
O YESI I want to be an omcta.l YOUNG ASTBONAUTI Sign me up for a whole year of Space-Age adventure. Here 1B my $10.00 (that's less than 84• a month.I) 1n check or money order. (Please print ... Neatness counts in Outer Space!)

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QUESTPROBE"' Vol. 1, No. 3, November, 1985. Published by GROUP. James E. Galton. President. . Publisher. MIChael Hobson, Group Vlce­ Presldenl Milton Sclllllman, Vice-Pr-I, Produclion. OFFICf OF PUBLICATION: 387 PARK AVENUE SOUTH, NEW YORK. N.Y. 10016. Published 3 bmea per year. Copynght!:l 1985 by Marvel Comics Group, a d1viS1on ol Csdenee Industries Corporation. All rights rese


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BOBBUDIAN Y: editor BOBBIE CHA t editor to r.1Alt\IEL COMIC GROUP, 87 Park Avenue South, New York, New Lattera may also be addressed to: ASK SCOTT, 155 Sabal Palm Drive, longwood, Fl 32n9 (If you don't wish tor your address to be printed, please tell us.)

Dear Scott, the - to bring the pnlM lo mMUI. · ..,,..•• planning llft on1J lle llldlll I 11 great comic. First Commodore, honYar; d90ldad ..._for now, 'fttmmy, IM If w - the , then Spider-Man and now the FF. they - no longer lnt9reet8d In ...,.. g9ttlng euch g,_. 1111111, ""° What a line-up. Putting It on a computer Is ketfng eoftwtlN lot other then their own wtm might hmppen? 1ust another btllllent Idea However, I have a computara. So, unlen eomethlng ~ Commodore llic-20, end I would really like 11gafn, - herw at Adventure lnlern9- Dear Marvel, to get it on tape for \he Vlc--20. Keep up the tlon1I wlll be once again publlllhlng I am enjoying the QUESTPROBE 98ile8 good work. I'm looking forward I the ne .,.,... of dm.r.nt Y8fY tnudl, If I have read correctly, the llio­ issues of QUE TPROBE. aomputmra, • .. hope fine them Geln la 8 legendary evll that WM braMrl Denny Bertineto out concurrent with the .. down Into many small gems, each gain en­ Gloucester, Ontario ..... clmteal At lhfa tl1119 the following slaved by a Natter Energy Egg. The thing different computer formeta •re being that gets me Is that When anyone or any­ QUESTPROBE requll'N • eomputer IMde: Commodore dlek a _. CM; thing gets near the gem the energy egg with a minimum of 16k of memory to Diak Plua/4; -..pe C16, Atllrl 800 •nd blows It off the planet it's on. Why wouldn't run. The standard Vfc-20 haa only 5k of 800xl Diak, IBM dlak PC •ncl PCJr, Apple the previous race have just used the Natter memory. Since very hlw people ever get 2 (111 modela) Diak. Energy Egg to destroy the Bio-Gem com­ the memory expansion to 16k for the pletely In the first place? Vic-20, I doubt we will evtll' put QUEST· Dear Scott, Jeff House PROBE on the Vlc-20. Sorry. I live in a very small town where there are Carol Stream, ILL no stores that feature computers. How can I get any of your games? There are larger Dear Awe ome, Terrific Scott Adams, Good question, Jatf, and one that'• I can't tell you how much I love the QOlng to be explained ""' _,,_ So all CUESTl'ROBE maxl-!J rlesl I've only re we can say now Ill, keep reading! ntly gotter1 Into computers, but I hav en collecting coml for about tw y ars. Dear Mr. Adams, H re' a list of the super heroes I think When exactly does each QUESTPROBE sh uld appBBr In th ClUESTPROBE serl : game come out? And will I have to get all X-Men , Rom, Ooclor !range, le twelve games to fully undenlland all the man, , and Magn • my rt provided? to. Thanks !or a gr a\ setl and keep Up Tony Wolf the good wotkl Pie s t II me Which one t Rockville Center, NY these la 9oin to appear 111 upcoming I • sues of CUESTPR BE Emch game can be •nJoyed n lta own, Rutis I Charette cltlea hearby, but my