Unapproved Minutes of Special Meeting of the Emerald Isle Board of Commisisoners May 29, 2002 – 9:00 A.M
UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EMERALD ISLE BOARD OF COMMISISONERS MAY 29, 2002 – 9:00 A.M. - TOWN HALL Mayor Schools started the meeting, which was an informational meeting to get started on the inlet project. The main purpose of this meeting is for the permitting agencies to come forth with whatever concerns or issues they feel need to be dealt with and for Tom Jarrett to present what the project is going to be. There will be time, at the end of the meeting, for public comment. Self introduction was done and those present at the meeting were: Doji Marks, Emerald Isle Commissioner; Floyd Messner, Emerald Isle Commissioner; Dick Eckhardt, Commissioner, Emerald Isle; Art Schools, Mayor of Emerald Isle; Frank Rush, Town Manager of Emerald Isle; Emily Farmer, Commission of Emerald Isle; Pat McElraft, Commissioner of Emerald Isle; John Dorney, Division of Water Quality; Tere Barrett, Division of Coastal Management, Morehead City; Joanne Steeenhuig, Division of Water Quality, Wilmington; Keith Harris, Corps of Engineers; Larry Calame, Corps of Engineers; Mickey Sugg, Corps of Engineers; David Allen, North Carolina Wild Life; Tracy Rice, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; John Ellis, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; Ron Sechler, National Marine Fisheries Service; Ted Tyndall, Coastal Management, Morehead City; Tom Jarrett, Coastal Planning & Engineering; Cheryl Miller, Coastal Planning & Engineering; Cynthia (?), North Carolina Wildlife; Rick Monahan, Division of Marine Fisheries; Jeff Hudson, Deputy Manager, Onslow County Government; Gregory Rudolph, Carteret County Shore Protection Manager; Sam Bland, Hammocks Beach State Park. Mayor Schools introduced Carolyn Custy, who put together all todays meeting.
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