How do the "big three" sites measure up to each other­ and to your research needs? We'll compare the sites' records, search features and more.


...... m ~ THREE MAIN CONTENDERS have come to dominate If you're wondering why the FamilySearch website isn't the world of commercial genealogy websites: Ancestry .com in this match-up, it's because the site's owner, Utah-based , and FamilySearch, is a nonprofit that doesn't compete for sub­ MyHeritage . Each is a heavyweight scription dollars. It has partnered with all three of the com­ in historical records content. Each has dedicated fans who mercial sites covered here to supply them with historical subscribe for full seasons of intense genealogical action or records in exchange for access to the sites ' record indexes, pay-per-view for records. technologies, investment in FamilySearch digitization So which site should win your subscription dollars? Who efforts or other terms. For the purpose of this contest, imag­ emerges when all three are in the ring? It depends ine FamilySearch .org as the front-row fan holding up foam on the genealogist who's refereeing the match . Today, it's fingers for all three contenders. you. So grab your striped shirt and get ready to make some tough calls in the ongoing battle between three very worthy Breakingrecords opponents . Oh, and you're also putting up the prize purse, in The core strength of a genealogy website is its historical the form of your membership dollars. But you get to take the records content. (Note that when most websites supply winner(s) home with you for six months to a year-or at least a record count, they're referring to the number of names for 30 pay-per-view credits. recorded in a collection, not to the number of documents it contains.) Total number of records, geographic strengths and Meet the contenders rate of record addition can change quickly and be difficult Big genealogy websites offer a lot of content and features, but to assess. All three sites offer free memberships and a range it can be hard for users to get around the site and figure out of subscription options, but for comparison purposes, we'll if it meets their needs. We spoke with representatives from cover the records and features available to top-tier subscrib­ each company, who in turn consulted colleagues who shared ers (see the opposite page for pricing details). expertise in specific aspects of each site . Let's start with an For historical records, MyHeritage comes in third place overview of our contenders: with 4.2 billion names. Findmypast roughly doubles that to • ANCESTRY.COMis the most-recognized genealogy brand nearly 8 billion . Another doubling of the number brings us to in the United States, thanks to its veteran status, huge record the staggering 16 billion-plus records on Ancestry.com. count that includes full runs of popular US records, and mar­ "We're adding records at the rate of 2 million per day on keting efforts including a high-profile sponsorship of "Who average," says Ancestry.com spokesperson Matthew Deigh­ Do You Think You Are?" International collections cover 67 ton. "Over the last five years the average has been more than countries. Ancestry.com is the only site that integrates DNA 1 billion records added annually." He adds that Ancestry.com into the research process. The corporate family includes sis­ "is the largest digitizer of historical records each year" and ter sites Archives.com , Fold3 and that the company focuses most of its resources into digitizing Newspapers.com . content that's unavailable elsewhere online. • FINDMYPASToffers deep reach into UK records. The site Findmypast is growing quickly, too. Company research started with British birth, marriage and death registers to 1837, expert Alex Cox says the site adds millions of records each and now includes a range of government records, along with month and "will add more new records in 2016 than ever British and Irish newspapers. Findmypast, a company owned before in the company 's history." by UK-based DC Thomson , has expanded records coverage MyHeritage doesn't give specific statistics, but accord­ and marketing efforts into the United States and Australia . ing to public relations manager Aaron Godfrey, millions of Partner and subsidiary sites include ScotlandsPeople , the British Newspaper Archive The sites' trees and related user-submitted records also , Reunited and Mocavo (which is Findmypast doesn't rank in this category because users can't being merged into Findmypast at press time). • MYHERITAGEbegan as a family networking and tree­ building website from Israel-based MyHeritage. The site still shows unbeatable strength in these areas, as well as in the powerful , creative search technologies. Its strong and growing TIP: Search records on all three of these contending international fan base gives it another edge in the ring: It cur­ sites using the computers at a local FamilySearch Center rently serves customers in 42 languages, and its trees are the (see to find one most internationally diverse in the industry. In its corporate near you) or at many public libraries . corner are Geni.com (a unified website) and World Vital Records . m Family Tree Magazine~ MAR C H/ APRI L 2 016 · ·· ·• • · · · · · · ... · .... · · · .. • · · .. · · • · • .. ·• ••• .. · · ...... ·· • • · ···•· · · . • • •• . • .••• · · ·• • •• · · · • · · ·· ·· ' •• •• ·· · • • • • • • • • ... KEEPINGSTATS f~H3i'ii:Ug•JM cm,.m.~-m 001:IE~ • 12 billion; collections listed • nearly 8 billion; collect ions • 4.2 billion; to see collection at com/historical-records> at

