mpx Overview White Paper

mpx is the next phase in the evolution of broadband management: a convergence of an efficient user interface model with the most mature, flexible online video management technologies. mpx Overview White Paper

Broadband video management for the next decade and beyond Since 2000, thePlatform has made video management easier, powered abundant monetization models, and delivered enterprise-class performance to our customers and superior video experiences to their audiences. This decade of experience is reflected in mpx, the next phase in the evolution of broadband video management. We’ve always stayed with the goal of developing services that can adapt to a fast-moving market and changes in online video technologies, and this is apparent when you log in to mpx. You can get started quickly and scale the solution as your video business grows. With more efficient content management, personalized workflows, automated publishing and enterprise- class performance—all built on top of our service-oriented architecture—mpx is the most complete video management system available for publishing to PCs, mobile phones, and TVs. Because we “get” the work of media content producers and editors, we developed mpx to be the convergence of an efficient user interface model with the most mature, flexible online video management technologies. The mpx console design helps our users more easily manage media by giving them a workflow customized to their needs while minimizing the number of screens they need to use to accomplish their tasks. Through mpx, you can handle all the complex tasks of video management: ■■ Ingest ■■ Efficient workflow ■■ Automated Publishing and Delivery ■■ Simple editing ■■ Custom Feeds ■■ Flexible delivery and storage ■■ Monetization ■■ Audience expansion ■■ Content security ■■ Local and hosted file processing ■■ User-friendly reports ■■ Transcoding In addition, our services are backed by expert account management and technical support to keep your solution on track with your needs. You may search among digital media publishing vendors and find pieces of the solution that you require. But thePlatform is the only one that gives you mpx: the complete set of services for monetization, management, and user experience, as well as the flexibility to customize and add services as your business shifts and grows. Easily ingest your content library thePlatform believes that ingesting your content into a system for distribution should be just about the easiest part of the workflow, so we designed the Ingest Service to streamline the process with the least amount of management required on your part. With our ingest tools, you can automate a critical part of your media management workflow and save time and effort with a solution that can adapt to your processes—rather than make you adapt your processes to a rigid system. The Ingest Service helps you upload, update, and delete your voluminous content and video metadata. It’s designed to accept large amounts of your content and support your needs as your content library evolves and grows over time. Use the Ingest Service to tailor content upload to your own processes: ■■ Migrate your content to mpx easily and efficiently from a digital asset management system (DAM), a content or syndication partner, or another video management system ■■ Retain the current ingest processes that are working well for you with adapter scripts that automatically convert your metadata into a format that is readable by our system. Start with addContent, Media RSS, Excel, or CSV, or build your own using Groovy Script. ■■ Use your existing feeds to ingest content or set up a Watch Folder, and see content ingested automatically from your workflows. ■■ Upload massive amounts of content quickly and easily so that you can focus on growing your business. ■■ Ensure that your content is ingested properly every time with detailed error logging.

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The Ingest Service offers two automated methods for content upload: ■■ Watch Folders are FTP locations on your system that the Ingest Service constantly monitors for changes. Watch Folders are a “push” ingest method: you drop the media in, and it’s automatically uploaded to thePlatform’s mpx video management system. ■■ The Feed Reader monitors your feed and automatically uploads content additions and changes to your account. The Feed Reader is a “pull” ingest method: the upload is drawn into our system as we read your feed. If you need to use files without moving them (for example, files that must remain under the control of another content management system), you can use external file links to: ■■ Model live encoders and live streams in your workflows. ■■ Model files being managed by a partner. ■■ Reduce storage and bandwidth costs by fetching things only when you need them. ■■ Migrate from another system without having to move all your existing files. If the file already resides on a web server, you can link to it. Efficient workflow Editors and producers can manage video libraries more efficiently than ever with an intuitive design to access your content, a personalized user interface that shows only what’s needed to accomplish specific tasks, and additional features to make managing your growing content library easier. In addition, you can extend your console with custom commands which are powerful tools for kicking off almost any service or link from within your mpx workflow. mpx overview The tasks of our users are always in the minds of our development team. The web-based mpx is the result of extensive end- user studies and hard work by our designers and developers. mpx offers several ways to organize your content. Which methods you choose to use depends on your goals. When users log in, they see the Library, a group of session controls and information links, and a view of the media in their account.

The mpx interface includes the Library, a group of session controls and information links, and a view of the media in your account.

