank oJ:ganizalJon as the Progressives, clothing. He"rushed up tnthe •. Synchronized"swimming will victims. . . 3:30 p.m.,'Thursday,' pn ,on was assessed $20. Irand jury. D h but; it 'w~shed 'to rc:main, silent '.kit~hen .where D!1le's mother, be performed by: 9th Grade girIs '. • . thefitit.floorof Kresge Science Leo C, LaRocque of~53 Ridge • • • G~~~eeri1aint~ ~~~:~f ~u~~~ untilaftertheWoodse1ectlon .. Mrs. Sliirley.Johnston,beat:.out(Contlnued'onPlire:Z)' RUG, TAKEN 'FROM DOME p~:~ ..r:.f;aTr~o._~~~s.~~i~t.~~: ...o~ road, paid costs of $10, when he SENATOR McCARTHY ae- McKnlghLwas said ',to, have the flames with her hands and .. " '. '.' .. Miss Theka.Max:tin of 925 Har- pleaded guilty to reckless driv- cused the Democratic Party of (Contlnued.on,Pal'~ 2) been asked if. he woul~'~'l'eveal l!mothered.th'e fire. She suife.red.....H •.ts."" ...p 'k" d'.C' .. court,rep~rted to Park police on Wayne'scampu$,whichhas'.been ing and causing an accident at "20 years of treason" on 20 counts . .., p~isters ,onher,'firigers; I.', ' I , ar e. ar, Thursdar, March IB, that. some- ~~yi'~!~ra~~e~~~:: f~~~ u~fti,V~~ Vernor and Balfour. in a rebuttal to a March 6 spei:ch G E th e" t' I' -t d" . !\'illiam, a fourth_grader 'at St. ,p .' " 'H t' o~e had stol~n an Orie~tal rug, ~ ' The case-of Lois Wainscott or made by .Adlai Stevenson,' ~he un. n USlas s,' nVl e ;" Joan of AI:c, received second And, assenger J ur. valued at,$75,.whlle.Jlhe was ab- Kre~ge Sc~ence .Library" was 485l,Audubon, Detroit, accused 1952 De m 0 era tic presidential • .. ,. third degree burns from the waist .' _'__ " ,,' sent from ,herho.me.: . '. . "dedIcated last. May. of ignoring a stop street at Char- candidate. McCarthy cast Steven- To Ex'hlebl'etl-o'n',at ~C'en'ter'. .".. up. 'Doctors at the hospital stated ,:,Oeorg~' W.,Comer; 27, of'19934 , " . '. _' 'levoix and Balfour, was heard son in, the role of "attorney' for' • . '. " , " '; , . ,that he w,lll face a crisis for,;t~e Kingsville, was ,ticketed by.Park H - Y B . t 'Stralghten by City Judge' Douglas Patter- the defense" and accused him of ------next.few~days," police on:,Sunday, March 2~, for 1,., . oys 0 . son. The defendant pleaded not using Communist tactics. in at. Don't miSs the big gun show of 'Yeap\ln which they specialize:~: not having his car .under :control. . . e, , 'M k guilty and was found guilty and tacking him and the Republican at the War Memorial Center, in collecting. A,lIard. to Head' and causing an ac~identin wh~ch TWlsted .Street: ar ers was fined $5 and given a sus- party. . March 2B at 3 p.m •.Admlssion'is At 4 o'clock after you've had a a I'assilnger in hiS car. was, tn~ . pended sentence. McCarthy spoke, before an chance to workup erithusiasm at 'B s. ...SS .n.. jured:", ' :.... ------Three others accused of traffic audience in Milwaukee. Scattered absohitely fre!'. .' some of the exhibits, Carl Brab. U Ine . Inn~r A,Park polrce report'disclosed -,Pointe. residents who have mended';to the boys by,the of- violations failed to appear in cries of "guilty, guilty, guilty" Men in buckskins with powder lec'and Bill Palmer will stage a .' ' 'that Comer.wa$ driving north lleen'confused,bY the twisted ficalS, oi the communities,.. court and forfeited $15 each. They were !1eard throughout the crowd ~orns ,and, Xentuck~ rif1~s o,yill little show for .you, featuring the Col. Walter. Allard, has ,been on'Bedford •.whlm hclost co'ntrol street-comer".ma r,k i ng' signs '.. Gold Hi-Y.is one of.two'honor- are Dean F, Conway of 871 S. as he went through the charges ,meet you at the door~ They will best'of their large! stock, of yarns: appointed general.; 'chai"-man' of 'of'. the 'vehicle and it 'str\1Ck:a throughout.. the. flve Gross£: ~rY' Hi- Y clubliat' GroSse. Pointe Oxf~rd road, charged with speed- against the Democrats. . ., Following ,them will'be a small the' Fourth Annual Eniploye'-Em- parked' car with such :force 'that Pointe. :i:ommuniti~ will find High School and is part of ana- ing and improper lane usage; • • • be standing guard over tables arms drill by a crack team from phiyer, Dinner '. of ~the . Grosse the parkedc8r, slammed. Into a them reStbred to correct positions tion~l. organization . in' hi g h Winifred S. Malchle of 791 Fisher Sunday, }\Iarch .21 loaded with samples of pistols; the 99th A.A.A.. Gun. Bn, which Pointe Business Men's Associa- fft'ehydrant in fr,ont of 1144 Bed- next Saturday; March 27, by 60 schools sponsored by. the, Young road, .accused, of'speeding on A MOVEMENT is. underfoot to rifles and gun accessories from guards the Pointes.' The men 9f tlon; . .' ..', .. ' ford, 'moving ,it about ..three boys' from the Gold Hi-Y- Club, ~en's, ChristlanAssoclatlon;:' Charlevoix; and 'Robert. F. Fa- have Senator McCarthy replaced every' century' since firearms the 99th 'will' also stage: a com- " Th~'dinner'will'beheldln'.the incheS. .".; .. J' ..' .. " ....:..... of:Grosse'Polnte'High.SChoot. Faculty advisor of Gold Hi-Y zekasof 22010 St. Gertrude, St. by another Republican In the were invented. petitlon.".between'batteries in Grosse' Pointe 'Yacht. Club:\on. :.A'passenger,'in

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'to ,\, . , .', \ }.

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• ~', ''', # •• ~~:;;;';~".-;::"=;;.•:;:.:;~'-;"~:":~ ....,.":'';';'''''~~'-:';';i~:':;:;';:;"",--''::''';rl;'';'~~;'';'::':;;'~.:!~~.'; "{~~.'--!:-'':'.; Ji':• .:.~~:.~:.~.f4~~;~...... ~....:.'~...... i ,:..~ ~~..._~-#", .~ .; ....- • ...a...-~ _ .- __ . -" .. '. ; \' . , Page Two G R0 SSE P;0 I N TEN EW 5 Thursday, March 25, 19~ Thursday, I D 1 , .• t Cl k V. t. .· d" .- Power Headiit ' Pl 0 I. . H' . t G''fPIUS .A '.l 25" 'Dr~'J~nies' '0/. Bushong" Made Rota~ Member , ruggzs '.' ,.~r . ,,;,ZCZ~lZ.~ .. - , . -'. g... .: an.. pen .:ous~.a '. .L;I. . on ~ pJ;Z " At"a regular meeting held '~y. Sc~~L'o~ Pin,ey,Woods, Mi~. Hi. '. · Cancer Crusade '. . ..'. ,-.....' ,.'~' '.,' , topic was centered around the Teekla (Continued from Pale:l)' n~, ~~lJ~is DeCl~r~~ R?¥rt" ~~'t'~rd \\.r~rn~t is in ch~rge. o~ the Grosse Pointe Rota;r C},ub on education C!f'the N~groes in the BY Shor,t Change :A. rtzstrY'.f ._ ,;... Mr. ;.::;i :.b, ( . , . '" . William Gray Power,.''l653 S. !rO~ ..8 to 8:15, and under th~ di. Knapp', R:char~ Born, a~d AIB!1,'~1Jldes:.. ': • " _.0' Monda~, ~~~ch 8, .at the .War. south,.'p!U'ticu1arlY"ln respect to bert of \\'a:c'~![ i City police are seeking a bill, ,and the cler!: returned 32 Rt;llau~>Grosse :Pointe .Woods, ,~e5~b~~00:ki~~'~ll~Mb~k~3~~~ .Mahi~ arer.the studen~ who.v4U' -Mrs;. Alpa"p'"d~r,P •. Le~~;. a.nd .M~mo:la,l.<:enter'",~r',.J~mes,.~. the ,~lne>: V{0!Jds Sc~ooI. . merl:> r,f G~".e IImooth operating 'short-change cents: The- "cus(omcr".tumed as has, ceen', appoint~"chairman~lJf ~~rVe'the parents'with';th~ir cof. ShOW 'h~g~lights of. mect.lln~~al ~er,h~spl,taUtt"c.o~Dlltt~,t; wi~p~ !3u~h.o1)g.of 1125:G,ray!0~,suppebr-, TIllS was Dr, Jonles ~e~o~d ad. the ('nl:;;~f:;-~nl . t h .... '. , . • ' ,>... ,. '- '., ,- 'd' .', r'it III IV V d'VX':" 'i" d.' t'. t "t' ll", "Its mtendent'of Grosse Pointe u - dress before the.c u b wlthm the ~rtlS w 0 vlcbmlzed an employe if t~_ go. ~.hen .~.Iem, reml~de~ t~l( 1954 Canc~r Cr:ull~~e-of. th~.,fee~.:C~flee :~1l~"~e:ser.v~d frol? r~~mg', ", ~ ::' , , an.: t.:, ,ont".~~ vI:! g,~e ... a _. par7~,'. 'Uc-'SchoOlS/wM QfflcUilly a'ccept.; last three years •. ter. Tec:';:;; Eml of the Schettler's Drug Store on him that he had more change SO,utheastem Michigan Division .9 t~ ~O,p.m •. aI?d ,~U:Olhng_m~l- respe,ctivel~"." .. , , . .>,~:especll~lIy. tn«;se;of lOB ,lt~,':l~.ents!ed as a Rotary-member.', . : .... :c . Ed.....arc. (. '\ ( Fisher on Friday March 19. coming and gave him $930 mak •. t'th' A .• C . "-' S' '. t" cJan~ of ,the ~trmg EQSemble wlI) ,:~In.the.s~ill1mlng pMI the fem: and ,wdl:.help dlrect. thelll', ~~ the "p'... ::'fi'.:l.""- - ;:-" ':'f :th":, . et'; . It's 'mlghty'ifard to stay on top • ." ' . .' ..' " . ' a e. merl~an .a~c~r oCle y, provIde ,baCKground music dur- • .' ,:'., " . 'right 'rooms •. , '.. , ...' .. " :~nc .pa SPl!llA,~E'.o e me • '. . lti ' Accordmg to City Det. Sgt. mg ~:total of $9.62 ,retu~ed. .. .Jt,~was announced by' Earl 4-- lng 'the~ l1J:st half of 'the t"coflee l,~ine, ?iVls.ion.:..of: ..tfe p~ys~~al~, The moth!!fs to,be stati~lied 'at J~g;.}V~J,I)r; ~u~~nce 'C Jones,; of. the heap ~f.~ ~ . tud~ makes AnTrew Teetaert. the .lnan walk. . The.man took a dollar,blll, and :A~derson, di,,:isiqn.president-:The, ~our,: ~,,'. ' ':' ,: :",'~', ed~cab.on i a,e~BJ1m~t 'WI~ ~~be, eac~ room' ki¥ping a .:reidster ,of ,PJetid~et~ or: f~~ ;.lPi.ney~l~oOds your,head:swlm,. . , . f:g ~~ ::~T:~!~t~re~n~ w~I~2 handed it to Klein and asked ~im Can~er Crusade wHl':' op'en',:,'on "~he,~0~!I1 C0'Pm~ttep." un,de.r ,repr~st;lntet!~"br-';:;~lly .Whlttmg. 'visitors w1ll":t>e .~ri,~~~d::bY"~F~ . ''C'" :....• ,',: ,;, _'~'. '.",~ .,...... " . , • M It dr .• emo toretumthe$10blll which was A'ii't ."'.: ...... ,-:",.thechalr~anshi".Of..rMrs.,James.ham;:Audrey,Scnmld',.,N'eU"GordonCameron£:t ... ' .... ,'-t: rt:. ,. '.'," ... ,' .•~, . , .. apeon,oreredapackageof '.' ' ':,' ...... pr ..... : ... , ':'" '~,;Ga.rza,has.charge •.oftherefreSh~'Eyans,~'~~enda.:Mason"Dbl'ian '"Mrs."W.-'Brownstiri'and"'lier . ~I:arets an.d some gum. . done, Then the m..n placed I~ve, .. The" ,Nahonal Crusade,' held ment~, and' are 'usmg, spring ,col- Lester Carol .Re~d Karla Goet- lliember~hjp' comniittee"will:b;! :- . Tty: swmdler .comple~ed the $1 bills and a .$5 biJl w~th the $10 every'April, which is,-proc1aimed ors and .f1?wers for their decora; chejll;.;~ Blizabeth Elliott, "Janet, :weU' supplied' with" me'~bers~jp , ~urc ase by handmg Klem a $10 and ~kec1 tor a- $20 bill. This 'Cencer Control'Mon~h;.\will be .!~ve theme., ~he seven wind9~s ,M«:Lel1an;,:Peiiny(.Rydholm,~lilndapplicStioris30r ihose;:.wlio':iiay~ ' . . was given to.him in:exchange for. devoted,'to an intensiveeduca. 1!1 the cafet!lfla will hq,vt: attrac:, ,Carol Kennedy.;,...... "_' • 'not'ss-yet;joined. ':',' -',:'_.,l'::_'::~ , the. other 'money and the man tional campaign ,to, .inform ' the .tit.v~t.qrrafngteli,!11en~.qf' varl,ofutsdSac• . Periny~'dhQlm:and Nell Evans . '~. , . DueS 'A're D~e:'[';'.-;'. ::~ ' , l:)' ~ f . .' t' f t b t lV) lCS o. ear.., and ..cra e. ill d ' '~t 'th' kill i"h .' .". '. . . .!' ... ~.. l.~ 'n turn~ and walked out. . PUu lC o.. u~~o{~a~. ,~c s. a ou, 'partments .., .' , ' . _ ' '; : ", w,' en:'0.ns.~.. e .. eu; s, ,.~", ,Co; \'tTher~ is s11l1.ti!'1l~:;to,pay~¥~. ~r ' PLANNED . ' " The man Was .described .as, ca~;er.p" h" 'f' 'i 'h" Chanc~ ,t~ Meet °kf'i~IV~~g.t.;';: ,'d';". " 'th' . '.' ': er~' Club dues, and::thos.e~w1!bi~ er "Stat!,.' ~t I:. ::' IN8UR'AICE colored, .,six.feet one-inch, has a ,mr.. .ow " 'w ose WI e s. t e :ParcntSl :ot:'lOB ~stUdents 'and ..:..ga ~g: c~J)o'~ ~r~9g. e. eve: nf. HaviJ .. '~:.Jar, notify tpe nearest- ,authorities" In accepti!1g.; thiS .' appoint •.. teachers;. counSellors 'and",the ad- I.rent;-:pIGemjl8., " ':. '. . ,; '" ;.; :tee,. actlnJr,i~', ~he)~..r,esp~ct~~~\~~_ \ ~~: ~ ...I' - h • ",. . :,' ..,' .. ". ,-;"-:.:' . Jl1ent,~' PO,we,r,~al~,: "Lam .deepl~< ministratlve!),ijlff::',',' :.:'~:;';~,.: . .,' C '~".;?a.lt;e~, aat~!stant.'p~mcl.~ paClties.:,:~l1!. fu~rns.h~,t~e ...fi~l 51 .. ., .• -Business J h J S' k M b' aware ot the 1.mportant. respon~ :. ,:A....mimeographed .. plan' of. the pal,' lS' In' pharge ~ ,t~e ,op'e~, .~~ur:l1nce_Qf a. m.Q~,i~f~p,nat{\i.{ "''':W:-- o.n • us 0 em ~r.. sipillty : it !ntalJs.' Cllm;er', ~o~v ;building:~BIOti"g:'with". a~7room:}di:' hC;lUse. . ~ .~". .. :.. '...,'...! .and.:!!njoya.ble!Fq~.!1y,; ~~~ning. '..,' : e: Iridusfry Of Korean Peace Patrol ranks second, among, Amerlcas 'rectory 'wJllibe provided for,'all, ' .. ,', . ,.. , '.: ..... ',. '. ' '. ,", ','. ,,,," ...... -=--- . .,... killers: and ~h~ anl!~al deat~ ).ol~. parents'; :ari~t'.students:~~ni 'aS$t Tlj" ':..,' S' 'k' ','M':"""-"",,",.~:P" " ,.....t.,;.!),t.,"~~- • Individuals , FAR<.EAST (FHTNC) - John fJ:Om.,the;~lse¥e.';),!.I,on ..,t)i,::~~- :jn directing: P~st~rs ,f1.'om."tht; .. ree.: ee . .ayor S,'. 'OS '.i:...,;.:: Rent J. Susko.: aviation machinist's crease. 'j • :l~I ," " '. tArt Department. Will also"facUi- .. ,t .. '.';' _ • "..."',' \".. ..', •• J \' '(

r mate second class USN son of "Public awareness of ';he' es" 'tate in' f1nding'the prOper rooms. I' .El~" ti- ' ,.•• : •• 'GP 'W- I ~d', \. -;;'. Since 7884 !'Mr. and Mrs. Joh~ M. Susk'd' jof sendal fa~ts about. cancer' has It has been suggested that par-' n,' ec on In, .; 00 S ,Reclining Ohairs with DOomans,,from $99 8 mli , Sflll Growlngl 1140 N. Renaud; Grosde Pointe greatly increased dU1.'mgt~c past ,cnts familiarize themselves. with .', - , ' '. , "'.' , ., , Woods; Mich., is serving aboard decade, but. a t!e~)orable numb~r the ,namc~ ..ol th~ :teachers. the~,' , (Continued from Pa,ie 1) , , six" lliimths, after has been PERFECT COMFORT I Choose. from several attractive it .. coverings; 'there's: one ~ ~atch your, d~or. Ottoman opens the attack aircraft carrier USS of cancer vlcth~lS ,die ,eve~y ~ea~ plan to V1Slt., ~':,,', ".". . '. , i .' • d'. passed.:; . l' , ( Essex, with the UN's peace patrol because they do ttO~ obtam .ade. Many; Stud~~ts.B~lpipl < ,ho.n, .~Ol" the mumclpal ju ~e . 'Last .week there had apparently to hold your. magazines, books, etc, off the east coast 'of Korea and ill 'quate treatment soon' enough.,. . Mall)' studentS.will ta~e,part in S~lp. ' . . beeri ,some confusion' at . the .the Sea 'of ...... "Las~ y~ai'," Power cited,' "73,. staging the, exhibits ana ,demon", Amend~ent to Chartel " Woods Mimtcipal, at, .the officii : The, Esse'" began her third 000' Amerlcans . recovered' from strations.' , '.' •• AI ,t' lk I" d b f the time the deadli~e Jor' petitions I tour of dut; in the cancer: through' prompt: .surgery Show~ng aspects of'Printing I , . so, ~. p ?ce. ..~ or~ : rolled :around/ " .. ',. : . e. I~'. I when slle:rejoined Task For:e 77 or radiation therupy. but another ,will be(Wlllard' Taylor; 'George .Woods' vote~s,,,"::ll1 ~~ 8n atl}e~d,. When the ':5 .o~c1ock"deadlhle' ill the Orient in January. '.. 73,000 died who would have been H!lrants, Don McGee, and James ment to the clty's charter, whIch- 'arrived. City "Administrator RIlY a • r , saved if they hael ,gone tc? their Ravel. ,IJIus~~8tinF. ..phases of was recently .approved by Gov. 'MacArthur' declared that, only • '600 Dim. Bldg , Detroit ~6., 185,020 .WORK 'FOR FORD doctors earlier ,a~d had received. ,Printing I wilt: be ,Peter Suceel •. WilJiams ... " " ,~''',. " ~ one. candidate had' tiled"for' the WOodwlfd 1.0321 • " . adequate ',treatment. ,This gives lato, Marvin" MuckenfUss, .'and The amondment' will dcpri~e office Of mayor., When .;:omplete, . SUIUalAN OffiCI Ford .Motor .Company em. us a challenging incentive to de. Ken Erickson, Advanced print- "the Woods council.'Of the power to information was sought 'for. this. .GIFTS LAMPS and PARTS SH~DES 4261 N. Woodward Ave. p)oyed an average of 185,020 velop ,our. public educatio.nal lng 'will ..lie. demonstrateq', by change or amend a.ny ordinance week's'issue, 'it was ~evealed' by' . RoyalOale persons - highest' in its 50.year program to its fullest potenhal. Ralph Frank, John Yerge, George approved by the 'voters. ~s it Mr. MacArthu~'s' se~retary;; that! 'LAMP SHADES RE~COVERED

history ~. in the ities." ., . Schlaepfer, and Robert Harrison. stands. now,' the council can aU, petitioners l)ad'met the dead-; I \: E~eni'!lI. Mon.,. l'hun., and Fri. TUxeda 1.7240 17114 Kercl ~~~~~g $~~~~84~~5~9Pf~d \;a~:s~' a Power, ~~s been \vith the Che~- :Tony Hersman, Rich~rd Deg-. change or amend any ordinance-. Ifne 'for.:'1iling.' "'" " i. , , " .'. .

, ~~~~~d~~~ls~~nths~n~~C;:~:'CI~~ ~~ '. I " ," \ " ." , .. •.. : .~ • . Detroit; .and is a past.preJident • na%. ,,' . _. .~'. ;. I V f~~li~;:i~1iFy~~!~;ift-" Z '°0 I~,t Drier. No'ivl 'Audit Bureau, a- member of the more."....powe..r:~. ..,: , , Outdoor 'Steering ,Committee of .. , . .',' ,\ .' the Association of National Ad.' , . , :.1 'II' Brownlng:-Guns: rr~~~S~;~;t.h~~!~~.~::you ~anget ~ven~ore:rn~es.;.per-ga' O~. Dan Buell. Gets .," Sweet' .Sixteens . H -, \ill, ,t:j" '{,~''y'< N t-,,.., ~ • . Lead In arpell ~~1:riJi;:K:f~'~t;'..i :~}.~ -" . -- , ~ew 19,$,* M~rcury,gives yo),£ • Light Twelyes More than 30 persons attended ,yt/::' "".'",;~~,''',\.,~' '. . . the casting call for the Gro~stl, 'J' ,..,i'" a' new, even more ecolWmical ' Pointe Community, Theatre's .pro. , , • Superimp~sed duction of "Harvey," held' Sun •. ; . 161. HORSEPOWER ,,'';. qv.erhead:711al'l{e', !V".B ;in every .,.-. day. March 21, at Sannon Mem'. , . i ,:r. orlal. .' .. ",,'d',' ,,'1, • ..' . I"""j , ;.- model in~tJie:line.t:~ . , ' : -to' ~~', ,.'\.~ , ", , , ." .. . This .delightful comedy. by I ....- -."_. ~..- _.~- "'7t1iat;" the ~ftic!.!ILJII!.__ ," .:. fA",_'. r. '; ••. ," ~Ma&:Chiise ConcernsElwooa'~: ; ,.. rating of Mercury's" net'l ,- .A' .... : ~~s isn:t aq:,'~ld.:.~i~~t/'l~vi!J!.:.i,ll~,'~.~,~r~;Pf!wer Dowd which was played by Dan overhead valve V.B engine , rating. For 1954, ~rercliry offers a c~inpletely new Buc1I. and the state of supreme -the type of engine that- 161.hol'&cpo,,:er' overhead valve y.a. :. ' .... happiness he has achieved. There engineers agree is the most .. .'Gombiited .witll. new: ball.joint, front wheel Sull. is a kind, gentle quality about El- \ "Aqua-Lung" Display efficient of ail. You get wood that wins many friends • pensidn, this,new Mcrcury'Y~161 engi,ne gives you. all he and Harvey sit quietly in 28.6% more power, You new kind of power that makes any ,driving easy. I~ the local bar having a drink or get greater efficien9)" that Easier, faster'acceleration,'.new,'easc,and safety in cuts down on fuel consump- two. Ies just plain envy of EI• passing, greater hand~~g e~ *an ever~over rough • • 'wood's wonderful phi 10 sophy tion, And a new 4-barrel that keeps them from coming carburetor-2 barrels rorids, around"tht:: 8ha~~ curv~~., .:' , • t...... : I back. vacuum.operated to cut in ,This new powei'iS yours in every Mercury modeL .Evelyn Greathouse d ire c t e d automatically '}'fien extra 28% more actual horsepower-ea.ty power that's easy with Betty Cook as. stage man. acceJeration.i~ needed, , on'the pocketbook, too! Try a new Mercury today! • 'ager and Barbara Roney assist. \', . Open Dally 20099 Mack Avenue " a.m. to , p.m. TUxeda 2.9~39' :ant stage manager.' Other memo ...- -'"., . -,',' bers of. cast and crew will be an • n'ounced in the near future. • ~ ---: f ~~-w.'195.1:, Plans are for production .to take' place 'May 7 and 8 at .Can. non Memorial Auditorium. Any- one interested'in ticket3 may call TUxedo 1.8555. 617 We OpM9A.M. . :DlER(URY. .- ..~.. ' ... .. Lieut. William Peattie' , ~ •.•.,THE CAR THAl:MAKES ANY- DRIVING EASY With :Airborne" Division, ... ~',. . --.. - AHEAD or THE fiELD IN STYLING, TOO I New changes.front and rear-; .. plus sparkling neWinteriors-put Mercury further ahead than eved ,. -, ..,' Second'Lieutenant William W. , ' / Peattie is now continuing his eo.p ~ • Young's Excu army career .i~ the famed ..82d ., Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, •• :~'yo " North C.aroliml. '. ..,' ..

t • ,- "": ...... :.p As a.member of the 82d, he,will ' , "".,it:-~::.:.'J"!".•>::,l.:.• ;.,':.:','.~:::'::'~;.,~;;::":'~w.&:.~':.::,.~,~.','_,~.'.r>~:~<')'\~<~:::'.:~:~ .1 ... receive advanced training in mili. , ""<-'<:-~~'",'",' t!'''' I • ..... '; : ...... tary ta~tics .. .and participate in the training exercises and maneu. <: ,.'"N.; .. ,: .,~::, '" ..:'~,,(:,.::;,..'::~:~r2?1. vers held by the division through- ~ ~ out the year. .. ,. "'," ,," . ,;; ~~~ .. ,~. ,::,: ",~',W'>:':' ,. :':.' . . '.' He is the son of William M. + '< ~,:~x .;:,.':="':':7':"'~ ,. ".' ,:,. ":::):;\:.:'::,i/::~h.,...,. -...; . ;;;00 ",,' Peattie of.297 TouJ:aine road. IPlCfALS Prior 10' entering 'the Anned WEEK ENDING APRiL '3 " Forces Ct, Peattie attended High~ / land Park High. School. in . De. " SKIRTS: (PlaIn) .., _~9c troit and Michigan State Colle"ge TROUSERS : ;:..;.Uc~ where he was'a~member of J;)elt!1 .. :::<:~. \ " Sigma Phi Fraternity. ' .' . , , . .~ :,. ON JUNIOR 'VA~~ITY, . ,. . Edwin G. ':VlIIerot, '50n of Mr. . • and Mrs. G, 'E. Villel'ot, 25;Bea'~ : con Hill, w;s awarded his ~unior, . .lo.... .', ... +11> 'loll ..~.. f --:";'''~ • ...... ,:-V'~...... Varsity Letter' in .Basketball. at ...: . 20737 Mack Ave.t~ir~"~.. the recent Winter, Sports Banquet . of. the Choate' School;; Walling- . -to-' ford; Conn. " \ c...... - , I '~i't .,~.;:jB~I;...". " ....."'..;'(~:,::)S;)/,";~,.. ".~..,.~;'~~":{.~". ,~~;,,\.:~..t~, ..~u'1'l'.~~::,:::-.=r~~ ~~~~-~~\~.~ ,~. ~'M.;~L~\'I ---... . ~~g ..t~~'~I~I!R.:.~%~.3&&;3SR2@~I@~~~5~~~~?:~~~d~'J -- ,9{.//,E:"'~,~<:.':':h:::FE~>:"'i".!~:<'ii:'::::"i;)i,::\}~S:~f:+~qlt~?<:;:.'::i:~i:'i-3.S}t::~;::;S:~t:S?bd::.&ST'~;~~8B:1~-?t'70:!:"!:;,'~"}~~~",,~~;.c~::+;7<:"-#,~if-,:~\:;;i#l:j/L; . .... ;.t~ _•. -t<'to( ~~ ~.. :.we wz ...;'c"'oY "'~;!: ;.;wr'9t...... ~;;;;::s; , ~ ..:-s. t ;; >...... ~.~. ,-'-'-';-~-Jf"""'::.;,.:_L.~: ., $1 DuPont , 'f' • I , • .. . Don.t misa 11he bl, television hIt. "TOAST OF THE TOWN;' with Ed Sullivan.' Sunday' 8:00 to D:OO,Station 1\YJBK-TV-Channel ~2 even'n" Inatep "' ' , .' . , ..' • h. "lot . " fort ... 1 TONTINE Wa:Jhatt~\;. .\ ) .. !1 What~ " favorite I :7! ,. "GAMB( Window Shade's ...... uedeand .,...... , . ..- tar price.

They con b. scrubbed with soop and hot water. try It! ~~ '))"AAb>") hjjjjJWjjj);Jj; jJJSJJJjSjjjjjj,JSbJjj';"jjjjjj));';"));;)"SJ' j 'jj' , In colors to harmonize and beautify your home. • ..... 't .. Small orders con usually be mad. up while you walt; .or " phone. Our man with color samples will pick them up.... .' 'WI CLEAN' WINDOW SHADES Standard Wi...dow Shade Company Inc. , 16925 11ARP~, ,,,'rOIl (,om Vo.g~ The.'er ' ..Ca,ll Tp. 2.5-i,{D 130 Kercheval ,Avenue . '. Gro~le Pointe Farms ....., .\ .. , . '. ..,. .. II '. TUxedo . " " I.. • , . "', ,,0; .' , , i ~:.~). . ;' .. .. ". ~ I,.' "

rch 25, 1954.' Thursday, March 25,' ,1954' " ••• < ••••• Page Thr.. Member. , ~;?~, ' Wood •• Miss. Hi. ,;.;'f' '!red around the ,". 'Teckla "Emer80~To: .Wed,"i~ little". :~.,:.~...,..;...,.. Airj~lIt!rKuhn',Win~ir ,of"A~ard .t Wellesrey e Negroes in the k Mr. ,and Mrs. Philip F-ox Hil-. M C • th' f ;.,- :"';11'11" , •• ". b r, ox' 15' e son 0 AoYu.:yy am, '. 'AlrleUe Kuhn, IKIphomore at ley by Mr. Willlamsin' 1911 :,ly in respect to,~ I 'In School. ',:'~ ert of Waterford. Va, and Cor" J,'Cox iindthe lale Mn:':Cox.' , .~.;' Wellesley College, recently' won honor of his wife who was a s . it Jones' aecond ad- :+, merly of Grosse Pointe, announce' . Miss' Hllbl".rt fa ,a graduate of" the $40 WllUainsGerman Award Wellesley c1asswoman of 1905. , club within tl\e :~ the engagement of. th"ir 'daugh- the' Madeira~ School and" Vassar: " for her steaq achievement for AirieUe is the -daughter of Mr.' ::.:. ter, Teckla Emerson, to' Th~mas College, Mr.-Cox' attended' Wuh~' .~ the past three years ,in the study and Mrs. Frank' Kuhn of Me- Edwards Cox or Leesburg,:.Va, lJJgtonand,L!!8 UnlveX:81~y, ., of German;' in which she is maJor- 'IQ.nley road. . ing. . . . . , rd to Stay on tOi' altitud~ makes The Ethel H. Folger Williams "A srillie always passes for more rund was established at.-.Wel1es. than its' race value. .•

We have an o~~ni~g •••

FOR'A SALESMAN' In our 'Real Eatate Or,anlzatlon , , , someone who wanta to Join and ,row with a auec:eaful GroaN Pointe firm. Expertence In Real Estale Ia not. required: ,ood educallijnal back- lfr'Ound,and hard work are euential. . . - . ~

If you al'~ urtoual)' In t II! r e at II! d I., thla opportunity; wrtte Ua \ prompUy tor Interview. Plea .. ,Ive detalll of experience, etc. In f1l'1t letter. All replle. treated as STRICTLY CONJ'mENTlAL. 8a"~ 5-3OO,'Grosse Polnto Ne...... ,Having friends,in?"',':., Showing personal Film.? "r' •• ' ! Having. a'.child'. 'party?' " o . . Rent Fa'Mous C~siie Movi.i=ilms . , - . • l ••• af Low Cosf .~ 8 mm., 16 mm~,:SOUND~ON.FILM :1 , ., , , .. JAMES H. EASSON (seated rignt) ,again put at, the disposal of the Detroit Council of Churches, the Woods V. I~P :; Theater. for Good Friday Services to be held '.Aprit16 at 1 p.m. Chairman of arrangements -for the Grosse' Pointe- . Moross Area is the REV. LLOYD S. SCHEIFELE, Grace Evangelical United Brethren (seated left), assisted by (left .(very il1lportrzi;i p,nOl1 ) Open Friday EVeningstiil9:00 '~ '.. ~ . , to right rear) -the ~EV .. ROBERT P, ,BECK, Grace Evangelical and Reformed; the REV. ANDREW F, ~AUTH, Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian; the REV, LAWRENCE R. TAYLOR, ~Immanuel Evangelical United Br,ethren; the REV, When your wife nudges you in a 'MARCUS',W• .'JOHNSON, Grosse Pointe Congregational; tne REV. K4INE F. DICKERSON, Church of the Nazarene; :the REV. ROBERT H., STANBERY,' Woods ,Presbyterian; the REV.,HUGH C. WHITE, Grosse.Pointe Methoaist; the public gathering ..~n'd, whispers, REV. ,PAUL B. STUDEBAKER, First Church of.the,Brethren .. Also serving ace the' Rev•. Nicholas M, Pritchard of "Who is that~man? He must be Redeemer, Methodist Church' and the Rev, William Van't Hof of Faith Community Church.,: . . ,somebody"-you can be reasonably . " .. -: - .. ' - , , sure' that, "somebody.'s'~, clothes, .Mezitber~', of the Minister's' .. D B. 'I pl. R' d Committee of the Grosse ~ointe- 8.'. er' Inn ,e,.~ ,an,nlng to eC9r hllve a lo't to do wit.~ heradmira- MG~OSS ,Area, Detroit. Council Doom, F.a.mzly ~ tion. Dressing like. "~omebody" ~~e~~~rc~~8, :~pf~et?~r:~~~~ Has Latf Yule.,' PoiDters' Favorite Camp" Song , instead of"a~ybody.;'means wear- arrimgements for the seventh an- Robert Dooms, son of. Mr. arid . J 17 14 Kercheval in TUxedo 1~96 riual '.Community Good Friday Mt-s. Andrew Dooms of Anita One of .the highlights of the he wilJ probably record the song. ing clothes. that fit with a certain Ser:vice' to be held on April 16 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. This aerv- Road, returned to the Point~ last annuulv! sit s which Grosse These annual, visits have be~ unstudied. grace-that lend the 'Ice 'is one of the many planned Thursday after 16 months of Pointe teenagers .make to Bing come so popula~'. with the Cros. wearer an air of quiet sophistica- throughout the Detroit Metro- Army service in Korea and Crosby's ranch i'l the huge camp- bys t~at .they plan to put up a tion-and give his personality a polltanArea'.' .' . Japan. He was stationed' with the fire program held each evening. stage and special lighting for chance to register.. . I . The ,speaker for the occasion 5th Cavalry. Regiment in' Japan. Bi,g,' his. four sons, and the the visit. this coming summer. .~ will be. Dr. John R. Mulder, local girls -take turns entertaln- Bing describes the an:1Oal. visili Capper & Capp.er c!othes will do Prdident 'of.Western Theological The Dooms family had post- ing one another with songs and In his recent autobiography. "Can hlSt that for you-and we fit them t Seminary, H 0 Ira n d, Michigan. poned its Christmas celebration skits. . I • suddenly••• Me. Lucky,". as the IirIght spot Mu'sic will be arranged by John until Robert returned ho~e, a~d For many years the Grosse in their summers at the ranch •. , withunusualcareto~akesureofit. Li~:t:ienrg~of' 0, FrgirsantistChullrncdh,ocfhothlr the- party ~as held last 5atm':- !,olnters have sung their favor- m-. e .' - Ite camp fire songs, "Tell Me Why Brethren, ..who' .is bringing the day, in the resl~ence. on Anita •. The Stars Do Shine," at these James Taggart Serving Suits fro';' $75 nl 100 voice choir from Lakeview Jolni,ng the famdy we r e get-to.gethers, and at the same On Submarine Entemedor, it's Sprini! High School" st. Clair, Shp,'es, Robert s aunt and uncle, Mr. and time urged Bing to record 1he Topc~ais from $6950 where he, is 'also in charge of Mrs. Harold Fisher of AIt;r ro~d, song. _ GROTON, Conn. (FHTNC) - choral music. and his brother and slSter-ln- A series of letters between Serving aboard the submarine . .•A Children's Community Can. law, Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Bing and the )ead~r, of these an- USS Entemedor is James C. Tag- • Spring creeps up on you dlelight ' Service. is pllmned to Dooms. nual treks, Chet Sampson, has gart, seaman; USN, son of. :Mr• unawares ••• one day ~ soCt breeze . run :concurrently with the Woods Robert was graduated from indicated that Bing is now plan- and Mrs. Lester V. Bowman of Theater service. This ~ill be held Grosse Pointe High School and ning to use, the I song. A letter 1417 Way burn street,' Grosse ,: gives'you that in~mpar3ble '. at Grosse, Pointe Woods. Presby-' prevfous to his Army assign- this week fx;om Bing stated: "We Pointe, Mich., and husband of Woodward Avenue at Grand Circus Park liCt ••• and you want to don a . .' terian .Church , under the direc- ment was 'graduated from the plan to do "Tell Me ,Why" some. the former Miss Charlotte J. \1 tloO:'oC M~ Lillian, Good, Chrlst- Virgln~a Farrell, School 'of Hair ,time: S(lQn on .the'radio program Pen irian of 3685 Somerset drive., Also in Chic""." ~~~t. . . . . ( completely new. ~ardro~that . ian Education' Director, Church Styling. He will sho~tly join the ":"maybe with Linny and Gary ot the:Brethren, and' the Rev. staff with Louis'for-Halr:Styles in some sort of harmony vers- The Entemedor is a unit of \ very morning! Whaling's ..dvice ' . Robert - .H~"'Stanberry; . assistant on Kerchevaravenue .. " '.. ion." Bing too has stated that Submarine Squadron Ten .. ! is to make your !election' right now, mlrllater-: of the. W oods' Church •.. , '. "l'hls serviCe 'will take as itS I frJm ita inviting 8!8Ortment of theme "Miracles' ,of God.. in Spring~". with' group' 'activlty Grosse Pointe store hours, 9:30 to 5:30 all-new Spring suits and suited'to age. Small children wll1 topcoats ••• fine fabrics,' fresh' be: held until parents attending the Woocis Theatre, service can I colors, comfo;rtable tailoring, c'all fQr. them • .. Serving on the Minislers'. Com- perfectly fit~. Be mdy,' mittee for' .19Mare:~Arrange~ fur suddenly .... it's Sp~I' mentS;. the Revs.' MarcU3 W. , Johnson, Hugh C. White, Nich- D~',-",_. olas M. Pritchard, and Robert,'P. ~~ Beck; .worksh?p: ,the Revs. An- ..\r~~-:-:::X drewF, Rauth, Lloyd S. Scheifele, . , :r;-) .. Kline Dickerson and, Paul. B. Studebaker; flOlirice and 'usher- ing: the Rev. William Van't Hof; Spring news coverage' childrens'service: ,the Rev. Rob~ ert H, Stanbery. Miss Lll1ian Good and Mrs. Hewell; publicity: 617 Woodward 6329 W. 7 Mile Road the Rev. Lawrence,R. Taylor, 'The Rev., Lawrence Taylor has Opt" 9 A.M, to' P.M. Dolly "... Uyente/. arranged an exhibit to appear Opt" Tltvnday a"t "'liar !ftft.... dtlringthe week preceding Ex'citing variety of CO<'ltsby ~aster,: : .. , Keniston-Hall, Himelhoch.exdusivesl'

