MISSION FIERCE is a membership-based organization building the leadership and power of , , bisexual, , and (LGBTQ) youth of color in New York City. We develop politically conscious leaders who are invested in improving ourselves and our communities through youth-led campaigns, leadership development programs, and cultural expression through arts and media. FIERCE is dedicated to cultivating the next generation of social justice movement leaders who are dedicated to ending all forms of oppression.

HI STORY Fabulous Independent Educated Radicals for Community Empowerment (FIERCE) was founded in 2000 by group of primarily LGBTQ youth of color. FIERCE was founded on the principle that LGBTQ youth must realize and manifest our own social and political power to change our condi- tions, to shape our futures, and to become effective agents of change in our communities. While many organizations provide opportunities for LGBTQ youth to access services, none serve as a city-wide avenue for LGBTQ youth to direct our own social change agendas. FIERCE continues to serve as one of the nation’s few whose mission is to engage LGBTQ youth of color in community organizing.





Dear Friends of FIERCE,

From the West Village Piers to the steps of City Hall, from Christopher Street to the streets of Chicago, 2013 was a year in which FIERCE demonstrated the power of community organizing among LBGTQ youth of color and furthered realized a transformative vision of social change.

FIGHTING BACK... & WINNING In 2013 FIERCE pushed back against police violence and by joining the Communities United for Police Reform in advocating for fundamental changes to policing in NYC, including successful passage in August of one of the most important policy victories for the police accountability movement in the last decade, the Community Safety Act (CSA), creating for the first time in New York City protections against discriminatory police profiling on the basis of sexual orienta- tion and , and establishing the office of an independent Inspector General to oversee NYPD policy and practice.

GROWING THE MOVEMENT It was also a year in which FIERCE continued its work to build a LGBTQ youth movement across the country. In February, FIERCE convened a national gathering of over 20 youth-led organizations in Chicago —the Connect Our Roots Organizing Summit — to discuss issues facing LGBTQ youth, including police violence, immigration, homelessness and health access. Over 40 organizers from across the country participated.

TRANSITION & CHANGE 2013 also saw the closure of FIERCE’s long running Our S.P.O.T. Campaign for a 24-hour LGBTQ youth drop in center in the West Village. While Our S.P.O.T. has ended, it leaves an important legacy of giving voice in the critical urban planning decisions that shape New York City’s neighborhoods to those who are often excluded, and has laid an important foundation in terms of relationships built and knowledge and capacity gained for FIERCE’s police accountability work.

RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 2013 was also a banner year for FIERCE’s grassroots fundraising efforts, with a Bowl-a-Thon that raised record funds, over $40,000! Accompanying the Bowl-a-Thon was a board fundraising event featuring Tony Award-winning actor Billy Porter of Broadway’s Kinky Boots and Give Out Day, a social-media empowered online fundraising drive, which together raised over $10,000 more dollars for FIERCE. With a strong culture of grassroots fundraising firmly in place, FIERCE is giving focused attention to widening our base of foundation partners as well as innovating new sustainable income strategies to meet our budget needs over the long term.

2013 was a year of change and growth. We look forward to having your critical support towards building on this momentum in the coming years as FIERCE continues to shape the political future for LGBTQ youth of color in the West Village, through- out New York City, and across the country.

In Solidarity,

FIERCE Co-Directors and Board


As a young queer artist living and working in the Bronx, I am Perhaps my proudest leadership moment at FIERCE was constantly seeking queer brown spaces where I can educate in August when I co-moderated the 2nd ever district 3 City myself, feel empowered, be inspired to create and connect Council Debate with candidates: Yetta Kurland and Corey with my peers and community. I found this niche in March Johnson. The debate discussed their solutions and pro- 2013 when I participated in a Know Your Rights training posals to meet the needs of LGBTQ Youth, Residents, and conducted by FIERCE at the NYQUEER Beyond Tolerance Business owners in the West Village. It sure got heated and Conference (a conference for youth put on by new york it sure felt good to feel the room filled with passionate young queer and radical educators, a contingent of the New York people and community members whom were not letting Collective of Radical Educators). This workshop was the these representatives give us easy answers! first space I had ever partook of that included other young queer people my age talking about social justice issues that I can genuinely say that FIERCE has challenged me in so effect our community and actually organizing and mobilizing many different ways this year. While deepening my political to do something about it. conscience and improving my facilitation skills, I have also learned to choose my battles on the streets and navigate my Following this workshop, I applied to FIERCE’s Education for activism with the knowledge I’ve collected. I foresee myself Liberation program. Where I partook in a 10-week intern- remaining a member at FIERCE and continuing to engage ship program from July until September focused on gaining in organizing work. My experience has been so liberating political education and organizing skills training. This expe- and empowering. This work is crucial and essential for my rience fully immersed my peers and I in the work and long survival and sanity. I thank those who have funded this work history that FIERCE has and does. Not only did I gain and and I thank the FIERCE staff and members who have vali- build with 16 new comrades, I was also able to build a path dated me throughout this first year of membership. to my liberation and identify what I need to be apart of that process and journey. Mucho Paz y Luz, Hector Rivera


At FIERCE, we’re developing our leadership, raising our voic- es and building strong networks with LGBTQ youth of color committed to liberation! Organizing is the heart of FIERCE but just as central is how we build our capacity to organize and lead.