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■■ The Library lets you navigate between the different views that are available to you. By default, the Library contains menus for Media, Feeds, Policies, Publishing, Reports, and Account Setup, all of which contain one or more items. When you click on an item, the corresponding view loads to the right of the Library. The view for specific types of users— publishers, sharers, and aggregators—will also vary, as each of these account types has different needs. ■■ A view is a group of related interface components that allow you to work with items in your account. Most views include a list pane and a details pane. Some views also include one or more navigation blades. ■■ The list pane contains a central item list and a set of associated controls. ■■ The media details pane gives you metadata for a piece of media that is selected in the list pane. Faster content management We know that there are a lot of pieces to juggle when you’re managing video. We want you to be able to get to the information you need quickly, but we want to make sure that it’s a UI that doesn’t make the experience frustrating. What we came up with is a system of navigation blades that allow you to move easily between related views. Across mpx, you always have a consistent experience. A navigation blade on the right allows you to move from a parent view to a child view, while a navigation blade on the left allows you to move from a child view to a parent view. From any of the standard media views you can select one or more media items and click on the Files navigation blade to navigate to the Files view. Only the items that are related to the media you selected in the All Media view are displayed, whether you selected one title or many. You can navigate back to the All Media view by clicking the All Media blade on the left of the Files view.

You can click one or more media in the All Media view, and then click the Files blade to see all of the associated files for that media object. Filter, search, and create shortcuts Browsing is for when you want to just peruse the web. We’ve built queries and filters into mpx so you can get to what you want faster.

You can perform a search by entering a search term in the text box or by clicking the magnifying glass icon to restrict your search to particular metadata fields.

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After you do a search, you can save that query as a shortcut for streamlining your workflow with immediate access to the views you use most often. Shortcuts are specific to your username, and can be used to view media or other items.

You can add shortcuts for item sorting criteria, names and arrangement of the visible columns, and filters for media and feeds. Detail panels and custom fields Detail panels mpx administrators can customize the content of the media details panel on a per-account basis. They can change the selection and order of fields within the panels, add and remove entire panels, and create a completely custom panel set. Make as few or as many changes as you want; it all depends on what is the most efficient workflow for your team.

By default, the media details pane contains Preview, Metadata, Policies, and History panels.

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Custom fields Custom fields provide a way for you to apply your own metadata schema to media. When you define a custom field, you indicate the type of data it holds, and can specify a range or list of allowed values as well as a default value. After the custom field is defined, you can include it in a media panel for your media editors to use. You can set values for each of the following available field types: ■■ Boolean ■■ Date ■■ URI ■■ Integer ■■ Time ■■ Link ■■ Decimal ■■ Duration ■■ Image ■■ DateTime ■■ String You can also control how the custom field is named in feeds and API calls, or allow mpx to generate field values for you. In addition, you can query or sort these fields with our API. Other vendors have found this hard to implement in their web services, but thePlatform supports these functions with simple query parameters. Custom commands Using custom commands, you can extend the functionality of mpx and seamlessly integrate your own or third-party functions into your mpx workflow. Use them to bring in reports from other systems, trigger synchronizations, render custom views, call external encoding services, or preview media in a staging player. The commands use web service methods to call the location (URL) of the command, such as one for an external reporting system. Easier uploads In order to upload files to mpx without making you wait for each upload to finish, the mpx console uses a small application called the mpx Uploader. This Adobe AIR-based client works through the file queue on your local drive and sends the files via FTP or WebDAV to an upload server. Because the mpx Uploader runs as an application rather than in your web browser, you don’t have to wait for uploads to finish before you can continue using mpx. Choose any number of files, of any size, and the mpx Uploader will upload them in the background as you continue to work. The mpx Uploader AIR-based client sends your media to your designated server.

The mpx Uploader processes its tasks in the background so you can continue working.

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Automated, Customized Publishing and Delivery Just about every device, outlet, and feed has a distinct requirement for online video, whether for video formats, images, or delivery settings. mpx’s publishing workflow automates the entire publishing process for you, from file selection, transcoding, and applying asset types, to moving files to the right location(s). Publish Profiles Publishing media with mpx is a simple process. The system uses Publish Profiles, which are blueprints that define a set of physical files—or file targets—that you want to deliver to your audience, and specify how you want to deliver them. Profiles detail tasks required to get ready for a particular destination, including file creation, video transcoding, metadata preparation, thumbnail generation, and file movement. Once an administrator configures a Publish Profile, a video editor simply selects one or many media they want to publish and picks the destination that they want to publish to. Then they click Publish, and the system handles all of the details. To help you maintain control of your media consistently and securely, profiles can only be created and maintained by console administrators; a video editor can’t view or modify the details. The right file to the right destination When we built Publish Profiles, we considered the end location first: we looked at what is needed by the outlet you are trying to reach and worked backwards. If every media in your system already has physical files with the exact file characteristics that you want, defining a profile is a straightforward task. But let’s say you need a specific video or image file (thumbnail images, flash video files, MPEG-4 versions, low resolution, high resolution, etc.) for a particular destination. In these scenarios, you can create multiple file targets for each Publish Profile. You can also specify whether each of your file targets is required or optional. For example, if your Publish Profile has two thumbnail file targets—perhaps one with a standard aspect ratio and a widescreen version— you can choose to make the standard image a required file target and the widescreen image an optional file target. In the following example, the Publish Profile is designed to generate multiple versions of the same file for a variety of playback scenarios including high-, medium-, and low-bandwidth situations.