-' Nonnan. B! .B~rlingame " Young's Exculsively in Grosse P~inte .. ' . Aboard,USS,. , Hambleton Notice the important, bllrrel.shllped .. Norman : B~lIngame, dis- ~~ .' bursing clerk second, class, USN, shortcoat. Suedecloth in nllVY,red or b;ige, sonot Mr.and'Mrs:' Byers A. nll". . , BUrlingame. of. 448 Roland' road, , . Ju~i.or sizesft6 15.29.95 7iE.'NE~pr... Grt>Sse Pointe •. Mich;, is serving aboard the - high speed mlne~ sweePer .USS H!'mbleton. . J .' The full.length column' COllt in monotone The' ship. participated in re- fresher, training exerciSes con- tweed. Beige, blue, red ,ornt!iv'l . ducted between' January ,4 and Febniai'Y.l2.at' Guantanam6 Bay, "MBUIS Cuba; :During :tl:lisperio~ the in misses' si~es. ,Pink, nilV'! .. . ' an .ntl~.lyNEW IIn., . I Hambleton;:,underwent:intensive ~'. , training :designed .to' bring' the :)r beige'in junior sizes, ofd.lux. ccuual ship, back to' peak" operating ef- $45 i.h6.. ficiency: a(ter'an extended period of "overhaul.' at the. U.S. Naval .Thesweeping Shipyard, 'Charleston,. S.C., last year./During the .period the, ship paid a; week end. visit, to KiO:gs~' cllrdiglln inboude. ton~.:Jamaica.,., '. . • Upon.~;coinpletion' of refresher Blue, beige or pink in' training the 'Hambleton moved on to . Operation : Springboard,a 1-, _ .._s.04. training exercise currently tak- misses' sizes. Blue, I - -,...... , ing place'iri the Puerto :Rico and ~":::.. -;:1::!,'--- 1/ ,,".' , ",,-.w.._ Vl:gin Island,area,' beige or08vy in junior .' . .' . " ,. , , ,/ l''' , '. r I ~ $1£)95 :»00' BITES ,'STUDENT . • F&rins': pol!ce :were called. to 39.95 Inltep with the trend Inmen', wear •.•• fieedOMi-co1;". com- the ,-Richard School on' Wednes-' Con ••• Fmlch Shriner presenta the GAMBOL! . .. ' . dayO'-Marc:h.J7~'where it was re~ What Is your Cavorite type oCcuualapparel?, ~t are yOur ported'thaf'Meredith Metzer, 10, Cavorite colora?' TheM Is a rublon.teated French' ShriDer' o(~66 Lewiston, had been bitten; '''GAMBOL''In the c:omct color combinaUon coioyeuin cool • bya 'p~g,~own~d by L. ~; Bristo~ ,lUedo and .Iove leather trim. An Extra Q\:aIity Shoe ata P:O~.' .: of 243 McMlllan;Theboy was taken to: Bon: Secours, ,Hospital Jar price. and.tre~ted.~" '. .. 7?UNeHSNIIIN~~ .. ,

.. '

. \

Men's ~.~.r,. Inc.,~ .:,:.. . ! J ;:. v... ;:\'. ms .16930 K ....'iJ'fllI1"td .Nolr.D~ :: ".. :,,\. ~, . I .' TUxedo 1-9252 ' . .' .. GIOSS~ '~~INT." .. '; ::,:':SEE.'PAGE'l'l . ,; ,

Jt' ..• ' ,.,"; • ~: •• -,' ,,'.' .'W'\ •., ...... "' •• , •• " .~ ~ .. 4

\ . .' \.. "I • .'

'1'1 - -~ .. " ..aj!l.-.....-._,#~.,aI;~~-e'~; $ ~. ":-W"'~"~~'-':",!~_~~~~,~,':,."~"~"""""~".».'!'4,,,-:~,~,.,,.,,,! ..: ! .._.ti ! ~:~ _

...... -...... A _ _ _ ""--, ...... ------_.~. --- -- ...-~--- ....--.----,p-;:-_.- -- .... ---.... --.-- -. -----....------.-~-~ ...... ,. -.- -.. -.-~---...... --..~.---....----~,.---..-~ ...-----...----.--.-- ...-. ~.-...... ,..-----~ ---;---. -:--:- - ~ -:-~-- ---. --- "-- --- ~- - - ~ - --- . , r-----...-_.-..---. , , " I I Page Four Thursdl1Y,March 25, 1954 Thursday, Ma I, Expert to Talk',To .Camera:Clilb GetFederalAid To.Help Ralpp,E. Jordan'.of'SL, c~r'ave.;120 in J~nninis Memorial Hospl.' Mason j Youths: nue: . Mrs: Jordan died on'March tal. "Professional Aspects of Eckta;, Color photolt'8phy for t~ethfys;' For State. Roads " Choost{Careers:, Ohituaries : , " , The next regul chrome" will be the topic' of a ler Corporation and: is; ,a . Wen' , . . , , .' '. the Parent-Teachl ll'cture to be given. Tuelday known expert in the subject of ~ ..t~taf of $19,363,'l79:'h~be~ . Tlie ~usineu ',of' cho~ing' a '_ of Mason School Evening,' Marco 30, by Dean color atyllng..:' . . .' authorhed' as Federal.atd to career. 15 one:that _ compllcates,,' ~ONKA.D A. ISTOCK Mr. Udelle. who' was ..a. years Tuesday evenang. Chisnell, at the Grosse, Pointe Fred Heinrich, president of Mlehi,an' for highways in the life f~r every', young Detroiter. ,-Se1:Vic:esfor Mr. Istock. 47, of old, was a superVisor at,ChrySler .Pu"'ic. Auction ~"'@ 8:15 pm. The cJas Camera Club meeting. 't:": the club. mted that the evenlnC ftI!:al year beginning JuIY'l, 1954. Putting off the;\"eviJ day", is 1922 Norw~, vice-presideni'of Corporation, Jdferson'Plant, £Itire East Side Resldelce open from ;:30 tc The speaaker will deal With w1ll be given over exclusively:to Automobile. Club 'of Mlcliigan'" somewhat of' a pastime to boys the; D,earboro:Natio~ Insurance ,where, hel had been employed for • Flrat"'.,•.•,: methods and results of handling color and af~ the lecture" alides General ~Manager.E:i S. ,Matheson and girIs .ill 'highacl1oo1as, they ~pany, ',was,: held ~on Monday. 19 )'ears" and / previously worked t~b., 10'tI '011 tile 'premls,s •• • the color film as well as its de- of the:memberS will.be proj~ said today. The amount. is Micli1~f,,~e the'l,q:ture~know~that ¥Uch.:.22;"B~al.was in. Oak~ a good.many years ~t Pa~ard .. ~ i . , veJopment. The talk will, be ac- and~discussed as tothe1r .. ,ood gan'.' share ote $$75. mllllonaU" they must.'sooner or laterdeclde ,Vlew cemetery •. ' , :, Motor Car Co~pany. ''''. ' , . .9641' E•.Outer'Driv8, Detroit I companied by l1Iustrating trans. and bad points. A pan~l :of.~~m-: thorized,' 'lJyt~e Federa1~ald whatldnd"ofwork,they ~e best Ml',< Is~;di~d' on Friday. He, is liurvived'.bY:'?chis 'wife parencies as well'as prints.from petent judges hu. selected, ,he mghw8)"Act'~pproved June 25, fitted for. .... ". ~,,' '.',,; March.19,ln SL;Joseph, Mercy, Leona"'(SpletZ),',a"son" Chartes . J:xl:epUonalb' ~e .~ comprise: Custom built period IOfa and chatn. 'beauUfUl love .leat. ~lonDI tablal 1.ms-. atlver. china, the same. . . • ou~ding ~.es. . '~,;' OZ';' '.lN~'Last,year Michtgan's share "Careers" UnliJDited, .. 'opening HoslJitaI ~~er a short Illness., . who 'just gradUated ,!rom Grosse dra riel. Dlnm.room aet three complete bearoom aUt.... (one wltll Mr. Chisnell is in charge 'of . The Jheetlng wiU be' held at wu ~'19,2:S0.850, .:' :,' t th M' '., T' . 1 ."larch' 29 . He. was ,born ,in Cincinnati, , ,. ., . bedlIl•• OUtatan4t~; ftreplaee equipment, Nor,e and Kelvln~tor c ~nn:e . . . ,a e asolU , . emp e. = • d . . to' n tr 't' 1929 'D'_ Pointe High SChool, his. parents retrlleraton.' Harclwte1t liD Itov... .' • , ~ l.' .. • 11------the' Nelghborho~ ,C}ub,'~17l'45 ;Of.the: tOtal.: Miclugan 'was will make avaiJableto studentS at;I. ~e e.ol an .• ~_. '. " '; '.' . Men's W Wat,erJoo, ~venue. commenc~~g at authqriied~f1.64~,646 for Its Fed~ grasS~rootsopportUntUesto studyW~ • ~raduate, ,of the Un~v~ty Mr. :,and Mrs~.Geor~e,T. ~dd1~ . , ItXinBrDOH:'ONDAY. MAaCK %I, Irom 1. to J p.m. 16930 Ker 8 0 clock, sharp. The ..mterested eral.aid ;:prlmary ,highway sy8- the qualities required .for various of C~~!l~;. •..' .. '. .andJ1i.s. aiater, ,Mrs. Agnes OIl- . ,Atic:ru)!'f, ~ALB::.MON~AY: ~(ARCJi U, at 1. a.m. SHARP Public has been invIted' to. at .•. '. ' .~ 00" 019 f' oJ: d'. typo 'f I .~. '. Survivmg, him: .are his' wile, more. He ,was a'., member. cd . " - ,em;- .'..... o~.;secon aryor ., A~'lo em'lPJ:OOO)~ei1bo'...., ."d irIs Mil. d,red;.: .• 'daughter. .Mar.cia; ..T~ple ,Lodge No. 501.F~ &. k.l{.. OpenF • tend. " .. reeaer roads; .0,271;985-for ;ur';' ,teas t0, ysan g three sons Conrad Orville iand" . ."TOM .'ASHRAWY" ',AUCTI'ONEER ----- ban highw8.ys, "and'$7a1~229 for ~ the ninth andtwelf~.:grades 'Vem; 'ancr'hi's,par~ts.:Mr .. and MaS. RALPH E~ IORDAN,' . MAKES ROUND TABLE ", the IDtei:sta\e' system,Thhi ...mon. of" th~pu~lic •.;. private,'; and Mrs. CaSper:lstbck of C'mclnDatL . Fuiieralservices were . held 'Pleuedo not'caU at the reatden~~ untU Sunday. March 28, .1 nolhlnc Eveni Thomas 'R. Quilter ,of 998 e,.will bt; available'for expendl~ parochial sc:liools ,of'Detroi~::~;I~ , . .t,.,.,. . . Wednesday morning in Verhey- . will be mown bel~rehaDd •. : . - ... . Hampton road;. ha:J qualified for ture'.unUI, June. 30, 1957.'{. the metro~litan; .area.:will vle~.," HAROLD~C~ McGUGOB. 'den'sFuneraf:Home ;tor lairs.. . ,'. till 9: ,: the secorid'coosecuUveyear for. :;The funds ~ust be~ded moret!tansixty~bl~by'.pusl-',Mi-. McGregor. 63, of 64 Cam. . « the Million DoJlar:Round '.Table. un~er supervlslonof the UniWd ness. md~ •. and the profes. bndge,' .president and owner. of composed of insurance men with States Bureau of" Public Roads, sions at ~~., Masonic, .Temp~ethe ,Central. Boiler and. Manu. SEE PAGE 11 sales of one' million .dollars 'or with. the State Highway Depart- when "Careers .UnlinUted" ( 15 facturing ':_C 0'01 p a.n Y....at 5818 .,' more during a ~ear.,.'.' meni proposing projects~prepar- presented for the first, time in Rivard/Detroit. died~on, Monday, . . iog . ,plans •. awarding .con~acts. this city. ' . ' . March 8,' in SL Petersburg •. Fla. and 'supervlslng ,cOns.~ctiori.' all . ,Sponnored by the' Institu~ for ' 'He had •lived In th~. Detroit • subJect to Federal approvaL,Fed- Econ!}mi~.EducaUon with: the' co';' area alll1islife"and assumed con. ROY~ eral particJpaUo,n islUmited to operation 'of the schools, o!tfJs trol of the Central concern,'which h:l1f th~ cost. . . area, the Institute wi1l':'present hias b~ in hia family since 1841, FundS' for the Federal~aidPrl~ jobopportunltles;.'but ,of eyen just '40 years 'ago. " EVE] mary and Interstate. highway greater importance, it will stress Mr:, McGregor, waS a. past systems are apportioned"fn pro~ what.is required to qualify for ~inaster of Zion, L.o d,g e NO•. l, ,portion to area, population, and empJoyment in the yarlous. t:YPeS F&AM, and a meinber oUhe De. li;ht••e:e:1 mileage of post roa~, 'each being of work. troit .(lthlliUc ,Club, and Detroit given' equal weight, Matheson The "ten-dDY. exh'ibit.' ending Yacht Club:., '\.... .Ion;-lutil • . explained •. Funds for Federal.aid April 9 will .present colorful He '~ survived by his wife, ... , The Miracle. secondary roads are apportioned booths, demonstrations,' movies; Irene;",: three .sons, Charles. E., toilet wate in the same manner except that and lectures aimed ,to lstress ' the Hardld G.; and James K.; and 'Technlque . Hair Color' rural, P'lPulation, is used rather qualities necessary to be a sUc. five gtnnd ~children. . ------than total population. 'Funds .for cess In varioloUstypes of employ- Funeral-services were' held: on urban ''projects are apporUoned ment.. / , Friday, March 12. Bu.rial was. in Maxin. es....Beauty 5_a..L0, n I.' In. proportion to population in Each' school:will 'attend' the Woodmere cemetery. municJpalities. and other Ul'ban exhibit, 'on' a plannecI :schedule •. ' ~ .", .:.. . . .915 EI Jefferso' n. Between'Alter M. VA 2-611...2'; areas of.5,000 or more persons. Busses will pick' the children up . GEORGIA GALANOS , 14 . ,and Wa7burn ;.. ' . . ----- at the variouS schools '8.Qd,will. M~. Georgia ,Gala!10s, 42, of Pierre ~Belanger Traina deliver them. to the. Temple Washmgton road; wlf~ of the At Laekland Air Base where they will be ushered Into owner of the Blossom Inn R;stllU' :.{ , _'_' the auditorium lor' a ,45 .minute rant on E. Warren, was.bur)ed C?n . LAC K LAN D'AIR FORCE pageant depleting Detroit as: a Th~rsday, March 11,. an Forest- The once-lr ~ASE, . Texa~Plerre H.' Belan. good .place In which to,live and lawn .cemetery, followmg services offering every~ type to job op. a.t the Greek ,Orthodox Assump- WAiting lor ;;er. 2l.,son of Mrs. C, A, Belan- ,. ton Churcl. She died on Mon ger, 418' HUlcrest road, Grosse portunity. I , , '1' . • . . I E h' '11 t th' day, March 8. bottle of AU Pointe,' Mich.; s completing his mp aslS WI. s ress e lm~ . She was.a native of Youngs. Air Force basic mllltary'training portance of beang ~appy .in ~e town, 0., and was very active in Better buy c course' at LacJcJand Air Force ,type or work of ones choice. The the Hellenic' 'Ladies Society or i , Base, the ~'Gatcway .tothe' Air pageant will be presented. by the Greek Orthodox Assumption tlty IdSts ~ Force."'. selcct~d students and teacher~ of Church,"' . 'Lackland; situated near San Det~olt. Student guests of the "Mrs. Galanos is survived by her excitinq fraQ Antonio, is the site of Air Force exhibit. 'Yill spend about twohusbarid; Steven; three daughters,

i." basic, nulitary training for men hours takmg .In. t~e pageant and Dorothy, Patricia. and Consta~ce; and women, headquarters of the the demonstrations. .'. four sislers, Mrs~ TulaPennell, Human Resource Research Clm. There will, be three student Mrs. Bessie .Sullh'an, Mrs. 'Angela ter, and home of the USAF Of- 'groups visiting. Uie Temple each Pennell. and Mrs. Irene Christie BO T!liss.asoft,. the . fieer Mllitary School.' day .. TJ1h ,exWbit 'will .be open of Tucson 'Ariz.' and two bro- His bkSlc military training Is fo~r nights. during' the: tl!n-day then. Paui .Palos' of Youngstown, preparing. him for entrance into program at which' ~ime par;nts 0.,' and Peter Palos of Dayton, important Fash,ion Air 'Force technical training and may visit in order to get flrst- Ohio. ,WOo 2~6655 for assignment in specialized hand advice to' enable them to , . . . Look is ••• work. The course' includes' a counsel their sons and' daughters GEORGE LIDDLE, JR.- FOR scientific evaluation of his apti- about a career. Services were held Mar.ch 17 PROMPT AND tude and inclination for follow- This- is .the first Ume De.troit at the .Van' Deweghe Funeral Ing a particular vocation and has attempted such a large-scale Chapel, .15798 East Warren" for ~OURTEOUS 'The. c:areer. . guidance program for youth. George. Liddle ..Jr., 2048. Fleet-, '.j .' " PICK.UP wood drive" who ,died March 14, SERVICE Anyone who tries.his hand at Som~ men seem to thitik their with Interment at Cadillac Me~ Linen Look. a' job' and fails 'mlghtti'Y' using brains are to'De Used only if their morial Gardens:' Hls'.cousin/Rev, his head for a change. brass falls to work. Miles DePagte~. officiated. The airs, the looks, Ihe f=el' • of real linen : • • in 'this' • specially processed II Iien- like suit. _ • that takes; to the lub • • • Is wrln.kle- • \, resistant. This 3-plece nav .. the Prie~ Tag,T~Ih.:;,J~u,!" suit has a flgure.hugging jacket with red and white.

checked lining, Q 'red and while checked blouse with Ponliae is a, tow Prieed ~car! white collar.' Pre-Iecn ' slln 8 10 1~. .' 24.95

17405 Kercheval- i,. Ihe Yill4g. r--- 0 ~ N E3 v' B ALL-WOO~ Every 0 FLANNELS.: . siyles. In Custom Designed Siocks Orig. 8,

... , .'. ' .. • Twin.Tunnel' Loops: . • Malchlng Se'if' ae'lt:" ..: " Our eni • Bock: Pock~t fl~ps":" good d • Welt OUtseams' .. \ DUAL.a ..... HYDRA.IWA'IC D.IVI, • Offset packit~ '.',;. '. . The good news on the price tag ia tlle- only plus-::.engineering and manufacturing 110 fine teamed with Pontiac', mightiest engine, Orig.3! e\'idence you wiD- find tlull. Pontiac is priced and 1I0und that Pontiac. is world.famous (or delivers thrilling fiDe-c:ar performance • Colorf:4I~W~ls!~~~'TrlmJ ,: ~itb ~ economy. Power, Brakes, • Front Hook'Fast.ner.' . "'::' . witbin a few dollar. oC the very 10wesL. - , dependability and all.around '«:co~omy_ Power Stecing, CDmCort.Control Seat Charcool Grey', '~.iC04[ .;'wn You s.t ev~ry pride-promotin'gquaIity when' Total all that,add the f~~l ~C Pontiac's close. and Electric Window LiCt. are aho. • G,ey',',. lelie .•'. ~IH'.' . op.tioual at modest extra COil.' . Slu. 29 ,to 40 . you, buy a Pontiac. Impresaive size, dUtin. to.the.lowest price and this answer comes up: I guillhed beauty, .Iuxurious interiora and;na80.He~e',' all'you'vc ever ~aiued for tlae lClt$t ," terful' perfonnance give you 'the certnin ,'oilll ever pay. Come in~on to ~!' and " knowledge that all eyes approve :your choice. drive the car that chalJenges the finest-nnd Wondel You get alItlle things 'that ,mean"1lO muCh, in' the lowest.priced! • spring s extra perllODaleawCaction, too; Won- ~,., . .d.er~ully r.oomy. co.mfort, a. IIteady, . .' . .•..• L£AB flOB.O£LAB,. rov CAN'T BBAT A.- Orig. 5 - ~O.rJAC'IIU"'lAnYI..QUAuTYil appare'iii'wheii . dlli:;I,,;:=ga:dd.ehta~~~:rl::~:~ll1:.: : " '~. . D"W" 1)U" (J' }'OU .open the wide .doon;. nle~ fineatnyioti and o 0- leather gi"c the ap~ci.ouabodies living:room beauty .pon.c. allllur~ ev.ery fin.e-ear ~leallUf,e.' "..... "i,. and comfort aa, demonstrated by.' tbti~CUltoin,

19129 MACK AVI. J interi!Jr abOve. 'A, wide choice or colora'alld, fabrics. ' . "" .- .. And ;~u also get ,~s tremendoua . . ' l,eta you style: your PODti~Cexactly uaW. ,,' :- at Moron ;,-. TU.' 5~7.t5S' ~:~Ur' •.: •. .,:~-- " : '. >' .. ,:. '/~. '." .~., .... :'l. ;.'::" 15254 HOUSTOf~ '.' at K~11y-, LA. 7.?:85~ SEE.:~YOUR NEAREST PONTIAC- ..-DEALER,.~:,:':,:,,':,; Open Thun.• rrt....s.t.~ ... ~MPLE FRIE PARK.tNG' :, ' DON'T MISS DAVE. GARROWAY -EVERYFRIDAY, ..I.'P. M.-WWj~tV.~.>CtiANNEL4 I I " ., • '~. ~ ...... ~~ c:) ~ N Iia V'_.' ' .. - • • .. a.

t .••••. 1 •• _ , \ ,. .. I L II 'j

2 2m 2nD? 77FT 7 - ---.--:------::---..~----~-- ~.-..-+--..~+--""'-..-- ;t=- _ _ _ __"' -_--. _ -- -r:.,...... -~ 4"":", _ __ ....--~---~,~; - "

Irch 25, 1954 Thursday, March 25, 1954 . G R0 55 E POI N TEN EW 5 P.g. Fiv. ' , Memorial Hospl.' ,up AND AT 'EM . lHason PeT'e_A_e_M_e_e_tsMar. 30 Political Party, .... ToAddressClubl~oHur~ As Car Artists'A.ssocifition;'Plans Don't' 1et.one failure discour- ' The n~ r~gular ,meeting o!l~arents are .in~Ited to ',visit with age you-the d()wn and out to- the Parent-Teachers Association the teachers Iand room mothers Heads ,to,~ Debate,". ", ,Hi. ts poI~,rree ,'\Uf Flelm-Sh'oWleny' .;,nt, Llebr', a'r, Y day may be .1;., and in tomorrow'. of MUCIn School will be held at thfa t1me~ .' :The political d;b;te between the ' James W. Noonan of 1298 Lake- ,_ _ _ il,le TueS'1ay evenmg~ March" 30. 'a1 The mteting will open with atate cha1rmrn of the Democratic wood, and Elda Rivard' of 3555 The Grosse Pointe Artists As-, ,1ng wall paintings far. pre.dating 8:15 pm. The classrooms wlll be two fiute aolos by ~s Patricia andRepub1f~anpart1es has been BluehilI. 'both 'of, Detroit, were sodation is joining with the ,any comparable Imown examples sldence open from 7:30 to 8:15 and the Fauanaugh, music. teacher. ac- re-sCheduled ,for Th,t:r& day.; rushed to'.Saratoga Hospital by Grosse Pointe Public Library in 'provided the material for this ' companied at the piano by'Mias March' 25. 'in the RalnbQwRoom Shoresambulaqceafler their &ponsoring a ,special film'show- ,film. ", . ' • " Jane ,Gullett. !0 U r.fh, grade of Veterans MeniGrialBuUdlng, . car crashed into a pole and tree i~g on W~~ay. March 31, at, Photographed by Ufe Maia- teacher.' '. ", ' . west Jefferson at Grfswold~::""" on Saturday, MarCh 20. oli Lake 8.30 p.m. In themeetingroomofunecoirespondent WUliam Chap- oit The speakers of. the evening 'The debate wlll 'feature Dem04 Shore road. the Central L1b,rary at.~erchevalman. the fil~ shows examplescif •• , . : period aola and , will be Dr, 'H, LeRoy Selmeler, cratic'.party chief:Neil Staebler According to a Shotes police a.nd,F~her. , • ,.' primitive' arf-wUd horses.' deer, ;>So sUver. china, "'" Director of, InstruCtion. of ,the and GOP head John Felkens.The accident report, 'Noonan; while'. The progr~, which Will ~n- blson, birds-preserved on the suitn. lone with 11~ ' rand Kelylnator Grosse Pointe :Publ~c '~oola, meetingfs'ipcinaored by the 14th driving north,' on Lake Shore Slst of, four fllms: dealing wlth sheltered limestone walla with a Sav'e whose subject will be. ,"Teaching Co.'1gresslonill District Yo un g road, lost control of his car, aspe~ts of' the visual, arts, has ,vividness belying thelr: antiquity. 10 S p.m. Men's Wear, Inc. Children the Modem 'Way." and DemoCratic, Club; and 'winget which glanced oU a light pole been arrn.nged by Mrs; ~ouglas, A ,detective story in'the field Dr. Lynn: Bartlett, 'Dl., rector of u"derway 'at' 8:30 p.rn., .,: '. " and then crashed into a'tree.' Sm~rt o~ the Artist 'worlPng in of art is shown In the film VAN ' Your precious SHARP 16930 K~rcheyal. I 1m. P 11 P e1. h ill db •• cotlJunc~on with the library's MEEGEREN'SF A KED ,VER- up ,~nn ~ 0 ~ , ... Mode;rator will be Wayne Noonan suUered a'broken col4 Film Counsellor; ~rge Jones'MEF,;RS~ It demonstrates the Open Friday cuss the need for lIloZ:"claJS- COunty 'Circuit Judge Carl M. Jar ,bon~ and pelvis' and Rivard Two ,of the, films deal with :~etfiods used to back up th,e \ rooms, in Muon School and in WeJdemlm-" , sUHered only from shQck. . painting technlq~.es. PAINTERS claim' of Van, Meegeren, a little :~ Evening other schools in .the north end The ,'debate wu originally Polic,: issued a ticket to Noon.' OF . a film showing the known twentieth century por- ': of the diatrict. ". ' scheduled' for ,Feb.' 26 but was an, for not having his .car under methods and works of the native trait painter, that he was the J The board of: directors of the. post' , poned' when Fe1kens was. control d • g' 'ri t p,ainters of one, of North- Arnet- 'actua'l a'rtist behin'd a numbe'r of Eves I ,till 9:00 ~ association met Mondlly night and fo~.I' to' undergo a'n' emergency an .caUSln an. aCCI en. ) voted unanimous aupport'for the ap"pen1.llUdlx operation., ' Court date is pending until he ica's. most' distin.Ctively navo~ed :works attepted by recognized au" with passage of the bond ;issue. .". " ' OWEN J. CLEARY. recovers from his injury. cultural. bloc~, IS, in sharp con- thorities' as 'seventeenth' century . , " ----- There 'will be a meeting of the ----- trast With, a film on JACKSON Vermeers, . .,' :nhard' p' T A "Go Mrs.~,5tev'enson Edw' .ards POLLACK., whose unorthodox '" Th'l ' -' h R M.t , e, e e 14th District "Cieary f(lr' v- .. methods include canvases 15 fect ','e fl m reconstructs t e story S/,6f.b;6f '.a'r''e 31' emor" Club., at Buckingham Leaves for Palm S,prings long and paint by the bucketful like:1 police dossier, showing the Meets M Hall •. 15917 Harper Avenue, at . 11 d b k I' . t'f' d' d tests d 8:30 p.m. on~Ffiday •.,Marc,h 26., -as we 'as' san, ro cn.g ass, sClen I IC, eVICeS,.an ,use . On..their way for a visit with nails; and other materials. to determine the authenticity of ROYAL FRAGRANC'E. The ,Richard Scho,ol PTA v.:i1l ,The" candidate; 0 WEN' J. her, parents, Mr .and Mrs. Glen- The painter's mode of. expres" forgedes represented to be ori- be host to Dr. John Sullivan of CLEARY, who is now,Secretary don H. Roberts at their Winter sion .of some thousands of yearsginals. Combining;theelemen~of Wayne University: on Wednesday of State,vifil be presental1 even- home in Palm ,Springs, are Mrs. ago Is brought fprUi In .LAS- a'detective story and 'a lessoQ'in EVENT evening, March 31",He will talk ing and will give a short talk"on Stevenson Edwards and,. her CAUX: CRADLE ,OF MAN'S art, the.Van M~geren fUm'ls of 5 on problp.ms of home and school his candidacy. All 'w~o .arein4 young son. Steve Jr. They plan JlRT. The dramatic discoVl~ry'in interest both tothescientificaUy adjustment. . terested in meeting him and dis- t two weeks stay on tbe'coast. France in 1940 of caves contain7 and the artistical!j minded. ~, ' light- .cented, : ReturniDg for the third time in cussing the problems of this,. '. . recent years, Dr. Sulllvan has al- election are cordially mvlted to .. , I .10ng-luting ways. had a most' challenging attend. . . " hleSiage for the parents. 'FoUowing the meetll)g there toilet waten :Robert .HLillter will 'chair 'the w1l1 be. refreshments, l)(jij meeting.M~ 'Elizabeth' Tilley, GERALD QUEE,N ~ . PRES,' D.E.NT,., The program,ch&1rman,., .will , mtr9- ~ . duce .,the~ speaker. A committee' Pointe Naval Men Part ...... , , . Of'Tilsk Force Exercise :One ': h"!aded by, Mrs. Yvette .Egelston 1 wUl"serve: refreshments. . . , j The March 31 meeting'ls the PACU"lC FLEET (FHTNC)- ,and , occasion also for the annual elec" Tne 43 ships of TaskForce 12 AT NORTHLAND ..• r tiono~,- oWcers. Edward Bunn gave residents of the San ~ah. Only" : cisco Bay Area an impressive and will present the slate. . •j. . Plans will be announced for spectacular view ot U.S. Naval the pupil garment sale, for which might upon their arrival Feb. 20 \ "LU.TA. \ SJ;IJt-Liqht • preliminary work has been done for a"three day stay." .. I The once.ln.a.Sprlngtime opPortunity you'v ... ~n' . by ~s 'Betty Bourg of the Enjoying rest and recreation 'school .staff, Comments.;; will be in picturesque 'San Fran.cisco The Lighting Engineer'a waiting for '(our eh8nce to eave $2.00 on every 4 Olt. made ,about the proposed school were Richard J. Montreuil. radio- dream come truel Givn man third class, USN; son' of Mr. bottle of ALEXANDRA de MARKOFFquality toilet Wltll' ' election of June 14, when money up to ~ timea more light .. is to be voted to make" additions and Mrs. James E. Montreuil of than average reading Better buy a full ;upply now while the .limited quan_ to . present and to bui.ld new. 1231 Torre)', Grosse Pointe, Mich .• lamps. Light head ad- .' aboard the destroyer USS Hen-. . .; ..... schools. . .i~~ta~l.to full50.inch .. tity lasts Delightful to give, delfQhtful to ~t Four Richard School patrons' are derion, and Navy 'Ens. Stuart H. most FrdiaUy invited. Ward, son of Dr. and Mrs. Stuart ~'.i!1. \ excltlnQ fragr8nces ,MUGUET H. Ward of 1445 Devonshire road,' and husband of Mrs. Sally B. FRANG.IPANI Rut.ell T. Johnson Now Ward of 301 Roosevelt placo, all At 'Northrop In.tit~te BOUQUET of Grosse Pointe, Mich." aboard the USS SUrfbird. ROSE GERANIUM RusseU T. Johnson, son of Task Force 12 is conducting the Donald Johnson,. 432 Madison, largest Pacific Fleet Training For Blessed Relief has enrolled at ,Northrop Aero- Exercise since World War II. In- nautical Institute, Inglewood, cluded with the Task Force .are Calffornia, in the Aerona..:tical 20 ships, 21 from Long from, Eve Strain t:. ' '<"~ ~ • ~ .~ ~~. I' Engineering CoUrse. '''''. Beach and two from Pearl Har- • FOR A veteran of the Korean ,.War bor. The Task Force Includes Designed and, patented with service in theJ.}.S. ,Army, cruisers, destroyers, carriers, sub- solely io give the utmostin MPT AND Russell.is a graduate of, Grosse marines, amphibious and mine jJacoDsonS. ... ' ~~,...- URTEOUS Pointe. High' School.' Previous. to warfare vessels and supportin's Seeing Comfort for read. cnramng at Northrop:"heattend- \Cl(-UP . KERCHEV~L. ,at .sr~cGk6!~~.'. auxiliaries. . ing. writing, sewing' and' . \. I: ' '_,",. ..~,.'. '1 ed'Hil:hland Park Junior College • Commander of the Task Force ERVICE in Highland Park, Michigan. otherpursuifs that requir• is Rear Admiral Maurice J:. dose visualconcentration. Curts,. USN, 'Commander. Cruiser- • . " Destroyer Force.', Pacific Fleet, Iclealfor use in TV room, flying his flag in the heavy No glar. on screenl cruiser USS Bremerton. Vice Ad- Queen Cleaners now operate one of the mQsl modern miral William K. Phillips, USN, • Commander First Fleet, is the of- , dry cleaning and shirt laundry plants in the country • Solid brass and wide End -of.:Month. ficer conducting the exercise, and choice 'of 'bealltiful color will observe from various ships Two compl~te' plants take care. of your needs • • • combinations to blend of the Task Force. About 13,000 naval personnel with o,ny.decor. Also in are aboard the 43 ship Task The new shirt operation unit will be 'in operation desk model and the new . Force which took part in the Thursday, F:dd'ay, and Saturday nights for you to see . '.• "SWIVEL ARM". exercise which commenced Feb, CLEARANCE 15. Upon. completion of man- euvers, the ships, returned to Northland ;s a musf on your If;nerary~ ' It's an Investment!. their respective home ports. Pur- ': pose of the' exercise is to train Visitors are especially welcome at Queen C'eane,. • • ~, LOUNGE OHAIR 00. new personnel In cruiser and de- stroyer tactics, and is part of the ~ OF MICHIGAN --1 drastic reductions constant rigorous training pro- USE OUR TWO ,BUSY BRANCHES IN GROS~E POINTE gram conducted by the U. S. 202 MICHIGAN' AVE. 1 PaCific Fleet, 'FOR PICK UP ~ Phone WOo 5~6100 Sh,,,,," Callillu Arcade 1 WO 2-3007 Dewhirsts Plan' OPEN Trip to Arizona MON. AN,D FRI. TILL 9 'Po M. On April 6 Mr. and Mrs. '10707 WH ITTI ER ' Gerald Dewhirst, of Sunningdale Queen Cleaners' Spring Spor~swear/ drive, will be leaving the Pointe LA 7.9464 on Aprll 6 for Ar1zona~,,' ' , -in ih, Village'.. d 'DYERS 19--tS3.n/h:}AV'CoodKs OPIN , , '.17140 Kercheval: IVI They'll fly to Denver and there n,;' - - , ., . a ...... - pick up a' car 'to continue' to 2 P. M. TILL' P. M. DAILY , . Tucson. - Their travel plans will keep WOOL'.SKIRTS them a month in Arizona. Out- side of Tucson' they will be. the houseguests of Miss ,Virginia Everyone a spring fashion favorite. in fl~nnel and tweed. Slim and full Heath who has a home (in the styles. From our top-quality makers. Sizes, 10 ,to 18. . foothills of the Catalinas where nature paints an every.'changing PEARL COSTUME JEWELRY Orig'. 8.95 to 29.95. now .•• , • • • • • •• •• • • •• •• •.••• 6.00. to 21.00 picture of sunshine. lm:d shadow' on the mountain slopes.', II n.w wlfia,. ",'vety, frolly MarygroveColleg8 Gets curtured p.arl 10,0" lambda Iota . Tau Chapter

Marygrove College was in- stalled formally 'a's Io.ta Chapter 4°0plus tax , , of Lambda Iota Tau,' newly in- Our entire remaining stock of' lovely knit dresses. Two.piece styles in a corporated literary society, Sat. good choice of colors. 10 to Ie, ' urday, March 20, Sister M. DaIV., Honora, IHM, Marygrove presi- , . Earrings. 200 H rnginr. Orig. 35.00 to 49.95, now' ••••••••••••••••• , ••• '24.00 to 34.00 dent, has announced. • . pl~ talC rformance Basic requirements for student Brak~~. ,I' membership are an interest In, lrol ~al English and foreign literature and are al~o. scholastic achievement. in litera- The pseudo pearl has 8 fresh new face, glowing ture courses. , BLOUSES Agnes Morouri, 1007 Bishop with e soft, alrnost ~isty 'tone • • • loo~in9 road, will be an affiliate. She is every bit like an eetual pe8rl: See our collection a junior English.major and chair- Wond~r!ul nylons, silks, and tissue failles. Perfe,d "mates for your new man of the campus' Drama"Pro~ of cho~ers, dog coliars, classic necklaces' spring suits. . motion group. and malching earrings .'. i"pink,. blue, while, • Orig. 5.9S'to 10.95, nOw.I••••••••••• \••• ~.~ •• ',~ •.•, 4•.00 to 7.00 min~ 'or silver grey.

