VITA (Revised 1/2011)

Name: Dennis Hanks Karpowitz

Place of Birth: Salt Lake City, Utah

Date of Birth: February 3, 1943

Marital Status: Married, 6 children, 13 grandchildren

Undergraduate and Graduate Schools Attended:

University of Utah University of Oregon University of Colorado Medical Center

Degrees Awarded: Bachelor of Arts, 1968, University of Utah Master of Arts, 1970, University of Oregon Doctor of Philosophy, 1972, University of Oregon

Licensure: State of Kansas, 1976 - present

Special Interest Areas:

Marital and family assessment and therapy Childhood psychopathology and child therapy Process and outcome in psychotherapy Computerized assessment and expert systems Self-Control, habit formation and change

Titles of Thesis and Dissertation:

Effects of Transgression Rehearsal in Delayed Punishment Situations

Stimulus Control in Family Interactions Sequences as Observed in the Naturalistic Setting of the Home

Professional Experience:

Internship in Secondary Education, Skyline High School, Granite School District, Salt Lake City, Utah, Winter Quarter, 1968

Internship in Secondary Education, South High School, Salt Lake School District, Salt Lake City, Utah, Spring Quarter, 1968

Clinical Trainee, Public Health Service, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 1968- 1969

Clinical Trainee, Veterans Hospital, Roseburg, Oregon, and University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 1969-1970

Clinical Trainee, Public Health Service, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 1971

Instructor, Department of Psychology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 1971

Professional Experience Continued:

Intern in Clinical Psychology, Adult and Child Rotations, University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colorado, 1971-1972

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 1972-1977

Director of the University of Kansas Psychological Clinic, Lawrence, Kansas, 1973-1983

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 1977-Present

Acting Co-Chairperson, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 1983-1984

Associate Chairperson, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 1984-1993

Member of the Governor's Commission on Education for Parenthood's Study Committee, Topeka, Kansas, 1987

Interim Chairperson, Department of Computer Science, University of Kansas, 1992-1993

Chairperson, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, 1993 – 1999

Associate Chairperson and Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, 1999 - 2010

Awards and Honors:

Graduate Cum Laude, University of Utah, 1968 Honors Thesis, University of Oregon, 1970 Excellence and Impact as a Clinical Supervisor, California Psychological Association, 1986 H. O. P. E. Award finalist, 2006

Professional Organizations:

American Psychological Association Division 12, Clinical Psychology; Division 29, Psychotherapy; Division 43, Family Psychology

Courses Taught:

Abnormal Psychology (undergraduate course = uc) Advanced Clinical Supervision of Psychotherapy (graduate course = gc) Advanced Marital and Family Study (uc) Assessment of Children, Couples, and Families (gc) Assessment of Personality (gc) Assessment Through Naturalistic Observation (gc) *Child Psychology (uc) Clinical Psychotherapy (gc) Clinical Supervision of Psychotherapy (gc)

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Courses Taught Continued:

General Psychology (uc) & General Psychology Honors (uc) The Mental Health of Children (uc) Personality Theories (uc) *Psychology of Adolescence (uc) *The Psychology of Families (uc) *Psychotherapy with Families (gc) *Seminar: Advanced Marriage and Family Study (uc & gc) Seminar: Outcome and Process of Psychotherapy (gc) Therapeutic Interventions with Children (gc) Seminar on the Treatment of Victims of Violence (gc) * = Regularly taught

Community Service:

Limited Private Practice, 1972 - present, approximately 190 hours of non-reimbursed clinical services per year

Research Collaboration and Consultation to the Departments of Endocrinology and Nutrition, Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, 1972 - 1974

Training Collaboration and Consultation, Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center, Lawrence, Kansas, 1972 - 1982

Consultant in Psychotherapy, Girls Industrial School, State of Kansas, Beloit, Kansas, 1973

Consultant and Member, Social Services Committee, Kansas City Missouri Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1973 - 1975

Consultant, Veterans Hospital, Topeka and Leavenworth, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri, 1973 - 1984

Consultant, Western Missouri Mental Health Center, Psychology Internship Program, 1975 - 1982

Consultant and Member, Welfare Services Committee, Topeka Kansas Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1975 - present

Member, Board of Directors, Hilltop Child Care Center, 1974 - 1975

Member, Curriculum Committee, Lawrence P.T.A., 1977 - 1978

Member, Advisory Board, Lawrence Christian Counseling Center, 1977 - 1989

Member, Advisory Board, Live and Learn, Inc., 1978 - 1979

Vice President, Centennial P.T.A., Lawrence, Kansas, 1979 - 1980, 1983, 1984

Bishop, Lawrence Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1981 - 1986

Consultant, Lawrence Fire Department and Lawrence Police Department, 1981 - 1995

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Community Service Continued:

Member, Governor's Committee on Education of Children, State of Kansas, 1987

Counselor, Stake Presidency, Topeka Kansas Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1988 - 1994

Stake President, Topeka Kansas Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1994 - 2003

Chairman, Regional Public Affairs Committee, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1996-1998

Chairman, Regional Welfare Committee, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1998 – 2003.

Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Counselor, Family Life, Personal Fitness, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation and Citizenship in the World Merit Badges. 1980 to present.

Primary Teacher, Lawrence Second Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2003 – 2006. Weekly religious class for children 9 – 11 years of age.

Teacher and Facilitator, Strengthening Marriage, eight week course, LDS Family Services, 2003 – present

LDS Family Services Board for Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska, 2006 to 2010.

Aaronic Priesthood Advisor, Lawrence Second Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints, 2006 – present, Weekly religious class of youth 16-18 years of age.

LDS Family Services Missionary – Coordinator of Strengthening Marriage and Strengthening the Family Courses in Kansas, Nebraska, Western Missouri and Western Iowa, 2007 to 2010, 5 hours per week.

Teacher of Youth 12-18, Lawrence Ward, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1 hour per week plus preparation, 2007 to 2010.

Mormon Tabernacle Choir, VIP Committee. Kansas City, Missouri, March 31 to June, 25, 2009. Approximately 325 dignitaries and 7,000 guests attended.

LINK volunteer 1988 to present.

Temple Worker, Winter Quarters Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Omaha, Nebraska, July 2010 to present, Saturdays, 6 hours per week, plus 7 hours travel.

