
Universitetet i Universitetsdirektøren

Til Universitetsstyret Fra Universitetsdirektøren

Sakstype: Informasjonssak Møtesaksnr.: I-sak 2 Møtenr.: 13/2020 Møtedato: 8. desember 2020 Notatdato: 27. november 2020 Arkivsaksnr.: Saksbehandler: Marianne Knarud, seniorrådgiver Universitetsdirektørens stab

Status og veien videre for Circle U. European University

European University Initiative er et initiativ fra EU-kommisjonen. Ambisjonen er å styrke kvaliteten og konkurranseevnen til europeisk høyere utdanning, samt styrke det europeiske fellesskapet gjennom kunnskapsutjevning og utvikling. Totalt består initiativet nå av over 280 europeiske universiteter fordelt på 41 nettverk som er tildelt status som European Universities etter en åpen konkurranse. 9. juli 2020 offentliggjorde EU-kommisjonen at Circle U. var blant alliansene som fikk tittel og finansiering som European University. Circle U. består av Universitetet i Oslo, Aarhus Universitet (Danmark), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Tyskland), King’s College London (Storbritannia), Université de Paris (Frankrike), Univerzitet u Beogradu (Serbia) og Université catholique de Louvain (Belgia). Circle U. er den eneste alliansen som ledes fra Norge, og den eneste alliansen som ledes fra et ikke-medlemsland.

Til sammen består Circle U. av omlag 334 000 studenter og 51 000 ansatte, og har som mål å være et banebrytende samarbeid for å skape en sømløs felleseuropeisk campus for de syv samarbeidsuniversitetene. Circle U. er et treårig prosjekt, men også en langsiktig ambisjon for mer langsiktig og integrert utdanningssamarbeid med kobling til forskning og innovasjon, hvor ulike former for mobilitet skal inngå på alle nivåer i utdanningen. De syv universitetene er alle sterke forskningsintensive breddeuniversiteter, lokalisert i europeiske hovedsteder eller store byer. Felles styrker og interesser, samt mange sammenfallende utfordringer, danner grunnlaget for Circle U. og de felles målene som partnerne har satt.

Styret fikk i oktober 2019 en orientering om hovedlinjene i prosjektet, og er holdt løpende orientert om prosjektets fremdrift gjennom 2020. I møtet vil styret få en mer detaljert presentasjon av aktiviteter og tidslinjer for prosjektet, og hvordan dette skal berede grunnen for å nå de langsiktige målene med Circle U.

Arne Benjaminsen universitetsdirektør

Marianne Knarud Seniorrådgiver

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Vedlegg: - Mission statement for Circle U.

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Mission statement of Circle U. European University

I-sak 2 - side 3 av 16 We, (), Humboldt University of Berlin (), King’s College London (), Université de Paris (), (Serbia), University of Louvain () and University of Oslo () have agreed to combine our expertise and common interests to build a European University with the name Circle U.

Our vision: By 2025, Circle U. is an inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary European university. Students, staff and partners from civil society, businesses and the public sector collaborate to jointly develop competencies and solutions for keeping Europe and our planet healthy, peaceful, democratic and prosperous.

Our mission: Empowering our students and staff to mobilize knowledge for impact in order to make the world a better place.

We are strongly committed to each other Our Alliance consists of seven equally-committed universities with a shared dedication to Circle U.’s long-term transformational processes and future. Our Alliance is grounded in existing and solid partnerships; however Circle U. represents a considerable shift in our commitment to each other. Since the initial Memorandum of Understanding was signed in October 2018, our diverse communities have been involved in the co-construction of the Alliance. Students actively contribute to our development process and their inputs were crucial in the drafting of our proposal.

We share the same values Our seven universities are all comprehensive, research-intensive universities firmly built on academic freedom and integrity as fundamental values. Each play important roles in shaping national and regional higher education and research systems. As role models, we share the awareness of our special responsibility to inclusiveness and to society at large. We share the same commitment to our students by continuously developing innovative and creative ways to teach and learn, focusing on research-based and interdisciplinary knowledge.

