E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2004 No. 13 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Friday, February 6, 2004, at 12 noon. Senate THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2004

The Senate met at 9 a.m. and was SCHEDULE Paul and Sheila Wellstone’s sons Mark called to order by the President pro Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, this and David to keep their parents’ work tempore (Mr. STEVENS) morning following morning business, and spirit alive. the Senate resumes consideration of S. PRAYER The first meetings will be held this 1072, the highway bill. As the majority evening. In what may be the largest The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- leader announced last night, it is hoped book group ever, thousands of ordinary fered the following prayer: we will be able to work through those Let us pray. Americans in 40 States will meet in amendments early in the day so we can private homes, schools, churches, com- Lord of Hosts, Ruler of all nature, we proceed to additional amendments. munity centers, bookstores, and hun- magnify Your name. On today, many Senators should expect votes today as lift their hearts in prayer for our Na- the Senate continues to make progress dreds of other places to discuss the di- tion. Lord, You have promised that a on the highway bill. Senators will be rection and the future of our Nation. nation that humbles itself and prays, notified as votes are scheduled. Those attending the discussion are en- seeking Your face, will hear from You. f couraged to read a book Senator You have promised to forgive our sins Wellstone wrote which was published and to heal our land. Thank You for RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY the year before he died. It is called doing for America immeasurably more LEADER ‘‘The Conscience Of A Liberal.’’ If the than we can ask or imagine. You have The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The title evokes memories of another book, blessed us with wonderful freedoms and Democratic leader. it is deliberate. opportunities to accomplish Your pur- f poses on Earth. In the introduction of his own book, Guide our Senators as they seek to ORDER OF PROCEDURE Paul recalled the good-natured ribbing be Your instruments. Empower our Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I in- some of his Republican colleagues gave leaders to live for Your glory. Protect tend to use my leader time this morn- him when he attended Barry Gold- our military and those who daily risk ing. I ask unanimous consent that water’s funeral service. their lives for freedom. morning business not be reduced as a They gave me Goldwater’s ‘‘The Con- Lord, we declare today that the king- result of my use of leader time. dom, the power, and the glory belong science of a Conservative’’ to read on the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- plane. ‘‘Paul,’’ they said, ‘‘read this; we read to You. We pray this in Your awesome out objection, it is so ordered. this book at young ages and it set us on the Name. Amen. f right path. We still have hope for you.’’ f KEEPING ALIVE THE WORK AND Paul replied that he, too, had read PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SPIRIT OF PAUL WELLSTONE Senator Goldwater’s book at a young The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I age and explained: ‘‘That’s why I’m a Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: would like to use a few minutes of my liberal.’’ I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the leader time to talk about a remarkable ‘‘But,’’ he said, ‘‘I also told them that United States of America, and to the Repub- new effort that is being launched today lic for which it stands, one nation under God, I admired Barry Goldwater for his po- to try to develop a broader national indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. litical integrity.’’ consensus about the kind of future we f want in America and how we can More than almost anyone else I have RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING achieve it. It is called the Wellstone ever known, Paul Wellstone had an MAJORITY LEADER Civic Dialog Project. It is being orga- unshakable faith in the fundamental The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The nized by Wellstone Action, a progres- decency of most people and in the ge- acting Republican leader is recognized. sive advocacy organization created by nius of democracy. He believed if we

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:42 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S05FE4.REC S05FE4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 5, 2004 faced our challenges squarely and lis- offended him more deeply than the month, and her insurance company in- tened respectfully to each other, we stigma attached to mental illness and formed her that she has now hit their would discover that most of us share the discrimination and suffering that lifetime cap on mental health benefits, the same values, the same concerns, people with mental health problems so they will no longer pay anything for and the same dreams; that we would suffer as a result of that stigma. He her medications or her therapy. also discover the solutions and thought it was cruel that people with So she and her husband now face a strength to overcome almost any ob- mental health problems often received choice: pay the entire cost of her pre- stacle. lesser care than those with physical scriptions and her therapy each month, The Wellstone Civic Dialogue Project health problems. He was outraged by out of pocket, or pay their mortgage. is an attempt to bring ordinary Ameri- the terrible toll such discrimination She was fighting back tears when she cans together to develop a consensus to often takes on people with mental ill- called my office. She said, ‘‘If I had a move America in a more humane, more ness and their families. He and Senator heart ailment, they wouldn’t think progressive direction. It is what Paul DOMENICI introduced a bill—now called twice about sending me to a cardiolo- called ‘‘citizen democracy.’’ the Paul Wellstone Mental Health Eq- gist. But there’s such a stigma associ- Groups will meet in more than 600 uitable Treatment Act—to end such ated with mental health.’’ communities throughout America. In a discrimination. The bill was reintro- She added, ‘‘This isn’t something I’ve touch that I am sure Paul Wellstone duced at the beginning of this Con- chosen any more than people who suf- and Barry Goldwater would have appre- gress, but it has been stalled in com- fer from diabetes or heart disease chose ciated greatly, in several of the groups mittee for more than a year now be- their conditions.’’ self-declared Republicans and Demo- cause of opposition from the insurance What makes her story even more ter- crats have agreed to sit face to face industry and its allies. rible is how many other people in this and discuss their ideas and values. Last October, on the first anniver- country are having to fight the same The first meetings, as I said, will sary of the plane crash that killed Paul fight, and make the same awful take place this evening in more than and Sheila, their daughter Marcia, and choices. No family is untouched by 600 communities throughout America. four others, I asked unanimous consent mental health problems. Fifty-four A topic for tonight’s discussion is ‘‘Can that the Senate take up and pass the million Americans suffer from some we dream again?’’ It is a reference to a Wellstone Mental Health and Treat- form of mental illness. They include quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that Paul ment Act. It would have been the per- Republicans, Democrats, and people loved and preached often. The future fect tribute to Paul. who don’t care at all about party la- will belong to those ‘‘who believe in The Republican leadership blocked bels. the beauty of their dreams.’’ that request. But they gave us their Paul Wellstone and It is expected that groups will meet word that the Senate will consider the were about as far apart politically as as many as eight additional times over Wellstone mental health bill early this two people could be. But they shared a the next several months to discuss year. I am here to say, very clearly, common bond: They both had people in issues ranging from education and that Democrats intend to hold them to their families, who they loved, who health care, to , that promise. were affected by mental illness. They money and politics, and the war in Like tens of millions of Americans, were unlikely but great allies. . Anyone interested in attending a Paul Wellstone knew well the anguish In 1996, thanks in large part to their Civic Dialog Project discussion can go that mental illness can cause families. leadership, Congress passed the Mental Nearly 50 years ago, when his older to the Wellstone Action Web site, Health Parity Act. It says that group brother Stephen was a freshman in col- www.wellstone.org, to find a discussion health plans sponsored by employers lege, he suffered a severe mental break- with 50 or more workers cannot place group near them or to download study down. Stephen Wellstone spent the annual or lifetime dollars limits on guides for any of the discussion topics. next 2 years in mental hospitals. Even- If there isn’t a group in your neigh- mental health benefits that are more tually, he recovered and graduated borhood, you might want to consider restrictive than their limits for phys- from college—with honors—in 3 years. starting one. The Wellstone Action But it took his immigrant parents 20 ical health care. It was an important step forward. group has trained hundreds of volun- years to pay off the bill from those 2 But discrimination persists; we know teer facilitators to help people set up years. and run discussion groups in their own In his book, Paul recalled the years that. Some insurers openly disregard communities. that Stephen was hospitalized. ‘‘For the law. Some have found new ways to Before Paul came to the Senate, he two years,’’ he wrote, ‘‘the house al- restrict mental health benefits. The re- was a political science professor. But ways seemed dark to me—even when sults can be devastating: unemploy- there was nothing the slightest bit aca- the lights were on. It was such a sad ment, broken homes, shattered lives, demic or abstract about his politics. He home.’’ poverty, poor school performance— used to say: ‘‘People yearn for a ‘poli- Fifty years later, there are still far even suicide. tics of the center’—not the ‘center’ so too many sad homes in America; there The Paul Wellstone Mental Health widely discussed by politicians and are still far too many families that are Equitable Treatment Act does not pundits in Washington but, rather, a being devastated by the physical and force employers to offer mental health politics