Ward Mission leader, Lawrence Second Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lawrence, Kansas, June 2010 to present, 3 hours per week.

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Editorial Consultant:

Behavior Therapy, 1981

Book Review, Marital Therapy: A Composite Approach to Counseling Couples, Charles Merrill Publishing Co., 1981

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1982

Grant Review, Administration for Developmental Disabilities, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1982 - 1985

Journal of Clinical and Social Psychology, 1983, 1984

Book Review, Contemporary Psychotherapy, Charles Merrill Publishing Co., 1984

Book Review, The Psychology of Human Behavior, Allyn and Bacon Co., 1986

Book Review, An Introduction to Psychology, Simon and Schuster, 1987.

Book Review, Understanding Human Behavior, 6th Edition, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1988.

Book Review, Psychology: The Essential Science, Allyn and Bacon, 1988.

Book Review, Individual Psychotherapy by Peter Maxim. Oxford University Press, 1991.

Book Review, Delinquents on delinquency by A. P. Goldstein. Contemporary Psychology, 37, (1), 68-69, 1992.

Book Review, Keeping families together: The homebuilders model by J. Kinney, D. Haapala and C. Booth. Contemporary Psychology, 37 (7), 676, 1992.

Journal of Clinical and Social Psychology 1993 - present

Book Review, Beyond therapy, beyond science, a new model of healing the whole person by Anne Wilson Schaef. Contemporary Psychology, 38 (8), 833-834, 1993.

Video Review, The cognitive treatment of post traumatic stress syndrome for Viet Nam veterans by David Graham. Viet-NOW, 1994.

Book Review, Child, Family, Community, Socialization and Support (4th Edition), by Roberta M. Berns. Harcourt, Brace Javanovich, 1995.

Book Review, Infants, Children and Adolescents (3rd Edition) by Laura Berk, Allyon and Bacon, 2000.

Book Review, Child Psychology by Newcombe and Fox, John Wiley and Sons, 2000.

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Frost-Mason, Sally, Ph.D., Professor and Provost, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1968

Greg Simpson, Former Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045

James Juola, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045

Raymond Higgins, Professor of Psychology, Director of the Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045 Publications:

Karpowitz, D. H. (1971). Selected issues in intelligence, The utility of global subject dimensions in understanding dysfunctions of the schizophrenias, and Therapist-Client relationship in client- centered therapy. Three chapters in S. G. Ashton, R. A. Dittrich, M. R. Erickson, D. H. Karpowitz, D. J. McPhillamy, J. C. Robinson, D. P. Schmahl,J. P. Vincent, and G. White (Eds.) Selected issues in clinical psychology: assessment, psychopathology, and behavior change. Eugene, Oregon: A limited circulation publication, University of Oregon, 97-114, 280-317, 485- 508.

Karpowitz, D. H., & Zeis, F. R. (1975). Personality and behavioral differences of obese and non-obese adolescents. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 43,886-891.

Karpowitz, D. H., & Zeis, F. R. (1975). Personality and behavioral differences among obese and non- obese adolescents. In A. Howard (Ed.), Recent advances in obesity research: I. London: Newman Publishing Ltd., 226-228.

Karpowitz, D. H., & Martin, J. (1976). The effects of reinstatement on resistance to temptation in preschool boys and girls. Counseling and Personnel Services Information Center, ERIC System, ED 126392.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1977). Reinstatement as a method to increase the effectiveness of delayed discipline in the school and home. Journal of School Psychology, 15, 325-334.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1979). The "myth of mental illness" also applies to hospitalized adolescents. (Review of Children of the asylum: the adolescent perspective on residential psychiatric treatment by D. Lindsey). Contemporary Psychology, 24, 241-242.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1980). A conceptualization of the American family. In M. J. Fine (Ed.), Handbook of parent education. N. Y.: Academic Press, 1980, 27-50.

Karpowitz, D. H., & Gurri, I. (1980). Therapy outcome: the influence of the sex of the participants. Counseling and Personnel Services Information Center, ERIC System, ED 178850.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1980). Reinstatement as a method to increase the effectiveness of discipline in the school or home. In H. L. Millman, C. E. Schaefer, & J. J. Cohen (Eds.), Therapies for children with school behavior problems. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc., 174-176.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1980). Depression: some possible causes and treatment suggestions. Kansas Alumni, 79(4), 1-2.

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Publications Continued:

Karpowitz, D. H. & Johnson, S. M. (1981). Stimulus control in child-family interaction. Behavioral Assessment, 3, 161-171.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1981). I'm depressed. Addendum, The Levinson Letter, December, 1-2.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1982). The effects of debt on the family. Kansas Alumni, 81(1), 3-4.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1983). Childhood obesity: research and clinical practice. Abstract in A. F. Chang (Ed.), Eating disorders: clinical, research and professional aspects. Kansas Psychological Association, 33-37.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1983). Recognizing and doing something about child abuse. Kansas State Fraternal Order of Police Journal, December, 32.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1984). An outline of the psychology of families. Denver: Outlook Press, pp. 78.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1985). Family influences in adulthood. In D. Jones and S. S. Moore (eds.) Counseling Adults: Life Cycle Perspectives. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Press, 127-139.

Zurawski, R. M., Mehlman, R. C., & Karpowitz, D. H. (1986). Non-specific therapeutic factors in the prediction of termination status. Counseling & Personnel Services Information Center, ERIC System, ED 285394.

Plante, T. G. & Karpowitz, D. H. (1987). The influence of aerobic exercise on physiological stress responsivity. Psychophysiology, 24(6), 670-677.

Krieshok, S. I. & Karpowitz, D. H. (1988). A review of selected literature on obesity and guidelines for treatment. The Journal of Counseling Psychology and Development, 66(7), 326-330.

Fristad, M. A. & Karpowitz, D. H. (1988). Norms for the children's report of parental behavior inventory-- modified form. Psychological Reports, 62, 665-666.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1988). From clinical observation of children to psychodynamic conceptualization. Contemporary Psychology, 33(12), 1089-1090.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1989). Child psychology: A guide. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Continuing Education Press.

