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March/April 1987 Number Five The Newsletter of the STATEWIDE ANTI-APARTHEID NETWORKS of Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Colorado TO BE HEARD IN SEATTLE MARCH 6-8 See Article Page Two VOICES FROM Reverend Zachariah Hokgoebo and Rabbi Ben The "Voices from South Africa" tOl'.r Isaacson, two of South Africa's most dyna is a project of New Jewish Agenda, a mic anti-apartheid leaders, will appear in national organization of which Seattle's Seattle at the end of a six-week tour of KADIHA is a branch. Also cooperating in Europe and the United States. They will planning for the tour is the Washington address audiences in synagogues, churches, (D.C.) Office on Africa, which lobbies the community centers, and colleges in twenty Congress on issues relating to Southern three American cities. Africa (see page 5). Reverend Hokgoebo has spent his life According to NJA Chairperson (and in Soweto, as both a witness to the cruel- Seattleite) Bria Chakofsky, "A primary ties of apartheid and a key actor in the theme of the tour will be cooperation movement to bring about its end. He is a between blacks and Jews in the anti member of the Soweto Civic Association, apartheid movement. The struggle against which is in continual confrontation with apartheid and against racism is one that the authorities. He is the national unites Jews and blacks both in South organizer of the "Belydende Kring," which Africa and in the United States." consists mainly of dissident non-white Although there was concern that the ministers within the Dutch Reformed Church two clergymen might be restrained from and was founded by Reverend Allan Boesak. leaVing South Africa, they arrived safely Re~erend Hokgoebo played a leading role in in Europe last month. Before leaving, the complilation of the Kairos Document, Rabbi Isaacson underscored the importance which articulates the doctrine of libera of strong and united action to end tion theology for Southern Africa, and is apartheid. "They are trying to separate us a co-signatory. from one another," he said. "They have Rabbi Isaacson is the founder of an even built a wall around Soweto. But it anti-apartheid group called "Jews for won't work. We will join together to end Justice," and a close associate of Arch apartheid. Our struggle is one." bishop Desmond Tutu. He has been a force ful critic of South African government policies since the 1960s, and is known as the most outspoken of South Africa's Jewish religious leaders. He is the founder of Har-El, an independent Jewish is congregation in Johannesburg. He has not "Blood heavy; only criticized government policies of a man with it on his hands apartheid, but has also spoken against the cannot run away." "deafening and shameful silence" of the orthodox rabbis of South Africa, saying Sotho proverb, '~e Jews quite rightly condemned the rest of the world for its silence during the Holocaust. By what right are we to remain silent now?" 2 Legislation: What Next? A concerned cOllllllunity member recently asked million over five years to SADCC, to faci SWAAN, "Now that you've got divestment, what litate economic and social development. next?" However, Congressman Danemeyer of Of course, the work of divestment is California has taken the first step in far from over. Washington State does not reiterating the right-wing policy of support have a divestment bill--yet. And there is for the apartheid government. He has the job of following up on companies that introduced H.R. 340, to give additional promise to withdraw from South Africa, while financial aid to the UNITA bandits in in fact dawdling or making paper transfers Angola. We must act NOW to ensure the of control while business goes on as usual. security of the aid monies that have been But there are other efforts under way. requested for SADCC, and to end support for This report comes from the Washington (D.C.) South Africa's destabilization policies. Office on Africa, dated 26 January 1987: URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVE This week, Congressmen Leland, Dixon, Gray, TO VOTE "NO" ON 340 and others, will introduce legislation to give financial aid to SADCC, the Southern We are working to introduce legisla African Development Coordinating Conference. tion that would close the damaging loopholes SADCC is an association of nine majority in the present limited sanctions law, pre ruled states, which works to improve the vent further U.S. aid to UNITA, and pressure living conditions of the peoples of Southern the U. S. to take the lead in ending South Africa. The major aim of SADCC is to reduce Africa's illegal occupation of Namibia. the dependence of its member states on South Africa. SADCC members have been the victims WASHINGTON STATE: Legislation to divest of repeated South African economic, state assets from companies active in 'South