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* denotes works published in Russian 307

Ass, M., 1935. Ectoparasites of the Baikalian seal. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, VI: 23-29*.

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BEKMAN, M. Y. & BAZIKALOVA, A. Y., 1951. The biology and productive capabilities of the Baikalian and Siberian amphipods. Trudy Conf. on fundamental and topieal problems, 1: 61-66 *. BEKMAN, M. Y., 1952. Concerning the possibility of specific influence of the Baikai water on the organism. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 87, 2: 293-296*. BEKMAN, M. Y., 1954. The biology of Gammarus laeustris Sars in Baikai area lakes. Trudy Baik.limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, XIV: 263-311*. BEKMAN, M. Y., 1958. Dwarf males among the Baikalian endemics. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 120, 1: 208-211* BEKMAN, M. Y., 1959. Distribution and production of zoobenthos species in the Maloye More. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, XVII: 342-381*. BELYSHEV, B. F., 1956. The southern dragon-fly species from the hot springs of the north Trans-Baikal area. Zool. ]., XXXV, 2: 1735-1736. BERG, L. S., 1900. The fishes of BaikaI. Yearb. Zool. Mus. Aead. Sei., V: 326-372*. BERG, L. S., 1903. Notes on the systematics of the Baikalian . Yearb. Zool. Mus. Aead. Sei., VIII: 99-114*. BERG, L. S., 1907. Die Cataphracti des Baikalsees. Ergebn. Zool. Exp. nach d. Baikalsee, 111, Kiew u. Berlin: 1-75. BERG, L. S., 1909. The fishes of the Amur drainage. Trans. Aead. Sei. USSR, phys.• math. dept., 24,9: 1-269*. BERG, L. S., 1910. The fauna of Baikai and its origin. Bioi.]., 1, 1, Moscow: 10-45*. BERG, L. S., 1922. The fauna of Baikai and its origin. In Klimat i zhizn (Climate and life), Moscow: 28-53*. BERG, L. S., 1925. Die Fauna des Baikalsees und ihre Herkunft. Areh. Hydrobiol. Suppl., IV: 479-526. BERG., L. S., 1928. New data on the origin of the Baikalian fauna. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, A, 22: 459-464*. BERG, L. S., 1934. Concerning the supposedly marine elements in the fauna and flora of BaikaI. Izvestiya Aead. Sei. USSR, IV, 2-3: 459-464*. BERG, L. S., 1937. Southern elements in the Baikalian fauna. Trans. Leningr. Univ., IV, 17: 249-254*. BERG, L. S., 1948-1949. The fishes of the fresh waters of the USSR and adjacent countries, 1, 2: Leningrad *. BERG, L. S., 1949 a. Essays on physical geography. Pltbl. Aead. Sei. USSR: 280-338. BERG, L. S., 1949 b. About the Lower Cretaceous fish Lycoptera (farn. Lycopteridae). Trudy Zool. Inst. Aead. Sei. USSR, VII, 3: 58-75*. BERG, L. S. 1955. The nature of the USSR. The Baikai and trans-Baikal areas. Geograjizdat, Moseow: 375-388*. BEREZOVSKY, A. 1., 1957. Concerning the study of the Baikalian omul. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 21: 353-358*. Bibliography of Irkutsk region, biology, 1956. Trltdy sei. libr. Irk. State Univ., Irkutsk*. BIRSTEIN, Y. A., 1939. A zoogeographical characteristic of the water-bugs of BaikaI. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 25,3: 248-251*. BIRSTEIN, Y. A., 1951. Aselotta. In the fauna of the USSR. Crustaceans, VII, 5: 3-143*. BIRSTEIN, Y. A. & SPASSKY, N. N., 1952. The bottom fauna of the Caspian Sea before and after the invasion of nereides. Acclimatisation of nereides in the Caspian Sea. Coll. of works ed. by V. N. NIKITIN. Materials to the kriowledge of fauna and flora. New ser., Zool. Dept., publ. Mos. Nat. Soc., 33/68: 36-114*. BOCHKARYOV, P. F., 1935. Hydrochemical studies conducted in the Chivyrkui Gulf of Baikai in the summer of 1932. Izvestiya Biol.-Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., 6, 2-4: 134-151*. BOCHKARYOV, P. F., 1959. The Hydrochemistry of the rivers of East Siberia. Book Publ. House, Irkutsk: 1-155*. BOGOLEPOVA, I. 1., 1950. Monogenetic flukes of the endemic fishes of BaikaI. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 72, 1: 229-232*. 309

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SARS, S., 1900. On Episehura baiealensis a new Calanoids from Lake BaikaI. Yearb. Zool. Mus. Aead. Sei. USSR, V: 226-238. SARS, G. 0.,1908. On the occurrence of a genuine Harpactid on the Lake BaikaI. Areh. Mathem. of Naturvid., 29: 1-13. SCHELLENBERG, A., 1937 a. Schlüssel und Diagnosen der Süsswasser der Gammarus nahestehenden Einheiten ausschliesslich der Arten des Baikalsees und Aus• traliens. Zool. Anz., 117, 11/12. SCHELLENBERG, A., 1937 b. Kritische Bemerkungen zur Systematik der Süsswasser• gammariden. Zool. Ib. Syst., 69: 5-6. SCHMID, F., 1953-1954. Contribution a l'etude de la sous-familie des Apataniinae (Trichoptera, Limnophilidae). Tijdsehr. Ent., 96, 97. SEGERSTRALE, S. G., 1956. The Distribution of Glacial Reliets in Finland and Adja• cent Russian Areas. Soe. Sei. Fenn. Comm. bioi., XV, 18: 1-36. SEGERSTRALE, S. G., 1957. On the Immigration of the Glacial Relicts of Northern Europe with Remarks on their Prehistory. Soe. Sei. Fenn. Comm. bioi., XVI, 16: 1-117. SEGERSTRALE, S. G., 1958. On an Isolated Finnish Population of the Reliet Amphipoda Paltasea quadrispinosa G.O. Sars. Soe. Sei. Fenn. Comm. biol., XVII, 5: 1-33. SEMENKEVICH, Y. N., 1924. On the Baikalian water-bugs. Russ. hydrobiol. I., Saratov, III, 1-2: 8-13* (German summary). SHCHEGOLEV, G. G., 1922. A nes species of leeches from Lake BaikaI. Russ. hydrobiol. j., 1, Saratov: 136-141* (German summary). SIBIRYAKOVA, O. A., 1928. On the fauna of Turbeltaria rhabdocoela from the River Angara. Russ. hydrobiol. I., 8,8-9, Saratov: 237-250*. SKABICHEVSKY, A. P., 1929. Concerning the biology of Melosira baiealensis. Russ. hydrobiol. I., 8,4-5: 93-113*. SKABICHEVSKY, A.P., 1935. Observations of the phytoplankton of the Barguzin Gulf of Lake Baikai in the summer period of 1932 and 1933. Izvestiya Biol.• Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., VI, 2-4: 182-231* (German summary). SKABICHEVSKY, A. P., 1936. New and interesting diatom algae from North BaikaI. Bot. I., 6: 705-722*. SKABICHEVSKY, A. P., 1936 a. Notes on algology of Baikai about some represent• atives of Cladophoraceae. Izvestya Biol. Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., VII, 1-2: 32-41* (German summary). SKABICHEVSKY, A. P., 1952. On the systematics of the Baikalian diatoms. Bot. mat. ofthe eryptog. plants dept., VIII: 177-180*. SKABICHEVSKY, A. P., 1954. The phytoplanton of the Selenga area of BaikaI. Trudy Baikollimnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, XIV: 177-180*. SKORIKOV, A., 1903. Three new species of Rotatoria. Yearb. Zool. Mus. Aead. Sei., VII, 2: 19-21*. SKVORTSOV, B. V. (SKVORTZOV, B. W.) & MEYER, K. L., 1928. A contribution to the diatoms of Baikai Lake. Proe. Sungaree River St., 1, 5: 1-55. SKVORTSOV, B. V. (SKVORTZOV, B. W.), 1937. Bottom diatom from Olkhon Gate of Baikai Lake. Manila. SLASTNIKOV, G. S., 1940. Concerning the discovery of the polychaete Manayunkia in the drainage area of the River Gyda. In Priroda, 7: 75-77*. SLASTNIKOV, G. S., 1941. New data on the distribution of the Baikalian M anayunkia. In Priroda, 7-8: 87-88*. SMIRNOV, 5., 1929. Beiträge zur Copepoden Fauna Ostasiens. Zool. A nz., 81, 11-12. SOKOLNIKOV, V. M., 1960. On the currents and temperature of water under the ice cover in the southern part of the Baikai near the outfall of the River Angara. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, XVIII: 265-285*. SOKOLOV, D. S., 1936. On the Jurassic marine deposits of the east trans-Baikal area. Bult. Mose. nato Soe., geol. dept., XIV, 2: 183-187*. SOKOLOV, 1., 1930. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Hidracarinen Sibiriens. Areh. Hydro• bioi., XXII, 2: 306-305. SOKOLOV, I. 1., 1944-1945. Baiealaearus vermiformis n. gen. n. sp., the first repre- 322