mom Won't drive me to Tony. But h game fa alao equipped Cl 'II , CA them ju t to ge game. I love comics and with a pm•worcl, If you win. All of the computer What should I do? paaworda conrwct to give you an extrw Only tlm wlll II, Russel. Andre blamunsch aurprl• In the i.t gmme. Shelby, MT Oe r rt, Dear Scott, I think QUESTPROBE Is the best thing You e11n call our 1-tr. order Une I think that the Idea of combining comlo since II bread! After reading Issue #2, •nd order them di from ua: (ICllO) books and c:omputer11 la an lnganlOWI one. I Immediately called Adventure lntema· 327·7172. In y011r letter column of QUESTPROBE #2 tlonal (your company) and ordered the Dear Marvel, I saw • list of computere lh UEST­ game for both issue 1 and 21 To my dis· I think #2 of QUESTPROBE was the PROBE eottware will run on. I wae wonctet­ appolntmehl, the games Wete not out yet, best comic I've readl I would like to see in ing If the QUESTPROBE software WIU Nn but they told m HULK would be out In early the future X-Men, Captain America, Dare­ on Iha TRS 80 Color Computer 2 on tape? January, '85 and SPIDER-MAN sometime devil, Sub-Mariner, and Defen­ in latet January. I can't waltll And I'm going Cary Davis to keep ordering the games for each Issue ders. Monck& Corner, SC as long as the stars of the Issue are good Merk Rawlings Xenia, OH (this qualifies just about everyone). Not mt this time, Cary. If we coma out Now for the suggestions (by the way, the Scott, with mnythlng on the color oompuw at comic is superb). I would like to see another I missed the first issue of the QUEST· Wiii probllbly be dlak-0.Md. Spidey. Issue and the X-Men also. I would PROBE comic and wonder if I can obtain it like to se Alpha Flight and Thor, plus De· through either you or Marvel. Dear Ouestprobers, fenders, Avengers, and maybe Charles Rylee Is the device used to block Spider-Man' Power P ck. Rosharon, TX spider sense on the market? Scott, thanks for your time. I will be on the lookout for the upcoming Issues. 111 Neither Merwl nor Adventure Intern. James Gan.tlpee Salem, OR then, may the Eye of the Vishanti watch tlonal have any back lasuea for aala. But over you and protect you (which reminds there are mmny mmny fine comic book me, I wouldn't mind seeing dealers who do Hll back luuea, many We haven't - tt In any of the recently, James, but If you're ,.11y.11Wn In an issue ). of which are advertlHd In Marvel Comics. Scott Friedman · on finding one, - can give you Mya. tarfo'a phone number. Keep In touch! Medford Lakes, NJ Dear Scott, Thanks for a great comic! The combina­ As you I dy know, Scott, the QUEST· tion of computer and comic Is a great Idea. Remember; If you have • QUEST· PROBE gamM #1 •nd #2 - relened Why not let QUESTPROBE be e continuing PROBE letter, eend H to: Ml! SGOll, just around tM '14 C:hrlatmea ...aon. I oomlc book Instead of a llmlted eerles? 151 8allal Palm Drive, Longweod, hope you enjoyed theml I ortglnallr told Tommy Tucker Flarktll 32750. you that Commodore was going to be Harwood, MD · '· For a limited time only, you can us~ . the SAVl,NGS COUPON below to receive 4 EXTRA 1 issues.of your I\ .<' favorite comics with every subscription you order. . . u t mail in the SAVINGS COUPON below, and you'll receive 16 issue sub~ription 'to any title for ONl.Y $7.50. (On the newsstand you'd p~ $10.,4,0J. You'll save $2.90 on every su_t;>seription. P!af~s just474C per issue~ .. ¥1 &~onthe .QeW$StaQd. ,, . . PLtJS . ·· ;... · .Qwest priceJ on renewals! 