On the rights of the manuscript


of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


Specialty: 5908.01 - "Political theory"

Field of science: Political science

Applicant: Maftuna Rashid Abdullayeva

Baku – 2021 The work was performed at the Department of Political Science and Sociology of State University.

Scientific supervisor (consultant): Ali Javad Ahmedov PhD in Philosophy, professor

Official opponents: Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Aida Mammad Yusifzade

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Rena Rza Mirzazade

PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor Rajab Zakir Rahimli

Dissertation Council FD 2.30 of Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan operating at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Chairman of the Dissertation council Doctor of Biology, Academician ______Urkhan Kazim Alakbarov (signature)

Scientific secretary of the Dissertation council Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor ______Ziyafat Ziya Habibova (signature)

Chairman of the scientific seminar Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor ______Alikram Zakir Abdullayev (signature)

2 Introduction

Relevance of the topic: After gaining independence, the Azerbaijani state faced the need to pursue domestic and foreign policy, which allows it to build a democratic, legal and secular state.A correct understanding of national interests, the choice of the optimal course of domestic and foreign policy of the state have become a vital national need.The realization and maintenance of national interests required the creation of security conditions and the formation of its foundations. All this was impossible in the first years of independence in the conditions of ever-deepening crises in all spheres, failures on the front line as a result of incompetent leadership of the country.Only in the summer of 1993, at the insistent demand of the people, national leader Heydar Aliyev, who returned to power, created a perfect concept of statehood based on scientific principles and intellectual potential, and made a deep scientific, theoretical and practical contribution to the sphere of public administration.The concept of statehood of Heydar Aliyev provided for the creation of equal opportunities for citizens of the country in all spheres of society. In the theoretical heritage of Heydar Aliyev, an important place is occupied by his philosophy of statehood, national-spiritual and ideological-political worldview.His policy formed the scientific and theoretical basis for the transition from a command-administrative system to a new society in Azerbaijan.Explaining the essence of building a new society in Azerbaijan, our great leader said: "Establishing the rule of law in our republic, building a democratic civilized society, ensuring human freedoms - these are the principles that we have adopted from the very beginning. ".1 The concept of statehood of Heydar Aliyev became a real strategy for the young Republic of Azerbaijan, which gained independence from the imperial and totalitarian system, but faced the conflicting interests of regional and world powers, trying to determine its place in the globalized world.Among the main directions in his theoretical

1 Aliyev H.A. The path of independence. Selected ideas, p.8. Baku. Azerneshr, 1997, 135 p. 3 heritage, national security policy occupies a special place.Within the framework of this policy, the priority is to protect the independence and territorial integrity of the country, and to effectively coordinate the national security of Azerbaijan with the international security system.These theoretically justified provisions fully and clearly express that all possibilities and all means will be used to restore the territorial integrity of the country. Emphasizing the foresight of the national leader, Academician R. Mehdiyev notes: "Heydar Aliyev was well aware that the main tool in the development strategy, which is essentially focused on the future, is the early revival of the economy, the creation of the most favorable conditions for the use of natural resources, economic, educational, scientific and cultural potential of Azerbaijan." With the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the author of which is the national leader Heydar Aliyev, the legal framework of national security was created, the Constitution, acting as a guarantor of security, establishes the basic principles of the national security policy, ensuring the implementation of national interests.In general, the theoretical and conceptual provisions of the national security policy of Heydar Aliyev for the near and long term, aimed primarily at creating socio-political stability in the country, determined the main directions of this policy.On the other hand, these provisions stated that ensuring national security is a systematic, long- term and continuous process.All this formed the basis for the consistent activity of a wise leader in this area, aimed at fulfilling the assigned tasks in accordance with the new realities.The study of these issues is of particular importance and relevance for the development of both Azerbaijani political science and our independent statehood.In this context, it is necessary to comprehensively and systematically study the theoretical and practical issues that were pursued by the national leader of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev.The main content of domestic and foreign policy is national interests and national security.Studying the problem from this point of view is of particular importance, therefore it cannot be excluded from the scientific analysis carried out.

