Pathway to “We makeHOPE the road by walking” 2009 ANNUAL REPORT

NAMI ’s mission is to champion justice, dignity, and respect for all people affected by mental illness (biological brain disorders). Through education, advocacy, and support, we strive to eliminate the pervasive stigma of mental illness, effect positive changes in the mental health system, and increase the public and professional understanding of mental illness. Pathway to Hope

We make the road by walking, as writer Antonio Machado once said, and this year saw more of us out there walking than ever before. We came to the State Capitol in busloads, spilling out into hallways and rallying with hundreds to champion justice, dignity, and respect for all Minnesotans affected by mental illness. In a tough economic year filled with grim predictions and budget shortfalls, we came together in a groundswell of support for the mental health initiatives we worked so hard to gain in the years before. During a time of loss and elimination, our organization continued to grow, and we did not give up our hope.

As a verb, hope is to wish for something with the expectation of its fulfillment. As a noun, NAMI Minnesota serves as the source and reason for the hope, and you, our members, volunteers, stakeholders and supporters, are at the core of our promise.

Perhaps nothing speaks so clearly to this as the final signing into law of the Paul Wellstone Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act on October 3, 2008. After nearly twenty years of advocacy work for parity at the federal level, we achieved this long overdue victory, which will impact over half of all Minnesotans and nearly 35 million Americans affected by mental illness.

“Mental health parity is a life-or-death issue for millions of Americans suffering from mental illness and chemical addiction. I am deeply grateful the House and Senate finally passed this historic legislation to end discrimination against people who need treatment. I am also deeply grateful to everyone at NAMI Minnesota, for all they do to help people suffering from mental illness, and for all NAMI Minnesota has done to build critical grassroots support for this historic legislation.” — U.S. Representative

2 The historic House bill was named for the late Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, who had a brother with a mental illness, and Senator Pete Dominici, the bill’s sponsor, whose daughter lives with schizophrenia. During the time when she was first diagnosed, his family turned to NAMI for help, and found that support was there. Hope through education

“From reducing the stigma associated with mental illnesses, to education and empowerment initiatives, NAMI’s work is of invaluable humanitarian worth for Minnesotans.” – Rico Vallejos, Donor

NAMI’s second core element speaks to a broader service — when we say educate, we include everyone. If you think about the numbers, the fact that one out of every four Minnesotans has a mental illness, and one out of every ten children, no matter who you are, it adds up to someone you care about will be touched by this illness. The work we did this year positioned our organization to change the way Minnesotans think about and respond to mental illness by continuing focus on the three broad strategies developed as part of our five-year, strategic plan, Leadership for Change.

Educate families. To ensure that people throughout the state have the opportunity to learn about mental illness, we provide eight free mental health classes, such as Family-to-Family, Hope for Recovery, and the Children’s Challenging Behaviors workshop, now offered in Spanish. This year we provided classes in every region of the state, nearly tripling the number of class offerings in 2008 from 54 to 144 in 2009. Class attendance also grew from 618 in 2008, to 1,561 participants this year.

“As siblings of a sister who lives with schizophrenia, we have come to learn firsthand about the important work that NAMI Minnesota does to support families. Our sister Ruth has struggled with her illness and its stigma for over 16 years. In our efforts to help Ruth we attended a Family- to-Family class and came to a better understanding of what she endures every day. We have since become more involved with the NAMI Minnesota organization and as a result have developed a great respect for its staff and their truly admirable achievements.” – Kevin Hanstad

It is the teachers who make the difference. All our free programs are taught by trained volunteers who have either a family member or loved one with a mental illness. We are an organization guided by those we serve, and so the support we give continues to circle back.

“When I teach, I learn things over again. It helps me as much as it helps people in the class. I’ve got support because I’ve got 20 people who know what I’m going through and that’s very reassuring.” – Tom Pepper, Family-to-Family teacher

Families reported high satisfaction with the classes and an increase in understanding ranked in the high ninetieth percentiles. “Wonderful. Excellent team - I appreciated their openness, humor, sensitivity, encouraging style, caring approach. Couldn’t have been better,” reports one family participant. Another writes, “Have a much better understanding of what my son is going through.”

Educate Professionals. Reaching out to professionals and the faith community, we presented the workshop Early Warning Signs of Mental Illness in Children and Adolescents nine times to 193 teachers this year. Our Faithways program, aimed to provide customized education forums and training for clergy and staff, reached over 600 people in churches and synagogues across the state.

“It’s a falsehood that if one uses medication, then they haven’t got faith,” says Mental Health Panel member, Pastor L.C. Webb. “We’ve got to learn not to dismiss it with comments such as, ‘Come on, brother, you’ll be all right.” Because so many African American families look to their faith community for guidance when dealing with mental illness, the first Mental Health Panel discussion was held by NAMI Minnesota’s African American Faith Initiative. The stories told proved so compelling, the program lasted a full hour past its scheduled time.

3 NAMI’s Building Bridges program teaches jail staff about mental illness and promotes effective discharge planning and benefits restoration. Crisis Awareness program educates front-line hospital emergency staff, medical technicians, and security staff about mental health crisis situations. This year, a new bill passed allowing 911 operators to dispatch mental health crisis teams to the scene when appropriate. Grants were awarded by the state to implement or enhance Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT), providing training for police officers who are often first-line responders to emergency calls involving individuals with mental illness.

“It’s good to have more and more of our law enforcement who are dealing with these situations day to day, trained in how to recognize a severe mental illness. Sometimes you have to respond in the opposite way you normally would, because an authoritative stance only exacerbates the situation instead of calming it down. The head of the police union asked for more money to finance CIT because it works, and they recognize its efficacy. Normally, they don’t want more training, but this, this is good training, and they want to know what to do to help.” – Representative Joe Mullery

Educate the public. To reduce the stigma and advocate for children and adults with mental illness, we continue to expand our public awareness activities. The biggest anti-stigma event in the state, NAMIWalks, inspired over 1,500 people to lace up their sneakers and walk arm-in-arm with those who have been given the cold shoulder for far too long. The event raised $236,000 in much needed funds, but more than that, it raised the hopes of adults, children, and families living with mental illness in the state of Minnesota.

The year was filled with other community events as well. Over 275 attendees came for NAMI Minnesota’s annual conference, Pathway to Hope, held in November. Nationally-known keynote speakers included Major Sam Cochran, founder of the CIT model, and New York Times best-selling author, Marya Hornbacher. A Parity Celebration, featuring food, music, speakers, and a film honoring the late Sen. Paul Wellstone, attracted about 250 attendees in December. In February, NAMI presented its seventh annual Research Dinner, where doctors shared their latest psychiatric findings, and in May our Spring Gala, Music for the Mind, attracted record crowds and donors. For the first time this summer, NAMI Minnesota had a presence at the Great Minnesota Get Together, the State Fair, with a booth that attracted over 6,000 visitors and established 500 new trial memberships.

Also new this year, “Get to Know NAMI” gatherings provide a look into our programs and advocacy work, offering a time and place to introduce friends and family to our organization. Held in February, March, April, and May, the events featured guest speakers such as author Andrew Gadtke and attorney Lori Guzman.

Media outreach also helps spread our message to the general public. Our organization continues to serve as a media resource, with NAMI Minnesota appearing more this year in newspapers and periodicals than the past two years combined. Twenty billboards throughout the metro area, as well as appearances on major television networks, continue to reinforce NAMI as the “go to” organization for the media when seeking information on mental illness.

4 HOPE through support “Cause nobody but nobody can make it out here alone.” – Maya Angelou

Isolation is one of the most damaging effects of mental illness. To counter the silence, NAMI Minnesota offers more than 35 free support groups, providing connection to one another and to the community. NAMI Connection, NAMI- CARE, and Open Door Groups offer support to any individual recovering from a mental illness. Vet Connections offer support for returning vets to help cope with reintegration issues. Family-to-Family Groups provide family and friends of people with mental illness an opportunity to meet with others who share their concerns, to compare experiences and to learn from each other.

For youth affected by mental illness, The Silver Ribbon Campaign offers a school supported, student directed program aimed at erasing stigma and raising awareness of mental health issues at the high school level. Kidshops is a four-hour Saturday session where children learn about their family member’s mental illness, and share their feelings in a safe, supportive environment.

A parent described Kidshops as “the best thing that has happened for my daughter. She loves coming here.” A youth participant reported, “It has really helped me understand more about my father’s illness.”

When we understand, we can better help those we love. This understanding goes a long way to support parents of children with mental illness.

“Every single parent is in pain when their child is in pain. There’s just no doubt about that.” – Eva Neubeck, Social Worker, South High School

As a parent of a child with a mental illness, you wonder if it is you, if you did something wrong or if it was your fault. The illness is hard enough, but silence only adds to the isolation. Parent Groups provide an opportunity for parents and caregivers of children with mental illnesses to share similar experiences, discover resources, and learn coping skills. All of the support groups are peer-to-peer.

“Having someone to talk to is a huge asset. In dealing with my situation with my daughter, I wish I had gotten involved with NAMI sooner. Instead of stumbling through it alone, you are able to have contact with someone, someone who has done this before and can help you through it.” – Kerry Faste, Parent

Kerry shares her experience in a video produced by NAMI called Keeping Families Together - Understanding the Legal and Family Perspectives on Voluntary Placement. New legislation now allows parents to retain custody of their child while they are in residential mental health treatment. Removing a child from home can be a terrifying decision, and the video speaks to this process, creating a clear path for families by sharing the stories of those who have gone before them.

5 Hope through advocacy “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

To engage elected officials and policy makers to create a better mental health system, we embark on an aggressive plan for advocacy that includes personal stories, letters, and testimony from NAMI leaders and community members. Main issues this year centered on the Seclusion and Restraint bill and maintaining MinnesotaCare benefits. A lot of work was also done this session to streamline special education laws to match federal laws.

“The Minnesota School Boards Associations worked with NAMI on a rewrite of special education laws governing K-12 students. We found NAMI’s lobbyist Sue Abderholden to be very professional and knowledgeable. Our work together resulted in better, more student focused schools in Minnesota.” – Grace Keliher, Director of Governmental Relations, MN School Boards Association

Our lead issue, and the most controversial, advocated for policy change was limiting the use of seclusion and restraints in the schools. The use of physical restraint, as well as isolation rooms designed for ‘time-outs,” places children at risk of being harmed. No evidence suggests these methods are effective at changing behavior and reports of harm to children in Minnesota and around the country have been publicized. Working with experts this summer to create a consensus across all providers who serve children, the bill NAMI proposed now limits the use of seclusion and restraint to emergency situations only, requiring specialized training and reporting for staff.