Krieshok, S. I., Karpowitz, D. H. & Krieshok, T. S. (1990) Cognitive beliefs and eating style: Is our treatment misdirected? Journal of College Student Development, 7, 381-387.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1990) Computer automated scoring system of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI-2) including a program to initiate a data file, t-scores for over 100 MMPI-2 scales and subscales, an optional listing of all endorsed items for each scale, and a chart of the basic scales plus five others. The program was written in pascal and will function on any PC compatible computer with 640 RAM and at least one disk drive.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1991) Families in Six Perspectives. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Continuing Education Press.

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Publications Continued:

Karpowitz, D. H. (1991) Complete computer automated administration, scoring and feedback of the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory. The program allows for computer administration; scoring simultaneously with administration or after taking the standard administration with booklet, paper and pencil; and immediate feedback to client/subject and clinician/researcher. This program uses HyperCard and the Macintosh computer.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1991). The Psychology of Families: A Guide. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Continuing Education Press.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1992) Review of Delinquents on delinquency by A. P. Goldstein. Contemporary Psychology, 37 (1), 68-69.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1992) Review of Keeping families together: The homebuilders model by J. Kinney, D. Haapala and C. Booth. Contemporary Psychology, 37 (7), 676.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1992). Computerized office management and billing program for a wide range of psychological services. Written in FoxBase for the Macintosh, it is portible to PCs via FoxBase Pro. The program consists of more than 2500 lines of code. It provides a database for all client information and clinical activities, a billing program, a monthly report and an insurance forms reimbursement bill on the HCVA 1500 standardized billing form. Updated to FoxPro Mac, 1994.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1993) Review of Beyond Therapy, Beyond Science, A New Model for Healing the Whole Person. by Anne Wilson Schaef. Contemporary Psychology, 38(8), 833-834.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1994). Child psychology: A guide. Second Edition. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Continuing Education Press.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1995}. Video Review, The cognitive treatment of post traumatic stress syndrome for Viet Nam veterans by David Graham. Viet-NOW.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1995). Book Review, Child, Family, Community, Socialization and Support (4th Edition), by Roberta M. Berns. Harcourt, Brace Javanovich.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1996). The Word is Powerful. A Review of The Power of the Word, F. A. R. M. S., 1996.

Karpowitz, D. H.. (1996). The Psychology of Families: A Guide. Second Edition. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Continuing Education Press.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2001). American families in the 1990s and beyond. In M. J. Fine and S. W. Lee (Eds.) Handbook of Diversity in Parent Education, N. Y.: Academic Press, 3-14.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2002). Latchkey Children. In N. J. Salkind (Ed) Child Development. Farmington Hills, MI: McMillan, 232-235.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2002). Bringing Joy to Your Marriage: Practical, Spiritual and Psychological Principles. North Chelmsford, MA: Erudition Books. (with Diane Karpowitz)

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Child Psychology Study Guide, 3rd Edition. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Continuing Education.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2006). Psychology of Families Study Guide, 2nd Edition. Lawrence, Kansas, University of Kansas Continuing Education

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Publications Continued:

Karpowitz, D. H. and Karpowitz, D. D. (2006). Bringing Joy to Your Marriage: Practical, Spritual and Psychological Principles, 2nd Edition, Lawrence, Kansas, University of Kansas Continuing Education Press, 208 pages.

Karpowitz, D. H. and Karpowitz, D. D. (2006). Families and Parenting, Lawrence, Kansas, University of Kansas Continuing Education Press, 275 pages.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2007). Psychology of Adolescence Study Guide. Lawrence, Kansas, University of Kansas Continuing Education, online edition.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2008). Child Psychology Study Guide, 4th Edition. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Continuing Education, online edition.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2008). Psychology of Families Study Guide, 3rd Edition. Lawrence, Kansas, University of Kansas Continuing Education, online edition.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2009). Positive psychology: Implications for couples, families and individuals in relationships. In D. H. Karpowitz and D. D. Karpowitz (2010) Families and Parenting. University Readers, 32 pages.

Karpowitz, D. H. and Karpowitz, D. D. (2010). Marriage and Family, San Diego, CA: University Readers.


GRF Award, Motivation and weight loss. University of Kansas, 1973, $3,200

GRF Award, Obesity and adolescence. University of Kansas, 1974, $3,400

Awarded a Macintosh computer in a competitive grant bid, University of Kansas, computerized assessment strategies, September, 1988.


Karpowitz , D. H. (1971). The effects of transgression rehearsal in delayed punishment situations. A paper presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, California, April.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1972). Intervention techniques and multiple measures for assessing change of clinical child problems: a case study. A paper presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Portland, Oregon, April.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1973). Etiology and behavioral treatment of obesity in adolescents and adults. An invited paper presented at the Douglas County Medical Association Meeting, Lawrence Memorial Hospital, Lawrence, Kansas, June.

Dawes, R., Karpowitz , D. H., Libert, J., & Sallows, G. (1973). An analysis of behavior sequences. A symposium presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, July.

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Presentations Continued:

Karpowitz , D. H., & Zeis, F. R. (1974). Personality and behavior differences and snacking patterns of adolescents: the double-deception procedure revisited. A paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention, Denver, Colorado, May.

Karpowitz , D. H., & Zeis, F. R. (1974). Personality and behavioral differences among obese and non- obese adolescents. A paper presented at the First International Congress on Obesity, London, England, October.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1975). Predicting deviancy in family interaction. A paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, May.

Karpowitz , D. H., & Johnson, S. M. (1975). Stimulus control in child-family interaction. A paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah, May.

Vogt, H., Karpowitz , D. H., Kliewer, D., Lohrenz, L. J., Reilly, T., Snyder, C. R., Wright, M. E. (1976). Doctoral Degree Proposal. A symposium presented at the Kansas Psychological Association Convention, Topeka, Kansas, March.

Karpowitz , D. H., & Martin, J. (1976). The effects of rein- statement on resistance to temptation in preschool boys and girls. A paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, May.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1976). The K.U. Psychological Clinic outcome project, first year follow-up. A paper presented at the Annual Faculty Colloquium, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, November.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1977). Dropout rate as a function of multiple assessment measures. A paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention, Albuquerque, New , May.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1977). Families at risk. Presentation given at the Interdepartmental Colloquium, Kansas City Veterans Administration Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, November.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1978). Obesity in children and adolescents: treatment entry, treatment, and dropout. Presentation given at the University Research Club, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, May.

