Crowdfunding: A Resource Exchange Perspective Abstract Michael D. Greenberg Online crowdfunding has gained attention among novice 2133 Sheridan Rd. entrepreneurs as an effective platform for funding their Evanston, IL 60208 USA ventures. However, a focus on the financial nature of the
[email protected] relationship has obscured the complex interpersonal in- Julie Hui teractions involving the exchange of non-financial re- 2133 Sheridan Rd. sources. Drawing from resource exchange theory in the Evanston, IL 60208 USA marketing literature, we look at the exchange of re-
[email protected] sources and the mechanisms that facilitate this exchange in online crowdfunding. We analyzed 81 popular online Elizabeth Gerber crowdfunding platforms to reveal the exchange of various 2133 Sheridan Rd. resources including: money, love, information, status, Evanston, IL 60208 USA goods, and services through mediated, unmediated, and
[email protected] hybrid structures. Using resource exchange theory as a lens, we examine crowdfunding as a new type of crowdwork platform and explain how resource exchange theory can help the HCI community understand new, crowdwork platforms. Author Keywords Crowdfunding; crowdsourcing; framework; survey; re- source exchange; online communities; innovation; work practices; online communities ACM Classification Keywords H.5.3 [Group and Organization Interfaces]: Design Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). Introduction CHI’13, April 27 – May 2, 2013, Paris, France. The popular press heralds crowdfunding as a way for ACM 978-1-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/XX. people, typically with limited access to capital, to raise money for ventures and for a crowd, a distributed net- Crowdfunding work of individuals, to support them They celebrate its Broadly, crowdfunding platforms support the request for potential to spur new ventures that can fuel the economy financial resources in exchange for a reward offered by a [13].