Greater London Greater London Authority
Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Post-determination & Research Version 4.1 Greater London Greater London Authority Havering (E.01.2801) TQ56308720 AIP database ID: {B9C78F01-B94E-4ED4-B455-5C0A507068F4} Parish: Cranham Ward Postal Code: RM14 1DH PHASE 2 OF DEYNCOURT GARDENS, UPMINSTER An Archaeological Watching Brief on Phase 2 of Deyncourt Gardens, Upminster ( London Borough of Havering) June-September 2007 Orr, K Colchester : Colchester Archaeological Trust, 2007, 10pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Colchester Archaeological Trust A watching brief on the stripping of a new road line, ground-beams for houses and the installation of a storm-water drain trench for Phase 2 of a new housing development of Deyncourt Gardens revealed nothing of archaeological significance. The development site has been created out of parts of the back gardens to properties on Hall Lane and Courtenay Gardens. [Au] Archaeological periods represented: PM OASIS ID :colchest3-33686 Barking and Dagenham (E.01.2802) TQ45308270 AIP database ID: {6AAD205D-C63C-48D0-803B-C034B1FD037D} Parish: Thames Ward Postal Code: IG11 0DL 8 RIVER ROAD, BARKING IGI I, BARKING AND DAGENHAM 8 River Road, Barking IGI I, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. An Archaeological Watching Brief Report Cardiff, P London : Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2007, 23pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Museum of London Archaeology Service An archaeological watching brief was carried out at the site and revealed a number of timbers. The area was subject to tidal inundation and there was limited time to make observations and record timbers. The series of timbers were interpreted as part of a dismantled revetment or river wall dating prior to the 1930s when the later river wall was installed.
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