,. SPECIAL • . I , ' ..~ Speed Record Players

One-Third, Oft'.',

(~i-llf~nlls, 15.40 Tripods 11.95 KerchevAl .tSt. CI.ir . :JfI- . ~ 15.95 Screens ,; 10.95, , KERCHEVAL at ST. CLAIR Sludio Camera Shop i '. 20439 MACK . TU. 1-6200 .'

:4 II . ,', I ,', , .,. 'i ; I <.: \ .{ J , :.t.. \

.. ~----,--~~ ...... 40 ...... ,.;..:...~ ... ,;'~.~~ .... "\I..~..,I~.J ..,.. -:- ..:~ ..,~_.: . ~~~~r:', ...~~,~~~.-...... ,~":"' ....~~~~~:~".~- :..~t.~~,...... ~:r.:_'.' .~.~ !:~:.~_...,.~.., - .'• '",; '0.' ...... - .,;:- ,-. :- - ~-."':"" --:------.: -:"-..'----~,--.----.--~.---:~.----:-----.-~---:- ...... ------...-:---,~-,~.~------. .',' I . , . ....:. " -:, '. ... ,

" Thursday, M , Page Six G R 0 S S'E POI NT E NEW S Thu~day, Mar~h 25, 1954 ( ". 'T' lb.'..', arice ot,Mrs. Ruth v; Flom,.Gro~e and i~cludujg'April 26, talkS'ancl Bodkills. Students at Pierce Jr. High Who" Keeps G~~sse: Pointers',Warm I O.fferl1l:g ,a . ',' Pointe 'High' 'Scho~l's' Dean ot 'disc~ions' will be held- which _. . - . . . FromFl£ n;Pilrenthood:;'~ Gi~~i~al 's~t:aker:for the .eve~ are 'designed' to p~ovide an op- To G~veEvening of Plays . , . __ . _. ' ,,~ . , '.' ning will be 'Dr, ~obert G, Swan- portunity for young couples to Mr. andM~ The second' in 'a' series 'of talks son, 'well known. obstetriclan. di8l':uss hopes and worries and to An evening ot plays will be are back today ir: The prompters are Tom Rhoades designed .for' expeclprit ! parents ~hose fopi~ ,will, 'b!! "Comm~n become acquainted with the basic presented by .the students. 'ot Muskoka road fol and Dolly Beam, and the play, is will be given at the War Me- Symptoms otPregnan9' and p're-prlnciples ot mental health. and Pierce Junior High School on directed by Miss Virginia HoelZle, tion in Palm Beal Friday, Mnrch 26, in the Pierce morial Center on Mond'ay, March' natal Care ..... ", ;",', . ;,' " child care, "A Mad Breakfast" will be pre~ 29, at 7:30 p.m.; tinder the guId: ',Every Monday: evening,. up to At the r~(':t th Auditorium. Two comedies, a sented by a cast of eight and gUests or ~rr.an skit, and two record pifntomimes ninth grade students, under' the are. on the program.. . dlre-:tlon of Mr. John Mason. The Ford who ha\'e The .Pierce String '. Orchestra story tells of a man's visit to, there for the sea . will also play. Tt.e program will what he thinks is an institution begin' at 8 o'clock, and tickets for the insane, but is In reality Anolh~r Oni of Our,','Recenl'C~nslruclion. J~~s Voters'L may be purchased at the door. just a boarding house. I , -. (f~:~~ The...seventh grade play con- Each "guest" acts up for' him, cerns a boy. who -J1.as skipped creating a really' "Mad, Break- Holds El school' one afternoon and his ef- fasl" 10rts to keep his parents from The annual m meeting 'his teacher, who comes The cast includes Kay Mc*eill League or Wome as Mrs. Simpkins;. Pat Price all . to investigate. His H:ness is in- place on Frida}', ~ Lizzie: Janis Bushtmg as Miss Grosse Pointe Me trilUing in "Wildcat Willie Gets Brown; Beth Petry as Miss Brain Fever." The speaker, Judg Smith the budding actress; Jean of the Wayne ( The cast includes John Cook Suitt as Miss Green, the artist; . as Willie, Steve Baum as his pal Janith Sommerschield as Mrs'. . Court, discussed Joe, Fred Lauppe as Vernon, Hill; David Law as Mr., Hili, the court system and l Diana Lynn as his sister Gladys, tions from the f10( Molly McClure as Mrs. ~ilkins, spirituaHst; Kin Essington as Mr, . Keeping Grosse Pointe homes ,co'mfortable-wlth heat in the wInter months and air condl- Roberts, who likes to eat; Pirie tionlng in the summertime-Is a big task. 'The ReUable. Gas' & 011 Beating Company located The election ot Kay Wunsch as Celia, Pam Put- took place. The j nam as Kathy, and Bonnie Camp- Ga!l as Mr. Jones; and Jim Bayne close:by on East Warren avenue operates, a whole fleet of well equipped trucks and ,cars to i'end~r elected to serve a as Mr,Long, th~ visitor.' uI k 'I bl h ti d I ditl I ",. I bell as the teacher, Miss Bond. ts.S:'1..;:ffi~,tl'~.~':;;.;":.k::.:,"~~-",,,,,~ .. ,;:~....;.~, .., t¥ ~-""'IICBIIJII1J; .... I Prompters are Mary' Kolnis , a, q c , rea a e ea ng .an a ~ con on ng service to, Gro~se Pointe i)t all times., • president. Mrs. Ed

and Jean Mohr, Assisting the cast ------~) Advances for. comfort in < the~ .,. This Chftrmiii9 New House Is at 10 Beaeon Hill vice-president (VI .' , . with properties and breakfast are Chu' r,C:L \to' Help' home' have' been greater In the' S', t' t"G. Mrs. Charles Sc Judy Moll, Nancy Simone, Susan:n past ten' )'earsdhan, In 'allthe e zer 0 lVe liccretary, Mrs. Hi We Can'SalLJl'i the 'm06~ rbi6cr!millalillfjClienl corresponding s e ( M~X:~'wa::n~:::: ~~:~~inment Mental Patients, ~~:~~,o~~~::~.rl.wN~~I:,e1~:le~i Piano Recital John J .Messler, will be presented by both seventh the film said this week~, Both Elected chairm, and eighth graders, under the Members of the U:1itarian Ser\'- gas and .011, have played major Wayne Unh:ersity's S t u d Ii n t . • Builders of' fine: residences and -,~~ tees were: general direction of Mr. Owen Middle- lee Committee ot the Grosse Iparts inthese latclltdevelopments, Council' Lecture-Recital 'series man,; Mrs. Donald ton and Mrs. Florence Mlller. . . . AutomatIo controls for Insuring will. feature Milton Setzer, 809 commercial structw'es IlU [\(J.'p :....',. I IJ,'~,{ letin chainnan, M "Old- MacDonald Had n Farm" Pomte Unitarian Church arc to temperatures. of desired degrees University place, Grosse Pointe, , '. .;,~ IlIIL'!f[fl J / art; public relat " \ I will be pantomimed to the record center their activities this year in Individual rooms 'Is' the latest in a piano recital in the lecture ,. II / I, Mrs. Donald Mc( by Jerry LaGomarsino, Diane on work with mentally ill ca, and by' far one of the greatest hall of the!nstItuta of Arts at TUxedo 2-0628 ' {tl (:: l ~ '.' .' " inating committee Mehlin'g, Joann. Sweet, Stevie tients at, Northville State Hos- innova.tlons of .al1. Many of the 8 0 . . T. d h. 0 . . Whitney Collins. SEE Pj6.GE 11' ital. 41001 Seven MI'le Road. large, older ---residence of the : p.m., ues. ay, Marc 3., • Gregory Pat S tt S di Hi P .. I J I To serve on 1 , u on, an e- N th'll Mi h ' Pointe are well adapted for mod- Setzer, a seDlor, will playselec- mer, Susan Leach, Mike Brady, or ~I e, c". . ern change-overs, accordlnr to tions by"Bach, Mozart, Mendel": committee are 1 Janice Stoneking, Peggy Massey, The.lr program Will consls~ of Norris. ': ',. ' ssohn, and others. . Schroed~r and Mr Delores Garrett, Janice Richter, adoptmg a 90-bed, male patient I . - Following the 811 JipU forA Kathleen Barry and Judy Hutch- ward for which th~y will give was presented to l ison.' monthly parties, providing home. 2ay, retiring pre .. A skit called "He Ain't Done made refreshments, and carry- from our hat bar • • • Porter Strother 01 ~~your IittleW'" Right By Little Nell" is being ing out-under staff supl'rvision' membership to e: given by Ruth Emerson, as the' -various group agHvitles such as ation of her w )J1 boy or girl fa~er; Ann Ware ~s NelJie; current events, dfscussions, hand the League. ~Ichael Magee as the Villain; and crafts, choral groups, painting On Wednesday, Bill Evenden as the Constable. classes. etc ' . League is plann Other parts are played by Chuck '.' . saucy Babcock Bonnie Leg t S The first party Will take place Lansing for the Cooper Beverly Turk a;d °B ~e, on S"unday( March 28. The chair- quainting its mer BeUz. ' onme men for the committees ~re: Mrs. • MAYPOLE .workings of the s Something ditcerent in the ,way ,Lawrence Leadbetter, preSident; Those attending 1 of. between-acts entertainment Mrs., John Foley,. refreshmen~: seams too busy 00 by State Senatol Will also be. presented by the' Mrs. John Lellzmger, mUSIC, '5 of this districL following seventh graders:-Judy Har~ld' Hubert, ~ast~r. of cere- The plans inclul Schuknecht, Joanne Phlllips, Bob momes, a~d. Mrs. Charles Feld- with prints, dots,stripes? capitoi and visits Pattyn, Suzanne Shaw Marcia man, publiCity; Lawrence Lead- of the legislature Eyres, Bonnie Byrne a~d Mari- better, secretary," . terested In mal Iyn Schwarz. These students are' Abraham Brickner, social serv- your legs need quiet beauty should contact MJ pantomiming the operatic record ice worker at Northville, met nings, 'TU. 2-5633. "Romeo and Juliet," with a new with the Unitarian Service Com- JacobSOLlS, . . and modern twist. mittce the evening of February. 17.to show a documentary movie s~~mlessn.y~ons.l . ~~. KERCHEVAL at ST. CLAIR The "United States Society for of the' work being done at the the Study and Prevention of $35,000,000 hospital, and to ani Tuberculosis" began just 50 years swer questions about the hos- ... ~'cflfA'!9 Delightfully g"'y' and c.,rofrea • , • " light "nd ago this week somong a small pital facilities, the needs of pat~ group of men attending a lecture terns anJ how to fill them. lliry C\')p of crochet~d str.,w, tl,re~ded ~ith YMds ond' on the di~ease. at the Henry The Northville Hospital en.: ~ ,y.,rds 'of colorful'grosgroin ribbon thllt tumbles down tho Phipps Institute. In Philadelphia. courages community groups to be '1,50;.3 pr, 'for 4.35 Today that little group has a part of their therapeutic pro- bock in " cllscode of vivllCious c?lci':.~:toti~II.,be.as-I'pvely gro~ jnto th,e !'lational Tuber- gram and the Grosse Pointe Uni- liS spri0$3in' our M"Yf'Ole Clip, •• II panoromd of color ond beauty. i:Iosls Assocl~tlon with 3,000 tarianChurch Service Commit- .. '. , cal organizahons and hundreds Itee feels most fortunate in being CHESTE~ f~wth~usathnds of people workin£ able to help with their progres- BOOT SHOP ar e control of TH. '\ sive work. ,I Urges'. Child Life Deiller in Ihis Arell 15911 E. WARREN at Buckingham TU 5.0863 • , I

\ ,~~ - . .- ~"."..; .~ ."ROll __"EM, II FRANC,E'S MOST FAMOUS GIRDl'ES and FOUNDATIONS • . , • NOW IN AMERICA . . - . . Cleani SpeCi4 , AND AT 'JACOBSON'S FOR THE FIRST TIME! '. -for 35 1 " . i • Curtain, • • Drapes 0 ' ( • Slip Coven •

.C1:Il E1Jnhunt lie CIt7 and Bubur "A Phone can ~ Dan It An" + < RED C 'iLy, Tru'Balatice.,' ," .. , Yoz

, NATIONALLY FAMOUS • chiffon-weight nylon elastic,gi~dles a,nd fouhdations.: ••crafted in America by French-trained hands Chaj FOR SMART ST'IlING- from ~he. origi"al French-imported patte'rns of the world's moSt famous girdle! INSUlATED, DRAFT.FREE COMFORT-HO UPKEEPI ". ' • From Pllris to you! • • • SCAN DALE, 'the sarne foundation over which the most fllmous' French' , , I ' NO' 'Iery III """-W.,,'1 .tlck, ,wen.. designers build their collections, i~ now lnode in Ameri~a for you! AmericanrnyJon elestic, woven ",If, ,.. ., wetp. He ...... c.- .. ,.''''''' .. lie ,vlt)', •• ,ptI"., ., to II sheer wisp os the French weave'it, makes you Fe el as tho' you had no~hing on ~ ~..~ y'et', ...... _.'1...... Sclre-I.ek 1ft •• ~ •• ,,11three .,." ,...... ".. makes the most of your 'figure through oxquisite confrol. Sit,' walk, run •• S.cond~le' stays in WELCC c.w.Ielf-lJft 1ft fer H'Y _hi"" pl.,ce, with or without thebutton.on. garters, moulding you every, minute! ' Complete siz~s for the miss llnd jL1ilior figure • WAG • Girdles, 8.95 to $15 Foundations, 18.50 w. ask NEWS reo Of coun., you'll hov. YOUR Scandal. fitted by, our 'llp.rt, trolli.d c~,.,tl~~. phone Us tho nan of newccme~ to t~ KERCHEVAL'.:a(ST~~:'C1Jl,nt.. VA. 2.0295, T1 GErlUll DETAILS rODA YI ~.. . . TU.2-1 I (N. coat or 0 .. , , '. I .) \ " ,I , I .. •• + •. +~ A ;S., ••• q $ • .4 4 $ 0 ••• = Q$ $ Z O. 4 Qq. c 4." q: l ; : :5 see 3 '5ee boa .eea a cas cec:,uc ,. e 544 a •a jUpe • * • ... ~ • - c • "t '/ .c. ='11 ,

h 25, 1954 Thursday, M~uch 25, .'1954 G R0 SSE' POI N TE NEW S' ~ - . ,T ;>ril :6, talks and BodkinS Return' , - be held which Furniture Fa.shiQns. ..Harvard'GI~e C'l«b~io;Sing 'on April,5 • '". ' .... ' .':~ - if ' • \ - • : • provide an oP- From Florida .'.. . The big date' for members of I:omax,' Mr. and Mra. Reade :a Barnes. Harold;A. Beatty, Gor- ')ung couples to . . the ' Harvard . Club of Eastern R~~m. • ,,' don Bugbee, WilUam G. :BuUer, CHET' SAMPSON~ Mr. and Mra.-Edwin 0, Bodkin .. -.. . - "Mr~ and'Mrs: .David C. Craw- - .. ,. . '.' ., .: ..... , -- . , d worries and to MiChlgariiS' -Monday, . Aprif 5 f d M. d M' D'C A b hI Henry Me Campbell, Walter S. are back today in their home on , '. or, r .an. rs. • • m u ,. D' '. ks 'WISH~S TO ANNOUNCE" ed with the basic when' the famous Harvard Glee Mr. 'and Mrs. SWrley.T.JohNon, Clark, r•.A"Jac.,on Day, John :E ',. mtal health and ~u:;ko~a :road following. a vaca- tIon in Palm Beach. . ClI.i~ '(it's 'ninetY.sIx,: .years . oid) Mr. and'. MIs.; HUJiter.' Hendee, R.: D~den' "Jere" M. :Qyk~ma, THAT~HE'WILL P,ERSG,NA~LY'. gi"es.' a' 'concert; in;"ScotUsh ~Rite Mr,' and,Mra.: William" Me.Dunn, James .•..S.~ !:idridge, James. C. ~ "U' ", '- r " '.' . 'ESCORTA GROUP OF,' .At the r~ort they were house- Ca~lfedral,'of Masoriic Temple"'" Mr,and 'Mra.'FrancisH. Phelps Ffnkenstaedtj' James F.Forater R' '... guests of Mi. and Mrs. Benson ~avi.d C, ~r.awfoJ;d,-o!Ford Jr.,;,Mr •. an~.Mni; DavidMiIIs. fI;;o:::'~~ .Frt;h~, DanielW. . " " ADULTS ONA' Ford who have taken a house court; IS general chaIrman, of the .'.'SiUt other Harvard patrons for l ,.. .• .. : ~~. ", •.• '"" • '.~' .' '.' DELUXETOUR.: there for the season. . concert \,which~ will .beriltflt'the the :Glee Club's. appe'arance .will I JulIan, .~'~ray,. Chr~bap.:H. :,','. '0 , . scholan:hip Fund; of ....the; local be;:" ~ .' ' : . Haber~o~,: Jr., ;~ot:b~:How~, ./lEAVING. 'P' TO . . Harvard' Club,' Mr .and Mrs. Rogers M. Kyesj Albert.. J •."J:eh1~. Jr.,~o~.~,G. Voters'League The connuittee on patrons has Mr: and Mrs.-Lester '~Colbert, K!I~{~ic~0I.as_ KeIl~y,Jr.j' Her- .N~;~~~&NI' .. ,E-,. } Holds' Electi.on been doing aninSpirt:d job as it Don~ldM. D: Thurber, Dr.: and ~rt'ri~~~~~:;C:~:~f=~~o enlists fellow alumnI, and friends Mrs~ Norbert T.Pas~ernacki"Mr, ,G~orge,N.Monro 'm..George.i i of Harvard to th:caus~" ,... andMrs. Edward G.Acomb •.Mr. Nicholson Jr;;.Mfles M, O'Brien, , The 31 days in Europe will incr~de Scotl~~d, ., The annual' meeting of. the Among the patrons arel and Mrs, Donal~K. B~rn~, ..Mr. 'Charles ';L: Palms . Herman G League of Women Voters took ~) . , '.' . . '. . . and' '.Mrs.,' Benjamin '. Brews~er, ' ' ..' Englind, Holland,' Swit1erland, Italy, The ~ivi~ra," . place on Friday, March 12, at the Mr. al.d Mrs. Walter ¥.~e.ek, Mr,'andMra.Ollver E.Rodgers, Pet.old, Jerome.1!- Remick Jr., \ .:.and France. . '. ,.... i Grosse Pointe .Memorial Center. Mr. anrt Mrs. Stanley; Eo Beattie, Mr .d ':Mrs 'AI 'n BenSon and B, Courtney Ranldn, Dr. ~obert . ) The speaker, Judge Robert ,Toms ,. Mr. and Mrs. James J; .Phelan ':'!In .. , ".1: "1 .. ' J. Schneck,. Dr •• Frederic:.'W. Jr., Mr.imdMrs.' John M. S, Dr •. and Mrs.George Kins ey. 'Schreiber, Stephen-Me Stackpole, 'or Furth., 'nfO""otlon _nThls 'Tri, or, : - of the Wayne County' Circuit' '- Hutc1)inson, Dr; and Mrs. Hugh ,The Pointe' '.boasts,'. a. large Josep~'A.VanceJr." Willard.S. On An,. TN.,I HHds COli ' ' t.~ •Court,,' discussed the Michigan Stalker, John S. NewberrYJr, Harvard al~i group, whose In- Worcester and John T, Wood- court system and answered ques- tions from the floor, Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Stevens, terest,pro~sesto.~like.theApril house Jr., ...... Chet Sampson Travel Service. -~' Mr .and Mrs. JamesB. Webber 5 concertllsparklliigeve~L' -- _ 100 Ker~.vll, on the Hill . TU~do 5-8580 .'TUxedo 5-J510 The eleCtion' of' officers then Jr., Mr. and' Mrs. 'Ross"Wilkins . Otliers m~mberSof the' Harvard People's morals or minds can- took place. The following were " Jr.,Mr .andMrs. FrankJ"Wil-' Club who maJte"their,homes not be regulated by legislation, ..lected to.serve a two~year term: ton,. Mr.' and Mrs •. ~obert ,L. here include Richard W. ,Allen, , "., president, Mrs. Edgar Hahn;' first . Hatch, 'Mr .and Mrs;'AlIen Me, John. T. ,Allman.d, , C",Grant vice-president (Voters' 5"ervlce), . .. Mrs. Charles' Scott;' 'recordIng secretary, Mrs. Richard -Barnett; A Comp'etent' Staff Brings You Latest Spring 'Hair.Fashi~nl corresponding S 2 C r eta r~, Mrs. .,. John J .Messler. , Elected chairmen of commit- 'tees were: general program ~hair- ,50Jdg ~ .:JinetJl HAIRCUrtlNG man, Mrs. Donald Jennings; bul- letin chaiIiJW1, Mrii.L. A.,Stew- ••• intJpireJ t l~~'tetJi o!l~e padl ., art; pub.1ic relations' 'chairmab, g Designed e s pee i all y for the beauty-laving and the . .', . ':t' ,. Mrs. Donald McConachie; nom- ' 4 firsJ pr' inating committee chairman; Mrs. practical-minded hDmemaker, this "silent hostess' coffee r: , Whitney Collins.' . '. -. • table is an asset to any home or apartment.' .., ., . . . t ,be. ~95 . • d ,.1er o. ',.g -! To serve on the nominating Simplicity of line is contrasted with adramaticuse.of , ,i is pOw aircueJ' ,J committee are Mrs. H a r 0 I d. wood and w\)(ld-grained formic a surfaces, . , Mr, Leo 'l1b, for. a I Schroeder and Mrs. John Staiger. . As a labqr-saving piece,' the' sliding top' panels reveal'. : Gold. 'IrOr ' .,' . Following the election a gift two compartments; one holds' the beverage service and the 'j was presented to Mrs. Bert.Lincl- I other is lined withcorKfor.storing.additional refreshments, 2ay, retiring president, by Mrs. . Appointritents' .':' ~ , Space-saving, thi~.coffee:t~~le 'alserpl,ays "~other hen': to . .' .. Porter Strother on behalf .of the ,four sturdy tables which~can.be'use~',tar.seatmg or servmg, -TU.2-6160 , membership to express appreci- ...... : ation. of her work with the No need for coasters,'on these, .either> They're formica , 1, League. topped. , :' "" "; ,: \ '. :.: : 'j On Wednesday, March 31, the '. . ':. ". '.; I '.. t:~;~eg ~orp:~~n~~~etr~f a~~ Exchange:C~uh's~4QiYears Old . '" .', " . ," . ..~.:, .. quainting its members with the The Grosse Poi~te' Exchange '. ,Festiv~Ues will include the an-: LE . workings of the state legislature. Club will celebrate the' 43rd an-, 'nual cake-cutting as well as a ,', ..... " .. ' _;"~':':',: Those attending will be greeted niversary of the founding, of Ex- . talk oy:.Director of Public Safety .' by State Senator Harold Ryan change Clubs on Tuesday, Marchv:.ern Balleyof,the City of Grosse: of this district. 30, it was announced by'Ray~ .Pointe:WoOdS on how service .,,'; The plans include lunch at the mond J. Lynch'of 1061 N. QxIotdcluDs:':eari;:assiSt in the preven- '.' . ,',!;" . , ~.". . capitol and visits to both houses road, president of the'club. :'. ' ... tion oferimei. .1' •. " ' , of the legislature. Members in- . "j .• " ., ".' " ...~ .- Coiffured , "':'.,':'. terested in making the' trip ,', '. " .... ',o" ' .•• ",' '."~' .. c .• should contact Mrs.Donald~Jen- , ",fI .., :;-~,'. nings, TU. 2-5.633.' ." . ;Briggs Prescriptio~~::Ph~rri¥tcy,.~ ,t'lofeo;; . ,. Delivery 183:8 MACK AVENUE , • i. CLAiR TU~f;',24l0,'<,; •. Service grosse pOinte farms 18544 Mac~ ,near Warren. • 14 Yellrs ;n the Po;nt~' . , tno : down ...... ; M love\y .' .'- . { ~d be~uty. .. • ',,~''\. . .,. • ", ;. ."":,.1". ,'. .., .'CC?Jfl~'~".'",. t '. -. Store Hours: a . ,J Monday. thru Satu'rd~y J C. " I 9:30 to 5:30 TAFFETA PRINT •• ,' a spr!ng i';-. affer~dar" formality

RICA Cleaning Specialists • •. -for 35 years on Our rayon taffeta' dance' and ~. • Curtains • Lamp Shades , cocktail dress • , , It • ~'. • Drapes • 'Bedspreads • Slip Cavell - Blankeh m~gnjficant print, with a ,. beaded neckline Ingenu~ P'~C!3S • 4137 Elmhurst near Droadllred , scooped low in back, City and lIubur~.n Dellvef7 fashion ::at you.. Jeet' ~ith !. ", • " .... I, ", .... "A Phone Call , WE 3.1010 Does It AU" • 'KERCHEVAL: at, ST. CLAIR .'~ ;' . :..., '..'titH.- touches' of

, . ., expansi~'e by . o calf ••• skillfullycrafted shoes . + I its. own crinoline. petticoll~. cf the finest leatheri RED CROSS . Red or blue. • and worLna~s~ip~ , ,. Sizes 8 to lb. . I-Ielp A" Draped halter strap pump. 35.00 piped in ~hit.,16.'~ , . , . ,. Your , '8•. Meqium, h.elsuit tailreur.' Local , ; ..'. buckled and stitched" with sterk .whit•• 16.',1., - . :.. , ! ,I Chapter . C. Welt'leamed , ,.• J NOW!~ ,. plunging opere- pu~p, stitched '... with whit•• :16.'5.:. . ' ~ .. . . - . , WELCOME WAGON, f@ Ingenue,' ',. , W. esk NEWS reoders to please phon. us th. name and address Your .Headquarters .for: .', ... ,. of newcome~ to the PoInt •• I.ng~nu. H!II and Dale VA. 2.0295, TU, 5-9115 or I, ,Miller Joyce TU. 2.1134 Palizzio C8pelTo , '\ I (No COlt ar obligatIon) ,: . Old MaIne Trotters • I -lI J ..' ; ). . 'I .. ;,~ I

.\ ~''''''''''',,'''''-''h'';''''' ...... - ....~ ...... 1 __ ''''''''' ..... ,., ...... A,..,.. ~,' ...... _\,.,~_.~~~-.-.;.....~.!'~ .....~~ ..~-.~:'l~~-'":.~'<.t .....:-:"''- Of._:- ~,~~._ ...... , ..)"t-...... ~_~- ~ •• ~.:' '~':: !,. ~.•~.~ ~. ~' .. .- ~ .- - - \ . '. _ ',' _ WI' W - - - - '. ~ ,:~ ~ -,' -- """':"':" -...... __ ~- _____

>~ ... ~ -~ .. c..... -~ ...... ~.~.\( ...... q-""'tt ...... j. j ... , ,...... ' .. .. :.it' ... -:-- ,.' ~ __ :._~: ••• .:"" ...... ~ '. ¥'" •. ..y '. i.,t ~":"'.,,-, ...: "-..i. ~-.'J; "r...:...... ~'.q;~.$o~,_~~"-~...,..~~_ • ~"..rJ'i"t~.,.,.."'''f~',.....~ ...... ;r',~,11..'.'-l~.-'-.U-~...... *- ..... *.-.~...'....-....~.... ' ..." ...,.',..~'~~.,"".~.t. .. 'r"-" "'. .";<;',_-;:,:,:.1~'i"":':.'" . . .. . " ",' ~ ' .' .' ...~..~ ~ .-.

• " Thursday, M~ Page Eight , G R 0,5 5'E', ,P 0 I N T'E' ".N EW'5 .J • Thu~aYI March 25, 1954 ,:\VO] .,. ;--." Society.,'News G.ather'ed.Fronl Allo'f , the Pointes. , ;''Pointe From Another Pointe. a.nd to th,'e. P ..,.t' ,.Junior Leag.ue Foilie'S...... ; ·01~.~ A,ids..The' N C "Dot S( of View MRS .. EDSEL FORD" has re- GLORIA' JAMES emd MRS. . . ew enter, ~eorge lothrop B, turned to lier home hi Lake Shore JERRY C.EARL will be Pointers '. . • ' bell, Weds D road from visits .1n' Havana, with WinsSchohmhip Award .,' in the, wed~ing partyot RUTH ,ReVival of June FoIIl,es to Be Staged at Cass Theater June Jllnd Scbermerbom . , . U. S. AMBASSADOR' ARTHUR OLDBERG and. V!ILt.IAM K. <~ 2 'land 4. Proceeds Will Benefit New Center for " Jr., Saturd GARDNER' and .MRS. GARD.; DOWNEY which will. take place I ,. .' d I " '"' I" h. SPRING FEVER hit bride-elect Marian Chapin with a bang NER, :uid 'her brother-In-law and' May 22 in St. Hugo of the Hills' <. Age i Mrs.' ~,an:Mesritz Genera C airman , The past wet Church.' Bloomfield Hills. ',' " ' '. ' ed to the Pointe'5 last week ••• She found as she atten~ed a,pre-brlde cooking sister, MR. and'MRS,'ERNEST , .. ..,.. After an absence of six yeElf,3 the JUnior League Follies les~l)n she simply couldn't concentrate ••• Her marriage to KANZLEFf at theIr Winter 'home The first will '1 In mid-April; MR. and' MRS. will be back on the social. calendar this June 2, 3, and 4 at Hugo Sche.rer Higbie will take place May 8 in <;=hr~stChurch, In Hobe. S~U~d, .Fl~, ' ~ew York thi ARTHUR P. NAUMAN, of Moran the Cass Theater.' " Boston (0 Farmh1g(on classmate) and Mrs. William Boeschen- N. J. On Wednesday, Mrs. Baker former ANN STEWART, whose past, the. League is ~uyi~g a pat.ron!; arid M.r. im

'IbuIIS,IIUl,a. of UOIliOI )''J,,- 65°0 "I ,Use Q:..ai,IJ' , BCCik,ise 11 Saves TIME, MO~EY & WORRY" . . ".( Shirts 1J'nm/i;lill y r.J:( 1/,1, red CH 0 . Q,UALITY ~~~. 7'(J"', tf, V, . • LAUNDR'" onl ' Bridal Salon ond Mellcnln. DRY CLEANING Shop Now Open Monday I' '. WALTon. PIERCE WEbster 3-8000 Nights until 8:30 p.m.' 47 ADAMS lAST ,roue .poInte • ".rcheval ae .t. cia', Your Pa>r:na;:c 5::,td - . f

..I• 'J I, h, '. I. " " i ".' ) I'

s ••• e,2 X' • $ , " . .., •...... e. nr ROe 5 • • e • • ...._._- _ • . . " , • $Z. =.. • a~ .. S,",%9 3 ). ::;e.. $ ..'\ a. "' • ;. ... ' .' .. • c.