“This issue is an example where my role was to support and assist while NAMI led and taught. What NAMI brings to the capitol is the respected authority on mental health issues, so when they lead, I follow. It was a joy to work on because I knew it was meaningful work, affecting people all across the state, and Sue [Abderholden] had the big picture, the details, the players and the process. Everybody keeps saying nice things to me for the bill and really, it was a great example of smart people who know the issues, know how to work the process, and are respected by everyone involved. NAMI didn’t play a part in getting the bill passed, NAMI was the part.” –Representative Jim Davnie

To speak out against the proposed elimination of MinnesotaCare, hundreds of people with mental illness, their families, and mental health providers gathered at the State Capitol in March. Several high school students shared the podium to address the importance of teen mental health. Rally speakers included several legislators who encouraged advocates to share their stories.

“As a person in a family with members that suffer from serious and persistent mental illness, I know that telling the story isn’t always easy. But it is important because legislators need to understand. They may not see the situations you face, and so it is important that they hear about them.” – Senator Linda Berglin

6 “The folks that have just spoken before me have all carried forward Wellstone’s legacy, and you, here today, are also carrying Paul Wellstone’s legacy with mental health parity and the need to provide quality health care. Thank you so much!” – Representative Kim Norton

“It’s great to have people speaking out for mental health. It’s great to have the state begin to understand the importance of addressing mental health. I’m pleased that we’ve made some progress in recent years. We’ve got to say mental health is important to Minnesotans and mental health is going to be part of our health care system. And mental health is something we’re not going to give up on until we get good care.” – Senator John Marty

In the end, after all was said and done, MinnesotaCare remained, but funding for the second year of General Assistance Medical Care (GAMC) was vetoed. About 70% of the people on it have a mental illness, chemical dependency or both. NAMI published a letter to the editor in the Star Tribune on this topic, and continues work urging members to be vocal, to tell their stories, to e-mail the Governor their thoughts about what should not be cut and how important mental health care is.

“In July of 1999 our first daughter was born. Around 1 year of age she started having enormous reactions to change in routine, and wouldn’t eat for days. I took her to the pediatrician, repeatedly asking for help. I was told that she would grow out of it.

“My daughter didn’t grow out of it. She continued to have enormous reactions to simple change. Today, she has a diagnosis of ADHD, anxiety disorder and learning disabilities, and a team of professionals that work with her and our family to provide the support and resources necessary for her well-being. These programs have made a tremendous impact on my daughter getting better.

“I started attending a local support group sponsored by NAMI. I met other parents dealing with the same problems I was. I learned that I was not alone. And like many of the parents, I had to become my family’s super hero.

“I have no background in social work, education, or public speaking. I am just an ordinary person. Understand the enormous influence you have and use your time wisely. Join me in speaking to your legislators. Help them understand that mental illness is not a personal weakness, character flaw or choice. Mental illness is a medical condition that often requires treatment. Give your legislator a solid reason to say YES for disability dollars. Programs that support children and adults with mental illness help everyone.” – Diane Allen, parent

Moving forward with Hope

7 “The more involved you get with youth issues the more you realize all the problems with mental health and juvenile justice. It just keeps coming up.” – Representative Joe Mullery

There are many big issues waiting for us on the road ahead. Recent statistics released from the DOC reveal that 70% of youth in Minnesota’s juvenile justice systems have mental illness. While it is clear that these youth need to be diverted, no system yet exists to help parents navigate and advocate for their child. This issue points to the larger picture of a nation with its mental health care in crisis, the average grade of D as rated in 2009 by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Grading the States. Minnesota’s own grade of a C, while at least above the national average, demonstrates that more can be done. “We have made some progress, but we clearly have a long way to go before we have a system that truly provides mental health services when and where they are needed,” said NAMI Minnesota Executive Director, Sue Abderholden. And so we carry on.

Every day NAMI helps an individual or family member understand how to move forward with recovery. Every day, information is mailed out or downloaded from our Website. Each week, one or more classes are held throughout the state. Every year, even during tough economic times, a positive change is made in the mental health system, making it more accessible and improving the quality of life for both children and adults.

Yes, we have a long way to go, but we have come far. And so we enter a new year together, one step at a time, with hope for what we will do better in 2010.

8 NAMI Minnesota Board of Directors 2009

Karen Lloyd, President Sue Hanson William Bond, 1st Vice President Dave Hartford Kevin Damond Johnson, 2nd Vice President Mary Heiserman Scott Craven, Treasurer Fred LaFleur Barb Lindberg, Secretary Allen Nelson Judith Bemis Catherine Roach Therese Blaine Erica Sivertson Joseph Clubb Ivan Sletten Donald Eubanks Howard Agee, Chair Emeritus Mary Graves

NAMI Minnesota Staff

Sue Abderholden, Executive Director Matthea Little Smith, African American Outreach Director Shelley White, Associate Director *Steve Susens, Web & Data Management Roxanne Anderson, Crisis Project Director *Micah Ternet, Vet Connection Coordinator *Mary Jean Babcock, FaithWays and Kidshops Director Laura Winterstein, Volunteer Resources Director *Carol Bender, NAMIWalks Coordinator Michelle Greene, Development Director Added after July 1, 2009 Laura Ibsen, Office Manager *Kay King, Major Gifts Officer *Liz Johnson, Data Entry Specialist *Randy Morris-Ostrom, Program Evaluation Assistant *Chuck Krueger, Communications Director Anna McLafferty, Criminal Justice Project Director * Indicates part-time Jerad Morey, Grassroots Organizer *Lynne Peterson, Keeping Families Together Coordinator Suzette Scheele, Director of Children’s Programs

9 donors

foundations and corporations Wal-Mart West St. Paul Daniel & Constance Bigelow Kunin Iris Circle ($10,000+) Windibrow Paul & Tina LaFave AstraZeneca Ilo & Peggy Leppik Otto Bremer Foundation Sponsor ($200 - $999) Jerry & Barbara Lindberg CIGNA Allegra Pring & Imaging Monna Marolt Eli Lilly & Company Brown Family Foundation Pete & Sandy Menge Evert Foundation Burns & McDonnell Mark & Jinjer Menge HealthPartners & Regions Hospital Carlson Capital Management Inar & Susan Morics Janssen Pharmaceutical Community Consulting Group David & Judith Nass Foundation- B.C. Gamble Dungarvin Michael Schneider & Russell F. Sassani and P.W. Skogmo Fund Findorff Family Fund Bob Karels & Sandy Robinson Martha & William Muska Fund Floyd Total Security Al & Pat Rousseau PhRMA Fraser Herman & Mary Schulte UCare Mary L. Hammerly Fund Wasie Foundation Hennepin County Medical Center Benefactor ($500 - $999) Jami Alanna Marks Tikkun Olam Fund Mary C. Anderson Visionary ($5,000 - $9,999) Maplewood Toyota & Rick Schaffhausen Gretchen Arf F. & K. Andersen Foundation Mayo Clinic Ted & Ruth Arneson Hugh J. Andersen Foundation Next Financial Group Peter Wilson & Barbara Bridges BlueCross and BlueShield of Minnesota Revord Family Fund Therese Marie Blaine Bristol-Meyers Squibb Schall Family Fund Julie Brunner Foster Family Foundation Vexilar Joseph R. Clubb Haggerty Family Foundation Wexler Family Gift Fund Community Housing Corp. Kentron Foundation Greg Dattilo Medica Foundation Individuals and Organizations Pamela Drake Minnesota Community Foundation Visionary ($5,000 +) Nazie Eftekhari Minnesota Twins Lisa and Gordon Alexander David & Donna Gadtke Stanley Family Foundation Martha Anderson John & Pam Hallman Thomson Family Foundation Allan & Mary Lou Burdick Daniel & Susan Hanson Emily & Bing Carlin Isaiah & Thea Harriday Advocate ($1,000 - $4,999) Evert Foundation Lenore Hartmann Beim Foundation Tom & Heidi Johnson Mary Heiserman Burdick-Craddick Family Foundation F. Alexandra Klas Dorothy Holmes Central Minnesota NAMI National Kevin & Kristina Homstad Community Foundation Ivan Sletten Dennis & Karen Jackson Earl & Dorotha Foster Memorial Fund Jonathan Stanley Gina Jacobsen Gannett Foundation Trisha Stark Kathryn Kmit Gudorf Family Foundation Cathy Stepanek Living History Farms Race HealthEast Karen Lloyd Leonett & Fred Lanners Foundation Advocate ($1,000 - $4,999) Eileen J. Lund Johnson Ilo & Peggy Leppik Debra Hohag Anderson Macalester Plymouth United Church Melrose Institute Park Nicollet Mary Brainerd Deane & Nancy Manolis Open Door Timothy & Linda Burkett Gene & Marilyn Martin OptumHealth Church of the Epiphany Nancy McClure PrairieCare Mike & Cindy Colson Michael & Sara Meyer Elizabeth C. Quinlan Scott Craven Nancy Minahan Qwest Denis & Josie Daly John Orbison Sacajawea Charitable Foundation Jon & Nikki Edwards Sandra Overland Simmet Foundation Mark and Margie Eustis Nancy Pazahanick University of Memphis Kenneth Gudorf William K. Pinsonnault Wal-Mart Eden Prairie Kevin Hanstad Ricky & Janine Potter Wal-Mart Vadnais Heights Bob & Pat Hunstad Rainbow Health Initiative