Karpowitz , D. H., & Gurri, I. (1979). Therapy outcome: the influence of the sex of the participants. A paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention, , Nevada, April.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1981). Psychotherapy outcome with aggressive children and their families. An invited paper presented at the Department of Psychology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, November.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1982). Working with resistant families. An invited presentation given at the Central States School Psychology Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, February.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1982). Emotional child abuse. An invited presentation given at the Kansas Association for the Education of Young Children Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, October.

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Presentations Continued:

Karpowitz , D. H. (1983). Stress and cohesion in modern marriage. An invited presentation given at the Faculty Forum, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, February.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1983). Childhood obesity: research and clinical practice. An invited paper presented at the Kansas Psychological Association Convention, Lawrence, Kansas, November.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1984). Spouse abuse: understanding and treating the offender. An invited paper presented at the Veterans Hospital, Columbia, Missouri, November.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1985). Marriage and the family. An invited address presented at the Counseling Psychology Colloquium, University of Missouri at Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri, February.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1985). The Family Life Cycle and Psychotherapy. An invited address presented at the Counseling Colloquium, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, March. Zurawski, R. M., Mehlman, R. C., &

Karpowitz , D. H. (1986). Non-specific therapeutic factors in the prediction of termination status. A paper presented at the meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth, Texas, April. Plante, T. G. &

Karpowitz , D. H. (1986). The influence of aerobic exercise on physiological stress responsivity. A paper presented at the 94th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association at Washington, D.C., August. Fristad, M. A. &

Karpowitz , D. H. (1986). A comparison of the McMaster and circumplex family assessment instruments. A paper presented at the 94th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association at Washington, D.C., August. Fristad, M.A. &

Karpowitz , D. H. (1986). Assessing social desirability in family self-report. A paper presented at the 94th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association at Washington, D. C., August.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1986). Emotional development and forgiveness. An invited presentation at the Seminar on the Minister: Living, Loving, Forgiving at St. Mary's College, Leavenworth, Kansas, September, 29th.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1987). The Psychology of the fire setter. A paper presented at the Kansas Associations of Arson Investigators at Topeka, Kansas, February 21st.Presentations Continued:

Krieshok, S.I., Karpowitz , D. H., & Krieshok, T. S. (1987).Differences in cognitive beliefs associated with eating style in relation to perception of body weight and degree of concern with weight. A paper presented at The American Association of Eating Disorders Counselors Conference at New Orleans, Louisiana, August.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1987). Cooperative interaction between parents and child care staff. An invited presentation (featured speaker) at the annual conference of the Kansas Association for the Education of Young Children held in Lawrence, Kansas, October.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1988). Child and adolescent obesity: Multiple causes require multiple treatments. Proseminar presentation for the Department of Human Development and Family Life, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, April.

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Presentations Continued:

Karpowitz, D. H. (1990). Child psychotherapy: Recent developments in the . University faculty, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, February.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1990). Combining individual and family therapy. Topeka Veterans Administration Hospital, July.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1991). Building self-esteem in school age children. Kansas School District 497 Inservice, March, 1991.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1992). Outcome in Psychotherapy. Psychology Club, Emporia State University, September 21.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1993). Enhancing the Emotional and Social Development of Young Children. Kansas Association for the Education of Young Children 1993 Annual Conference, October 23.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1994). Science Methodology: The Core of Psychology. University of Kansas Chapter of Psi Chi, March 6.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1994). Family Relations in the Family with an ADHD Member, Lawrence Chapter of C.H.A.D.D., September 21, 2 hours, 14 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1994). Parenting Preschoolers: Challenge and Delight, Presbyterian Preschool, October 19, 2 hours, 35 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1995). Children's Self-Esteem, Centennial School, February 15, Lawrence, Kansas, 2 hours, 18 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1995). Poverty and Neglect: Effects on Children's Development, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Healthy Start Home Visitor Program, March 9, Salina, Kansas, 1.5 hours, 150 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1996). Successful Implementation of a Weight Loss and Maintenance Treatment Program, American Psychological Association Convention, August, New York City. (With S. I. Ohlde).

Karpowitz, D. H. (1999). A Paradigm Shift in Weight Control Treatment: Feeding the Addiction, American Psychological Association Convention, August, Boston, Massachusetts. (With S. I. Ohlde).Presentations Continued:

Karpowitz, D. H. (2000). Empirical and Clinical Findings in Weight Control Treatment: A Multi-Factor Approach. Department of Psychology, Brigham Young University, Invited Address, Provo, Utah, January 13, 2000.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2001). Strengthening Marriage: Empirical and Practical Principles. Parents University (Washburn University), Topeka, Kansas, February 24, 2001.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2002). Trends in Family Therapy. Topeka Veterans Hospital, October 16, 2002.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2003). Teaching Children Values. School of Education, University of Kansas, April 7, 2003.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2004). Basic Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Baker University Department of Philosophy, April 19, 2004.

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Presentations Continued:

Karpowitz, D. H., and Karpowitz D. D. (2004). Marriage: Dating to Children. LDS Institute of Religion, Lawrence, Kansas, Spring Semester, 2004 and Fall Semester, 2004.

Karpowitz, D. H., and Karpowitz D. D. (2005). Strengthening Marriage. LDS Family Services. Burlington Kansas, Spring Semester, 2005.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Emotional Development in Preschool Children. Douglas County Child Development Association Conference. February 26, 2005.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Basic Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Baker University Department of Philosophy, May 2nd, 2005.

Karpowitz, D. H., and Karpowitz D. D. (2005). Strengthening Marriage. LDS Family Services. Topeka Kansas, Summer Semester, 2005.

Karpowitz, D. H., and Karpowitz D. D. (2005). Strengthening Marriage. LDS Family Services. Lawrence, Kansas, Fall Semester, 2005.

Chang, O., Wallio, S., Grobe, J., Karpowitz, D., Hyder, M., & Donnelly, J. The Influence of Exercise on Self-Efficacy and Exercise Beliefs in Overweight and Obese Individuals in a Weight Management Program. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA, March 2006.