sentative of hydrachnellas from Lake BaikaI. Trans. Leningr. St. Univ., nato sei. ser., 2: 46-53*. SOKOLOV, 1. 1., 1948. On the systematic position of Baiealaearus vermiformis Sokolov and its relictary nature. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 60, 1: 181-183*. SOKOLOV, 1. 1., 1952. Water mites. Part 11. Halacarae In the fauna of the USSR. Arachnids, V: 5-201*. SOLOVYOV, V., 1925. The method of models and its application in the study of seiches in Lake BaikaI. Izvestiya Biol.- Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., 11, 2: 9-25* (English summary). SOVINSKY, V. K., 1915. The Amphipoda of Lake BaikaI. In Zoologieal studies of Lake Baikai, Kiev, IX, 1: 1-483* (German summary). STANKOVIC, S., 1932. Die Fauna des Ochridsees und ihre Herkunft. Areh. Hydrobioi., XXIII, 4: 557-617. STANKOVIC, S., 1955 a. La zone profunde du lac d'Ochrid et son Peuplement. Mem. Ist. ldrol., suppl. 8: 281-310. STANKOVIC, S., 1955 b. Sur la speciation dans le lac d'Ochrid. Verh. int. Ver. Limnol., XII: 478-506. STANKOVIC, S., 1960. The Balkan lake Ohrid and its living world. Monographie biologicae. W. Junk, Den Haag, IX: 1-357. STAROBOGATOV, Y., 1958. The system and philogeny of Planorbidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata). Bult. Mose. nato Soe., biol. dept., XIII: 37-53*. STAROSTIN, A., 1921. Zur Kenntnis d. Mollusken-Fauna des Baikalsees. Areh. Naturgeseh., 32. STEBBING, T. R., 1899. Amphipoda collected from Copenhagen Museum and other sourees. Trans. Linn. Soe. Lond., Zoology, VII, 8: 395-432. SUDARIKOV, V. E. & RYZHIKOV, K. M., 1951. On the biology of Contraeoeeum oseulatum baiealensis, a nematode of the Baikalian seal. Trudy Helmint. Lab. Aead. Sei. USSR, V*: SUDARIKOV, V. E. & RYZHIKOV, K. M., 1952. Substantiation of the new family of nematodes from freshwater fishes (Spirurata, Haplonematidae). Trudy Hel• mint. Lab. Aead. Sei. USSR, VI: 152-157*. SUKACHOV, B., 1895. So me new data on the sponges of Lake BaikaI. Trudy St. Petersb. nato Soe., 25: 1-11*. SVARCHEVSKY, B., 1901. Materials on the sponge fauna of Lake BaikaI. Trans. Kiev nato Soe., Kiev: 1-24*. SVARCHEVSKY (SWARCZEWSKY), B., 1910. Beobachtungen über Lankesteria sp., eine in Turbellarien des Baikalsees lebende Gregarine. Festschrift zum sech• zigsten Geburtstage R. Hertwig, 1, Jena: 637-673. SVARCHEVSKV, B., 1923 a. Spongiological essays. Trudy Irk. nato Soe., 1,6: 1-27* (German summary). SVARCHEVSKY, B. A., 1923 b. Essays on Hydraria. Hydra baiealensis. Trudy Irk. Univ. 4: 90-102*. SVARCHEVSKY, B., 1925. Spongiological essays. Izvestiya Biol.-Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., 2: 11-28*. SVARCHEVSKY (SWARCZEWSKV), B., 1928. Beobachtungen über Spiroehona elegans n. sp. Areh. Protistenk. 61: 185-222. SVARCHEVSKV (SWARCZEWSKV), B., 1928-1930. Zur Kenntniss der Baikalproti• stenfauna. Areh. Protistenk., 61-65,69. SVATOSH, Z. f., 1925. The Baikalian seal and its fishing. In Coll. of art. on nature and hunting, Kharkov: 27-49*. SVETOVIDOV, A. N., 1931. Materials on the systematics and biology of the graylings of Lake BaikaI. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, I: 19-194* (German summary).

TALlYEV, D. N., 1940. An experiment in applying the precipitation reaction in the study of the origin and history of the Baikalian fauna. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, X: 241-352* (English summary). 323

TALlYEV, D. N., 1941. A serologigal analysis of the races of the Baikalian omul. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR. VI, 4: 68-91*. TALlYEV, D. N., 1946. Ancestors of the Baikalian Cottoidei in the Tsipa-Tsipikan lakes. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 52,8: 743-746*. TALlYEV, D. N., 1947. Thd impact of carnivores on the divergent radiation of Cottoidei. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 58,7: 1509-1512*. TALlYEV, D. N., 1948. On the problem of the pace and causes of the divergent evo• lution of the Baikalian Cottoidei. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, XII: 107-158*. TALIYEV, D. N., 1949. On the unisexual propagation of Comephorus. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 69,1: 105-108*. TALlYEV, D. N., 1951. On the role of fetalisation in the evolution of the endemie fauna of Baika!. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 78,3: 605-608*. TALlYEV, D. N., 1955. The miller's-thumbs (Cottoidei) of Lake Baika!. Publ, Aead. Sei. USSR: 9-603*. TALIYEV, D. N. & KORYAKOV, E. A., 1947. Consumption of oxygen by the Baikalian Cottoidei. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 58, 8: 1837-1840*. TALlYEV, D. N. & KORYAKOV, E. A., 1948. The upper thermal limits for the Baikal• ian Cottoidei. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 59,4: 755-758*. TALlYEV, D. N. & KORYAKOV, E. A., 1949. The natural specific gravity of the Baikal• ian Cottoidei. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 68,1: 169-172*. THIELE, 1., 1929-1934. Handbuch der systematischen Weichtierkunde. Jena. TIKHOMIROV, P. V., 1927. Two new species of Rotatoria from Lake Baika!. Russ. hydrobioi.]., VI, 6-7, Saratov: 145-147*. TIKHOMIROV, P. V., 1929. A new species of Rotatoria from Lake BaikaI. Russ. hydrobiol. ]., VIII, 6-7, Saratov: 171-173*. TIMOFEYEV, S. 1., 1928. The embriology of Manayunkia baiealensis Nusb. and some notes on the direct development of Polychaeta. Trudy 3rd USSR Congr. Zoo!., Anat. Histol., Moscow: 159-160*. TKACHUK, V. T., YASNITSKAYA, N.V., & ANKUDINOVA, G. A., 1957. The mineral waters of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR. East-Sib. br. Aead. Sei. USSR, Irkutsk: 1-151*. TOMILOV, A. A., 1954. Materials on the hydrobiology of some deep lakes of the Olekma-Vitim mountain system. Trudy Irk. St. Univ., biol. ser., XI: 5-85*. TSVETKOV, V. N., (ZWETKOV V. N.) 1928. Two new species of gregarines. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, A, 3*. TUGARINA, P. Y., 1956 a. The biology of propagation of the white Baikalian gray• ling and ways of increasing its stock. Synopsis of the Master's theses, Irkutsk: 1-16*. TUGARINA, P. Y., 1956 b. Some data on the propagation of the white Baikalian grayling. Zool. ]., XXXV, 6: 938-939*.

UENO, MASUZO, 1954. The Bathynellidae of Japan. Areh. Hydrobioi., 49, 4. ULOMSKY, S. N., 1957. On the eating up of lacustrine plankton by the ripus in the lakes of the Urals. Izvestiya USSR Res. Inst. 01 Lake & River Fish., 39: 146-159*.

VASILYEVA, G. L., 1950. A new cyclops species from Lake BaikaI. Izvestiya Biol.• Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., X, 3: 3-8*. V ASIL YEV A, G. L., 1956. Materials on the study ofthe zooplankton ofthe River Angara. IzvestiyaBiol.-Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., XVI, 1-4: 151-184*. VERESHCHAGIN, G. Y., 1926. The systematics and biology of Comephorus. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, A: 47-50*. VERESHCHAGIN, G. Y., 1927 a. Some data on the regime of the deep waters of BaikaI in the area of Maritui. Trudy Comm. lor the Study 01 Baikai, 11: 77-138*. 324

VERESHCHAGIN, G. Y., 1927 b. An attempt to summarise the literature on Baikai and its coasts. Trudy Comm. for the Study of Baikal. 11: 162-178*. VERESHCHAGIN (WERESTSCHAGIN) G., 1928. Vorläufige Betrachtungen über den Ursprung der Fauna und Flora des Baikalsees. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, sero A: 407-412. VERESHCHAGIN, G. Y., 1930. On the problem of the origin and history of the fauna and flora of Baikal. Trudy Comm. for the Study of Baikal, 111: 77-116*. VERESHCHAGIN, G. Y., 1933 a. The literature on Baikai in the period between 1927 and 1931. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, V: 162-178*. VERESHCHAGIN, G. Y., 1933 b. Basic features of the vertical distribution of dyna• mics of the water masses in Baikal. Coll. of art. dedic. to the 50th anniv. of the scient. and pedag. activities of Acad. V.I. Vernadsky, 2: 1207-1230* (German summary). VERESHCHAGIN, G. Y., 1935. Two types of biological complexes of Baikal. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, VI: 199-212*. VERESHCHAGIN, G. Y., 1937. Observations of the vertical distribution of some pela• gic fishes of Baikal. TrudyBaikallimnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, VII: 213-218*. (German summary). VERESHCHAGIN, G. Y., 1940 a. Theoretical questions connected with the elaboration of the problem of the origin and history of Baikal. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, X: 7-72* (French summary). VERESHCHAGIN, G. Y., 1940 b. The origin and history of Baikai and its fauna and flora. Trudy Baik.limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, X: 73-239* (French summa• ry). VERESHCHAGIN, G. Y., 1949. Baikal. Moscow: 7-205*. VERESHCHAGIN, G. Y. & SIDORYCHEV, I. P., 1929. Some observations of the biology of Comephorus. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, A, 5: 126-130*. VERSHININ N.V., 1960. On the problem of the origin of the relict fauna of the Norilsk group of lakes. Trans. USSR Aead. Sei., 135,3: 753-755*. VERTEBNAYA (WERTEBNAJA), P.I., 1929. über eine relicte Algenflora in den See• ablagerungen Mittelrusslands. Areh. Hydrobiol., 20, 1. V ILlSOV A, I. K, 1951. On the problem of the feeding of the Baikalian pelagic amphi• pod M aeroheetopus branizki Dyb. Doklady A ead. Sei. U SSR. 29, 2: 329-331*. Vn.IsovA, I. K., 1954. A comparative review of the zooplankton of the Posolsky Sor and littoral regions of open BaikaI. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, XIV: 190-261*. VILISOVA, I. K, 1959 a. The zooplankton of the Maloye More. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, XVII: 276-304*. VILISOVA, I. K., 1959 b. To the knowledge of the microbenthos of the Maloye More. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, XVII: 305-311*. VINBERG, G. G., 1956. Primary productivity of plankton. J. biol. Soe., XVII, 5: 364-376*. VISLOUKH (WISLOUCH), S. M., 1924. Beiträge zur Diatomeenflora von Asien. 11. Untersuchungen über die Diatomeen des Baikalsees. Ber. dtseh. bot. Ges., 42: 1-173. VLASENKO, N. M., 1928. Ankyroeotyle baiealensis n.g., n. sp. Russ. hydrobiol. J., VII, 10-12: 229-248*. VORONKOV, N.V., 1925, 1927. On the geographical distribution of rotifers. Kras• noyarsk: 2-19*. VOTINTSEV, K K, 1948a. On the part played by sponges in the dynamics of silicic acid in the water of Lake Baikal. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 62, 5: 661- 663*. VOTINTSEV, K. K., 1948 b. Observations of the regeneration of biogenous elements during the decomposition of dead Episehura baiealensis Sars. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 63,6: 741-744*. VOTINTSEV, K. K., 1952 a. Materials on the dynamics of biogenous elements in the waters of Lake Baikal. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 84,2: 353-356*. 325

VOTINTSEV, K. K., 1952 b. The energy of photosynthesis and seasonal changes in the biomass of Melosira baiealensis. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 84,3: 607-- 610*. VOTINTSEV, K. K., 1952 c. The hydrochemistry of Lake BaikaI. Synopsis of the Master's theses, Irkutsk*. VOTINTSEV, K. K., 1953 a. Thediurnal course of oxygen and primaryproduction in the upper layer of Lake Baika!. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 88, 7: 149~151*. VOTINTSEV, K. K., 1953 b. The infiuence of diurnal vertical migrations of zoo• plankton on the oxygen regime of Lake Baikal. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 92, 1: 157~160*. VOTINTSEV, K. K., 1953 c. On the speed of the regeneration of biogenous elements during the decomposition of dead Melosira baiealensis. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 92, 3: 667~670*. VOTINTSEV, K. K., 1955 a. The ways of the migration of silicon in Lake Baika!. Trudy USSR hydrobiol. Soe., VI: 70~79*. VOTINTSEV, K. K., 1955 b. The vertical distribution and seasonal dynamics of organic matter in the water of Lake Baika!. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 101, 2: 359~362*. VOTINTSEV, K. K., 1956. Nitrogen and phosphorus in the waters of Lake BaikaI. Trudy USSR hydrobiol. Soe., VII: 24~35*. VOTINTSEV, K. K., 1960. On the spread of the waters of the river Selen ga in Lake Baikai in the summer-au tu mn period. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 131, 3: 620~623*. VOTINTSEV, K. K., 1961. The hydrochemistry of Lake BaikaI. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Acad. Sei. USSR, XX: 1~312*. VOTINTSEV, K. K., SAMARINA, A. V. 1957. The oxygen regime of Lake BaikaI. Trudy USSR hydrobiol. Soe., 8: 288~304*.

