O YESI I want to be an omcta.l YOUNG ASTBONAUTI Sign me up for a whole year of Space-Age adventure. Here 1B my $10.00 (that's less than 84• a month.I) 1n check or money order. (Please print ... Neatness counts in Outer Space!) Name -------------------Age ---D Boy 0 Girl Street Telephone ( City ________________ State ____ Zip ______ School Grade _____ School Address _________________________ OR ... ASK YOUR TEACHER about starting a Young Astronaut Chapter at your school The same great 1\Jn and activities, with no individual membership fees. Only •20.00 a year for 6 to 30 student.a. YOUR TEACHER CAN WRITE TO THE YOUNG ASTRONAUTS COUNCIL P'OR INP'ORMATION ON STARTING A CHAPI'ER. FEATURING: StoMLee ,.HE HUMAN A THE PRESENTS: TORCH~ THING! QUESTPROBE"' Vol. 1, No. 3, November, 1985. Published by MARVEL COMICS GROUP. James E. Galton. President. Stan Lee. Publisher. MIChael Hobson, Group Vlce­ Presldenl Milton Sclllllman, Vice-Pr-I, Produclion. OFFICf OF PUBLICATION: 387 PARK AVENUE SOUTH, NEW YORK. N.Y. 10016. Published 3 bmea per year. Copynght!:l 1985 by Marvel Comics Group, a d1viS1on ol Csdenee Industries Corporation. All rights rese<Ved. Price 75e per copy in the U.S. and $1 00 1n Canada. Pnnled in the U.S.A. THE HUMAN TORCH, THE THING and all prominent characters featured 1n this issue, and the d1St1nct1ve likeness the roof, IS a trademarlc of the MARVEL COMICS GROUP No &imilanty-any ol the names, characters, persons, and/or 1nsbtullons 1n this magazine with lhosa of any IMng or dead parson or 1nsbtullon IS intended, and any 8uch Slml· ~r;:ra~~.~a~~~~s:,:•rfa';:i~;~~:1,:.:~':'~~:':.~~n~l,~. ~~E'~W~&i~~~~7,',,~.::,e;,~~~~~f~:~~~r&i=''C\',:~":~~ ~~r::~~~d1stnbuloo . ye;AH ~HEH;' l GUi:'9.i' IT I~ CORNY. eur IT' 1RUe, "fOO. Wl"lll R~EO ANO SUit Ll\llNIS IN CON· NE1C"fl CUT, MfO IN MY OWN APARTMSN~ iHE' "THIN~ AWAY ON ANO'TlolSf< Pl.ANe-T' ANO IV&loi -YME' SHE-HULi< OFF RuNlllHING SCMS eR!iANO Of" ANO'fi" Eli·- 1Ml9 GUY SOJJN"9 Lll<e' A LUNATIC, BUT IF Hl<'S SMART eNC.UGH 10 ee1" INTO FANTASTIC R>Ll~ HQ, We'D SETTE!<' NOT TAic:e ANY CHANCSS/ I I I I I nd tne Bonkertl RubOt-Watch, available from BonkeM;J Fruit Candy. Tttl!-lch shows the bml? I and t and 19 made I dUrabl bill& plastic with 11 black band. Here's S3.95 and th UPC ymbol lrom 3 Is. That's the part with the lines and numbers that looks like thl ' 1 Send to· O 1111 :~~#; 11111 , BONKERS! ROBOT WATCH 19 0 2 2 0 P.O Box 5988 Wyoming, MN 55092 I All orders must be received by December 31. 