1!? Refund guarantee! not mention. Fair enoughl After all, you are faults, he's been the best friend any radio­ the official representative of the largest, active terrorist could ask for. I only hope that, most successful comics company in the now, we can bury the hatchet and get on world and you deserve the respect that with being two and a half of the most creative ..._•••••••••••••- comes with that position. So I've decided urbanites In the comics Industry. "What do not Ip mention the time I talked you Into you say, Big Guy?" "A Non-Radioactive Reply To I CENSORED I Greetings, patrons of the comic artsl here. Most of you dedicated Marvel Don't worry, Jim, I wouldn't dream of say­ readers probably know me from my stint on ing a thing about any of that stuff. "Now back to Jim Shooter" Iron Man (with David Mlchelinie), or from my Thank you, Bob. And now, it's my great contribution as writer I artist on the two suc­ "Mr. Marvel Va. The Media" pleasura to announce - The Mighty Mar­ cessful . Or, per­ Jim, in my opinion, gets a bad break from vel " Take a Radioactive Terrorist Xerox haps, you've heard tell of me In this very the fan press. They call him "opinionated," Replicant to Lunch In Ruman/a Contest!" column. You see, for years now In this "stubborn" and "thick-headed" - and they Details In next month's Bullpen Bulletins. column, you've been treated to Jim's con­ even say a few things that aren't truel But stant harrassment of me. He has accused soon, Marvel readers will be able to discover me of being a radioactive nuclear terrorist the whole story about his relationship with ~ clone - he has informed the general public the fan press 1n Jim's soon-to-be-released that I am, in truth, a xerox-rephcated autobiography entitled - " I'm Okay . .• entity - he created the bogus organization You 'ra Scum/" B.LA.D.D.E.R.S. (Bob Layton Antl-De­ famation and Defense Elite Revenge Squad) "Better Homes and Garbage" which, while Ineptly "defending" me, actu· Jim Shooter is a man of many talents. One ally caused me further embarassment - of them, however, Is not housekeeping. On and to make matters worse, In Mark Gruen­ more than one occasion, I've visited Jim at wald's question of the month feature, he his "Luxury Condo" in midtown Manhattan. casts aspersions on my relationship with the His home can best be described like this: Law-Enforcement authorities! But the last Imagine a four hundred foot tall bag lady. straw was when he tried to get rid of me in Then, Imagine her bag tearing, the contents the fraudulent "Win a Dream Date with Bob of which lands indiscriminately around the Layton Contest!" (I wound up with twin whereabouts of our Editor in Chief. Jim re­ Rumanian sisters who had moustaches mains unaffected by all the clutter, being thicker than Stan Lee'sl I didn't even know consumed by the dedication to his job. anyone in Rumanla read Marvel Comics!) When I visited him last April, I exclaimed, Well, I've had it, Big Guyl Now - the "Aren't you ever go l n~ to clean up this gloves are off/ Let me tell you readers a few place?" Jim replied, 'Why bother? My intimate details about my pal, my close per­ mother is coming to visit in July. She'll tidy it sonal friend - Jim Shooterl upl"

"Not Flt For Print" "We're very proud of our Editor In Chief!" Okay, Jim - I know there are certain Well .. . I feel so much better, having f;JOI· facts about your personal life you'd rather I ten this off my chest. And despite his httle