We embrace European identity in all our diversity We are likeminded universities, enriching each other with our variety of cultures, histories and geographic locations. Regional diversity is important in our Alliance. We encompass universities from Erasmus+ programme countries outside the European Union, including differing relationships to the European Union. This knitting together of Europe brings the European Union closer together, and also contributes to the building of a broader European identity. We view this as a strength, as it sends a strong message to citizens in favour of diversity and inclusion.

We strive for the same goals Our Circle, grounded in a dedication to ethical principles and a sustainable society, links together our missions in education, research, innovation and service to society, and paves the way for the universities of the future. Initiatives in key areas make these links stronger and concrete and focus efforts on sustainability. Our Alliance transforms our way of interacting with each other and with our external partners, and help us to shape the future of the European Education and Research Areas to the benefit of our students, staff and society at large.

We are

I-sak 2 - side 4 av 16 University of Oslo

Aarhus University

Humboldt King’s University College Berlin London University of Louvain

Université de Paris

University of Belgrade

University University University Aarhus of Oslo of Belgrade of Louvain University 30,770 Students 94,324 Students 30,694 Students 34,893 Students 18,000 Bachelor students 64,879 Bachelor students 13,721 Bachelor students 19,439 Bachelor students 9,700 Master students 23,161 Master students 12,371 Master students 13,641 Master students 3,070 Ph.d. students 6,284 Ph.d. students 2,112 Ph.d. students 1,813 Ph.d. students 6,670 Staff 8,513 Staff 6,054 Staff 7,872 Staff 4,000 Academic and scientific 5,335 Academic and scientific 4,075 Academic and scientific 4,386 Academic and scientific 2,670 Administrative 3,178 Administrative 1,979 Administrative 3,486 Administrative 8 Faculties 31 Faculties 14 Faculties 5 Faculties 166 Study programmes 354 Study programmes 241 Study programmes 193 Study programmes

333,388 Students Humboldt Université King’s 199,165 Bachelor students University de Paris College 95,364 Master students Berlin London 36,369 Ph.d. students 41,024 Students 61,778 Students 39,905 Students 27,398 Bachelor students 31,951 Bachelor students 23,777 Bachelor students 50,967 Staff 10,115 Master students 14,109 Master students 12,267 Master students 29,173 Academic and scientific 3,511 Ph.d. students 15,718 Ph.d. students 3,861 Ph.d. students 5,750 Staff 7,500 Staff 8,608 Staff 21,794 Administrative 2,350 Academic and scientific 4,500 Academic and scientific 4,527 Academic and scientific 79 Faculties 3,400 Administrative 3,000 Administrative 4,081 Administrative 9 Faculties 3 Faculties 9 Faculties 2,216 Study programmes 189 Study programmes 308 Study programmes 765 Study programmes I-sak 2 - side 5 av 16 CONTENTS

Unfolding the vision...... 5 An inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary European university...... 6 Sustainable and inclusive mobility for all ��������������������������������������������������������� 6 An inclusive European university ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 A joint strategy for integrating education, research, innovation in service to society ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Keeping Europe and our planet healthy, peaceful, democratic and prosperous ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7

Unfolding the mission ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 Empowering students and staff ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Mobilizing knowledge for impact to contribute to a sustainable society and biosphere ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 The platforms...... 9 The enabling factor ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11

Ready to go from day one ������������������������������������������������������������������������������12

Beyond the pilot phase...... 13

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UNFOLDING THE VISION The post-war European project has brought peace and prosperity beyond anyone’s expectation. As the world around us becomes more fractured, unsettled and unsustainable, never has preserving the planet and furthering the European project been so important. The central challenges Europe and the world face – poverty, inequality, climate change and a need for a green transformation, migration, a growing digital divide and health inequity – can only be resolved through collective action.

Circle U. aims to be a key contributor to resolving these challenges by jointly producing and sharing knowledge, but also by ensuring that:

• Students and staff have the skillset, mind-set and values to use that knowledge to contribute to society, and to cooperate across disciplines, sectors and national borders. • Students and staff are able to connect meaningfully to external stakeholders to mobilize that knowledge into transformative actions for society through interaction with public, private and civil society actors.

Joining forces, we want to provide a new model to transform the knowledge triangle into an ethically-principled knowledge square, building even stronger links between education, research, innovation and service to society, encompassing policy makers as well as citizens.