1985. I City State Void where taxed or p1oh1b1led Offer good only in US • Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. ~~ __ ~g:_ ___r::.tc~es_:!a ~li!!!w~· - ...J ANO MERE''° 1Me CHIEF YOUfl POWellS' ARE 1NoaoO El'AMINefl AGAIN. WMAT UNIQUe, JOHN S~M-·1MeY KIND OF GAME 161\US MAY IN06eD PROVe 10 ee GUY PlAYIN<i?' OF\IA1..Ue. ··BUT $1NCe RSE:D RICHARDS BE:LIENES IN MAKING THINSS' COMPLICATE'O, :l GUE%'.9 :I'LL MAVE: iO <30 ANOTMe.!l l"OUTB. "THAT DOeS'N'T S'OUNP Wlllt.E A6'0VE. .. LIKe RePAll<~ iO Mr!i·­ li S"OUN~ Lll'G BATTLE,-' SMe'·MULI<! se CP.ReFUL! He' N01 JOHNNY STORM, l: WANT CALLS' MIMS'eLF iMS CHIE:F ONl..Y THS POINS<S' OP TH6 SXAMINER, AND HE WANT9 FANrASTIC FrJU~-- US TO PASS' iHROUGH THAT DOORWAY 50 MG CAN l>T6'Al. OUR FoWeR<:! 1.ISTE?N, TALL, OARI< AND BOUYANT, YOUR INFORMATION'S A arr OUT OF OATe 1 :t'M PA/17" OF TH6 FF NOW! ANO IF I HAiie 10 PROV6 IT BY BURSTING YOU!i 8L18BU~, THS:N IT~LL BIO MY PLS:ASURS! ----------~----------=~ ······--·----------............----- ___ _......__:.i ''Frlbflrl•H" (MY FRIEND BACK HOME SAID HE'D TRADE ME HIS CLOUD SKATES FOR THESE.) His fnend will give any~ thing to get the out-of­ this-world peanut butter • taste of Reeses Pieces. Aren't you glad you live where you can get "-~&. ' them anywhere? 1tU IC.. •·•"W foo#.9.COlpO••tW• ... FORINMY~NTFORM,, r WILL NEVER ee ABLE 70 $AVE OUR PIAN61" ALONf:. Wit./.. YO/J l(ELP ME, 71.ISKA/l? 531 N. BROADWAY BOX MC-13 Mila High Co11le1 DENVER, COLORADO 80203 COMICS MARl<EO WITH A MARVEL WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE STAR !"I ARE GlWWf. TEEDTOBEIWNEAR_,­ BACK ISSUES THE LARGEST COMIC COLLECTION PURCHASE IN HISTORY CONOfTIONI On June 3, 1985 MILE HIGH COMICS, INC. Purchased 1,700,000 MARVEL COMICS from a private New York Investor. These comics are In STAR WARS AARGH unre•d condition and range In age from 1966-1979. '"eluded were 2 3 260 1 75 Marvels, DCs, Harveys, Archles and Gold Keys. We have a small por­ 5-7 1.00 STRANGE TAL£S 2·5 50 tion of the comics listed In these ad pages. Further ads and AMAZING two '131, 154-158 8 .00 ADVENTURES catalogs will follow as we continue unboxlng the contents of this '137, 144, (1972) immense find. Rest assured that we are stocked In depth on the '148·149 3.00 2-4 1.00 titles llsted. Dealer Wholesale Inquiries welcome. •173-178, 24, 30-38 1.00 182·187 1.00 AS'IONISHINO TALES '179·181 4.00 • 1 1.50 CAPTAIN MARVEL '87, 92, 102 5.00 •233-235 1.00 GIANT SIZE SU~RINE1' 2 1.00 •4 4.00 '103·108 3.50 ANNUALS 1, 2 1.00 •5 3.76 3,4 · 1.50 •e, s 3.50 '118 8.00 •3 5.00 lllWE THE MODEL ·e. 8, 13-18 3.00 8 1.25 ·12-15, 19·21 3.00 '140, 145, 149 3.00 GIANT SIZE •e 3.00 '18, 19 3.00 AVEHOERS CONAN '168 5.00 '1 3.00 NIGHT RIDER ·22, 24, 29 1.75 •24 6.00 10 (INKED, ·151-1i;8, 168- INHUMANS 2-8 .75 '31, 32, 42 1.75 '32·34. 