The Education for Liberation Project (ELP) is FIERCE’s paid leadership development program that provides com- prehensive community organizing, political education & anti-oppression trainings to LGBTQ youth of color. Through practical hands-on experience and fun, easy-to-understand workshops FIERCE members receive the tools to direct our base-building, media advocacy, grassroots fundraising, national program and local campaigns. In 2013, we accepted 21 amazing youth organizers into ELP internships, provided stipends, and welcomed previous program graduates and outside facilitators to give a fresh perspective to workshops and expose participants to different forms of community organizing happening in the social justice world! Since 2002, FIERCE has intensively trained over 450 LGBTQ youth of color who have gone on to become leaders at FIERCE and in the broader social justice movement.


In addition to street and shelter outreach, we of- fered Know Your Rights training to LGBTQ youth across New York City. This allowed us to have a strategic base-building strategy that served as both public education and a direct pathway to recruiting LGBTQ youth of color to get involved in campaign work. In 2013 alone, we trained 183 LGBTQ youth.

We also revamped and launched a new member orientation structure that incorporates interactive games to learn about FIERCE history, get to know each other and to envision what a safer world would look like. The new structure allows for co- horts of new members to build with one another as they learn about FIERCE while empowering them to see themselves as organizers at FIERCE.


Safe Space Saves Lives is FIERCE’s cornerstone campaign that fights for LGBTQ youth to have ACCESS TO SAFE PU- BIC SPACE. From successfully fighting a 10pm curfew on the pier, advocating for affordable food options, and secur- ing porta poties on the pier, this campaign asks, “What will it take to create a welcoming, warm and thriving community that is safe for LGBTQ youth of color to continue to call their own?” and “What must we do for this to happen?” A multi-pronged campaign that believes SAFE SPACE REAL- LY DOES SAVE LIVES, 2013 was a year in which we both maintained key victories and laid groundwork for the future.

For the 5th year, FIERCE organized to provide THE ONLY FREE PROGRAMS BY AND FOR LGBTQ YOUTH ON THE PIERS. All of these events are free and sponsored by our long-time campaign target – Hudson River Park Trust (HRPT). These programs create vibrant, free, participatory and safe public events for LGBTQ youth to come together and celebrate their culture, wellbeing, and community. In 2013, we offered 2 events for Queer and Trans Youth: An ar- tistic night to showcase youth talents in a positive affirming space and a Screening of the movie Pariah.


Another key strategy in fighting gentrification of the West In August, we hosted our 2nd ever DISTRICT 3 CITY Village and ensuring the needs of LGBTQ Youth of Color COUNCIL DEBATE with candidates: Yetta Kurland and are heard is through building relationships with West Village Corey Johnson. FIERCE coordinated the event and LGBTQ residents, Community Board 2 and elected officials. Through YOUTH OF COLOR MODERATED THE DEBATE. Over our participation in Community Board 2 meetings and our the years, FIERCE’s leadership and demands have demon- leadership on the Social Services sub committee, FIERCE strated that LGBTQ Youth are important and long-standing was poised to organize a debate for District 3 candidates, stakeholders in the West Village. FIERCE members came up which covers the West Village. with questions for the candidates to discuss LGBTQ issues like policing, social services, and safety - issues that severe- ly impact LGBTQ youth of color. The event was open to all Greenwich Village residents, visitors, and FIERCE support- ers and allies.


Early in 2013, we made a major decision to close out the Our S.P.O.T. Campaign. Launched in 2008, this bold and visionary campaign fought for a 24-hour LGBTQ Youth Center on the Pier. When the Hudson River Park Trust announced that they would be opening up a request for proposals regarding development options for Pier 40, FIERCE’s leadership brought the political will and power of LGBTQ youth to the decision-making table. Through a mix of youth-led public education, strate- gic alliance building, and timely legislative strategy FIERCE gained the support of dozens of community-based organizations and key elected officials. However, due to a series of challenges – from the shifting economic landscape in the aftermath of the 2009 financial crisis, including budget cuts for social services and halting all development on the piers to the increased tensions from West Village businesses and residents regarding the “problem” of LGBTQ youth – FIERCE was faced with the severe decline in optimal political conditions that fueled our momentum.

