Universitetet i Oslo Universitetsdirektøren Til Universitetsstyret Fra Universitetsdirektøren Sakstype: Informasjonssak Møtesaksnr.: I-sak 2 Møtenr.: 13/2020 Møtedato: 8. desember 2020 Notatdato: 27. november 2020 Arkivsaksnr.: Saksbehandler: Marianne Knarud, seniorrådgiver Universitetsdirektørens stab Status og veien videre for Circle U. European University European University Initiative er et initiativ fra EU-kommisjonen. Ambisjonen er å styrke kvaliteten og konkurranseevnen til europeisk høyere utdanning, samt styrke det europeiske fellesskapet gjennom kunnskapsutjevning og utvikling. Totalt består initiativet nå av over 280 europeiske universiteter fordelt på 41 nettverk som er tildelt status som European Universities etter en åpen konkurranse. 9. juli 2020 offentliggjorde EU-kommisjonen at Circle U. var blant alliansene som fikk tittel og finansiering som European University. Circle U. består av Universitetet i Oslo, Aarhus Universitet (Danmark), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Tyskland), King’s College London (Storbritannia), Université de Paris (Frankrike), Univerzitet u Beogradu (Serbia) og Université catholique de Louvain (Belgia). Circle U. er den eneste alliansen som ledes fra Norge, og den eneste alliansen som ledes fra et ikke-medlemsland. Til sammen består Circle U. av omlag 334 000 studenter og 51 000 ansatte, og har som mål å være et banebrytende samarbeid for å skape en sømløs felleseuropeisk campus for de syv samarbeidsuniversitetene. Circle U. er et treårig prosjekt, men også en langsiktig ambisjon for mer langsiktig og integrert utdanningssamarbeid med kobling til forskning og innovasjon, hvor ulike former for mobilitet skal inngå på alle nivåer i utdanningen. De syv universitetene er alle sterke forskningsintensive breddeuniversiteter, lokalisert i europeiske hovedsteder eller store byer. Felles styrker og interesser, samt mange sammenfallende utfordringer, danner grunnlaget for Circle U. og de felles målene som partnerne har satt. Styret fikk i oktober 2019 en orientering om hovedlinjene i prosjektet, og er holdt løpende orientert om prosjektets fremdrift gjennom 2020. I møtet vil styret få en mer detaljert presentasjon av aktiviteter og tidslinjer for prosjektet, og hvordan dette skal berede grunnen for å nå de langsiktige målene med Circle U. Arne Benjaminsen universitetsdirektør Marianne Knarud Seniorrådgiver I-sak 2 - side 1 av 16 2 Vedlegg: - Mission statement for Circle U. I-sak 2 - side 2 av 16 1 Mission statement of Circle U. European University I-sak 2 - side 3 av 16 We, Aarhus University (Denmark), Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), King’s College London (United Kingdom), Université de Paris (France), University of Belgrade (Serbia), University of Louvain (Belgium) and University of Oslo (Norway) have agreed to combine our expertise and common interests to build a European University with the name Circle U. Our vision: By 2025, Circle U. is an inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary European university. Students, staff and partners from civil society, businesses and the public sector collaborate to jointly develop competencies and solutions for keeping Europe and our planet healthy, peaceful, democratic and prosperous. Our mission: Empowering our students and staff to mobilize knowledge for impact in order to make the world a better place. We are strongly committed to each other Our Alliance consists of seven equally-committed universities with a shared dedication to Circle U.’s long-term transformational processes and future. Our Alliance is grounded in existing and solid partnerships; however Circle U. represents a considerable shift in our commitment to each other. Since the initial Memorandum of Understanding was signed in October 2018, our diverse communities have been involved in the co-construction of the Alliance. Students actively contribute to our development process and their inputs were crucial in the drafting of our proposal. We share the same values Our seven universities are all comprehensive, research-intensive universities firmly built on academic freedom and integrity as fundamental values. Each play important roles in shaping national and regional higher education and research systems. As role models, we share the awareness of our special responsibility to inclusiveness and to society at large. We share the same commitment to our students by continuously developing innovative and creative ways to teach and learn, focusing on research-based and interdisciplinary knowledge. We embrace European identity in all our diversity We are likeminded universities, enriching each other with our variety of cultures, histories and geographic locations. Regional diversity is important in our Alliance. We encompass