We have worked closely with our students, staff, academics and external stakeholders during the past 18 months to find the best solutions to making Circle U. an international, inclusive, innovative and agile university ecosystem. We are jointly committed to this transformational change and to developing a blueprint for a truly flagship European university:

• We will act as a developer and testing ground for new concepts in higher education and research cooperation, also in line with the continuous reskilling and lifelong learning agenda. • We will provide proof of concepts for new approaches to boosting mobility, co-designing courses and learning processes, and linking education and research. • We will disseminate best practices from our own initiatives and other peer institutions. • We will serve as convenors for multi-stakeholder conversations.

By doing this we will further empower our 334,000 students and 51,000 staff to mobilize their knowledge into transformative actions for society. Ultimately, this will lead to an even stronger and more effective contribution to a sustainable society and biosphere, thus making the world a better place.

Our vision can be divided into two parts: 1) Circle U. will be an inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary European university. 2) Students, staff and partners from civil society, businesses and the public sector will collaborate to jointly develop competencies and solutions for keeping Europe and our planet healthy, peaceful, democratic and prosperous.

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In the following section we will describe how Circle U. will achieve the first part of its vision of becoming an inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary European university. Further down we describe how we will accomplish the second part, namely cooperating to keep Europe and our planet healthy, peaceful, democratic and prosperous.

An inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary European university By 2025, we will have built a truly integrated European University where students and staff can work seamlessly together through a joint framework of policies, procedures and infrastructures. This framework will form the organisational basis to facilitate our shared activities to support the integration of education, research and innovation in service to society at an unprecedented global scale.

Sustainable and inclusive mobility for all Being able to see the world through the eyes of another is a fundamental skill that we seek to develop in our students and staff. Transnational learning experiences are of paramount importance to foster a mind-set that enables one to think and act effectively in a multicultural environment. More than ever, international collaboration is needed to tackle the major challenges that Europe and the world face, since these challenges are all transnational.

We will develop joint policies, administrative procedures and IT infrastructures that will simplify mobility for students and staff, integrate mobility into the curriculum, provide support for students and staff with special needs and secure cost-efficient administration. This will lead to a significant increase in the international exposure of our students and staff in the pilot phase, and prepare for a significant upscaling and expansion in the next phase of our cooperation, which aims to secure international experience for everyone.

Although physical mobility will be an important element in enabling the long-term integration of our universities, our joint framework will also reflect our common themes of sustainability and inclusion. Our practices must reflect the dire need to reduce our universities’ carbon footprint and minimise air travel. Students, who for some reason are prevented from going on exchanges, must be included. This means that physical mobility must be complemented by a well-developed infrastructure for blended learning, digital learning cooperation and virtual mobility, so as to bring our partner universities into the classrooms of our own campuses.

An inclusive European university Providing equal access to education is a moral imperative and a way to secure Europe’s , social cohesion, competitiveness and innovative capacity. No potential should be wasted, regardless of ethnic or social background, gender or geography. To ensure that we are a diverse and inclusive university we will put extra emphasis on supporting first-year students by creating a well-planned funnel into university life and improving the social and academic integration of students. The aim is to support groups of students less likely to enrol – or at risk of dropping out. The initiatives proposed have been put forward by our student representatives, and students will be in the driver seat when these initiatives are further developed. The active role of the students also reflects another aspect of inclusiveness in Circle U.; our student representatives have played a central role in the design of our Alliance, and they will continue to do so as active participants in the co-developmentI-sak 2 -of side learning 8 activities av 16 and design of their own courses of study. 7

A joint strategy for integrating education, research, innovation in service to society We will build on our strong tradition of comprehensive universities that has fuelled our successful contributions to society for more than a century: fostering the highest quality standards in research, teaching critical thinking and scientific methods, creating novel understandings by crossing disciplinary borders and by bridging the past and the present, and reaching out to external partners for transferring our knowledge and techniques in service of development at the regional, national and international levels. We are committed to bringing our communities together and to connect our regional ecosystems to deepen our interaction with society in the years to come and to build an even richer, relevant and more active set of collaborations with stakeholders in the civil, public and private sectors.