WALKER, B., 1918. A Synopsis of the classification of the Freshwater Mollusca of North America, North of Mexico. University of Michigan. Mus. Zool. Mise. Publ., 6, 1: 1~213. WOLTERECK, R., 1931. Wie entsteht eine endemische Rasse oder Art? Biol. Zbl., 51: 231~253. \VORTHINGTON, E. B., 1954. Speciation of fishes in African Lakes. Nature, Lond. 173: 1064~1067.

Y AKHONTOV, G., 1904. Areport on the excursion to Lake Baikai in the summer of 1902. Reeords nato Soe. Kaz. Univ. jor 1902~1903, supp!. to Rec. No. 212: 1~11*. Y ASHNOV, V. A., 1922. The plankton of Lake Baikai from the materials of the Baikai expedition of Moscow University's Zoological Museum in 1917. Russ. hydro• biol. J. I, 8: 225~241* (German summary). YASNITSKY, V. N., 1923. Materials to the knowledge of the plankton of Lake BaikaI. Trudy Irk. nato Soe., 1,1: 32~72* (English summary). YASNITSKY, V. N., 1924. The plankton of Lake Baikai in the Kultuk and Slyudyan• ka area. Izvestiya East-Sib. br. geogr. Soe., 47: 147~152*. YASNITSKY, V.N., 1926. On the problem of variability in some planktonic organisms of Lake BaikaI. Izvestiya Biol.-Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., 11: 15~31*. Y ASNITZKY, V.N., 1928. Some results of hydrobiological studies in Baikai in the summer of 1929. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 18-19: 353~358*. YASNITSKY, V. N., 1930. Results of observations of the plankton of Baikai in the area of the biological station in 1926~1928. Izvestiya Biol.-Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., IV, 3~4: 191~238*. YASNITSKY, V. N., 1931. Concerning the history of the development of a new alga from Lake Baikai, Swarzewskiella rotans n. gen. n. sp. Izvestiya Biol.-Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., V, 4: 49~58*. 326

YASNITSKY, V. N., 1934. The plankton of the northern extremity of Baikal. Izves• tiya Biol.- Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., VI, 1: 85-102*. YASNITSKY, V. N., 1936. New and interesting species of diatom algae from Lake BaikaI. Bot. ]., 6: 689-703*. YASNITSKY, V. N., 1952. Phenomena of gigantism in the flora of Lake BaikaI. Izvestiya Biol.-Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., XIII, 2: 3-11 *. YASNITSKY; V. N., 1956. The phytoplankton of the Chivyrkui GuU. Izvestiya Biol.-Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., 16,1-4: 121-138*. YASNITSKY, V. N., & SKABICHEVSKY, V. P., 1957. The phytoplankton of Lake BaikaI. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, XV: 212-261*. YASNITSKY, V., BLANKOV, B. & GORTIKOV, V., 1927. Report on the work of the Bai• kaI biological station in 1926-1927. Izvestiya Biol.-Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., 111,3: 3-35*. YEFREMOV, 1. A., 1954. Problems of the historical development of dinosaurs. Trudy paleont. Inst., 48: 125-141*. YEGOROV, A. G., 1947. On the fertility of the Baikalian sturgeon. Izvestiya Biol.• Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., X, 1: 84-88*. YEPOVA, N. A., 1955. Conceming the history of the habitat of Bergenia erassifolia L. (Fritsch.). Izvestiya Biol.-Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., XV, 1-4: 5-110*. YEPOVA, N. A., 1956. Relicts of platyphyllous forests in the fir taiga of the Khamar• Daban. Izvestiya Biol.-Geogr. Inst. Irk. Univ., XVI, 1-4: 25-61*.

ZABUSOV, I. P., 1901 a. Notes on the morphology and systematics of Triclada. On the anatomy of Rimaeephalus pulvinar Grube. from Lake BaikaI. Trudy Kaz. Univ. nato Soe., XXXVI, 1: 7-76* (German summary). ZABUSOV, 1. P., 1901 b. To the data on the planarians of Lake BaikaI. ColL of art. dedic. to the 50th anniv. of the East-Sib. br. of the Geogr. Soc. The fauna of Baikai, 1, Kiev: 43-49*. ZABUSOV, I. P., 1903. Notes on the morphology of Triclada. The first preliminary report on the Baikalian planarians collected by V. P. Garyayev. Trudy Kaz. Univ. nato Soe., XXXVI, 6: 1-58*. ZABUSOV, I. P., 1906. The second preliminary report on the Baikalian p1anarians collected by V. P. Garyayev. Kaz. Univ. nato Soe., XXXVII, 6: 1-28*. ZABUSOV, 1. P., 1911. Studies of the morphology and systematics of the Baikalian planarians. 1, The genus Soroeelis Grube. Trudy Kaz. Univ. nato Soe., XLIII, IV: 1-422*. ZAITSEV, N. S., 1947. On Pliocene deposits and young movements in the Tannu• Ola Range. Doklady Aead. Sei. USSR, 57,9: 931-938*. ZAKHVATKIN, A. A., 1932. To the knowledge of the diurnal migrations of zooplank• ton. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, 11,55-106*. ZENKEVICH, L. A., 1922 a. The new parasitic rotifer Albertia voronkovi from Lake BaikaI. Russ. hydrobiol. ]., I, 4: 134-136* (German summary). ZENKEVICH, L. A., 1922 b. New data on the zoogeography of Lake BaikaI. Russ. hydrobiol. ]., I, 5--6, Saratov: 159-163*. ZENKEVICH (ZENKEWITSCH), L., 1925. Biologie, Anatomie u. Systematik d. Süss• wasser-polychaeten d. Baikalsees. Zool. Jb., 50: 1--60. ZENKEVICH (ZENKEWITSCH), L., 1935. über d. Manayunkia (M. polaris) an den Murman-Küsten. Zool. Anz., 199,7/8. ZENKEVICH, L. A., 1947, 1951. The fauna and biological productivity of the sea. 1, 2, Moscow. ZHADIN, V. 1., 1937. The mollusks of the mountain bodies of water of the Baikai Range. Trudy Baik. limnol. St. Aead. Sei. USSR, VII: 97-101. ORGANISM INDEX

The page, on which an organism is described at some length, is indicated by bold type. The page, on which an organism is pictured, is indicated by italics.

Abies sibirica 18 Aegagropila 157, 179, 190 Abramis 281 - compacta 157 Abyssocottinae 139, 291 Agriodrilus 85, 287 A byssocottus 139 - vermivorus 84, 85 - bergianus 99 A lbertia voroncovi 79 - gibbosus 300 Algae 150 - godlewskii griseus 201 Alloecoela 70, 71 - korotneffi 201, 300 Allocreadium isoporum 75 - pallidus 140, 201 - polymorph um 75 - werestschagini 300 A In aster glutipes 18 Abyssogammarus 110,114,199,201,296 Allona atfinis 105 - gracilis 176 Amia 277 - sarmatus 111, 201 A mphileptus 61 - swartschewskii 201 A mphilina foliacea 75 Acari 148 Amphipoda 109, 149, 291 Acanthocephala 77, 78, 148 Anabaena flos-aquae 152, 237, 240, 242, Acanthocyclops 192, 289 248 - arenosus 98 - lemmermannii 152 - intermedius 98 - spiroides 152 - notabilis 98 Anaspicacea 106 - profundus 97, 97 A ncistrella choanomphali 62 - rupestris 97, 98 Ancistridae 61 - signifer 98 A ncistrina ovata 62 - viridis 97 Ancylidae 127, 132, 134 Acanthogammarini 109, 111 Anisus 133, 134 Acanthogammarus 111, 114, 116,296 A nkistrodesmus falcatus 156 - albus 195, 201 A nkyrocotyle baicalense 72 - flavus 208, plate II Anodonta 62, 127, 175, 212, 215 - godlewskii 201, 208, 213 Anomaliidae 56 - maximus, plate 11 A nomalina 276 - parasiticus 102 A noplophrya 61 - victorii 207 Anoplura 148 Achtheres extensus 98, 100 A nthoniella 62 - percarum 98 Apatania 119 - strigatus 98, 100 Apataniinae 119 A cipenser s.a. sturgeon Apatanini 119 - baeri stenorhynchus 143, 175 A phanizomenon 240 Acipenseridae 143 - flos-aquae 152 A crolichanus auriculatus 75 Aplexa 127 A croloxus 127 Arachnoidea 117 - lacustris 173 A reella vulgaris 56 Acrorhynchus baicalensis 69 Archapatania 119, 120 - fluvialis 70, 70 - baicalensis 119 Actinosphaerium 56 - nigrostriata 119 A cuticosta 275 Archicotylus 72, 192, 198 328