Thursday/March 25, 1954 G'R'O'SSE PO.INTE-NEWS Page Nine h 25. 1954 , ,

"boy. of"an'd'for"". " , , - • • Pointe Women'- tes • , ...... Visit Lond'on lIie's This Sp'~il~g. Sha:resin Sy~phony Travel to London is in store for several Pointers thIS Spring. enter First to I eave, will be Mrs. Being Sold at Pointe St~phen 'J~Brul,~ of SU~nIngdal.e"tf:t: , Theater June drive, .who on Friday .wJ11.board .~" Army. of ~rQmii1ent Matrons Aids, Detroit Symphony in enter for a transatlantic plane. !l~lng from ~ Current Drive to Enroll New Supporters and Re-enlist airman New York to London. ' . ' ' . Mrs. DuBrul will be In Rome Old Frien~si Hav,! You Bought Your Share 1 , League Follies for Holy Week. There she, wili' . ~, 3, and 4 at meet Mr. and MrS. Joseph I, With th'.! appeal "Buy it Share in the Future oJ Your ~ Murphy. of Yorkshire. road, who Orchestra;'" the Detroit Symphony for' the past month has: sailed last week. aboard the been conducting its first major' campaign for funds in' three . Ewald Jr. and Queen ElIzabeth. ' years •. GoaUs $100,000 to be raised by 2,000 women Qirected • :yan. Mrs. Ber- On April '14, ','Mr. and Mrs. by Mrs. J, Bertram Bell, Maintenance FundCliairman for the ~ chaiI]l1an ot the Thomas J. Little ,III ,df Meadow "I Women's Association for the Detroit Symphony. and Mrs. Wil- lane, will,sail on the Queen Mary , 'Workerl; are selling lCshares"~ l Jr. is publicity , to spend a mont~ in England•. in the orchestra's future to public for funds at ihls' time with raise funds. Each share, priced the. soundest. of arguments," It. . ' l: on the execu- at $5, will pay-."dividends" in has become a slgDificant.infiuence: :-lclude: the form' of admission to a on' ,the local and natio!!al sce,nc, lliam Duffield, special concert and member.' its recordings. are on the/best. ,ti:>n committee: h. . h S' .f F i' d seller lists EVerywhere. ~nd' its' herson II, chair- s Ip In t e oClety 0 r en s artistic standard has been praised .~ TV committee; of the Detroit Symphony. the naUon over•. rawford, chair- The campalrn 51""a15. the be- Selling shares in the orches-. ,ommittee; Mrs• glrinlnr of a second three.year. tra's future in Grosse Pointe are: • r.. chairman of , period for the orchestra since Mrs. Russell A. Alger, Mrs. Rkh- ' . and Mrs. John it 'Y3S reorganized in'1951 un- ard W. Allen, Mrs. E. W. Allison, • nirmen of pro- der the Detroit Plan 'Of wide-I Mrs. StandUlh BackuS; Mrs.' spread community support. George J. Baer, Mrs. Carl Breer. , Monies from large' sponsors Mrs. Oscar L. Buhr, Mrs. Wilfred : we:-e pledged' lor three years V .Casgrain, Mrs. John M, Chase, • Club with two -condIUonsattach.ed: Mrs. Walker Cisler, Mrs. II. , that the public 'show in three, Whitney Clapsaddle. Mrs, Fred- ~ Play year&la,'ora~le respo~ to the erick C. Ford. Mrs. James R. Gel- . orchestra through concert at- dart, Mrs. WilUam Gramley and ~ .. Club of Grosse lendance and tHrough an ac- Mrs, E. C. Grove., . ) 01 is sporu-oring ceptance 01 respons!blUty for. .Still others Pointers se11lng. •ancl' for adults part of the orchestra s financial, shares are M~: Jay L. Hammen, . IYl'rs'production IJUpport, . Mrs. Joseph N, JenningS, Mrs. • John B. Ford, of Grosse Pointe, Winfield S. Jewell, Jr., Mrs" Wil- : l,'ait" Thursday symphony board president, says liam Kerber Mrs. H~ Stanley' at 8:15 o'clock. • -Fred Runnells Photo of the new drive. "Success of this Maxon, Jr" Mrs. John S. New- .001 Auditorium. •This trio of Coterie Club members plan to put an added 'punch into the club's campaign !s vital ,for the Detroit berry, Mrs. James B, Ogden. Mrs. roceeds of this IVonthly dance to' pe held at the Memorial Center on April 3 for married couples. MRS. Symphony s contmued growth, George. H. ,Pratt, Mrs. Lawrence . ancl' will go to JOHN FRALICK,' left, decorations chairman, sal}'lples as refreshment chairman MRS, The majority oC the orchelltra's Pratt. Mrs, J. Rex Queeney, Mrs, • Fund through WILLIAM PANKHURST and: secretary MRS. ROBERT REIN, right, ,await the verdict, ' large sponsors-Indu.slries, labor Jerome H. Remick, Jr., Mrs. Ce- • many deserving unions, foundations. financial in- cil J. Rush. Mrs. SterUnI San- Grosse Pointe stitutions-have signified a wU- ford, Mrs:-Henry H. Sanger. Mrs. : 'uatl's have been LORANGER of Lake Shore road lingness to renew their pledges Fred J, Schumann. Mrs. Milton' :inue their ad- Bridal Couple returned Tuesday from a flying for a second three.year period. Setzer. Mrs. Elwood A. Sharp.' tour to Acapulco, Mexico. To ass,ure this, to interest other Mrs. Edward Stephenson, Mt"s.' 1, Short an'd'to e purchased for Are 'Guests Here-: ", • • organizations in becoming spon- Donald C. Stevenson, Mrs. David: oom Mothers or MRS. J. JOHNSTON CHEAT~ sors. the ca~paign must prove M. Sutter. Mrs. J. Karl Van Gal- . HAM of Bedford road is sailing the or~he~tr,~s appeal to the gen- low. Mrs. Harold L. Wadcwonh, . 3. Gordon N. 'the Pojnfe 8223. They may on Friday, March 26, on, the' eral pubhc. Mrs. RenviUe Wheat and Mrs. ~------'~I"Nieuw Amsterdam" for a Medi- The orchestra approaches the Earl ZuehlI:te. cd at the door

Shown exclusively'in Detroit by Charles.. W. Warren & Co•

d~ssic simplicity in silk.shan.twill . , •• boeutifully curved' with contour belt •• , for town end country, dress Ilnd cesual Wellr • , • y6U~S to modify lit whim ••• . , YOURS, the option to moriogrllm .or not • • ' '

I' E'xclusively ours • •• end designed ~Suit to. OUR specjfic~tions. m b r II Y Blllckln~vy, cinnllmon. Per:feet :Jse e~d fitting sizes 10.18. Det"chllbJe ") br a white 'piping llround 'ao I: b ::1 s:d i, jewel";, neckline ond sleeves.

C' Gre,.. ,39.95 ~. : 10 to 16. ~'J . ,76 Kercheval" ' Versellu Bowl by DAUM (I0.inch $15). (20.inch $37) (28.inch $58) Grosse Pointe Fm;'ms, , . f \ ru, 1~7020 . ,

I Coat Daum crystal .is hand Iculptured; in Nancy. J;rance •. ~"=re:i fo :l:~n e~~ There are no two pieces ~xactly alike. Daum pieces, for H'e occupy cherishedpoaitions in fine crystal collections of h, throughout the. worl~. The integrity of each .pie~e N II \I~, is unquestione~. for every piece •.is •fa.s~i~~ed and. to 15. and signed entirely by hand. The I.n,trlnslcbeauty of ", ' Daum crystal is beyond description' :. ~ • it. ,!,~st be I . , seen to be appreCiated.. . 11i#,,~JJ. ., I . ' 3 Muhval.(~,~/jJ."t I ! CHARLES w.WAR.REN & COMPANY SG"fJ~. ~~A.~", - I

, , . John F. HuiD(, PmidtDt uid Gfneral MUlier, .. ,7d-~'~ 1520 'VASHINGTON BO'ULEVARD' S EAST , . -; ..'

,. ' .. ., 1 ,, ',- r' " 'f , '. " , .. ;~~.~'.~' .•.. ~~'...," . " i,

, " : , ' , !

Page Teri ;' !~ . ... . ~; At~osphere 'Adds to "Shopping, Pleasu~e- ' ' Thursdal - Adu

;. The Adul1 aporuored b~ Farms. Market Has ,National Reputation 'Along Communi ,', . Grosse Point a few openi .The the Spl'ingcl Road, SIR 'By Robert~, Isley Ol ISHER'. ROAD' has it's 'very own'fashionai>le recipes for All Fd~frosting~ March, as: y~u .~ill see as you' ~mble along, .. Our 'noIIiination for THE window of the mont~ IS the current window ,of' the Gillis"Moderll' Home ~Furn?shmg Shop. Be- ~ sides sheer drapes, attractive t~blC;S'and philodendron s there ALL .. are striking lamps .designed,.by ',Bill Lam. Most of t~em em- ploy the'same-principle of:dlfusmg light thr~ugh white. plas- WANT J tic~ The, bases, are; of, brushed' brass, brushed ~lummum, •••••••• baked. enamel. and.wood •.,Most m()dels are versahl~ ~~ough 18520 M I to adjust to many situations. Browse. through ~11hs and F 0 I .'" ~ find porcelain snack bowls ••• Swedlshgl~s pieces, cas- I seroles. unusual vases •.•. ' perfect for, weddmg or shower gifts, 403 Fisher Rd, ," ' ,- . .'. H~RE she ~oes. She's the woman ot~er women copy. TShe never, dre:;ses slap-dash bee a use she buys her " whole costume in that love of a shop • '•• the Clothes Line. This season she chDse a'"Jo,Copland suit from the house of City Helping Solve P(;lrking Problems Pattullo: The material is hard ~nd smooth, fashi?ned .0£ Gray At least $15,000, if not more, will be the same as charged to wal be avaIJab1efor p&rking in English Worsted, Gr,ay pearl buttons. ~nd white pique ac- will be expended by the City the general public•. the Fisher area.. The huge park- cents give,ita verve that's,~ew.She c~ose a pair of.Kislav in the development of two Mr. Nell stated that. the rev- ing grounds surrounding the,new gloves ,~ • white •• ,. a nayybag by Koret, and a white hat. newly acquired lots on Fish- enue derived froin the parking strueture wj)J be more than am- Her second choice. was an, imported light navy, pure silk lots wjJ) be used to pay oil the ple to take care, of the student ., I dress with a jacket, Red figures dot the, costume. The dress er road, which will be used entire debt to be expended in and faculty cars which now jam for off-street parking, accord- their d~velopment. 'He said that b1th sides of Fisher roadl . has an open ~eckline, short sleeves, Three pleats are at the ing to Grosse Pointe City not one cent of ~ax mon~y will back of'the straight skirt just past the bend of the knee. A Clerk Norbert Neff. be used on the projects.' FOUR HUBCAPS STOLEN velvet collar adorns the 'jacket. V-E-R- Y attractive pockets, The lots are located between To date, the City's off.street 1.. J, Jennings of 683 Lochmoor" Parking isn't any trouble at the Clothes Line. Parking facili- St. Paul and Maumee. One is sit- parking lot space numbers 400, renorted to Woods police, be- ties are in the back, 397 Fisher Rd. uated northwest of the Farms excluding the 64 new spaces on latedly. on Friday. March 19, that Surr Fisher toad. Privately owned someQne had stolen four hubcaps whrc Market, and the other southeast '. . . thrir- • HAT is it, made 'of? Sugar and spice? No. No. Bu~ of the market. parking spaces boost the figure from his car. They were Valued lords The lot northwest of the mar- to wen over 500. ' . at $11.50 a piece, He said they W everything nice ••• gentle, swirled tendrils ••• shim. and With the completion of the were taken on March 16. ' hraltl ket. wlJich will have space for 48 Grosse Pointe High School audi- mering waves, Have your hair cut first for manageability,. , cars. will be developed first, stat- and then get a companion permanent wave. See HOW young ed Mr. NetT. One building and torium-gymnasium, which is ex- Thp.re are no bargain days for several trees' will be removed pected later this year, more space buying experience. Spring"'cari look in Ii new hairstyle from the Ann-Louise a'nd the ground will be graveled 100' . Beauty Salon, 405 Fisher Rd, TU, 2-7511. temporarily on its south side, so . ., . that the gradual development of /0 ~,."c~:~ 11-3. .f'-" the lots will not disrupt business ACCOON coats have been kept in perfec't condition for in the Fisher road area. Rtwenty years in the Pointe, So hav~ ducks and World The smaller lot, southeast of War I uniforms ..' My gosh, so have deer hides! And all this SI the market, will have space for goes to prove a point we want to make. Mondry Cleaners 26 cars, and will be primarily '0 used by employers and employes, "l" have their C)Wn storage vaults to protect your precious furs. 13343 H according to a contract signed by With furriers' own methods they do a splendid job of clean- the lot owners, Mrs. Helen V. ing and glazing,. 'And also make repairs on your fur coats, Pezz and Mrs. Ruth V. Walker, Good cloth. coats are given extra special attention at Mon- oOORooqooOR who leased the lot to the City for 1 dry,:S,,'For safe ,storage call TU. 5-4800, or take it to 369 an indefinite period. I It is a well known fact that the best customers of. America patronize' the Farms Fisher Rd .., Once developed and improved, Market on Fisher road. It is an outstanding store according to Time Magazine. Now in'~t's • • _ • , the lots will be met~red, and the THEY SAY employers and employes of the fourteenth year of service in this. community it offers. Gr0!i5~ Pointers a; complete shopp~ng ANN., MC,CLENAHEN : in the Yarncraft. Shop. was en- area may purchase parking per- service. 'Seven telephone trunk Imest.o serve you. It !S pOSSible to charge, pay,cash, 0,1'h..ve thusiastic as' she showed ,us through her shop, It is mits which will entitle them to park during business hours: yo~~;::e~ti~e~::;~~u;~~~ing ~Of the' aro~at1c ,herbal teas to r~l1ne(i';to~ll'{esSenceanci;sold~fn' ,here, ~hat' you canle~rn to 'knit It ~shere' they h~ave a real Q , . ' ' distribute both in bulk and in tea 'bags. .. ' selectIonof,to,p,quabty,yarn .••• patterns. ,They design the The lots will be hard surfaced I., IInd will be drained and lighted. 1tems to be foun~ at th)s. market bags. Hail King Sassafras I There At Farms Market, you have a hand knits according to your measurements 'anti you come up Parking rates on tht: leased lot a~e canned: snall~,. ,~,ua~1.,c,ggs, is sass~f~as. b!l~k fpr your ~ea- fiqS:I~~aic~!,9fb~llwsj,p~pp'ermint'l '\I.f~~h:~ome.t~ing, WeJldet1F)'~Y 9ur first choice could, be a quick rattlesnake meat, and smok~d pot,' one:of ;the. oldest of Ameri- cha~omtIe; alfalfa, linden" bios- 'knit sweater made, willr Itrgeneedles and heavy yarn to ,,' il,.~ crab 'legs. The imported biscuits ca's beverages. Before the Revo- ,som. blueberry, hucklebern" fen- match. your' favOrlte'l'cottcin "aress, 'Anti it would be different from France are favorites of lution, Am~ricans and English- nel, fenugreek, sassafr~s bark or, than' the' ones you find on'.racks: . O'r'it could be a short coat. men couldn t be told apart over laxative herb tea. A mighty good This is 'your :invitation to visit a most versatile shop 343 t some. the' tea cups. Then Sam Adams selection, don't you think? .' . ,',. . . The meats are of the choice~t and' friends'outraged the English ' . Fisher Road, 'TU. 1-0595, for appointment. cuts; the baked goods are yummy, by brewing tea 'hi salt water and If)~?/}' • • • " 1 the produce, fruits., and vege- Americans thereafter for a time f,e lecliiJn:J . ONE of the centers' of attraction at the Bayne Optical tables'. are always fresh. ,TheySweet- no longerturnedcaredto nativefor substitutes,real. stuff. . , I h . C,o. is the accessOry''.,. display', 'Imbued. with .originality heart Brand canned. goods always using herbs and shrubs. Some of . by pau gac and color; they give spark to your glasses ••• your outfit. offer new taste thrdls. these infusions turned out to be Many people ask me why ,The spec bands are' of grograin; leather, rhinestone, beaded ,The Lion Cross imported teas very fine drinks in thei:- own portraits sell at such a variety. chains, fine or coarse horsehair. In this collection you'll find are something to talk about. Miss right, and sassafras- was hailed . of prices. The only: direct, lorgnettes wi~ clips ~or' the same, Then if you want simple Clementine Paddleford. famous Icing of the .Iot." ~nswer .Is!, that th.ere 1Smore rep'airs ~ike broken temples' and ,frames ••• or if you have ~~~IJd4~~u~~ .~~~ t~~Wto~~~~ bu~~le~S~!ih~g~o~~~rl~:r~.v,~~~ ,mvested!n the manu~acture broken your singl~ vision lens • ; .it can be repaired while "Li.on Cross has 1m,ported eleven pea.r.in the herb sten-es.Now it's of the picture, ~an m, an-, you wait. And.ifyou need anadjustment'step in and get it ------...,...------other.cheap Forphotographicexample, thereprintingare -, done free.' B.. ayne 0. p t'lca1 C0.... 407 F'15h~r Rd', Clothes, ,Line Is ,Fashion Center ~f~:~~~~~eron P~~~e:~~ SOMETIMES ,specialis.ts, fl:e as. scarce as hen's teeth. THE CLOTHES LINE is one of "What 'does 'THE .cLOTHES pensive papers. These preml- .Yet ''in m'any cities and towns there are those who ~t th i h F' h oad LINE' mean to you? No blue urn papers just happen to " Nowe p inoneerits sopsseventhon year,18 eritr has. Mon'day,' I ,hope, because from work slower,. in processing. stand out from all the rest,. .'. like the men who work on grown to be ont:0f the outstan~-, now on, it will be a red letter, Therefore more skilled labor motor rebuilding at Moir's Service. They work on' all mp,kes ing fashion centers in Grosse day In your calendar of living. ' time must ,be;spent. 'It takes and models '••• make YDur motor hum. The serl'ice'is excel- ,Pointe. 'Mrs. Charles 'Symington and additional time to work ur an lent and won't raise' the devil with your checkbDok either, Quote from, Olive ,Henry's Mrs. Harold Beatty will welcome attractivtl background on the 335 Fisher' Rd~ TU. 5-7200, , Pointe Counter Polntes' column you' to the new shop of THE print also;"and then, because .; • '. F ISH E-R -ROAD in the NEWS ot' October 2, 1947. CLOTHES LINE, INC., at 397 of ,a more' delicate,' finish, Fisher Road. ~" there is more care' given to,' , "I am a hardened tea drinker who with te~ amuse my- 'Th i '11 f' d d d the final artwork and, print Mrs. Henry B.Jo,y Home:' ere you WI In ay an • evening clothes for town and spotting, There arc, 'ji1st a - self in. ~he evening,: with tea solace midnight, and COME AND VISIT' From Stay In Boca R~ton country; _ delightfully different few items. There are others: with tea welcome the mDming," This is 'a q1,1otcfrom Samuel , " '-- .,' scarves-unusual 'costumejewelry They 'represent 'a :-hldden - Johnson" And,if youfreanything like S. J. you might have a US IN OUR BRAND Mrs. Henry B. Joy returned to ..,.and a specially designed blouse value.' A, high' price doesn't ' fancy to suit your taste' to a tea. 'In one package, of carefully her home, Fair .Acres on the Lak~ for the tailor-mincled gals. the' always Insure good value. but . blended t~a you'll find India, Ceylon, Japan', and Jasmine ••• NEW LOCATION Shore on, Tuesday.-She has been right answer for suits, golf, boat- cheap' work can never, have' each a dehcio~ly different brew. Mi~g Cha is another of the in Boca. Raton wnere she has ing or what is your sport?" gO,odquality. , ' SKILLED HANDS, been the guest of her son', and " , ,~hJrty m?s~, favoritevarJeties" It is grown on hillside'slopes daughter-ln~law, Mr, .and Mrs. .!l1 mormng Jog and afternoon sunlight; And because its '. ' TRAINED MINDS. Henry B,Joy,.Jr., .. sho0l:l are ten~ed as carefully as ,ga~den flowers, this tea de- The velQps ~o.,~are ,acharact~!" •• , • ,so hauntiJ!g a bloom .' •• it's COMPOUND YOUR Arthur Miller; ;}\),I of; 577 St. like no, otlier tea grown, Fo~nd ,this unusual tea 'at F~rm's Clair, was, rushed', to Saratoga Phone ., Market, 335 Fisher,. TU, 2~5100. . Bayne PRESCRIPTION Hospital on Friday, ,March 19, by Woods police~'when lJe,fainted in TUxedo 5~800' , I" ,. ,. . the WoOds,Theater' and in fall- RE"rOu a smal-ty~,Can youfas~ion aprons, clothes pin ing struck his head., At tht'l,hos- A Optical pital. he~was x-rayed' for possible -and Let Your bags~ or'handbags out 'of remnants? Can you make cur- skull fracture:,:' ' ' tains for your recreation',or:basement windows? If you can,' - Precious Furs this is' for" YDU.,Over' at 375 Fisher ••• ' that is the Home- Company . Our pharm~cists are :killed technicillns Hibernate in maker's Fabric ,Shop, there is a section ,devoted to Rumpus qUlllifjed by ye~rs of scientific, trllin. Room Remn~nts, Right now.is the time' to have fresh slip- / Mondry's coven;: They will be, glad to,'show: you samples. They h841dle fnicy our optic,,1 service iog csnd experience to compound th" a complete. line of accessories and, drapery hardware ••• here in the Pointe. (We elements of your do~tor's prescriptio~.', Cold Storage foam 'ru~ber bylhe yard.,:J75 'Fisher Ro" ru, 2-2888. operate Hudson's Opti- ", ..'. ,You can depend on their •accurllcy. col Department; you con :M~GI~ us bu~, pe~pie ',e'ating ~;'e~~meal ,at home, Our charge your glasses to They work for th~ good helllth' of your I , ~Aunt . Matilda- , ... -had. .•an,aiicestral'recipe,-...... i' ~ .to;. which she could your Hudson account.) community. turn ea~hday; anci af~er gath~ringth~Jngredients •• '. ~aybe 24.hour service on lens frUits, candied peels, and spices' •• , 'the whole family would repoirs; frllmes repdired be ready to eat~.BU:tnot'us~~;: :we lik~'to,eat out occasionally whi!~ you wait. (We do Ii Safe from heat, fire anti .theft In Mondry's, , •• we like to stop at. Francois' for juicy barbecued spare- ',spacious. modernvaults' 'b A d F' . , • h ld b d. H t' b ' not examine eyes.) • Moths and. Ia r va e destroyedthrough a rl s. n" ,ranCOIS: reclpes-,s ou e goo e seen at 383 In' , scientificprOcess', Fisher Bd,: smce 1938.. . "ome' Gm~~~~~~t.• World Wide insurance , • • year 'round , , ... ,... , ..• ,. • 407 FISHER ROAD 337 FISHER RD., .GROSSE PO I NTE ' protectionata smalladditionalamount ,. , , -, . ';.' :'; ,,' 'Maker • Cleaned, and glazed by the. exclusive 'HAVE' YOU .~otlced that' thIS year the innovation is the GROSSE POINTE WE ARE PRESCRIPTION SPECIAPSTS • ~ • TUXEDO 5.3453 , ~'Lusterway"methOd.' ' " . touch of black? But shirts, sports coats and slacks in vivid (acre.. frem G. P. High) , , 1 fabrics" hues abound; 'We've noticed 'in play clothes colors arefre- Downtown W•• 1e Day H':-ura:-::8:3D •• m~ to 1D.p."" Now 1Jl Our New LOcaU~D " '.0 NDR~Y' CLEA'NERS . Penobscot Bldg TUxedo 5-5400 . - '. M quently 'combined,. with. black to set a more formal note in the Sunday Haunl - 1D a.m. to 9 p.m. , ., . d". 375 Fisher Road' " ',' '369 'F. 'h Rd' ." ~. outdoors.'Pattem~~beComeslleSs important, with, texture ora . " . Our New Addr~ss- IS er • " ~ing:e sty~e~deta;uor:color:accerit replacirig'it.,When,used, ' " . " It is neatly controlled,'evetl.in,the-]arger"checks.and ~tripel. 11006hOiooo

.. I. , ~: i , \ !, • f ' ~ f , .. ., -- -._----.-._-....,....- • I " • • .. ~'iII,c...... 7 ? 2 r. GENERAL NEWS SECTION TWO Thursday, March 25, 1954 : ' Page .Eleven . ..' . ~.'.... ' -,..- ':, .) ... \ .' . .' GROSSE; POINTE,' MICHIGAN. - .. ." '.',.. GtQSS.~'."Pointe~ .~. "., t.. . ~ , •.•." • ..... ". I • " .•,'N~ws' • • , <~ '. '.' '. ~. 1 {. .' .. - "''''...... ," '. • . .-AdultClcis8e8~.:.H~ve'Openings" ::~Tr~ffic..~~~~e~>:..::' . Bishop.Ro~er~ To Preach Here The Adul~.t\ctivi~i~ program-.A- 'new .cl~' 'in' ,&ginriing: 'HeardjrL Woods: " ' .-~', ' aponsored by' the Departmelit at Phalrigra~hy: ~is scheduled" to': :, ,... ' .~ :..: '. . '. ','i The . Rt:: Re\'. William Blair he received' his theological train- Co m.m.un Services,: of the start .shortly as well as classeS. The following "cases ,were dis. Roberts, D. D., who Wall Mission- ing at Berkeley Divinity School, ity ar,f'Bishop of South Dakota for New Hllven. Ordained deacon in Grosse Pointe Public ~chooJs' has in B~g!nning Shorthand,. Typing, posed at, at' the ';last . session: of , more than 20 years, will preach 1908 and priest a year later, he a few openings left. In some at Begirming.' Bridge,' Math. (all Woods .Municlpal Court by Judge the spring classe,s.. levels); Silver and Art. Don J.~Goodrow:. at Christ Church, GrossePoinle, left immediately for South Da- at 9:30 and 11, a':ri1.on March 28: kota to take up his life's work as . AnthonyMi1itell~135 Marl., He is one of the. Episcopal a missionary in that dis~ric1. He S E R V I N G T H.E. POI NT. E FOR l' .on A R S borough, Detroit. ,~'Speeding .. on church's outstanding leaders in was electe~ Suff~agan..BISt:op in Mack avenue, Finec$20.00.: '. .. '. ',<'I the American Indian missionary ~922 and Bishop in 1931, 'Grosse .Pointe Radio' , Gene Isca.- 17512"Little'Mack, field. PrIor. tp becoming' bishop Bishop- Roberts served as chap- SaintClair' ...Shores/Cawing' an. , ," " he devoted ..his. entire' ministry lain of the 313th Engineers in QiJd . Fi . $1000' . .'. ...;;~';.-, .,.~ TELEVISION Service' acc ide~.t ne'; : .~. >: . i,\:.. '1;~; to the 5 000 Dakota 'Indians.in the 1918 and 1919, acted for several able recipes for C y r iI- Wiebelhaus ,~. 21832 district' He is the :intimate 'friend ye!Jrs' as' chaplain of R.O.T.C. , St..; Clair. Shores: , and counselllir of thousands of units; and in 19U.was state chap- u amble along. Speedingori Mack avenue. FIne . them. . lain .of the American Legion. th is.the current '. TV' Service $25.00.'. , " . _.. . , . Born in Detroit in 1881, Bishop hing .Shop. Be. . Wilford Teets - 8725, Mack- W~,:t;~l"".,." .• ,-. ,::":,'. :" Roberts was educated. in. Con; It's a safe bet that the people ciendron s there . ALL MODELS . avenue; Detr:oft. Ca:not under: . ;r~~i'J;!::~;;./~' :-,~' ~ necticut. He was graduated from who claim to tell only little white ost of them em. TU. 5-6311 control. Fine' $10.00; '" '" .... , Trinity .CoIl~ge ,in H!,rtford" and lies are. color blind. William S, Schwed'ler, -.15273 u~h white phis. WANT A NEW TV SET? See us for top. trade.ln ' hed aluminum, , , allowance on your old' TV. rarkgrove, Detroit. .Sp'eeding 011'~'11)id'~/...... , ~.~~~~..~ ' Mack avenue. Fine $17.00 ',,',. <::' 'ersatiJe enough - ".' .", ..,<:-:. ugh Gillis' and . 18520 Mack Ave. Grosse Poinie Fizrms Richard W; :DanzJn '.~.15652 . lass pieces, cas. 'Forme,l, .Located in the', Villo.e Crescentwood, East "Detroit Car, ding or shower not under coritrol. Fine $10.00, . .A: better ~~g N i chI a I: Partelides :- 27810 Manhattan, ;St." Clair Shores., Sroeeding on' Mack avenue. Fin'e, ~"to permanentlv beautiful. int~rforsf r women copy. $15.00. : vmmwmw?W2222i2»l22Z -/)//)j»»J)}jj}j)»>>m? ')),),m;n;;n;j')'j')""""'}'; she buys her Russell S. Preston: J.r. ~ 2292( ~~"'I':." '~.. ' ,...... Gaulkler, St.~Cla~ Shores. Briv- ; .e Clothes Line. . . m the hoUse of ing while '.under the' influence , ot into~icat1~g liquor.; 'Fine $50.. r.j~;:ti!.:~\ shioned of Gray and operator s .license suspended l,;-;;';'~;~J;:; white pique ac. .. for three months. ". . . h\~:r,~,,~~.;;. a pair of Kislav Sam Patron~ ,- 5991'Semtriole,b;~~;:~~:i;;, nd a white hat. '. Detroit.. Speedlnlr on Mack ave. :~"\i»,;1;;~.;' navy, pure silk The Shoes nue. Fine $15.00.'. - ume. The dress Harry 'Jenson - 21037 Frazho, leats are at the St. Clair Shores ..' Driving while of the knee. A under, the influence of intoxicat- ractive pockets. ing liquor. Fine $65.00 'and oper- ators license suspended for six . Parking facili. months. . . . Ernest R. Schuck' Jr. - 4327 Bedford, Detroit. •Speeding on' ? 1\0. No: But Mack. avenue:. Fine $30.00. drils ••• shim. Men Cribbage Players anageability ••• . -. -Fred Runnell. Photo Exten4ed Invitation' .. Pretty KIT RONEY of' 48 Haw~horne poses w.ith.ius~ ~ few of. ~he old time, guns ee HOW young that will be on display. at the, Memorial Center's gun exhlbltion to be held March 28. the Ann.Louise Men cribbage 'players" . have Admission is free arid"the, sh,ow will' open' at. 3 p;m.... "Where Fit Comes First" found the. "Center" a fine place. . , . pre-fintshed pl~ood paneling. ct condition for CHILDREN'S :l~g~~lait~~ir skill on Monda~RevolverSt(Jlen in 1950" .. Farms .Approves 'n.ta" It yoursell •• "quickly and 'G,Ur' cks and World No flnl.hlng n•• d.d " • " no m!,r. r.d.corafingl STEELE'S SHOES ~~~o:e I?~~~a~\k~v~nein~~~~/i~~ Patrolman s! And all this vlted to Join the group. A tourna. Retitt'nedto Pointe'Owner" New Here', the moat wonderful answer to Interior decorat.inl londry Cleaners IN.'.\NTS' TO '1'Er:Ns' problems. Pre.filluhed Craftwall panellng " •• in dHfer. ment is being planne~.. A revolverstolel1-ln 10-5-0-f-ro-m-f-.o-r-b-e-ingin possession of. stolen The. Farms council on Monday, ent ,~lea and 'line woodsl It lets you create the thrilling, . r precious furs. 13343 H~rper, at Lakeview LA. 7-279i paneled interiors you've alwaya wanted •• " with leu Girls seeking model husbands a Park resident, was returned to' property. . March .15, .approved the perman- fuss and bothol' than you've ever imagir,ledl id jDb of clean. OPE."l THURS~ F,RL AND SAT. TILL 11:00 should remember there are. two its. owner by police,' but not be~' . ent employment of Patrolman With pre-rm1Jhed Craftwall, you simply naU the your fur coats. William Fowier. . pane1J hi place - fill naU holH WIth the color.matched tention ht Mon. models-sport .and working; for a'series of crimes were cOpl' Milton .Roger Schemm Patrolman Fowler completed putty .UcJC,provlded - add matclUn.' moldirut and trim take it to 369 ROO Q q 0 Q Q Q 0 0 0 Q Q Q Q Q 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 000011 llU 0 Q Q Q 0 0 Q 0 Q Q 0 0 Q Q Q 0 Q 0 0 Q ~ Q Q Q 0 Q Q Q IIQ Q Q Dll. mitted with it and a -pe~sdri was To 'Wed Carol Mae: Kern or use exlstin, trim. That', all - :U1d the lOb fa done! convicted of carrying a concealed _ his' probationary period on Feb. You have beautiful interiOI'l that ltay beautiful throgp . /'1 Our' 341h rear nl Good Service weapon when the gun was found 'The engagement of Carol Mae ~uary 16, and his conduct as a the yeanl . Come inl See, new Craftwall paneUnr today! pqlice officer". on and off duty, ", Shop' was en- THEY SAY SO MANY NICE THINGS ABOUT SHEPLER'S WORKMANSHIP onA~~o~t~~O~~ Park Police. Chief ~::'o:~:t~~~ a~d~~'la~l~~~ prompted .the recommendation Comp"" !n,'allatlon In,trudlon. provided, er shop, It is that he be retained. perman. Arthur 'Louwers, a revolver' be- Kern, to Milton Roger Schemm as.a , I llaCH • IUPli • OAIt • WAlNUT hey have a real longing to'Sidney O'Brian of 775 was recently announced. ent member ol'the police depart~ l114 , g,lI;I , ZII MAHOGANY.CHIIlY.ILONOI L1MIA hey design the Harcourt, was stolen by, a female . . ment. domestic, when O'BrIan lived at Milton is. the' son of "Mr. and " nd you come up 1125 Grayton..' - ~rs. Milton J•.Schemm, of, Whi~. auld be a quick HOft!E AWAY FRO1\! " HOME ChietLouwers revealed on Fii-, tier road. An, August w~~~ing IS heavy yam to day; March'.I11"that,thL"'gun was :pelngplanned. The 'YWCA of Detroit was <,"a J. A~"MaelVOH hbmelaway from.,horne~,.t,,'6,734. - uld be different . returned 'by' Detroit-Detective -----:.- girls and women in 1953, accord~ Lumber' Company be a short coat. Angus Gatherum, whQ- stated Pillar Chapter to Hold,' ing to the Associatlon'sannual " atile shop. 343 that it bad been used In the com. Birthday -Oinne.r.March', 25 report' now being mailed to .its 12147 Mack Ave" near Conntr VAlley 2.2101 .mission of several crimes and membership,: : . that one person had been con- Pillar Chapter No. 475. O.E,S. victed fl;r carrying the gun with- holds its .Birthday Dinner Thurs- Bayne Optical out a permit. : . day, March 25, in Pillar Temple, vith originality ,O'Brian refused to prosecute 14529., Ker.:heval ,avenue; , Past We ,call it the •• your outfit. his former domestic, Mrs. Alice Officers will exemplify the. de. I. Love, of. 3351 .Hancock, Detroit, grees. Dinner is at 6:3.0 p.m. ' ,"Jumping Juvenile" nestone, beaded who admitted taking the. gun and __ ...... __' • tion )'ou'll find givi~g it to her husband:' ... Eternal trianglE!! cause. trouble ou want simple Detroit. police, 'how.ever, wiII only because' those involved view or if you have prosecute, her hus,band, Robert, them from the 'wrong angle. repaired while p in and get it r Rd. e Tlcketl " d onCI Sl: 7 allY /4. v t.\a"h' 2 .s hen's teeth. aeforl Sat., ' '. are those who SAVE 3S~ . who work on rk on all makes 25TH ANNIVERSARY ervice is excel- eckbook either.

tea amuse my. midnight, and FIIWER . " te from Samuel u might have a ~ge,of carefully and Jasmine ••• NEW' KIND OF. LlF~ IN5U'R~NCE FOR CHILDREN' - another of the hillside slopes ,SHOW Jumps.5 tlm.s in face value at ag•. 21 with no added cost nd because its Have you .a child or a grandchild tee your child or grandchild a ers this tea de- $1,20' Tickets, : ,between 'the ages of 1and. IS? If substantial amount of life insur- bloom •.• it's for ONLY I tea at Farm's so, our new JUN10R.' ESTATE ance p.roteclion as he takes' on ....~ ,BUILDER. policy.-nicknamed the grown.up responsibilities, with "Jumping. Juvenile~"by 'our. field important cash values available for I pEN 10 \0 10 . men-will assure' him $S(lOOof life earUer education' or later emer. Ions, clothes pin . suo~ .?n.ored bYl 80c\~tl .' insurance at age 21 for every $1000 gencies, "Liberal dividends add , you make cur. , p rllC111t\lr~ - you buy him now! , , • with no in" materially to ~hese values. ~lcbllaJ\ Ito s.'e ,", .. f,iday, crease in, cost and with no further . \VS? If j'ou can, Tl"~etl O~loL lol" D , N ~ T""~ proof of insurability, '. I • y'~"uryoungste~ is now at the bfe It is the Home- .!. h' 26 ot , D'et,oit an .-o'c . HO'S In . " ot ,.,1 You see, this. saving-type 'life" Insu~ance bargam counter, The )ted to Rumpus ,. have fresh slip- FloOIUST...~" In. WI~dl~';::RN'S, Good tor Admlliion insurance au~oinatk:!.lly. jumps_ to s~oner you ~uYIthe less ch~nce .of .",Inlty, ""5. CIlOWlol'l SKlttS£lo'S; .. ,ny Day or Evenlnr' .. Stimes its original value when the hls developing .a health l~palr- es. Thev handle HUDSO'" VI ,. Il D' S, .. alo~'1. ,-SHOW OPENS: . hard\,:are youngster reaches 21, yet the an., !Uent that will later make hun un. S£/4.R'S!, 5 ';Glll",~£loL.'~UNN'NG-. .SAT"MARCH 2:1 nual premium does not. 'change. Insurable, ~.288B. R /4.Y-lo,. '£Il'l'S' ond . " " ' "I :tlu p.m". 6'1'S; D£M, "" Sto,e,: " throughout ~he life "!Jfthe policy, For complete details just fill out 'H/4.MIS'GrI~"'o\,'.,. .. 3,Greate.t .. Here's the' ideal way toguaran •. ' and return the coupon, '11 at home. Our .. .., Featurn In' Flowe,'S,ho..,. HI.tory _ ,'hich she could ' •. Jl\lJ'ORTED D U T C H. GARDEN --:3.000 . Flow"lnr. Blab. ' ., .. ients .• , maj'be .-SlInr ,Annlvenary Color . Fountaln ',. ". '1M NEW ENGLAND A MD.T(JAL Ie family would • GO/leoul' Small G~,den. '. "': V u/.r_e-,.,./ __ tor Small Hamel. ,. J •. out occasionally , Children Under I Vean., . ftl C.~""' ftU' ,ell"" •• lITVALun '"nU"CI I'"~un •.le...... Admitted Free' '... .. arbecued spare- :3c PARKING, S,OOOCA~S, ie's been at 383 •r------~------~------,New' Engllnd. MutuII, ' ' 'P'---- I 'th t t' bl' I~' I ' Uf' 1 C ' ac.ae aupp y me, WI ou COI or 0 19a_~.., • • n,urlne. 0" complete information about your new JUHIOIL r • • P. O. Bolt.5005. . urATE aUILDD policy. • • Gross. 'Oint. ,36;. Mich. ' I no\'ation is the I T.lephon.:WO .. 3~306< I ~slacks in vivid . Main Office and Plant, '( '. ~A)d I colors are ire- DowntownBranch Indian'Villa.e I,;:tnch ., '. "lor rab:l liD in I. ~malnote in the Penobscot Bldg. Concourse L690I Horper, otGroyton 88.cSE. Jefferson at Hibbard. ADDaItII th texture or a • ,. ..of I age or asa "' For All OHlcei, I' ------1 it. When used, P"on.rU., 1-1900 cks and stripe •. ~.oooooooiooooooOOOQOOOOOO~ooOOOOO~Doooooooooooooooooo00000000000000000000 . ~-~~--~--~~---~--~-----~--~~~

.t. r J. .. " .