Karpowitz, D. H. and Karpowitz, D. D. (2006). Strengthening Marriage. LDS Family Services Course, Topeka, Kansas, April 14 to May 26, 9 hours, 18 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. and Karpowitz, D. D. (2006). Strengthening Marriage. LDS Family Services Course, Ottawa, Kansas, August 24 to October 5, 9 hours, 18 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. The daily life of a practicing psychologist. KU Women’s Club, Lawrence, Kansas February 1, 2007, 1.5 hours, 64 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H., and Karpowitz D. D. (2007). Strengthening Marriage. LDS Family Services. Lawrence, Kansas, February 23 to March 30, 9 hours, 16 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2007) Implementation of the strengthening marriage and strengthening the family courses in the Midwest. LDS Family Services Seminary, September 15, 1 hour, 33 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H., and Karpowitz D. D. (2007). Strengthening Marriage. LDS Family Services. Topeka, Kansas, October 19-20, 9 hours, 28 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H., and Karpowitz D. D. (2008). Strengthening The Family. LDS Family Services. Lawrence, Kansas, February 15 to April 11, 14 hours, 22 attended.

Landrum, Y., Jackson, Y., Karpowitz, D. and Preacher, K. (2008). Parental psychological control perceived by African and European American adolescents. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, Mass., August 17.

Karpowitz, D. H., and Karpowitz D. D. (2008). Strengthening Marriage. LDS Family Services. Topeka, Kansas, October 10 to November 21, 9 hours, 26 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2009). Effective communication in Marriage. Brigham Young University Women’s Conference, May 1, 1 hour, 2,300 attended.

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Invited Workshops:

Karpowitz , D. H. (1973). Management of social-emotional problems in institutionalized adolescent girls. Kansas Girls Industrial School, Beloit, Kansas, June, 27 hours, 33 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1973). Sexual deviation. Lawrence P.T.A., Lawrence, Kansas, November, 2 hours, 55 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1974). Obesity: etiology and treatment. Kaw Valley Nurses Association, Overland Park, Kansas, March, 2 hours, 87 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1974). Problem children. Douglas County Foster Parents Association, Lawrence, Kansas, November, 2.5 hours, 26 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1976). Working with dying children and their families. First Presbyterian Church Lay Ministers' Group. Lawrence, Kansas, May, 2 hours, 22 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1977). One parent and reconstituted families. The Adult Life Resource Center. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, March, 2 hours, 19 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1977). Parenting teenagers. The Adult Life Resource Center, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, September, 9 hours, 15 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1978). Parenting for working parents. The University of Kansas Central Personnel Services, Lawrence, Kansas, March, 6 hours, 25 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1979). Family counseling. The Adult Life Resource Center, University of Kansas Regents Center, Linwood, Kansas, March, 4 hours, 15 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1979). Divorce counseling. The Adult Life Resource Center, University of Kansas Regents Center, Linwood, Kansas, March, 4 hours, 19 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1980). The effects of divorce on children: school considerations. Topeka Kansas School District, Counselors and Special Services Personnel Inservice Training, Topeka, Kansas, March, 6 hours, 29 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1980). How to fight fair. Prognosis: how can we make a difference. Two workshops. Adult Life Resource Center Two Day Workshop Series Entitled, The Family: Center of the Storm, Lawrence, Kansas, May, 4 hours, 67 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1981). Introduction to hypnosis. Western Missouri Mental Health Center Staff Workshop, Kansas City, Missouri, September, 4 hours, 11 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1982). Emotional child abuse. Adult Life Resource Center, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, March, 9 hours, 37 attended. Repeated in Topeka, Kansas, August, 6 hours, 43 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1982). Depression in Latter-day Saint Women. Women's Conference of the Kansas City Missouri Stake of the L.D.S. Church, Kansas City, Missouri, May, 2 hours, 105 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1983). Marriage ideals and realities. Hartland Singles, Lawrence, Kansas, April, 2 hours, 27 attended.

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Invited Workshops Continued:

Karpowitz , D. H. (1983). Children's cognitive and emotional development: meaning for parenting. Women's Conference of the Kansas City Missouri Stake of the L.D.S. Church, Kansas City, Missouri, May, 4 hours, 120 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1983). Stress in L.D.S. women. Manhattan Wards' of the Topeka Kansas Stake of the L.D.S. Church, Manhattan, Kansas, September, 2.5 hours, 55 attended.

Jones, S., Karpowitz , D. H., & Coleman, T. (1983). Marriage enrichment seminar. Topeka Kansas Stake of the L.D.S. Church, Topeka, Kansas, October, 6 hours, 104 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1983). Parent training symposium. Kansas Psychological Association Convention, Lawrence, Kansas, November, 2.5 hours, 35 attended, organizer and chair.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1984). Single Parenting. L. D. S. Women's Conference, Independence Missouri Stake, Independence, Missouri, March, 2 hours, 55 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1984). Helping adolescents through normal developmental challenges. L. D. S. Women's Conference, Kansas City Missouri Stake, Kansas City, Missouri, April, 3 hours, 125 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1985). Stress in L. D. S. women. Kansas City Missouri Stake, Kansas City, Missouri, January, 2 hours, 205 attended. Repeated in St. Joseph, Missouri, January, 2 hours, 115 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1985). How to cope with being alone. Young Adults and Young Special Interests, Topeka Kansas Stake, Lawrence, Kansas, January, 2 hours, 35 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1985). Coping with stress. Relief Society, Lawrence Ward, Lawrence, Kansas, April, 2 hours, 68 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1985). Keeping romance in a functional marriage. L. D. S. Women's Conference, Kansas City Missouri Stake, Kansas City, Missouri, April, 4 hours, 248 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1985). Preparation for leaving home. Youth Conference, Topeka Kansas Stake, Emporia, Kansas, June, 2 hours, 39 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1985). Building a lasting marriage. Overland Park Ist Ward, Overland Park, Kansas, September, 3 hours, 187 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1985). Mid-Life transitions and the family. Adult Life Resource Center, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, November, 4 hours, 14 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1986). Helping children grow. The Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lawrence Ward, Lawrence, Kansas, January, 1 hour, 75 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1986). Close encounters of the best kind: making a good marriage better. Women's conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Topeka Kansas Stake, Topeka, Kansas, October, 2 hours, 130 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1986). The psychology of fire setters. Annual Convention of Kansas Fire Fighters, Topeka, Kansas, October, 3 hours, 25 attended.

