15352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE August 1, 2001 S. 584: A bill to designate the United Contibutions, Amount, Date, and Donee: mittee; $1,000, 23 Jun 00, Dick Armey Cam- States courthouse located at 40 Centre 1. Self, Vincent M. Battle, None. paign Committee; $250,000 (exempt/dupli- Street in New York, New York, as the 2. Spouse, N/A cate), 28 Jul 00, RNC Republic National State ‘‘Thurgood Marshall States Courthouse’’. 3. Children & Spouses, N/A. Elections Committee; $1,000 (refund prom- By Mr. SARBANES, from the Committee 4. Parents Names, Leo John Battle (de- ised), 11 Jul 00, Lazio 2000 Inc.; $250,000 (ex- on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, ceased), Jessie Elizabeth Battle (deceased). empt/duplicate), 28 Jul 00, RNC Republican with an amendment: 5. Grandparents Names, George Rutherford National State Elections Committee; $1,000 S. 1254: A bill to reauthorize the Multi- Laurie (deceased), Elizabeth Glen Laurie (de- (refunded), 27 Sep 00, Greenleaf for Congress; family Assisted Housing Reform and Afford- ceased), Hugh Battle (deceased), Elizabeth $1,000 (refunded), 26 Sep 00, Fletcher for Con- ability Act of 1997, and for other purposes. Nevins Battle (deceased). gress; $1,000 (refunded), 30 Sep 00, Kirk for By Mr. BIDEN, from the Committee on 6. Brothers & Spouses, Bredan Joseph Bat- Congress Inc.; $1,000 (refunded), 17 Oct 00, Re- Foreign Relations, without amendment and tle, None. Allice Vilece Battle, None. elect Congressman Joe Moakley Committee; with a preamble: 7. Sisters & Spouses, N/A. $5,000 (refund promised), 13 Oct 00, Ashcroft S. Con. Res. 58: A concurrent resolution ex- Nominee: Richard J.
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