10 K. H. Rhodes Aaron Desmond James & Holly McGill S. Walter Richey John & Susan Doherty Patricia McMullen Roger Meyer Consulting, Inc. Holly & Pat Downing Ronald McNamara Clara Schaefer Pat Dwyer & Kelly Catton Dwyer Alison & Andrew Mellin Henry & Mary Scheig Sears & Patricia Eldredge Rick & Linda Millenacker Ed & Kathy Schoenecker Marita Ener Joseph & Jo Ann Nathan Dan & Cheryl Schulte Ruth Ener Eva Neubeck Anne Smith Steve Ewens Anne Ogden Jack & Margaret Smuckler Diane Ferreira Leslie Ogg Niels & Carol Sorensen Jean Findorff Cathleen O’Leary Sarah Stoesz & David Foster Chris J. Fondell, D.D.S. & Lauren Braswell Tom & Jeneal Olsen Robert & Carolyn Thompson Jana Gaffer Ignatius O’Shaughnessy Clara Ueland James and Julie Ann Gerlitz People, Inc Jerry & Nancy Webb John & Gail Gislason Tom Pepper Shelley White Howard & Karen Gochberg Tom & Margery Peterson Wotonwan River Conference Irving & Carol Gottesman Mark & Nancy Pettman of the WELCA Grand Wheeler Sinclair II Ann M. Pothoff Sheryl Wright Richard & Mary Graves Sadie Potocki Julene Greenshields Daniel Rauk Sponsor ($200 - $499) Roger & Mindy Greiling Ron & Nancy Reed Susan Abderholden & Lee Keller Bert & Susan Gross Bryan & Jessica Reed Howard & Lorraine Agee LeRoy & Carolyn Haeg Randy Reinke Norm & Pat Allen Orrin & Marianne Hager Paul Richardson Michael & Roberta Anderson Dan & Ruth Haggerty Charles & Ginny Roach Floyd & Sue Anderson Laura Hall Praveen Rokkam Richard Anderson Harry Hammerly Charles & Mary Ann Rolando Glenn Andis Morris & Suzi Hanson Thomas & Sandra Rose Emil & Marion Angelica Ann Hanson Alan Rousseau Robert E. Ansel Marquerite Harrington SAVE William & Josie Axness Beana Hatch Robert V. Sauer Steve Bauman & Margaret Fitzpatrick Janet Havens Caryn Schall Jason Beierle Joel Hetler Bob & Pamela Searles Susanna Bertelsen Zol & Kathy Heyman Nancy Silesky Michael Blum Vernon & Anna Mae Hogan Beth Silverwater & Norman Greenberg Jan & Ralph Boeckers Richard L. Howell Sara M. Simley Nancy and Roger Boeckers Cheryl R. Irwin John & Penne Simon William Bond Robert & Kathleen Iverson Mark Simons Martha Brinson Wilbur & Myril Jensen David & Nancy Sitzman Chuck & Joni Brost Mark Jerabek Kent Smith Alice Brotherton Coco Keim Luke & Jana Soiseth Charlotte Burns Kay King & Zach Doering Scott & Sarah Sponheim Louie & Jeff Buron Robert Kippley Eileen Stack Rick & Barb Burrock Pat Koppa Alice Swan Patrick & Sheryl Cain Ralene Kroenke Robert & Donna Swanson Kenn Carlson Verna Kruse Patricia Swenson Janet-Ruth & Roger Carlson Alexandra Lape Doug & Sally Taylor Carol Lee Carlson Sally LaMirande Michael & Lillian Tita Emma Carlson Jim & Donna Larson Paul Train John & Janet Carey Roberta Lee John and Jill Vuchetich Al & Theresa Carufel Al Lepinski Wendy Waddell Denise Charnell Robert & Nadine Lewis Walleye Trading Advisors John & Catherine Cich G. Lundborg & Char Nycklemoe Vail Place Robert & Carolie Collins Michael Lutsey Chuck & Jan Wally Terry and Cheryl Crowson Laurie MacLeod & Todd Stitt Cliff & Connie Whitaker Sally & John Cuningham Marcie Maddox Kendra Williams Rachel Dahms Kevin & Cathy Mahal Sue Winterstein Barbara Decoster Dave & Laurie Marshall Lillian Woehl Robert & Jill DeMaster Bernadette McCormick John & Jean Wolf

11 John M. Zakelj & Bonnie Watkins Stan & Mavis Brehm Kalene Engel Donna Zimmerman Tom & Doris Brinker Stephen & Kathleen Enzler Gary & Jean Zurek Joseph Brown James & Bonnie Erickson Judith Ecker Budreau Jim & Joy Erickson Associate ($100 - $199) Kathleen M. Burke Jeff Erickson Jim Aakhus Jean Burr Joshua Erickson Edward & Delores Abderholden Janelle Calhoun Marie Erickson Jim Abderholden & Linda Lambert Karl and Nancy Cambronne Jean Erspamer Dick & Sue Abel Kathleen Capra Kay Evens Sandra Accola Mary Ann Cardinal Jean Fagerstrom Dick and Kathy Adams Diane Carlin Tom & Margaret Fahey Ann Ahlstrom Lawrence and Kathleen Carlin Maribeth Feidt Shawn Alderman Robert & Ruth Carlisle Brian Fenimore Lynne Alexander Edward & Shirley Carlson Tom Fenimore Whit Alexander Lisa Carrico Janie Finn Donald Allen Nicole Carroll-Sykora Gary & Gail Fitch Susan B. Allen Debra Cathcart Barbara H. Flanigan Leo and Janet Allison Bruce Celebrezze Heidi Flores Dave Anderson Chuck Ceronsky Matthew Flores Jeff Anneke Fu-Hsian Chang Zachary Forsyth Dan, Kari and Amanda Arit Priscilla R. Cherry Darrell & Mary Foss Bill & Linda Armstrong Carol Chervany Diane Fournier Sue and Allen Arndt Jean Christensen Kurt L. Fox Arrowhead House Kathleen Christensen Kerry Frank Dawn Atchison Brien Godfrey & Christine Hult Marissa M. Frankenfield Joan Wiggen Baker Matt Cina Carol Freeman Pat & Sandy Baldwin Susan Clark Daniel Fristoe Rhonda Baldwin Susan Claugherty Michael & Nita Fronk Mary and Vance Baran Thomas & Brenda Clay Amy and Thomas Fuchs Ervin and Beverly Barrett Mary Clough Hank & Kathy Fukui Neil Barrett Nancy M. Collins Steve & Sara Gabel John & Annette Batcher Heifi Conrad Carole Gaskell Michele Batkiewicz Michael Scott & Ann Wilson Courington Anne R. Gearity Jo Bauer Richard & Maureen Cox Eric Larson, M.D. & Geeta Dash Linda Beall Joan and Don Cullman Pat Gilbertson Brad Beard L Welk Cunningham Kenneth & Mary Gleason Cynthia Beard Michele Dahn Jerry and Diane Gobel Lee Beecher & Mary Jane Heinen Phuong Dao Eleanor Graves Michael Beery Lawrence & Joy Davis Joe & Trudi Green Daniel Behrend Sandy Degonda Joseph Green Ted & Caroline Beise Kevin Derhaag Michelle Greene Nichole Belland John DesHarnais Anne Greene Judith A. Bemis Catherine DeVet Bruce Greene Frederick Benkusky Karen K. Dickson Jeanne Gregory Daniel & Jennie Bennett Dan & Marilyn Dornfeld Sue Greischar Tara Bergum Robert Downing Judy Gulden Julie Anne Bjerke Mary Doyle Roy & Kay Gunther Henry Blissenbach Brian & Susan Dunn Pamela Guthrie Wayne Block Diane & Bill Dunnigan Jim & Yvonne Haberle Fred & Norma Bobenhouse Todd & Mary Edholm Jack Haggerty Judy Boeckers Deborah Maura Ebert & Kerin Bloss Kathryn Hahne Joann Boeyink Joseph & Sarah Eibert Mark & Patty Halvorson Harry & Linda Bonney Glenn Eichhorn Susan & Terry Hanson Terence Borgerding Lyle Eidelbes Troy Hanson Della Braaten Barbara and Ralph Eischen Janice Harstad Beverly and Michael Brama Natalie Ellertson David Hartford Christine Bray Toran Ener Jim & Janet Hatch J. Colleen Breen Robert & Kristin Engdale Mark Haynes

12 Cynthia Hechter Rollins Judith Kashtan Health Collaborative Roger Heegaard John Kaul Edythe and Robert Michel Fran Hendrickson Jerry & Marge Kazmierczak Virgil and Carol Michlitsch Christine Hendrickson Kelleher Construction, Inc. Eric Mikkonen Anne Henry & Jerod Hugo Peterson Tom & Sue Keller Arthur Miller Sherrie and Scott Herendeen Richard Kelley Brent Miller Dick Herreid Daniel Kelliher & Pamela Hoopes Mark Miller Mary Hertensteiner Charles & Helen Kennedy Lucy Mitchell Terri Hilar Nicole Kennedy Marilyn and Alan Mitchell Wally and Karen Hinz Andis Kerlin MN Assn of Mental Health Asako Hirabyashi & Thomas Stoffregen David L. Kerski Residential Facilities Sandra Hirsh Dorothy Kettner Richard Mockler Mark & Kathy Hodapp Brian Kingsley Mike & Jill Moen Peter Hofrenning Gloria Knoblauch Steven and Kathleen Mooney Florence and Richard Hogan Jeffrey Kornoelje Denise Morelock Doreen Hohag Kris Kosmider Dan Mortensen Anne Holmes Lisa Kraft-Kujawa Vicki Mortensen Michele Holton Kathleen Krupel Mary Muirhead Bob & Patty Holycross James W. LaFave Arjomand Mullen Donald Holycross Anne Lagrandeur Patricia Murphy Donald and Sandra Honerbrink Lori Lariviere Charlene Myklebust Steve and Kelly Housh Steve Larson NAMI Goodhue County Margaret Houston Sally M. Larson Candice Nardini Mary T. Howard Cindy Lavan Gloria Nelson John & Judith Howe Dorothy Leathers Allen & Christine Nelson Dennis Hughes Elizabeth Lemke Vince Netherland Bob & Joyce Humboldt Mary Kay & Steven Levine Peter Neubeck Jobin Hume Carol Ley Joan Nichols Gwen Ihnot Vera Likins Carol Nicholson Christa Ingison Janet Liliemark Allen Norman Alan Ingram Daniel & Darlene Lingofelt Joel Oberstar Mark Innocenti Joselynne Little Vietnam of America Bob & Luba Ireland Ruth Lo Dave & Kathy Okeson Rick Irvin Tara Long Stephen & Nancy Olson Kirstin & Chris Jacobson Ralph W. Lovering Steve Olson Thomas Jacobson Donald and Linda Lucachick Pat and Lou Orlando Corrine James Pam Luinenberg Brad Orvis Frank & Barbara Janisch Tom & Margaret Lunacek Marge Page Timothy Janka William & Lorraine Lund Kris Palfe Matt Jerabek Carol Lundstrom Park Midway Bank Jobbers Warehouse Supply Thomas Lunney Daniel Parnell Emily K. Johnson Barbara Lutz Clough Patrick Connie & Gary Johnson Thomas and Davy Koy Lyons Deb and Eric Paulsrud Beth Johnson Meg Madson Jennifer Pearson Bette M. Johnson Thomas Mahoney Richard Peters Charlotte Johnson Rochel Manders Richard & Donna Peterson Dave Johnson Jennifer Marsh Jeff & Jan Peterson Jim Johnson & Cheri Toftey Marilyn A. Martin Curt N. Peterson Lowell Johnson Lorilee Mazan Clark & Sue Peterson Roger & Margaret Johnson Marcia McCormick Julie Peterson Charles Johnston Cheri McCreary Mary Pettiford David & Louise Jones Sandra McDonald Kathleen Pettit Robert & Corrine Jones Mary Kay McJilton Brian Pletscher Kathleen Junek Diane McKane Thomas C. Plunkett Lorna Kadlec Ruthmary B. McVay Jeffrey and Barbara Powers Jeffrey Kamrath Gary Melquist Jim & Monica Preisen Owen Kane Paul and Kathy Menge Gretchen Prohofsky Jenny Kartak Ramsey County Children’s Mental Jodi Prohofsky