4 National security is a key factor in state-building and creating stability.This important point is the central direction of theoretical thought, conceptual approaches. The study of ensuring the national security of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the context of the theoretical heritage of Heydar Aliyev is becoming an increasingly popular social reality, which makes it necessary to study these issues.The modern national security strategy of Azerbaijan is closely connected with the name of the genius leader. The political course of Heydar Aliyev in this and other areas, as well as his theoretical and practical legacy, are being developed politically by his worthy successor, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan , and this continues with great confidence and success. It was under his wise leadership that important reforms were carried out in this direction, and the necessary legal framework was strengthened. In this regard, the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On National Security", the Concept of National Security and a number of other normative legal acts is of great importance. All this made it possible to create a solid foundation for the safe development of an independent Azerbaijani statehood. One of the greatest achievements in the implementation of the national security policy and national interests of our state is the preservation and development of the traditions and ideas of Heydar Aliyev, which played a special role in achieving the Great Victory of Azerbaijan over the aggressor under the leadership of the country's President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev in the 44-day Patriotic War and contributed to ensuring reliable security in the territories liberated from occupation. National leader Heydar Aliyev, within the framework of his doctrine of statehood, created a national ideology - the ideology of modern Azerbaijanism, which unites the citizens of independent Azerbaijan and mobilizes people around a common idea, goals and objectives.At the same time, Heydar Aliyev, while preserving the principle of continuity in the formation of the national-ideological system of views, turned to Azerbaijanism as a unifying idea and

5 platform for the national unity of Azerbaijanis living all over the world. The above-mentioned points to the importance of a systematic study of the directions of ensuring national security in the theoretical heritage of Heydar Aliyev from the theoretical and practical points of view and once again confirms the relevance of the topic of the presented dissertation. The degree of scientific elaboration of the dissertation topic The theoretical legacy of the world famous brilliant politician and statesman, national leader Heydar Aliyev, as well as the national security policy of independent Azerbaijan in this context, its conceptual foundations and implementation mechanism are of great interest to a wide range of politicians and scientists and researchers.From this point of view, first of all, the studies of Azerbaijani scientists Ramiz Mehdiyev, Ali Ahmedov, Majid Efendiyev, Hikmet Babaoglu, Aydin Mirzazade, Irada Huseynova, Hidayat Orujov, Jalil Khalilov and other authors were considered and commented on.1 Issues of internal and external security of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as geopolitical aspects of national security were studied in the books "Fundamentals of National Security" by Z. Hasanaliyev, "National Security Strategy" by J. Halilov, "Fundamentals of National Security" by J. Gasimov and N. Nagiyev, "Political Strategy and National Security" by A. Piriev. Studies by Russian scientists on this issue are also interesting.Various aspects of the problem were studied, considered in

1 Mehdiyev R. Azerbaijan: the requirements of the era of globalization, the lessons of the past, the realities of today and the prospects of the future. Baku: XXI century-YNE, 2005, 463 p.; Ahmedov A. Political Science. Baku: Tabib, 1997, 416 p.; Efendiyev M. Political science. Baku: Politika Publishing House, 2017, 862s.; Hikmet Babaoglu. Political features of the political heritage of Heydar Aliyev. Baku: 2014; Mirzazade A. Time, development, Baku: 2004, 607 p; Orujov H.-Heydar Aliyev and national policy in Azerbaijan. Baku: 2001. 6 the works of P. Sigankov, A. Dugin, N. Nartov, K. Gadzhiev, V. Lukin and others.1 In his monograph "Theory of International Security" P. Sigankov paid special attention to national security, geopolitical security and other issues related to his research. N.Nartov studied security from a geopolitical perspective.A.Dugin's monograph "Foundations of Geopolitics" is devoted to the factor of national security in Russian foreign policy.Various aspects of global security problems are analyzed in the books of K. Hajiyev "Geopolitics of the Caucasus", "Introduction to geopolitics". Research by American and European scientists on national security issues is noteworthy.Representatives of the US School of Political Realism, H. Morgenthau, J. Rosenau, Z. Brzezinski, K. Popper and others, paid close attention to the issues of globalization, national interests and national security. Although the problem we are studying has been studied to one degree or another from different sides in our country and abroad, this dissertation is the first attempt at a systematic and comprehensive study of the topic.2 Object and subject of research: The object of the study is the national security policy of Azerbaijan in the context of the theoretical legacy of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, and the subject is the concept, main directions and features of this policy, threats to national security and its prevention mechanism. The purpose and objectives of the research. The aim of the study is to analyze the traditions of statehood in the theoretical heritage of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, to study the conceptual foundations and directions of the