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Invited Workshops Continued:

Karpowitz , D. H. (1986). Dealing with the negative aspects of holidays. Parents Without Partners, Lawrence, Kansas, October, 1 hour, 10 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1987). Religious values and couple's relationships. Couples Seminar, Overland Park, Kansas, February, 4 hours, 35 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1987). Raising twins. Kansas Association for the Mother's of Twins, Lawrence, Kansas, April, 2 hours, 67 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1987). Raising children as a single parent. Women's Conference of the Kansas City Missouri Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Kansas City, Missouri, May, 4 hours, 175 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1987). Unconditional worth, self-esteem and love. Young Adults and Young Single Adults Conference. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, May, 3 hours, 60 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1987). Succeeding in the face of challenge. Youth Conference of the Topeka Kansas Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas, June, 1 hour, 305 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1987). Leadership responsibilities and continuing to grow as a couple and family. Officers of the Kansas City Missouri Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Kansas City, Missouri, October, 4 hours, 27 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1988). Keeping romance alive in marriage. Relief Society of the Topeka First Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Topeka, Kansas, February, 1 hour, 50 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1988). Lasting relationships. Annual Women's Conference, Kansas City, Missouri Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, May, 4 hours, 215 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1989). Building a happy home. Women's Relief Society Conference, Olathe Kansas Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, March, 4 hours, 240 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1989). 1) Effective leadership methods. 2) Communication and husband-wife relationships in families of leaders. Liberty Missouri Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April, 6 hours, 118 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1989). How to raise your parents. Beehive Spectacular, Topeka Kansas Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2 hours, 89 attended.

Karpowitz , D. H. (1989). Peer pressure - What is it? How can you deal with it? Young Women's World Celebration, Kansas City Missouri, November, 3 hours, 285 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1990). Helping children cope with fears. Parent Teacher Association, District 497, February, 2 hours, 38 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1990). Improving marriage for busy leaders. Kansas City Missouri Stake Leadership Meeting, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, February, 4 hours, 96 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1990). How to discipline children. Parent Teacher Association, District 497, March, 2 hours, 24 attended.

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Invited Workshops Continued:

Karpowitz, D. H. (1990). Building adult self-esteem. Relief Society, Olathe Kansas Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, May, 2 hours, 47 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1991). Building self-esteem in school-age children. Parent Teacher Association, District 497, February, 2 hours, 29 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1991). Depression: Coping with the challenges. Paola Ward Priesthood and Relief Society joint meeting, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, May, 36 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1991). Effective communication between mother and daughter. Relief Society Women’s Conference, Topeka Kansas Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, June, 245 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1991). Strengthening family relations. Parent Teacher Association, District 497, October, 2 hours, 33 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1991). Helping elementary-age children reach their potential when their parents have divorced. University of Kansas Dependent Care Referral Service, November, 2 hours, 12 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1992). Pastoral counseling of parishioners with sexual problems. Bishops of the Olathe Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 4, 2.5 hours, 15 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1992). Stress Management. Olathe Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, May 19, 85 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1992). Personal relationships: I win, you win. Young Single Adults Multi-Regional Conference. May 23, 160 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1992). Teenagers and intimacy. Youth conference, Topeka Kansas Stake, June 13, 1.5 hours, 68 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1992). Raising self-reliant children. Overland Park Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, September 20 & 21, 2 hours, 65 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1993). Managing time and resources in stressful times. Topeka Kansas Stake Young Single Adults, September 19, 2 hours, 43 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1993). Becoming a better parent. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, September - December, 30 hours, 14 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1993). How to plan. Leadership training for youth. Burlington, Kansas, October 30, 2 hours, 35 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1994). Co-Dependency: Causes and Treatments. Single Adult Workshop, Topeka, Kansas, 2.5 hours, 63 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1994). Coping with the Challenges of Singlehood. Multi-Regional Workshop for Singles, Kansas City Missouri, 2 hours, 135 attended.

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Invited Workshops Continued:

Karpowitz, D. H. and Karpowitz, D. D. (1994). Making Your Marriage A Beautiful Pattern for Life. Women's Conference of the Topeka Kansas Stake Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 8, 3 hours, 115 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1995). Becoming a better parent. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, January - March, 30 hours, 16 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1995). Enriching Your Marriage. Regional Women’s Conference, October 14, 3 hours, 800 attended. Karpowitz, D. H. (1996). Solving Problems Together. Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, January 25, 2.5 hours, 68 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1996). Youth and Marriage: Successful Planning. Young Women’s Conference, Topeka, Kansas, March 2, 2 hours, 115 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1966). Depression: Multiple Causes, Multiple Treatments. Olathe Kansas Stake Women’s Conference, March 16, 1.5 hours. 320 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1966). Joy or Depression. Lenexa Kansas Stake Relief Society Conference, April 20, 1.5 hours, 360 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1966). The Importance of Family Influence for Adolescents. Kansas City Missouri Stake Youth Conference, July 13, 1 hour, 245 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1966). Friendship in Adolescence. Lenexa Kansas Stake Youth Conference, July 20, 1 hour, 285 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1966). Provident Living: Financial Management, Spiritual and Mental Health. Topeka Kansas Stake, October 12, 1 hour, 125 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1966). Preschool Children and Self-Esteem. Presbyterian Preschool, Lawrence Kansas, Nov. 13, 2 hours, 33 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1966). Strengthening and Enriching Marriage. Lenexa Ward, Lenexa, Kansas, Nov. 22, 1 hour, 69 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1967). Self-Worth and Teenagers. Olathe Kansas Third Ward, L. D. S. Church. February 16, 1997, 1 hour, 67 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1997). Developing Friendships. Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska Singles Conference, L.D.S. Church, June 7, 1997, 4 hours, 72 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1967). Dealing with Couple Differences. Olathe Kansas Stake, L. D. S. Church, October 10, 1997, 2.5 hours, 370 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1998). Christianity and Self Worth. L. D. S. Women’s Conference, Lenexa, Kansas, September 19, 1998, 2 hours, 250 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1998). How to Talk so Children will Listen. Lansing School District Parenting Conference. October 17, 1998, 2 hours, 77 attended.

