May 80, 18R6 36 93
MAY 80, 18R6 3693 CIVId, Jh:RVLCR OF CANAD A Alwyn Rrough Rogers, O,A.B., Gananoque, Ont. Tllli Civil Srrvirc Commission announces William R. Y. MeLeod, O,Ab tnhlishment the a• ., St. John, N .D. of the following eligible liats ;- Kenneth John Austen, O,A,B., N. E. Margarita, :'ork N.H. .-9'ho lot loin O .A.S. indicate eligibility fo r the prefrrenrn aurordrd to ox-sorvioe mea . William If . Christie, O .A.S., Victoria, B.C, Charles );tlwanl Potter ( At+ietnnt Forrnt Ranger (8easonnl), Re. Jr,), Toronto, out, Snndilnnds Leighton A . VnnBkiver, Pirton, t)nt serve, 1Voodridgo, Man ., Department . of the Itnerior. Alan Collard 11 . Field . Toronto, Oat . Alfmd Ootdet, O .A .S., Winnipeg, Man . John Alfred MoDonnld, Hermanville, P .F. .I. William MeCarthy, O .A .S., Sprague, Man. Wallace J Antoine Ciuilhnult, Woodridgo, Mail . Johnston(,, Mocao Jaw, Sask . Joseph Tugene DcPnt.riek, .Q. George Henry Content Sprague, Men, Montrosl, P Cardon Thomas Henney, Ot .tawa, Ont, Bridgrkerper, Trent Canal, Petorboro, Ont,, N. Norman Wellington McLellnn, Outromont, Quo. parttnent of Rnilwoye and Canals . Field DrnflMmnn (Srnsonal), Geodotic Survey, De- George Gordon Eason, O.A.S., Crawfonl's Grove, partmont of the Interior Ont , , Ernest R . Reekwith, O.A.S William Gorrnlt, O .A .S., Peterboro, out ., Ottawa, Ont, . William Oxhorough, O .A .S., Annff, Alta. Jtturrr lsdwwd 1Veese, O.A .S., )'eterboro, Ont . Krnnrth John Austen, O.A.S., N. E. Msrgaroe, Cnrvankrr, (]rude 2, Toronto, Out., Department of NB. National ))efrnce , William R. Y. MrtLeod, O .A.B., 6t. John, N.B. David Joseph 1Villi3m Henry O'Brien, O.A .S., Toronto, Ont .
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