1 Tsygankov N.A. Geopolitics. M .: "Unity", 1999, 359 p .; Dugin A. Fundamentals of Geopolitics. M .: "Science", 1999, 810 p .; Gadzhiev K.S. Geopolitics of the Caucasus. M .: "International relations", 2001, 464 p .; Hadjiev K.S. Introduction to Geopolitics. M .: International relations, 2002, 612 p .; Lukin V.N. Globalization and international terrorism. M .: Nauka, 2006, 496 p. 2 Brzezinski Z. The Great Chessboard. M .: 1998, 256 p .; Brzezinski Z. The choice of the world state…. global leadership. Popper K. “Open Society and Its Enemies. Chapters from the book. M .: Soros foundation USA, 1992, 340 p. 7 national security policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to identify positive changes and negative manifestations of existing threats. To achieve this goal, it was important to perform the following research tasks: - Study of the historical roots, continuation and development of the traditions of statehood of the nationwide leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, in modern times; - analysis of modern theoretical and conceptual approaches to the problem of national security; - study of the traditions of transforming the concept of national security of the state into an important factor of independence and sovereignty; - A unified study of the theory and practice of national security policy pursued by Heydar Aliyev; - studying national security as an integral part of building an independent state and ensuring internal stability; - Study of threats to domestic and foreign policy, national security of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the context of globalization and ways to prevent them; - Study of issues of ensuring national security in the foreign policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan; -Consideration of the restoration of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan as the main direction of the policy of Heydar Aliyev, coverage of the results of Azerbaijan's huge victory over the occupying Armenia; - study the implementation of the principle of continuity in national security policy in the context of the continuation of the theoretical legacy of Heydar Aliyev; - study the security of national political and moral values as an important condition for strengthening statehood. The main provisions of the dissertation to be defended: –National security is the prevention of existing threats to the security of the individual, society and the state, depending on the internal and external situation, as well as the processes taking place at the international level.

8 –The conceptual foundations of national security occupy a special place in the theoretical legacy of the national leader Heydar Aliyev and find expression in his strategy for national development; –Based on the current political situation, we can say that Azerbaijan, being a strong state in the region, has become an influential member of the world community. –Currently, ensuring information security when building an information society in our country is one of the priorities and serves the effectiveness of the national security policy as a whole; –As a result of taking into account the interests of social groups in the implementation of reforms of state building, political stability was further strengthened and preserved. –The ideology of modern Azerbaijanism created by the National Leader is one of the main factors in strengthening independent statehood and ensuring national security. In this regard, it is important to implement comprehensive, systematic and consistent programs of activities aimed at raising the political awareness and political culture of members of society. –Overcoming the political threat, it is important to consider the implementation of national interests as the basic principle of the state's domestic and foreign policy, to study the national security policy in the context of the dynamics of the system of national interests. –Ensuring national security serves to strengthen the country's defense capability, preserve territorial integrity, and prevent provocations and terrorist acts. This was confirmed by the 44-day Patriotic War, which ended with a bright victory of Azerbaijan over the invader Armenia. Research methods. The theoretical basis of the research consists of the scientific works of outstanding scientists of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the life of Heydar Aliyev, the conceptual provisions put forward in the speeches and speeches of national leader Heydar Aliyev and President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev related to ensuring national security, as well as fundamental works in this field.

