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Extensions of Remarks E955 HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY HON. SCOTT Mcinnis HON. ROBERT A. BORSKI HON. MARGE R CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E955 REMARKS OF BENJAMIN MEED ON fleeing Nazism. For these passengers, it was ticipant and leader for the Colorado's court re- THE HOLOCAUST a desperate bid for freedom that was doomed porters. Before becoming it's president in before it began. Politics, profit and public 1996±97, Catherine Rodriguez served on the opinion were permitted to overshadow mo- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY rality, compassion and common sense. It is Colorado Court Reporter's Assocation board OF NEW YORK so painful now to realize that not only Cuba for 7 years. She has proven to be valuable in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES but our own beloved country closed her doors creating a page-rate increase, as well as voic- and her heart to these People of the Book ing Colorado's need for computer-integrated Thursday, May 13, 1999 who could see the lights of Miami from the courtrooms. Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Speaker, decks of the ship but were not allowed to dis- Catherine Rodriguez has more than proven I would like to share with my colleagues the embark. This group of nine hundred could herself as a valuable asset to the court system have been saved, but instead the voyage be- remarks of Mr. Benjamin Meed who recently of San Luis Valley, therefore, earning Colo- gave an exceptionally moving speech about came a round-trip passage to hell for many of them. Less than three months after the rado's highest honor for court reporters. This Yom Hashoah, The Days of Remembrance, at St. Louis docked at Antwerp, the world was is a great achievement considering that she is the United States Capitol. Mr. Meed is Chair- at war. And in less than three years, the only the second recipient in recent years. man of both The Days of Remembrance Com- ``Final Solution of the Jewish Problem'' in It is with this, Mr. Speaker, that I say thank mittee, United States Holocaust Memorial Europe was fully operational. you to Catherine Rodriguez on a truly excep- Council and the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance Could this happen today? Hopefully, not. tional career as a Colorado court reporter. Organization (WAGRO). He is also the Presi- But weÐall of usÐmust be vigilantÐever mindful that once such a course of destruc- Due to Ms. Rodriguez's dedicated service, it is dent of The American Gathering of Jewish clear that Colorado is a better place. Holocaust Survivors. Mr. Meed is a champion tion of a people has been chartered, it can be followed again, and again, and again. of humanitarian causes around the world. And what lessons did we derive from these f REMARKS BY BENJAMIN MEED, CHAIRMAN, horrible experiences? The most important DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE COMMITTEE, UNITED lesson is obviousÐit can happen again, the 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF TEMPLE STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL COUNCIL impossible is possible again. Ethnic cleans- BETH TORAH REFUGE DENIED: THE VOYAGE OF THE SS ST. ing, genocide, is happening as I speak. It can LOUIS happen to any one or any group of people. The slaughter in Kosovo and in other places HON. ROBERT A. BORSKI Members of the diplomatic corps, distin- must be brought to an end. guished members of the United States Sen- OF PENNSYLVANIA Should there be another Holocaust, it may ate and House of Representatives, members be on a cosmic scale. How can we prevent it? IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the United States Holocaust Memorial All of us must remain vigilantÐalways Council, distinguished guests, fellow sur- Thursday, May 13, 1999 aware, always on guard against those who vivors and dear friends. are determined to destroy innocent human Mr. BORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Welcome to our 20th national Days of Re- life for no other reason than birthright. recognition of the 50th anniversary of the membrance commemoration. There are some passengers of that unfortu- For at least a decade, the magnificent flags Temple Beth Torah. This synagogue serves nate voyage of the SS St. Louis who are with that surround us now have been part of our the Jewish community in Northeast Philadel- us here today. Like most of us Holocaust annual observance here in the nation's Cap- phia as well as the surrounding suburban survivors, they are in the winter of their itol. Every time the American flag, and the neighborhoods of Montgomery and Bucks lives. Even so, all of us look toward the fu- flags of the United States Army Divisions ture, because we believe that, in sharing our Counties. that liberated the concentration camps, are experiencesÐby bearing witnessÐthere is Boulevard Temple was the original name of brought into this Hall for this commemora- hope of protecting other generations who tion, a