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Wednesday, June n, itm nF. TROI T KVKN IN r, TIM E S (PHOSE CHERRY > PAGE 3 Detroit Flunks CROWN PRINCSS IN CAP AND GOWN Gagnon to Tell CLOTHES FOR WAR BABIES State Sending M If ¦ ¦KJ '4 Payoffs * —. Objectors ,Mm • ¦Di On New Scheme ¦ 3 ¦ ¦ 1 Of More w Draft For Cheaper Gas At Frahm Trial To Labor Camp lime**taff 1 orreepnmlenl Jack Gagnon, principal owner Tlm#« Miff < «rrr.,w.r»4rn» LANSING, J u n r 11.—Another ; BBBMBjjEA of the *500,(100 National Sport si LANSING, June 11.—The state effort to lower Detroit gas rates Junior Baseball pool, who told n| today ordered conscientious ob- apparently has today. payoff* for former Police Supt. jectors removed to northern woods failed other police Fred W. Frahm and year's compulsory The issue came before the Mich- officer*, was to continue hi* testi- for at least a igan Public Service Commission mony today at the ttial of Frahm labor. when .lames 11. assistant cor- and four suspended policemen. The selective service board re- poration counsel of Detroit argued The trial began yesterday after vealed that 101 Michigan youths a jury of eight women and fixe that a new natural gas pipeline, have refused to be drafted for men. one of them serving as an religious other to by the or reasons. Instead be constructed Con- alternate, was selected in the being exempted, however, they Judge of numers Power Company, should he court mom of Circuit Earl are to he put to work under direc- Pugslex. extended to the Detroit gateway. C. tion of the United States Forestry “This second line could serve Gagnon, named in the grand Service. as a reserve for the Mtchiiian ¦ M ¦ jury indictment a* a co-conspira- First camp is being established Consolidated fins Company," he lor. told of the payoffs at the pre- on a farm near Manistee. It was argued. "If Detroit the supply liminary examination of Frahm JT announced that an abandoned failed, the Michigan Consolidated and the others. He was the firsl CCC camp deep in the forests could turn to the Consumers witness called after the trial jury will be used later. Company for gas. had been sworn yesterday, and ap- K 1 .y T'Af; First contingent to the newly peared EXPLODES IVAN on the stand wearing dark acquired farm will consist of 23 sun glasses which entirely ob- conscientious objectors, who are "Th|s would allow the Mich- scured his eyes, to report June 23. Seventeen ( igan onsolidated to abandon y JHPyr its (.LASSES ¦ :¦ others are to leave three days present standby equipment." FORCED TO DO IF later for camps in Indiana. Rut this He hv Judge *: jBI scheme exploded when was Pugslev r 8 The first contingent ordered to Henry A Montgomery attorney if thex were worn as a disguise, r -; JKi'^ report included Horman H. Gall lor Michigan ('onsolidated. pointed hut answered that hi« eyes were of Flat Rock, Edwin R. Pike of cnit that the new Consumers’ pipe- infected. Judge Pugsley, however, 185 Hill street, Highland Park, line will he merely a loop from made him remove them for a and Marvin E. Aupperle of 4365 the line which now feeds the De- while so the juror* could see hi* Lakewood avenue, Detroit. troit company face. The objectors will not receive A loiter to the commission from On Inal with Fruhm are Clyde pay and their expenses will be William G Woolfolk, president ol Ranev, James Dooley, James Ren- paid by church groups. They will Michigan ("onsolidated. explained nett and John Mulligan, all for- plant trees and do other work of "The pro|H»se<| loop consists mer detectives. They are charged national importance. simply of tapping the nnty pipe- with accepting bribes in permil lines between Detroit and Texas. the operation of the baseball poo! Instead of helping the Detroit At the preliminary examination supply, It actually weakens it. Gagnon testified Frahm was paid Traffic Violations each of the detective* LIMIT TO C *.’10.000 and APACITY *1 500. to CopynfM P Send Two Jail "\s you know, there Is a limit by Deft ett Timet All tifMi fttr.etf Speeial Prosecutor Chester 1 to the capacity «( a pi|tclioc anil PRINCESS Jl LIANA AND PRINCE HERNHARI) (THIRD FROM LEFT) AT HOPE O’Hara said that Gagnon will hr: Two traffic law violators today stand by John! that limit Is certain to he ex- Her Royal Highness Crown Princess founded Hope College at Holland, Mich. followed on the were sent to jail and two other* ceeded this Winter, as it has in Siriiek and John Schell, co-part- received heavy fines from Juliana of Nazi-conquered Netherlands, The college conferred an honorary doc- Judge the past. ners in the pool. He also said that FRED M. ALGKR 111 LYNN JOHNSTON. 