that speaks to the center of financial consequences of mental coverage. It simply says that if em- people’s lives: affordable child care, health problems. In many cases, they ployers offer mental health benefits, good education for children, health se- have health insurance. But their insur- insurers cannot provide more restric- curity, living-wage jobs that will sup- ance companies refuse to pay for the tive coverage for mental health bene- port families, respect for the environ- mental health care they or their loved fits than they do for other medical and ment and human rights, and clean elec- ones need. surgical benefits. tions and clean campaigns. I hear from such families every week. Some insurers already meet this You can see that yearning today in Three days ago, a woman from Sioux basic fairness standard. They are to be the record turnouts in Presidential Falls called my office. She is about 50. commended for doing the right thing. caucuses in primaries in , New She and her husband have two chil- But others will not do the right thing Hampshire, and so many other States. dren, and they have health insurance unless they are required by law to do Instead of questioning each other’s through his job. Years ago, she suffered so. So Congress needs to act. character and motives and patriotism, one of the most agonizing losses a per- The insurance industry claims—in- people want politicians to talk hon- son can endure: Her 3-year-old daugh- correctly—that requiring insurers to estly about the concerns at the center ter died from spinal meningitis. treat mental illness the same way they of people’s everyday lives. She now suffers from chronic depres- treat physical illness will drive pre- One of the concerns is the refusal by sion, which she manages with the help miums up so high that more people will some insurers to provide fair and equi- of medication and therapy. lose their health insurance. Their table treatment for people with mental Recently, the cost of her medication claims are not true. They are simply illness. Nothing made Paul angrier nor jumped from $100 a month to $500 a scare tactics; we’ve heard them before.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:42 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S05FE4.REC S05FE4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY February 5, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S601 The truth is, two highly respected or- tal health care because of arbitrary de- American Geriatrics Society ganizations have analyzed the Paul cisions by insurance companies putting American Group Psychotherapy Association Wellstone Mental Health Equitable profits ahead of people. American Heart Association Treatment Act. The private accounting The Wellstone bill can change that. American Hospice Foundation We have a commitment from the Ma- American Hospital Association firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers pre- American Humane Association dicts the bill would increase health in- jority Leader that the Senate will deal American Jail Association surance premiums by one percent. One with this issue early this year. We are American Managed Behavioral Healthcare percent. That works out to $1.32 per determined to see that that happens. Association (AMBHA) month. The Congressional Budget Of- I yield the floor. American Medical Association fice predicts an even smaller average EXHIBIT 1 American Medical Directors Association increase: nine-tenths of 1 percent. I 361 ORGANIZATIONS SUPPORTING THE PAUL American Medical Group Association American Medical Rehabilitation Providers think most families would consider WELLSTONE MENTAL HEALTH EQUITABLE TREATMENT ACT (DOMENICI/KENNEDY (S. 486) Association that was a very good deal. AND KENNEDY/RAMSTAD (H.R. 953)), JANUARY American Medical Student Association Senators DOMENICI and Wellstone 29, 2004 American Mental Health Counselors Associa- tion modeled their bill on the mental health Advocates for Youth American Music Therapy Association parity provisions on the Federal Em- Alaska State Medical Association American Network of Community Options ployee Health Benefits Program. For 3 Alliance for Aging Research and Resources years, Senators and the other 8.5 mil- Alliance for Children and Families American Nurses Association Alliance For Mental Health Consumers lion members of that program have had American Occupational Therapy Association Rights the protection of genuine mental American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Soci- Alzheimer’s Association health parity. According to the Office ety American Academy of Child and Adolescent of Personnel Management, it has in- American Orthopsychiatric Association Psychiatry creased premiums only 1.3 percent. And American Osteopathic Academy of Ortho- American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery pedics that includes parity for substance American Academy of Family Physicians abuse services, which are not included American Osteopathic Association American Academy of Neurology American Pediatric Society in the Wellstone mental health bill. American Academy of Ophthalmology American Political Science Association Nearly 2 years ago, President Bush American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head American Psychiatric Association said, ‘‘Our country must make a com- and Neck Surgery American Psychiatric Nurses Association mitment: Americans with mental ill- American Academy of Pediatrics American Psychoanalytic Association ness deserve our understanding and American Academy of Physical Medicine and American Psychological Association they deserve excellent care. They de- Rehabilitation American Psychotherapy Association American Academy of Physician Assistants American Public Health Association serve a health care system that treats American Academy of Psychiatry and the their illness with the same urgency as American School Counselor Association Law American School Health Association physical illness.’’ We urge the Presi- American Academy of Sleep Medicine American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry dent to back up his words with leader- American Association for Geriatric Psychi- American Society for Clinical Pathology ship. atry American Society of Addiction Medicine The Paul Wellstone Mental Health American Association For Marriage and American Society of Anesthesiologists Equitable Treatment Act is cospon- Family Therapy American Society of Clinical Oncology sored by 68 Senators—more than two- American Association for Psychological Re- American Society of Clinical Pharmacology habilitation American Society of Plastic Surgeons thirds of this Senate. It is also sup- American Association for Thoracic Surgery ported by more than 360 national orga- American Therapeutic Recreation Associa- American Association of Children’s Residen- tion nizations—90 of which have added their tial Centers American Thoracic Society support just since October. American Association of Clinical America’s HealthTogether Groups endorsing the Wellstone bill Endocrinologists Anna Westin Foundation include the American Academy of Pe- American Association of Pastoral Counselors Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Dis- diatrics, the Alzheimer’s Association, American Association of Practicing Psychia- orders, Inc. the National PTA, the Evangelical Lu- trists Anxiety Disorders Association of America theran Church in America, Catholic American Association of School Administra- Arizona Medical Association tors Arkansas Medical Society Charities, the National Association of American Association of Suicidology Association for the Advancement of Psy- Counties, the American Medical Asso- American Association on Mental Retarda- chology ciation, the American Nurses Associa- tion Association for Ambulatory Behavioral tion, the American Association of Pas- American Board of Examiners in Clinical So- Healthcare toral Counselors, the Christopher cial Work Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Reeve Paralysis Foundation, the Na- American College of Cardiology Inc. tional Rural Health Association, the American College of Chest Physicians Association for Science in Autism Treat- National Organization on Fetal Alco- American College of Emergency Physicians ment American College of Medical Genetics Association of American Medical Colleges hol Syndrome, and many other groups. American College of Mental Health Adminis- Association of Asian Pacific Community I ask unanimous consent that the tration Health Organizations complete list be inserted at the close of American College of Nurse-Midwives Association of Jewish Aging Services of my remarks in the CONGRESSIONAL American College of Obstetricians and Gyne- North America RECORD. cologists Association of Jewish Family & Children’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without American College of Occupational and Envi- Agencies objection, it is so ordered. ronmental Medicine Association of Material and Child Health (See exhibit 1.) American College of Osteopathic Family Programs Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, nearly Physicians Association of Medical School Pediatric De- American College of Osteopathic Surgeons partment Chairs 50 years after mental illness brought American College of Physicians Association of Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle such sadness and financial strain to American College of Preventive Medicine Surgeons Paul Wellstone, doctors and scientists American College of Radiology Association Association of University Centers on Disabil- have made great strides in under- American College of Surgeons ities standing and treating many mental American Congress of Community Supports Association to Benefit Children health problems. But those advances and Employment Services (ACCSES) Attention Deficit Disorders Association mean little to those who cannot afford American Counseling Association Austism Society of America them. American Diabetes Association Barbara Schneider Foundation In South Dakota and throughout American Family Foundation Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law American Federation of State, County and Brain Injury Association of America, Inc. America, there are still too many Municipal Employees California Medical Association homes that seem dark even when the American Federation of Teachers Camp Fire USA lights are on. There are too many peo- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention The Carter Center ple who are being denied essential men- American Gastroenterological Association Catholic Charities USA

VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:42 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S05FE4.REC S05FE4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S602 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 5, 2004 Center for the Advancement of Health Learning Disabilities Association of America National Coalition of Mental Health Con- Center for Women Policy Studies Legal Action Center sumers and Professionals Center for Disability and Health Louisiana State Medical Society National Committee to Preserve Social Se- Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice Lutheran Ofc. for Governmental Affairs, curity and Medicare Central Conference of American Rabbis Evangelical Lutheran Church in America National Council for Community Behavioral Public Schools Lutheran Services in America Healthcare Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation Maine Medical Association National Council of Jewish Women Child Neurology Society Medical Society National Council of La Raza Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/ MedChi, the State Medical Society National Council on the Aging Hyperactivity Disorder Medical Association of Georgia National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Children’s Defense Fund Medical Association of the State of Alabama Dependence Children’s Healthcare Is a Legal Duty Medical Group Management Association National Council on Family Relations Children’s Hospital Boston Medical Society of Delaware National Council on Problem Gambling Child Welfare League of America Medical Society of the District of Columbia National Council on Suicide Prevention Crhistopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation Medical Society of National Down Syndrome Congress Church of the Brethren Washington Office Medical Society of the State of New York National Down Syndrome Society Clinical Social Work Federation Medical Society of Virginia National Eating Disorders Association Coalition for Juvenile Justice Medicare Rights Center National Educational Alliance for Borderline College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Phar- Personality Disorder MentalHealth AMERICA, Inc. macists National Education Association State Medical Society Colorado Medical Society National Exchange Club Foundation Medical Association Commission on Social Action of Reform Ju- National Foundation for Depressive Illness State Medical Association daism National Health Council Missouri State Medical Association Connecticut State Medical Society National Health Law Program Montana Medical Association Corporation for the Advancement of Psychi- National Hispanic Medical Association atry NAADAC, The Association for Addiction National Hopeline Network Council for Exceptional Children Professionals National Housing Conference Council of State Administrators of Voca- National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of National Latino Behavioral Health Associa- tional Rehabilitation the Good Shepherd tion Council on Social Work Education National Alliance for Autism Research National Law Center on Homelessness & County of Santa Clara, CA National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Poverty Cure Autism Now National Alliance for Research on Schizo- National Leadership on African American Dads and Daughters phrenia and Affective Disorders Behavioral Health Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance National Alliance to End Homelessness National League of Cities Disability Rights Education and Defense National Asian American Pacific Islander National Medical Association Fund, Inc. Mental Health Association National Mental Health Association Disability Service Providers of America National Asian Women’s Health Organiza- National Mental Health Awareness Cam- Division for Learning Disabilities (DLD) of tion paign the Council for Exceptional Children National Assembly of Health and Human National Multiple Sclerosis Society Easter Seals Services Organizations National Network for Youth Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Pol- National Association for the Advancement of National Organization for Rare Disorders icy & Action Colored People (NAACP) National Organization of People of Color Employee Assistance Professionals Associa- National Association for the Advancement of Against Suicide tion Orthotics & Prosthetics National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syn- Epilepsy Foundation National Association for Children’s Behav- drome Families For Depression Awareness ioral Health National Osteoporosis Foundation Families USA National Association for the Dually Diag- National Partnership for Women and Fami- Family Violence Prevention Fund nosed lies Family Voices National Association for Medical Direction National PTA Federation of American Hospitals of Respiratory Care National Recreation and Park Association Federation of Behavioral, Psychological & National Association for Rural Mental National Rural Health Association Cognitive Sciences Health National Schizophrenia Foundation Federation of Families for Children’s Mental National Association of Anorexia Nervosa National Senior Citizens Law Center Health and Associated Disorders—ANAD National Therapeutic Recreation Society Florida Medical Association National Association of Case Management National Treatment and Research Advance- Freedom From Fear National Association of Children’s Hospitals ments Association for Personality Dis- Friends Committee on National Legislation National Association of Community Health order (Quaker) Centers Native American Counseling, Inc. Harvard Eating Disorders Center National Association of Counties Nebraska Medical Association Medical Association National Association of County