...... A__.. • _ _ _ _ Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS_ Thursday, March 25, 1954 .Thursday, ~ Gr~lst Pointt'.New.' .". G' .. .'...~:... "'.~M~e;si,~ri'al'Ce-nte'r'~'.S' c'':-:e'dule':. '.'~, ~...._...Wh.t:' G'oes On , iJiethod PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY' ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS.; "o.-e,. ~ ',' n ", ;lNC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF.1.'HE' DETROIT' .WESTWARD. .. ..' , ""'~,' .ai ' The Grosse : 'OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL, GROSSE 'm' ',,",.1 ,', '. t-.,,'. '.. MABCH 26.APRIL I-OPEN SUNDAYS 12.5 P.M~ ,." . , Church wilI pre its series of Lei . POINTE,FARMS 36t"MICHIGAN' .•.. , .. JI:Iz2Blera Il~~~' .AII C~nter Sponso~d .Activities 'Open ,to Public' . .~~..:. 'YO.".:D.'..,.,~":Li,.hra~w lowship Pot1uc . Phon8"TU:.2-690'O~ :'.')f~Z7 . : A'. 'p' R''YO'R' " '. NOTICE: 'Please call for loSt' arUCIes' aftJle office •. '.. ..:" • Wedne~day, Ma " Three Trunk LineS '. ' '. They. will.be beld, for:30~days::. ',: .': ,": :-' " ':;.," By J~,,"T",'lor . The speaiter for Member Michigan Press Ass'n and National Editorial Ass'n:. , ------, Gr~sse Pointe Garden': C~nter.'Room':and Library:' open' tat . , ., , ... ba Bi.'hop Ed\\'. the Cer.tral Jur. "1 wiSh 1',-,lIeretl:lillle riJclc~' ..... r consultation from 10 a.m, to 12 noon 'and;:i to'4."p.m.~ In grandfather's 'day, the trav.:' in a, most pleasurable tashion. ROBERT B~EDGAR. .EDITOR arid'bENERAL~MANAGER: A.sit/inion l' hill,\ '. , -. Tuesdays' Wed d d Th rsd (C 11 XUd '1" t 'ri E Baedeker'in For example, tbe Wars of the MATTHEW M. GOEBEL _ ..._.._.....ADVERTISING MANAGER, ."A.do~ng:-..".,hi ...g.....ll Lv IO,ng,'. ,', ,Des ay an u ,ays.. " a .. xe c ~l"'doU ~. ur°p~,C l' t "f R 'd' rl'bed in P" t d JANE SCHERMERHORN .FEATURE PAGE SOCIETY . . ,.., " .. UII~ 1-4594.). " ~. , .•.. , ;", :' # .,.. ,', :," h~n, b~'"': pe~fr:!~ce,,P ~ y ,0 oses esc . .esen ay • FRED RUNNELLS..~:;._.:::::::::::::_._ ...... ;_.....SPORTS EDITOR', ,'.: 1 Bul j;s~~'S;IIi~g slillfd'; "/' . '/ .. , Friday, March. 26 .... . ' 'Ielsure timei und a slzab~~ bank ~er~acul:-,einerges fro;n the You J. ~Wi~' ~~L~:.:;7:.;: ..::: ..:::..:.::'::::~:.::::.:::.:.Ai5VEii=~; . " r:iJui1n,:tI:~~~~.::fh'~~/ eee,. • ,'.Red Cross Braille ,TFaris.:r.ip.tion+:~tis,s. Ell~ ..:Mc~~~nar.'.In.: aC;~~~orld js.smalle~:iio~::iirite b~i~:.c~nsi~~d,~n;:~room :a~~; :MARY DENNiS _...., _ , _ ACCOUNTS ..: .1'd s;17IIiJ. 's;1 :,,' Ihousand );etlrs, '. structor-lO-ll ~.m•. '.. ,'. ' . ,'. I '. • but true-and lOOay'sgQide books schools dIU'S, a very real issue JOANNE HARGIS :.._.:..;••:_ CLASSIFIED ''ADVERTISING: .; , And, resl .t")'Self, ,by GQihl" .. .Ballroom Dancing ClaS"s-:-Mr~~.~nd Mrs, .Fred Rivard, In,: assure~, tIlat, ;'.'two!weeks' with. indeed.. ',. . . FLORA HARDIN~.__ _.._ _ _;.": CIRCULATION:" .:; .' (Frederick P.' Latimer) .. s~uctors (Grades 7~10)::-7,p,:in.",' . . . pay" is all tha('s require , . d • eSCrl e on e 00k . ac e as ., .' . ,,'. ,', ' p one us: , "'. ' . . ;;:. :. 0( I s. ra ons-. ~vles- • m~s:~on •. '.' ~ p.m., :a "masterpiece of miserly know- Ireland' and space is running out i The Grosse Pointe .Board of Education has announced': In grandma's day,. one left ,a message ,wlth-;the:'operatqr '. . .• .: ' .. ' '. ", I. . how," .The bOQk:.does.have.some but wemurtmenUon .one of the ~hat it will submit for the approvilLofthe voters. at the reg,:, on. the switchboard'but no'W ,ther.e seems to b~;""sometliing, ',:'. , '. ~onday, l\~arch 2.9 , , . us~ful~ tip's" aod.:' suggeSti 'some most:beatitiful'of recent .books, SECOND u lar school election in June, thepropositiDn of another school ne~ '~d~ed. ' Yoil go~.ta g'et ':service" to do ,that 'little thin~'.... .Ca~cer InformatIon: "and: ~ervlc: C~n~er~erv,ice, Wor~- .sens!ble, economics, ~.u.t,its, en. IRELAND by. James Reynolds. that Js.if "servlce~' Isn't busy. ,If .WE were.the Statler .and ", J.9 ,a.m. t03 P'IIl'" .. , " , '. ." . ~huslasm for a bargn1O.seems to This autobiographical 'reminis. bond issue, to provideaddi.ti~~al classro011ls in the congested that many people ~ere out all day. long, we'd"at 'least: hire Ro~ary Club of Qrosse Pomte--;.Luncheon -and Meetmg-~2:15 ,lmply t~at .pa~!mDP.YlS a,.plt:a: cence is by:,an ~rish_artist and

areas of the distri~t; , ". two service :operators" We .thank':,vou.' . , p.m,.. ,'. ,'. . I • : '. ' '. surabIe means.. In itself ratner writer. His own watercolors and Tuesda' . The proposed Is.~ue would cost. an estImated ~I,255;OOO, '.:. ,),.; ~'. *...., , '.. ,...... Memorial Duplicate Bri~ge 91ub-,.Dupli~ateBridge--Herb ~~~~.a ,means, .to a pl~as\1rabl~ ~::f~\~~dfe~~i~~ dr~wings i,llus. Il which ,would mean an additl~}1al t~x.levy.of,.81 ..~!I~Si or ~l A woman we know •• !,.another-one who'has a,brand' .'and Ma:bel':Brown, ~lrect{)rs-l:p.m, .' . I,'. ' FIELDING'S TRAVEL'miIDE In his foreword Mr. Reynolds cents per one .thou~and dollars of a.sse!l,ie5i .valu~tl0n, .Thls; new kitchen;' •• told us'her cook silid she needed new uni. Water C~~r Class-;-MarlOn Ort.olf,.Instr~ctor~l,p.Il), . .TO EUROPE, 'iacked with all describes his'manner ~f writing amount would prOVIde a new el~mentary. school m the To~-, forms and would .it be all t:iglit if she ordered ,a'few blti~ Grosse. ~omte .YouJ,lg Women's Club:-Dmner~6:30 p.m: . manner of~uSeful'informatiDn is Bs'''th. way a kIte explores the r~y Woods secb~m of Gros~e P~)I~te 'Y~~~s, a 14-r?om addl-;house dresses.' instead of the usual whit~. unilorm. Cooky *D!SCu,ssI0n Group fDr Expectant Par~nt5-7I.ICommo.n S~mp- 'concern.ed,to?~. \?Ith ..t~e ,"~~h~ia'~ky:. B,dip here,. a sw~op there, tl.on ~o the ~oup~rd Sc~o?l m tn;lt section' of the 'Po~nte school; showed "the woman ,what she meant. by displ~ying one .she ' ' . toms .,of Pregnll?cy, an?,. Pre.Natal Ca!e"-:-Robert G, .of.. ~v.i!l'Y'dayI1Ylh~,"~what~an~ a~d th!!n a long guide to a chosen dlst~l.Ct which lies wlthm :ijarper Woods"and a .two-room already had ~ .;. a'plain tailored cotton affair' with' a small, '. Swan.sq~,~,p., Obst~trlclan-7:30'p.m. . '. where to bUY,.tipp1Og~tc. p.ace,,,th~re. to.rest a,nd ~~te!11.

addItion to Ker~y SchooL. '. l' . ' blue fi:ux:~.' .Madainesaid she'not only Ilpprovedof the choice Oll.Pain~~~,Class-Marvm~Beerbohrp,.Instructor-7:30.\p.m, ~mong the bes~ o~"the trayel plate,. AIl in all, its a dlshn. The new ~~hool in Torrey' Wood~'would'reliev~'already,but thought th~blue.fitt!d in nicely with the new kit,c~~~,I.Cr1~~ag7P~n.to allPo~~te ..M,en of all ag~~~no ~harge--;.::ilt~:so:sE~~::~~:~~:~ii:i~, ~uished~fa~ci.na~n~ book, crowded condltIDns in the new ~on~elt~ SchoQI and m. Masory: The follo~1Dg .d~yMISS ~ook took herself off on a'shop:: p.m •.:.....,;.., , ,:_' , .; . ,:enthusiastic. practicat}lnd':\co'tez:s . The\ books mentioned here are TU.2.7880 ~cho~1. Tl,le Harper Woodssectlon IS t~e fast~t gro~mg ?ne: pihg tour l\n(J camq ,back .wl~h three house~ dress~'~hi~"': ... , . , " .. ' ." ~ .a wide territory. 'm~::~ORLD onlyaf~w of. the many travel In thiS entIre area and Poupard Schoolls.practlc.ally.burstmg Madame was asked 10 inspect. ALL were covered from.ste~;' ",: '. ~uesday, March 30..",~:. • . ,WIDE 'TRAVE~r, aUIDE: '!THJ!::;tmes at your bbrary, If yours is • its seams now, although the school is only a few years old.: to stern with large. blue .flowers 'and ,the' one cook liked :besf Grosse P,01~te Opbm,lst Club:-Luncheon, and ¥eet~ng:-12:15 :YEAR ROUND HANDBq6~,OF-' an. itcJly foot, cOPJein and browse The addition wouldmoreth.an do~ble the number of class-, sported a white pique collar' covered with ,rhinestones!''' . P'~". . '. ': . :,'. ' .': PLEAS.URE T~VE~~':places or call"us:'.an~r let us reserve rooms...... • • .' '. gl)'PamtJ?g.Class-Marvm~e~rboh~, Inst~uctor~I~:30'.P!Il.1; much of lts emph~lli,on Europe. some of these bOoKsfor you. The two-room addition to Kerby ~nother comparatively In case you've missed it. , , there \vas a snazzy, crack in' .wx~hange Club of Grosse Pomt~Dmner and Meetmg-6:30 ~

rcached the saturation point under' zoning restrictions. Be. . .. . • • . ,.' , .' .' - .! had 13 tltles of Mr'"Cla~ks ALL wlll be the subject of a lecture ... sides there is a wish not to sacrifice 'any more of the play- Another Hung we culled out of Holiday from a story on. '. . . We~esday, March 31, . ,TH~ BEST IN., •.. serles. six. o{ for Grosse Pointe Garden Center t< • d . th .. bIt 1 ' , Beckman 'Place in New' York ,sez that the late Willie Rhine. Serv~ce Guild for. Chlldren'~Hospital-Service. Work~10 WhlCh,'.concern',~hemselves with members' on Wednesday after. broun area an IS a so u e y necessary.. . ~ ' , ,. '.' 'a.m. to 3 p.m., ' .' . . ":', ',o.' 1 European ~ountru~s.Although we noon, .March 31, "from 2 to 3 at • We have been close to the school'picture for many years, lander Stewart wa:. so fllegnnttb,at hls,valet used to,press hiS G'P '. t' T If' . d S' f CI b-L h.' •... ' . are ,told we can, travel on a shoe- the War Memorial Center. When l • .', ,0>' • h'''' .' .. ,. l'd'" h .. d' pa"cr money before he went out at nlght . ,rosse om e ra lC an a ety u unc eon and Meet- . t" t d 't' 'th t Ii M . and. as a consequence, do not. ave to be "so '.00 t e nee .r • '. • • i .'.. . ing-12'15 p.m; '. . _ 7. .'~, . • l!,rmg, 0 ny,.1 s Wl a nO~,a.gc. ra. 'A~thur E. Fleming. who (or more classrooms We know that need eXIsts Perhaps . " T lk ..::1 11.. " b M' A h •. Fl"" .' slgh that we remember the FI!ty will di~cuss this' popular percn. Prot b h ih d t d t hr' 1" i g. Have you "girls" seen the March 1 issue of .Vogue? The a on. l1em~roca:s y. rs" rt uremmg-Membersdollar" serieR written' by ,this nial,is-well.known.in the Pointe ••it pc! ec~u~e we aYe no . a 0 ~pen. 00 m~c .. Ime .a,n~".z, n ,one with the two models on the cover wearing upside down' of the Grosse Pomte Garden}:;en:ter~? p.~;.,., , ~author In the late' '2.~'il"and,the for her. -knowledge of horticul. statistics and attemptmg to ~ustIfy ~r crlt~clze the, present, colanders on their heads? Well, in this edition ou will find *Ballet Classes-Mary Epen Cooper; 'InstructDr"':':3:30.: p'.m.- ,early 301s; France on .$5b; Eng. ture. Shels phlnting chairman for tIl Y proposals, we have been partIcularly Impressed by the great styl f' h t of P . h' h t th 11 d d fl' J\dult Class-8'15 pm. '. '.';.. land on $50 Sweden'on $50 et ill . the' Trial' Giirden committee of changcthat has come over the 'Pointe in recent years where sho cls rles koul'k tha~lsSs o~mg w a e,w.e. Itresseld ~mabe *Memorial Duplicat' e Br'I'dg'e" CluL'Dupll'cate ' ... ' ,Those were' the days! . the Garden Center has been I 'h 1 fT' d u d 00 I e IS prmg an d summer. cou n t e '... u- .Bridge-Herb Cl E La hI' . \ . ' liC 00 a alrs.are concer~,e . .' . simpler, If you have any large'potato sacks around,the house ,and ,Mabel Brown, Directors-:.7:30 p.m. imo~~afor he ,..~8~nOU,lRsEwGeOllmGemdberco{.t~le .Grosse POinte Just a very few'years ago the Board of Educatlol') came . t t h th l' h h h d . '" • •.. . ,,r,, ,,- ar en ..ouncl smc.e Its found. forth with a proposal for a"'bond issue of something' over' •• JUdS s arc. em, SIp' t em o.v~r, t e ea, lle a belt . Th d A'I l' ING,TO}: •. ~erles. Books ~bout .{n~,and IS president or the Gros~e EAST, • ,.' h'" b 1 arounyour waist and you are all set. . ... '. urs ~~, .prl. Eur~pe. 10 thlS. groutl .avallable Pomte Park Garden Club t;our mll~lO.ndollars., The request w.as base~ on rat er, ne u - With this, you stick a few flowers in the kitchen colander' Sea ~xplor~r Group-Meetmg-7:30 .p.m. ., . . at your 'library, inclrjdel SO • . .' , 19854 MAC ~us statistICS and tner~ w~s a. decI.de$i attitude ~n. t~e part sit IT on your head. and you wiIi be righ't i~ the fashio~ Eas.t SIde. NeIghbor's Club of Grosse .P?inte--;.~~~dge Par.ty- YOU.'RE GOING,~O ENGLAND w~t~:~::;C~Ct~~n~~~ ~e:~e~e()~ ?C th~ board members which Imphed that the voters w~re par:ade. The only thmgs lef~ to complete the picture are 8 p,m.'. . " .'. . .•• FRANCE ., •• ,ITALY .•• , talks has been large. All meetings msultmg when they dar~d ask for concrete figures on defimte shoes ••• and as usual., , the shoes look like shoes '. '. ..,. , .SCA,NDI~AVIA.and •••. SPAIN, are informal gatherings held in necds and future requIrements. The proposed method of • ...... ' PO' "~~n....t'e" ..,.'C' 0' 'ZO' n....'.y.~:., :as, ~;!lp,as .S~,YOU'RE ..GO"NG Jh~.Gar.den.,.,C~ .. rJ'oolP..t the Sall1 fimmcing the bond issue was also faulty, as was pointed out "".; N9W that ~aiional Brotherhood Week. is over (a fairl~ "L'e.. g'l-on' ...... ~3G~'lp~ARI$~pYO~'t, .Ci.pf Memo..1ll1 and are'tr~e lo' Center D~'thi~ pape~ an? py. in~ivid~a1 erilics. B,~t the BD~a:-of curdlin,g' t~ought!), we are starting 'a series of "Weeks'.' our~ Picks Deley"..ate,'s ,bNe -..of 'our ,'l!favorlt~;"!bg~kk~~~~bers...... Educatl,on mamta~~ed Its pubhc be damned stand and trl;d selves:' This week is Pryor's' "Say a. kind word to or abCiut I about .England :in HErtE'S'~ENG~' she~ to get ltS proposl~lOn approved. your neighbors". week. This.of course includes the merchants .... Auxi iary . At.a rf'ce~~~g of Grosse LAND'by Ru.th.McK'ennyand'her,~ ~;P'I".:'F 'I cfoZJtl, ~ ~ That bond issue was. defeated and the Board of Educa- you .deal with day inl and day out and probably never, tbink Pointe' ,Colony, National' Soci,ety bus~andRlchard: Brnnstein. A " 11ft, Ie s " lion learned a lesson. The voters are entitled to the facts and to give them a pat on the back 'for any small extra service . ','News, o{ New 'England Women,' dele- .fair :,por'tion";;'of.;1hi;:,is' given; tOI ';~.'''b'',O:U" I;,;~r'th"n.tis . .' asail thcre are enough intelligent voters in every co~~unityto they~ve shown ;you ••• and most of the local merchants give gates were elected to' r~~re~ent ~n1°~' It, )S; ,.a~;:,t~~.::~~b.t!tle: It f'1 insist that all pertinent figures on any such proposal~be !ur- plenty 'of, service, . .. From Unit .303 the Colony at the 41st annual ,~ta.te5,,a hlgh1r l~f~~.al.gUlde. ;'..;':I;*~;:."p . nished them ' . . Our hl'gh hat goes off thl's '\veek. to'ihe Gross.e Po'I'nte' " Congressor.the.NationaISociety, . ht:ls:~l?erson,~}~(}~!«;ewph!,lizing.:"'7J.1~~I~~~l\~,.KOPI', R. I'h. • • • L By HAZEL ALLOR' \ May 24-27, at Swampscott, Mass. t e ,plin:cs ,":hlCll'.!~Qe:.a.t,1~h~~11 v~ ' Many of the needs which that b?nd Issue would ha~e Florists for caring for and r6tumingin beautiful condition The' 10 / delegates"are: .Mrs. themse~ves r~I!!~d~.in,.i,:,:','j":' :':' ':~Pre.~"ii,a'~~atiJ~~r.~b;~c:ld~~~: answcre~ were a~ute~y reaL at ,that t1~e. Nea~ly,~;e.v.ery~p~our o!!t~of.this.world azaleas. One,large plantis in its sixth George W.'Moore, Mrs:George '. ,Q~er)lndover:t&~!\~~~.~ t~~~.,'r;q~ac~~~.:Jv~~.. clalm .they can ~ne\V thiS, but the atlltud~ of the Boara of EducaUon:~l)d)l~s week .and not one blossom has started to turn brown! We All members of. the Ameri~an S. Guy,. Mrs..'C; A;-,NeVi1ll!;-Mrs,,~U;ijl~~,Y,J;~~h~r,U~~llt!tll~quantity: CUre'artJirltis. shroud of mystery and retlcense to answer questions bUilt up salute'Mr. Farquahar's excellent green thumb., Legion Auxi1i~ry are being asked W, Ar'hur Batten (noW"resident 'hfa"s'~,~~t se~lnhI:U'',Ru.t": '~i ~ennndY'.: There.II~'no one method or .. h II f 't' ht'thd h 'f .' '0 th ht( h t 'I ds k" t t f 'thO f 't. d' . R N.Y')'M ADR .. a"sprlg y,.amusng,a' d k th ill i suc a ",:a 0 0I?POSIIOn t a I a no ope 0 success In ur 0 er a we ave wo lea ,you now), is.doffed 0 vo e or elr avor! e ra 10 10 ye" .. :. rs. i' i ,ueg. facile:pen~but'.:iJhe"ca'nbflserious . rug nown at w cure th s the ensumg electIOn. . .. to Haydon House or, more specifically, its channing owners, and television pt:0grams in .~he seg~er, Mrs:E:. J. ~avage, Mrs. too:':S~e br\1s~es'up your tiistory 'd,isease simply' becaUle the The board members were stung by the defeat, but to Mr. and l\Irs. Harry Esting. We have done, a lot of business organization's annual, 'radio-TV A. C,. ~asmi, ,Mrs. J. ,Cullen ' . . . ----.;. . exact cause. of' arthritis has t their everlastin" credit they. did not give up their fight to with.a lot of folks in these parts but this pair is tops \vhen it poll, Mrs. Ann Sanley, ,Radio~ Kenedy, Ml'S'.'Wilfred 'J. Gamp. Ho:'.w'.' ".C' 'a'" n' '..1,.'s"t' art .:mDC?anbyeepnatdieisncts°'v,deorel'de'cHovoeY'revaenrd' b h d' ., d A d'th' . d. TV' Chairman 'of Grosse Pointe bell and,Mrs ..Frank.G .. Horton. s'up.pIy the answer to t e i Istrlct s nee s. n IS IS as gc;)O comeg to service and cooperation. We just can't say' enough Unit. of the Auxiliary, has' an. Alternates'include: Mrs. Ralph many show'marked improve. l! time as any to pay tribute to the men and women who nice, things about them 'and th~ir staff. And that' is. that. nounced. WiilIlers..of the Auxi. R. Ranney, Mrs. Henry M.Bootil, buy.•.ng'. 'sto.....ks.,? ': ,ment when they. follow the serve on the Board .of Education. ,------:------:.---- liary's 19.5~"Mike" nwartt"'.wl1lMrs. Russell F. Tripp. (now a resi. ..' advice .of their.doctor. He can .' " "'" , , . recommend various' treatments : The pay of $400 per year certainly cannot begin to. co~- Pointe Girls Help Stage Wellesley College P~riy be decided by. the ballotti~g" dent,of Phila:, .Pe~n.), Mrs.H. B, $40 Will Do It! . t~at have been proven .bene. ~ensate for the'time, talent and energy ~hey devote to thiS Ballots,h~v,e been dist~ibuted l?ogrette, Mrs.Cbarles. B. 'War- Call ,ill or;see' 'us any time flcial. .' Over and, all-important job. The great majority of them; now ahd'in W.e 11 e s ley College's annual committee for, the sophomore to nearly one million' Auxiliary ner, Jr.,. Mrs.,Ralph R. Johnston, you like. It Is ellSlly explained For all medical treatment dumping 0' the past. hnve no children in the public schools, so there is. winter weekend got underway'as class.formal.. . members throughout the country Mrs: Rlcha~d W. Aller,. Mrs. and easllY"slar!ed. rely on your physician, He is Ihat happy - I' d' Th . f . . t:' the S.S, Carousel set sail with a' General' college '.publicity for' through -the-, organization's 'na. LoU1SGascoigne, Mrs. James W. FREE Booklet on r-ued abreast of all the newest, test- where Ihey n~ persona. preJu Ice. ~y are a gro~p ~ our :mo~ c.vI(;- 11 th ti' i . I di . tional m~azjne .. Members are Reid, and Mrs; Kenneth :Landis. -., ed method f t t' ill mmded rcsldeJ1ts who reahze that nothmg IS more'vltal to a traditional torch light parade, a ~ ~c .Vltes mc~u ng a sWIm asked. to ""vote'for ,Sl'X program, Mrs. Lloyd' 'DeWitt Smith wl1l Ask for .lohn. HUDle, .Jr. so' rea 109 ness. c1ean'I"cn, '1 th 't h 1 t d th ill' g t ' . '. show, Jazz concert, .presentation Fordon' 'Aldlng' e' & Rely on a qualified pharmacist CommUni y a~ I S SC 00 ~y.s em an . ey are. w. ~n ,0, followed by a Bermuda shorts of 'Edna St. Vincent . Millay's three, on radio and three on tele. att~nd' br, ..~illht ..~fh,er .national , r cD. for all prescription' work. prices. a~ make c\'cry saCrIfice to help In any way they can. And never dance a movie and an octet con. "Aria da Capa," and buffet break- vision, as .follo\v~:.' "The best offlce or' Dlrector' General, and Members New York Stock E,xchanct. Thb I•. the 492nd'or .. aeries of ship. Phon4 forgct th'at when a bond issue ther propose is approved by cert. 'This feminine. counterpart fast was handled by 'a committee 'Patriotic,dramatic program;" "the ~rrsth'eFrceodl;oWn."H9inE;S~a~pre.sldent DetroltZ~6;,.t:eno~~~~:fd,l~~:1 :~tgr~a~a~~~e~~m;~~~ •• ppelrlnl the voters. they also mus~ pay their full share of ~he taxes." of Dartmouth' Winter Carnival, of which, Miss Connit: Zick,' best all around family program;" .'1. , . '. , The school board WhICh met defeat: reversed ItS modus h' C 1 C . ~ 'ts daughter oCMr.: and 'Mrs. Leon~ and. "the,' best children,'s.,'pro- ~f I • ",,: \' Tae~ed.Down .. '. :-:. , operandi completely. Instead of taking the a\titude that.it ,t~:n"eg,fo~~~~~e e~~I~ec::np~s ard O. Zick of. 1025.,Yorkshire gram." , , . ; e .,.... . • Carpets Clea~ knew 0 bo t h 01 ds than anyone els" and'so had ' road, Grosse Pointe, was memo' The awards 'will b'e presented ,'. . . m re a u sc ~ nee. . ."', .. decorated along, southern' resort .., , a " 'to representatives of the' winning On Your Rac no rIght to be questioned, It .began questlonmg everyone. lines. Miss Martha Haggarty ber; '. " .~/ " "programs. at the Auxilhiry's na-' With Bigelow Among other things, it sent a delegatiQn to ask this paper daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Georg~, . . -. tlonal.'convention in Washington, Finance a New' "Karpet.Karen just what. it would advise. The needs were there and they, Haggarty of 86 Renaud roa~, S ociety.to Hear 'D. C., next fatl. ' ' ; or .Used Car must be met. I. Grosse Pointe Shores, was 10 , ' . \ ••• : The answers it received were pretty mu'ch the same charge of house orga~izat!on or Talk' on'.Pruning Posters' to depict ,the. 'signifi. everywhere. "The voters -will approve. a bond .issue if they Sh~fer Hall,. co.ordina~mg ItS ~c.. , . . . ': carice of the memorial. poppy are . ..-_~aslly••• at LowCost Rug a",J ( have the figures which justify the request Give'them all the tivlties .and, '.decorations wl\h. . -.- ,.. " , , being drawn by school children . f t' 1 h d . L t .th kn those of other dorms.. The Grosse,Pointe' Horticultur- 'througho,ut.,the country" in 'the m orma Ion you can ay your an son. e em ow Th' k d Ii d al Society' wiil hear a leciure on , Cash for that' car you need i. available at '. .th" . k Y h . th' t h'd' don't t'..e wee en was c maxe on, American Legion 'Auxiliary's 'an- c,'" eIJ: mg) ou no\,",' ou ave no mg ole, ac Saturday evenl'ng as couples "Care and Pruning :,ot Trees.,'!,' '. _tht~.convenient' 'office of Manufacturers h h h nualpoppy./ poster cont'est, ac. '. as t ~ug you .ave. ..' donned formal. attire .to attend given by Earl Frizzell ,at the next cordIng. to, Mrs.' Elvia' Neilson, l: Natio~al~IAn' auto loan can cost aalittle .a .' SI~ce that lime there has: b.een no dl!!lculty. There have the clasSsponsored formal dances. mo~thly .~ e'e tin g'~',Thursday, Poppy Chairman of Grosse Pointe $4~er'$100."Year:"';':'with terms'to fit! your been differences of honest opmlOn, certamly, as there should ,Miss Harriet. Spalding, daughter ~p"rll 1. " '. ,Auxiliary Unit,., . ~.. •bU~~,t~"~o~need be at dep<)Sitor.Apply be: but armed with all the information available, the resi- ot Mrs.' Edward 'D. Spalding of ,The meeting' Wil commence at :The posters, 'sh~w~',ho\v the ~~t dents have approved two bdnd issues'withinthe last three 214 Cloverly road, Grosse Pointe 8 p.~. In the Neighbo~hood Club; Poppy~' made: by dis'ibl~d: 'war. ..o' for a loan which can include your insurance years. and will undoubtedly approve the third'Qne in June, Farms, wason the decora~ion.The, public is invited.. . veterans, is worn to honor theria. :. costs ••• and YO!!Canarranit for inaurance The complete change-about in the relationship between ' , . fr6m your own tirO~er:' . . Wes the rcsidents and school board ,is most evident dght.now.The until all cf ,this added 1acility had b~en' used -to cap~city!. tion's .war dead; and,to 'bring a.id Open Friday:s unti16 P.M. Board of Education, despite the fact that it printed -in its Q:wn Here 'was a case of the 'board actually~ toning dciw'nthe're: to disabled'~vetc~ransand needY;',' , Qrochure: last year that it would have to come back again in qulists of a rep,eseiltative group of taxpayers. ' '._.. chiIdr~n D.!:~l(ter~ns.;'oc~l; s!~ie " ~he very near future and ask for more money -to build more' 'This. accomplished: change was;, on:e "d~voutly :to b~ and national prizes~re, being. o!- '. classrooms, was slightly hesitant to make such a request this wished." It 'is.a very healthy ,situation and, Qne that augurs fered' fm- the' best'posters"in each . '.

i'ear. But the Parent-Teacbcr associations hav.e presSed' the particularly well' for. the future' of the .Grosse Pointe public of thr«:e,classes:. 1.,,4th, 5th, and " . ... f. \ f "...... • • • • J Bank of 6th gradd; :2: 7th':-8th and, llth : -Manufacturers .National. i,ssue and demanded 'that action be taken. ... -. school system. Our most valuable asset, the, thousands grades' '3. 'lOth:..11tli. and 12tli '\ . A cx!:derable faction wanted a new Junior High Scnool youths, who obtain their basi~ learning and much of .their. ,grades:" 2021,3~Mac~ Avenue near Loclimoor , . .. . . , ... " ., ... . st.arted immediately, but the Board of Education pointed out most important training in theit: elementary and intermediate ., ", .. ' ': f .' . Detroi~.Highlan.~p~. ~arbo.m. G,.~' P~inteWoods•Van~k •. M,.,Jw 1!,'".1DtIeJ;' l.s.r.m CfrItt.'fM that with the acquisition:.ofthe.Country Day School property, classrooms, should be well provided.for .through"'sltch aU': -, Men 'like' to 'be listened fo- . .. . - .

> .- i' .•.•. , . , ; ," ~ approved by the' .voters last year, it was felt beSt to wait. encompassing, understanding. . . ":~A~.:'. "'c ,:,; women listen, to' be liked•. ' .\ ' '.•.• :" I ~ \ ..., •..., . .' • • "J t ,. ,.' •

, " SAF:~GVARDING 'YOUR, SE,ClTRITIES .., , A '~ecuriti~sS_ervice',~~couridpr~~id~f,P'h~:s~c~i:~;~tectionf~~~~:.:~ ~,rou~.~~C1:lrities!,re~ie{fro~ ;DOO~~~ep'~ng''dc:~ai1..~&~.~as.:mu~~:~~..-'. ,Investment assIstance ,as you \lnaYI\desJre.',Thls:servlce ..can' be ." . a4ju~te~. to .fit JouJ: particula.f gecfqS;.,AS~'£o'r:cu'r' folder .$afc:...... ,'. I . .', g 'd"." v., . .:c ..•• "t""'-" ....~ ..l, <.... h., ..4 .' .... "",' . , ' . uar Ing .l ourueCUfl ies • ' ). :.~;: . "'J<,: ...'; .: ,>=:' .', :. .'

, ',' .l. ..:....; .,j ~ _,'. j.r"; . "'.~';:~~.,'.;~'.i:.\:~':.•"",:~'..~~...~:~.'j'~'.... .'~ .. . .,.. ~ ~f ; ~ .-. I", •• ,. .. • "')'- ,1 .. , .~.' . .. '.' . ., ,.. J "I I. .. t \

.- 1 + • ft •• C ••• rt ••••••• « t t t $ 0 t est t s $ t •• 1 e • t ••• , .e+ • .. +. tteo, t.*$, ••••••••••••••• ',* •• * . • e+ • '. ~--~-....:--~,;.~.. , . ~ ... ' t . ~ ..-' ~. '.. .'

.' arch 25, 1954 ..