9 The analysis of theoretical problems in research work is based on general logical methods such as historical knowledge, logical generalization, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction.The study also used systematic analysis, comparative political analysis, comparative historical methods, content analysis and other scientific research methods. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the dissertation can be expressed in the following provisions: - The main conceptual provisions of national security in the theoretical legacy of Heydar Aliyev were studied in the context of contemporary world political theories, their content was revealed and evaluated from the point of view of modern realities; - The content of Heydar Aliyev's national security policy is analyzed from a theoretical and practical point of view, its components and directions are studied on the basis of a systematic approach, the mechanism for implementing this political course is presented on the basis of political analysis; - In the theoretical legacy of Heydar Aliyev, the system of national interests, their dynamics and factors of formation in the political process are studied, and the transformation of the ideology of Azerbaijanism into a platform of national unity is particularly emphasized. - the role of internal security as a component of national security in creating socio-political stability in the country was determined on the basis of a extensive analysis; - ensuring national security in the foreign policy of the independent Azerbaijani state was analyzed in the context of the theoretical heritage of Heydar Aliyev. In other words, the successful continuation of this policy, as well as the strategic course to restore the territorial integrity of the country by its worthy political successor, President Ilham Aliyev, which led to the Great Victory of Azerbaijan over Armenia, were justified Theoretical and practical significance of the research. The study of the theoretical legacy of Heydar Aliyev can be useful when studying the topic "National security", as well as "Foreign policy of

10 the Republic of Azerbaijan" and other similar problems, using theoretical provisions and practical results of research as a basis for scientific research of the problem. It can also be used in the preparation and conduct of scientific and practical conferences in this area, in lectures and practical classes on international relations, national security, foreign policy. Using the theoretical provisions and practical results of the study as a basis for scientific research on the problem, it can be useful in studying the theoretical legacy of Heydar Aliyev "National Security", as well as "Foreign policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan". and others, can be used in the preparation and conduct of scientific and practical conferences in this area, lectures and practical classes on international relations, national security, foreign policy. The research materials can also be used in the preparation of lectures on national security and political strategy, subject programs on national security, monographs and textbooks. The research results can be widely used in the development and education of high moral qualities, national patriotism among the younger generation, as well as in writing bachelor's and master's theses. Approbation of the dissertation work. The thesis was discussed at the Department of Political Science and Sociology of Baku State University and recommended for defense, presented at a scientific- practical conference. The main content of the research work is reflected in the scientific articles of the PhD candidate published in Azerbaijan and abroad, in her speeches and reports at national and international scientific conferences. The structure of the dissertation. The thesis consists of 3 chapters, 9 subsections, conclusions, as well as a list of references and additions. The dissertation consists of 275,022 characters in the Introduction, 83082 characters in Chapter I, 54923 characters in Chapter II, 81204 characters in Chapter III, resulting in 8197 characters, 23591 characters in the list of used literature, a total of 274027 characters.


The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic, analyzes the degree of elaboration of the topic, describes the attitude to the available literature, provides extensive information about the goals and objectives of the study, indicates the object and subject of the study, scientific innovations, theoretical and methodological foundations, theoretical and practical significance. The first chapter of the dissertation is called "Scientific and theoretical foundations of national security in the theoretical legacy of Heydar Aliyev". This chapter consists of 3 subsections. In the first half of the first chapter, The Essence and Main Components of National Security: A Political Analysis, the concept of national security is first analyzed in a political context. It is noted that national security, its maintenance and strengthening of the system have always been one of the main problems of any state. It is characterized by the ability to protect the national interests of the state by acquiring a certain content. National security has traditionally been marked by two aspects: internal and external. The internal aspect is associated with the internal elements of the national security of the state. The external aspect of a country's national security, arising from its interstate relations, is characterized as compensation or neutralization of any destructive effects on it. It is argued that internal national security has three main levels, which are in dynamic unity: security of the individual, security of society, security of the state. Depending on the level of social structure, economic, socio-political and cultural development, any of these levels may come to the fore. The structural elements of national security - political, economic, cultural, environmental, military, informational and other elements are interconnected. The study analyzes the structural and functional nature of national security in this context. Political security is one of the central elements of national security. Political security is based primarily on the internal strength and stability of society. A political regime based on a stable political