A rchicotylus lacteus 208 - bithyniopsis 184, 186 - multiclada 202, 210 - carinata 130, 187,192, 194, 195,207, - plana 186, 195, 208 208, 210, 213 - viviparus 72 - carinato-costata 194, 195, 205, 208, A rcynopterix dichroa 119 213,294 Argyroneta 117 - ciliata 130, 177, 184 Armilla 71 - contabulata 186, 187, 194, 195, 207, - pardalina 72, 74 208 Ascarophis 76 - costata 128, 194, 208 Ascomorpha ecaudis 78 - duthiersi 195 Asellidae 107, 108 - duthiersioides 301 Asellus 107, 108, 109, 185,218,226,283, - dybowskiana 186, 195, 207 289,291 -- carinatoides 165,205 - angarensis 107, 184, 185, 218, 220 - elata 186, 208 - aquaticus 107 - florii 131, 186, 187, 192,213 - baicalensis 107, 108, 184, 195 - godlewskii 130, 194, 195, 198,201,208 - dybowskiil07, 108, 109, 194, 198,201, - herderiana 129, 176, 184, 185, 188, 294 298, 299 - jentteriana 176, 213 - epimeralis 108, 226 - korotnewi 128, 159, 165,202,205,207, - hilgendorfi 108 208, 210, 212, 213 -- martynovi 108 -- gracilis 177 - korotnewi 107 - kozovi 301 - latifera 108 - macrostoma 176, 184, 190 - minutus 107 - nana 213, 298 Asplanchna herricki 79 - oviformis 131, 186, 188, 192,205,207, - priodonta 79 208 Asprocottus 9, 57, 139, 219, 226 - pulchella 187, 210 - gibbosus 201, 204 - pulla 186, 187, 195, 208 - herzensteini 199, 201 -- tenuicosta 213 -- abyssalis 204 - semenkewitschi 186, 207,208,210,213 - kozhowi 140, 226 - turriformis 176, 195 - megalops 199, 201 - variesculpta 129, 176, 184,190,208,294 - pulver 199 - werestschagini 177 A sterionella 240 - wrzesniowskii 187, 194, 195, 213 - formosa 154, 239, 242 -- olchonensis 177 - gracillima 239 Baicaliidae 2, 127, 130, 132, 134, 135, A tragena sibirica 18 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 284, 288, 292, A ttheyella (Bremiella) dogieli 102 298 - (Ryloviella) baicalensis 10 1, 102 Baicalina bellicosa 120 A xelboeckia 111, 116, 296 - foliata 120 - carpenteri 187, 195, 213, plate 1I - reducta 120, 121,300 -- elegans 177 Baicalinini 119, 120, 121, 122, 184, 185, -- profundalis 176, 198 287,291 A zotobacter 157 Baicaloasellus 107, 109, 287 Azygia robusta 75 Baicalobia 71, 291 - copulathrix 72, 182, 184 Bacillariophyta 151 - guttata 72, 74, 182, 184 Baicalacarus vermiformis 117 - variegata 72, 182, 184, plate I Baicalarctia gulo 70, 71 Baicalocamptus 101 Baicalarctidae 71 Baicaloclepsis 90, 92 B aicalellia 69, 71 - echinulata 90, 90, 91, 92 - brevitulus 69 - grubei 90, 91, 92 Baicalia [Alga] 156 Baicalogammarus 113 Baicalia [Mollusca] 126, 127, 135, 218, - pullus 184, 188, 190, 213 273, 274, 276 Baicalomoraria 101 - angarensis 126, 220 Baicalosergentia 123, 124, 287 - angigyra 176 Baicalospongia 68 329

Baicalospongia bacillifera 65, 66, 67, 194, - lata 111, 112, 115, 182, 184,220 198, 201, 297 - (Spinacanthus) parasiticus 184 - intermedia 67, 297 Brachiopoda 291 Basanistes 100 Bremiella 102 - briani 99 Bryocamptus 101 - woskoboinikowi 99 - (Pentacamptus) incertus 102 Bathynella 106, 107, 289 Bryozoa 135, 148, 185 - baicalensis 106 Bucephalus polymorphys 75 - chappuisi 106 Burbot s.a. Lota lota - magna 106, 106 - 165, 196, 286 - notans 106 Bursella 61 Bathynellidae 3, 106, 107, 148, 198,201, Bythonomus 86, 88 289,296,297 - asiaticus 86 Bathyniidae 291 - minus 86 77, 139 - opisthoannulatus 86 - baicalensis 77, 78, 170, 177, 184, 195, 218 Caddis-fly s.a. Trichoptera -- pachytus 300 - 142, 195, 207, 208, 217, 300 - multiradiatus 199, 202, 300 Calanoida 92, 148, 283, 287 - nikolskii 201, 204, 300 Calanus finmarchicus 267 - uschkani 177 Candona 102, 103, 104, 291 Bdellocephala 71, 291 - inaequivalvis 104 - angarensis 72, plate I -- subsp. baicalensis 104 Bear 122 - unguiculata var. baicalensis 105 Benedictiinae 127, 132, 134, 166, 283, Canthocamptus 101 291 - (Baicalocamptus) werestschagini 100 Benedictia 62, 126, 127, 134, 273, 276, Capillaria baicalensis 77 297, 298 Capillospirura 76 - baicalensis 126, 132, 186, 188, 192, Carassius carassius 144 194, 205, 208, 297 Carinifex 133 - fragilis 129, 130, 132, 201, 297, 298 Carinogammarus 112, 116 - limnaeoides 194, 195, 198, 199, 201, - capreolus 213 210, 213, 297 - cynnamomeus 187, 194, 195, 213 - maxima 129, 201, 213, 297 - fuscus 213 Bergenia crassifolia 18 - microphthalmus 186, 202, 208 Betula M iddendorfii 17 - rhodophthalmus 186, 187, 188, 195, - pubescens 18 199, 201, 202, 213 - verrucosa 18 -- microphthalmus 192, 199 Binuclearia tatrana 157 - sablozkii 198 Bithynia 127, 274 - seidlitzi 198, 199, 202 Bithyniinae 127, 273, 277 Carinogyraulus 133 Bivalvia 127, 148, 149, 216, 275 Carinurus 111, 296 Boeckaxiella 111, 116 - belkini 202 Boeckia 116 - platicarinus 202, 208, 210 - spinosa 116 - reissneri 198, 297 Bosmina coregoni 105 - ssolskii 198, 297 - longirostris 105, 237, 240, 241 Caryaphyllaeoides fennica 76 Bothryococcus 155 Caspia 281 - brauni 156 Cen tricae 151 Boveridae 61, 62 Centropyxis aculeata 56 Brachionus 78 Cerathium gerassimowi [Mollusca] 135 Brachiuropus 296 Ceratium hirundinella [Pyrrophyta] 155, - Grewingki 201 239,240 - reicherti 201 Ceratagammarus 112, 296 Brachymystax lenok s.a. lenok - acerus 176 -- 78, 100, 143 - dybowskii 198 109, 111 Ceratoneis arcus 155 330

Ceratophyllum 151, 179 Clemmis 277 Cerberothrombium 117 Clepsina echinulata 90 Cerebrothrombidium 289 Clitellio 85, 87 Ceriodaphnia pulchella 105 - arenarius 87 Cestoda 75, 148 - korotneffi 192 Chaetomorpha 157, 179, 183, 190, 194 - multispinus 85, 186, 208 - pumila 157 Clostridium pasteurianum 157 Chaetophoraceae 156 Cobitis taenia sibirica 144 Chamaesiphoneae 150 Codonobdella truncata 88, 89 Chara 179 Coelenterata 68, 147 Characeae 183, 187, 212 Coleoptera 126 Charophyta 151, 157 Collema Ramenskii 151 Cheirogammarus 202, 296 Collotheca mutabilis 79 Chipmunk 122 Comephoridae 139, 145, 229, 281, 290, Chironomidae 123, 142, 148, 172, 173, 291, 297, 298 175, 185, 200, 202, 203, 218, 285, 299 Comephoronema 76, 77 Chironomus gr, plumosus 163 - werestschagini 76 - gr. semireductus 123, 172 Comephorus 57, 76, 93, 139, 146, 169, Chlorella vulgaris 156 243, 251, 252, 254, 257, 264, 300, 301 Chlorococcineae 151 - baicalensis 139, 229 Chlorophyceae 243 - dybowskii 138, 139, 229 Chlorophyta 151, 155 Coniurus 111 Choanomphalinae 127, 291 Conjugatae 151, 157 Choanomphalus 62, 126, 127, 132, 133, Conochilus hippocrepis 79 218, 219, 276, 288 - unicornis 79 - amauronius 184, 185, 188, 190, 220, Constantia 109 294 Contracoecum osculatum 77 - annuliformis 176 -- baicalensis 77, 147 - dybowskianus 186, 207 Copepoda 216, 285 - fossilus 301 - Calanoida 148, 287 - gerstfeldtianus 186 Coregonicola baicalensis 99, 100 - japonicus 132 Coregonidae 100, 141 - maacki 126, 128, 132, 184, 185, 190, Coregonus 75, 78, 141, 142, 144 293, 294 - autumnalis 76, 144 -- f. typica 294 -- migratorius s.a. omu1 -- vaL andrussowianus 294 --- 141, 141, 144, 174, 175, 229, -- vaL elatior 294 252, 254, 261, 289, 301, 302 - mongolicus 133, 227 - lavaretus s.a. gwyniad - schrenki 186 -- 141, 142, 286, 302 Chonotricha 59 -- baicalensis 142, 177, 226 Chroococceae 150 --- n. Dybowskii 142 Chrysocapsineae 151 -- pidschian 142 Chrysomonadineae 151 - peled 76 Chrysophyta 151, 152 Cornacuspongidae 62 Chrysosphaerella 152 Cothurnia 61 Chrysosphaerineae 151 Corticospongilla barroisi 68 Chrysothallus 152 Cottidae 139, 141, 143, 175,205,213,214 - baicalensis 153 Cottinella 88, 139 Chrysotrichineae 151 - boulengeri 204, 300 Chydorus sphaericus 105, 237, 240, 241 - werestschagini 204 Ciliata 59 Cottocomephoridae 226, 227 Cincinna 127 Cottocomephorinae 139, 145, 291, 297 Cladocera 105, 148, 216, 231, 239, 241, Cottocomephoronema 76, 77 243, 246, 285 - problematica 77 Cladopelma 173 76, 77, 93,139,141,146, Cladophora 157, 179, 183, 190, 194 229, 231, 243, 246, 251, 252, 254, 255, -- ftoccosa 157, 190 257, 258, 261, 264 331