political, and military aggression. SADCC Africa is progressing both in the House and states are: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Senate. t-B 823, sponsored by Wineberry, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Tanzania, Locke, Niemi, O13rien, etc., would re;strict Zambia, and Zimbabwe. state investments in S. Africa active Although these bills have not yet been companies. t-B 1028 would support the use of introduced, and their language is subject to shareholder resolutions on apartheid-related change, NOW is the time to begin alerting issues. This bill would direct a designated state your network about the importance of U. S. official to use shareholder resolutions to financial assistance in the region. encourage the management of that firm to cease operations in S. Africa and Namibia. t-B URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVE 1029 would encourage the state to purchase TO CO-SPONSOR LEGISLATION SUPPORTING S.A.D.C.C. goods and services from companies that are not active in S. Africa (known as selective Congressman Mickey Leland (D-Texas) purchasing). Senate Bill 5658, introduced by will introduce an initiate to provide a Fleming cnJ MCDermott would require state supplemental appropriation of $150 million divestment. over five years to SADCC and other areas, for health care, food production, and other MutHANA: Sen. Bill Yellowtail has introduced emergency needs. Rep. Julius Dixon of Cali 56 2114 in the Montana State Legislature. SB fornia will introduce legislation granting 244 wilt prohibit the investment of state fundS $100 million in supplemental funds to SADCC TriTirms doing business in S. Africa. An analysis for transport and other institutional shows the potential impact at $240 million. support. Rep. Bill Gray of Pennsylvania This bill was heard before the State will introduce legislation to give $700 Administration Committee. 3 All national groups shall be protected by The FREEDOM CHARTER was adopted at the Congress law against insults to their race and national of the People, Kliptown, South Africa, on 26 pride; June 1955, as the official program for a The preaching and practice of national, liberated South Africa. It declares: race or colour discrimination and contempt shall be a punishable crime; All apartheid laws and practices shall be That South Africa belongs to all who live in it, set aside. black and white, and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the THE PEOPLE SHALL SHARE IN THE COUNTRY'S WEALTH! will of all the people; That our people have been robbed of their The national wealth of our country, the heritage birthright to land, liberty and peace by a form of all South Africans, shall be restored to the of government founded on injustice and people; inequality; The mineral wealth beneath the soil, the That our country will pever be prosperous banks and monopoly industry shall be transferred or free until all our people live in brother to the ownership of the people as a whole; hood, enjoying equal rights and opportunities; All other industry and trade shall be con That only a de~cratic state, based on the trolled to assist the well-being of the people; will of all the people, can secure to all their All people shall have equal rights to trade birthright without distinction of co1ouz·, race, where they choose, to manufacture and to enter sex or belief; all trades, crafts and professions. And therefore, we, the people of South Afri,.ca, black and white together--equa1s, THE LAND SHALL BE SHARED AMONG countrymen, and brothers--adopt this FREEDOM THOSE WHO WORK IT! CHARTER. And we pledge ourselves to strive together, sparing neither strength nor courage, Restrictions of land ownership on a racial basis untl1 the democratic changes here set out have shall be ended, and all the land redivided been won. amongst those who work it, to banish famine and land hunger; THE PEOPLE SHALL GOVERN! The state shall help the peasants with implements, seed, tractors and dams to save the Every man and woman shall have the right to vote soil and assist the tillers; for and to stand as candidate for all bodies Freedom of movement shall be guaranteed to which make laws; all who work on the land; All people shall be entitled to take part All shall have the right to occupy land in the administration of the country; wherever they choose; The rights of the people shall be the same, People shall not be robbed of their cattle, regardless of race, colour or sex; and forced labour and farm prisons shall be All bodies of minority rule, advisory abolished. boards, councils and authorities shall be re placed by democratic organs of self-government. ALL SHALL BE EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW! No one shall be imprisoned, deported or ALL NATIONAL GROUPS SHALL HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS! restricted without a fair trial; No one