12 system that reflects the interests of all social groups and political forces contributes to the unity of the nation. The political security of a country is influenced by other structural elements of society, such as political traditions and norms, political culture, and so on.1 Another special element of national security is economic security. This is the determination of the forms and ways of economic development of a sovereign people without any pressure and interference from outside. The economic security of the country as a whole is the necessary financial, industrial, labor, intellectual potential, the system of organizing production, ensuring its effective functioning. The economic sphere of national security has two main foundations - an internal material and internal socio-political basis. This subsection also explains the essence and content of other areas - elements of national security. In this regard, the ecological, informational, cultural, military and other concepts of security are comprehensively emphasized, their socio-political significance and necessity are substantiated. In general, an attempt has been made to conduct a comparative analysis of these elements of national security. The second half of the second chapter is entitled “National security as an integral part of state building and internal stability”. It is noted here that the issue of security occupies a key place in the policy of the national state. The main goal of national security is to ensure state building and sustainable development of the country. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate internal and external threats to the independence and sovereignty of the state. Pursuing a policy that meets the requirements of any foreign country is dangerous for the country. It is noted here that in order to protect the security of the country, each state must have a national security strategy. In the Law on National Security, adopted in the Republic of Azerbaijan (2004), the concept of the country's national security is scientifically and strategically substantiated. The political strategy is based on the concept of national security. In the national security strategy, the

1 Proskirin S. A. "The geopolitical dimension of the global information space Geopolitics". Moscow, TATS, 2007, p. 226. 13 security of the national interests of the state is of the greatest importance. On December 29, 1991, 95% of the population of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who had the right to vote, voted for the independence and sovereignty of the republic. It is noted here that the main task after gaining independence was to strengthen state independence, build a democratic, legal, secular state, restore the territorial integrity of the republic, ensure the security and well-being of the country's population. All this required a consistent, purposeful, well-thought-out domestic and foreign policy and the effective use of the intellectual and socio-economic potential of the country for this purpose. Namely, it was necessary to take consistent, targeted measures and progressive steps to build an independent state on the basis of correct personnel policy and management. Against the background of a systemic strategy implemented under the leadership of Heydar Aliyev, neutralization of elements that pose a real and potential threat to national security, reaching a general consensus, overcoming the internal political crisis, defining the following strategic directions against the background of construction, modern society has become vital. To do this, first of all, it was necessary to ensure stability in the socio-political plane, establish structural elements and a real basis for ensuring flexible and effective implementation of socio-political institutionalization, and implement a gradual democratic transit. It is argued that the democratic transition process founded by Heydar Aliyev combined several characteristic and fundamental characteristics with improved structural elements. At the beginning of the transit process and at its various stages, citizens were granted broad rights and freedoms, the existing restrictions were lifted, and the established political pluralism realized the constructiveness of competitive relations and processes. The third half of the second chapter "Continuation of the theoretical legacy of Heydar Aliyev in the implementation of the National Security Strategy of Azerbaijan and the implementation of the principles of continuity" is devoted to the implementation of

14 the principles of continuity in domestic and foreign policy, especially in the field of National Security. It is noted that the system of factors that determined the continuation of the political course of Heydar Aliyev at this or that historical moment was the basis for the realization of the interests of the statehood of Azerbaijan. His political course is based on the principles of preserving, strengthening and developing the state independence of Azerbaijan. The measures taken to strengthen the rule of law, the economic and social development of the country, the establishment of a democratic society in Azerbaijan, the solution of problems of national security and foreign policy, the development of national and moral values are aimed at the practical consolidation of the factor of independence. The desire to continue this strategically important course for Azerbaijan has become a serious social order in society, primarily due to the comprehensive consideration of the interests of all citizens in the policy of Heydar Aliyev. kimi gördüyünü bildirmiş, bir çox işlərin onun tərəfindən In his address to the people of Azerbaijan on the eve of the 2003 presidential elections, the national leader said that he sees in Ilham Aliyev a person capable of leading the country at a new stage, and expressed confidence that he will successfully complete many tasks: “He is a very smart, pragmatic thinker, well versed in modern world politics and economics, energetic and proactive. I assure you that Ilham Aliyev and the New Azerbaijan Party will continue to do a lot for the development of the Azerbaijani state and the well-being of our people, closely uniting the most worthy people of our nation. I believe that with your help and support, Ilham Aliyev will be able to complete the fateful questions and work that I could not complete. I believe in him as much as I believe in myself, and I have high hopes for his future.”.1 In the first days of his presidency, President Ilham Aliyev attached great importance to the rapid and dynamic socio-economic development of the republic, improvement of the social status of the population and the development of regions. His decree "On measures to accelerate socio-political development in the Republic of