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Invited Workshops Continued:

Karpowitz, D. H. (1999). How to Build Strong Families. Blue Springs, Missouri School District. January 28, 1999, 5 hours, 33 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1999). The Enjoyable And Challenging Process Of Mate Selection. L.D.S. Institute of Religion Regional Conference, February, 20, 1999, 2 hours, 46 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1999). Dating and Mate Selection. Haskell Indian Nations University, August 20, 1999, 6 hours, 8 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1999). Graduate Study in Clinical Psychology. Psi Chi, University of Kansas Chapter, October 18, 1999, 2 hours, 47 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1999). Cancer and the Marital Relationship. Cancer Support Group of Lawrence, November 1, 1999, 2 hours, 26 attended. (with Diane Karpowitz)

Karpowitz, D. H. (2000). Preparing for Marriage. L.D.S. Institute of Religion, January 26 to May 3, 2000, 28 hours, 10 attended. (with Diane Karpowitz)

Karpowitz, D. H. (2000). Family Relationships. Midwest Regional Institute of Religion Conference, Lawrence, Kansas, March 11, 2000, 2 hours, 68 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2000). Finding the right person, red flags in relationships. Young Men and Young Women Organizations of the L.D.S. Church, Emporia, Kansas, May 31, 2000, 2 hours, 105 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2000). Improving marriage. Womens Relief Society Organization, L.D.S Church, September 14, 2000, 3 hours, 35 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2001). Relationship Development. Institute of Religion, Lawrence, Kansas, February 9. 2001, 1.5 hours, 28 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2001). Coping with Family Stresses. Lawrence Child Development Association, February 24, 2001, 1.5 hours, 23 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2001). The Joys of Womanhood. Women’s Conference of the Topeka Kansas Stake Relief Society, May 12, 2001, 1 Hour, 275 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2001). Finding Joy and Hope in Personal Challenges. Women’s Conference of the Olathe Kansas Stake, June 2, 2001, 1.5 Hours, 325 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2001). A Short Course on Marriage, Institute of Religion, June 29 to July 27th, Five 1.5 Hour Sessions, 23 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2002). Improving Marriage Relations. Platte City, MO, February 22nd, 1.5 hours, 40 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2002). How to Apply the Teachings of Jesus Christ to Your Life. Regional Institute of Religion Conference, Lawrence, Kansas, April 13th, 2 hours, 140 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2002). Developing Social Skills. Regional Single Adult Conference. Platte City, MO, June 1st, 2 hours, 63 attended.

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Invited Workshops Continued:

Karpowitz, D. H. (2002). Overcoming Marital Dysfunction. Burlington, Kansas, 2.5 hours, 35 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2002). Marriage Seminar. Lawrence, Kansas, October 18th, 1.5 hours, 72 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2003). Couple’s Communication. Topeka Stake Relief Society Women’s Conference, Topeka, Kansas, April 12th, 1.5 hours, 115 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2003). Intimacy. Platte City Stake Couple’s Conference, Platte City, Missouri, April 19th, 1 hour, 160 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2003). Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. LDS Institute of Religion, Lawrence, Kansas, June 13 – August 1, 10.5 hours, 16 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2003). Teaching Children Values. Parent University, Ottawa, Kansas, November 12th, 1.5 hours, 63 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2004). Improving Communication. Young Adults, Topeka University Branch, Topeka, Kansas, January 24th, 1 hour, 32 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2004). The Positive Influence of Prayer, Youth Conference, Derby, Kansas, June 18th, 1 hour, 325 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2004). Depression in LDS Women: Causes and Treatment. Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lawrence, Kansas, July 1st, 1 hour, 55 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2004). Pornography Addiction: Causes and Treatments. Lenexa Stake Leadership Meeting, October 28th, 1.5 hours, 261 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2004). Effective Communication in Dating and Relationship Development, Relief Society of the University Ward, Lawrence, Kansas, November 11th, 1 hour, 24 attended; and Topeka University Branch Young Adults, December 28th, 1 hour, 38 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Problem Solving in Marriage. Relief Society of the Lawrence Wards, Lawrence, Kansas, January 13th, 1 hour, 78 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Effective Coping with Depression. Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Olathe, Kansas, February 1st, 1.5 hours, 137 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Overcoming Pornography Addiction. Topeka Kansas Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Topeka, Kansas, February 5th, 2 hours, 281 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Building Self-Esteem in Adolescent Young Women. Redbridge Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Kansas City, Missouri, February 16th, 1.5 hours, 41 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Women Coping with Men’s Pornography Addiction. Topeka Kansas Stake Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Topeka, Kansas, April 16th, 1 hour, 312 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Women Coping with Stress. Ottawa Ward Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ottawa, Kansas, May 4th, 1 hour, 23 attended.

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Invited Workshops Continued:

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Improving Mental Health. Lenexa Kansas Stake Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lenexa, Kansas, May 7th, 1 hour, 37 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Effectively Meeting Life’s Challenges. Lawrence First Ward Young Women of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lawrence, Kansas, May 22nd, 1 hour, 16 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Successful Coping with Anxiety. Lawrence First Ward Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lawrence, Kansas, July 1st, 1.5 hours, 73 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Sexual Addiction: Problems and Treatments. Olathe Kansas Stake Leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Olathe, Kansas, July 10th, 2 hours, 17 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2005). Emotional Health in Women. Olathe Women’s Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Olathe, Kansas, August 27th, 2.5 hours, 435 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2006). Optimal parenting. First Presbyterian Preschool, March 7, 1.5 hours, 35 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2006). Working with less active children. Women’s Conference, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Relief Society, April 22, 2 hours. 115 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2006). Adult health and development. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Relief Society, New Mark Ward, Platte City, Missouri, 1.5 hours. 29 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2006). Happiness and being single. Lawrence 1st Ward Singles, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lawrence, Kansas, September 12, 1 hour, 9 Attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2006). Marriage basics. Topeka Kansas Stake Singles, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lawrence, Kansas, September 24, 1 hour, 29 Attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2007). Leadership and service in the 21st century. Priest’s Quorum, Lawrence Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, August 12, 1 hour, 10 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2008). Developing a relationship with your child for effective parenting. Kansas City, Missouri, March 5, 1.5 hours, 225 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2008). Living your values. Relief Society Women’s Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, March 23, 1 hour, 344 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H.and Karpowitz, D. D. (2008). Improving physical and emotional intimacy in marriage. Salina, Kansas, April 25, 3 hours, 46 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2008). Making the most of differences between men and women to enhance marriage. Warrensburg, Missouri, May 3, 1 hour, 362 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H.and Karpowitz, D. D. (2008). Orienting teachers to facilitate Strengthening Marriage courses. Platte City, Missouri, February 19, Omaha Nebraska, November 23, 3 hours, 16 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H., and Karpowitz D. D. (2009). Strengthening Marriage. LDS Family Services. Lawrence, Kansas, February 6 to March 13, 9 hours, 28 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H., and Karpowitz D. D. (2009). Strengthening Marriage. LDS Family Services. Emporia Kansas, October 9 to November 13, 9 hours, 27 attended.