We officially closed the campaign with a celebration to mark the hard work, vic- tories, and lessons learned from this long-standing campaign. The celebration included a panel and q&a. Panelists were former FIERCE Lead Organizer Desiree Marshall, Dylan House from Hester Street Collaborative and Alexa Kasdan from Urban Justice Center. The celebration also brought together FIERCE alumni who were the fierce youth leaders and organizers of the campaign!

Moving forward, the fight for public space, for critical services, for LGBTQ youth leadership to be recognized, valued and heard continues. Our work to build a safer, brighter West Village that preserves the historical safe space of the Christopher St. piers for LGBTQ youth continues. We carry with us the strong and revolutionary foundation we created through the work of the Our S.P.O.T. campaign, a founda- tion of relationships, of youth-led community engagement and dreaming of and creating innovative and empowering safe spaces for LGBTQ Youth of Color.


Our Police Accountability work was multi-faceted, in- cluding critical prevention work. 2013 marked FIERCE’s biggest Copwatch presence during Manhattan Pride. Copwatch is a safety strategy to de-escalate police VICTORY: At 2AM on June 27th, the movement interactions and provide education to community on for police accountability and community safety their rights. We had over 20 copwatch-er’s patrolling the took a historic step forward in New York City! West Village from 7th ave to the waterfront. Together, Two bills of the Community Safety Act protect- we documented police encounters, deescalated poten- ing New Yorkers from discriminatory policing tially violent and abusive police interactions, provided support to hundreds of community members and did (Intro 1080) and creating independent oversight Know Your Rights outreach to LGBTQ youth. over the NYPD (Intro 1079) were passed with veto-proof majority in City Council.

In 2013, FIERCE members were proudly organizing and amplifying the experiences of LGBTQ Youth of Color alongside thousands of New Yorkers demanding reform and accountability from the NYPD. Through Commu- nities United for Police Reform, an unprecedented campaign to end discriminatory policing practices in New York, FIERCE co-anchored “Fabulous & United,” a successful “pack the court” day and press conference where LGBTQ communities said No to discriminatory policing while bringing visibility to the historic trial, Floyd v. City of New York, in which the NYPD stood trial for violating the 4th and 14th Amendments of the U.S. Con- stitution through discriminatory and abusive stop and frisk practices.


We’re building non-tokenizing spaces for ourselves, where LGBTQ Youth of Color build with each other as NATIONAL leaders and solution-makers!

CONNECT OUR ROOTS: 2ND NATIONAL LGBTQ opening panel highlighting Chicago-based youth organiz- YOUTH OF COLOR ORGANIZING SUMMIT ing. The panel featured youth organizers from FLY: Fearless Leading by the Youth of Southside Together Organizing for Over three incredible days in February, FIERCE held the 2nd Power (STOP), Amigas Latinas Chicago, The Immigrant National LGBTQ Youth of Color Organizing Summit, this Youth Justice League (IYJL), Young Women’s Empowerment time in Chicago. 40 LGBTQ youth of color leaders from 21 Project, Affinity and FIERCE! organizations across the country attended this historic sum- mit, representing over16 cities, to participate in youth-led Our amazing youth-led workshops in the Summit included: workshops to build our organizing skills, discuss the current UndocuQueer ~ Organizing Without Papers by Reteaching conditions facing trans and queer youth of color in our ar- Gender & Sexuality, Queer Southeast Report by Providence eas, and share strategies for making social change! Youth Student Movement (PRYSM), a leadership develop- ment workshop by Young Women’s Empowerment Project, With the support of our amazing Chicago-based Host Com- a Know Your Rights skillshare by Breakout! & Streetwise and mittee, Affinity, Broadway Youth Center, Gender Just and Safe, and three workshops by FIERCE members: Introduc- Young Women’s Empowerment Project, we had an amazing tion to Campaign Development, Branch Out, Build a Base! and a History of People’s Movements.



From December 10-11, 2013, FIERCE convened nearly 30 LGBTQ youth of color and adult allies from 9 youth programs across the northeast for our Move Up, Fight Back Northeast Regional Convening. The groups included the Attic Youth Center, FIERCE, Global Action Project, Youth Power Project and GLOBE from Make the Road NY, Out Now, the PRYSM (Providence Youth Student Movement), SMYAL (Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocates and Leaders), and Streetwise & Safe.

This regional convening is part of FIERCE’s larger strategy to centralize and lift up grassroots work that’s being led by LGBTQ youth of color. FIERCE’s regional convening’s recognize that as LGBTQ youth organizers create a path to LGBTQ youth liberation, strategies vary according to local context and history.