1 Nasirov E. " Azerbaijani-American relations. Baku, Adiloglu, 1998, p. 164 15 Azerbaijan" of November 24, 2003 gave a great impetus to the progressive development trends of the country's economy. The State Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2004-2008), approved by President Ilham Aliyev on February 11, 2004, has led to a balanced and sustainable development of the regions of Azerbaijan and the restoration of social infrastructure. The main goal of the “State Program of Socio- economic Development of the Regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2009-2013”, approved by a special decree of the Head of State Ilham Aliyev, was to accelerate the development of the non-oil sector, achieve balanced regional and sustainable socio-economic development. Ilham Aliyev's presidency has ensured successful results in all spheres of public life. He made the development of science, education and culture in Azerbaijan his priority. This half of the chapter emphasizes that Ilham Aliyev managed to establish a clear system of coordination in domestic and foreign policy. He consistently pursued his main goal - to turn Azerbaijan into a modern state with a developed stable economy and democratic principles in public relations. Continuing the traditions of Heydar Aliyev's statehood, President Ilham Aliyev has done and continues to do a great job to further strengthen Azerbaijan, increase its sovereignty, implement democratic principles and turn Azerbaijan into one of the most prosperous countries in the world. The third chapter "Ensuring national security in the foreign policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the context of the theoretical heritage of Heydar Aliyev" consists of 3 subsections. The first subsection of this chapter, "Ensuring national security in the foreign policy activities of independent Azerbaijan", emphasizes the concept of foreign policy, its political and national content, goals, means and tasks. In this regard, it is noted that the conceptual foundations of the foreign policy of the independent Azerbaijani state are reflected in the Constitution of Azerbaijan, adopted on November 12, 1995, and in the speeches of Heydar Aliyev. Article 10 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan states that the Republic of Azerbaijan builds its relations with other

16 states on the basis of the principles enshrined in universally accepted international legal rules. In this context, the main tasks of the Azerbaijani state in foreign policy are grouped and presented in a logical sequence.1 It is noted that the foreign policy of the independent Azerbaijan state has its own characteristics. The main essence of Azerbaijan's foreign policy in the political sphere is to respect civilized interstate relations governed by the norms and principles of international law, resolve international, regional and interstate conflicts through peace and negotiations, and respect the sovereign rights of all states. A special place in the system of tasks related to the foreign policy of the Azerbaijani state is occupied by the protection of the country's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, and the close linking of its security with the regional and international security system. It is noted that an important direction of Azerbaijan's foreign policy in the field of national security is, first of all, the further improvement of bilateral relations based on the principles of mutual cooperation with Russia, which has great influence in the region. Another important area of activity arising from the need to ensure national security in foreign policy is the establishment of good- neighborly relations with the states and peoples of the Caucasus region. In the new conditions, the identity of the security problems of the Caucasus and the interests of strategic statehood, the need to overcome the confrontation of the states of the region make it vital to conduct a special foreign policy in this direction and to form relations that regulate comprehensive relations between the states of the region. It says here that since the end of 1993 this direction has become especially clear in the foreign policy of Azerbaijan. An important achievement of our republic's foreign policy in the Caucasus was the ceasefire on the Armenian-Azerbaijani front in 1994, the signing of the Azerbaijani-Georgian declaration on peace, stability and security in the Caucasus region on March 8, 1996, during the official visit of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, to

1The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan . Baku, 2005, p. 7. 17 . The joint declaration signed in Tbilisi by the heads of the two states marked the beginning of the practical implementation of the idea of a “common Caucasian home”.1 The new foreign policy allowed the independent Azerbaijan state, which is part of the system of economic and political interests of the leading countries of the world, to receive reliable international guarantees of its security and the establishment of mutually beneficial relations with other countries. Protecting the interests of the national security of Azerbaijan, its links with the international security system, joint fight against international terrorism is one of the most important tasks in ensuring national security in foreign policy. The second subsection of the third chapter is called "Restoration of territorial integrity as a priority direction of the policy of Heydar Aliyev". It is noted that the centers of power that determine and direct the main trends in world politics and the system of international relations, like some regions of the world, have included the South Caucasus in their long-term strategic plans. It is especially necessary to neutralize negative factors and trends that hinder the establishment of long-term stability and partnership in the region. It is from this point of view that it is important to emphasize that the Armenian- Azerbaijani Nagorno- conflict, which has already been resolved as a result of the decisive policy of the , Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, was one of the factors hindering the development of the region and long-term stability. The resolution of this conflict on the basis of the norms of international law was one of the priority strategic tasks facing the Azerbaijani state. Both our great leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev have repeatedly stated that Azerbaijan will restore its territorial integrity under any circumstances and that the armed forces of the aggressor state of Armenia will be withdrawn from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan tried to achieve a peaceful settlement of the conflict by diplomatic means, but this did not mean that if the negotiation process did not bring the desired