The long-term success of Circle U. will hinge on our ability to integrate education, research and innovation in service to society. Our common themes of Climate, Democracy and Global Health will be part of our mission and will be explored through the development of learning activities embracing all four sides of the knowledge square. To ensure the sustainability of our alliance, we will build infrastructure that supports the development of activities that tie closer links between education, research, innovation and service to society at a global scale. Dedicated platforms and a powerful enabling factor (described below) will act as a catalyst to join our expertise and foster cross-border collaborations. This will be further supported by seed funding for student led initiatives and teaching activities linking education and research. We will also develop procedures for sharing the universities’ research infrastructures, and launch a cross-university networking system for the joint development of European funding applications.

In the next section we describe how we will reach the second part of our vision, where students, staff and partners from civil society, businesses and the public sector collaborate to jointly develop competencies and solutions for keeping Europe and our planet healthy, peaceful, democratic and prosperous.

Keeping Europe and our planet healthy, peaceful, democratic and prosperous Addressing the wide range of complex global challenges highlighted by the Sustainable Development Goals requires a strong commitment from universities. Comprehensive universities with a proven ability to couple education, research, innovation and service to society can contribute with integrated approaches to address these complex challenges. These are features and strengths shared by the Circle U. partners.

Building on the 2018 European Commission BOHEMIA strategic foresight study (Transitions on the Horizon: Perspectives for the European Union’s future research and innovation policies, see Figure A) and in consultation with our academic staff and students, we have identified three thematic areas where we can pool our existing strengths within education, research, innovation and service to society to make a substantial impact on the sustainability agenda: Climate, Global Health and Democracy.

Across all three topics, we will closely collaborate with external stakeholders. We received overwhelming support from our city and/or regional authorities, our linked hospitals, civil society and businesses to join Circle U. as associated partners.

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Student Led Sustainable Innovation UNFOLDING Innovation: Harnessing THE MISSION the forces of change

Governance: Joining forces for a better world

Social needs: Providing for the The biosphere: needs of people Safeguarding a hospitable planet

Figure A. Grouping of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations into four transitions that European Research and Innovation policies should tackle to shape the future according to the report of the project BOHEMIA (European Commission (2018). Transitions on the Horizon: Perspectives for the European Union’s future research and innovation policies). Circle U.’s thematic areas are anchored in the four transition areas. Global Health Democracy Climate

Empowering students and staff Education shapes our political system, our economy, civil society and cultural environment. The Circle U. alliance is home to 334,000 students who eventually will embark on careers in the private and public sectors, become politicians and entrepreneurs, role models and parents. Many of our students come to us with great ambitions. We need to empower them to use their knowledge and engagement to make a difference for society. We will provide the framework to accelerate the incubation of innovative pedagogies to achieve this. We will create an ever more stimulating research environment to break through the most difficult societal challenges. We will also foster the exchange of best practices amongst our administrative and technical staff to ensure solid but agile cross-institutional operations in support of our missions.

Mobilizing knowledge for impact to contribute to a sustainable society and biosphere To expand and deepen our interactions with society, we will set up a joint Circle U. education and research infrastructure that provides spaces for students and staff to, on the one hand, co-create knowledge and solutions with external stakeholders and, on the other hand, engage in policy development with external stakeholders. The infrastructure consists of four platforms to mobilize knowledge for impact: The Circle U. Interdisciplinary Knowledge Hubs, the Circle U. Open School of Public Governance, Circle U. Think and I-sak 2 - side 10 av 16 9

ve and interdisc ensi iplin -int ary ch Eu ar ro se pe re ith external sta an e, on w keh U iv ati old n s re e iv lu -c rs e c o r n C s i it n y A Student Led Knowledge Sustainable Hubs Innovation

Academic Chair Mobilizing Knowledge for Impact Programme Open School Think and of Public Do Tank Figure B. Circle U. will be build as an inclusive, research- Governance intensive and interdisciplinary European University with on Higher dedicated platforms that fulfill two goals. First, they Education will provide spaces where students and staff can co- P rs o e create with external stakeholders within Knowledge lic ld Hubs that bring together our research expertise linked y ho de e to societal challenges and through initiatives on Student ve tak lop l s Led Sustainable Innovation pedagogy. Second, they will men terna provide spaces where students and staff can engage t with ex with external stakeholders in policy development through an Open School of Public Governance to ensure that innovations are accompanied by the right policy framework and a Think and Do Tank to actively participate in the shaping of the future of higher education.