13 Katie Prokop Sue and John Stillman Dave and LuAnn Wood Laurie Pumper Lynn & William Stokke Helen and Jeff Wood Diane and John Rafert Joline Storia Lynelle Wood Brian Rank Jim & Rhonda Suedbeck Susan Woolard John and Linda Rebane Roland Sullivan Warren & Sarah Wulfekuhler Mary Regan Jane Marie Sulzle LuAnn Yerks Catharine C. Reid Jean Sulzle Gary & Cary Zahrbock Brenda Reuter John & Elizabeth Super Austin Claire Zajac Darlene Richards Gary M. Surdel & Karen M. Bohn Janet Zander Janet Rice & Peter Bachman Dan Swenson Barbara Zelley Chet and Lori Ritchie Swift County Human Services Brian Zellman Catherine Roach Grace Tangjerd Schmitt Mary Zika Robert M. Roach Larry Wilson Ttee Dale & Nancy Zoerb JoAnna Roberson Anne Thayer Tom & Beth Robinson Linda Thomas Friend ($1 - $99) Gregg Rogers Brett M. Tibbs Marva Abel Abigail Rose Maureen Tousignant Sandi Abel Tom and Linda Rosenthal Kate Towle Derald & Luanne Abram Catherine Ross Bob & Lois Treuchel Access Psychiatric Home Health Kristyn Rudeen Heegaard Laverne Trick Atashi Acharya Stan & Bev Rund Elizabeth Trinkle Jewel Adams Stephanie Ruotsinoja Janey Trowbridge David Adson Pam Russo Petro Tsarehradsky Suzanne Aho Kari Ruth Thomas Turry Lisa Albers Lola Swiggum & Ryan Carlson Karen Ubel Jeff & Jody Alberts Sunil Sachdev Judy Ulland Nancy Aleff Michael and Megan Schaefbauer Timothy & Dianna Utter George Allen Rick Schaffhausen Marilyn Vallez Patti Alt Randall Schapiro Paul Vallez Phyllis Alvin Lanny & Linda Scheffert Barb & Tom Van Oss Joe & Catherine Amato Florence Schmidt Susannah VanDyke Raymond & Carolyn Anderson Lynette Schmitz Teresa Verduzco Mark Anderson John & Linds Schroepfer Marilyn Vernon Peter L. Anderson Mark & Paula Neuman Scott Kathy Vongroven Nancy J. Anderson John & Sheilah Seaberg Mary Vorhes Gary Anderson Jeremy & Linda Seiner Mark & Mary Vukelich Glenn Anderson Kim Severson Helen Wagner John & Judith Anderson Dan Seward Stephanie Wall Lorraine & Warren Anderson Thomas P. Shillock Gregory Walz Shirley Anderson Mary & Truman Shoaff Stacie Warejoncas Harold & Catherine Davis Anderson Scott and Lori Sieg Gerald & Frances Warzeha Tamara Anderson Edward Simonet Beth Waterman John Anderson Don & Elaine Skaar Dennis Webster Rodger & Janet Anderson Keith & Margaret Skelton Connie Weinman Shirley Anderson Charles & Emily Skelton Gerald & Dorothea Weisman Jamie M. Anderson Richard Slieter Thea Welsh Mark Anderson Ann Smith Timothy & Karen Wendt Roxanne Anderson Anne Snowden Jeffrey Wentling Rich & Carol Andresen Carol Solie Bill & Noel White Tammy Anfinson Florence & Thomas Sopoci E.C. Penny White & R.E. White Jr. Lori Anthony Steve Sopoci Tona Willand Stephen & Judy Antonello Anita & John Speltz Wilfred & Janet Williams Sharon Apel St. Cloud Hospital Chapel Fund Jane Williams Lavone Appleman Helga Stambaugh Mari Jo Williams Rebecca Arens Mark Stannard Greg & Stephanie Wilson Bruce D. Ario Christine Stanson Kent & Ann Wilson Ray & Mary Arland Julie Stevens John Wittenborg Jeanine Arntzen Terry and Marilee Stevens Lori Wohlrabe Julia Aschburger

14 Larry & Sandra Asche Ronald & Susan Berg Beverley Brown & Scott Ferris Lynne Assardo Cheryl Bernstein Cara L. Bruegger Betty Atkinson Stephanie Bertram Bonnie & Jan Bruinooge Gerald & June Jean Audette Tammy Bertram Sandy Buckingham Raymond & Judy Auger Dennis Besch Deb Buehler Deb Austin Jacki Betsworth Charlie Bulman Sharon Autio Better Living of Duluth Kathy Bunkers Steven D. Axelson Dallas Betz Chris Burda James & Suzanne Babin Bill Kelly House Matthew Burdick Ganesh Babulal Robert Bishaw Robert & Paula Buresh Stephanie Bagniewski Dennis & Karen Bjerke Lisa K. Burger Art & Martha Bailey Judith & Lee Bjorndal Jerold & Karleen Burgeson Terry Bailey Salomon Black Bull Shelley Burns James & Gloria Bailey Eleanor Blackstock Julie Burrows Eric Bain Mary Alice Blais Amy Burt Mary Baker Blake Sunshine Club Stephen & Sandra Burwell Bebe Baldwin Roger & Valerie Blankenship Darci Burzette Stephen & Cheryl Baldwin Anne Bliss Chad Bushman Gloria Baloga Ruth Blomquist Dick & Helen Bylund Marla Bambenek Pat Blomquist Carol Byrnes Angela Barber Christian Boe G.R. & K. Call Jeanna Barke Irene R. Boe Mara Calvert Jenna M. Barke Joan M. Bonello Barbara L. Camm John, Jan & Joe Barke Daryl & Gail Borchardt Janelle Carle Bob & Betty Barnacle Joyce Borealino Donna M. Carlson Bob Barnes Rebecca Bormann Thomas B. Carlson Sarah Barnes Jeanne Born Keith & Nannette Carlson Patricia Barone Savanna Borne Steve & Polly Carlson-Voiles George & Alys Barr James & Verdella Borrell Emery Carlsten Martha Lynn Barres Tom Bounds Gayla Carlstrom Dale & Betty Barrett Sidney & Mavis Boushek Colette Carner Jim Bartingale & Jim Andrews Mary K. Boyd Jim & Dolly Carr Douglas Bastian Jan Braam Curt & Joyce Carrigan Nancy Batchelle Julie Bram Robert D. Jr. & Mary Carter Scott & Jean Batcher Nancy Brandt Edward Cassidy Marlin & Dorothy Bates Lee & Laurie Brandt Patti Cataldo Tom Bates Daniel Bratland Deb Cavitt Mary Jane & Gerry Bauer Andrea & Roger Braun Kathie Cech Tim & Linda Baumgartner Erin Bravatto Amy Chaffins Robin Baumgartner Maureen Breckman Jennifer Chapik Debbie Bayer-Siebert Jean Marie Brennan Mary & Neil Charpentier Michael & Maya Beach Katie Brennan Steven L. & Kathy Chesney Heather Beach Rita Brenner Gerald & Yvonne Childs Charles & Rachel Beck D.W. Bricher Margaret Christensen Don & Martha Becker Kathleen Brickey Jenn & Hsiao Chun Chan Family Molly Becker Jesse Brickzin City-County Federal Credit Union Gerald & Dawn Beedle Shari Brisson Susan Clandon Douglas & Nancy Beedon Heidi Brist Debra Clark Juan Carlos Belalcazar Bob & Nancy Broberg Ben Clarke Coni Bell Daniel Brodhead Nichelle Clater Joan Bellin Morgan Brooke James F. Cleary Theresa Benbo George Broostin Judith Coggins Carol Bender Tim Brophy Steve & Barb Coleman Mindy Benowitz John L. & Bridget K. Brose Robert & Eva Colligan John & Joanne Benson John Brown Mary Collins Joan Benson Butch & Kathy Brown Douglas & Patricia Condon Marlene M. Berg Sheryl Brown Deirdre Conley Betty Lou Berg Maxine Brown George & Marjorie Cook