Behavioral NETWORK, a Catholic Social Justice Lobby Human Rights Campaign Health Directors Nevada State Medical Association Idaho Medical Association National Association of County and City Medical Society Illinois State Medical Society Health Officials Medical Society Inclusion Research Institute National Association of Developmental Dis- NISH (National Industries for the Severely Indiana State Medical Association abilities Councils Handicapped) Institute for the Advancement of Social National Association of Mental Health Plan- Northamerican Association of Masters in Work Research ning & Advisory Councils Psychology International Association of Jewish Voca- National Association of Pediatric Nurse North Carolina Medical Society tional Services Practitioners Medical Association International Association of Psychosocial National Association of Protection and Ad- Obsessive Compulsive Foundation Rehabilitation Services vocacy Systems Office & Professional Employees Inter- International Community Corrections Asso- National Association of Psychiatric Health national Union ciation Systems Ohio State Medical Association International Dyslexia Association National Association of School Nurses Oklahoma State Medical Association International Society of Psychiatric-Mental National Association of School Psycho- Older Adult Consumer Mental Health Alli- Health Nurses logical ance International Spinal Injection Society National Association of Social Workers Oregon Medical Association Iowa Medical Society National Association of State Directors of Organization of Student Social Workers Iris Alliance Fund Special Education Partnership for Recovery Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago National Association of State Mental Health People For the American Way Johnson Institute Program Directors Pennsylvania Medical Society Joint Council of Allergy, Asthma and Immu- National Center for Policy Research for Presbyterian Church (USA), Washington Of- nology Women & Families fice Kentucky Medical Association National Center on Institutions and Alter- Prevent Child Abuse America Kids Project natives Rebecca Project for Human Rights Kristen Watt Foundation for Eating Disorder National Coalition Against Domestic Vio- Renfrew Center Foundation Awareness lence Rhode Island Medical Society Latino Behavioral Health Association National Coalition for the Homeless Samaritans Suicide Prevention Center

VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:42 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S05FE4.REC S05FE4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY February 5, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S603 School Social Work Association of America unanimous consent that he be recog- Further, we must recognize that Service Employees International Union nized first. I think that is his intent. every day needed intelligence reforms Shaken Baby Alliance The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- are delayed is a day of unnecessary Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation out objection, the Senator from Flor- risk for the American people. Unfortu- Society for Adolescent Medicine Society for Pediatric Research ida is recognized for 22 minutes. nately, with regard to the rec- Society for Personality Assessment Mr. GRAHAM of Florida. Mr. Presi- ommendations of the joint inquiry Society for Public Health Education dent, I thank my friend and colleague committee, very little has been accom- Society for Research on Child Development for his graciousness. I also commend plished to date. In my two previous Society for Social Work Research him for the leadership he has been pro- statements, I discussed the status of Society for Women’s Health Research viding to this body, particularly as the these recommendations dealing with Society of American Gastrointestinal chair of the Intelligence Committee. the intelligence community reform and Endoscopic Surgeons That is the subject of my remarks specific responses to terrorism. I par- Society of Medical Consultants to Armed today. ticularly commend Senator DIANNE Forces Society of Professors of Child and Adolescent f FEINSTEIN for her leading role in the area of reorganization of the intel- Psychiatry THE NEED FOR INTELLIGENCE ligence community. Society of Thoracic Surgeons REFORM, PART III South Carolina Medical Association Today I will turn to two additional South Dakota State Medical Association Mr. GRAHAM of Florida. Mr. Presi- areas of particular concern: the Fed- STOP IT NOW! dent, during this week, I have spoken— eral Bureau of Investigation and the Suicide Awareness Voice of Education and this will be the third statement— application of the Foreign Intelligence Suicide Prevention Action Network USA about the need to reform our Nation’s Surveillance Act, or FISA, which gov- Tennessee Medical Association intelligence agencies. I have suggested erns the use of electronic eaves- Texas Medical Association that the horrific acts of September 11, The Arc of the United States dropping on foreign nationals in the Title II Community AIDS National Network 2001—acts which killed nearly 3,000 United States. Here, I particularly rec- Tourette Syndrome Association Americans in New York, Washington, ognize the contributions of Senators Treatment and Research Advancements As- and Pennsylvania—could have been DEWINE, DURBIN, EDWARDS, and KYL to sociation of Personality Disorder avoided if our intelligence agencies