1 Hasanov A. Foreign policy of Azerbaijan: European states and USA. Baku, Azernashr, 1998 p. 458 18 results, Azerbaijan would not resort to other means, such as military force. It is particularly emphasized that against the background of the principled position and pragmatic policy of Azerbaijan, the leading states of the world, as well as the co-chairs of the Minsk Group – the United States, France and Russia, which for many years have prevented the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno- Karabakh conflict by their inaction. And international organizations have always stated that the peaceful settlement of the conflict in accordance with the norms of international law is a necessary and inevitable process. At the same time, a number of states, having considerable influence and a regulatory mechanism in the direction of resolving the conflict, made certain efforts and attempts, which were unsuccessful. It is emphasized that the rational and realistic strategic course carried out under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev has given hope that the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will be resolved in accordance with the norms of international law. As a result of Azerbaijan's pragmatic diplomacy and successful foreign policy, the restoration of the territorial integrity of our country was predicted. The existence of the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict posed a real threat to the security system of the South Caucasus region. The non-resolution of this conflict has become a major factor hindering the achievement of peace and stability in the region in the past 30 years. Because it is impossible to carry out cooperation based on mutual interests in a space and conditions where there are territorial claims, the fact of aggression and separatism. Our conclusion can be supplemented with the following idea expressed in this regard by President Ilham Aliyev: “The process, which has been going on for many years, must be resolved through peace. But, of course, it will depend on whether Armenia is ready to comply with the norms of international law and withdraw its troops from the internationally recognized historical lands of Azerbaijan. Only in this case can peace be achieved”. However, subsequent events showed that the Armenian state does not want to abandon its aggressive policy and even declares its intention to occupy new territories of Azerbaijan. 19 Ignoring the norms of international law, Armenia also intensified provocations against Azerbaijan at the international level, relying on its patrons, and in response to such a large-scale provocation of the aggressor, the 44-day Patriotic War began on September 27, 2020. As a result of the Patriotic War, Azerbaijan, under the leadership of President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, liberated its historical lands, which had been under the occupation of Armenia for 30 years. The third subsection of the third chapter, entitled "Security of national political and moral values as an important factor in strengthening statehood", explains the concept of political and moral values, analyzes the place and importance of political and moral values in the system of national values. It is stated that one of the important directions of the state-building policy is the realization of the possibilities of achieving intercultural dialogue through the ideology of Azerbaijanism. Azerbaijan is the only country in the Caucasus that organizes and practically implements intercultural and interreligious dialogue at the state level. Azerbaijan is already perceived and recognized as a country that implements an effective synthesis of Islam and modernization. In this direction, it is proposed to study the Azerbaijani model as an example. All these are factors that assess the political and spiritual life of the Azerbaijani society. All this is based on the mechanisms of applying the principles of Heydar Aliyev's theory of statehood to state building.1 National leader Heydar Aliyev attached great importance to the protection and development of national and moral values. Issues such as the development of the , the protection of traditions, the preservation and popularization of cultural and historical monuments, the study of spiritual heritage, the study of our history, were central to his policy. Of course, only a society that is true to its national and moral values and preserves them can really modernize, rise to the level of a modern society. Heydar Aliyev said at the First Congress of World Azerbaijanis that "every Azerbaijanian