15 James Cook Linda Donaldson John & Mary Faltesek Richard & Martha Coombs Pam Donley Arlene Faricy Nancy Cooper Deb Donley Kerry Faste Pat & Sandy Corcoran Terry Donovon Peter & Susan Felipe Desiree Coreene Richard & Cynthia Doody Tamara Ferguson Rae Cornelius James Dornbush Robert & Micky Ferguson Katherine Cornelius Daniel Dotz Kristin E. Fernholz Patrick Corrigan Neil Doughty Steven Filiatrault Kelly Costanzo Eleanor Downing Bill & Sue Fink Sue Cota Mary Theresa Downing Steve Fink Lavonne C. Craig Bill Drury Robert Fisch Lynda Cramer Bonnie DuBois Carol Fischer Shirley Crittenden Joseph & Claudia Dubord Collette Fischer Thomas & Debie Crittenden Thomas Ducker Lisa Fischer Martha Joy & John C. Cushing Jr. Leslie Duncan Ginny Fischer & Family Diana Cumming Duncan Family Marty & Kate Fischer Lois Cunningham Bob Dungay Deborah Fisher Abraham & Christine Cyr John & Marlys Dunlap Steven & Karen Flink Tonderleauh Daggs Faye Duvall Jessica Flynn Phyllis Dahl Christine Dykhouse Laura Flynn John & Modonna Dahl Kathy Eberle Andrew Foell Rosemarie Dakota Charlene Eckenroth Joanne Ford Diane Dalbey Magdalene & George Eckenroth Julee M. Ford Young Shari M. Danley Claire Eckley Sharon Fortunak Donald & Sally Darling Karrie A. Eckman Emma T. Foss Robert Davidson John & Kathryn Edlebeck Diana Fowls Ron & Judy Davidson Linda Gruye & Ed Hilferty Frances Harnack Post 582 Bill Davis Jennifer Edlund Charles Frantz Harold Davis Maureen Edstrom Angela Freeman Jill Davis John & Fran Edstrom John & Joyce Frees William Davis Patrick & Sandra Egan Janet M. Freund Lydia Davitt David & Jean Egeland Stephen Freund Jennifer Dean Carl Egli Jode Freyholtz Robin Debronsky Jess Allen & Diane Joy Eichhorn Miller & Julie Friesen William & Mertle Decoursey Matthew Eichler Sally Fritts Gerry & Vicki Degner Louise Eidsmoe Paul & Laurie Froiland Bob Delastrada Lilian Ejebe Dana Fromberg Elizabeth V. Delesante Heidi & Tom Ellerman Doug & Jane Frost Barb DeLong Amy Ellickson Mark A. Frye Lisa DeLong Shirley Ellinghuysen Roald Fuglestad Mary B. Delong Alice Ellingson Barbara Gacek Sarah Delong Rachel Ann Emmanuel-Fitzgerald Joan Gackstetter Cyril Denn Lonnie End-of-Horn Richard Galena Camillo & Lois Desantis Wes & Pearl Engebretson Susan Galvin Steve Despiegelaere Robert & Catherine Engelhardt Karen June Gano Cheryl F. DeVaal Pamela Engquist Inez L. Gantz Patrick & Kay Devaney Sharon Engstrom JoAnn Garber Cynthia DeVore Victoria Erbele Noemi Garcia Linda Diaz Louis & Peggy Erdrich Ruth Garner Mark C. Dicke Steven & Patti Erickson Anne Gateno Jean Dickson Reed & Mary Lou Erickson Richard & Jan Lynn Gauger Joan Diedrick Lund Kriste Ericsson Susan & Gary Gekas Laura Dingels Linda Esterly Steven & Judith Gelderman Gerald & Patricia Dion Katherine Evensen & Martin Marty Sarah Genosky Charles & Jean Doering Carol Evers Beverly George Theresa Dolata Bonnie Evert Margaret Ryan & George Baboila Mary Lou Doll Bernadine Eyman Diane Kay Gerlach Renee Doll John & Grace Falk Teddy & Jim Gesell

16 Steven & Debra Geske Gail Harbeck Patti Holm Rimma Getman Melanie Hardt Jack & Deb Holmes Oretha Gewleh Leonard Harris Jeff & Cheryl Holmes Denise Gibson Phil Harry Peter J. Holmes Peter & Patti Giese Elizabeth Hart Desiree J. Holmquist Karl Giesler Scott & Betsy Hartley Anne Holzinger Walt Gislason Laurie Harvey Mary Hoody Lisa Gjerde Kenneth Hasley Barbara Horn Sherry Goldenstein Mavis Hatcher Sheron Horris Mary Gomer Patrick Hauer Nancy Houlton Darla Goodall Susan Hawkinson Brandon Howard Gary & Judy Gordon Larry & Faith Haws Millie Howard Katy Gorman Inna Hays John Hoyt Cindy Gottwalt Ruthanne Hazelton Margaret Hubbs Joseph Graca Sandy Heglie William A. Huesman Tom & Peg Graham Dave Hehl Linda Hughes Milo Grant & Charlotte Gronseth Glenn Heil Joyce Hultberg Mary & Steve Gray Kathleen A. Hein Mary Ann Huml Beverly Gray Marion Helget Jan Humphrey Jean Greenwood Kristopher & Amy Helm Bryan Hunter Mark & LaRae Gregory Marilou Heltemes Cecilia Huston Cynthia Grimm Tani Hemmila Erica Hynes DeAnn Grimmeus Josephine Henderson Joyce Ilola Doris Gritti David Hendren Peg Imholte John & Becky Gronquist Ronald Lee Hendrickson Lenora Ireland Grotting Family Denise Hennes Rebecca Ittner Janet Grove Anne Henry Tim Iverson Rick & Irene Grube Anthony Henry Rick Jackson John Gruber Jr., Rose-Mary Gruber Diane Henthron Archie & Carroll Jackson & John C. Gruber Eileen Herbert Naomi Jackson Arnie Gruetzmacher Helena Hering Larry Jacobs & Julie Schumacher Susan Grun Shirley Heroff Peter Jacobs Gladys Gudahl Gerry & Mary Ann Herringer David & Sandy Jacobson Ellen Guerre Edwina Hertzberg Debra Jacoway Guild of Catholic Women Ann Herzog-Morrison Rudolph & Marion Jaeger Vernon & Geraldine Gunderson Denise M. Heuer Charlene James Debra Gunsell Anne Heury Elise Jamison Randall & Lynette Gustafson Hiawatha Hall Jennifer Janacek Robert & Gerri Gustafson Cindy Hietala Aaron Janusz Roy Gustafson Shirley Hildebrant Steve & Joan Janusz Lori L. Guzman Vern & Ann Hill Linda Jarvis Traci Hackmann Patricia Hill Ken & Sherry Jechorek Marc & Ellen Hadley Kassandra Hill Jeremy R. Jenkins Betty & Francis Hagen Mike Hilsuk Debra Jensen Fred & Lois Halberg Elizabeth J. Hinds Renee Jensen Judith K. Hale Jim & Norma Hingeley Renee Jenson Arlis Hall Joe Hinrichs Karen Jentz Leonard S. Hall Heather & Kevin Hirte Lois Jochims Marilyn V. Hammer Glennda Hjellming Tammy L. Johansen Sheila Hanschen William & Karen Hoernemann Betty J. Johnson David & Terri Hansen Thomas & Julie Hofer Brad Johnson Mallory F. Hansen Lorrie S. Hoffman Douglas Johnson Peg Hansen Joanna Hogan Jennifer Johnson Barbara J. Hanson Nora Hogan Krista Johnson Jill Hanson Tony & Carmen Holder Katherine Johnson Una Hanson Susanne Holderried Lorraine Johnson Michael John Hanson Donna & Paul Holland Lucy Johnson Kathleen Hanson Noel Florence M. Hollerud Mary Johnson

177 Nancy Johnson Connie Kishel Valerie Landy Robert Johnson Louise A. Klas Joseph & Linda Engelbert Lane Ruth Johnson Richard & Ellen Klein Rich & Anita Lang Scott Johnson Rosemary Kliever Jeff Lanning Shannon K. Johnson Robert & Barbara Kline Daniel Lantz Tom Johnson Tom & Kay Klinger Edward & Judith Larsen Reginald Johnson Dawn Klingman Barbara Larson Ryan Johnson Joan E. Klocow Clarence & Arta Larson Travis Johnson Marilyn Kloncz Bridget Larson Alvita & Christa Johnson Rita Kloss Greg Larson Bruce & Jane Johnson Genny Kloss Joan Irene Larson Burton & Linda Johnson Terry Kmit Marie Larson Dick & Gail Johnson Mark Knutson Mary Elizabeth Larson Glenn & Karen Johnson Blanche Kobs Natalie Laski Dale & Pamela Johnson Karen Koepp Leslie Laub Daniel & Sally Johnson Kim Koerner Darlene Laube Dennis & Kathryn Johnson Rosalie M. Kolb John & Dorine Laudenbach David & Sandra Johnson Peter & Ingrid Koller Lisa Lauer O. Rueben & Donna M. Johnson William & Bonnie M. Konrad Tim & Jean Lauth Rick & Bernadette Johnson A. Rick Koop Dawn Leahy Rodney & Lori Johnson Ronald Kopp Ruth Leathers Tom & Bonnie Johnson Barbara Koropchak Kaye & Mike LeBaron Tory & Julie Johnson Kathy Kosnoff Steven Lee Sherry Jokinen Judith Kostroski Franes Lefler Brian Jost Kevin & Carol Kot Cindy Lehman & Rick Rios Mary Joyce Heather Kothbauer Lori Leininger Loretta Jueneman Paula Kotlarz Jennifer Lenzen Jerome Jungquist T.E. & K.L.T. Kottke Susan Leonard Mira Jurich Mark Kramer Scott & Becky Lepley Judi Just Gwen Kranz Margo Leslie Charles D. & Sharon Kalkman Nancy Kraulik Mark Lethert Lloyd & Eleanor Kallevig Dennis & Jennifer Kresel Michael & Rose Lethert Samantha Kallhoff Chuck Krueger Anne M. Leverone Regina Kamara Douglas Krueger Beverly R. Lewis Rhonda Karels Marvin & Kathy Krumrei Diana Leyk Ruth Katz John & Rita Kruschwitz Darla Lidke Alison Kaufman Bob & Sarah Kruta Richard & Margaret Lidstad Matthew & Angela Greiling Keane Elizabeth Kruta Paul Liffrig Debra S. Kearnes Jonelle & Dave Krygier Richard & Madeleine Linck Margaret Kearnes Kathy Krypel Carol Lindberg Daniel Keefe Kristi Kuder Dee Lindblom Peter S. Keegan James Kuester Theodore Lindelien Norma Keeney Therese Kujawa Pat Lindgren Dan & Kathleen Keeney-Fethkenher Ray & Patty Kukowski Patricia Lindholm Janet Kehne Dora Kunyanskaya John & Patty Lindkvist Cheri Kelley Robert Kunze Bob & Diane Linngren Kathy Kelly & Keith Herman Mark Kuppe Kathryn Lintner Lindsay Kelly John T. Kustermann Joseph & Linda Lipari Kevin & Judy Kenney Carl Kuyath Arthur & Susan Littrell Mary Kiese Chris Kyllander Gloria Livingston Tracy Kilpela David Lackmann Roseann Lloyd Minnie Kim Fred LaFleur Peter & Ruth Logas Edna J. Kimmes Diane Lafrenz Larry & Mary Loken Le Roy & Rosalie Kimmes John & Marcia Lally Frank & Bonnie Loncorich Todd & Michelle Kindseth Gary & Sherry Lampman Idelle Longman Denise King Kevin & Katy LaNave Lawrence J. Loomis Pat & Lori Kinney Christa Landon Mary Jean Loomis Maryam Kirschbaum John Landree Diane Loudon