"'I"~',' ..~.,.c:";"'" " ,Th.ursday, March'.25, '954 ... ,,"' ,.,' . .-; .GROSSE.'p,OJNTE NEWS , Pag.Thidaen n E. Trubey,' RadIo a..nd Tell!vrsion; Ilations; • :Ann; EIlzllbeth. Bacaa. .C.A.R. ~tate Co~f~renc~ Mrs. Arthur H,. Bacon, Rorres. Mrs, Earl. Knee and MrJ.' LIOJd ~ethodists Plt1n.~,F(lm,ily>'l)inner ' :Szipper';:~Plann~d",'FromAn~ther PoiMteof .View . pondlng: Secre~ and Press ,He. DeWitt. ~~th.:. .,' The Gr?Sse' Polnt~ Methodist of the' Met1todl~{ Church. ~"" . . By' :'N'ewcomers" " : ' ," '. '. ' ," .' SC:ed,u=~hi::~Af~:e~y' 'Chii~ Ch~ch.w.ill present the third'inThe'public,u'cordlaUY';invlted ,,: ,,' ,'.~ ",1_ '.', , ., ',.,' (C~n~uedfrom ~a&,e.) , • d 'f thA 'i " RI • • '. 0., ,~ ~~wserles of, Lenten '~aml1y, .Fel- to' these' atfal~ Fa,'r'furth, er i;rifor.' :'~:'Th~:'1ie';i:i:Part,,' , y f~r .th~' Nl!w..; oneofth~, LIttle Club ~,.vmeyard Hav,ens as Was cus~o~anl~ t1:n'ISohOI4~ng'~:, r.~"en';.~~i ry we:~cia~Ot1UCk DlDn~rs on matlon callt~.+,~. Pa~e~ at comers:.:':Cl.uD;,of:Grosse, Point.e herwon~ m the late Spr~gtim:~, •. State Conterll!nce. at the Com. The ' {, March 31, 6.30 p.m. TU. ~.5378,. 'rho: program; for wUl;be 'a'Pot:.Luck lupperto, be " , : ' .,,' munity PresbyterIan Church in :Publie Auction. Sale be Bi:h: ~r for.thIs dlnner~!1l We~esday, Ap~l1';? ;wm:be~a b~etCi;:,a(:.'the./Congregatlonal .Wath"gFIr~ . ; Flint. . : , the Cent~I~~r:~c~'n Kelly of fi1!1l ,~rese~tatlon,;~That l Church'.pn.Ch~l~o~te ;~a.d;,:Fri.Californ.ia Memo: Mrs~Prewitt Semmes, of L!,ke Shor! road, • Attending from Grosse Ponile S'aturday, March 27th-lit 10:30 a.m. easurable fashion. (Negro) Have. ,. '. '" ' .4a~,:March28 at 8:30.: ' ' and the beau'ty M.ary. Martin Semm. es are hngering In'Lt'5 will be Mrs. Henry B. Joy, Wini. .We are selling the enUre furnlahings,.oriental rtJgs. bronze-. the Waa of, the - '," '",." .' , . ' ", . fred McQueen, Serapbook'Chalr. d in present day . '.'.... ''';:'', , ". ,'.,Mr,. and ,M~s. A1~ Stuart. of An~eles.where they arevisitinglUr. and Mrs. HaryeY,Munroe man; Dorothy Petrosky,Pulla. bric.a.brae, etc. for merges from tb& . You Are Cordially"'n.,ite(/'~o:Aft.ndjJ' .~' ~t~~~e~~~t':'~~'~]I1nh:::r~~ SmdhJr. (Valerie.Semmes) ., •• Don't lookfor t~c:m until mentadan: ,Mrs.' Richard AlI~, Edino'nd Tropp corner of YOUr . ; .'~.',.' ) .; i .' " .. Itt . ..if ' '.d .M . after Easter. Mr. Semmes, who went wnh them. to tnq coast, Cradle Roll; Mrs. Robert O. Art. . . . 'd to it from early :4t. F to~g~?~rn~~rg~(~~l11cr:;i is.bilcIth'ome. Friends .of.the fo~er Anne Kresge ani he~ ner, Membe~~p;",M;-s: Ambrose Lake Shore l'rive a "ery real iuue ree :Lecture't', ., . ISO "0&.. ." ~...;''.." " :road, Mi',:and Mrs. Willlain'Evans hunband,Joltn W. WatlIng Jr. ~i11 be interested to kno,,, that Grolle Pointe Shores. 'MIchigan A VlLLN by '. rlshan SCience: 'he Revelallon . of.'McKfuley rOQd,>Mr. ahd':Mrs. their 27. rooin M~I,ibu Beachmans"o~ was pa,rUally des~oyed CIH"R"STIAN SCIE""CE is in no sense of '. ' ' W.!!1ter'~:P!lttee.'o~ 'N:0tUngham .by fire. the other :d~y~,Th~' 'Yatltngs ~ad ,Iease~ the house, I~ :As'living room sofas, chairs, occasional tables, grand father',' .8 fide guide book. of Universal Good" , , ".. road, Mr., and:~rlk Peter Barno; valued lOt a quarter 'of a ,niillIon dollars, to Rob~rtl:'rescott, / ' . -' ,clock, . Victorian furniture, desk,' dining room suite, five series of sketches , ',' M~',_and;',:Mr.s;. Ro~ert '.}Jail ofpresident,o~ th~'~'yi.ilgTigers ~ir1in~, Most of the upper s~ory • ,SOCIETY. bedroom suites. wood carvings, several palnUnp, oriental iving the autbor'. by ..Bo~:-~outh., l'()a~, :and Mr.:and of the ~home,~as~ined.:by t~t: fire ,and elevencou,nty fire Grosle .Polnte Farms. l\Uch.' rugs, as large Kershan~15 'x 23, 9 x 12 Chinese rug, 6 x 9 Rome todar, yes. '. ',', , f Mrs.,r.rar'!k~~J:la~semano[ Mc~ unitJ~battledfor. more than: arfhour to'put out~ tbe',flames,. Sunday S~l'Vlcel...-",__ .10:30a.m. Chinese' rug, Kermln' rugs, Korosan 12 x 24. Variety of ,ousand years ago~ porch.furniture, electric stove", refrigerator, automaUc Helen Appletol1, C. S..:', ~i1lan""roa~, ,',' .' '.'. I' Da~age5, ""e ...e ~esti,~, ated', by'Mr. Wat1in~~ ',.t n. hundred '~uR~do~~~h~~.~:~~~10:30 a.r:,' . ,washer, 'power mower, carpeting. ' hat special book, . " The." com.m,h, tee .\vUl > contact thousand 'dollars, ',' Wednesday,Teatlmony, .' ; ,. ' '; ," nd poetic in style, of Boston, M,SS, , . me'mberS and ask them to' con~' ,.' .t., '...... MeeUnr ..._8:/)() p.m. 'Sale lobe heid on premlaes.Evel')'thlnl has to be lold and tJpeal to critical ,tribut(:iheir;' ta.vorltecasserole,. ' KERB'Y .SCHOOL', , . . removed from premises,. Home has been sold, • • M~mber of the Board or LectureshIp of The Mother Church, salad/or'dessert .. An, entertain. Spri,rig Fe,ver " . ' " . ' ,,' , The Flnt Church of Chitat, Sclrnt!lt, In Bolton, Ma"achulle1tl. ',,' '. 1 I d up from Rome to ment 'program'has beenari'anged MoreS,gn'sof-Spring:T~oearlybird golfers (ma e) p aye 285 Kerby 'Road, Ilt Beaupre .. ,Joseph N~DuMouchelle :oce is running out in for Inter-jn' ~~ evenin,g.:: ',' 'eightholes at the :Country ,Club last week! The, Pro Shop .ALL ARE WEL(':Ol\lE , ention one of the AMctfa .... r Conducting Sal.' 9pens ..thisSRturday wh~ch'is.'joyous tiding for, th~ g,oliing " , of recent .books, ',' ' . , ... . SEOOND 'N()' FUTURE' set .', • 'Ev~ryone' forcing' forsythia, indoors, Jl (r,eal Spring: James Reynolds. , 0HUROH OF OHRIST, SOIEITI~r .,' WOodward. 3.6255 , raphicalreminis. 147 E G d 81 d D t It "J' . ~ f harbinger, ,,', the Sunday'gardeI.!f:!r~ stancling,arOlind'~m the!r ' ", ' I . . . • ran v " e ro . " '~he':stirestway"tohaveno.fu. plotsof.Ja.nd,looking wi.s.e and. creatIve. ~.:' .,Thel.esse.nerg.e. ttcSixth.Church of Christ, ,', n Irish artist and ,.. . ,. .', tUre is' to ..live in ;,the belief that ..,. .' ,', . S '1'" 'd I . th II watercolors and Tuesday Evening, April ,6, 8:00 ,; M. thefutlmda,tomorrow, ' but n.~vert~elesstou~hed' by.: pring,g lmpse_ . eavIng e . Scientist, DGtroit . Ie drawings illus. .. . .- ,. - , .. various Pointe, florisul' ,witli.p'ots of .growinz things clutched Sale Number Two Fr~e Parklnr In ro:ar of Cliurel}. _, . , .;. in'.hand • , • The' Sunday ,drivers along: the Lake Shore'in • '14730 Kercheval Avenue ord Mr. Reynolds noom provIded ror .cihlldr~rtto ilx ~ean ..... swelling numbers ••• 'And the:water'sgetting blue, blue, ,. I:' 'IUDU, lie~cu. lO:3ll a.IIL .anner of writing Th ~ Lecture will appear .In . full In the ';E'''R<'SON 'AVENU" E. JEFF. . ,. ' ,which means that ha'rbOr:atGrosse .Pointe Yacht '.Club; the 'I and 5:00 p.m. kite explores the Grone Pointe' Newl, A1lrll '151Ilue. .GallerY Public Auction ~ , .', 'c. a swoop th~re, :':BA.',PT.IST'..,'cHU,RCH LitU~ Club soo,n againwil) be host.to swanky'craft... w'e:::,~~~IJ;:::~II~~:I~':naai guide to a chosen ,lIleeliDI at • p.m. . Tuesday, March 30 at'l :00,~nd 8:00p,m. rest and contem- " 13337 E.'Jefferson ~t'Lakevlew 'L.' lteadID.rn~E.U~;:rr:eek Oa,.s all, it's a distin- Winners .. .is,t,edB,Y', B'ridy' e, Club , 10:00 a.m. to 9:OG:p.m.. All. " ating book. '", ,Ho~"r'J,Am.ltrO"I,:Mlnllle, .. , • • ': W -:-", J ... • • , TheMcmorl~1 Ce~i~i' Du~lIciate R. A, Cross; Kermit Carllsie! snd Wednesday 10:00 10m to 1:00 p.m. Wedn'lday 'Ennln" March 31 atel:OO p.m. OJ " Church Sch~ol' ',' ,t' Bridge, C!ub/results have. been Alan Moseley; Jessie Cook and IUU1 Zt".D.m~ to &1" p.sa. ,cntioned here are TU,2.7880 . S,!nday, ':~5,.,m, announced" as follows: '. .: Flora, ~enis .. Selling two fine collectiol}s from Birmingham, the many travel Bioomfield Hills, 'llone Pir.e Road . If , ,I," .' , . March 15:-North and: .South: I ibr

wn in the Pointe ••it pays to have unsatis'I::10IY. I Plans and comittees have belln dge of horticul. So don't Ilmble .,ith "cheap. drawn 'up for. Marygrove .Col- the BE ST insurance.'Buy only the BEST _ ' ting chairman for lege's ,sccond annual Family 'The 'HOME. en committee of .... ------and buy I, today, .' Fiesta; Jane 'Echlinand"Nancy nter. has been a Rouen, co-chairmen, have an. Grosse POinte '~r~,~~:~~r~\~;.' , nounccd. Fiesta 'wl11 be. held May -. since its found- EAST SIDE Insurance Agency' One. of the most forceful 7 on the campus, Six Mile Road • 'J i- ent of the Grosse • ,pleas, for a return to the old. and Wyoming. Dancing and floor 'den Club. 19854 MACK AVE. Grosse: Pointe 'Woods : fashioned 'family altar has shows, .refreshmentS. cards and t this seriell of come from the pen of J. Edgar booths wl11be featured. . moon gar den Hoover, chief. of the .Federal Proceeds of, Fiesta are used to rge. AU meetings " Bureaij of InVestigation. defray, student council expenses therings held in ,"If there is to any hope and to 'provide scholarship. aid be through the efforts of ,classmates tel' ,roorp, at the " for the, future .0fAmeriea," n' free'to-Center in the first Family Fiesta. . says .Hoover; "then we as a ' , Two Gro~se fointers, Juniors , 'nation must.return to Cod and' ' at Ms'rygrove, bave;' active parts, BABY IN THE CRIB the. practice of .dliJJy.'tamiJy in ' planning' the event. Peggy AT THE WINDOW •• '~ of Today • • • . . prayer. . , . . . Slevin. daughter. of Dr •. and Mrs .. there must be warmth for him s . "Can we have peace with. John G•• Slevin; .1137.' Whittier, there must be comfort tool out. moraJlty? Can we build wl11',plan the !loar show to be, .~ . no matter.what the weather does given during' the evening. Pat Proper heating will insu're rock. ritis homes. without Cod? Can we to ,thethl!r1nometer outside the have worthy parents who do Liddell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, ing chair comfort for. everyone' David Liddell,. 691 Westchester, window. Proper heating TODAY . KOPP, R. Ph. not 'know and practice His eve r y w her e throughout the Must. Spell : teachIngs? Grosse Pointe Park, wl11 publi- can keep an even temperature Tares of hopc!ul cize events' on .c am p us. Both house at all ':times. ,- . HOurnation is sadly in need I • en in by medical young women are making arange. , in' baby's 'room as well 'as in the ,claim they can of a return to the days when . Codwas'a part,of each house. ments for the dance to be held lIvinl room. during the Fiesta...... -.. onc method or hold; when fanimes arose in Comfort '. I lat will cure this the morning with a prayer on Worrying about the problems I y because the their Ups and ended' the day that come today" and those that I ! arthritis has ~. by gathering together to place may come tomorrow is' too much \'ered. However. themselves In His care. A god. of a burden for any man. do recover and less home is a breeding ground , ,arked improve. It's Time To Hove Your RUGS hev follow the for maaildecay andc:rJme.~' d'octor. He can Our nation can have few rious treatments STAR-CLEANED! greater. assetS than Christian n pro\'cn bene. , home's, hbmes in whichlamJJy . Over and over again • , • your floor coverings are mode aitars have beendedieated'to . tlill 111 dil'al treatment dumping grounds for spilled food: mud and' dirt. They need the worship of Jesus Christ., physician. He is that happy trip to Star C~rpet Cleaning Comp~ny NOW, •• t~ Savior, ~. ~~,llilllill be newest. test- where Ihey will be restored to their original brightness and treating illness. c1ean,ness. You'll be pleased and surprised at Star's low .c=:::J1j~, li~ied pharmacist ...St..James IlptlOn work. prices. ond you'll be delighted with Stor'ssuperlar ~orkman. .- G::J . ship. Pnone Star Today! '2nd o! a .~rir~ nl LUT~E~AN ISf'rnrnh ~ppurlnl ~h wrrk. '.';CH~,RCH ' . . , THE CHILD STUDYING", • IN THE BEDROOM i--" Ta,ked.Dnwn . . .M~MillM Road 'IN THE KITCHEN , .. .'. . Carpets Cleaned . there must .be comfort for • , ;: ~ ,,~t'Kercheval, there must be comfort for. the ~ On Your Floors ST,AR there must be com for t .via people who wan! the (uliest With Bigelow ,>i.ent~n'servlces; .Wed: :.:P. m, youth' who, gets "lost" in some. , '. "Karpet.Kare" CARPET CLEANIN~CO •. Sunday' Servlees,,9:30~11 a~m. even temperature. when cooking quiet spot to. concentrate on' les. measure' of good rp.st. TODAY • " Sundar School 9:30 ,8. m/, , 'and when not cooking, It fa sons. ,Fact of the matter is that , it .is a ~eal posslbiilty to keep .. .-. I ".-._~ ... -. - ~'. ':... • "", ' • ~".,.',': George E. Kurz don'e that. way TODAY i~homes ~ TODAY finds homes enjoying desired temperatures, ir,t... each LOrain, 7-3400 ,. warmth everywhere from top to ° ,;:. ' .. PASTOR ; . both old and new,. where, proper. j . room, one at 70 degrees, another Rug and Carpel Cleaning Ex(/us;c'ely lor. 6~.Y~~I . ',' .'. '.' ..... bottom without being conscious' ,Cost heating is provided for; at 65 deB!ees, etc. Bedroo~ need I of the existence' of :heat 'or .cool~ ble at ing systems, The .latter. is. im. cool air. at, certain hours, winter ~urera r:--~n~I_~n~''''''~_III:-,~"nl mensely Important in the sum~" and summer and it' c'ln be had, ;tle as mer months. definitely, (Prelbytertaill , your I ,N.~.r,I.,O,,~:'~,'-~,;:,,~:',,~"'.. ,'. I 18 ,Lake Shore Rd !\:,ply ..1lUNlSTERS .' Rev. Frank' FlU. D.O' I Irance I Moth.proofi~g &c;arPet Cleti~i~~'Co.: , I Rn, Paw' F'-Ketcbum Irance ( I We specialize in •.., " " ~ Cell VA, . 2-1932 = . , iii ,I I Moth-proofin~,orSle~nihg of i RELIABLE Ink I CARPETS.ORIENTALRUGS.FURN.IT~R~' I CARPETSa';- ,t GAS" &"OIL I DQne in Your H~.m:Ptf~~ RU'GS BOU'ND' I , FIVE.YEAR .. GUARANTEE ON Mo.Tt.j~PROOFING ' ' '. . ' ' , IN THE'WASH ROOM. , IN THE RECREATION ROOM ••• ESTIMATES :AND. REFERENqES U,PON.: R~QUEST e' , per. '35 c \ \, \., ~ "'p • -I SERVICE '(EARS IN T~EFISHE~'.B~~~~~~~,,' :. yard .23 '1 There musi. be comfor't for 'there' must be comfort or .aU is.' _ , '. ' \ .", . .' . . . , . FAST SEBVlCE. . tho.se .who do the, manual tasks. lost. Guests remember .":diaco~. ' . Heating Specialists ~p~~~~:,':', 10COY\1 SONS below on the. cetnent floors, to fort 'longer: than they do' the re': or keep them healthy and vigorous. freshments. Do. not leave undone . Sening Grosse'oifl~ ch TRinity..q~0370 ,: :CARPETCOMPAflY TODAY'S good heating goes all tite things tbatsho'uld ,be' done' to your heaUng' sy's~em today;. be .; . ~,', • ,I,..' 1 Ii! 15720 HARPEl the way, all the time 'and keeps 'or one~th;rdofa.Century .. fe. /all workers delighted with their' Most homes needtI:teir;' heating "MOTHS r:ailse' mo,"cI~mage . ,.(At Balfour) tasks . systems brought up~to.date, but • .'~nnua"y~ti,,;~i'.R'E.'~': O~~~.:3fl~~FBL definitelyll Isio7 EASt WARREN AVENUE TU.1-60Il' I ._. .' .. .., • ..., .. ~D~IiIiiIIIIIlII._""'h!ll!iIIlIIi!JI~

'/ , ,r•

J _ d ~ ?~.~~..._a.~.a H .... ~ •• { ...... ~ *".~.~.... HH+ u~!...... ,r

Thursday, M 1 £Ej ------PEe Sister Chapter AO of PICTORIAL'NEW'S:"OF:lt-I'f.ERES:T FRO~M 'A'L~ 'OVErfTH:E WORLD will hold it.! r " . . ' .. , .. , ". • , •• I " • meeting on Apri

, 'j. , Regula I "-,

Called tt] Present l Councilmen ' McEachin an, I"I, Absent: I I , '. M. S. Hutch! Mayor W Minutes ' I, 1954 and ~ After ha connection w since snowpll general sen'i nished at the Certain l between LaB this spring B! Nuisap~ haurd to thE Nuisance Ord CANADA'S NEWEST MILLIONAIRES-Toasting their good fortune are' Oa.nada's ,three SPLASHY:SLALOM-Comin' right at you Is Skillman Suy... 1. On ' j TURNING THE TIDE-Even nortJ newest milllonalres who "made their stake" .In the current copper rush at Lake Manl- dam of 'Orlando, Fla.; who Is aiming for top honors in the touwadge near Geraldton In northern Ontario. From one claim which they staked In .the the tide turna to admire 2. On, pretty Loretta Annis of, Ml- , 1954 Dbde Ski Tournament, April 2-4, at Cypress Gardens .. 313 i n~w cop~r country; each recen,tly received a tidy little "~est egg" ,?f $l,05~,OOO.They are" He's shown taking l\ practlce run on the slalom 'coune. Th~ COUl left to right, Jack Forster, 44, auto .o:;slesman; B1ll.Da:wldowich~ 42" a Canacl1an National ami, Beach,as ahe:.edges Into • .., ". j l -:". _ .• ,'. ," • " !' the churning' waters for a by April 1, 1 .. Ptallways constrocUori wDrker: and Roy Barker, 52;,whO calls himself a :'Sunday prospec- The COUI tor," meaning h~ has "prospected"'week ends for the past'20 years.', '. ' , morning swim. for handling , Contract " : :!iEi",. ~ awarded to tl I Boat moc: f\ $15.00 pe All othel a minh ACADEMY AWARD "WINNER"-Don'~ ten anybod1, 'but., • A resolu the actress In this picture Is the winner of. the belt per- City of Wyal formance "Oscar" aWal'd to be announced byt.he, Motion ' niversary. Picture Academy of Arts and SClencu on'March 25. Don't.' Reports 0 Jump to. conclusions, however. True, that.'s .the head and Approval neck of Audrey Hepburn, but. the real. ,of the picture Is made license at 1 I Miscellan of parts of the other nominees: the ah~u1de~ and bus,t of mcnt was aPI Ava Gardner, the arms of Maggie McN~ara, the pms 9f', . The City Deborah Kerr, and the shoes'and lurgage of,Lesl1e,Caron. meters on thl mee and St. 1 A public to consider a east comer 01 The.. meet Harry A. Fu. City Crel

Publish~ in I ALLCUT~ CHICKS-Sprlng Is In the air In Central Europe. and at chicken farms throughout Germ3.ny this ~eems to be , . ' tlie rule. These slx-hour-old chicks seem quite content ~n SAFETY PIN-UP - Pretty pin-up JerrI Hauer has been the arms of a young, HamtJurg miss, as incubators are at a . , nrlorlty. \VATCHING •• , AND WAITING-Taking up his post at the third sllck, Walter Alston, new crowned "Miss Safety of manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, supervises the training of the Bums at theIr Vero 19d4" by the NatlDnal Safety Beacn, Fla., camp. After a strangeness that was to be expected upon his leap Into the Council, It's a safe bet that major leagues and after his team began to win exhibition games following a slow start, Miss Hauer slows traffic as Gro Alston is now looking forward to the opening of the season. And he's highly flattered and drivers ea;se oft. the, gas' for dellghted with. being given the manager's role of .the National League team In the '54 a second look. All-St,p" 17"m~. CLASSROOM OF TOMORROW - ..unctlonal dealgi' anel modern patterns mark this attrac~lve "classroom of to~ El morrow," which permits greater freedom of act1vlty anil more comfort than most schoolchildren have ever known. REGULAI Important feature of the room 11the uniformity of llatural Ugbtlng De:;ks and chairs are portable and can be arranged in either formal or lnforma~ aroups. , Mor

TO THE QU GROSSE NOTICE l City Election Woods, Wayn 1954, and tha from 7:00 o'cl the purpose (

yOU ARl ANTI-SUB WHIRLWINDS - A formation of Squadron 845 PROPOSITIOl anti-submarine hellcopters nles over ahlps In the Solrnt their adoption River at Oosport, England, after being inaugurated Into ''That operatlonal service, The British planes are of the Ci American-built ,Slkol'3ky S-555, Part of their antl-sub soastor Ordin equipment Is known as the "dipping asdlc," a device for de- On Initial tection of unaerwater crart. The aquadron la expected to b. Sectio COVEa JOB -- Bet.ty John- , based at Malta in the early summer. by the CI, HAIR AND NOW"':'The 42-inch tresses of pretty Helen Korovoft (left) fall prey to the scis- son, OBS-Radio vocalist; petition. c sors of Charles Lavon, barber In a San Francisco be~uty ,salon, Miss Korovoft, a WhIte .showed up "barre!," drused to twenty Russian who emigrated to the U. S. four years ago from Harbin, Ohina, works as a 'Frisco of the Cit for the St. Patrick's Day pa- ' tion of thl file clerk and goel)to night school to learn English and'offlce procedurea. At right, her new rade In .New York. Betty the Counc short haudo makes Miss Korovoft look .lIke a real American .debutante. . blamed It on the mcome-tax An or deadline jus~,' two days initiatory earUerl amended pealed b)' until the action. At repealed proceedin visions 01 electorate Utwl election 5 visions in bel' of af YOU AF places for w( . 'RECINC




SILEt\'T STAR ON TOUR - 'RECINC Ramon Navarro, motion- picture Idol of the silent 'RECINC ,films, poses while touring the fabulous Isle: of CaprI 'RECINe TEARFUL PLEA - Han Ch!-tung, a alx-year-old Korean during a recent vlslt'to Italy. .lad. ~tands before a microphone In Seoul. and tearfully, The beret-topped Navarro,' , PlCK-SWlNGJN(i NUN '- A past Mother Superiorotth • PRE:INC reads to the crowd a letter written to h1a uncle. who Is be- Mexico's, gift. to:. ft1mland,~ Carmel1w Order WIelds a pick to breat the ground for a new Ing held by the Communists In North Korea. SOme aoo fam';' was a rival of the late Ru- chaj:)elat PreateIgn,: England. EYery,mOrn1nl18 nuns don lUes of SOuth Korean naUonall, moaU1 women and' cbll- GRAND PRIX, JUNIOR-A group of :mall fana shows great Interest In a small "racer" . dolt .Valentlno for ml1lloM aprons over their habits and pitch into the construction of PRECINt dren, staged a demonstration In Seoul receatb'. dem&llc1lnl which aeems made to order for the small fry. Actua.Uy, the w 11a tuU-ftedged raCer, ~t of femlnine'moyle".viewera thetr convent. With \echn1que leamecl from textbooks the that the RepubUc of Korea and the On1ted NaUona take , for competition In such events as the Orand PriX. Nicknamed the "Orand PriX," the amaU . ' when the ~uUu1b~d Industry, alater. plan to 'reCt their' own chapel. clolatera,' choir and ateDSto have kidnaped relatlYe' remmed bt the Redl, car Sa bUUt by Plero Patrla of San Bemo,Italy, and sa priced at abou~ $900. waa st1~ in Ita Infect.' ..".' celli. ':'h.~hqUe to'CGml)lete th. wort lD II monUII. -'

•It' ., .. . ,

' ,;-t i s.trS' .. . J .. , d ,,; c' d ' .. d ... - • ...... -- .\ .. ... - '- - - (." . ',. • r ~ 'II .

... \

..!~ursday, March 25, 1954 GROSSE POINTE NEW S. _,.' .., .. __,_ ... , ,_..... __, ."' ._ _ .. ,_ , Page Fifteen

PEO Sisterhood to Meet In Murray Home AprilS'" SoUtheasternWom'an's Club M' Wh' 'S' l..l y" t' Detroit Sorosis,to, Meet " Al h D It p. t H ld S l LD ..rra~teldr AO of PEO Sisterhood I,the home of MrI. W.E. Mur;ay To:Se~ NQrthwest Movies.... ,an . 0,' av~, oungs er In Mrs., Fred Studel"s Home, -: P a e a l 0 0 . a e WI a its regular monthly at 1601 Roslyn road. Mrs. P. L. " .' --- meeting on April 5 at 8' in J h I IdentitifiedAD'SrI H-II'egas, :, Members of the Detroit· Sorosis Alpha Delta' Pi Detro~t AI~m- .charll! of arrangements. , p.m. 0 Mon w 11be' co-hostess~. . , The,April 5 m~eting of South- . '. will meet 'in the 'home of Mrs.na~'Wm 'hold ,their annual rum-' Depots for pick-up are at the~ eastern Women's Club, will be ,. ------Fred Studer, of 54. Roslyn road, mage sale at the Veterans' Build- homes of Mrs. Moran for the heldin.theparlors,~fSlMark's, A friend revealed the iden?ty,of the unknown'man who foraluncheononTuesday,March ing 23023 Carlisle HazeLPark, westside of the city and, Mrs.. CITY OF Me~odis,t Church,JeueJ.:so~ and gave artificial respiration to Bobby.,'Emerson; 11, Df 765 30. " , Samuel Thorne, 477 Fisher road" ,Gar~and, at;1:30 p.m, ': " ", "Washingtonroa~onMonday,March15,afteracarhadrolled Assisting MI's.Stilderwill be beginning at,10 li.m., March 27. Grosse Pointe, for the eutside'

A l movie ,,"Cana~an, Rockies ,on the boy and choked off his .breathing. .' .' ltf:s. Ralph, Netting and ;'Mrs', Mrs. 'CharIes F. M 0 ran is. in area. and ~ka,.1 courtesy of Cana~ , • The friend stated that the man Wl1liam Brown., , ~l'OSSt1I'oinlel'm'In~ dian Pacific Hallroad; will be fOI~;"Im ' , • " was Dr. Arthur Hillegas of 718 Mrs. 'David Burgess will. be lowed by a tea served 'bY; Mrs~ . personation Washington, a'research scientist chairman for the day. Cosmetic '.Creations ' Clarence A. Batten and commit C "for Parke' Davis and .company. •• , offers an unusual service . Summary of' Minutes tee. ' ase Dropped Alerted by Son Regular Meeting, March 15, 1954 __ , It' was revealed that Dr. Hille- lET' US HELP YOU WITH THE \ . Following a consultation, of the gas had just gotten off the bus, • ~~\T Our I4ST.WAIlIlIN case of RichardR. Gannon of ,returning home from work, when In Our MODERN APPLICATION OF Called to order at 8:00 p.m. '. , . FINAL WEEKI ., 1446 Lochmoor, who was charg1!d his son, Richard, ran ',up to him 6th Year COSMETICS' CHOSEN EXPRESSLY Present on roll ,call: Mayor William F Connolly Jr with impersonatin'g an officer on and informed him of what had FOR YOU Councilmen Willlam G. Kirby, Richard L Maxon Neil 5' happened. ~' tbru saturdto1': . McEachin and GeorRe L.: Sc~laepfer. .' " Corbell.Monica March' 6, the case was dropped. 't The Emerson boy and another ,No&'venlnEa on~.." • " 'nlla lIay"or , Ahsent: Councilmen Daniel W. Goodenough and John • The consultation was,beld with playmate' had beenp la y in g JOlll Ferrer ;'. 16363 East Warr.n near Coun1l1. TUxedo 2.5453 M. S. Hutchinson. I . . Assistant Wayne County Pres'e- around a car owned by Mrs. W. Dally, 10 to 5:30 - Thun .. Noon to 1::10 M!lyor William Y. ,Connolly, Jr. presided. . MARGO-'GOOD cutor Dale Devlin,' 'on Wednes- J. Watkins of ,,1162 Buckingham, "!lltSS 5~DU~TitOM1'5~~ Minutes of meeUngs held on February'22 1954 March . Son.. to PI.a •• day, March 17, with the accuser, when the car beganto'rollback. to MaUnee' Only' 1, 1954 and M~rch 8, 1954 were approved. ' , ,'. . Sa John ,Wa)'lle, ;,. ralph barl's' orch. Mrs., Vena Schadd' of 2073' Lan- The Emerson boy slipped :under .After haYing heard and considered all, conditions in caster, presenlShe had'refused the right rear wheel,of the.vehicle " "'IN OLD _CALIFOnNIA _ DaD~r From 1:45 p.1tI c!lnnection WIth snowplow damage, it,was determined that to press charges, so the case had and was pinned by' the 'throat, - ' . '" Tnei;; Since snowplowing service' was rendered as a part of tile to be dropped.' ' his breath ,shut off. sun., !llo..~., 29 •30 general services requested, by the cltlzens, such was lur- I\\:uch "'::' -eb . '" Jane 0-0 .. ;;'N~ Open SundayS! nished at the risk of property owners, 'We' "ove • ''VAy with Pood I On March 6, according to a Women Free Bo)' . Gordon 1I1ad\aIl, Certain sidewalks now omitted along Mack Avenue Din"", Lunch.on, .After .. , report given ,to Farms police by - A neighbor's boy, called Mrs. SAILORS and ' '~"~"" ' 12 N'oon to 9:00 P. M. Theatre Snack., Sunday Mrs. Schadd, Gannon' has fOl:ced Gloria. Fair of' ,768 ,Washington, "TlmEE GIRL" ' ,,""p.',. betweeI! LaBelle and Colonial Clwere ordered installed ,~" Technlcolor) . this sprmg as soon as weather .permits, . . . ' ~. Fro. '2 Hoo." her car to "the curb while she daughter of Mrs. Watkins, who (Color, ~ Nuisances in the followitTg areas we~ .found to be a, ,,?as driving on Mack, avenue. rushed oufof her ,house and ap- hazard to th

• J '. I \ ' t I ! , I _1_ .. ,t Thursday, M~ ~ Page .Sixteen GROS~E' POINTE NEWS Thursday, ~arch 25, .1954. 1953-54 .Neighborh~od .Club Midget Basketball" League . , 51

~ . , ~ij fRfD I St. Paul -i ,., Team 81 The St. Paul t.~ in contention for ing 28 to 2~ vict( at the CYOCent4 Coach Mary }: charged into an ea .' . . }4 first quarter. This' when Hedwig sal U baskets to start a ~. which saw the leae , numerous times in i' periods. ~ Stay Neck :I There was neve: one point different two teams battlinl in the tourney du Both teams hact 10 the two game 1m ment .and defeat I tion il'om the title St. Paul surged I 25 to 16, lead earl: quarter and then slow the game do\! the final two min .. ";';-1. stop a late St. He!( 'CHAMPIONS POST 303-Left to right, front row: George Haggarty, John Kolodziejski, Walter Connelly, Bob RUNNER-UP' METROPOLITAN CLUB-Left to righi, front row: Coach Andy Teetaert, 'Rick Grow, Mike Rog- fell short ,?y three Eigharn and Joe Ayrault. Back row: Dave Ayrault, Stephen Bradley, Coach Bill Elworthy, ToPl Kolodziejski and ers, Ronnie Linklau, Louis Ewald, Frank Downs and Coach Bob.Van Tiern. Back how: To~ Teetaert, Len Cavanaugh, stars 510\' Dave Evans. , Larry Bruzzese, Bill Bippus and Bob .Winters, .. ., Two Flyer st:lI D'Hooghe and r.1 , dell, had to take late stages oC the qui ring four persot was the reason th into their modifie dell drew her fifth f f .. Midget I. I Playoff The post sea Giant Basketbal , hood Club last ~1 and Post 303 wit an upset i~ the G On Monday, Ma politan Club whi 25 to 14 behind thE of Len Carnaghi, 13 points for honol son notched 6 {or made a game of two -periods byho~ ites to 7 poInts wI like number of poi eliminated Kiwani game knockout to LIons Beat On the same 11 tripp~ up Optimi Pine led the wil points and Frank I 6 for the lr.sers. Post 303 qual championship gan raising battle wi squeezing out a Post 303 jumped lead in the first p a 16 to 10 margin LIONS CLUB-Left to right: Rotary fought b: Coach Bob Wright, Mike Cherry, trailed 24 to 22 goi Tim McKinnon, Jay Buysse, Jerry stanza, which s:: Chouinard, James West and knotted twice at 2, Coach Jim Chouinard. Back row: before. Post 303 g Marum Mualem, Mike Barry~ ning margin. Tom Wright and Dick Chouinard. Tom' Kolodziejs winners with 14 pl Ayrault of 303 and ton of Rotary tied OPTIMISTS CLUB - Left to honors with 10 poi right, front row: Coach Louis Blrrest 1 Gardella, Frank Cherry, Grant The biggest up~ Kurtz, David Bayer, Jerry O'Ber- son. in the Gian ski and Coach Lon O'Connor. curred when the E Back row: Jack Addy, , Ronnie down the Celtics : Solterish, Jack Dow, Bill Hodg- The Celtics wer man and Thomas Gutow. '. favorite to go all ' playoff tourney bl performance dunt schedule. The C only one ball gaml ROTARY CLUB-Left to right, front row: Bob Diehl, Tom Con- Four times the rad, Bruce Birghauer and Ted and the lead c Bonneau. Back row: Coach Frank eleven times befc the most improve Sladen, Dave Templetonl' Dan. French, Hanny Carpenter' and league, dumped tl Coach Ed Bonneau. the championship . Lew:mdow! Jerry Lewando of the Celtics bu' K I WAN I S C L U B-Left to right, front row: George Krogh, Bob Morrison,' Bob Waldeck; Dave Ferguson and Bob O'Brien, Back row: Don Waite, Lars An- derson,' Coach ,Will Krogh, Paul Krogh ~d Paul Boesen, ;.