At the convening, participants shared their work, built relation- ships with each another, discussed intersecting issues impact- ing their local communities and shared strategies to address these issues. We held a queer and trans walking tour of the historic West Village, discussed resource sharing and gener- ated ways groups could concretely support and forward each other’s work!

MOVEMENT BUILDING TRANS DAY OF ACTION FIERCE was proud to be the official“Hype Squad” at the 2013 Trans Day of Action for Social and Economic Justice! As the Hype Squad, we kept the energy of the entire contingent up by drumming, chanting and bringing FIERCE energy! Our active leadership in this mobiliza- tion organized by the Audre Lorde Project is one way we actively build movement solidarity with our comrades fighting and organizing for justice!


RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 2013 was also a banner year for fierce’s grassroots fundraising efforts, with a bowl-a-thon that raised record funds, over $40,000! Accompanying the bowl-a-thon was a board fundraising event featuring tony award-winning actor billy porter of broadway’s kinky boots and give out day, a social-media empowered online fundraising drive, which together raised over $10,000 more dollars for fierce. With a strong culture of grassroots fundrais- ing firmly in place, fierce is giving focused attention to widening our base of foundation partners as well as in- novating new sustainable income strategies to meet our budget needs over the long term.


REVENUE PUBLIC SUPPORT Foundation Support $404,885 Individual Contributions $36,703 Sustainer Income $1,195 Event Income $51,839 In-kind donations $1,050 Total Public Support $495,642

REVENUE Interest $151 Other income $2,921 Total Revenue $3,072


SUPPORTING SERVICES Management and general $116,122 Fundraising $82,885 Total Supporting Services $199,007

Total Expenses $742,744 (Before Realized Loss on Investment)

Realized gain on investment and disposition of assets $586



PROGRAMS & SERVICES $543,737 (73%)

MANAGEMENT & GENERAL $116,122 (16%)

FUNDRAISING $82,885 (11%)


FIERCE 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (as of January 2014)

Natalie Chin, Board Co-Chair Aaron Cobbs Micia Mosely, Ph.D. Board Co-Chair Yasmeen Perez, Treasurer Suzy Salamy Julian Liu, Secretary

FIERCE 2013 STAFF (as of January 2014)

John Blasco, Lead Organizer Emerson Brisbon, Leadership Development Director Jai Dulani, Co-Director Fred Ginyard, National Program Coordinator Naa Hammond, Development Director Lee Jimenez, Organizer Krystal Portalatin, Co-Director Ellen “Manny” Vaz, Communications Director