• 70 million, w ith 6 billion • you can build a tree here, but • 28 million trees with 2.6 Trees profiles can't yet search others' trees billion profiles

• leader in US record content • leader in unique UK records • globa lly diverse trees • DNA testing provider and newspapers • unique search tec hnologies Unique features • DNA/family tree integration • Periodical Source Index • family websites • companion desktop soft ware • compan ion desktop (from ) software

• $149 for six months of • $199.50 annually for • $179.40 annually for Ancestry Wor ld Explorer Findmypast World a Bundle plan, which Best access subscription price comb ines Premium Plus and Data plans

, ancestry> Site info and help • frequently-asked-questions> com>

yet search trees (this feature is on the horizon for 2016). content, with more on a sister site, Newspapers.com (available through a separate subscription). that include 2.6 billion individual profiles and 200 million • US RECORDS: Genealogists with deep US roots benefit photographs. Ancestry.com slightly more than doubles most from Ancestry.corn's enormous and unique US collections. of those numbers , with about 70 million trees containing Ancestry.com hosts the only significant collection of special around 6 billion profiles and 300 million photos, documents census schedules (slave, mortality, agriculture and more) and stories. and incorporates user-submitted census corrections into the search process . State and territorial census data are rich, as Core strengths are state- and county-level vital and church records. Its col­ Heavyweight numbers of records and trees are most effec­ lection of US city directory entries now surpasses 1.5 billion . tive when that weight is well -distributed, and you can find In 2015, Ancestry.com released its Social Security Appli­ records of most interest to your family history, geographi­ cations and Claims Index , 1936-2007, covering 49 million cally and chronologically. people and including birth dates and -places and parents' • PRIMARY COLLECTIONS: The three contenders all host names (which don't show up on the SSDI). It also launched core US and UK content-basic, popular record groups with an enormous and still-growing collection of US wills and broad coverage. All have the Social Security Death Index probate records, with more than 170 million indexed records (SSDI) and population schedules for US censuses up to 1940. from all 50 states. These records result from a partnership The same goes for English censuses up to 1911and indexes with FamilySearch, though the records aren 't indexed on the to English and Scottish births and christenings dating to FamilySearch site. The United States is the company's largest the 1500s. All have received millions of records through area of records content investment. partnerships with nonprofit site FamilySearch .org. Ancestry. Findmypast is now home to 850 million US records (and com describes these as "a very small portion of our overall more coming soon). In addition to core census and vital increase in records." records, it focuses on immigration and naturalization docu ­ My Heritage includes among its search results digitized US ments that point back to the . Its impressive newspaper pages dating as far back as the 1600s from part­ makeover of PERSI (short for Periodical Source Index), the ner site NewspaperARCHIVE . index to genealogical content in US and Canadian periodi­ Findmypast offers many of the same papers as well. Each cals, increasingly includes digitized content. site has additional, exclusive newspaper content, too-see • UK RECORDS: Findmypast is the still-unbeaten online below for more details. Ancestry .com has limited newspaper records king for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern

...... m SEARCHCOMPARISON Search The ease and flexibility of a genealogy website's search form is First & Middle Name(s) Last Nam e a major factor in your ability to use-and enjoy-the site. Shown here is each site's most-customizable global search form (which looks for matches in every collection on the site). On Findmypast Place your ancestor might have lived Birth Year City, County, St,,tc•,Country and MyHeritage, click a link to the Advanced search; on Ancestry. II com, click Show More Options. Each site also has record collection .. Showfeweroptions ,.. Match all terms exactly landing pages with search forms tailored to those records. For Add event : Birth Marriage Death Lived In Any Event More " example, the search form for a collection of immigration records might have a field where you can enter arrival year. Add family member: Father Mother Sibling Spouse Child

Keyword Occupation, streC'taddress. etc. Search all records - advanced Hide adllancedsearch Gender Race/Nationality

•• Select ·· Name First and middle name(s) L.a6tname Collection Focus All Collections ·.:I

!I Historical Records ~ Family Trees Gender PJStor ies & Publications ~ Photos & Maps Any .. Clearsearch Events Type Dale Any Day • Month ... Year Ancestry.com Search (expanded)

Match flexibly • Click an event or family member to add dates (with ranges, if desired), places (with filtering options to search neighboring counties or states, or the entire country) and names (with several Matchoptional • matching options) to your search. You also can add keywords and + Add another event narrow your results by collection.