Cottocomephorus grewingki 75, 76, 139, - leucisci 74 140, 169, 184, 229, 243 - tuba 74 - inermis 139, 229 Dactylophrya collini 60, 61 Cottoidei62, 75, 78, 89, 99,100,139,145, Daphnia cristata 105 148, 183, 184, 185, 186, 195, 199, 201, - galeata 105 204, 215, 218, 226, 264, 290, 291, 292, - hyalina 240, 241 295, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301 - longispina 105, 237 Coxliella 58, 61 Decapoda 149, 291 Crangonix 116 Dendrocoelidae 71, 72 Crepidostomum auriculatum 75 Dendrocometes 61 - baicalense 75 Diamesa 123 Cristatella mucedo 136 - baicalensis 123, 125 Cryptochironomus 123, 173 - I. baicalensis 124 Crypturopus 113, 114, 296 - longimanus 124 - inflatus 175, 187, 190, 195, 199, 202, Diaptomus 94 208, 212, 213 - denticornis 94 - pachytus 111, 175, 187,208,210,212 - graciloides 94 -- tuberculatus 205 - pachypodites 94 - tuberculatus 187, 188, 190, 208 Diatomeae 151, 243 Cyanophyta ISO, 152 Diclibothrium armatum 75 Cyathocephalus truncatus 75 Didinium nasutum 61 Cyclopoida 3,94,148, 192,216,228,239, Didymosphenia 153, 155, 183 291, 294, 297, 299 - geminata 178 Cyclops 81, 231, 250, 251, 255, 302 Di1Jlugia acuminata 56 - baicalensis 94 - lemani 56 - kolensis 94,95,96,221,237,240,241, - pyriformis 56 286 Digena 75 -- var. baicalensis 94, 96, 228, 229, Dinobryon 152, 240 234, 237, 240, 241, 242, 246, 249, 250, - cylindricum 152, 229, 239 251, 253, 258, 263 - divergens 152 - serrulatus 192 - sertularia 152 - strenuus 97 - sociale 152 - vicinus 97, 237, 240 Dinocharis 78 Cyclotella 245 Diphyllobothrium minus 75, 76 - baicalensis 153, 154, 155, 228, 229, - strictum 76 233, 237, 240, 241, 242, 244, 249, 287 Diplostomulum spathaceum 75 - minuta 151, 155, 228, 233, 241, 242, Diplozoon paradoxum 75 249,287 Diptera 123 Cypridae 102 Discorbis 276 Cyprinidae 74, 100, 143 Diurella 78 Cyprinus carpio 281 Draparnaldia 156, 179, 183, 190, plate III -- haematopterus 144, 174 - Arnoldi, plate III Cyrena 273 - baicalensis 156, plate III Cystidicola 77 - impar 76 Echinella 136 - skryabini 76 Echinocamptus 101 Cytheridae 102, 103, 104 - (Limocamptus) hiemalis var. werest• Cytherissa 102, 103, 104, 105 schagini 101, 101 - elongata 105 Echinophthirius horridus var. baicalensis - lacustris 104 126, 147 -- subsp. baicalensis 105 Echinorhynchus clavula 78 - triangulata 104 - salmonis 78 - tuberculata 104 Echiuropus macronychus 186, 195, 208, 210 Dace s.a. Leuciscus leuciscus baicalensis Enchytraeidae 84,86 - 74, 75, 76, 77, 99, 213, 214, 286 Enchytraeoides 87 Dactylogyrus colonus 74, 75 - aliger 172 332

Endochironomus 123 Fragillaria 154 Entomostraca 92 - capucina 154 Ephemeroptera 124, 163, 291 - crotonensis 154 Ephydatia 67 Fredericella sultana 136 Epichrysis 152 - melosirae 152 Gadidae 144 Epischurella 94 Gammaracanthus 115, 116,224 Epischura 81, 92, 93, 94, 96, 139, 231, - lacustris 224 233, 234, 237, 240, 241, 242, 249, 250, - loricatus 115, 116 251, 253, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260, 262, -- lacustris 221 263, 264, 302 Gammaridae 89, 109, 148, 173, 185, 187, - baicalensis 92, 93, 94, 228, 232, 237, 188, 192, 196, 200, 202, 203, 206, 209, 246, 250, 251, 262, 265, 283, 287 285, 291, 297, 299 - chankensis 94 Gammarosphaera 111 - udulensis 94 Gammarus 109, 116, 117 Ergasilus baicalensis 98 - kusceri 116 - briani 99 - lacustris 158, 163, 169, 173, 217, 285 - sieboldi 98 - (Rivulogammarus) lacustris 116 Esocidae 144 Garjajewia 111, 114, 116, 296 Esox lucius s.a. pike - cabanisi 111, 198, 199,201,202 -- 144, 175, 285 - dogieli 176, 201 Eubothrium 76 - sarsi 201 Euchlanis 78 Gastropoda 148, 291 Eucyclops serrulatus 97, 98 Gastropus stylifer 79 -- baicalocorrepus 98 Gemmiphora 157 Eudiaptomus graciloides 237, 240, 241 Glenodinium 155 Eudorina 240 Gloeotrichia echinulata 152, 240, 242 Eugammarini 109 Glossiphonia complanata 88, 173 Euglenophyta 151, 155 - heteroclita 88 Eulimnogammarus 110, 114, 116, 207, Glossiphonidae 88, 90, 91, 92 208, 219, 220, 222, 294, 296 Glossatella 62 - acheneus 198, 201 Glyptotendipes 173 - cruentus 184 Gmelina 116 - cyaneus 115, 152, 184, 222 Gmelinoides 113, 116 - czerskii, plate II - fasciatoides 223 - fuscus 205 - fasciatus 75, 78, 114, 115, 159, 169, - grandimanus 184, 185, 188 172, 173, 182, 184, 192, 205, 208, 212, - lividus 115, 220 213, 218, 220, 223 - maacki 184 Gobio gobio cynocephalus 144 - parvetiformis 176 Gomphonema 154, 155, 156 - rachmanowi 176 Goniochilus 281 - ussolscewi 201 Grafiella lamellirostris 72, plate I - verrucosus 115, 182, 205 Graffilidae 69 - viridis 115, 159, 182, 184, 213, 220, Grayling s.a. Thymallus 221, 222 - 99, 114, 122, 165, 213, 214, 215, 286 Euplotes harpa baicalensis 58 Gregarina acanthogammari 56, 57 - baicalensis 56, 57 Fabriciola 82, 83 Gwyniad s.a. Coregonus lavaretus - atlantica 83 - 98, 99, 165, 196, 205, 210, 213, 214, - baltica 83 215, 225, 226, 227, 286 - blockmani 83 Gymnodinium 155, 232, 244, 245, 287 - pacifica 83 - baicalense 153, 155, 228, 234 - speciosa 83 - coeruleum 153, 155,228,234 - spongicola 83 Gyraulus 133, 277 Filinia longiseta 79, 81, 228, 232, 235, - gredleri 159, 163 243, 263, 286 -- borealis 207 Fluminicola 134 Gyrodactylus 75 333

Gyrodactylus baicalensis 74 Hydracarina 3 - bychowskianus 74 H ydrachnella 117 - comephori 74 H ydrachnellae 117 Hydrobia 135, 274, 277 H aemopsis sanguisuga 88 Hydrobiidae 127, 130, 132, 135, 275 Hakonboeckia 112, 296 Hydrobiinae 135 Halacarae 118 Hydrometra 126 H aplonema 77 Hydrozoa 149 - hamulatum 77 Haplonematidae 77 Ichthyobronema 77 Haploskleridae 68 I chthyophthyrius 59 Haplotaxis ascaridoides 186 Ide s.a. Leuciscus idus - amurensis 102 - 205, 210, 213 - inopinata 102 Infusoria 239, 252, 259, 285 - lacustris 102 Insecta 119, 192, 206, 209, 252 - paradoxa 102 I reksokonia 156 Harpacticella 102 - formosa 156 Harpacticidae 100, 102, 182, 184, 192 Isopoda 107, 148, 291, 299 Harpacticoida 100, 102, 148, 216, 283, 287 Juvenis 173 H elobdella stagnalis 88, 173 Juxtaradiophrya 62 Hemerocallis 18 Hemiclepsis marginata 88 Keratella 232 Hemiptera 126 - cochlearis 78, 79, 228, 235, 237, 241, Henneguya baicalensis 57 242, 243, 286 H erpobdella octoculata 88, 172, 173 - quadrata 78, 79, 228, 235, 237, 241, Heterocontae 151 242,286 Heterocope 94 -- f. baicalensis 80, 81 - appendiculata 94 Kobeltocochlea 127, 134, 274, 275, 276, Heterogammarus sophianosi 188 288 Hippeutis 277 - martensiana 188, 195, 213 Hirudinea 88, 148, 172, 173, 185, 187, - michnoi 134, 227 188, 206, 285 Koinocystidae 70 Hislopia 136, 138, 159, 173, 219, 288 Koinocystis 70 - placoides 94, 136, 137, 138, 172, 175, 218, 220, 221, 222 Lada 61 -- f. infermedia 137 Lamprodrilus 86, 87, 88 -- f. ripariensis 136, 137 - bythius 84 -- m. sabulosa 136, 137 - glandulosus 210 Holocoela 71 - inflatus 84 Holotricha 59 - isoporus 86 Homocerisca 113, 114, 296 - korotneffi 208, 210 - caudata 198, 297 - michaelseni 86 - perla 202, 297 - mrazeki 86 Hormogoneae 150 - nigrescens 84, 184, 185 Hornbeam 281 - pallidus 213 Hucho taimen s.a. taimen - pygmeus 192, 208, 210, 213 -- 100, 143 - (Teleuscolex) pygmeus 86 Hyalellopsis 111, 115, 116, 186, 220, - satyriscus 192, 213 294 -- f. ditheca 86 - carinata 195, 213 - stigmatias 187 - costata, plate II - tolli 86 - czyrnianskii 186, 208 Lankestheria 56 - variabilis 186 Larix dahurica 18 Hydra 68, 147, 165, 216 - sibirica 18 - (Pelmatohydra?) baicalensis 68 Ledum palustre 17, 18 - grisea 69 Lecane 78 334

Leeches s. Hirudinea - baicalensis 63, 64, 65, 65, 66, 184, Lemna 151 185, 194, 218, 297 Lenok s.a. Brachymystax lenok - fusifera 63 - 99 Lubomirskiidae 62, 147, 276, 277, 283, Lepidodesma 275 284, 288, 291 Leptoceridae 119 Lumbriculidae 62, 84, 85, 86, 88 Leptocerus 119 Lumbriculus 88 Leptodora kindti 105 Lycodrilus 85, 87 Leptostenus leptoceras 176 - dybowskii 85, 87 Leuciscus idus s.a. ide - sckizochaetus 87 -- 57, 144, 174, 175,285 Lycoptera 272, 273 - leuciscus baicalensis s.a. dace Lycopteridae 272 --- 144, 174, 175, 286, 302 Licodrilus dybowskii 187 Macrohectopus 139, 224, 229, 231, 233, - parvus 187 234, 235, 246, 251, 252, 255,257,258, - schizochaetus 187 261, 264, 297 Ligula intestinalis 75 - branickii 93, 109, 112, 113, 114, 228, Liliimorpha viridis 58, 61, 228 297 Liliimorphidae 61 Macropereiopus 110, 198 Lilium tenuifolium 18 - albulus 201 Lime 281 - dagarskii 199, 202, 208, 210 Limnaea 127, 273 - florii 202 - auricularia 173, 192,213 M acrostonum auriculatum 69 - stagnalis 158 Malacostraca 106 Limnaeidae 127, 274 Mallomonas 152,286 Limnocalanus 224 Mammalia 145, 148 - grimaldi 224 Manayunkia 207, 208, 212, 219, 225, -- macrurus 221,222 227,283 Limnocottus 74, 145 - aestuarina 82 - bergianus 300 - baicalensis 9,81,82,83, 159, 175, 184, - godlewskii 300 185, 186, 187, 192, 195, 210, 218, 219, - kozowi 227 220, 221, 222, 225, 226, 302 Limnodrilus 85, 87 - caspia 83 - arenarius 159, 187, 192, 195, 198, -- hydani 83 201,302 - polaris 82 -- var. inaequalis 175 Maraenobiotis 101 - baicalensis 195, 210 - insignipes 101, 102 - bythius 298 M arifugia 82 - dybowskii 208 Marinogammarus 116 - inflatus 298 Marituja pelagica 58, 61, 228 - pigmeus 186 Megalovalvata 127, 132, 134 - schizochaetus 195, 210, 213 Melania 90, 277 Limnophilidae 119, 122, 123, 300 Melaniidae 277 Limnophilinae 119 Melosira 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 250, Limocamptus 101 251, 259 Liobaicalia 127 - baicalensis 152, 154, 154, 155, 228, - stiedae 128, 176, 195,276 229, 232, 237, 240, 241, 242, 244, 259, Lithoglyphus 134, 275, 276, 281, 288 283, 287 - caspius 134 - granulata 240 - naticoides 134 - islandica 283 Lobogammarus 110, 176,296 -- subsp. helvetica 154, 154, 229, Longitricha flava 61 232, 237, 240, 241, 242, 244 Lonicera 18 - italica 240 Lota Iota s.a. burbot Mesenchytraeus 86, 286 -- 144, 174, 175,195,286,302 - bungei 84, 87, 182, 183 Lubomirskia 63 Mesidothea entomon 221, 224 - abietina 63, 66 Mesnilella 61, 62 335