DONORS Anjali Chaudhry Simona Duque Noris Chavarria Divad Durant Shelby Chestnut Andrea Durojaiye Mona Chiang Robby Dwayne Dennis Chin Sara Ebrahimi Jennifer Abrams Michelle Billies Lincoln Chin Ronald Edmundson Salem Acuna Natasha Bissonauth Natalie Chin Casey Johanna Edwards Sheila Adams Gael Black Rachel Cholst Lynly Egyes Michael Adams John Blasco Savannarith Chy Elizabeth Ehrenberg Jill Aguado Sarah Bleviss Tina Cincotti Diane Ehrensaft Fahd Ahmed Richard Blum Erick Cintron Jesse Ehrensaft-Hawley Sarah Ahn Amy Blumsack Elizabeth Clark Mary Eilerman Julianne Aiello Terra Bogart Christin Clark Elana Eisen-Markowitz Nefertiti Akamefula Terry Boggis Kelly Claus Cami Eiskamp Emma Alabaster James Bolas Jamine Clemonts Marian Ekweogwu Lee Albertorio Victor Bonfilio Aron Cobbs Amy Ellis Daniel Alexander Rose Bookbinder Goldstein Kathleen Coffin Rebecca Engel Erin Aliperti Marc Boone Robert Cohen Hugh English Phillip Allen Erik Bottcher Rebecca J Coleman Jeffrey English Ariana Allensworth Tina Bourbeau Brian Coleman Monica Enriquez Yasmin Almanaseer Robert Bowden Rachel Collins Jason Ensler Luis Alvarez Schacht Jenn Bowman Mara Collins Sheila Ernst Angela Amel Angela Boylan Loyda Colon Eric Estes Marina Amin Mary Brady Lara Comstock Oramas William Etheridge-Chang Kadji Amin Mel Braman Craig Concepcion Bart Evans Sheila Aminmadani Olivia Bramlett Alex Conley Lee Evans M’Bwende Anderson Elegance Bratton Ana Conner Ashley Evens Lyndsey Anderson Erica Braudy Alexander Cook Ev Evnen Macieo Anderson Caitlin Breedlove Catherine Cook Danny Ewing Hester Angus Emerson Brisbon William Cordery Ace F Nadav Antebi Edgar Brisbon Stosh Cotler Sarah Fajardo April Anthony Ann Brisbon John Cox Melanie Fallon Nicole Anthony Emerson Brisbon Deanna Croce Yasmine Farhang Christina Antonakos-Wallace Nancy Brisbon Sharon Cromwell Catherine Farrell Jack Aponte Delores Brisbon Nicole Crook Mohammed Fayaz Angeli Aquino Shalena Broadnax Krumm Julie Crosby Sam Feder Z Gabriel Arkles A.J. Brodwell Rosana Cruz Ariel Federow Kerry Ashforth Matthew Bronson Oli Cullen Nilda Feliciano Doug Au Paul Brown Avi Cummings Freia Fenelon Mark Aurigemma Rebecca Brown Sister Lotti Da Bran Fenner Carmen Ayala Allison Brown Ryan Li Dahlstrom Danielle Feris Elizabeth Ayer June Brown Lena Dalke Jazmin Fernandez Tasnim Azad Laura Brown-Lavoie Marian Dalke Emmett Findley Althea Baird Tiph Browne Jeff Dalke Anna Flagg Maura Bairley Barbara Browning Amber Damato Wesley Flash Rashid Baisden Fred Brungard Chauncey Dandridge Erika Fogarty Irma Bajar Arun Bryson Cathy Dang Barbara Foley Kris Baker Jeffrey Buan Julia Daniel Karen Fong Janani Balasubramanian Elly Bulkin Rafi Daugherty Michele Foster Carmen Balentine Brenda Bunnell Elaine Davenport Adam Foster Jacoby Ballard Brittany Burgard M.Taueret Davis Dick and Mary Foster Ramatu Bangura Terri-Lee Burger Tracy Davis Daniel and Susan Foster Ari Banias Susan Burr Aja Davis Elizabeth Fox Gilles Baro Blaz Bush Colm Davis Jared Fox Caitlin Barry Carlos Bustamante James Day Monroe France Brandon Bartling Celina Caban Vivian DeConcini Laurene Francois Teresa Basilio Lyric Cabral Keri DeJong Ted Frank Miriam Basilio Veronica Calhoun Daniel DeLong Jason Franklin Harper Batsford Naomi Campbell Alexandra DelValle Tristan Free Stephanie Battaglia Ursula