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Invited Workshops Continued:

Karpowitz, D. H. (2010). Promoting emotional health: signs of problems, helping self and others. Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lawrence, Kansas, January 28, one hour, 37 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H., and Karpowitz D. D. (2010). Strengthening The Family. LDS Family Services. Lawrence, Kansas, February 5 to April 2, 18 hours, 28 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2010). Improving interpersonal communication. Young Women’s Organization, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lawrence, Kansas, February 24, 1 hour, 23 present.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2010). How to talk with others about your values. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Lawrence, Kansas, June 10, one-half hour, 68 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2010). Finding happiness in who you are. Kansas City Area Singles. June 19, one hour. 135 attended.

Karpowitz, D. H., and Karpowitz D. D. (2010). Train teachers to teach Strengthening Marriage and Strengthening the Family courses, Manhattan, Kansas, 1.5 hours, 8 attended.

Administrative Experience and Service:

Director, University of Kansas Psychological Clinic, 1973 - 1983.

Acting Co-Chairperson, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 1983 - 1984.

Associate Chairperson, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 1984 - 1992.

Liaison for the Department of Psychology to The Department of Educational Psychology and Research for graduate course work minor in psychology, 1984 - present.

Member, Chair Review Committee, Department of Educational Psychology and Research, 1987.

Member, Chair Search Committee, Department of Counseling Psychology, 1987.

Member First Level Grant Review Committee, University of Kansas, 1987 - 1992.

Member Search Committee, tenure track assistant professor in infant development, Department of Human Development, 1988.

Chair, Computer Committee, Department of Psychology, 1988 - 1992.

Member Search Committee, Director of Child Clinical Joint Program with Psychology and Human Development and Family Life, 1989-1990.

Interim Chairperson, Department of Computer Science, University of Kansas, 1992 - 1993. Administrative Experience and Service Continued:

Chair of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering Computer Science Merger Committee, 1992-1993.

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Administrative Experience and Service Continued:

Chairperson, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, 1993 - 1999.

Member, College Budget Committee, 1993- 1996.

Chairperson, Psychology Department Promotion, Tenure and Merit Committee, 1993 - 1999.

Chairperson, Committee to Recommend a New Associate Dean for Social Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1994.

Member, Ombudsman Review Committee, 1994.

Member Special College Promotion Subcommittee for Alkis Akritas, 1994.

Discussant at the New Chairs Orientation Meeting, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, August 19, 1994.

Member Family Medical Leave Act Subcommittee of the College Budget Committee, 1993-94.

Member of the special college promotion subcommittee for Alkis Akritas, 1994.

Chair, CBUD Subcommittee on an instructional fee policy, 1995-96.

Chair, Committee to form a new department, School of Engineering, 1995-96.

Member Site Visit Group, American Psychological Association, Department of Counseling Psychology, 1995-1996.

Member, University Judicial Board, 1996 to 2002.

Associate Chairperson and Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies and, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, 1999 – 2010.

Study Abroad Officer, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, 2000 – Present.

Member, BA/BGS in Developmental Psychology at the KU Edwards Campus Committee, 2003 to present.

CAPS Staff Psychologist Selection Committee, University of Kansas, Spring, 2004.

COMS/PSYC Advising Specialist Selection Committee, Fall, 2004 to 2010.

Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising, Fall, 2005.

Clinical/Gerontology Search Committee, Fall, 2006

Accountant Search Committee, 2007

Scheduling Officer Search Committee, 2007

Special College Judicial Committee, 2007 to 2009.

Psychology Department Merit Committee, 2010 to present

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Informal Articles and Unpublished Manuscripts:

Karpowitz, D. H. (1973). Human Psychopharmacology, revised edition. University of Kansas, 240 pages.

Staff Writer. (1978). Psychology. Clinic Counsels 300. The Oread, 2(18, Jan. 27), 3.

Goodell, K. (1978). The myth of the perfect parent. Kansas Alumni, September, 4-5.

Karpowitz, D. H., et al. (1974, 1976, 1978, 1980). Clinic Operations Manual, University of Kansas, 127 pages.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1985). Five year review of the department of psychology's graduate programs, University of Kansas, 28 pages.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1992). Operating Guidelines, Department of Computer Science, 17 pages.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1995) Guidelines for the Department of Psychology, update, 45 pages.

Karpowitz, D. H. (1999) Six Year Program Review, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, 68 pages.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2001) Major Assessment, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas.

Computer Programs Developed:

Karpowitz, D. H. (1990, 2000, 2005). Two Computer programs for the administration, scoring and interpretation of the MMPI-2, for Macintosh and Windows operating systems respectively. The programs are written in Real Basic for the Macintosh and PC. The program for the Macintosh has doubled in size in 2000 with three important new features: 1) computerized administration, 2) research database collection occurs automatically and 3) Interpretation for the client as well as the clinician.

The PC version was updated in 2005 and also includes: 1) computerized administration, Computer programs now in professional use: 2) research database collection occurs automatically and 3) Interpretation for the client as well as the clinician.

Karpowitz, D. H. (2006). Program to administer, score and interpret the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Inventory. This program is written using Microsoft Access and can be adapted to many other objective tests. A person may take the questionnaire with the help of the computer or using the booklet and data form. If the test is administered by computer, it is automatically scored and interpreted. If the questionnaire is administered using paper and pencil, the data can be quickly entered into the computer for scoring and interpretation. Data may be stored for research purposes also.

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