Relatives WHO Type FlrstN ame Last Name

First and middle name(s} Last name @1lNa me variants6 O Namevariant s G

Match &im'lar names • " WHEN + .A.ddanother relatJve Year Glvttorlal«I Year Of Birth Give or t•ke Year Of Death yyyy -/+ 2yrs ·/+ 2yrs YYYY Keywords

·/+ Zyrs



0 Exac, search 6!j Wltn lransia1ions Ctearform JWM CATEGORY

MyHeritage Advanced Search SUBCATEGORY

At MyHeritage, the "SuperSearch" gives you several options Browse Subcategory for name matching . You can search with ranges for dates of life RECOADSET events, and choose whether to match places flexibly (a place &~art typing .1 Recor

...... m • ANCESTRY.COM: A "shaky leaf" hint appears on a profile Tributes and FamilySearch. Findmypast in your tree when the site identifies new records as a poten­ has plans to connect users with data from FamilySearch, tial match for that person . About 90 percent of Ancestry. BillionGraves and other genealogy sites. corn's content is included in the hinting process. • FINDMYPAST: This site has the youngest hinting system, Extra points expected to be in beta format until mid-2016. It pulls hints In this final "speed round ," contenders go for technical from birth, marriage, death and most census collections, points and style with their online tools. These include family looking for matches on full names and birth year . "In the tree platforms , collaborative ability, social networking tools, future, we'll be adding immigration and naturalization, mili­ mobile accessibility and genetic tools. tary and other records to Findmypast hinting ," Cox says. • FAMILY TREES: Subscribers to all three sites can build • MYHERITAGE: Several proprietary matching technologies unlimited online trees, which they can download as GED­ are part of My Heritage's suggested records system . Record COM files to archive or share. Privacy protections exist for Matches and Smart Matches match your ancestors with his­ living relatives in trees on all three sites, as does the ability to torical records and other tree profiles, respectively. Accord­ maintain a private tree. ing to the site, these technologies are about 97 to 98 percent If you keep a tree on My Heritage, you can sync it with your accurate, based on user acceptance rates. A third technology , tree in the free Family Tree Builder desktop software . Ancestry .com has sold search results that interest you (i.e. "If you like this record, its software to Software MacKiev , which will continue to make it available. In All three sites use optical character recognition (OCR) addition, Ancestry.com will connect with RootsMagic soft­ technology to keyword-search content that hasn't been ware by the end of the year. indexed by humans. At Findmypast, this applies most to The relative merits (and demerits) of each site 's tree newspaper content and some books. Thousands more books platforms are somewhat subjective and may be a lower will be added, th anks in part to Findmypast's acquisition of priority for you than record content. Ancestry.corn's fam­ Mocavo. Ancestry .com applies OCR technology to printed ily trees overhaul of 2015 received mixed reviews, with data such as newspapers, family histories, school yearbooks negative comments focusing on visual elements, changes in and city directories . navigation and inclusion of"big-picture" historical events in MyHeritage, the only site that automates hints for news­ ancestor timelines. paper records, has taken its OCR searches of newspapers • RESEARCH COLLABORATION: Subscribers at all three to the next level with its Newspaper Matches technology. It sites can invite relatives to view (and in many cases, edit) matches entire trees (not just individual profiles) to news­ their trees . Tools vary for connecting with other site users paper obituaries, wedding announcements and other family researching common roots. notices. These matches are highly accurate. It makes sense: At MyHeritage , collaboration is powered by two technolo­ Imagine how many family names, dates and places appear in gies: the previously mentioned Smart Matches and Search both our trees and in obituaries. Connect. As of June, the site boasted 22 million confirmed Two sites also use their powerful search interfaces to Smart Matches between users. Search Connect, launched reach into records elsewhere online. Ancestry.com now late in 2015, converts other users' past searches for rare sur­ points searchers to more than 100 million records from 250 names into a searchable database itself, so you can find those free collections on other websites , including Find A Grave who've looked for people in your tree. Though users can opt and Rootsweb . Your search results on Ancestry.com give you basic mining of My Heritage's own data will likely prove rewarding . details and link you to the other site for full information. for many stymied researchers. At MyHeritage, offsite searches focus on partner sites and On Ancestry.com, you can search others' public trees for licensed content from websites such as BillionGraves , Geni (now part ofMyHeritage), sending a message through the site's Member Connect ser­ vice. Individual ancestor profiles also have a section show­ ing other members who've researched that person recently . Ancestry.com keeps you up-to-date with changes made by those with whom you connect, both in individual profiles TIP: For news on genealogy website subscription sales, and on your home page. Ancestry.com members have logged read the sites' biogs and followthem on social media. more than 8 billion connections between trees since 2008. At press time , Findmypast lacks publicly searchable trees , so it's not possible to identify or contact other tree owners.

