Sample file Sample file General Accoutrements Colonial Oil Paintings by Militia, James D. Colby Antoginish, Oil Paintings Nova Scotia by Bettina Colby Radio Checker Book Shelf Cupboards Speaker Boards May Papa Christian Lilian Irvine Rutherford Family Dr. William H. Dolan Scott Sarah Fairley Infant Members Irvine Desk Blotter Irvine Cork Board Chalk Board Wall Safe Black Creek Pioneer Village Land- scape Rope Doormat Braided Rug Braided Rug Jute Hooked Hooked Clan Irvine Tartan Rug Settler Rug Swedish Rug (circa 1920) Doormat Rug Rug Polar Bear Grizzly Bear Artic Wolf Brown Bear Black Bear Bison Caribou File Cabinets Mirrors N.A. Indian Morse “Learning the Crucifix Wall Clock Shelves Towel rack Amputation Kit Trepanning kit Signals Code Chart Radio Telegraph Codes” Sample file First Nations, Inuit and Métis decor Métis Nation flags Nation Métis Métis Nation flags Nation Métis Tlingit rug Métis hand-woven rug Red Cloud, Maȟpíya Lúta, Yukon-Nantuck brothers Plains Ojibwe Chief Kate Carmac, Maxime Marion, 1838—1910 and American Horse, (Tagish) 1899 Sha-có-pay, the Six Chief Shaaw Tláa, (Métis), Guide Brit-Can Wašíčuŋ Tȟašúŋke of the Plains Ojibwa by 1857—1920, Tagish, Bondary Commision (Ogala) Chiefs 1891 Instrumental in the discovery of George Catlin Charles and Joseph Dressing a horse for Standing Bear, Justice Louis Riel, Hon.John Norquay, James McKay, Unidentified James McKay, 1841-1889 Métis woman Riel (Métis) a Nakoda ceremony Naⁿzhíⁿ/Macunajin 1844-1885 1828-1879 1861-1931 Premier of Manitoba (Ponca - Sioux) Navaho rugs Founder of Manitoba (Métis leader) (Métis) (Métis) (Métis) Saulteux Chief Poundmaker, Dog Child, a NWMP Gatewood’s Jack Alex, E.
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