Campos-Gatjens Amanda Devecka-Rinear Aleksandra Fridman Ignatius Bau Taina Caragol Eleanor Dewey Laura Frigau Maria Bauman Michelle Cardi Vanessa Diaz Kendra Froshman Ellen Baxt Briana Carp Von Diaz Temima Fruchter Veronica Bayetti Flores Sarah Carr Liz Diaz Lilsnoopy Fujikawa Deema Bayrakdar Jesse Carr Teena-Marie DiBartolo Elliott Fukui Myrl Beam Kamaria Carrington Aubrey Dillon Maya Funaro Rachel Becker Jonathan Cartagena Ejeris Dixon Julianne Gale Claire Beckman Collette Carter Benjamin Doherty Cherry Galette Gordon Beeferman Aaron Carter William Dorsey Amy Gall Josh Begley Leandro Castellanos Timothy Dorsey Sofia Gallisa Ronald Belfon Lindsay Castillo Natalie Douglas Andrew Gandy Vanessa Bell Nivea Castro Marjorie Dove Kent Cezanne Garcia Patrick Benitez Adrian Catao LeiLani Dowell Belkys Garcia Samuel Berck Joliz Cedeno Kimberly Drew Jordan T. Garcia Dana Berg Namita Chad Erin Drinkwater Ilana Garcia-Grossman Doris Bernhardt Jason Chan Katharine Duckett Gabriel Garcia-Vera Anne Bernstein Silvena Chan M. Elias Dueker Cassidy Gardner Scott Berry Jason Chan Jeetander Dulani Kate Garvin Nikko Betito Harper Chance Puran Dulani David Gaston Jenny Betz Roseanne Chanchall Tina Dulani Gayle Gatchalian Renee Bever KahEan Chang Jai Dulani Alicia Gauvin Tamiko Beyer Allegra Chapman Jordan Dunn Pooja Gehi Andrea Bible Miabi Chatterji Virginia Duplessis-White Sarah Geis ANNUAL REPORT 2013 17 Linda Gellman Jo Hirschmann Rachel Laforest Claudia Martinez Keith Gemerek Bryan Hoben Jessica LaHood Marilyn Martinez Lizbeth Gennaro Jacob Hodes Harjindar Lally Lloyd Martinez Hussam Ghazzi Ryn Hodez Timothy Lambert Elmy Martinez Jennifer Giffen Nathalie Hodge Mickey Lambert Edwin Martinez Sue Gilad Lisa Hoff Kalleigh Landstra Giampaolo Marzi Debra Gillenwaters CJ Holm Devon Lang Juan Carlos Matos Stephanie Gilman Hanna Holtzberg Weily Lang Devon Mattingly Elspeth Gilmore Joanna Holzman Charles Lapointe Michael Maude Lucia Leandro Gimeno Rebecca Hom Johann Larkin Eyal Mazor Rebecca Glaser Yenping Hong Kate Larkin Colleen McCormack-Maitland Ann Gleig Cori Hook Laura Larrabee Claire McCullough Kian Goh Carol Horwitz Andrew LaVallee Rachel McCullough Roberta Gold Elizabeth Howard Raquel Lavina Sherry Mcelwee Rose Golder-Novick Ray Hsia Em Lawler Justin McElwee Yana Goldfine Chanda Hsu Prescod-Weinstein Gloria Lawrence Kelly McGowan Megan Goldman Adrianna Hutchinson Lan Le Marci McLendon Keri Goldman Jeffrey Huyett Seyeon Lee Mark McManus Drew Goldsman Sabina Ibarrola Yumi Lee Kenneth Mechler Caren Goldstein Nabill Idrisi Grace Lee Jennifer Meeropol David Gomez Marley Ince Stephen Lee Gita Mehrotra Priscilla Gonzalez Zita Ingham Sabrina Lee Julia Meisel Yarian Gonzalez Kayhan Irani Mark Leger Sarena Melchert Shay(den) Gonzalez Maya Iwata Valerie Leibold Moira Meltzer-Cohen Rick Gonzalez Michele James Rachael Leiner Ileana Mendez-Penate Patricia Gonzalez Ramirez Leanne James Myles Lennon John Mendiola Ivette Gonzalez-Ale Laura James Braeden Lentz Victor Mendoza Crystal Gonzalez-Ale Catherine James Sandra Leon Hannah Mermelstein Fae Goodman Tiffany James Christopher Leonard Richard Mero John Gordon Mila Jaroniec Josh Lerner Rachel Messer Ana Gordon-Loebl Joe E. Jeffreys Rebecca Levi Matt Meyer Madeleine Gorman Clark Jen David Levin Jean Michel Rob Gortner Willoughby