special pride as an American citizen the synagogue when it was formed in 1949. In might be abandoned and forgotten, robbed sweeps over me, as I am sure it must for all 1965, it was necessary to change the location and murdered. The telling and retelling of Holocaust survivors. These pieces of red, of the temple in order to better serve the Jew- the stories of the Holocaust with their pro- white and blue cloth were the symbols of ish community. Since this expansion, the syn- found lessons for humanity must become a freedom and hope for those of us caught in agogue has been known as the Temple Beth mission for all humankind. In this way, fu- the machinery of death. Discovery of the ture generations, particularly future genera- Torah. German Nazi concentration camps by the Al- tions of Americans, can Remember and can Temple Beth Torah enriches the community lied armies began the process that restored use the power of this knowledge to protect our lives. Although we have many dates this in many ways. Beyond meaningful and signifi- people everywhere. month to remember, we recall with special cant services, the synagogue has formed and In these great halls of Congress, we see gratitude the date of April 11, 1945, when manages a highly regarded School of Religion symbols of the ideals that this country rep- American troops, in their march to end the and an excellent Nursery School. In addition, resents. It was the collective rejection of war in Europe, came across the Buchenwald these ideals by many nations that made the the members of Temple Beth Torah improve concentration camp. We will always remain Holocaust possible. Today, let us all promise their community through a wide array of grateful to the American soldiers for their to keep an ever-watchful eye for those who events and activities. The Sisterhood, Men's bravery, kindness and generosity. We will al- would deny the principles of liberty, equality Club and PTA strive to develop programs that ways remember those young soldiers who and justice, and for those who would defy the will engage and educate congregants of all sacrificed their lives to bring us liberty. rules of honorable and peaceful conduct be- Many revelations over the last half a cen- ages. tween peoples, and nations. Together, let us tury have unveiled the Holocaust as a story I wish to sincerely honor the Temple Beth remember. Thank you. of massive destruction and loss. It has been Torah for its many accomplishments and offer shown to be the story of an apathetic worldÐ f my congratulations on the 50th anniversary. I world full of callous dispassion and moral in- RECOGNIZING CATHERINE hope the Temple continues to help the Jewish sensitivity, with few individual exceptions. community prosper, flourish and benefit for But more, it has been shown to be a tale of RODRIGUEZ victoryÐvictory of the human spirit, of ex- many more years into the future. traordinary courage and of remarkable en- durance. It is the story of life that flourished HON. SCOTT McINNIS f before the Shoah, that struggled throughout OF COLORADO its darkest hours, and that ultimately pre- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONGRATULING THE FAIR LAWN POLICE DEPARTMENT AND vailed. Thursday, May 13, 1999 And after the Holocaust, as we rebuilt our MCDONALD'S ON ``A SAFE PLACE lives, we also built a nationÐthe State of Mr. McINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to FOR SMALL FRIES'' Israel. This was our answer to death and de- take a moment to recognize the career of one structionÐnew life, both family and national of Colorado's leading ladies, and recipient of lifeÐand Remembrance. Minister Ben-David, the Distinguished Service Award, Catherine HON. MARGE ROUKEMA please convey to the people of Israel our soli- Rodriguez. In doing so, I would like to honor OF NEW JERSEY darity with them as they, too, Remember this individual who, for many years, has exhib- today on this Yom Hashoah. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ited dedication and experience to the court Today, our thoughts turn back sixty years. Thursday, May 13, 1999 On May 13, 1939, the SS St. Louis sailed from system of San Luis Valley. Hamburg bound for Havana with more than As a District court reporter for the last 15 Mrs. ROUKEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- nine hundred passengers, most of them Jews years, Ms. Rodriguez has been an active par- gratulate the Fair Lawn Police Department and E956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 13, 1999 the McDonald's Corp. for a pioneering new Assault Weapon Ban Enhancement Act of deadly violence. This is a forward-looking bill, program intended to help young children con- 1999. This legislature is designed to strength- that will take strong preventive action now, so tact police in times of need. This program is en the existing ban and to respond to efforts that we do not hear about another awful trag- extremely worthwhile and I am certain it will by gun manufacturers and importers to edy later.
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