An Insider's Guide to Hollywood Politics-How the Top Forty Stars Route Their Clout
An insider'sguide to Hollywoodpolitics-how the top forty stars route their clout. A,ound Tinseltown,the game's catted Sta, Warno, HottYfics.BYWhate,e, FRANK the tabet,BIES no one's deny;ng the su,p,ise ,esu,gence of pofificat acfiWsm"°"nd lhe Hott,wooa Hms.Roben Redto,d stomps fo, <edwooas.Pam Dawbe, P<eaches sofa, ene,gy. Syt>este,Stattone goes ten ,ounds the United Way. The big charifies-.oance,, heart, tung, muscufa, dyst,ophy, mufl/pfescte<osis-<1ow boast tong waifing fists of ceteb c,usade,s eage, lo hetp cid lhe WOrldof disease. Pottlicat,affies featu,e sla,·sludded casts Iha, focus sombe, attention on abused Chitd,en(Cheryl Ladd's ma;o, cause), oif monopofies (Wa,,en Beatty's), o, nuclea, disa,mamen, (PautNewman's). Few se/f-,especfingsta,s woufd appea, on lhe lafk show cfrcuil these days Withoutdenouncing the e,its ! of strip miningor espousingthe wondersof Easter Seats. 75 Of course, politics and Hollywood have wood, a porpoise from a purpose, and are cal Aid to El Salvador. Noted for calllP.g never been total strangers. As far back as primarily motivated by that great god, adversary Charlton Heston a "c,Q._ck D. W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation, film Publicity. But the majority harbor varying sucker" and "scumbag," respective1y. evinced its power to stir up the social con degrees of commitment and sophistica Lost decisive battle with Heston over science. The influence cuts both ways: tion on issues that range from handguns to union merger between Screen Actors and during the Hollywood Dark Ages, the Hanoi.
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