had this section of our report. Union of American Hebrew Congregations been more organized and more focused We know now the FBI did not have or Unitarian Universalist Association of Con- in dealing with the threat of inter- did not give adequate attention and re- gregations national terrorism. These conclusions sources to the problem of terrorism United Cerebral Palsy Association were largely the result of the work of United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness prior to September 11, 2001. For the Ministry the House-Senate joint inquiry on Sep- FBI, terrorism was a lesser priority United Jewish Communities tember 11, 2001. This bicameral, bipar- and its personnel did not understand United Methodist General Board of Church tisan committee finished its investiga- the FISA and therefore did not use ef- and Society tion on December 20, 2002, and filed its fectively its available investigative au- Utah Medical Association report. In that report, it concluded thority. Important information was Medical Society there were a number of problems with not shared with other agencies, was Volunteers of America our existing intelligence networks and not shared even within the various Washington State Medical Association it made 19 recommendations of how to Wellstone Action branches of the FBI itself. During the State Medical Association fix those problems. summer of 2001, separate parts of the Wisconsin Medical Society Repairing the flaws in our intel- FBI had information that could have Working Assets ligence community is a matter of na- been used to disrupt or destroy al- Women of Reform Judaism tional security, a matter of the highest Qaida’s hijacking plot, but that infor- Wyoming Medical Society importance and urgency. As we are mation was never collectively ana- Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program now learning in the context of the war lyzed. Youth Law Center with Iraq and Saddam Hussein’s weap- For example, what agents in Min- f ons of mass destruction, policymakers nesota knew about Zacaria Moussaoui, cannot make wise decisions affecting the so-called twentieth hijacker who RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME the security of American people with- was taken into custody in August of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under out timely, accurate, credible informa- that year, is he was studying to fly the previous order, leadership time is tion, and tough-minded, independent commercial airlines but was disin- reserved. analysis, and will use that information terested in either taking them off or f to shape the judgments of the Presi- landing them. Meanwhile, a Phoenix dent and other decisionmakers, not to field agent of the FBI had become sus- MORNING BUSINESS validate previously held opinions. If we picious of radical Islamists who were The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under fail to accurately perceive future also learning to fly airplanes. An agent the previous order, there now will be a threats, we will be poorly prepared to in San Diego was working with an in- period for the transaction of morning respond to them. If we do not perceive formant who knew at least two of the business until 10:40 a.m. with the first current threats accurately, then our hijackers. The informant was aware 22 minutes under the control of the response may be either inadequate or that one of the future hijackers was Senator from Kansas, Mr. ROBERTS, or excessive. moving to Arizona with a fellow ter- his designee; the following 22 minutes Whether restraining the development rorist—again to attend flight school. under the control of the Senator from of proliferation of weapons of mass de- If these agents had been aware of Florida, Mr. GRAHAM, or his designee; struction or interdicting terrorists, each other’s activities or if the ana- the following 22 minutes under the con- now, more than ever, intelligence mat- lysts at FBI headquarters had con- trol of the majority leader or his des- ters. If there is another terrorist at- nected these geographically separate ignee; and the final 22 minutes under tack on American soil, the American events, portions of the September 11 the control of the Senator from Cali- people will demand to know what the plot might well have been uncovered fornia, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, or her designee. Congress, what the President, what and disrupted. Unfortunately, the FBI Under the unanimous consent agree- other governmental institutions lacked the sufficient number of ana- ment just entered, this time shall not learned from the September 11 attacks, lysts to process all the relevant infor- be diminished by the minority leader and now the prewar intelligence in mation, and barriers to sharing infor- having used his time. Iraq, and how that information was mation prevented agents from learning The Senator from Kansas is recog- used to protect them. There will be no about each other’s activities, even nized. avoidance of accountability for the though both the Phoenix memo which Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, Sen- next attack, either for Congress or the expressed concern that bin Laden was ator GRAHAM and I have conferred. He President. We must take our responsi- sending young recruits to the United has a scheduling conflict. So I ask bility seriously. States for pilot training and the

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