Do Tank on the Future of Higher Education and the Student Led Sustainable Innovation initiatives. The Academic Chair Programme (in the middle) is the enabler for sustainable and strong activities within the platforms (see Figure B).

The platforms Circle U. Knowledge Hubs will be physical and virtual spaces where students and staff network and co-create with external stakeholders to solve societal challenges. During the pilot phase they will work across disciplines on the three overarching themes of Climate, Democracy and Global Health. Students will solve “real life” problems in student teams, and benefit from knowledge from other sectors, disciplines and national contexts. The Knowledge Hubs will also form the basis on which courses, summer schools and degree programmes will be developed. We will support bottom-up joint initiatives embedding learning co-creation, virtual mobility and exchanges across all our universities and in cooperation with our associated partners. To stimulate engagement, we will set up seed fund mechanisms for academic or student led initiatives to co-create joint and innovative learning activities. As our cooperation deepens, we will support initiatives to create new Knowledge Hubs that engage even greater areas of university life over time (see Figure C). Bringing together key researchers through various activities in the Knowledge Hubs will also lay the foundation for creating a common scientific agenda for Circle U. resulting in increased research collaboration. I-sak 2 - side 11 av 16 10

Figure C. Circle U. Knowledge Hubs will be key to bring together scientists from our seven universities and from all sectors of knowledge (Human and Social Sciences, Sciences and Technology and Health Future Sciences) to pool their expertise and share it with Knowledge students and external stakeholders to jointly tackle Knowledge Climate Global Healthh Democracy the major societal challenges that Europe and the Hubs Hub Hubb Hub Hubs world face. Starting with Knowledge Hubs on Climate, Global Health and Democracy, the Knowledge Hubs provide a flexible way to mobilize knowledge for additional challenges in the future.

The interdisciplinary Circle U. Open School of Public Governance is a long-term framework for coupling societal problem solving to academic research in multiple fields with the development of research-based educational offers in public governance. The Open School of Public Governance will provide spaces for students and staff to engage in policy making with external stakeholders and ensuring that innovative solutions find the right impact for society through thorough ethical and governance considerations. The Open School of Public Governance will connect to the Knowledge Hubs through the development of joint interdisciplinary educational courses and programmes on both Masters and PhD levels, and a continuous professional microcredential development programme relating interdisciplinary knowledge on climate change, global health and democracy with governance challenges. In the longer run we plan to develop other Open schools, building on the experience gained by the Open School of Public Governance.

Circle U. Think and Do Tank on the Future of Higher Education: When we implement transformational changes in our teaching methods and programmes, we want to accompany these with critical reflection and evidence and become an active co-creator to the policy development within the European Education Area and linking it to the European Research Area. As national flagship universities we will provide our academic and administrative expertise, our networks and our enthusiasm to European policy-making bodies. The Think and Do Tank will also critically reflect on the role of higher education in creating a sustainable world and contribute to transforming curricula and teaching methods towards sustainable education practices. Multilingualism, being an important topic for our alliance (representing six languages), the Think and Do Tank will work to identify obstacles related to the ambition of Europeans speaking two foreign languages; based on the findings we will develop a dedicated project, including seeking co-funding, with the aim of addressing the obstacles identified. Challenges related to IT and education, whether it is the digital skills gap or the future of digital education, will also be at the forefront of the critical reflection.

Student Led Sustainable Innovation: To contribute to a sustainable economy and a green transition, we will substantially increase our number of graduates with entrepreneurial and, more globally, innovation skills and experience. Europe is going to be the world’s first climate- neutral continent by 2050. We will contribute to making this a just and socially-fair green transition, by launching sustainable innovation activities such as the Circle U. Challenge, in cooperation with businesses, public institutions and civil society actors. Circle U. Challenge will bring together the best of our active pedagogical practices to empower our students. I-sak 2 - side 12 av 16 11

We also want to contribute to a better gender balance amongst innovators and entrepreneurs by creating a Female Founder Network across universities, including both graduate and postgraduate students. With this network, we will support the current female founders among our students as well as use them to motivate more female students to engage in innovation and entrepreneurship.