Jenett Joanna Levine Alan and Lee Ann Michelson Jenna Gotthelf Dane Jerabek Jane Levison Daniel Michelson Mike Graham-Squire Lee Jimenez Nathan Levitt Sarah Michelson James Grant Priyank Jindal Kris Lew Crystal Middlestadt Kai M. Green Yoshi Johnson Curtiss Lewis Colin Miller Katrina Green Daniel Johnston Hannah Lieberman Edward Miller LizIan Greencola Allison Julien Yul-san Liem Sam Miller Anne Griepenburg Molly Kafka Mary Liepld Abigail Miller Paul Griffin Jesse kahn Nathan Liepold Elizabeth Miller Sha Grogan-Brown Lakshman Kalasapudi Jiah Lim Erica Mills Topher Gross Yelena Kalinsky Rashne Limki Chanaw Miyauchi Arvind Grover Ronak Kapadia Sonia Lin Janet Mock Julia Gruberg Wendy Kaplan Luce Lincoln Joey Mogul Cristobal Guerra Debayani Kar Gloria Lincoln Rusia Mohiuddin Lisa Guido Ariela Karchmer Julian Liu Melissa Mondesir Faye Guskin Ana Karchmer Laura Liu Alba Morales Desiree Gutierrez Lauren Karchmer Casey Llewellyn Kenia Morales Jose Gutierrez Kel Karpinski Madeleine Lloyd-Davies Richard Morgan Margarita Guzman Alexa Kasdan Anna Loizeaux Kel Morin Mariam Habib Ilan Kates-Harris Meghan Long Allison Morris Joshua Hadas Harper Keenan Candido Lopez Amelia Morris Angela Hadwin Eileen Keller Heidi Lopez Nikki Morse Ericka Hagan Elaine Kendrick Pedro Lopez William Morse Eva Hageman Alette Kendrick Robert Lopez Lauren Morse Sophie Hagen Elizabeth Kendrick Ana Lopez Micia Mosely Carlos Hailey Sean Kennedy Corrynne Elise Lopez Emily Moss Aden Hakimi Erica Kermani Nina Love Omar L Boots Jennise Hall Dinesh Khosla Cayden Lovejoy Mr CT Leather Julian Halliday Elyssa Kilman Daniel Lu Pip Muir Naa Hammond Anthony Kim Jarrett Lucas Anya Mukarji-Connolly Nii-Aryee Hammond Elaine Kim Dana Luciano Megan Mulholland Ruth Hammond Kokumo Kinetic Britt Luck Christopher Muludiang Evelynn Hammonds Jamilah King Sonia Lundy Salvador Munoz Jade Han Kevin King Hannah Lupien Michelle Murrain Christina Hanhardt Tanya Kinigstein Robin Lutz Sean Murray Megan Hanley Mik Kinkead Shannon Lynch Sophie Muschel-Horton James Hannaham Tahnee Kirk Ying-Ying Ma Hira Nabi Daquel Harris Leo Kleint RJ Maccani Saara Nafici Kayla Harris Susan Knight Krissy Mahan Bhavana Nancherla Ena Harris Michelle Ko Kevin Mahoney Amrita Narasimhan Darielle Harris Molly Kohl Puck Malamud Deesha Narichania Emily Harting Leonard Kolins Adrianna Maldonado Tene Nash Brendan Hasemeier James Kolstad Shreya Malena-Sannon Amanda Navarro Shira Hassan Maria Kong Malori Maloney Benjamin Neusius Ellen Hawley Elizabeth Koo Corinne Manabat Karen Newirth James Hawley Katy Koonce Taso Manis Monroe Newman HAYNES Ariana Kosmides Susan Manners Luke Newton Jess Heaney Mieko Kosobayashi Kris Manners Eve Ng Stacy Heath Kristen Kramer Judith Manners Tracy Ng David Heitholt Daniel Kreiss Joe Mannetti Jack Nguy Alexis Heller Aidan Kriese Velina Manolova Terri Nilliasca Prentis Hemphill Barry Krostich Catalina Marin Stephanie Nilva April Herms Kavita Kulkarni Natalie Marrero Sophie Nimmannit Sophie Herron Mylo Kushner Carol Marsh Kaitlin Noss Beth Herz Amy Kwan Carrie Marsh Lynn Nottage Molly Heyman Jason Kwong Calia Marshall Patricia Nowell Madel Hidalgo Lawrence La Fountain Cherie Marshall Julie Nuccio Lauren Hind Melinda Lackey Elissa Martel Oscar Nunez Michael Hirschhorn Corbin Laedlein Mariana Martin Capriles Voula O