EXCHANGE CLUB - Left to A l'ight, front row: Jim Mauck, Jim Howard, John Bl\umist!!l', Tom Hughes and, Don' Carrier, .Back. row: .Maurice Paole~U;. Robert DI Fox, Coach Foster ~auck, DQn. Hughes and Jack Pingel.. , . ( V, F. W, POST 995-I;eft to right, front row: Jay Fisher, Jim Zinn, Bill Rouse and. Ben Mc~ Clure. Back row: Dave Keller, Coach George Neirinclc and Tom Standifer. . Kotc 15554 E. W , I I " , I r { \'

..-.- ..._,~~ a..•• ' • , .. ihursday, March 25, 1954, .. G 0 SSE POI NT E., NEW 5 Page Sevenfeen.' ~ch25, 1954 J~ ! J _ Boat. Banter NE:)ighborhoodtltib News IKopp's Kegler's Changes iitnuI~ Approved By. Fre4 Runnells gene ./ ThurSday, March 25 C~f:ghe~Othe~:~~the Bylljdget League OfficiaIs- Ever henr of'the Great Lakes First, Aid :Class'~, 1:00 p.m. Grosse P~inters' Bowling J..eague. A lengthy meeting of the coaches and .officials of.,the Cruising Club? It is o~ of the. Jr!GlrIs" Gyni Class: ' 4:00 p.m. " by squeezing 3 points from 'Cox Neighborhood, ('lub. M,idge. t.,Bas. : k.etbaU'League, WednesdaYi, in of, 1arges.. t yac ht, c1ub's '1ne"th \VOl'ld H 0bb y' Class' " ,"'.' . 4:00 p,m. nothing.& Baker Schoofa nightand Kopp allwere.or Ma rc:h 17; pro duce d unportant .rules changes which will: be but it does~ t hav~ a ~lu~house~ Social Dancing' Class 7:00 p.m: Teen ages point getters for ',Kopp's. 10 effect when the League resumes ~mpetttiqn next seaSon:

The base of opera~Io.!1S~ Ul Chi-, leiIcing, ,.., 7'30 p';'" 0 G.P Swor'd Club Holsbaugh. took' 3 from' Kam- The alert.. c.ommlttee applied a .,' ',' - cago and tho! club' has about'l,20D , ' ' ...u,... . fine tooth 'comb, to the present th .' ' .. ' fR f D.RUn nfLLS '.S.'DO.',lOT.S•. / , . members scattered.:' around " the ~. S. ~port;s ys. St, ~aul.Sr. 8:00 p.m. ,Fmal game of play- mer ,sparked by Alaken's 213 and r'.1les and the .most .glaring rnls- em to teach the youngsters the . Great Lakes. Theiwhole aim 'of:.,\ '. ' , . offs '.: .: ,. VanBuskirk's 213 and 567. ' takes -;,oere corrected. The most fundamentals of the game.. . by the organiZation is"to,ericourage ;. " ' Friday, March', 26 . .. . . The Barber's got, 'buSy .. and important changeiwere' 'th'e . The plan for ne~t s,easonis to , . cruising, in ,t:h'es e,:'~onde~ful Oll:!timers , 1:00 p.m •. ,Men 65. & over, Social shaved 3, from Bilt Rite with metiio~' of selecting',players ,for hold general practice at th.e club ' G. I ' 'B

bas.kets to start a see-saw battle ' iMarilyn D ~ooghe,.~nnex~d ,in- ,from :Afri~a to the ,W~st.lndles Fencing:. 7'00 p m I G P Sword Club Ie Atlantic 44 H . ,'t y tl1 .•.. schedule' following, the ,Chtlatmas whh:h saw the lead change hands pdovinidtsUal~tChOrIDnglhhoniQ~sRw~th1.12 and nort~wi arhd to fFlOt~id~I'bandtHorizon r.lub 7:00 p'm' c~riIp' fire Girls' Piche's 42 °ilwl.evher,nexthseiasonl e ~aCi1e3 holidays. . . . numerous tl'mes I'n the fI'rst three . .Wl e p ne. onew. cz N:ew,York, n s19-i 00 .sa,I .. oa., .... , .. • De Kuyser ' 40 w c oose e r. payers. on'a ' Tl a committee felt that b eriods, leadmg the losers with 11 POIn.~S."Sop.ran,ino," Who. was' th,..is.'.guy Tuesday~. March 30 ". Cox draw 'systemmuch'after the pat- ' y P ''ste CI b' . 4 00 G' Is' H d ft and Bak"r 39 tel' ;,. d b th Littl Le ' shortening the' schedule it would for runner-up honors., COlumbu~ ... ,.. r ... "...... ". MIDGETMy ry. GIANTu , : p.rri.., Ir . an cra AKUat0 CIub :. 37 B'asebalilcagues,n uSe y e'_.. e... '.'ague k.'"eep "Ie youngs t'ers interest' " at Th. Sta.1 Neek an d Neck To }\Ieet Cham.pions " G'eorg'e' l'ch'ardso'n' l'S t'h'e'Rea'r' ,. - .. . ,BAS- ' Biltmmer ~...... 32 It was agreed :that this 'system' a high, level a'nd wou.. Id' a,ve~ th e ere wa.s never' more than 'a On Sunday,' March 27, th~' Commodore' of .the';'n~w De~~oit .KETBALL BANQUET' 6:30 p'.m'Ri ht~~te 26 would make for more evenly league more time to run' off 'Ii one ptolnt dblffetrl~ncefbetwe.en the Flyers' bid for the City.crown unit. He will be assilited:by Ledge Camera Club' -. '. 8:00 p.m. g berg -- 25 t h d t "'d ' ' d ,two. game '.knockO~t. 'playoff t.wo cams a t mg or e';'lstence ~ut a victory could put St. Paul- MltchelJ,:,Bob' Kuhn;'K.m. Bro)Vn; ;reen'., Queens" ';. 7 00 ------ma c e ' eams' an ' pro uce tournament. to dlmax the sea- m the tourney during thiS tim.e. In, the title game. George :.Carn~an~/ ~n~ George ... ', ,. Wednesd~y, Ki~ch 31 E t S.d S' closer .results, lri\ the' scores, "in-, son. At pre s e n t the pIayciU. Both teams haq lost one ~ame m ,May. Require Draw , . 'Yhite~ead,,~. :~',' \,', ' Tap Dancing Class 4:00p.m. Girls. 6-12 as 1 e port, s~ead' of ,the Iopalded' ...ictories tout:ney Is a one game:~ut the two game knockout. tourna- .Felician Academy and Mt.Reser.vations,for t,he '.J!'eeting NBC's . . ' 6:30 p.m •. Teen. Age Badminton "Gl.rls Vl-CtO I- ,~~~~,~ere sq.apparen~ this past affair. , "." • ,',:' '~" '. '!', ~ent and defe~t meant eUmina- Carmel, both with one. defeat" can' be obtained from Richardson' .' r OUS ' . ,The' coaches and officlals 'Wlio tlOn from the tItle race. " willmeet)ri the other game on by,:;Writtnlf: the ,Grear Lakes.. ,. . . Club ' ,. Schedule Pared Down' were on hand were Jim,Chauin.:. st. Paul surged to a nine point, Sunday at the Center. One will Cruising Club at 535. Grisw.old, ~adm,mton. . 8.00 p.m, Adults East Side Sports swarmed .all : It ~~s alSo. ~greed the length ard, Andy. ,Teetael't. ' Low.:.Giir~ 25 to 16, ie..d early in Ule fourtb. drop from the tournament. If Detroit. 26.'Tariff for ,the meet- :, : Teen Queens . . Iwas held, over the. helpless Metropolitan of the pl~ying,.II~h~d~le, .J?ould della, Ed Bonneau,. George .Heir: quarter and then wasfor.:ed to the,Fly~s lose, the.vi~nner.of ingis ..two p.ucks. Dt~ers:'~!\l. ,:The'Tecn Queens'Club.of the Following are the pairings in Club ina50 to 22'vic~ory last be cu.t-down to!;one.l'9und.of InCk,'all::Co8ches'who'gave"~ siow the game do t lk I thi ill 1 f f th b 1 bl t th B t Cl \;: "'T th Thursday,' 'l'A'arch 18, in the Girls pl!iY lnst~ad of.. the ..present ,two generously, '.of theIr.:-' tiJne: ':to . . . wn 0 a wa n s ,game W . qua 1 y or . e e ~V~I a. ~ .a.~ «;, O!l,' u~: '~"felghborhood Club.learnedsome e tourney: • I m a li dul m th "'A~dl ,., -, .' . ' the fmal two mInute,.s 9f play to ti.tle c9qte.st. O~ t.he..other ,.hand" . "".' .. 'r; '.~. .. "'.. '.: -" " valu'able pointers :":n.'hair styling Girls: Pat. Carrier vs. Janet Basketball playoffs at the Neigh" fOu~, .sc ~,: e "VI. ere ", eteams J~l e the, 'youngstefS:,:'Bernlit tIt St H d 11 h t FI t 111I th Tl D t t Ri P t UJ borhood Club. . meet.e.acl( ot~ef.~,t\VIce,,~y.:.,cut- KoIOchieJ.ld,:heBcl.of:lhe'Farm ;~i~a ~ 'h e WI~ ra y t a a. yer ~lC ory weave. ree; ',le.' .e r~ld' v~r. '~lva eer, Tue';;day night when Mrs Lillian Carlson. Susan Dhooge vS.Bar- "P ,j_ ' ting the:sche,4.ul~"~,one~r,o~d 5Y'Itemi treaaurer Dot'g' Dr2k~, . e sort. y tree pomts, teams 'stI1lcon~ending for the ~oclatl~n e ,Its .annua award ., .• • bara Carrier. ' eppy PepUns~i, Dorothy it would give. the coaches more Fred Runnells; News '~portS"el~;~ I ge an Iant eagues son champion, and that made y g . before every set.. The 'dance is 25, the East Side Sport gals vill! outpost to a' flourishing western ;, Smith; a.senlor at the 'aU-mata M .' Chet Reynauq a trifle miffed. \ N.B.C. Tournament being held in tlie .Neighborhood meet the playoff leading'SL Paul 'city.' '.. I" ',', Ohio college,:re'celved.'tbe~aWUd. ,,' 'nee ys .8t'arted Th~ wr~tel'. hande~ ,~lU~ the Yesterday the first .games of Club Gymnasium; so there is lots Seniors, If East' Side is defeat~d, :. Through research'the boy. and for having e~rned;three ,v,~raIt!r ,. trophIes won last season., Chet the NBC badminton tournament of room, . the championship will be award- girls' compiled intormation 'about l~tt~rs in,; Iwinimin,~' He,: s"'m Playoff Tour Reynaud got ,the Keystone Tro- '," ' cd to St. Paul. However, 'if theY~busines's'eitablishrrients' civic In'''diJ~nc~ .eventa,on"thl&'~a- The post seaSon pl-a-y-o-ff-t-o-u-r-n-am-entsin the Midget and phy for winning the most,D1WA I' I are victorious, the two teams wlIl 'government: .. Colo'ra'do ';state s~n'.; ,Ohio',Co~erenee-winnh1J G' t B k b 11 L . d' regattas,ana he'got.the Thomas . EJ S h IN' meet again on Thursday,. ApriLl. Teache~i2Colleg~; ...arid,irr1iatlon J~~. ":':",,: ' .. ~':.~<:"':.-::~'i h la~CI blet ~ deaguMes gOht u n ~rway'~t th~ Neighbor:- Hardware trophY'!or.-.'annexlng .. ementary C 00 ews .' , ' systems .. The result lathe'.Sep-' t'Hia parents,are.;:W.:and-Mt3 00 u ast on ay, arc 1 6,'WIth favored'I'dctropolitari th~ most'Points"jn-the four, race' , . _ moved to the sunniest spot, and tember la75.issue'o~ the: Greeley, Harold Slnith:'of':225::Me~we~ and Post 303 winning in the Midgets and the.Eagles scoring Summer series. Bobby Roadstrum ----, --. --, -,-. :...._:...._ ...... -1 0;t weekends carefully put' in a' ~ewspa~er'as',lIeen thro~gh;lth~ ther road ... :" .,;. ':'::.,:jl~~'ft; nnupseti~the.GiantLeague.~ '. received the Gregory Marina " RIClIARD.SCHOOL' clothes,closet8 at home" There fde drawer to keep warm. Last eyes'of flfth'gralie',reporten.'", " .. . , ," .. ~;:,...... t.' On Monday, March 16, Metro- Eagles halfway through the sea: Trophy for the Long p~st.a~ce 'In' ,. addition "to celebrating may be some feathers missing. week the seeds sprouted and, "ent . .From' this; pubiication 'wej~ ..rn: 'B' l.c'y'cle':'!'S' a":f' e"4-'i~~~~:'!= politanClub whipped Kiwanis son, dealt the death blow to his Senes and ~imm)' Trude~ woulld Wa~hington's birthday in the At least they are helping kiddies tiny green shoot:' into the ari. that ...75 ..years ago:such'jninlliar.. , ''';, .' ~J.};!,':.~: 25 to 14 behind the sharpshooting former fe a m mat es' when he ha~e been awarded the Morrill usual way, the children of Mrs. to live again American history, Eyeryday the. progress of' ,the things as square dance., were bee: Pr"o'gra' 'm" 'Plann'..,':'e'~' of u:n Carnaghi, who ~ollected pumped in 13 points for scoring Dunn 'Tr~phy for overall cham- Lois Arend's kindergarten at By Clarence Messner, bird. seed garden was a source. ing held, and,there' ..were, bond . ~ . . ,. IJ~ 13 pomts for honors. Lars And£:r- honors. Ken Gutow paced the pionship .lf he ha~ remembered Richard School sharpened up' Principal. of wonder and learning for the issues .for.schooli.'." , "., ' .',., ~ ."-:,:1':';":;':'; son notched 6101' the losers, who losers with 7 points. to bring It to !he.~m,ner. some .large' feathers and made class. Now they hav~' come to .. Greeley'''' had. <;lts', ~ommunitv'.' The Grolle: ::,fo,int~',::~6l:ie,:e mad~ a game or it for the first The score was 'tied at 8-all at I gues~ Ju:nmy ~~rgot this quill pens. Then all who could MASON SCHOOL realize the limitations of 'rowth th t i hi li 1- ., Chiefs are lr .d~""'f ula"r...: t.wo'periods by hold.lng' the fa.vor- the 'end 'o-.the"first quarter':'and be~utift4 silver. m~g I.or' a r«!J!so.~,•. 'w"lte".:"theI'r 'na"m-es sa't'.'down' at' ii' g ea re" n."W..,~~~';PUlYS'o~ I~al! . ,. . ._a e ¥ ..' ~rm ,.~, '. Yo ~~Cl h d t ~ J' :Roy R 0 g e r s Gene Autry power n, b I'd seed, and the lack talent were. preseq,ted;'_The pre». pl~rlS to:turther ~th!:,~~i:Ycll,.,.~!&te- l~es to 7 poInts YJh.11e CQl1~CtIDga !lB, to 114~in,th~Eagles .favor,at, ..•~ ~~e ~ was, suppose Yo Q~,fe~,,a/.Uttle deslo" and,.with :quill pen h ' , of nutrif7Ilts..1n;,a ,sponge" foe., tJte, lem"of tax monlty ..for'Clrrigstion; lJy ,~o,\'CeJt.lent :program.-fl ...,..,~:! ll~e number of po~nts. The defeat 1he" half tiine."The:Celtics ' held a' cel,e. . he .troph~ at the,,~'ortl1 'in~'hand,' using that speed and ~ eY'fe ~~ll t~l~re. Itlis round-up ga~~en1 sprouts, having re.ached. was fully', aired,. '... ..: ; , " ' ': ;..-Park~~oUce ..Chi'ef'kthu;~_ That ebminated Kiwams from the one one' point 22 to 21 margill going Chann.e,I, du~ner In' Januarr ,b~tleP.ibility attained by five year i ayc nb e DO corra, ki is, it thelr maximum growth of about ,; .The' most's' e'n'.ou's matter'o' all' , .wers...,announc. ed ....th.a.t'...1h.L ..c:bi.~s game knockout tourney. , into the 'fffinal .,period. '.. His'crewhe .wa~n tacceptedon han~It toat thataccepttime,~t. "olds." each_. 'spelled ..'out hl's flJ"st tenss owof Mrs.oy ayMaryin theRea andndergar-Miss an inch, are: lid0: y. ying. , how~ver,.;~s ..',tli,e, swarrils• of 'w~llmeet:in the.Park,~~clPJl,.... "4 Lions Beat Optimists Th e d1 ere."1ce came lh the fUl'ert it 'th' h m .' "d 't :name. , . . Cleva Ko h W'th 11 th g ssh 'th • d . ded 111. .Builclinl7 on ""-l~ay M -""19 -4-loU . loulline.'The'CclUcs'failed'.15 "'~' .Wl C a pagne-.an~p'u .. " ., ..... ,.... . C. 1 a eycung A , '". ra oppers, a, eacen ~e .. Po ...... ~J.\4 ;. ,au,ur; a' .On dthe sOamt~~Igth t tthegLiTOns,timeS:: in 20' attemptS ~'whiltl. die ltinhe~o~~,~f..a g!!l!on' D~, tl~~;~p':t,k.rJ.nti~chof the tour }dnc!ergarten admirers of the wild west tradi- t. i Saf;jy, taravan has been' a, ~l0':ld Il?d de~~ur~ .~~rygi-een '~ill.c,~ the pr~~c~ ..~,:'., ;c:'~\\:' t r!ppe up p Im,IS 2 2 0 " om 'Engles caShed: it{i on' 14 of 2+' g-st ••,m on 'JImmy:s bi1t:'.;!~..:...... ~ sec unS' of Mrs','Lois.Arends and tio'n drc\>sed up as cowboys and our ng ern er School. Creat~d: ;leaf \1~fslgh~;.iThl! ~people" of ',;~,' '. .. . , " ':;';,1/.( Pme led the wmners wlth 14 'ch it th . : " . ~ ! .. : Tbe:'~riter receh:,ed .his own ,Miss ,Sydney\ Snell the 100 kid- cowgirls with guns and holsters by the boys an~, ~irls in Mfs, Gre~ley:!ought '~hls.plague 'with ,.~tl~ a,n.oUC!ea~~~fact,tbat.Jti.anr points and Frank Cherry. notched ar;~. ~o~~~)« 'W:ina. Toy MemoriaIT,rophy:~:" lead in the first. period and held .Christo paced the winners with' Those g\lYS sail that way too. . worked! together to find answers wrote to Mrs. Mary Rea "To the cidents not only. 01, the street ~, " , . a 16 to 10 margin at halftime. 16 points and Dick Dilloway led • • • to history questions. This is the Forelady o~ Bar M. R. Ranch, •• and .playground, but in' the F 'th L. the '. -, T ....., .~,:';.,:;': Rotary fought back gamely and the losers with ID. " Next Saturday, March 27, the first kind of homework for the Sllould he bring his hoss?" school and h.om:a: well.: ' Ana1ne'x"e:U.Cehra~m[Jlp''l.O.e.na.•m, h'I.P., ;0LA S's'~,~iou.V~:~::.\. , trailed 24 to 22 going into the last Six boys from each team shared Bayview, Lightning Fleet will elementary school child, , The culmination of the activity Ktii i stanza, which saw the score in the scoring. hold it~ annual dinner at Bay- • .• • was a program presented for the ,The circus Is coming to Vel'- . . j-' JALO U'S.'II! ~ knotted twice at 24-a11 and 26-a11 ------view. Warren Jones is the guy The 'classroom bulletin boards mothers and younger brothers nier School! Wild anlmab and The'JLinior'buketblu team 'of , " ' .... ':' before. Post 303 gained'its win- Pvt. Hany M~ Sisson, Jr. to contac.t!or.r~s.erv.ntl~ns •. '. were all decorated up for the oc- and sisters. At the program the graceful tumblers have. been Faith Luther. an Church, Eas't Yef-, ;,WINDOWS " ..,I:DOOIS:: g b d i 1 seen in Miss' Louise Allen's first ". . " ,. ning margin. Now at Fort Hood, Tex. Ira Fulmor f th' T' ' 'f' casion' of honoring Lincoln on yo1un d cow doyslis.an d'.cowg I' s grade room. The, boys and girls, ferson at PhiUp',',won. the "A" . 'For Modem. t'Lly' '••n'-:g'~. Tom : KolodzieJ'ski p:lced the CrUising' . Clubeo. WIlle ber~~~pIJCIm townIC ~eb. 12 and the first president on pb aye tillrecor ,s, tened t to cow-bare makin'g large animals whic,h di,visi'0, n ,cham,pl,on.'-hip _in,th,e E..;t 7:' , : ' -':. .. -' '." . '.::',. , winners with 14 points and Dave F T Feb. 22, Patriotic and colorful oy s or es, ga ope 0 cow oy l' .... Ayrault of 303 and Dave Temple- H OR M HSC?OD,Texas.-Private ~ith the pictures ~f the: 1954 drawings and posters were to be rhythms, and'perf~rmed cowboy they will mount in big floor-to- Side Lutheran'Ballketbatl Lea~e ,~' JAIO'USIEL; .',, ton of Rlltary tied for runner-up a:J~rs: H~~~n~rs;soo~ a:f ~hono~ulu race and wl1l stage two found everywhere Pupils made acts. The program was attended ceiling ~all. cages~. on March 16 '. '., , ' , ...' ' .. .. '.::" . honors with 1D points cacho Grosse. Pointe boulevard, Grosse s. owmgs.;,f t~e31filmsd aAt Bill!y- paper flags and 'learned much by approximately 25 mothers, • They h~ve been learning how :In the, fi~al' :pl~1-otts' ': Faith ;WINJ?C)W<~:,DOOR'~CO. . F . IVrlaewwor~Itearc ~ t : an, PI', l~apout' .their country's happy and - . ( . to tumble during gym,' and dur- .' ,... ' '. '. . . '20' t 8' 7' :",1',' LA" l. '~":...;~ Binest upset P omte arms, Mich., has arrived . s ~at: he~e films ,a..re successful experiences of long ago. VERNIER SCHOOL ing music have'organlzed a dr- :be~t Fi~t:~ngllsi by ~; score ~~".!V!~c~;, ye~..~~.:', The biggest upset of the sea- at this military installation from the best ~ver ~ade.~f ~he'clas~le;: Children and,teacher planned the Valentine's Day didn'tpasscus rhythm' band •. They hope.to, 48-3jJ.in the',gym of,Our;Saviout' I, "TUxedo 2-6606 ~-::, son in the Giant League oc Fort F..nox, Kentucky, for assign- ,--1----' ,'. j t l' It'd f hUd i perfect sev~r.al 'tumbling' stun.ts ','Lutheran'Churc. ,,'ii. The team.. ',con'';. . O,..:Sulufllyl' 12 to:!:--- m.',.;,.h~. ed when the Eagles wha'cked- ment to the First Armored Di- Mrs Ke.':n'n"et~ H' , M"a"L :.;. pro eG s coopera Ive y. unno lce or many c ren n d B ei us ng so n "nd then I Th .. , :"'- cdownurl" the Celtics 30 to 25. vision.. ,.. n, ...• , ~ ean 'They repeated the 'cherry tr~e hospita~ this year. The second an rc.. so 0.. . sists of the ..following, playe1'll: I" un. an.. rI. tllI,'o ',"'.,' i:::. Private Sisson. entered ,the Attends CWY'Workshop. story :andwere thus encourageH and third graders at Vernier they. will tnvitethe other grades 'Bob Heiss, '.;'Dick ,Goeu, ,Bill ' The Celtics were a t.op-heavy, Army in 'September" 1il53, and ' _ ' toward practicing good 'citizen- School made tray favors for the to VISit their circus. • Hardtke, . Lee' n-ndall, Milton , . 't . .' .;, ; '-:r ~ ;' J favorite to go all the way in the took basic training at Fort Knox Mrs. Kenneth H. MacLean, of "ship. They drew their own cherry Junior Red Cross to .distribute .. MASO.-N SCIIOOL', Schultz, . Jack 'Mogk, : Gerald ,Buy.your ./,::: . pla~'C!ff tourney because of their l{e was graduated from Gross~ 'Rivard boulevard, vice':.president tree and hatchet and thus had art to the wards. in Detroit hospitals. Durie, Gary Medbury,' Jim SAw- performance during the regular Pointe High School in 1949 and of Kappa Alpha' Theta Detroit experiences. The~ gave the Smiling, up from ~OO luc;~y trays "Swarms of grasshoppers ap-yer, and Bill Tupy. Jim Peters NEW FORD' :', .' • • I'" schedule. The Celtics dropped Lawrence College in 1953. Alumnae,' ioined members of the pledge of alleg!ance t~ their coun- was a red-and-whlte comIC heart. pro aching." If this news sounds waS the coach,. with Ray Hardtke only one ball game in 12 starts. In joining the, First Armored group t.o 'Spend 'a_ day last week try and marched about flags in face Valentine. mounted. on " a a bit strange it is because. it Is as' assistanL' .,',..., ! ': '.. ': ".'~~m, : ,'<' ,/:;, Four times the score was tied Division, Private Sisson becomes in the. College, Women's Volun~ h:md, ,to famillar tunes.' stick 4 of. peppermint, chewing ~ated September 1875. T~e plac~ On March 27;the:teaIn w1ll;lir- nnd the lead changed hands a member of an outfit famed for teer .Works~op'"'1or instruction in • • • gum., IS Greeley, Colorado. Greeley is 'Ucipate' in a' basketball tOurna- ' ,".Dick,;,Warn~,rl:~~

eleven times before lhe Eagles, its action against the enemy in makmgtoysfromscrapmate#als. It was whnehonoring the great • • • atownwhich'w~.stpeoutgrow~h ,ment;at'ValpilrilIio University .at ,I. ~.~'::. the most improv~dteam in the Africa a~ Italy during the Sec- Kappa Alpha Theta is one of American hero that Master Boyn- Ver:nier School was visited by of ~ .idea of a great AmerIcan Valparaiso Indiana." ., . L league, dumped the Celtics from ond World War. The, "Old Iron- ,~}1e 65 :l:oll~ge and sorority' nl- ton Bliss, one of the children, the photographer several weelcs newspaperman, Horace Greeley, ' , , , . Adam.Slm~,,'I~e_: :~/~ .-. ------~.'! the championship tourney. , sides" Division is now. engaged umnae. poups affillate~ with saw an historical' use for the ago. He took Individual pictures ~~~~a:n~;' t~~e:~~;c~~~~a~e,r:~~ . EXAMPLE COUNTS YA,l.100G. Res. TU 1~5251~ Lewandowski Stars in intensive training as a combat- CWVS 10 a. large varIety of large green. feather I'n a hat in of ..all' the ,childre~ and group i t th h di pictu es of ea h grad N th empllfied his Idea, "Go West In religionlUsn'tso'much what . Prompt, Cou~1 Jerry Lewandowski, formerly ready armored, force at its vast serv ~es 0 ';. an capped, .the the kindergarten doll house. He l' d i c,' e. ow e young man'.". ' . yo" believe., the .way you' lIve, ~rvia(:~: aged the hO....ltali cd a d th finishe . p ctures have arrived ...... •.- .I of the Celtics but traded to the Central Texas home, ,".. z, n 0 ers had made good on instructions to As part of their social studies, that counts:' : .' in the community. talk history at h 0 me and his and all the boys and ,glrls arc Mrs. Francis Steele~ of Maple~ father had told him all 'about busy trading picturllS, and mak- .. ...~ ,... ton road is placement chairman Washington;. He said to Mrs. ing photograph albums of all •' "t"':' " and vice-president' of CWVS. Arends, "Let's play George Wash- their friends.. • • .' L' "" .. She, requests that women with ington and make a. quill of the .. , __ -4 •. A garden in a sponge. That has 'one year of college training in:' feather and do lome, writing." . : .• ' :,ll been the pride and joy o~ the Ii.U Ie K terested In volunteer' Wurk con- TURNER , I • - .. ::;, tact the.CWVS office in East Seeing the possibility for an in- boys and girls in Miss Dona Lee mCORP,OMTED • . ~ .. '. ~J FerrY, avenue, Tuesday through terestirig historical lesson, Mrs. Davenport's third grade at Ver- " --..... '. , ------.~ ' Friday, ...... ' ' ,Arends complied, and so like our nier School. Several 'weeks ago ______hero write they did.' . they placed a pink sponge in a Matinee Musical, to M~et " Excitement and interest rose to large soup bowL Then t~ey care- , .. co,J;aI4 /nulled.,Iou.ahJv~u;l';;eiJh,'::~,,',::i;-;i. a high level. Youngsters wondered fully sprinkled ordinary bird A whole.ne~ In. Brown Home on April I where they could get more fea- seed on the sponge, and kept it "lodeelt~ te~~[{lul: ... .. :>::'. thers, with the result that "the constantly watered, . Matin~e .'Musical wiil meet at school grounds were scoured for Each day the garden was the lost ,plumage' of th'e }Uchard the hom~. of' ~.' F,. M. Brown, I: ... : Driving. World. ow ... 256 Hamilton court Grosse Pointe pigeon 'populaUon •. Mothers 'of . , . ,FarmS,' Th\lrsday, April' 1, at the kindergartners in ig h t well . See a~ He~r .- ., STROMBERG.CARLSON ., 11:30, a~m.,';'.. . look ,too, to. their hilt racks an . ~ ...0,., .. I; , ' ope.ns ,up ..• . CUSTOM "400" 1954-':8;U:'1CIf ~.1..:.;1'.. Typewti~ers:~Addil1g' Machines . '""'...... !",: . ',: " when you see r-HI~FI-. n~~. o~:'!;j~f~;)n':"~u~";IJLOlfl~Oin' ~, .~ ..i , ,.'OHice' ,Equipment I- Eq~ipment--l , l . • ~, • ~"'~..';:'!~:~ ..~SALES. ..,:i..' .- SERVICE.;";'~ '. RENTALS...... ' .... yAlley '1-5400: ",15.l03. K•. Kotcher';'O Id sm.o'bil~'... TU. 1-7130 C. A. Nulling Co. '. ~h~y~I'.lve~,~~:::j. Eltabllshec1.1l1U ;.:. Ii,'. . ., ,_~..:':.' :.~ro~e Pointe' ...;;:!<:.. ~,~': ";,:16749 HARPER 6412 .. Jlff.non' LO. 7.5500 , ....' \ ',.' . . . TU." 1.6600 . ~ '. .. ~: . ; ..... ~•• 'tt~ .,'~.~ :~ '15554 E. Warren, at Somerset at,B~op Parldn. In Rear . ,to' . ,

'.... I' ..~ , l , ~.• ~;:: -':;-~:;l;ii~-~"~~.~i ~~~~~.-~;-'.\..~~~"-.~~-:'!~...... :'t't:.~:.,:;.~},~;..-~J .;~ ,~~;~"';~~~~~~~~~-::.; ..~~;.,:~~:: ...7;,~~~::~~.:.:~.:-;t:.":.;;':'':;;~~~;.: ..'".~~:';"~~';'~-:;~"or --:':.~;':L:.:':':"'~~"'~~~~~~"~t~~~i~-.., ,..c,.+"""~-'?~"'-1"~""l'-.~~l~~r.--;.~

• " _ '.. .. ._ o. '" .,. ,. .. -. •• ' •• __ I' ".;' f ' •• , .~ .• --' _ •• t' t"~ ~'i " ~.. \ _ ;., ~.~' ' _•• - " " '.,' ••. 0 ~..__ '.,. ~T.. '.'.,' ~ .,.~ , _.. .,. ,' •• .; '",,' ,., _ oo '_ 0,,,, ••• " ,4 ~ '.... '. " t •..... ,'..... '. .' 0" '., ", ' 1 4 , ...... • ,r t... ." ..,...... ,......

Thursday, M Page Eighteen ., G ROSS,EPOI NT.E NEWS

. •. - CI 13--REAL ESTA' I HAVE SEVE!lJ' ant, lake. and USITHI '!EIQI,r.r farms. and horn acreages. C a l' Realty, 14 miles -- ,ton. 1 Mile We cett Road, FentJ YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGE&> . 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly DEADLINE 5 P.M. TUESDAY I , CALL TUxedo 2-6900. '13A-Land Coni 1-HELP WANTED 5-SITU.ATIONS WANTED 68-Blisiness Space 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE B-ARTICLES FOR SA~E 1ZA":"BOATS FOR SALE I~EAL ESTATE (Male. and Female) I, • A QUICK F. Y CLASSIFIED RATES pUNG GmL, with college cer- OFFICE, 1 room; Kercheval and EXPENSIVE. davenport, like new, FRUIT FREEZER for sale, 12 18 FOOT Modified Seagall, fiber anne parker' offers: Grosse Pointe . M'Y CO~CT- WANTED at once, experienced . tificate in secretarial' sciencc,' Notre .Damei inquire. at 672 . brocaded. material, .rose and cu. foot upright, made. by glass' covered mahogany hull, \ Farms, on a delightful dead- Cash Ads-IS Y