4 George T. Murphy. "Therefore, we can sax defi- and her prince consort in caps and gowns torate upon the princess. The royal pan Clifford F. South, one of the eight Hit-run charges against Gu* Two socially-prominent Grosse Pointe youngsters nitely that because of greallx in the commencement procession at Dutch- leave for the East later today. original defendant* who ha* since Carlisle, 39. of 4015 Boston boule- Increased demands In the De- pleaded guilty, has been endorsed modeling approved garments for bombed-out British chil- vard. resulted in 30 days. James troit area by house owners, a* a state witness. dren that were made by the Grosse Pointe sewing unit of Jackson, 41. of 5807 John R. street, got days driving. business establishments, indus- $250,000 PERSONNEL OF JFRV the Michigan division of the British War Relief Society. 30 for drunk Leo tries and. abnxe all. UAW Seeks Princess Juliana Leaves Detroit With J. Schewe, 40. of 14720 Mansfield defense Michigan women have been asked to make 60.000 such tiny avenue, xxork. the cmnpanx will he forced The jurors ate Frank Bycraft, was fined $l5O or 30 days, 4, 30, during the coming Winter Hope College Degree poultry salesman. 879 k ilomer suits and dresses in sizes of 6 and 8. Already widespread and Ladislaus Nowicki. of 3369 months to use its standhx 'Mpiip- In Eaton Strike Suit avenue; George M. Gambrall, ron- arrangements are underway for the purchase of materials, East Ferry avenue. $75 or 15 days, I imn s|«(t ( nrrr«|mn<lrnl avenue; both men! for the manufacture of 1 1roller, 15861 Cloxerlawn establishment of volunteer assembly lines. If you’d like for reckless driving. S Michael Mar*h, retired. 15;j0 Six- gas.’* AGLNAW. June 11 A suit for R% VERA BROW N to help, telephpne thp British Relief offices at Cherry 4662. The look ? *-‘st* fXttl teenth street; Mr*. Amie Reek, commission he math f 11ed hv Hie I AW-CIO of cinder adv iscmcnt Princess Juliana ihc Nazi- College where >he was honored housewife 5404 Rrush street; Mrs. against the Eaton Manufacturing Gladys Royer, housrwt/r, Vine- Receiver Appointed Fire in Brass Foundry Gone With the Wind' mvadr4 Netherlands with a new with the degree: 156 Company is in progress here to- wood avenue Wyandotte; Mrs. Judge Admits U. S. degree •‘1 believe the*r honor* are a Federal Ernest A. O'Brien Firemen answered a two-alarm Charge day The sin grew out of a >.lrikc. of doctor of laws aftei her I.nla \V. Zerkle, housewife, of today appointed William Lewi*, gesture nf friendship to my i»eo- G. Ship . Sponsors Ernest .1. Poirier. 1J sale-man stag'd a» the Wilcox-High division Hi trious name will leave Detroit Dearborn: Miss Ruth Hedges, foimn secretary of iho >tate fire in the casting shop Author accused by am grateful for your of the jxetal inspector* nf plant of the Eaton company here late today with her prince consort ple. I maid, 1550 Brady avenue, Mr*. liquor control rommi'Mon. nv re- WASHINGTON, June 11.— raising a *1 monox order to *sl last November. kindness, so to have come Mildred Knitting. hou*ewife. 19144 Malting American Brass Company, West (INS) —Margaret Mitchell, to collect more degrees ai Mount happy ceiver of the American whose and cashing if m a riowntnwn The union eon tends that the to your city where live so many Wakenden. Redford; Mr* Eleanor Company. 1-’.') South Di\ avenue, avenues, best-seller, "Gone With the Wind,” Holyoke (’ollrge and Jefferson and McKinistry hotel, today hh« referred to the company failed to live up to an Princeton of my countrymen." Powers, stenographer, 159’J Philip and referred the firm in the stirred the world with its roman- federal probation department agreement t avenue; Voungdale. early today A half-hour battle fol- reached l>eermher IT Iniversity. Ti ax cling w ith only one suitcase Mrs. Hanna Bankruptcy Court for liquidation. tic story of the Confederacy, was lowing hi« guilty plea before L'(»6l avenue; .:jit which provided that I’fxi fired Saul her royal highness a« she and a small traveling hag. the housewife. Fullerton prevented spread of the fire to named today by Secretary of the Federal Judge Finest A. O Rrien stlikets »•« nired within week Te a hade goodhy to Holland and Untie and Rernhard will Mis. Sophie Rula*. housewife. 194S <»en. Hugh S. Jnhn «o n, Navy Frank Knox to sponsor the princess Prince axrnue; n>her parts of the plant. The cause hoard a New York Central east- Speneri Erne J. Niukkala. “Americj*'* lighting Thinker," navy's newest cruiser, the U. S. S. avenue, bound train here at 4:45 p. m. diemaker. 159.59 Welland rite** Daily for the Times.