Family Tree Magazine~ M A RCH / A PRI L 2 016 PICKA WINNER Check the categories you consider MVP material, then see which sites rate the best in that area.

Historical record content • total number of records Ancestry.com

• global record coverage Ancestry.com, MyHeritage

• US record coverage Ancestry.com • UK record coverage Findmypast

• newspaper content Findmypast, MyHeritage

User-submitted trees • number of trees/profiles Ancestry.com • globally diverse trees MyHeritage

• research collaboration tools MyHeritage, Ancestry

Search technologies • most innovative My Heritage • wildcard searches Findmypast, Ancestry.com • automated record searches (with a tree on the site) MyHeritage, Ancestry .com

• automated newspaper searches My Heritage

• external site searches Ancestry.com, MyHeritage

Social networking with relatives MyHeritage

Mobile apps Ancestry.com, MyHeritage

DNA research tools Ancestry .com

• SOCIAL NETWORKING TOOLS: MyHeritage and Ancestry. Ancestry.com and MyHeritage also have free, robust com have the most substantial social media tools for subscrib­ mobile apps that let you create, access, edit and sync online ers. MyHeritage leads in helping relatives socialize beyond trees; upload photos; respond to automated hints; search research collaboration. Each member gets a family website records and more . The MyHeritage app is available through the Apple App Store and that automatically populates with living relatives' birthdays Play, where users have rated it at 3.5 stars and 4 stars and anniversaries (and to which you can add upcoming fam­ (out of 5), respectively. The Ancestry app can be downloaded from the App Store (4.5 and the ability to invite nonsubscribing relatives to view and stars), where it scored a Best App of 2012 award, as well as contribute content. Your MyHeritage family tree shares this Google Play (4 stars) and Amazon.com (4 stars). Findmypast environment, making it easy for relatives to explore it. doesn't yet have a mobile app. Ancestry.corn's social media tools are more narrowly • DNA INTEGRATION: Ancestry.com is the only website ~ focused on research and sharing your finds via social media. that sells its own DNA tests and integrates test results with Once you add a record to your tree, you can share it on online trees. The site's evolving, groundbreaking interface Facebook , Google+ or includes tools such as DNA Circles, Shared Matches and via email. Ancestry.com also hosts RootsWeb, where ­ New Ancestry Discoveries (still in beta format) to help alogists have long posted questions, data and research finds. Ancestry.com subscribers who purchase AncestryDNA • MOBILE ACCESSIBILITY: All three sites are now mobile­ tests discover the ancestors they share with their closest friendly. This means when you pull them up in a web browser genetic matches. As the DNA database grows (over a mil­ on a small screen, you will find the layout re-sized and sim­ lion and counting!) chances of finding matches improves. plified for easy navigation. Common test-taker complaints include slow or no responses

...... m to messages to genetic matches (to be fair, this also is a show you a monthly rate, but bill you once for the full cost frequent gripe about other DNA testing websites) and lack of your annual or six-month membership. You may be able of a browser, which necessitates the use of to pay by the month, but the rate is usually higher and your third-party tools for in-depth analysis. (For help using your subscription will probably auto-renew unless you cancel test results, see our Using DNA to Solve within the time frame the site specifies. Finally, it's a good Family Mysteries on-demand webinar