Mesoasellus 107, 109, 283, 287 N emachilus barbatulus toni 144 Mesocoltus 145 Nematodes 76, 148, 216 Mesocyclops leucarti 97, 237, 240 Nepa 126 Metacottus 139 Nitella 157 - gurwici 196 Nodularia 275 Metapallasea 109, 112, 177,224 Nostoc 179, 212 Metschnikowia 68 Notholca acuminata 79, 81 M icromelania 281 - baicalensis 79 Micromelaniidae 130, 132, 134, 135, 273, - grandis 79 275 - jasnitskii 79, 80 M icropsectra 123 - labis 79 Micruropus 110, 113, 116, 186, 207, 213, - longispina 79, 81, 228, 232, 235, 241, 220, 294, 299 243, 263, 286 - crassipes 186 - lyrata 79 - cristatus 171, 186, 190, 202, 208, 210 - olchonensis 79, 80 - fixeni 172, 173 - striata f. acuminata 79, 80, 228, 232, - glaber 115, 172, 220 286 - kluhki 186, 190 - triarthroides 79, 80 - litoralis 115, 159, 188, 195, 212, 213 N udospongia 68 - possolskii 115,159,171,172,173,175, Nuphar 71, 151 212, 213, 217, 218 Nymphaea 171 - talitroides 115, 159, 172, 175, 186, 190, 205, 208, 212, 213 Oak 281 - vortex 115, 220 Ochridanus 62 - wahli 115, 159, 172, 173, 175, 186, Ochridaspongia rotunda 68 195, 208, 212, 213, 218, 220 Odonata 126, 273 Minnow 99 Odontogammarus 110, 116, 294 Molanna palpata 119 - calcaratus improvisus, plate II Molannidae 119 - pulcherrimus 194, 195 Mollusca 126, 173, 185, 187, 188, 192, Oligobdella 91 196, 200, 203, 206, 209, 281, 285, 292, Oligochaeta 84, 148, 173, 175, 185, 187, 299 188, 200, 202, 203, 206, 209, 281, 285, Monogena 72, 74 297,299 Monostyla 78 Oligoclepsis 91 - lunaris 78 Ommatogammarus 110, 114, 198, 201, Moraria 101, 102 296 - (Baicalomoraria) baicalensis 101 - albinus 111,201 - duthiei 102 - flavus 201 - schmeili 102 Omul s.a. Coregonus autumnalis migrato• Morariopsis 101 rius - typica 101 - 93, 98, 99, 100, 114, 122, 170,210, Mucophrya pelagica 58, 61 214, 225, 227, 231, 243, 246, 251, 255, Myoxocephalus quadricornis 221 258, 261, 264, 266, 281, 282, 284, 290, - (Coitus) quadricornis 224 301 Myriophyllum 151, 171, 179, 183, 187, Ophiocytum 155 190 Ophryoglena 61 Mysis 224 - intestinalis 60 - oculata relicta 115, 221 - pyriformis 60 - relicta 221, 222, 224 Orthetrum albistylum 126 Myxidium lieberkühni 57 Orthocladiinae 163, 173, 182, 195, 198 - perniciosus 57 Orthocladius 123 Myxobolus spatulatus 56 - gregarius 124 - taliewi 26 - 1. setosus 124 Orthocyclops 289 Naididae 84, 85, 87 - bergianus 98 Nais 165, 182, 286 Ostiogammarus 116 Navicula 154 Ostracoda 102, 148, 216, 273, 287, 291 336

Pachydictyum 68 - (-) hispida 77, 146, 147 Pachygammarini 109 Phoxinus 175, 285 Pachyschesis 110, 296 - lagowskii 144 Pallasea 109, 112, 114, 115, 117, 224, - percnurus 144 225, 294, 296, 297 - phoxinus 144 - bicornis 112 Phragmites 151 - brandti 187, 188, 192, 195, 213 Phreoryctidae 84, 87 - cancelloides 115, 188, 205 Phreoryctes ascaridoides 84, 87 - cancellus 190, 205, 207 Phryganaeidae 119 - dryshenkoi 202 Phryganaea rotunda 119 - grubei 172, 173, 205 Phyllopoda 92 - kessleri 115, 212, 213, 220, 224, 225 Physidae 127, 273, 277 - laevis 115, 224 Physa 127 - meissneri 176 - fontinalis 158 - quadrispinosa 94, 115, 221, 224, 225 Picea obovata 18 - viridis 194, 208 Pike s.a. Esox lucius Paludicella articulata 136 - 98, 205, 210, 213, 214 Parabathynella 106 Pinnipedia 145 Paracamptus 101 Pinus pumila 17 Paracottus 5, 76, 139, 169, 219, 226 - sibirica 18 - insularis 177 - silvestris 18 - kessleri 139, 145, 169, 184, 186, 218, Pionacercus leuckarti 117 219, 226 Pisces 138, 148, 291 - kneri 75, 76, 139, 140, 145, 169, 177, Piscicola conspersa 89 184, 218, 220, 226 - geometra 88 Paraergasilus rylovi 99, 100 - multistriata 89 Paragarjajewia 111 - torquata 89 Paranais 286 Piscicolidae 88, 89, 92, 186, 287 Parapallasea 112, 224, 296 Pisidium 126, 127, 132, 172, 173, 175, - borowskii 201 205,276 - puzylli 113,201,207 - amnicum 172, 173, 207 Parasaldanellonix 118 -- var. baicalensis 192 - baicalense 118 - baicalense 208, 210 - parisculatus 118 - henslowanum 172, 173 - typhlops 118 - korotnewi 186, 188, 192, 194, 195, Parasilurus asotus 144 207, 208, 213 Paratanytarsus 173 - maculatum 186, 187, 188, 195 Paratorix 90 - subtruncatum 172, 173 - baicalensis 90, 91,92 Planaria 71 Pediastrum 240 P1anariidae 71 Peloscolex 85, 87 Planorbidae 127, 132, 133, 274, 277 - inflatus 84, 87, 159 Planorbinae 127 - velutinus 87 Planorbis 62, 127, 273, 276, 277 Pennatae 151 - gredleri 173 Perca fluviatilis 100, 144, 174, 175, 285 - leucostoma 173 Perch 98, 166, 205, 210, 213, 214 - paradoxus 133 Percidae 144 Plecoptera 119, 148, 163, 273, 291 Peridineae 151 Plesiogammarus gerstaeckeri 198 Peridinium baicalense 153, 155,228 - zienkowiczi 198 Peritricha 59, 60 Pleuroceridae 281 Philometra rischba 77 Ploesoma hudsoni 79 Phoca s.a. seal - truncatum 79 - caspica 146, 146,224 Plumatella emarginata 136 - hispida 77, 223 - fungosa 136 -- caspica 224 - repens 136 - sibirica 145, 145, 289 Poekilogammarus 112, 224, 297 - (Pusa) sibirica 145,146,252 - araneolus 186, 192, 208 337

Poekilogammarus cyanurus, plate 11 Psilotanytarsus 173 - pictus 194, 195, 198, 201, 213 Pulmonata 127, 132 - rostratus 201 Pusa 147 - ssukatzewi 198 - caspica 147 Polyacanthisca 110, 296 - hispida 147 - calceolata 201 - sibirica 147 Polyarthra euryptera 78 Pyrgulinae 135, 275 - trigla 78, 79, 237 Pyrrophyta 155 Polychaeta 81, 148, 149, 185, 187, 206, Pyrus 18 209 Polycotylus 71, 73, 198, 201, 287, 298, Radema 120, 301 300 - infernalis 119 Polycystidae 70 Radiophrya 61, 62 Polycystis angarensis 69 Radiophrynae 62 Polygonum 151 Radix 277 - amphibium 171,183 - auricularia 159, 163, 205 Pompholicodea 133 Raphidascaria 77 Pontogammarus 116 - ascus 77 Pontoporeja 115, 224 Reptilia 273 - affinis 115, 221, 222, 224 Rhabdocoela 69, 70, 71 Populus tremula 18 Rhabdocoelidae 184 Porifera 291 Rhododendron dahuricum 18 Potamobius 281 Rhodophyta 151, 152 Potamogeton 69, 81, 151, 171, 179, 183, Rhyacodrilus 85, 87 187, 190, 212 - coccineus 87, 172, 175 Proasellus 109 - korotnevi 87 Probaicalia 135, 273 Rhynchelmis 86, 88 Procladius 173 - brachycephala 84, 85, 198, 199, 201, Procottus 76, 78, 139 202, 210, 298 - jettelesi 138, 195, 199, 202 - komareki 86 Propappus 86, 87 - limosella 86 - glandulosus 86, 184 - orientalis 86 - volki 86, 159, 175, 192 Rimacephalus 72 Prorodon garganellae 61 Rissoida 275 - morula 61 Roach s.a. Rutilus rutilus lacustris Prosobranchia 127, 149 - 98, 99, 166, 205, 210, 213, 214 Prososthenia 281 Rotaliidae 56 Proteocephalus longicollis 75 Rotatoria 78, 148, 216, 237, 239, 241, - torulosus 76 252, 259, 285, 302 Protoclepsis tesselata 88 Rutilus rutilus lacustris s.a. roach Protococcineae 151, 155, 156 --- 144, 174, 175,285 Protozoa 56, 147 Protziidae 117 Sabellidae 81 Provorticidae 69 Sabellinae 81, 82 Pseudalibrotus 224 Sagittaria 151 Pseudamicruropus 110 Sainschandia 273 Pseudancylastrum 127, 132, 134, 218 Salmincola cottidarum 98, 99, 100, 219, - kobelti 132, 133 226 - sibiricum 126, 133,220 - extumescens 98, 100 Pseudocancona 102, 103 - thymalli baicalensis 99 - bispinosa 103 Salmonidae 143 - elongata 103 Salvelinus 143 - gajewskaja 103 - alpinus erithrinus 143, 225, 269, 287 - insulpta 103 Scenedesmus 156 - zschokkei 103 Schizocerca diversicornis 78 Pseudoechinorhynchus lenok 78 Scirpus 151 Pseudolirion 18 Seal, s.a. Phoca, Pusa 338