188 James & Donnarae Louricas Robert & Karen McGown Monica Mooney Mike Lovestrand Pat McGrath Jerad & Rachel Morey Robert & Sandra Luhman Mick McGraw Stephen Morice Brian Luna James & Kathleen McGuire Lawrence G. Morris Virginia & C. Harvey Lundell Kyle & Mavis McKeever Steven & Ann Herzog Morrison Kathryn Lund-Reed Kelly McLaughlin Geriane & Rodney Morseth Sally Lundstrom John & Claire McLean Mountain Reading Service Bonnie Lutzi Gail McNally Cindy Mueller Timothy & Cynthia Truitt Lynch Lucy Marran McNulty Ruth Mueller Edward Lynn Wendy McQuay Kathleen Muench Karey Lyon Margaret A. Mealey Mary Jean Mulherin Cheryl Lyons Taunja Meers Patty & Jim Mullen Susan & Christopher Lyons Tammy L Meister Sue Mulligan David & Mary Maas Bev & Steven Mello Kevin E. Mulligan Enson Maattala Raia Meltzer Luayn Murphy Enson Maattela Michael Menner & Sandie Murray Jackie MacDonald Margaret Grosspietsch Joan Murray Michael Mack Susan Mercurio Lois Myers Patricia Mack Therese Mervar Clara R. Nakumbe Leslie MacKenzie Donald & Arlene Messerich NAMI Forensic Network Ruth Maday Diane Mestemacher Wesley Miller & Nancy Nelson Jim Madson Jeff Metzen Nao Kim & Family John Majerus Doug Mewhorter Gloria & Jeffrey Narabrook Marion Makinen Roger L. Meyer Bea & Al Navratil Ann Maland Beverly Meyer Cathie Neitge Kathleen Malone Patricia Meyer Bette Neitzke Jean & Ted Maltese Ann Meyer Jan Nelson Mary Maltese Anna Meyer Chuck & Barb Nelson Mario Mancini Hilary Meyer Nancy Nelson Suzann Manecke La Donna & Mike Michaud Tammy Nelson Jane Mann Mary Michel Ann M. Nelson Richard & Ione Mansfield Jody Michlitsch John Nelson Jon & Marlene Marble Beth Middlecamp Lynsey Nelson Brian Marcum Verna Mikesh Mindy Nelson Maureen Marrin Carol Miles Noah Nelson Mille C. Marsh Steve Miles Roger Nelson Beryl Marsolek Octavia Miles Sharyl Nelson Judy Martin Kenneth Millard Roger & Diane Nelson Curtis C. Martinson Joan Miller & Doneldon Dennis Frances & Phyllis Nelson Diane Mathisen Rosalie Miller Greg Nelson Lowell & Marcia Mattson Donald & Carolyn Miller Reg & Michele Nelson David & Mary Mattson Vanessa Miller Gail & Jerry Neren Mary Mattson Clarence & Joanne Miller Bill & Jean Ness Jewel Mayer Lori & Ross Miller Bonnie J. Ness Ellen Mazzarella Margaret Miller B. Nett Cindy McCabe Amelia Miller Dan & Carol Newman Pat McCarthy Jean Mills Louise Newsom Mary J. McCarthy Allan & Kathleen Mimbach David Newton Judith McCarty Ann Mitchell Beth & James Nielsen Emily McChesney Susan Mitchell Kathy Nielsen Judy McCormick Joan Mitchell Tasha M. Nienow Mary Ann McCoy Christine Mitsch Tigest Nigatu Virginia Anne McDermott Joseph & Gitte Mohr Earl Nolting Peter & Charlotte McDermott Lee Moisant Nancy Nonini Barb & Dave McDonald Rodney Molitor Geoffroy Noonan Sharon McDonald Janette Ayd & Molly Cavanagh Ellen Nordby Kathryn McDonough Raymond Monsor Sarah Norem Ann McGinn Amy Moog Thomas Normile

19 Edmond Norris Candace Phalen Jeanne E. Rogers Steve & Adelle North Lee Pitman Larry & Janet Kay Rogers Merrilee North Skip & Betty Pitzen Kristin Rogotzke Northern Pines Mental Cathy Plantenberg David E. Romines Health Center, Inc. Kelly & Sue Plath Patrick & Dana Rondeau Adrian Novak John Ploetz Harvey & Maxine Ronglien Don & Pat Noyes William & Sona Plummer Valerie L. Rosberg Kathy O’Brian Richard Podvin Fred & Bev Rosenberg Katherine M. O’Brien Jerome & Darlyne Pogose Melanie Ross Susan O’Connor Emma Pohl R.L. & Bette Rosse Mary Oddan Donna M. Poland Arlen Roste Jeanne Ofstie Roy & Doris Polkinghorne Ann Rotto Delvert D. Oftedahl Katie & Steve Potter Melanie Rouse Naomi & Marty Oken Virginia K. Potter Vincent & Barbara Ruane Peter & Bonita Olin Allison Baker & Parviz Pouladian Dean Rudloff Carli Oliver Leila D. Poullada Ruth Rudolph Monica Olmschenk Dick & Rosemary Powell Jeanette Rudsdil Vicki Olson Power Up Clubhouse Charlie Rudsdil Barry & Lisa Olson Edwin Praiseworthy Jeanette Rupert Carolyn Olson Julie Preiner Dorothy Ruppert Gladys A. Olson Eric & Rochell Prigge Richard & Sandra Stratton Rusch HaroldOlson Zoe Prinds-Flash Neil Russell Mark & Kristine Olson Project Clean Start Marshall & Gloria Rygh Mary Olson Phyllis Proulx Gerald & Cora Rygh Laura Olson Doug Pudvah Alice Sackorba Tom Omodt Pundsack Family Mark Saltzman Elizabeth Onchiri Tim & Sue Quam Joyce& David Salzer Susan O’Nell Mary Radford Gaye Sorenson & Sam Marincel Opportunity Services Beth Raeder Gary Sands Kate O’Reilly Don Ramler Adelle J. Sannel Kim Matteen Orlowski Mary Reagan Jane Sansgaard Ralph & Linda Ormsby Barbara Redmond Ron & Darlene Sather Tom Oswalt Jill Reed Arnie & Muriel Sather Gregory & Phyllis Owen Suzanne Reedy Donn & Linda Satrom Linda Palmer John & Jan Reichert Rodney & Twyla Sawtell Ralph S. Palmer Greg & Janet Reigstad Jared Say Richard & Mary Ann Papke Marna Reilly Paul & Maggie Scanlon Claude & Mary Paradis Frances J. Reitz Muriel M. Scarp Anna Parker Lucy Revering Stephanie Schaefer Sandra J. Parsons Jenea Rewertz-Targui Barbara Schaefer Marsha Partington Barbara L. Reynolds James & Pam Scheepstra Mary Patterson Stanley Richards Gene & Kathleen Burke Scheffler Amy Pauly Susan A. Richardson William & Becky Scheig Macie Paynter Elizabeth Riggs Roland Schell Carmen & David Pederson Kathleen N. Riley Roxanne & Mike Schlasner Susan Pederson Kristine Ringler Bill & Norma Schleppegrell Patricia Peltzer Cathy A. Risdall Jo Ann Schlosser Caroline Pelzel Rising Stars Therapeutic Equitation, Inc. Gary & Jan Schmidt Jodi Pendroy Charles A. Roach Jewel Schmidt John & Mary Periolat Elizabeth A. Roach David Schmidt Harold & Ann Peters Keith & Barbara Robberstad Sue Schmieg Betsy Petersen Glenn Robeck Adella Schmitt Lawrence & Sharon Peterson Grant & Meredith Robinson John M. Schmitz Lyla Peterson Kristin Lucille Robinson Mary Schmitz Darlene Peterson Ed & Carol Rodakowski Zeno & Joan Schmitz Joan Marie Peterson Harold & Louise Rodning Phyllis Schmitz Sandy Peterson-Lourey Robyn Roeber Barb Schneider Kari, Dave, Ryan & Josh Pflugshaupt John Roemer Donald Schneider

20 Mary Schoettle Thomas & Delores Slagerman Nancy Sweiger School Law Center LLC Mary K. Slaughter Sue Swendsen Mikki Schoone Barb A. Smith Jim & Shirley Swenson Jack & Lois Schorle Randy Smith Mark & Leslie Swiggum Dori Schou Matthea Smith Karen Szeitz Kristin Schreiber Theresa Smith Kiyomi Takekawa Robert & Helen Schroeder Deborah L. Smith Grace Tanjerd Schmitt William & Maureen Schroepfer Twila M. Smith Susan Tanner Venita Schrupp Florence Smith Pete Tatum Paul & Sue Schueller Jeanie Snell R. & Dorothy Taylor Char Schuler Judy Soderberg Arlene Teitelbaum Sandra Schulte Luke Soiseth Micah Ternet Dan Schultz Susan Solomon Rebecca Tessum Marlene Schulz David & Renee Sonka Colleen Theis W.E. & J.E. Schulze James & Julie Soper Anne Marie Thelander Richard & Monica Schulzetenberg Kay Sorgatz Patricia J. Thielen Erica Schumacher Al Spears Linda M. Thill Linda Schumm Janell Spelbrink Sherry Thistle Elizabeth Schwab Lelia Spencer Caryn & Tony Thole Anthony & Gloriann Schwartz Paul & Pat Sperry Bruce & Sylvia Thom John Schwarz Richard G. Spicer Van & Sandra Thompson Margaret Schwarz Low Myles & Joan Spicer Kathryn Thompson Roland & Jan Schwitters Debra Spichke Kathleen Thompson Linda Scott Dominic Sposeto Gary & Lisa Thorvig Jan Search Vicky Sprenger Terry Thul Karoline Seaver Peggy Staat James & Carol Thury Ken & Anita Sederstrom Ben Stabenow Michael & Phyllis Tierney Carolyn Sedlack Ted & Rosie Stahl Mark Tierney Kathleen Seitz Barbara Stamp Gerald Tillman Margaret Seiwert Ruth Starks Jacob Tjaden Dick & Harriet Sells Joe & Sharon Steckler Lee & Shirly Tomlinson Marina Semerikov Lori Stee Yaovi B. Toneh Brent & Patricia Seppanen Jack Stephens Michelle Torba Tom Shafer Jean Stephens Paul & Lori Towne Nancy Shallcross Camilla Madson & Steven Obaid, MD Richard & Marilyn Townsend Kathleen Shannon Patricia C. Stoddard Kay Trainor Stefan Peterson & Shanti Shah Joanne Stoermann James Trembath Maureen Sheehy-Kustaa Gary & Lori Stoltzman Debbie Tretter Susan C. Sheeley Amy & Deanna Storbakken Jana Tronier Scott & Karleen Shellum JoAnne Streeter Eileen M. Troseth Anne Shepard Darryl Streeter John Tryggeseth Deborah Shepherd Deena Strohman Susan Tschida Lori Shepherd Ted & Becky Stuckmayer Bernice Tschida Glorias Shepherd Sheila Student Sara Tschimperle & Jim Culley Scott & Jeanne Sherwood Suzanne Stultz Deb Tucker Richard & Linda Shinofield Cristina Stutler Kristine Tuma Nichole Short Mary Sullivan Amanda Tupy Erica Sievertson Kathleen Sullivan Cheryl Turcotte Cheryl M. Sill Sunray Optical, Inc. William & Karen Turner Joyce Simon J. Robinson & Susan Rubens Kathy Tuzinski Paulette & Jack Simon Steve Susens Mary Tyrrell Melina Simonson Will Susens Marcia A. Ulland Mary Sinclair Le Anna Sutherland Denny Ulmer Lisa Sinclair Lynn Svercl Douglas & Carla Ulrich Sue Singer Neil & Lois Swanson Vail Place Ellie Skelton Danella Swanson-Ness Randi Valencia Mary Skov Kathleen Swedell Kathy Valleau Patricia Slaber Mary Swedin Gerry & Pam Van Heel