1 Aliev I. Citations and analyses. Baku, 2008, p. 128. 20 should be proud of his nationality, and we must preserve Azerbaijanism - the Azerbaijani language, culture, national and spiritual values, traditions."1. It is noted that the ideology of modern Azerbaijanism, the author of which is Heydar Aliyev, contains principles of universal significance, meets national values and is characterized as a national- moral mechanism that ensures national solidarity. This ideology acts as the value of national solidarity, establishing the rights of all ethnic groups and national minorities, regardless of political affiliation and religious beliefs. Culture occupies a special place in the system of general political values. Political culture is valued as a fundamental characteristic of the political system of society as a whole. A national political culture, political activity, political behavior, political convictions and political thinking have formed in Azerbaijan, which have acquired new shades in connection with the formation and development of a democratic political system. The mature political culture of the Azerbaijani people, the direction of political activity is characterized as one of the most important values of the spiritual and cultural life of our society. In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized, based on them, proposals and recommendations of theoretical and practical significance are put forward. The author concludes that the statehood heritage of the great leader Heydar Aliyev has become a national treasure as a logical result of his historical services in the development of independent Azerbaijan. This political heritage is being successfully developed theoretically and practically by President Ilham Aliyev, the creator of the modern model of development of the Azerbaijani statehood. The national security strategy, which occupies a special place in the theoretical heritage of Heydar Aliyev, plays a major role in the realization of national interests and security of modern Azerbaijan, territorial integrity, protection of sustainable socio-political stability in the country, building a strong state.

1 Speech by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the First Congress of World Azerbaijanis. November 10, 2001 // https: // 21 The main provisions of the dissertation were published in the following scientific papers: 1. External threats to the national security of the Republic of Azerbaijan // Series of social sciences of Nakhchivan State University. 2011. - No. 2 (39), p.64-69. 2. Modernization of society and the problems of transit // History and its problems, 2011. - №2, p.158-163 3. The problem of national security in the Middle East in modern conditions // Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan State University, Scientific works, Series of social sciences, 2012. - No. 2 (47), p.73-78. 4. The main directions of the national security of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the process of globalization / Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic “Economic and Political Features of Diplomatic relations in the context of globalization", dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Baku State University, November 27-28, 2014. Baku, 2015, p.99-108. 5. Main directions of national security: priorities and conceptual mechanisms // Geostrategy, September-October, 2016. - №05 (35), p.66-69. 6. Unity of theory and practice in the national security policy of Heydar Aliyev // Journal of Public Administration: Theory and Practice, series of Political Sciences, 2017. №4 (60), p.289-295. 7. The main directions of the theoretical legacy of Heydar Aliyev in the foreign policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan // The main directions of the development of the theoretical legacy of Heydar Aliyev in the foreign policy of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan. 2017. No. 20, p.3-6. 8. Security of national interests // Security of national interests as a political problem /// Politicus. İSSN 2414-9616, Vip. 6. 2017. No. 06, p. 113-117. 9. Globalization: basic concepts and approaches // Baku State University of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Political and Economic Aspects of Innovative

22 Approaches to International Tourism", Department of International Relations, December. 25-26, 2017, p.831-836. 10. Traditions of statehood of Heydar Aliyev // Baku State University, Journal of Economic and Political Sciences, scientific- analytical, practical, December 2017. No. 4, p.160-167 11. Theories of imperialism and neocolonialism on modernization / / Baku State University of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference on the priorities of effective participation of intellectual and political resources of society in independent state building in the Republic of Azerbaijan, which is the heir and spiritual heir of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev and the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, May 10- 11, 2018. P.482-490. 12. Features of modern youth policy of Azerbaijan in the light of modern international trends // Humanitarian Balkans investigation. İSSN 2603-4859, 2020, №1 (7), p.55-58. 13. Comparative analysis of concepts of national security in modern theories of international relations // The Founders the science publishing center “Sociosphere – CZ”, Academia Rerum Civilium – University of Political and Sosial Sciences. İSSN 2336-2642, Paradigmata poznani, 2020. №2. p. 56-63 14. Features of the formation of the rule of law in the modern period // V International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. State of the Future: urgent problems of socio-economic, political and legal development, 05/21/2020, Ufa, 2020, p.37-39.

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The defense will be held on 21.06.2021, at 14.00 at the meeting of the Dissertation council Dissertation Council FD 2.30 of Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan operating at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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