Seal 126, 141,145, 170,205,225,251, - papyracea 63, 65, 66 279, 281, 282, 284, 290, 302 Swartschewskiella 155 Segmentina 277 - hemisphaerica 155 Semireductus 173 Sykidion 156 Senicella calanoides 221 - gomphonematis 156 Sergentia 123, 124, 163 Synchaeta johanseni 80 - baicalensis 124 - pachypoda 78, 79, 80, 80, 81, 228, - coracicum 124 232,241 - 1. koschowi 123, 124 - pectinata 78 - longiventris 124 - stylata 78, 79 Sericostomatidae 119 Syndiamesa orientalis 124 Sida crystallina 105 Synedra 244, 249, 259 Silurus 281 - acus 229 Siphonocladineae 151, 156, 157 -- var. radians 154 Sorocelis 71, 210, 291 - ulna 229 - guttata 71 -- var. danica 154, 240 - hepatizon 71, 72, 210, plate I Synura 152 - nigrofasciata 71, 72, 186, 192, 195, plate I Tabellaria 154 - stringulata 72, plate I - fenestrata 154 Sparganium 151, 171 - flocculosa 154 Spathidiosus bursa 59, 61 Taimen s.a. Hucho taimen Sphaeriidae 127 - 99 Sphaerium 62, 126, 127, 132 Tanytarsini 182 - baicalense 165, 186, 205, 207, 208, T anytarsus 123 210, 212 Tardigrada 118, 148 - corneum 172, 173 Teleostei 272 Sphaerocystis (Gloeococcus) Schroeteri 156 Teleuscolex 85, 87 Spaeronostoc pruniforme 152 - korotneffi 84, 186, 192, 195, 208 Spinacanthus 111, 116 Testudo 277 - parasiticus 67 Tetracotyle percae fluviatilis 75 Spiralina 277 Tetraspora 156, 183, 190 Spirochona 61 - cylindrica 178 Spirotricha 59 -- var. bullosa 156 Spirurata 77 - lubrica 156 Spongia 62, 68, 147, 148, 185 Tetrasporacea 156 Spongilla 67 Tetrasporopsis 152 Spongillidae 62, 68, 147, 276, 277, 285 - reticulata 152 Squirrel 122 Tetraonchus borealis 72 Stagnicola 277 Thamastes 120 - palustris 158 - dipterus 120, 121,300 Stephanodiscus Binderanus 154,237,240, Thamastini 119 241,242,244 Thermacarus thermobius 117 Stratonostoc verrucosum 152 Thermobathynella 106 Sturgeon s.a. Acipenser Thymallus S.a. grayling - 174, 205, 210, 215, 286 - 75, 78, 143, 286 Stygothrombium 117, 118 - arcticus 143, 302 - vermiformis 118 -- baicalensis 143, 174, 183, 185, Stylaria lacustris 175 205,286 Stylodrilus 86 -- brevipinnis 143, 175, 196, 286 Styloscolex 85, 88, 199 Thysanoplana papillosa 72, plate I - baicalensis 187, 195 Tiarella baicalensis 59, 62 - japonicus 85 Tintinnidium 228 Suctoria 59, 60 - fluviatile f. cylindrica 59, 61 Sulcigera comosa 61 Tintinnoidea 61, 222 Sulcigeriidae 61 Tintinnopsis davidoffi var. cylindrica f. Swartschewskia 63 minima 59, 61 339

Tolypothrix distorta 152 - zonata 156, 178, 182 Toricinae 90, 91, 92, 288, 289 U roglena 152 Torix 91 Unio 62, 275, 276, 277 - baicalensis 90 Unionidae 127, 274, 275, 276, 291 - cotylifer 91 - minus 90 Vaccinium myrtillus 17 Tracheliaster polycolpus 99 - uliginosus 17 Trachelobdella 185 - vitis idaea 17 - torquata 184 Vaginicola 61 - (Piscicola) torquata 89,92 Valvata 127, 274 Trachidermis 145 - aliena 134, 163, 172, 173 Trematodes 72, 148 -- ssorensis 207 Triaenophorus nodulosus 76 - baicalensis 126, 128, 166, 186 Tribonema 155 - bathybia 129, 198, 199, 201 Trichocerca 78 - lauta 208 Trichodina domerguei baicalensis 62 - piligera 192, 198, 207, 213 Trichoptera s.a. caddis-fly - (M egalovalvata) piligera nudicari- - 119,148,163,172,183,185,188,273, nata 128 285, 287, 291, 301 - piscinalis 134, 277 Triclada 71 - sibirica 173 Tricladida 71 - tricarinata 134 Trigonoides 273 Valvatidae 127, 132, 134 Troglochaetus 82 Vermes 192, 196 Trombidida 117 V ictorella 137 Tryonix 91 Viviparus 273, 275, 276, 277 Tubifex 201 Viviparidae 275, 276, 291 - inflatus 186, 192, 195, 199 Volvocineae 151, 155 Tubificidae 84, 85, 87 Volvox 240 Tulotoma 275 V orticella 61, 231, 235 Turbellaria 69, 148, 185, 188, 203, 206, 209, 287, 291, 297, 299 Xanthophyta 151, 155

Ulothrichineae 151, 156, 157 67, 156 UlotMix 183, 190


Abyssal group community 302 Amphipoda 109 - species, gigantism 298 Anaspidacea 106 - -, nanism 298 Ancient Central Asian Basins, descen• - zone, morphology 200 dents 287 - -, fauna 201 Angara, colonisation by Baikalian fauna - -, zoo benthos 200 218 Abyssocottus bergianus, parasites 99 -, fauna 220 Acanthocephala 77 Arachnoidea 117 Adaptation 300 Archean crystalline rocks, composition - to predatory life 300 7 Affiuents 24 Arctic ocean, boreal transgression 221, -, chemical composition of water 47 223 Air, temperature 16 - -, immigrants 289 Algae 150, 152 Asellidae, distribution 109 -, vertical distribution 259 Asprocottus, parasites 57 Allopatric speciation 292, 293, 294 Authochthonous speciation 295 340

Bacteria 157 Coregonus, parasites 75, 76, 78 -, role in food chain 192, 253 - autumnalis migratorius, s.a. omul -, seasonal changes 235 -- -, vertical migrations 254 Bacterial plankton, seasonal changes Cottidae, abscesses and tumours 56 235,236 -, parasites 56 Baikai shield 268 Cottocomephoridae, parasites 226 Baicalia, speciation 294 Cottocomephorus 139 Baicaliidae, nervous system 131 -, parasites 74, 75, 76, 77, 78 Baikalian complex 158 -, vertical migrations 254 -- proper 302 Cottoidei, abyssal species 204 Barguzin Gulf, morphology 208 -, parasites, 57, 75, 76, 78, 89, 99, 100 - -, zoobenthos 208 Crepidostomum baicalense, parasites 75 Batrachocottus, parasites 74, 77, 78 Crustacean plankton, distribution 239 Bathyal group community 302 - -, relation to distribution of tem- Benthos, distribution in Sors 171, 174 perature 239 -, in big gulfs 204 - -, seasonal and annualchanges 237, -, - open Baikai, horizontal division 238 176 - -, vertical distribution 254 -, --- ,vertical zonation 177 Currents 29 Biocoenotic factor 170 Cyclopoida 94 Biogenous elements, in open water 48 Cyclops, seasonal and annual changes Biological seasons 230 237,238 Biota, genetic groups 285 -, vertical distribution 253 Birds, role in spread of fauna 227 Cyclotella, seasonal and annual changes Bottom soH, influence on benthos 178 233 - vegetation, in open Baikai 178 Cyprinidae, parasites 74,75,100 - water, chemical composition 54 Brachymystax lenok, parasites 78, 100 Dace, parasites 75, 76, 77, 99 Bryozoa 135 Depth 5 Burbot, parasites 75, 77, 78 -, relation with chemical composition 49 Carbon dioxyde 53 -, - with endemism 295 - -, vertical distribution in water 49 - zones, areas 20 Cestoda 75 Diatom algae, seasonal and annual -, parasitic, 75, 76 changes 232 Chemical composition in relation to - crop, fluctuations 247 depth 49 Diatomea 153 - factors on fauna and flora 166 Digena 75 Chemistry of water 46 Diptera 123 Chironomidae 123 Drainage 24 Chivyrkui gulf, morphology 204 Dzhegetai Lake 68, 288 - -, fauna 205 - -, vegetation 205 Entomostraca 92 Chlorides, vertical distribution in water Epilimnion 42 49 Epischura 92 Choanomphalus, speciation 293 -, life cycle 92 Cladocera 105 -, seasonal and annual changes 237, Climate 15 238, 255 -, changes 277,278 -, - migrations 265 Coelenterata 68 -, vertical distribution 253, 262, 263, Comephorus 139 265,266 -, parasites 57, 74, 76 -, - migrations 255 -, vertical migrations 254 -, zoogeography 94 Communication with oceans 279 Eulimnogammarus viridis, parasites 75 Convection inversion 29 Evolution of fauna 290 Copepoda, parasitic 98, 99, 100 Coregonidae, parasites 75, 100 Fauna complex 158 341