21 Amy Van Steenwyk Nancy Williams Sue Abderholden Hassam & Lorie Vanaki Kyle Williams Abdullah Candies Scott Vandal Sharleen Williams Acapulco Mexican Restaurant Sara Veblen-Mortenson Susanna Williams John A. Anderson Pamela Veder Peter & Margaret Willis Rick Anderson John & Mona Velebir Lawrence & DeAnne Willman Robby Anderson Debbie Vertelney Dan & Laurie Wilson Marion Angelica Claudia Vierling Bridgette Wilson Anonymous and Josie Daly Barbara Vigoren Janet Windmeier Arthur Murray Dance Steve Vincent Jerry & Vonnie Winters Mary Jean Babcock Jane & Ted Vinger Stephen Winters Ballet of the Dolls S. Vogel Amber Winterstein Banjo Brothers Minnehaha Bag Co. Ellie Vollmer Laura Winterstein Bar Abilene Victoria Volstad Brian Wipf Barbette Susan Vonbank Harriet Wishnick Ashley Barlow Becky Vongroven Ruth Wittrock Bay Street Shoes Linda Vukelich Lurene Witzig BayView Event Center Shirley Wadsworth David & Teresa Wobbema Bibelot Frank & Diane Wagamon Robin Wold JulieAnne Bjerke Wallace & Carolyn Wagamon Hugo & Agnes Wolf Black Forest Hailey Wagamon Dixie Wolfe Therese Blaine Edie Wagner Janice Wolhart Bloomington Civic Theater Gregory J. Waldorf Roman & Margaret Wolke Bill Bond Sarah Walker Christine Wood Brave New Workshop Jim Walter Nancy Wood Broadway Across America Kathleen Walter Woodland Center Bryant Lake Bowl John & Sally Ward Karin Worline Café Latte John & Mary Ward Pat Wright Canterbury Park Paul Ward Brad Wronski Roger and Janet Ruth Carlson Ed & Julie Warweg Robert Wrubel Chanhassen Theater Terry Wasson Romona E. Wuertz Maselter Charter Cruises Kathleen Weatherston David Wuollet Cheesecake Factory Craig & Bonnie Weber Peter & Peggy Yackel Coborns Delivers Susan Weberg Ellen Yager Coca Cola Midwest Evelyn Wedde Frank Yakish Cindy Colson Randy Wedin Pao Yang Commonwealth Theater Michael Weidner Stuart & Diane Yellen CorePower Yoga Judith Weir John & Christine Yilek Cragun’s Conference and Golf Resort Nisajith Welikadage Daniel & Nancy Young-Dixon Cub Amy Wendel Monica Zachau Cuisine Concepts Cathy Heying & Wendy Wiegmann Pat Zachau Gail Dorfman Curt Wentz Kenneth Zak Dunn Brothers Coffee Tom Wentz Carla Zbacnik Dynamex Audrey Wentz Lyle Zemke East Lake Liquor Store Western Mental Health Center, Inc. Robert & Mary Ann Zenz Todd Edholm John & Annette Whaley Dick Zetah Nikki & Jon Edwards Douglas & Carolyn White Mary Lou Ziebarth Employee Benefits Group, LLC Lars White Clayton & Alice Ziebarth Enerchi Massage Ann White Jake Ziebarth Evolution Mayata White Robert & Rita Zignego Feisty Girl Art Diane Whiting John & Elaine Zimmer Fillmore House B&B Steve Wickelgren Ben & Brenda Zimmerman Finken Water Centers Jim & Virginia Wieland John Zingsheim Lisa First Tom & Joann Wiita Sarah Zirenhelt FM 107 Alyson Wilhelmi Rachael Zuleger Franklin Street Bakery Troy A. Will Joseph & JoAnn Zwack General Mills Serena Willey Valeria Zwak Allen Gibas Anthony & Mary Williams IN KIND DONATIONS Gail Gislason

22 Richard Goodwin Minnesota Timberwolves Target Grand Casino Minnesota Twins TEJAS Restaurant Grand Casino Mille Lacs Minnesota Vikings Theater in the Round Grandma’s Restaurant Minnesota Wild Thomas Liquor Ellie Graves Mixed Blood Tony’s Hair Fashion Richard Graves MN Dance Theater Trader Joe’s Great Harvest Bakery MN Landscape Arboretum Treasure Island Casino Great Lakes Aquarium MN State Fair Tucci Bennucch Ruth Greewald MOA Tuthills Balloon Emporium Guthrie Theater Maureen Moo-Dodge Valley Fair Haskell’s Wine Armando Moreno (In Memorium) Mary Vorhes Saundra Hayden Jerad Morey WA Frost & Co. Les Heinen Mystic Lake Hotel and Casino Walgreens History Theatre NAMI Hennepin County Walker Art Center Hockey City Pub Eva Neubeck Watkins Spice Company Anna Mae Hogan Lorene Novak Wedge Co-Op Hoigaards Olive Garden Wellness Center HOM furniture Ordway Center Wellspring Health Center Marya Hornbacher Pearson’s Candy Company Bob Were House of Wong Pink Lotus, LLC Shelley White Mary Hovind Pizza Lucé Whitney Worldwide Laura Ibsen Potbelly & Whitney Marketing Ichiban Premier Bank Wild Mountain Ski Illusion Theater Rainbow Foods Wilderness at Fortune Bay Jerry’s Foods Rep. Jim Ramstad Laura Winterstein Joe Gibbs Racing Catherine Roach Zelle Glass Studio Joe Mauer, c/o Teresa Mauer Chuck and Ginny Roach Joe’s Grill Roasted Pear IN MEMORIUM Jon Charles Salon Roller Girls ANNICK Amy Jones Roseville Bakery Blake Sunshine Club Jungle Theater Round Barn Farm – Bed, Breakfast, KARE 11 and Bread BENJAMIN ALDEN Key’s Restaurant Ruth Keenan Ryan Anna Parker Kay King Salon SaBel Alision & Andrew Mellin Chris Kline Sam’s Club Predictive Care Team at McKesson Dorothy Raetz Kunze Sanctuary Salonspa Steven & Ann Herzog Morrison Kline Nissan Rick Schaffnausen Chuck Krueger Suzette Scheele KEITH ANDERSON Let’s Dish Helen Schneider Harold & Catherine Davis Anderson Jennifer Lenzen Dan and Mary Schulte Richard & Martha Coombs Lifetime Fitness Herm and Mary Schulte Bernadine Eyman Barb Lindberg Patti and Mark Schulte Edward & Judith Larsen Lulu Gals Sherri Hakes - SherWare Creative Jim & Donna Larson Laurie MacLeod Jan Shepherd Coco Keim MaMa Maria’s Italian Restaurant Skin Care by Marge Herman & Mary Schulte Maplewood Toyota Ivan Sletten Marc Daniels Smiling Dog Pet Care MICHAEL BEAGAN Johanna Hanssen Sonnie’s Nancy Nelson Mary Jo Havens Southern Theater Susan Solomon McCormick & Schmick’s Southwest Airlines Kelleher Construction, Inc. Gary Melquist Anita Speltz Menards St. Paul Guild STEPHEN L. BOEHRER MetroTransit Eileen Stack John & Kathryn Edlebeck Anna Meyer Steven Accola Midwest Kettlecorn Steven Loop WILLIAM BRADY Donald and Carolyn Miller Maxine Stewart Holly & Pat Downing Minneapolis Yoga Studio Cristina Stutler Minnesota Orchestra Summit Brewing Company

23 PAUL J. BURKE THOMAS HOLMES Vernon & Geraldine Gunderson Kathleen M. Burke & family Dorothy Holmes Randall & Lynette Gustafson Betty & Francis Hagen JANET DAVIDSON KEVIN HORVAT David & Terri Hansen Nancy J. Anderson Mark Frye Mallory Hansen Peter L. Anderson Mallory Hanson Betty Atkinson AARON JOHNSON Laurie Harvey Katherine Cornelius Joan Bonello Douglas & Janelle Helm City-County Federal Credit Union Mao Kim & Family Kristopher & Amy Helm Robert Davidson Gary & Judy Gordon Ronald Lee Hendrickson Gladys Gudahl Robert & Catherine Engelhardt Denise Heuer Linda Hughs Savanna Borne Archie & Carroll Jackson James & Donnarae Louricas Jim Bartingale Ken & Sherry Jechorek Millie Marsh Jim Andrews Dennis & Kathryn Johnson Mary & David Maas Win Simons Rick & Bernadette Johnson Thomas Mahoney Sue Abderholden & Lee Keller Roger & Margaret Johnson Lois Myers Jeanine Arntzen Norma Keeney NAMI Forensic Network Stephen & Cheryl Baldwin Dan & Kathleen Keeney-Fethkenher Gregory & Phyllis Owen Jeanna Barke Tom & Sue Keller Charlie Rudsdil Jenna Barke Bob & Sandy Klas Jeanette Rudsdil John, Jan, & Joe Barke Louise Klas Arnie & Muriel Sather Sarah Barnes Richard & Ellen Klein Lois & Jack Schorle John & Annette Batcher Joan Klocow Gary & Lisa Thorvig Scott & Jean Batcher Peter & Ingrid Koller Douglas & Carolyn White Don & Martha Becker John Landree Mary Alice Blais Tim & Jean Lauth STEVE DAVIDSON D.W. Bricher Mark Lethert Michael & Roberta Anderson Bob & Nancy Broberg Michael & Rose Lethert Chuck & Joni Brost Richard & Margaret Lidstad PATRICIA DONOVAN Louie & Jeff Buron Kathryn McDonough Pete & Sandy Menge Stephen & Sandra Burwell Kyle & Mavis McKeever Patrick & Sheryl Cain Margaret Mealey MICHAEL DAVID DOWDALL Kathie Cech Tammy Meister Nancy Collins, M.D. Jenn & Hsiao Chun Chan Family Raymond Monsor Pat & Sandy Corcoran Patty & Jim Mullen PETER ERSPAMER Abraham & Christine Cyr Wesley Miller & Nancy Nelson Kathryn Thompson Donald & Sally Darling Don & Pat Noyes Jean Erspamer Patrick & Kay Devaney Katherine M. O’Brien Richard & Cynthia Doody Peter & Bonita Olin ANNIE FUCHS Joseph & Claudia Dubord Mark & Kristine Olson Jan Fuchs Jess Allen & Diane Joy Eichhorn Mary Olson Fuchs Family Heidi & Tom Ellerman Park Midway Bank Stephen & Kathleen Enzler Skip & Betty Pitzen GLENN HALLOWELL Reed & Mary Lou Erickson Brian Pletscher Anthony & Mary Williams John & Mary Faltesek William & Sona Plummer Scott & Jeanne Sherwood Ginny Fischer & Family Eric & Rochell Prigge Deborah L. Smith Janet Freund Bryan & Jessica Reed Arlene Teitelbaum Stephen Freund Brenda Reuter Friends of Barbara Kremens Barbara Gacek Elizabeth Riggs Raia Meltzer Richard Galena Keith & Barbara Robberstad Richard & Jan Lynn Gauger Jeanne Rogers CHAR HATTEN Steven & Debra Geske Ruth Rudolph Doris Gritti John & Gail Gislason Jr. Brenda Rueter Grand Wheeler Sinclair II Donn & Linda Satrom LILLIAN HEIL Joe & Trudi Green Muriel Scarp Kathleen Pettit Joseph Green William & Maureen Schroepfer Mark & LaRae Gregory Herman & Mary Schulte Susan Grun W.E. & J.E. Schulze