0 THE THING #29 become an Avenger In this Secret Wars II Amazing Spider-Man # 175-1991 0 DAREDEVIL #224 cross-over? 0 DOCTOR WHO #14 0 NEW MUTANTS #33 0 CONAN THE BARBARIAN #178 0 WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #8 0 MARVEL TALES #181 - Reprinting "Birth 0 DREADSTAR AND COMPANY #5 0 WEST COAST AVENGERS #2 - Con­ of a Hero," by STAN LEE and JOHN 0 MOONSHADOW (Umlted Serles) #4 tinuing the cross-over with and ROMITA, SR., from Amazing Spider-Man 0 SWORDS OF THI: SWASHBUCKLERS #3 Witch/ # 42. - Mutiny! 0 CLOAK AND DAGGER #3 D ROM #72 - A Secret Wars II cross-overt 0 GROO THE WANDERER #9 0 RED SONJA: THE MOVIE (Umlted Serles) 0 X·MEN#199 0 BLACK DRAGON (Umlted Serles) #5 #1 - Beginning the official Marvel 0 MOON K.NIGHT #5 0 THE ONE (Umlted Serles) #2 - One adaptation by LOUISE SIMONSON and 0 POWER MAN / #120 meets the Otherl MAAY WILSHIRE! 0 SOLOMON KANE (limited Serles) #2 0 ELFQUEST #4 0 (Umlted Serles) #4 0 THE BRAVE (Limited Serles) 0 COYOTE#14 SQUADRON SUPREME (limited 0 Serles) #1 - From the pages of Thor and Into his 0 EPIC ILLUSTRATED #32 - "The Cerebus #3 ownseriesl Portfolio" by , plus more graphic D QUESTPROBE (Umlted Serles) #3 - 0 G.l. JOE#41 adventures by BYRNE & AUSTIN, Featuring Thing and Human Torch the the 0 NIGHTCRAWLER (Umlted Serles) #1 - GOODWIN & GELDOFF, BRYANT & In latest adventure In the ADAMS the SCOTT The adventures of that wor1d famous X-Man, KIMBALL, WHEATLEY and CONRADI computer game seriesl as tokl by I 0 CONAN THE KING #31 0 (Umlted Serles) #2 0 LIFE OF CAPTAIN MARVEL (Umlted 0 ANNUAL #19- The 0 PLANET TERRY #8 - Prisoners on Serles) #4 - Reprinting the late Captain's aren't the only villains in this cross· Alphatrazl life, as told by . over with the Avengers Annual # 141 0 PETER PORKER, THE SPECTACULAR 0 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #'ZTO 0 PETER PARKER, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-HAM #4 0 CAPTAIN AMERICA #311 SPIDER-MAN #108 0 EWOKS #4 - Trapped In the castle of the 0 POWER PACK #18 0 #149 lceWltchl 0 #14 0 FANTASTIC FOUR #284 - With the last 0 WALLYTHEWIZARD#B 0 ALPHA FLIGHT #28 - Not oroly Is this appearance of the Invisible Giri l 0 ROYAL ROY #4 - Engaged to Loma a Secret Wars /I Issue, It's also a startling 0 STAR WARS #101 LootlYukl cross-over with lncredlble Hulk #313/ 0 THOR#381 0 MUPPET BABIES #4 0 INDIANA JONES #32 . 0 #10 0 GETALONG GANG #4 - Meet Wellington 0 DAZZLER #40 - A Secret Wars II cross· 0 SECRET WARS II (Umlted Serlea)#5 - Wombat - the most dangerous kid In Green over I The plunges Into the dark side of Meadow I 0 RED SONJA #11 - The comlcl humanity, and the world trembles! Featuring MARVEL MAGAZINES 0 LONGSHOT (Umlted Serles) #3 Doctor Strange, the Thing, Fantastic Four, 0 MARVEL AGE #32 0 VISION AND (Umlted and the East and West Coast Avengers! 0 MARVEL FANFARE #23 - The end of the Serles) #2 - Concluding the cross-over 0 IRON MAN #200 - Special double-sized Iron Man adventure written by McKENZIE, with the West Coast Avengers/ anniversary Issue that answers the question, painted by STEACYI 0 AVENGERS ANNUAL #14 - The Skrulls "Who will wear the armor?" 0 SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN #117 are luridng In this cross-over with the FF 0 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #19 - 0 SAVAGE TALES #1 - It's back and more Annual #141 You won't believe what happens when Mary savage than everl 0 INCREDIBLE HULK #313 - This Is ltl Jane Is suspected of being Spider-Mani GRAPHIC NOVEL The ultimate cross-over with Alpha Flight 0 THE OFFICIAL MARVEL INDEX TO THE 0 GN #18: SHE-HULK - Romance with #281 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #8 - Everything Wyatt Wlngfoot, action with SHIELDI By 0 AVENGERS #261 - Will the Beyonder you need to know to be an expert on , Inked by KIM DeMULOER. one of 1 0 Panasonic 40" big screen TV's with remote control VCR's!

one of 500 Panasonic FM stereo headphone radios. Big time baseball's a hit and everybody scores - just swing open the special panel for lots of free fun and games. Look for the special box this summer.