Global Geometric Properties of Martian Impact Craters: a Preliminary Assessment Using Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (Mola)
GLOBAL GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF MARTIAN IMPACT CRATERS: A PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT USING MARS ORBITER LASER ALTIMETER (MOLA). J. B. Garvin1, S. E. H. Sakimoto2, C. Schnetzler3, and J. J. Frawley4, 1(NASAÕs GSFC, Code 921, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA;, 2(USRA at NASAÕs GSFC, Code 921, Greenbelt, MD 20771), 3(SSAI at NASAÕs GSFC) 4(H-STX and Herring Bay Geophysics at NASAÕs GSFC). Introduction: Impact craters on Mars have been ÒshapeÓ (n), central peak height, diameter D, volume, used to provide fundamental insights into the proper- shape, and many others. In this report, we treat the ties of the martian crust, the role of volatiles, the rela- crater depth versus diameter relationship, the crater rim tive age of the surface, and on the physics of impact height vs. diameter pattern, the statistics of ejecta cratering in the Solar System [1,2,6]. Before the three- thickness and its spatial distribution, and cavity geo- dimensional information provided by the Mars Orbiter metric properties, including interior deposit geometry. Laser Altimeter (MOLA) instrument which is currently Crater depth vs. Diameter: Using MOLA topog- operating in Mars orbit aboard the Mars Global Sur- raphic profile data, we have computed the total depth veyor (MGS), impact features were characterized mor- (from rim crest to lowest point on crater cavity floor) phologically using orbital images from Mariner 9 and and true depth (i.e., from pre-impact surface to mean Viking. Fresh-appearing craters were identified and crater floor level) for over 1300 craters. When we exam- measurements of their geometric properties were de- ine the correlation of depth d against diameter D, a rived from various image-based methods [3,6].
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