The enabling factor The Circle U. Academic Chair Programme will ensure strong and sustainable connections across our universities, between research and teaching, between students and staff, and between universities and society. Academic Chairs will be recruited among the permanent staff and dedicate 20 percent of their working time to Circle U., while remaining employed by their home institution. By creating this web of collaborations, students and professors will be exposed to diverse and innovative academic, social and cultural learning environments. The Academic Chairs, one from each university, will be working together in networks, and will be the driving forces in the Knowledge Hubs, in the Open School of Public Governance, in the Student Led Sustainable Innovation and in the Think and Do Tank (see Figure D). The programme is an important backbone of the Circle U. infrastructure, tying several activities together and will be an enabler for cooperation and dissemination across our universities. Being entirely funded by our member universities, the Academic Chair Programme will also safeguard the sustainability of our cooperation beyond the pilot project phase, irrespective of external funding. By 2025, a total of 126 Academic Chairs will be actively involved in various activities across Circle U. campuses.

WP4: Student Led WP5: Socially-engaged WP6: Shaping the Future of Higher Sustainable Innovation Education and Research Education in a Changing World

Open School Think and Do Student Led Knowledge of Public Tank on Higher Sustainable Hubs Innovation Governance Education

Initiatives Knowledge Open School A Think Hubs of Public and Do Tank To empower our Governance students through To define the future entrepreneurial of the European learning To solve societal challenges with external stakeholders Education Area 1 Chair network 1 Chair network 3 Chair networks : Good governance 7 Chairs 7 Chairs as a precondition Experts in education Academics or external Climate stakeholders experts Global Health to tackle global in innovation Democracy challenges 1 project manager

1 project manager 21 Chairs Academics with a strong focus on research-based education 2 project managers

Figure D. The Circle U. Academic Chair Programme consists of academic staff dedicating 20 percent of their time to the development of activities in the four Circle U. platforms (Student Led Sustainable Innovation, Knowledge Hubs, Open School of Public Governance and Think and Do Tank). Each of the seven universities of Circle U. has committed to dedicate five chair positions during the 3-year pilot phase, bringing together 35 academics. In the future, the programme will be extended to include 126 chairs every year. Within each platform, chairs will organise in inter-university networks and foster transnationalI-sak collaborations 2 - side across their13 respective av 16 laboratories and local colleagues. 12

Over the last 18 months, the Circle U. partners have met every month to build trust and READY TO mutual understanding. Presidents, academic leaders, students and administrative staff have assembled across institutions to find new ideas, and to discuss and debate obstacles GO FROM and solutions. Our students are at the heart of our alliance, and have been involved since the beginning DAY ONE in the development of the Circle U. concept. They have already hosted several student seminars where they have constructively contributed on all topics and discussed how to strengthen students’ participation through their student . They will have active roles in the governance and the implementation of the alliance.

We have also involved stakeholders within and outside our universities and connected with enthusiastic organisations and businesses wanting to join Circle U. as associated partners. Thirty partners representing city administrations and other public authorities, businesses and civil society organisations are committed to playing an active role in Circle U. and will help us reach our goals.

The trust, ideas and insights developed through these co-creating processes constitute our European University application. As a result, we are ready to implement the proposed activities; they are either anchored or under advanced preparation in our respective universities. These processes of sharing and co-creation will continue to be the hallmark of Circle U. We will be guided by our evaluation strategy to ensure good results are shared and shortcomings are reflected upon jointly.

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During the past decades, the EU Research and Innovation programmes have fostered BEYOND THE transnational research collaboration in an unprecedented way, and Erasmus programmes have secured vivid student and staff exchange. However successful, these collaborations have been moving on separate tracks. The European Universities Initiative represents PILOT PHASE a much-welcomed game changer in the European Education Area. With it, a window of opportunity has opened for moving from shorter-term, project-based collaboration to long- term, integrated collaboration directly and effectively linked to European ideas and values.

Circle U. partners are in this for the long run and are committed to continue these transformational processes long after the funding periods end. As we learn from our experiences and scale up, we will have even more impact, and truly become a University of the Future.

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Aarhus University (Denmark), Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), King’s College London (United Kingdom), Université de Paris (France), University of Belgrade (Serbia), University of Louvain (Belgium) and University of Oslo (Norway)

Contact University of Oslo Press Office E-mail: [email protected], phone +47 93077006 www.circle-u.eu I-sak 2 - side 16 av 16