39 5.00 GOODONLYJ 5.00 ·111. 173 3.00 3 50 NOT IRAND ECCH •35 3.00 • 52, 54, 55 5.00 '12 18.00 '178·185, 191 2.00 INVADERS •1 5.00 •43 2.00 '86, 89, 70 5.00 DilREDEYIL '192, 197 201 2.00 GIANT SIZE ·2. 3, 8 4.00 '87. 88, 70·72 1.00 ' 88 10.00 '19, 20 9.00 '207, 209, 210 3.00 '1 6.00 PETER PARKER ANNUAL ·11 e.oo '22·28, 28 5.00 '218, 217 3.00. ANNUAL 1 3.00 '1, 2 3.00 '80, 8 2 5.00 '31·33, 38 3.50 ANNUALS •1 1.50 4, 8, 9, 14 2.00 SUPEIMU.AIN '116-120 4.00 '43, 44, 46 3.50 '8, 9 3 ~00 IRONllAN POWERllAN ~ '121-140 3.60 '51, 53 6.00 GIANT SIZE •9 8.oo GIANT SIZE 1 1.00 '141·151 3.00 • 54, 58·86 3.00 •1 7.60 •1a-18, 18, 19 3.60 1 1.00 5, 8 .75 '153·183 3.00 '87-70, 81 3.00 GHOST RIDER • 21, 29·33, 43 3.00 llAWHIDEKID GIANT SIZE •184.1ee 3.5o '83, 110-114 3.00 (19871 '80 2.00 •79 2.00 1 1.00 '189, 175, 180 3.00 '117·130 2.00 2 2.00 ANNUAL RED SONJA m es OF ASOARD '182, 183, 185 3.50 '132·137 2.00 GOllZJLLA •2 6.00 1 1.00 ·1 (1988) 12.0D '188 3.50 '141-144 2.00 1 .75 GIANT SIZE z 3 .50 TALES OF SU8PEJl8E ANNUALS ·147-150, 153 2.00 2, 3 .50 •1 5.00 ROM "87, 88, 74 6.00 ·2 12.po "138, 157, 162 4.00 HUMAN FLY llWAR(1970) '2·5 3.50 • 78, 80. 82 3.60 • 4 7.60 '156 46.00 1 75 ·2. 3 8.00 SGT. FURY • 83, 85·89 3.50 GIANT SIZE "169 24.00 2 .50 KWAR (1974) ' 18 , 18 8.00 TAI.El 10 ASIONlllt •3 4.oo ·153 12.00 HUllAN TORCH •5, 7, 9·12 1.60 · 21. 24. 28 5.00 '79, 81, 84 3.00 ILACK GOUATH '187, 169 8.00 4 1.60 '14, 18 1.50 ' 27, 29, 30 4.00 '85-87. 89, 90 3.00 1, 2 .75 "188 15.00 HULX KULL '40, 4 1, 58 4.00 '92 4.60 Ill.ACK PANTHER ANNUALS • 114, 118-118 3.50 15-17, 21·23 50 '87, 88, 11· THOlt 1. 3 .75 ' 1 12.00 • 121. 130, 131 3.00 llAIMHING ' 74, 78·78, ·124, 128, 132 4 .00 CAPTAIN AMERICA '2, 3 8 .00 '133·135, 145 3.00 GIANT SIZE '80, 82, 8.6, '133, 138, 139 4.00 '106, 108, 117 GIANT SIZE '147, 189·171 3.00 ....5 4.50 ·ee. e9, 9 1, 92 3.oo '144; 154-168, • 116, 118; 11e- •1 3.00 '173-175, 179 3.00 llARYEL FEAlURE SJU.E.LD. '184 3.60 •122. 126, 129, FANlASY '172 8.00 1 (NEW) 1.60 '3, 5 8.00 • 186. 188 6.00 '130, 131-134, '178-178 3.50 llARVB. PRESENTS .... 8, 7 4.00 '187, 189, 170 3.00 '142 1.50 (1988) '180, 182 12.00 1 1.50 ' 12, 18·18 3.00 '170, 177, 179 3.0D GIANT SIZE •1.
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