Fauna complex, composition 147 Glaciation 278 -, distribution 147, 148, 158 -, influence on adaptation 301 -, evolution 290 Gmelinoides fasciatus, parasites 75, 78 -, formation 61 Grayling, parasites 72, 75, 76, 99 -, origin 279 Gulf-Sors 171 -, spread outside Baikal218 Gulfs, composition of plankton 241 -, systematic composition 56 Gwyniad, parasites 57, 75, 76, 77, 98, 99 Faunal elements, influence of water Gymnodinium, fluctuations 234 temperature 161 Fish, congeneric ties 144 HarpacticQida 100 -, in Posolsky Sor 174 -, similarity with North American spe- -, influence of chemical and thermal eies 102 factors 166 Hirudinea 88 -, migrations in relation to distribu- -, digestive tracts 91 tion of plankton 228 -, parasitic 89 Fish, zoogeography 144 Hucho taimen, parasites 100 Fishing, catchments 144 Hydrachnellae 117 Flagellata 56 Hydro-power projects 227 Flora 150 Hydrology 5 - complex 158 Hypolimnion 43 -. distribution 158 -. origin 279 Ice, break-up 32, 37 Flowering plants 151 -, thickness 40, 256 Fluvial waters, influence on thermal - cover, formation 35 regime 34, 35 Ide, parasites 57, 75, 76 Food relationships 251, 252, 253, 254, Illumination above water 263 - -, adaptation to 300 -- -, seasonal changes 265 Fossil gastropods 134, 273, 274, 275, Immigrants 289 276, 277, 281, 301 -, from Baikai 218 - sponges 68, 276, 277 Immiseibility of faunal elements 159, - terrestrial flora 277 167, 168 Freezing of water 39 Infusoria 57 -, commensal61 Gammaridae 109 -, parasitic 59, 61, 62 -, biotopes 110, 114 Insecta 119 -, distribution 114, 115, 116 Interspecific contacts 251 -, - in Littoral-Sor zone 176 Interstitial waters, chemical composi• -, -- Littoral zone 190 tion 54 -, -- Sors 175 Iron, annual changes in water 48 -, coloration 110 Isolation of fauna from neighbouring -, cutaneous outgrowths 110 faunae 277 -, habitats 114 Isopoda 107 -, horizontal division in open Baikai Islands, geographical position 21 176 -, morphology 110 Khubsugul, fauna 227 -, origin 117 Kultuk 29 -, osmotic pressure 116 -, parasites 56, 59, 61, 75, 89 Lake-sors 170 , propagation 114 Lacustrine-sor fauna 159 Gastropods, fossil 134, 273, 274, 275, 276, Lenok, parasites 99 277, 281, 301 Light 248 Genetic Groups in biota 285 -, influence on development of Algae Geological history 268 248 Geology 7, 268 -, -- migration of crustaceans 267 Geography 5 -, -- pigmentation 299 Gigantism 298 -, -- speeiation 299 Glaeial relicts 223, 224 -, intensity 256,260 342

Light period and intensity 256, 260, 263, parasites 61 265,266 -, relationships with other faunae 132 Limnocottus, parasites 74 systematics 127 Limnophiles 285 -, tertiary Ponto-Caspian (Balkan) Limnophilidae, origin 122 faunae 135 Limnorheophiles 285 -, thinness of shell 130 Littoral group community 302 Monogena 72 sor complex 302 Morphology of Baikai basin 19 - zone, 158, 159, 170 - -, fauna and flora 170 Nanism 298 zone 181 Nematodes 76 , benthos 181 -, parasitic 76, 77, 78 -, fauna 183 Neotenie species 298 -, vegetation 182 Nitrates, annual changes in water 48 Lubomirskiidae, occurrence 67 -, changes with depth 49 , skeletal spicules 65 Norilsk lake, fauna 221 -, skeleton 66 Nyasa lake, 292, 293 - -, speciation 293 Macrohectopus branicki, parasites 77 Malacostraca 106 Ohrid lake 62, 68, 70, 71, 84, 103, 104, Maloye More, composition of plankton 181, 193, 243, 281 242 Oligochaeta 84 fauna 212 -, parasites 61, 62, 79 morphology 210 -, systematics 85, 86 , vegetation 210 Omul s.a. Coregonus autumnalis migra• Mammalia 145 torius Manayunkia, development 81 , annual migrations 142 , distribution 83, 222, 225, 227 -, horizontal feeding migrations 264 -, origin 83 -, influence of temperature on feeding -, relative species 82 266 baicalensis 81 -, life cyde 142 , development 83 -, migrations 243 - -, distribution 83 parasites 75, 76, 77, 98, 99 -- -, origin and migration 81 shoals 142 Manganese, annual changes in water 48 speed of movement 263 Marine origin of fauna 282 Ostracoda 102 ]1;1 elania, parasites 90 Oxidizability of water 49, 50 Melosira, seasonal and annual fluctua- Oxygen, diurnal changes in water 52 tions 232 seasonal changes in water 51 - baicalensis, vertical distribution 259 -, vertical distribution in water 49, 50 Metalimnion 43 Migrations of fish, influence of chemical P/B factor (Production/Biomass) 217 and thermal factors 166 pR 54 -- pelagic fish 228 Palaeontological research 273 -, vertical, of mass pelagic dwellers 251 Paracottus 139 Miller's thumbs, parasites 56, 59 -, parasites 75, 76, 219 Minnow, parasites 99 Parasites 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 72, 74, Mollusca 126 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 89, 90, 98, 99, 100, depths 129 126, 147, 219, 226, 289 -, fossil 134, 273 Pelagic Cottoidei, horizontal feeding mi- genitalia 131, 132 grations 264 , horizontal division in open Baikai - fish, seasonal migrations 254 176 - -, vertical distribution 254 -, influence of temperature on genital - group community 302 products 166 Perca fluviatilis, parasit es 75, 77, 78, 98, , nervous system 131 100 -, on sands 186 Phoca 145 343

Phoca hispida, parasites 77 Siberian complex 158, 285 Phosphate, annual changes in water 48 - Baikalian biogeographical complex -, changes with depth 49 286 Photosynthesis 245, 247, 267 -- complex 158 Photosynthetic production 245 - European fauna, representations 285 Phytobenthos 156 Silicon, annual changes in water 48 Phytoplankton, production 245, 246 -, changes with depth 49 -, seasona1 and annual changes 235 Sinkiang tertiary fauna 274 Pigmentation 299 Snow, thickness 17, 256 Pike, parasites 57, 75, 76, 77, 98 Soil, chemical composition 53 Pisces 138 -, distribution in Littoral sor zone 178 Plankton, composition 228 -, relation with biomass of zoobenthos -, distributionandseasonal changes228 172, 173 -, horizontal distribution 229 -, types 23 -, of big 'guUs 241 -, vertical distribution in open Baikai - littoral sor seetion 236 179 - Maloye More 242 Sorocelis 56 -, - open Baikai 228 -, parasites 56 -, -- -, annual changes 244 Sors 23, 171 -, - pre-estuarine regions 240 -, fish population 174, 175 -, seasonal changes 229, 230 South Siberia, fossil terrestrial fauna 277 -, vertical distribution 229 Spatial isolation 297 -, - migration 255 Spawning of fish 141, 142, 143 - eating fish, diurnal rhythm of mi- Speciation 282, 286, 291, 292, 293, 299 gration 266 -, allopatric 292, 293, 294 -- -, feeding period 243 -, authochthonous 295 -- -, migrations 242 -, sympatric 292, 293 Plecoptera 119 Spongia 62 Polychaeta 81 -, reproduction 62, 63 Posolsky Sor, biomass of zoobenthos Sporozoa 56 172, 174 -, parasitic 56, 57 - -, distribution of benthos 171 Sterlet, parasites 75 - -, fauna 171,174 Sturgeon, parasites 75, 76, 89 - -, flora 171 Sublittoral zone, fauna 194 Precipitation 17 - -, morphology 193 Pre-estuarine regions, composition of - -, zoobenthos 193 plankton 240 Sulphates, vertical distribution in water Procottus, parasites 76, 78 49 Protozoa 56 Supra-abyssal zone, fauna 198 Proval gulf, distribution of benthos 174 -- -, morphology 197 - -, fauna 175 -- -, zoobenthos 197 Sympatric speciation 292, 293 Rhabdocoela 69 Synedra, vertical distribution 259 -, heliotropism 71 -, origin 71 Taiga 18 Rhizopoda 56 Taimen, parasites 99 Roach, parasites 98, 99 Taimyr lake, fauna 222 Rotatoria 78 Tanganyika lake 292, 293 - -, speciation 293 Salmonids, parasites 76 Tannu-Ola, Pliocene fauna 277 Seal 145 Tapeworms 75 -, life cyc1e 146 Tectonic depressions 269, 270 -, morphology 146 Temperature, of air 15 -, parasites 76, 77, 126, 147 -, - water 28,161,230,256,260,261, , presence in Baikai 279 265,266 Sea, transgression 223, 225 Terraces 21, 133, 134, 271, 275 Sediments 54 -, on banks 271 344

Terraces, tertiary 275, 276, 301 - level 26 Tertiary, dimate 277, 278 -, temperature, 28, 161, 230, 240, 256, - fauna, 274, 275, 276, 281 260, 261, 265, 266 - Ho1arctic Region, descendents 287 -, -, accumulated 45 Thermoisop1eths 41 -, -, correlation with plankton bio- Thymallus, parasites 75, 78 mass 236 Transparency of water 45, 46, 240, 250, distribution 239, 250 256, 260 influence on algae 248 Tree-line 17 -, -, influence on fauna and flora 161 Trematodes 72 -, -, influence on faunal elements 161 -, parasitic 72, 74, 75 -, -, influence on fee ding of omul 266 Trichoptera 119 , ,influence on genital products of adaptation 300, 301 mollusks 166 -,life cyde 120, 121, 122 -, -, influence on plankton biom ass origin 120, 122, 123 236 -, systematics 119 -, - influence on zooplankton, 249, Tridadida 71 250 Trophic rela tionshi ps 251 -, -, seasonal changes 254, 265 Trophogenous zone 229 -, -, - and annual fluctuations Troughs 19 237, 238 Tryonix, parasites 79 -, -, vertica1 distribution 254 Turbellaria 69 West-Siberian tertiary fauna 274, 277 -, parasites 60, 61 Wind 28, 29, 236 Turgai flora 278 -, influence on water level 28 Withering of foliate plants 18 Vegetation 17 -, in Chivyrkui Gulf 205 Zoobenthos, biom ass 172, 173, 174, 175, - Littoral sor zone 178 185, 187, 188, 192, 193, 195, 196, 199, -- zone 183 200, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, - Maloye More 210 212, 213, 214, 215, 216 - open Baikai 178 -, -, influence of bottom 172 of mountain taiga 18 Zoogeographica1 zonation 149 , - - slopes 17 Zoogeography 147 Vertica1 migration of mass pelagic dwell• Zooplankton, biom ass 233, 234, 236, ers 251 239, 240, 241, 244, 245, 246, 250 - zonation 180, 181 , distribution 250 Vitim drainage, fauna 226 -, influence of temperature 249, 250 -, production 246 Water, chemical composition 46, 47 -, rhythm of diurnal vertical migra- -, circu1ation 28 tion 266 - environment, as a factor on fauna seasonal changes 254 and flora 161 -, - and annual changes 237, 238 - -, as a factor on plankton crop 247 -, vertical distribution 254


Page 1, line 35: for specialisation read speciation 3, 34: " specialisation speciation 68, 9: " Pachydictym Pachydictyum 79, 12: labsis labis 84, " 27: buthius bythius 86, 2: " pygmaeus pygmeus 116, " 24: " Grangonyx Crangonyx 157, 7: " Geminiphora Gemmiphora 213, " 38: tenucosta tenuicosta