universities from Erasmus+ programme countries outside the European Union, including differing relationships to the European Union. This knitting together of Europe brings the European Union closer together, and also contributes to the building of a broader European identity. We view this as a strength, as it sends a strong message to citizens in favour of diversity and inclusion. We strive for the same goals Our Circle, grounded in a dedication to ethical principles and a sustainable society, links together our missions in education, research, innovation and service to society, and paves the way for the universities of the future. Initiatives in key areas make these links stronger and concrete and focus efforts on sustainability. Our Alliance transforms our way of interacting with each other and with our external partners, and help us to shape the future of the European Education and Research Areas to the benefit of our students, staff and society at large. We are I-sak 2 - side 4 av 16 University of Oslo Aarhus University Humboldt King’s University College Berlin London University of Louvain Université de Paris University of Belgrade University University University Aarhus of Oslo of Belgrade of Louvain University 30,770 Students 94,324 Students 30,694 Students 34,893 Students 18,000 Bachelor students 64,879 Bachelor students 13,721 Bachelor students 19,439 Bachelor students 9,700 Master students 23,161 Master students 12,371 Master students 13,641 Master students 3,070 Ph.d. students 6,284 Ph.d. students 2,112 Ph.d. students 1,813 Ph.d. students 6,670 Staff 8,513 Staff 6,054 Staff 7,872 Staff 4,000 Academic and scientific 5,335 Academic and scientific 4,075 Academic and scientific 4,386 Academic and scientific 2,670 Administrative 3,178 Administrative 1,979 Administrative 3,486 Administrative 8 Faculties 31 Faculties 14 Faculties 5 Faculties 166 Study programmes 354 Study programmes 241 Study programmes 193 Study programmes 333,388 Students Humboldt Université King’s 199,165 Bachelor students University de Paris College 95,364 Master students Berlin London 36,369 Ph.d. students 41,024 Students 61,778 Students 39,905 Students 27,398 Bachelor students 31,951 Bachelor students 23,777 Bachelor students 50,967 Staff 10,115 Master students 14,109 Master students 12,267 Master students 29,173 Academic and scientific 3,511 Ph.d. students 15,718 Ph.d. students 3,861 Ph.d. students 5,750 Staff 7,500 Staff 8,608 Staff 21,794 Administrative 2,350 Academic and scientific 4,500 Academic and scientific 4,527 Academic and scientific 79 Faculties 3,400 Administrative 3,000 Administrative 4,081 Administrative 9 Faculties 3 Faculties 9 Faculties 2,216 Study programmes 189 Study programmes 308 Study programmes 765 Study programmes I-sak 2 - side 5 av 16 CONTENTS Unfolding the vision .........................................................................................5 An inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary European university ............................................................................................... 6 Sustainable and inclusive mobility for all ��������������������������������������������������������� 6 An inclusive European university ....................................................................... 6 A joint strategy for integrating education, research, innovation in service to society ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Keeping Europe and our planet healthy, peaceful, democratic and prosperous ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Unfolding the mission ......................................................................................8 Empowering students and staff ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Mobilizing knowledge for impact to contribute to a sustainable society and biosphere ........................................................................................... 8 The platforms ..................................................................................................... 9 The enabling factor ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 Ready to go from day one ..............................................................................12 Beyond the pilot phase ..................................................................................13 I-sak 2 - side 6 av 16 5 UNFOLDING THE VISION The post-war European project has brought peace and prosperity beyond anyone’s expectation. As the world around us becomes more fractured, unsettled and unsustainable, never has preserving the planet and furthering the European project been so important. The central challenges Europe and the world face – poverty, inequality, climate change and
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