18 FIERCE Maggie O’Brien Mariel Reyes Adam Shoop Caelan Treacy S.O. O’Brien Edwin Reyes Catherine Shugrue dos Santos Vivian Truong Nefarious O’snap Nina Reznick Rondi Silva Leanne Tsuruda Randall Oakley Jamie Rhode Elena Silva Zora Tucker Alan Oberman Charles Rice-Gonzalez Rich Simons Irene Tung Rafael Obusan Morgan Rich Kenneth Simons Alia Tyner Voula Ogrady Allison Richards Sonny Singh Blake Unger Dvorchik Emrys Oh’Clock Earle Richards Jack Skelton Marian Urquilla Eve Oishi Zardon Richardson Jules Skloot Katharine Uva Rachelle Olden Meejin Richart Avy Skolnik Raymond Vagell Nora Olsen Jarad Ringer Susan Skoog Urvashi Vaid Deloris Onwuka Rafael Rios Camille Slater Alok Vaid-Menon Dominion ONYX Andrea Ritchie Aimee Slater Meera Vaidyanathan Nicole Orton Angel Rivera Buzz Slutzky Axel Valles Helen Owens Tamara Rivera Tricia Smith Andrew Van Degna Laura Luna P Kristina Rizga Clay Smith Asher Vance Yashna Padamsee Cindy Rizzo Simone Sneed Jova Vargas Yolanda Padilla Ash Robbins Naomi Sobel Mathew Varghese Cara Page Jayrome Robinet Stina Soderling Jaya Vasandani Myles Paisley Allan Robles Kristin Soerianata Manny Vaz Allison Palmer Casey Rocheteau Sandra Solis Tara Venkatraman Ben Palmquist Xtin Rodriguez Daniel Solis Robert Vidmar Douglas Pamplin Gabriela Rodriguez Lena Solow Laxmi Vijaysankar Marco Panchame Anna Rodriguez Julia Solow Elissa Vinnik Michele Paolella Natalia Rodriguez Steve Solow Lisa Vogel Michael Paone Ollin Rodriguez Mike and JanSolow Lord and Lady Vonstinkerton Cheryl Paradis Rita Rodriguez Diana Son Cassie Wagler Shruti Parekh April Rohman Kantara Souffrant Aleksei Wagner Greer Paris Tessa Rooney Nadir Souirgi Stewart Wagner Michael Paris Juan Rosa Kerry Souza Dana Wagschal Sung Park Jessica Rosenberg Dean Spade Yana Walton Kyoung Park Amanda Rosenblum Lelia Spears Jun-Li Wang Noam Parness Becky Rosenfeld Jessie Spector Sharon Washington Cori Parrish Jah’dae Ross Josh Spiro Wanda Watson Sara Partch Smith Glo Ross Jess St. Louis Lara Weibgen Encian Pastel Lisa Ross Andrew Staana Anissa Weinraub Alex Pastor Nathan Rothstein Mollie Stapleton Clark Erica Weinstein Bhavin Patel Helen Rowe Whitney Stark Francis Weiss Rabkin Andre Patron Russell Roybal Eli Stark Charlie Welch Aidge Patterson Katy Rubin Anne Stava Rebecca Wellisch Lauren Paulk Desiree Rucker John Stedman Kimmy Wentling Curtis Paullins Jackie Rudin Anna Steffens Laura Wernick Marlisa Pee Kristal Ruiz Leroy Stephens Audrey White Lola Pellegrino Barbara Sacks Danny Stephens Coya White Hat-Artichoker Christine Peng Richa Sahay Morgen Stevens-Garmon Lindsey Whitmore Josh Pennington Virginia Salamy Andrew Stillwell Anna Wiener Meropi Peponides Elizabeth Salamy Chase Strangio Camal Williams Ezak Perez Caitlin Salemi Jenna Strizak Jill Williams Lina Perez Jose Eduardo Sanchez Fay strongin Jennifer Williams Yasmeen Perez Lauren Sanders Jenn Sturm Maggie Williams Roy Perez Wing Mai Sang Peter Sturman Tracey Wilson D’hana Perry Kate Sarrantonio David Suarez Johannes Wilson Sid Peterson Zanetta & Sasha Alex Sugerman-Brozan Geoffrey Winder Dawn Philip Shruti Sasidharan Sady Sullivan Ona Winet Pete Philomey Rahul Saskena Diana Sultzer Michael Wise Juan Pineiro Arielle Saturne Andrea Summers Rebecca Wisotsky Samantha Pinto Joetta Saul Jean Sung Raymond Wofsy Marika Plater Sarah Saunders Naomi Sunshine Jonathan Wofsy Eric Pliner Ralph Savarese Stacey Sutton Jessie Wofsy Wai Yee Poon Jerome Scarlett P. Swan Julie Wolf Krystal Portalatin Kristen Schafenacker Mark Swier John Won Carmen Portalatin Katrina Schaffer Tara Tabassi Helena Wong Michelle Posadas James Schaffer Sarah Tabet Darlene Wong-McKee David Powell Saskia Scheffer Sam Tabet Alicia Woods Elliott Powell Melissa Scheid Frantz Allie Takahashi Phillip Wooten Katherine Pradt Lisa Schergen Chrysanthe Tan Kent Wright Tahira Pratt Ava Schlesinger Tristan Tarwater Sarah Wright Erin Pryor Hannah Schneider Alexandra Teixeira Kai Wright Majda Puaca Diana Scholl Cihan Tekay Andrea Wu Mitali Purkayastha Chuck Schultz Reuben Telushkin Thanu Yakupitiyage Nadia Qurashi Brian Schumacher Julien Terrell Jesse Yarbrough Ros R Terry Schuster Justin Terry-smith David Yedid Susan Raffo Elise Schuster Alia Thabit Bean Yogi Nitika Raj Margot Seigle Jasmin Thana Kai Yohman Lorraine Ramirez Nomi Seltzer Saundarya Thapa Clara Yoon Fareen Ramji Candice Sering Charles Theonia Sarina Yospin Nevin Rao Megan Serrano Tracey Thomas Rye Young Krithi Rao Hasan Shafiqullah Andrea Thome Diana Yourke Kyle Rapiñan Purvi Shah Tanisha Thompson Katrina Yu Kameelah Rasheed Silky Shah S. Leigh Thompson Betty Yu Alexandra Raskin Claire Shanley Megan Thornton Miriam Zahka Ankit Rastogi Katharine Shapiro Jennene Tierney Cristina Zialcita Rebecca Rathje Lucas Shapiro Ananda Timpane Catherine Zimmer Hadley Raysor Amy Sharp Elizabeth Todd Jean Zorn Julia Read Gina Sharpe Candis Tolliver Roger Bernstein and Nicole Gordon Elana Redfield Felice Shays Oni Tongo Frederic Busch and Barbara Friedman Bo Reed Bianca Shell Vera Torres Tala Manassah & Deb Shoval Shannon Regan Jama Shelton Darlene Torres Thom and Danny Lisette Reisman Ryan Shen Mark Torrey Piro Rexhepi Jean Shepard Claire Tran Mark Reyes Parvoneh Shirgir Kate Traub