.,I ~, t' \ . \ ',;. _ _ ...... __ -- ,~_. ~._-~ '.- ~... -- ..~-_ ----.....:: _...4. _ ...... _ • . t , •••• ,., ••• t ,1 .~ .... • .... - .. •• d +.; •• ctttb.&* •• bd . . Thursday, M.arch 25, 1954 GROS_SE P91,NTE NEWS Page Ninete.n Irch 25, 1954 l - 21~Rug Cleaning 21i-WoliWashing 215-Cftrpenter Wan, . Headlines of Week prevent any undo public: alinn, RUGS, tackedc:arpet".nd fuinl. WALL WASHINGandpaintlng. cARPENTER: repair' and special. , ' . . t.... '. the FBI revealed, that it h,u 'Classified-s' ture:cleaner.. .,H6IDe' service. ,We1lrecommended.,',Rlibt'ize in'remodellzation"Reuon- Un' . , .' d D' warned all police ag~ncies to De 13-RE"AL ESTATE \. " I21A-GENERAL SERVICES, 'Satisfaction' go' aranteed.' Free, price. TUxedo. 1-3870. ::, abli!;'ASkfor Bob,PRe 7-6224.' (Con~ ued frOID Pare 1), The newsmen are Donal Ixon on the loot-out for atomic, bomb , , . " ,'; before thb full overnment 0 cr- ~f the Inter~ational News Serv- smugglers. The Burellu Informed I HAVE SEVERA~. PllrcelS vac- SINKS, 'sewers and:, conductors \'cstimate. 'Call: .. ::, 'WALL'washlng'and~pilp'er clean- CARPENTER"REPAmS"'d " t' " ..'.~' 'i .1,. , ,,'. - P., Jce and Richard Applegate of the 'th .. r -- ~i s' that it is RE-NU CARPET CLEANERS " , , ,:. oors, ~lona ..comm ttee. " ' National Broadcasting 'company. ' e po )~e agen e ant, lake, and rlver .property; cleantid; electricall)',. results or ing, 20.years experience. VA. locks,.sash'col'ds"brokenfurni- •.....Hea.ddedthat if the Republic- . B th' 1 'i now pOSSIble to smuggle compact farms. and homes wlth small no charge. VAlley 4-6890. ; " VAlley:l-8085.. . 2-2~22.: , . 'ture repa4'~:EDge\Vate~:lf4~7~ 'lmlt'inSlst that McCarthy act as, 0 wc:re o~ a P/asl!r~Clrui:~ atomic sabotage b.o~bs into the acreages. Call a h an )!'arm. . , '.' . 1 ----..,.....-;....,....--- <, . . " '. '. . , ,,' ,- a year ago an ~e e selz w United Sta~es. ,It said that these Realty, 14 miles north of Brigh-Music' i, .BEST . CA~PET Cl'~ANERS. 2'1. 'Wi' 'd' ." W. • hi" CARPENTER, WORK, .•all. types; accusingwitness,_prosecutor. !lnd ,Merchant Marme Capt. Ben b '-- Id be hi Ided b ..-, n ow as nl) " 'of repairs, alterations; moderni- judge, he' will ,ask that .tht! hear- 'Krasner and three Chinese, and rmtl cou tal s de th b; ton •. 1 Mile West to 1499 Fau- , ' '.M. TUESDAY cett Road, Fenton 5805. ' G'" DY"'NG "WIND0W.'CLEANING < zation, the best for less~.TUx- ings'be. heard' by the Se~ate charged. with engaging in an pas c dO~ c:~e b~' ere_. mGll FIDELITY ,music systems CLEANIN edo 2-2795;. .," '. . Atme4 Services Committe~. Me- illegal occupation. estcape- e e lon y elger coun 13A-Land Contracts,. made to order'torthe home or REPAIR'ING.' . ,WALL\VASHING' ' ------Carthyand Ray Cohn are said to . - ' •• • ers. _ TATE . business . office. Commercial , ,..' ...., '. . 21t--Drelsmaking ,'~ .' :,', have ,sought special treatmenffor Monday. JUarc:h %2 This smuggling problem is ':A.: QUICK FAIR DeAL . killers' available •. TWinbrook t3ROMPT H'OME' SERVICE '~erviCe onSereens ~Ind Sto~s ....I--~-:------.;.-.~---..;-- Schine ,,' SENA'fOR McCARTHY came 1 . g th e United' Stat- 'crs: Grosse Pointe ANY CONTRACT-ANY 'AMOUNT.' .' 3-49_95. ~• ,- , ~. 8rid .w~shing expertlv done CUSTOM DRESSMAKING coats,. " .•, ...' ... up with a new angle in his fight ~~rchnhas an inadequate borde~ delighUul de::d- LOW DISCOUNT . . '. JREEINESSUR'J;IMAED~S '. ~ Basement Painting • . . 'suits, : dresses,: evening. gowns, PRESIDENT EISENHOWER wlt~theArmy: H~ insisted that patroL J. Edgar Hoover, head ,:e house with the CASH AT ONCE.' . . 2~b-W:atch Repairinq . .. alterationa.expertly done. TUx. fonnally:endorsed his, Adminis- he and other wItnesses submit to of the Bureau stated that the sUe look. 4 bed- Open II •• rr~ - 1 D.m. AlIa Sunday TU. 2-6556 E. G~GE&'SON; edo 2-3570. '.... tration's ,first 'major power, and lie, deteCtor tests during the ::)en- announcement ~f the smuggling 8811l'otacJc Ave" WA. 1.082'l H. ..ths. 2-cal", extras, lolcLAII'-" MORTGAGE & REALTY CO . ~ERT WATCH ,and clock I ~...;.---_ TUx.!do '4.0136 '. . . . irrigation. project, a $930,343,,000 ate Investigation, Subcommittee's was' authorized by President ..:ood cash ••• also repairing. Pro m !' tservice. 21..-ralnt and' Decoratel::-:~~~ ...... --~-""';-:"""'; ALTERATIONS and' remodellrig, development of the Upper Color- Inquiry,ofthe row. He. stated that Eisenhower; the National 8ecur- (, City, a good in- A $1,000 TO A MilLION . Reasonable pric~ Bra die y RUSS' WINDOW aJidwallelean. a specialty. Will. call for .and ado River;.:Speelflcal1y Inr:luaed he has complete faIth in the ity Council and the Atomic En- lse. 5 rooms with ANY. t;ONTRACT-ANYWUEIiI!: Jewelers. 20926 Mack atHamp- PAINTING anddecoratlng, wall . -ers. ED. 1-6678; . \ deliver to suit your conven- in the project is.the controvet$ial scientific ..accuracy of the. lie de: ergy Com~ssion,_ :II, $13,500. ~ 2~ - 5 - 1~ - 10 - 12 - 15.- 20 ~ to TU ed 29309' . , ~--=~~~~.;.;...---- ience. LA. 7-3102. Colorado-Utah border,'. Echo tector and that he will recom. .' TU. 1-3188 LOW DISCOUNT-cASH 2. HOURS n. x .0' ~. " washing, quick' service. Herbert 21m--Telnision';Repalrs. \ Park Dam" which' conservation mend its use. He' repeated his .• ,. • , Deal Witb .• ~eputabl. firm. !!:It. lince W a lt e 1m. ' WATCH ' &' JEWELRY. REPAIR '2 _2 8 O11199ts:, AshlancLVAlley AMERICAN ':A''.N'TENNA"& NOTED f'ashi on d'eSlgner, expe rt" g;oupS'~, "have"oppose . d'..O:,because. ch"arges ' th at th e Army t t1'ed .0,t. POLICE '.In J opl'In, ~r4UO.,rus hed' CLAIMS Call John Quinlan. VA, 2.0700 and Special Orders ' .:.' '. .' .~. ' . craftsmanship, fashion academy they claimed. it would flood out blackmaiJhlm and RayCohn, his post haste to a Joplln address OPEN II .A.M. - 8 P.M. .PAINTING . and decorating,' 20 ' . RECEIVElt.COMPAN'(, graduate. Vo g u e' advertizer, portlonsol Dinosaur'N a tio na 1 chler"counsel; into calling oft their after receiving an emergency call :d. sound, Diamond and Jewelry. Appraiser years' experierrce, excellent ref,: 15633 .MACK ~AVENUE;" 'sale . of' sample coat. TYler Monument' .Fark .and. 'destroy inquIry pf .c.harges the' Army Is from a six-year-old boy. When: DETROIT HOND & MORTGAGE icntious! . FRED L. SHERWOOD, ' erences; ,als~.' spray paintine! Radio and TV ~epair '.., 7-3198. 'much of the area's scenic beauty. coddling Communists. the law arrived it was discovered, 149« 'Eo Jefterson Gros.. Pointe TU. 2-7180 Winter 'Prices now hi' effect. Antenna 'Sales and Installation I--:----.--~-----:- . ;. .• '.,. • •.. .', . Earlier. Senator' Ferguson CR., thatl. the six.year:-old's mother: ESTATE . • Wgewater 1~1958. TUxedo 5~7176'" , 'DRESSMAKING,alterationil, re- MAO TSE-TUNG, China's Red Mich.' chairman of. the Senate was cutting a switch in the back. ,VICE 19-PETS • ------A-I Palntms ana .Paperhang!n" . .' .. . .. ,. modeling; suits, dresses. coats, Leader"and'the Iridia'RedCross, Republican 'Policy. Committee. yard to chastise the youngster: • 21c-:'Electrical.Service Basement sprayed ,. 21n-Moving and~!Jrtage etc. SpeclBlize in all types of were:'asked,bythe'Forelgn.Cor: said he thinks McCarthy should for something he had done. . :~tisfies! BOXER puppies, AKC registered. r Ie Specialists ------'- Outside Estimates Fre. .TRAVEL'ERS'T'RA"N. SFER' bridalwork ... VAlley2-786~'.-;' responderitsClubofTo~o;tore- step down completelY. from the It was all serious business to: 22168 Moross, TUxedo 1.4914, VACUUMS REPAIRED' Stonn windows and 1.;...---'-----.-;..--- lease two American'pewtmen.im- subcommittee during its investi- the little lad. He told a pollc.' , Moore, Inc. after 6, , , scree". SERVICE' 21 u-Plumblnq '& .Heatln,' .. , prIsoned' by Chinese Communists. gation. ,. sergeant that his mother taughf All makes, also ftoor and table.- Skllled colored ,work"';" B h d ------..,...... ;-'-- --- . --- . . ...-;..--- •.. • • him to,. ca11 th'e poUce whenever: :'olack at Renaud TOY COLLIE. Shetland sheep lamps and' fluorescent. fixtures. ~. eec. er' an Vernor ' PLUMBING REPAIRS, , 21z-Landscaping.. . INFORMED SOURCES dis- he was In trouble. dog, pups, 6. months old, AKC, , . City-wide' references - LUzon 1-1886 ',' : R 'd t' 1 I'dn ut'als d ':nb!!r tri.color. MUlberry 9-1540. Reb~ilt Hoovers, $9.95. to.' $42.95. ED 10182 . WA 355 9 eS,1e.n l a 'm'.e rci a l,r.lan "~PR!N' G ,.C.L'EAN-.UP. closed that Canada is seriously • '. • Brokers Assoc. . . - . 'or, ('. - . 6. Baggage moving iUld cartage. . ~..o m . considering '.the recognition' ot :FOR SALE, registered American 'HARPER VACUUM ERNEST A. BOCK' . 7~r>ayService. JOSEPH. P;' KROPF;.INC~ , - SEEDING Red' China and supporting it fpr 'Wednesday, l\larc:~ U. , Aulh. 'Eureka, Hoover, Lew-It -, ' "Satisfied Customers Are 'Steady 17425 Mack Avenue ..' UN membership. Barring some IN A MAJOR 'SHAKEUP. five' House at Howell, saddle' bred riding horses, a mare and stalli~m, perfectly Painter and' deco!ator;: ..Quality Customers." TU. 5-8091 and TU. 4-0863. ' TOP DRESSING new act of aggression, Canada is employe, of the State, Highway: t off Grand River SALES AND SERVICE. and color matching, the ffnest! Serving Detroit for'30'years. expected to folloW Great Britajn Right.or-Way Division, were: :irooms, all mod- matched, no" reasonable offer NEW - REBUILTS':- PARTS SerV~d Grosse Pointe homes, for. 21p-:.Furniture Repairs ------FERTILIZING in Ule recognition of the Mao transferred out of the depart- n. full basement, refused. Mr. O'Halr, VAlley re of land with a 2-7451. 15851 ,HarPer': TU. 1-1122 10 years. FURNITURE REPAIR. Refinish- 21 x-Garage & Modernilation Tse Tung' regime as, the de facto ment. The shakeup resulted from I'w. de at h of C:pcn 10-7 Daily . , .' lng, reupholsterlne, springsre~ ROLtlNG government of ',China. ' ,the recent land scandals. High- 21-Services Friday to 9 p. m,' 20685 Woodmont TUxedo 1-6905 .tied. ~tiques '. Ii specialty .. SPEC~ZING . In recreation Canada was ,on the point of way Commissioner Charles. M. es widow to sell, (Builder Supplies) P!ck-,.up an'" deliverY•.• Duall, rooms, porches,' kitchens, and TREE SP'RAYING doing ,so '.when the .Communist Ziegler said that James M. Kane, onsible party, Mr. DONAtO BLISS . l" repairs. 25' ye'ars' experience. F. '. Chinese intervened in Korea,. In was ousted as director and that . LAkeview 1-8249." • 5 A TU d ' . ')' 2. i451. FILL SAND, crushed stones, 50. ELECTRICAL WIRING AND 'Decora tor to .. mour. _xe 02-8324. 'AND PRUNING.. Washington,' the., possibility. of three of his'legal aids and one 50 sand, sharp sand, 60-40 . REPAIRING, ExterIor Interior 21q..:.PlasterJng' , Canada. recognizing' Red China, abstract examiner were trana. LLS. farm ranch, gravel, PH.' 5-1191. By licensed electrician. Bells, Free Estimates 21 v-Piano Service' New' Home lllndscilpin, g was received with chilly recep- ferred to the' attorney general's edrooms, 3 baths, Chiines,F i x t u r lis, Sockets, 30 Years In G.P. PERFECT REPAIRIN,G, ceilingS, PIANOS TUNED,' cleaned, 'moth. tion. ' office. '.The transfers, Ziegler 21 A-GENERAL SERVICES o feet by 1-1 feet Thermostats, he a ti it g,and hot '. TU. 1-7050 I cracks,' can' ma~h .antiques. • '.. d' . i 5 ti f Monthly Mlli';tenll~ce • • • said, were approved by Att. Gen •. Satisfaction fully' :quai'anteed. pro04eU an repa red a s ae. Tu";'day, l\la-h "3 t:'rank G. Ml'llard 'and the Civil al)'. finished rec- water controls. Wiring for attics, I tion . guaranteed.' Reasonable with bar, 3 fire- YEN ETlAN BINDS ~~=~~---.;..,-.:...... -- I I' .....~ .. '" basements, wall plugs, recreation PAINTING: d e cora ting; wall VAlley 2-2944. . . 4ra45telSe.5, elbert, Edgewater.; 1. C'a ",F e'nl) I. n9 ,QUIETLY. and in a. way to Service Department. large plastered rooms, garages. Lock repairing papering. SPECIAL win tel 21 ,.. 't W k ' ld-rubbed birch WINDOW SHADES and key service. Small jobswel- priceS NOW~ Call bnmediately. . r-~em.n or. _ .roughout. 2 acres come, work myself. AAMES, VAlley 1-7685. BRICK, stone and cement work, COMPLETE FIANO SERVIC&:- . Londscoping Service . tf~d on sparkling LA. 7-2547. ' PAINTER needS wol1t; interior new and repairs, Arthur De- Tuning. repairing, refin1s1i1na ' TU.I-6950 • PORCH SHADES A~G. MARX. ~O.. er with Franklin and exterior. Reliable, neat . Roo. TUxedo. 1-2450.~ . and mothproofing; W AI nut 'cs: spanking new ASPHALT SLATE TILE for occupancy, CORNICE BOARDS 21e-Custom Cor$ats decorator. Also A-I wall wash. ALL. BRICK REPAIR'ING .1-2025. Plar,e your order early. LAWN AND GARDEN Ing. VAlley 4-7808.• am builder, May- Complete Repair Service SP~NCER (;ORSETS Basement Waterproofing, 21Z-LANDSCAPING. SERVICE . ROOF REPAIRS " .... Cleanin~, . Repairinl FOR YOUR winter cleaning and Licensed and Insured. N J COOLS Reconditioning indivIdually designed, 11 g h t - decorating, cab TUxedo 1-4521. Manuel Marchese. For Complete . .' . RE-ROOFING . SHEET METAL WORK RlSH. 1158 York- weight foundations and surgi- . Free estimates.' LANDSCAPING 'and LA •• 7-5565 Builder - owned ESQUIRE SHADE CO. cal garments. Over 21 years LA. 6-9300 . 1------TIN OR;COPPERSKYLIGHTS GUmR 'CONDUCTORS . 4 bedrm. colonial, 15133 Gratlol experience. Maude - Bannert, . ,Pointing 8nd Decoreting . ---"------...:.-- LAWN CUTTING. . GARDEN AND LAWN. ARTHUR G. MARX Estab. 19U . da room, Crosley 368 McKinley, GrosRe Pointe, Best of GrossI Pointe Refer.nces BRICK and cement repair work, 'call . MAINTE~ANCE summer air con- Op~n Friday Until "9 P. M. TUxedo 5 4027 or 'TOwnsend 35,vears experie, nce, references. 8106 Mack Avenae • Interior .• Exterior :( PHILIP TROMBLEY & SON .WAlnul.1-4330 . t. completely car- LA 1 151" LA. 1 1516 7-4312. ' Fre.' "'-t/mates 'Julius Beels, carrier Somerset ,HOWARD, PROBST. Ies. finished base- " JI • 1______= ,and Brunswick. ,TUxedo 5-7037. TU,4--1927 DR"I-0515 'prinkling system; WALL WASHING, painting, and fi JOHN R. FORTIER PR. 7.3551 LA I 6896 special features. evestroughs cleaned, VA. 1-4127 21 g-Roo ng ALL ERICK repairing, basement ' , • waterproofing, licensed and in. COMPLETE . bat terms. Call 1------'------II CUSTOM MADE belts. buckles, HOME OWNERS I Call TUxedo GEORGE S, DALLY sured, Man'uel. Marchese, LA. I --S-P-R-'-N-G-C-L-E-A-N---U-P-- Fireplace Chimneys do 5-66i5. buttons, button holes and hem. 1-8170 for gutter repair, rea. 6.9300. LANDSCAp.JNG \ _ stitching. 1\Irs. Ashlon. 1344 sonable prlces. Richard Willertz Painting, Decorating, paperhang. ------d' I.' Seeding, topdressing, fertilizing, , CLEANED arms. Ridgemont, 50 Roslyn road.' . CEMENT WORK Seeding, !odding, gr~ding, If, d II T • Ashland, VAlley 1.6059. ing, wall washing, an . ro ing. ree, removing and Over 40 year. experience In cleanIn. l.i.Mile section. Garage 'Floors, Driveways, Slde- \ removed, sand, fill.dirt. . M thl . t 'and repalrln. defect1veflreplac. chim- B row n Invest- ROOF REPAIRING -Expert on VALLEY'" 800" walks, Foundations, elc:' Expert TOP SOIL '.BY 'YARD OR lOAD spraYing, on / mlll.nen~ne9. ney•• nd~dam!?.r..' ". , y TUxedo 5-2500. leakv. roofs' and repalri, na, -r- -r , .Chimney.screens Installed, .3. EXTRUDED .recreation rooms, kitchens, etc, CORNICES, movable shutters, ,Free estimates, large or small R MARKS ALUMINUM REPAIRED'. BURGLARPROOF C:uentent $12! louvered doors.' Free estimates, jobs. 'FHA terms .if desired. Sy • ~SE for s"le. :I ALL MAKES GUARDS Scmn •.. _-. L,ke frunt acro:,,> VAlley 2-1056. Goebel. '10 3-3392. 3101 Marlborough VA. 1.5160 lchen music camp. . "WINDOWS. DOORS.JJasement $498 Sash-Doors-Screens SKYLIGHT Combination - AAA' WALL W SHING..ALTERATIONS- idtchens reo ~ brnished. 5 room~ Scrf'cn Wire. I' ..r Iloll. i\lum. 10c Sq. Ft., Oronze 12c Sq. Ft. - ',' 'rr 1\, modeled, formica counter tops,IF:=;:=;:;;:======;;;;==:;;===~:=;~1 SII.7S ont porch. asphaii Paper hanging,' interior and ex- bars, cabInet work, recreation (lit nl_ $11.7J1 .Sl"l.ll~atr atlc hot water. tub. ' ,. orEN DAILY.. "1,10 A,M.TO ~ f'M. terior pairiting, ..City-wide lIerv- rooms, attics. store"fixtures and llral fireplace. alum. AI R TEe . SUNDAY, U TO 4,' 101 ice. Household decorators. shelving. Terms. TU .5-2840. , • 'TUnDAY I • ' rasonable. \' Alley MfTAl PRDDUCTS Clt; . FRIDAY I ~venlngs.tD 9 P,M. . TO., 5~0828 ------A. note of Thanks..'. 6~0 E. 1 MILE RD,. ONE BtOCK WEST"bt DAKlAND-TW z.raoo MOVABLE SHUTTERS . 1--- C & H PAINTERS , Louvered Doors Interior, . exterior,. commercial PIONEER WOOD. PRODUCTS To the 2400 petitioners who prevented the ~RAiHS:SI;iKS: • and residential. Free estimates, , . Call VAlley 2-1056 proposed Grosse:, Pointe'.Woods Incinera< moderate pric~; tor 'plan .. Congratulations to the' petition. ~NED •: Do It Yourself! VALLEY. "-8568, DON. CO~NiCES-Any size or style .. :MITEHAU Iht and day service • .. for windows, bays, etc. Com- circulafors. A job well done. ' . ~ Guaranteed : 21J-Wall Washing plete quality cabinet work, call 1I0US~ SIGNS with DUO-GLD I • Build you~ .own OR CITY : WALL WASHING VAlley 2-1056.' Louis C. CalcaterrcI, Jr. '.Reflecting Let1ers and Numerals' . REPAIR SCREENS, porches, ;''' Iwrr Cleaning Co. • WINDOW CLEANING. , 2.6527 : steps, fences, doors,' windo\ys, ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~IStOp la and cOote a caimi.ai D~W bouse Storms and screens,. all work c~binets, bookcases; good, work; .- ...... awbr lodal'. We'll supply JOUr D&IDe or ad.' insured and guaranteed, 15 years prompt service, S. E. Barber, INCINERATORI experience. Free estimates. - ,elms while JOU wail-wlab Dua-Glo re&.... ' , 20380. H 0 11 y woo d, TUxedo ..... Jenm and DUmmtL . Dispose of Rubbish,' Garbage" Paper VA .. 4--5526 ED~ 1-1619 4~0051. t SERVICE 1( .sPECIALS . Thac .cIWaam 'an iJsdiyid~iU)' ~ *. 11Ier're 150 limes briahlU. mall piUsl-eM AT 1'HE BIGGEST LJTrLE LUMB~B YARD IN THE WORLJ) - '~. • , • o. ,_. . tdICC1 at alAbt,whetl.1iJtht ahiJsa GO ahem. '~ • T'YPEWRITER see our host of dwmiJsg DeW hOUJesips . W, supply cast ;ro" parIs ud wather 'nDtI today from $6-'0. : hards Service • SALES • SERVICE" • RENTALS Knorty'.Plne Pa'r1.elli,ng.' 1- ~u~ lD Un Wood. and simple ;"S'rueliom to , Portables Jlnd AU Makl;.S ~ .. 0;:. Reversible for moulded' or \"V" foint, .No, 2 and ,better, . t:- build If cast ;ro" am! brick , . Refl8~tinl WOLVERINE. TYPEWRITER CO. heavy to No, 1. The most ,beaut~ful 'panelling' available. . , U'lil for lifetime Iise. No . .. .' 14343 EAST JEFFERSON AVE.. • S250.~0 M : . ,letters adio Service shul me/al to rusl oul." 26 Years in the' Same Location' . per d R'pair Wark W. J. R;EBl\I, Manaler , VA; 2-3560 r1iYOU. NAMI IN A .... fY Castings only t • RGdio , Pecky Cypress" Panelli,ng .. Chan:Kt.n .IId. 'nlo .pedallrack oltodl•• nt. Jud d Equip"' ... t ~ trock ond .IId. '.lter. I. - tighten tra.tt.. Something distinctive .lad diHerent for your ~tiOD room. st End attjc room or bar. Will take many kinds of finisli. . . • Good, Fences .for-.43 .Years .' '. , , . ' '" , .: I , . S225!OD per,M' : 10 RADIO •... ptr I"t Every style offence & Service I~ Also WA. 1.6282 . 'Q~k'::,Fr09ring,> IYal n.ar hstlCIWII Big mill stock of milled Appalacbi\ltl 4.9823 elected, for you beautiful Ready Made Incinerators ••• K 0 red .or white. Special price to ,alL . • JJlc1udtnl - . ~RD£~ YOUR lNIULATJON~D ST,ORM lAID foIU. t priced !ro~ $49.95. Chain Unk All-Steel an" Rustic Styles. .... ~ _,I i _ .LUMBER'su::f,ES . rr VA. 2.]040 _ Smith.M"t,hews Ftlry. CO. 0".", MEHLENBACHER .FENCE' CO. ' '19i'~~ ~arper. i)etweea 7 ~a~ e Mile Rdl.1U. 2-4800 B.,II store HDun: MOD. Ulru Thll,. .• 1:3. t. I:". Frt., 1:30 to I_ -'0403 HARPER AYI. ,RESIDENTIAL.INDUSTRIAL TlsaWuen.lJUl. LlUIl~Jar.".U1."or1dl.: Bcnaras.... I " • . , lat.. 100 10 1:00 ., .' 6640 Charlevoix Phone WAf 2~7155 Birmingham. 4066 W. Maple, at Telegraph • MI. 6-0111 City Limits , BlrmlDsbam IlOr. HourI': Man, 'bru Fri., 1:00 to 1:00, lat. IO"le 1:tI . Eves. 'tin 7:00 ~I. ,; \ ~,' '. .' \' I. .' j l I ... t • ....;":.' .~.~:,.: .: " ',~. .' '. . ..

' .. Page Twenty GR'OSS.E P,OI NTE ..NEWS . rhurs,day,.' March 25, ;954 . ,

!.,- , , -

F,e,a.tu.r e ,l ',' * Page' .. ".' .... * * * * * * fa , \. '. . . , , who, where and whatnot .: Pointer' bf .Interest ' Good Taste' " , hy whoozi, " F~voriteRecipes , . r. OJ. Pointers back from the coast tell us that The Elmer ffhtnte- . F. Ulrichs, now living in Brentwood, in. the suburbs 'of Los People in The Know '. t .. p · t Angeles, are fast becoming 1e a din g equestrians of, the community • • • Mrs. Ulrich and all the girls are taki_ng GRECIAN SUPPER DISH C'o.u'ne'r' 01n S four foot jumps in, stride these days and Elmer is p!'oud Contributed" by : " . owner of a beautiful Palamino (his wife's birthday gift to Mrs. Chirence D~ Blesse'ci by Rob"i. Isley him) which prompted his membership in the Sheriff's Silver Buy two pDun'ds'of lamb " Th'e' .thbtighi~f p'etals.and' buds fallin~,through the ~il' Mounted Posse. That's the Posse that lead the Rose Bowl neck, tender ahd sweet, at the en! th pen held h h parade-"no less. •• '., . '.• butcher's and ask hiril"to' cut found Raymond Loewy •.c~eative,g. us, ~I., , 1~ . Add soap opera fans in the Pointe: l\'Irs, Sandy Wiener it 'into apricot sized pieces~ sketching various ,.clusters,' drifting and ~allmg on ~ white , ., ' who .hates to miss Stella Dalhis. In an earthenware casser- cliina~ grtnincL,,~ ~andhe'calledit lI~ayetY.", Th~ w~lmsy of • • • ole, slightly, brown the. ,lamb a parakeet a~ 'play)n ,an~14,E,'renchbird cage CI~~PJred ye,~ J:. Mrs, Harry Esling and Mrs. J. Robert Grow found a and then add a half ,dozen 'car- another delightful, ':.car~ree;; colorf~l pa~tern,. Ir Cage, twin-ship, when they met at dinner the other evening. Here, at,the Sign of .the¥ermai~, IS chma with lustre al'd ;. rots, halved; . four .,onions, ,translucency ,of, Continenbu: chlna b.y .the ~aster craftsmen Missie E. had a Florentine silver lighter and Mrs. Grow halved; two green peppers, .. bl t priced for everyd whipped out a Florentine silver (in :duplicate etching) cut in eighths; one No., 2 can of Europe :,'•• :strong aJ1d.d.ur.a ~ .;<.ye , . " ay lip stick holder. Both smoked their cheroots in flame colored of tomatoes. COQk.,together& living,' ,Place',settings. are;avana~l~. f?r as. httle ,as $8.95 a \, filter holders, .• $..' " place 'setting;. You'l~ find that th~ J8 Justt~o 0f many p~t- I. on lowest heat, in thecovere teerns'.l'or you t,o.m.ix' or.,.rn,a,.tchat the Sign.of, the Merm81d, .,' Ran into 1\Irs. Walter S. Clark, (the dynamic Mae who casserole for about'five hours, ' f, looks for all the world like Bette Davis) •. Sho was singing One hour before ,serviitg, ?5:Kerc~eval, 'on't~e:.hi,~.:': '.• '. . the praises of the tremendous job Grosse' Pointe Woods l~ Presbyterian Church did in its Blood Bank vi~it: last week. uncover aIiddrop,in 'three, .'.' .A"J'~lJu;you 'wllnatlt' •• , tItIY'lJher~.J~u rOllm ••• JO/~ • I nlrs. Clark, as Red Cross voiunteers worker for the Blood medium sized potatces ~~hich could :use on, ,of Ihes, fi/~ea' fJltlSli&&tlSIIS,'" f1m~ ,,,ul blue from Bank, said she "never stopped writing from 2,o'clock until 8:20 h.ave b~en cut. into.' apri~.ot Trail's Pharmll&Y, on th,l hill, Thesll &ompll&l'rtlSlI! contain " ~lzed .ple~es, Salt and, grmd 100lhbrush'IInd &tlSlI(1I11 filled), hll"gers, wtlShdolh,.!ollp, pou'der t• p.m. as the contributors filed past my desk.' The Red,Cross t" was 188 pints richer when tlfe Blood Bank closed. "Every m a.1JttIe fresh blaqk .pepper. :&ai,i, bolli,s Ihlll, iwilltlrY. ,l~ga,,' .wi/~ .fJ,,,rl trim ••• and" ~ Durmg thIS, last hour: wa.tch show", :""'/1" I,uJispmsllbl, oUlfil, WII (h",". , ~~ member of their church was contaCted by telephone •. Mrs. Samuel 1\loorhatch and I were downright thrilled at the job carefully, spooning. the meat , ...... [ ~ they did!", ••• So here's a printer's ink orchid to the good to the top so.,it v;on't bu.rn:' In' New York It's BonwltTeller's wher~ you .find those wonder- members of Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian. SP.oon 'off any grea~e' and rul reminders of your. faith ••• the orl,lnall\lustard Seed Remem- brmg to the table m the brancen.Wouldn't ,y;}U'know tJiat l\'larie ,Bird would brin, them I • • • t The same' Madam Clark heard two Pointe dogs talking French cas~erole. . to'us In Grosse Pointe? Certainly a wonderful Jilt Idea. The per- i to each other. One was complaining about how crazily mixed Delightful ,served, wi~h ,a' fee, bonvoyare, 'birthday or' jet well clft ••.• so In keeplnr wltb up he was. Suggested the oiher, "Why. don't you go to a big green salad, dressed m oil the Lenten 'season-Moderately priced at three and six dollars. psychiatrist like people do?" "No," was the sad' answer, and lemon with, ,a1ittl~ Ma~I:tBIrd'••• '~i17 Kercheval' ••• '00 tbe blll~ .' chopped fresh dill added;, a ", " " Ill,' (& , to ' "That's out. I'm not allowed up on a divan." • • III , cjr':,~ heavy Greek bread; ~.d a. bot- : "Tidykins,i are almost as cute as your. little ty~e. The.y , '; ,~~ ....~' tIe of ~avrodaph~le. wm~. For, are ,three piece outfits '.:fashioned of gabardme •.:r'he Jacket IS PILFERINGS ~~- ,'1 dessert., fresh frUIt tarts. lined' with' soft while,'flannel. Trim: little anImals on the Culled from Bennet Cerf's "Shake Well Before Using", MRS. FRANK BANKS WARE OF ST, CLAIR AVENUE jackets 'wear fancy appliqued hats .. Overalls and a ~oller hat a good Spring, tonic:,' II Ad' h . By Jane Schermerhorn ." are gay:' . It 1~o'k s. lik'le oungmg. gar b' but y.~u. can wear .m -.if WI,.l ~ W cl. suiL l\Iy husband says he a lot of doing, you know, she the house, the' ceramic ashtray be unable to .attend as she and it with. ease m the garden. :The black toreador. pants have a rJ. \ay u e cy ar thinks I should ,Ive a thought told us, showed, flowers, a dressmaking her husband, Dr, L'eckUder ,are cuff, of .the s,ame, w,rinkle-shed, poplin that is' the same color rtp t thl b Id ' I ' SI Gamma dummy and hangers: a cocktail , ,~a~:~e. nlut il::e atir;::r The huge":wl of spicy white glass for the cocktail party and vacationing, in Egypt" as the blouse. The shirt-tail. blouse has a convertible neck ••• Book Cry The Beloved Country dark colors. I just feel 'good In' carnations that sat on the cor- friends: and an ,exciting' little ---. -- sQoe string nietal belt' .with keys: attached.' It comes in four Author Ludwig Bemelmens them," fee table reminded us of Sigma hat box all tied up with a rib- Katharine Gibbs Alumnae colors.' tangerine, pink, green; gold, Find it hi .Jacobson's Character in a BODk ~ William Whiskers Suits are her daytime preCer- Gamma (that's their flar,' you bon. ' .'.. Plan Marchr;27, Meeting' Sportswearm~partmenl . ':. . Play Picnic ence and In the evening,~'sheaths see).' . And no matter :what is inside _ • .". . ,.'. . '., • Actress Shirley Booth with off-shoulder, bodices her Mrs. Ware is publicity chair- of the little hatbox it can't be The Katherinl!' Gibbs Alumnae F"vcred:ja"is., This is' Wp"I' the new lens dis&o ery mellns 10 Actor Alec Guinness favo:-ite. Sometimes she feels man 'for the big Golden Anni- a whit more exciting than' the Association ot, Detroit .will ,meet you. lJ7ith Ih,l neutr"l gr"y lms,s in R"y-Ban G~U Sun Gwses M . K' d H t d C t very giddy and buys spm«:thhig versary the'. organization' iscele~ gal who inspiredJt , •• young Saturday, March 27, at 1:30 p.m•. 'lJousetillil ob'l'.&tsi,. thei"lrUII color f.,alues. Th.sll .rll.I." ...."luAbl. OVIC m ear s an orone s lt f i' d f1 fC b tit' brating this' year, There's a Mrs. Frank Banks ,Ware. th h f M F R Bi k " 1."J h ..' .. .. Mov~e Actress ~ Maria. Felix ~e~:ra~:; r~~;I:~e so~~n: els:' particularTy big job, of. plan------.. at e ome 0 rs.,., oss r - 10 lI"eryo"'1,wor,.. ng ouluoo"s. 0,. in obbies wherll &010,.dis&rim~ MOVIe Actor : Marlon Brando. and not Margie; , , ' nlng for the June Festival at the John Mazer. J~ Host hill, 19510 Roslyn road, Detroit, ittlllion'is ir.Jport""'. ,:Y:ou,gll improIJ.td 1l.iswl eomfor' be&iUU. TV Show Groucho Marx The severe lines she. admires Sigma Hospital School on June 5.' AJ. IOt,h"S',rthd.y Party' CFo-hosftessWtlillp beMx:s, Laurenc~ Ih,. neulrlll' grllY lens tfJenly tr"mmils only th6 '1'% 01 tJisibl. T. '11 B 11 . , .. oss 0 on ac. l' hF' / h 'h' •• b • h d • Y ,_ TV Actress ~UCI e a are the work of a custom de- I' Her responslblllties Include' . } b f '1 d d'g n~&tIssarJ'or s •,,!r' -;11I0"., on Ng 'I ays. . au gill guw. Actor TV ...... , Judge 'Watts sl'gner",too ' ',p'resence, of radio "'tars,., any John. Mazer,'Jr., son 'or Mr.,and committeesPla~s wilaPPQlnted.e. orm,ufor.atea com-an proled.o,..,. . Th ' •• sarj." 1I.s.on,n;I __ ~~..1.-~gh~.slsu"'h.'",...... plus 01',."11'..'.. qu-I-•tu Radio Program Meet Your Congress Loves People ,v I sit I n g celebrities, Soupy Mrs. John Mazer, Sr., or Loraine bination brldge party and fashion "". IISIIspecial sun-glmses.II", mad. :/or Ih,l JOhnsIO,. .01'11&.1 Commentator ;;...... Edward R. Murrow Then or maybe it's really firllt, Sales of' TV fame!. It Is the, road, was honored with a tenth show to benefit the. KatheHne Co, by Bllus&h"nd L~!".b. II's op!,,"1 gltlSs,ground IInd poluh,d. 10 y Columnist Leonard Lyons Mrsh. wared llo,vtespeohPI~..Sh~s b~auurul IdaYth wkhenitSlffI"t' bMirthdhaY20'p.arty b'on . Saturdtsa , Gibbs S.;holarship' Fund. &ur ,. Frell from prism,' re/r"&tl1!II'pOWerIInd imp"./,,';o1ls Ihlll M . New Yorker sue a goo ISener. s e s prou- Gamma w 11 an c y 0 c -; arc , given' Y- hIs.paren • ...... " &oula,dislurb' or.• ,impllir. lI;.sio"•. Forllli''',i",. 0/ gooJ 100Ju I',. ag~zme ably the darliilg of' a long list ' als .and all clubs who have 'Guests at the party were: Bar~' }.. II- Muslc Depends on my Mood of famous folk with' whom she's shown,' kind. Interest In their ry Brink, Cal Gauss III, Charles JANUARY.'TRAFFIC; 'rOLL Ihe .sun ••• ,lIuil JohnslO," Op'i&.l. Co., 'on ',h,l hill. Song Any ~erry Como Number come in contact., ortho.Paedio work for children. Hibbard, IV, Bobby Moore, Dick There were 126 persons killed " ..,.. , ,:' $'. * , '. Poet None Smce DorothY Parker Her father Is'Lou Maxon :who The clubs include Kiwanis, Freimuth,' Ranie Nelson, Michael and 4,360Injured In'17,474 traffic: Yll.I, fashions' may eome and fashions may, CO ••• but theie Painter Guerrero Meza. runs one or the countrY's: top ',tlie Lions, Rotary 'a m 0 n g, andDavill McDonald; Bill Tyler, accidents in Michigan 'during you'll wear: (orever. Because there Is a, totally freSh approacb to Cartoon Li'l Abner advertising' agencies. Advertis-, others. ". Donald Van Damme and' Billy January,. according' to the. St'ate 'blouses we .~o~d. ,his, wee~•..They. were pure silk ••• with UUle Cartoonist : Harry Haeginisen m&,agencies and a celebrl.t1es: "And we hope thl! boys from .,Wroblos.... '., ,Police:monthly, report.".,:, .', ~oy.collar~ •.•• abo~ or lon~ sleeves, The colors are wonderful;. ~ Sport ~...... Boating boney'., ••. o~or,d '••. ~ b~ue,••• white... Otben are miraculous 'S4 Game .~ Poker APPLICATIONS' ARE:NOW BEING ACCEPTED BY" .if.','you pla~'~~'.5, EE, GRAY:! blend! of o~~l)nand aUk,•• • Jonr sleeves, In white •.•• wood ••• Animal Cat J sUver. ~e, pearf,.and. rhln~ne ~n these baa just' enouch clltter Person (excluding family) Thohmas Jefferson make ~t~. perfect, all.the time., The blollie .you want II al City : Was ington, D. C, CH E.T.',','SA.M'PS 0, N ~arrare l ce., 76 Kercheval. on the hill. - Vaca tion 'Spot ; ;...... Mexico " " '" ',. • • . . Jewel Diamond FOR' .HIS. 7954 SPRING ,TOURS ' 1954 ro~'d ~e so njce to corne home ~o ••• 'i~ a "Cookie" coal Color Blurs and Greens ~hat.s Just',an<:>ther n~e.for lIB,run~,": Pretty as a primrose Dance : Latin In Washln(ton.ee: NavalA'cadimyat Ann3pollJ:Capitol:c!bngreuand . Official' Suppliers'. are w~at: w e -calLthese .leisu~e coats. With 8 sculptured'look. Costume ,. Stoles orlals:SupremeArlingtonCourt InCemetery:.... Ion:WhiteWashlnlcton,IIou.e:JefterlOn,Bureauof&En,ravlnJ:LincolnMem-,FBI: ' 'Littie Leag ues . / ' Outstanding. ,'.. was.. a, 1acy' prm. t' ••.• bl ac' k ~r pink ••• pique. Perfume : Arpege Smithsonian,Museum,LIbrary,of CongrclI:.Nt> Vernon:,an 'many . Trim • Nylon, net •••' • t~o ,rhinestone buttons. ' short puff Flower Lilacs Inm~~~p~:::. lee::'Rad,o'-CltyMualcHaili- statu; of 'Ubra~: Empire, ' Babe- Ruth League; ': '-'- '. sleeves. After.' dunking it,' you won't iron il' This. is true Food : Sea Food StSateBUlldlnf:Chinatown:TIme.Square:RockefeDer,Center;,Cathe~' 'APPROVED,: AN.DOFF, I,CIAL, ,Batsr.~ a~ong them~ny style~ y~u'll: find in- 'Jacob~on's Li.ngerie Aversl'on People wl'th Closed MI'nds dral.; Ihops0 ',",I.fth,'A,:,enue.etc.'. . '. :. . .. , , , ' '; Depl If you like th~\..lrtwaist t th ' ...... ' Balls, Gloves.'. Shoes~' Res!nBags I '. " • • '". t: lUl ., '. ype ere are some in solid Diversion : People and Trayel BOYS-_ Waihlngton & Nlw,.York ,S7B colors.like ~or~l,'and turqu~ise.~' •• ',with 8 sWoosh of a plaid Ambili~n To Visit Every Country in the World April 8 -14' . Adl.;L1ttfe 'LI~gu~' (bla~k an~ ,wliite). bow ..at, the 'neckline. Fetching. \. SSC I)r. ' " . ... ,'. ~ ' . CUSMANO'TUXEDO '. , Woihln,ton' . 57.0 SWiat Sox , • A,,~ong S0'!S60/'~h6 ,mos!.,'Iempting IJisplllys 'Ihis Wtltl" w". RADIO March 31 -.Aprll ~ . . II" I 21 00 ~",&i.i",,&1u ~or.~h, 1"11&""'.onroom 0,. Jen done in wrough' GIRLS: S78. Baseba G oves 3.95 to ; .' Iron. Onll d,lng" n&.u,d; "hllm MIll '1"gs" ... IIIIOlh-,. '" . TELEVISION RENTALS NIW York City SPALDING. WILSON I. REACH', I' ""~I _J I"'" _J I • . 0 , " •. .. ,rY'''1 .For AU Occasions April 15 - 20 ~' 4". mIlTllloO'" ~ gO.~ OOi"!gll~ S.O4".lhll hll"gings IIsi"K Sales and ServIce • Tuxedos ' • Directors suu. .. ; &ard~MIll h,ttrls !S themlls. F~'I,s","" bowls; "fill tUh'lr"ys ", • •• FuU Dress Secure Your ApplicatIons Now at fhe. ,... sel ,nwrou~h,. "on"A fill fph,l,l WII:".,on ,h,l subie&'I of bl",i Compla. Une ", Recorda • Summer Foncab Racquet and Sport Shop Compl.te Ta11artDg ud AJteratiou m"lIl, ,I"~II !',g",,!,tIt'.~III'lh~.blaF!r,_t,!",medwiID {wtlSt, IImirell • JADK O'OONNOR CALL rOll APPOINTldENT , Chet 'Samp~on Travel. Servi~e . JOf;> Kercheval, " . 'lI&i,:,O", ,,,g,,-"ous'gtl1.w'~~w. ~t. htlrs lIS "P1Mu,j.;i,. Ih• 17001 Kerclleval TU. t-1655 16233Mack al Three Mile Dr. 100 KClrchev.'. on the Hill: . TUx~cio,5.8580' .• TUx.d~.5-7510 hf"lw.y. !~~ou,h.oosll tHH lIS .:g'1'. III J.&01m)n's-Hom.' D'&or•• . TV. 1-3530 TU. 1-5262 ,U. ,1-2262 I,,,. Shop, ,,.th. ~U.16, It" UIIllg'/I wrtlP itl,.•.,A,..,''''I ~o~ t/;,,'I ""'!'tIt'. ..,. -! or}' ,

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