24 Linda Scott Virginia Becker Debbie Bayer-Siebert Joyce Simon Anne Bliss Heather Beach Thomas & Delores Slagerman Robert Albrecht & Cindy Archembault Roger & Valerie Blankenship Kay Sorgatz Carl & Mary Fasen Fred & Norma Bobenhouse Asako Hirabyashi & Tom Stoffregen Harold Fleegel & family Bonnie & Jan Bruinooge Sunray Optical Paul Fleegel & family Nancy Cooper James & Carol Thury Steven Fleegel & family Kelly Costanzo Susan Tschida Annie Gardner Gerald & Patricia Dion Hassam & Lorie Vanaki Grotting Family Doris Gritti Marylou Ziebarth & Wade Krinke James Janey Patrick Hauer Shirley Wadsworth Sara Tschimperle & Jim Culley Gerry & Mary Ann Herringer John & Mary Ward Doug & Ann Johnson Jobbers Warehouse Supply Staff Kathleen Weatherston Douglas Johnson Larry & Mary Loken John & Annette Whaley Owen Kane Pete & Sandy Menge Carla Zbacnik Bernard Kloss Ralph Palmer Jake Ziebarth Duane & Barb Kloss Richard & Mary Ann Papke Mary Lou Ziebarth Genny Kloss Carmen & David Pederson Dale & Nancy Zoerb Kenneth Kloss Lawrence & Sharon Peterson Rita Kloss Larry & Janet Kay Rogers JEAN KARCH Ronald Kloss Al & Pat Rousseau Michael & Roberta Anderson Ronald Kopp Herman & Mary Schulte Bea & Al Navratil Margaret Seiwert ANNE LaFAVE Donald Opatz Patricia Swenson Paul & Tina LaFave Pundsack Family Frank & Diane Wagamon Clara Schaefer Hailey Wagamon THEODORE LARSON Jack Schaefer Wallace & Carolyn Wagamon Mark & Leslie Swiggum Richard Schaefer Robert & Mary Ann Zenz Camilla Madson & Steven Obaid, M.D. Tillie Schaefer Joe & JoAnn Zwack LaVerne Schlener ROBERT & JAY MAHONEY Dale Scholl HAVEN WIEGERS KristineTuma Anthony & Gloriann Schwartz Rodger & Janet Anderson Myles & Joan Spicer Larry & Sandra Asche VERON MARIER, MARIAN RAUP, Richard Spicer James & Gloria Bailey JANINE HIRT, Pete Tatum Michael & Maya Beach & MAURICE HERZING K.P. Tomczik Ronald & Susan Berg Donald & Abby Marier Penny White & R.E. White, Jr. G.R. & K. Call Roman & Margaret Wolke John & Modonna Dahl ANN P. MICHELSON William & Mertle Decoursey Allan & Mary Lou Burdick JEAN MARIE SAGSTETTER Robert &Jill DeMaster Eileen Stack Kathleen Hanson Noel MERRILL HERMAN OSTREICH Florence Hollerud Mary & Herm Schulte JOAN SCHILLING Rudolph & Marrion Jaeger Joseph & Linda Lipari Rosalie Kolb DAVE PETERSON Kay & Mike LeBaron Clark & Sue Peterson JIM SMUCKLER Margo Leslie Jory Rubinger Timothy & Cynthia Truitt Lynch HERBERT PETERSON Barb & Tom Van Oss Geriane & Rodney Morseth Sharon Witte Jerome & Darlyne Pogose LYLE TAYLOR Gerald & Cora Rygh THERESA PORTER Chuck Krueger Marshall & Gloria Rygh Dick & Sue Abel Gary & Lori Stoltzman GARY TOLLEFSON, M.D. J. Robinson & Susan Rubens EMILY ROHR BARCHAS Grace Tanjerd Schmitt Bruce & Sylvia Thom Richard & Linda Shinofield William & Karen Turner Susan Weberg PAUL SCHAEFER DAN WAGAMON John & Christine Yilek Helen Bauer Sue Abderholden & Lee Keller Mary Jane & Gerry Bauer Ray & Mary Arland

25 CHRISTOPHER WRIGHT Living History Farms Race

IN HONOR OF Kirsten & Jake Jacobson Al & Pat Rousseau Christine Dykhouse

Vern & Anna Mae Hogan’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Ervin & Beverly Barrett Darlene Laube Joe & Joann Zwack

Kyle White Joseph & Sarah Eibert

Carol Sorensen Dick & Harriet Sells

Christopher Simodet Gene & Marilyn Martin

Josie Daly Sarah Zirnhelt

Gifts listed were received between July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008. Please accept our apology if your name is misspelled or missing in any of the lists of this report. Please call Michelle Greene at 651-645-2948 to correct our records.

26 NAMI Minnesota 2009 Awards

Provider of the Year Award Leadership Award HSI Kay Trainor

Professional of the Year Award Consumer Advocate of the Year Jean Allen Lori Shepherd

Faith Community of the Year Award Volunteer of the Year Gloria Dei Luther Church Will Susens

Media Award Volunteer Couple of the Year Marie Nitke, Grand Rapids newsletter Bob and Patty Holycross

Legislator of the Year Award Office Volunteer of the Year Senator. Patricia Torres Ray Bindi Shah Representative. Larry Hosch Intern of the Year Law Enforcement of the Year Mara Calvert Steve Wickelgren Lifetime Achievement Award Benefactor of the Year Sandy Menge Phyllis Johnson

27 Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2009 (With Comparative Totals for 2008)

assets 2009 2008

Cash and cash equivalents $390,875 $194,425 Cash held for others 17,038 8,274 Promises to give 80,000 205,000 Accounts receivable 88,226 45,627 Inventory 7,080 10,019 Prepaids and other assets 12,256 19,736 Furniture and equipment, less accumulated depreciation of $27,753 in 2009 and $22,214 in 2008 16,991 18,930 Beneficial interest in funds held by others 121,203 167,377

total assets $733,669 $669,388


Accounts payable $39,886 $28,963 Accrued expenses 10,784 8,090 Funds held for others 17,038 8,274 total liabilities 67,708 45,327

net assets Unrestricted net assets: Beneficial interest in funds held by others 121,203 167,377 Other 36,923 91,448 total unrestricted net assets 158,126 258,825

Temporarily restricted net assets 452,928 310,329 Permanently restricted net assets - endowment fund 54,907 54,907 total net assets 665,961 624061

total liabilities and net assets $733,669 $669,388

28 Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets For the Year Ended June 30, 2009 (With Comparative Totals for 2008)

unrestricted temporarily permanently 2009 2008 restricted restricted

Support and revenues:

Contributions Individuals 236,384 236,384 105,659 Foundations 199,874 117,940 317,814 584,878 Received as fiscal sponsor 399,716 399,716 Government grants 226,988 226,988 146,705 Membership dues 28,106 28,106 28,304 Interest income 1,388 1,388 5,635 Net investment income (loss) on funds held by others (39,231) (39,231) (6,692) Conference 45,224 45,224 40,119 Special events 69,796 69,796 83,737 Less: costs of direct benefits to contributors (12,443) (12,443) (13,208) Merchandise sales, net 1,877 1,877 14,355 Net assets released from restrictions satisfied by purpose and time 375,057 (375,057 ) Miscellaneous 914 914 3,140

Total revenues and other support 1,133,934 142,599 1,276,533 992,632

29 Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets For the Year Ended June 30, 2009 (With Comparative Totals for 2008)

unrestricted temporarily permanently total 2008 restricted restricted

Expenses: Program services: Education and support 684,765 684,765 455,364 Information and advocacy 86,163 86,163 96,469 Public awareness 142,071 142,071 122,568 Public policy 66,847 66,847 61,410 Membership 59,337 59,337 67,371 Total program services 1,039,183 1,039,183 803,182

Supporting services: Management and general 106,273 106,273 68,139 Fundraising 89,177 89,177 119,397

Total expenses 1,234,633 1,234,633 990,718

Increase in net assets (100,699) 142,599 41,900 1,914

Net assets at beginning of year 258,825 310,329 54,907 624,061 622,147

Net assets at end of year $158,126 $452,928 $54,907 $665,961 $624,061

30 2009

7% Expenses 9% education (55%) information and advocacy (7%) 5% public awareness (12%) public policy (5%) 5% 55% membership (5%) management and general (9%) 12% fundraising (7%)


2% 4% 5% Revenue 18% contributions individuals (18%) contributions foundations (25%) 18% fiscal sponsorship (31%) government grants (18%) 25% membership dues (2%) fundraising events (5%) 31% conference (4%) interest (-3%)


800 Transfer Road, Suite 31 Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-645-2948 888-NAMI-HELPS [email protected]