When it’s time for to the prepared files to the outlet, the system goes through a scenario illustrated in the following screen image. First, the system looks to see if the file exists in its required format. If found, it moves that file to the right location and is ready to go. If not, the system then looks for a mezzanine file that can be transcoded and moved to the right location. If there is no mezzanine file, then it looks for any other acceptable video file to work with. The whole process is automatic and completely customizable by the creator of the Publish Profile.

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Keeping up with new formats It’s important to us—and to our customers—that our technologies can quickly respond to an ever-changing marketplace of devices, outlets, formats, and business models. One of the first Publish Profiles we created was for the iPad. And when HTML 5 introduced a new standard for publishing video on the web, we developed a Publish Profile to help customers build an automated series of steps to create all the files needed to deliver to an HTML 5 enabled device. To help our customers stay at the forefront of online video experiences, we will continue to add these types of publishing capabilities to our system as the market evolves. Unpublish Did you ever publish some content and then wish you hadn’t? This is easy to fix with mpx. You can reverse a publish operation and then publish the media again if you need to. The status of unpublish operations are clearly marked in the UI.

Simple Editing To further streamline your video publishing, mpx gives you built-in editing tools. Chapters Add a Chapter field to your media panel so that editors and producers can add chapter start and end times, titles, and thumbnail URLs. You simply press the Play button in the preview player, click the Show Chapters button, and then click the Add Chapter button where you want a chapter point. You can also pause the video or drag the scrubber to where you want the chapter point, and then use the left- and right-arrow keys to move the video in smaller increments.

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You can also create thumbnails within the preview player. You simply click the Capture Image button on the preview image, select a thumbnail profile from the drop-down menu, and then move and resize the capture marquee for the image you want. mpx preserves the thumbnail profile’s aspect ratio without capturing data outside of the available image. You end up with high-quality thumbnails because mpx references the full-size image rather than taking just a screenshot. To capture a thumbnail from a video, you can drag the scrubber and the image will update to that position. For precise frame- by-frame control, you can use the left and right arrows on your keyboard. Custom feeds for growing your audience Managing feeds—collections of metadata about media you have published—is one of the most important aspects of online video. To target your audience as accurately as possible, you need a lot of flexibility in defining play sequence for videos, selecting specific videos for a list, creating dynamic lists of videos, and choosing feed formats and policies. The tasks of creating, managing, and organizing your feeds and creating playlists should not take up your producers’ and editors’ time. So we’ve designed our Feeds Service to give you a lot of control: ■■ Use RSS, Atom, or JSON format for your feeds. ■■ Control playlists with drag-and-drop tools. ■■ Configure feed filters to include only media of a selected format, asset type, encoding profile, delivery method, or category. You can also create custom filters. ■■ Specify which thumbnails and metadata fields to present with the feed content. ■■ Search feeds to find popular media that you’d like to “pin” to the top of the playlist to promote more videos based on what’s new or in a selected category. Pinned feed items will appear before items that are selected by a query. ■■ Set an ad policy on a feed to ensure a consistent ad experience across all the content in the feed; determine when ads are served with your content and from which ad services. ■■ Limit who can view the feed at the public URL so that end users receive an error message if they don’t meet the conditions defined by the restriction. Feeds are dynamic—once the criteria for a feed are established, you don’t need to manage it continually, since new media you add to your account that match the criteria will automatically appear in the appropriate feed(s). Simplified transcoding Transcoding, the direct digital-to-digital conversion from one codec to another, is a critical piece of the online media publishing process, but it can be notoriously complicated. To make it easier, we allow control of both our hosted and non- hosted transcoding services directly in mpx, where you select your target formats. File conversion happens automatically behind the scenes. So how do you decide whether a hosted or non-hosted option works best for your business? Here are some considerations: ■■ Video transcoding is a specialized area. Does your staff include transcoding server administrators with an understanding of the compression process and who can monitor and back up the systems? ■■ Transcoding requires hardware and energy. Do you have a server farm with rack space, and a system to maintain and cool the boxes? ■■ The software is an investment. Do you have the budget to license, maintain, and periodically upgrade your operating systems? Setting up a transcoding farm can cost thousands in hardware and software alone, not even counting operational costs. So if committing to these staffing, hardware, and software requirements isn’t feasible, thePlatform’s high availability, hosted Transcoding Service may be a good fit for you. Our servers can transcode from a wide variety of source file formats, including MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.263, H.264, 3G2, RealVideo, QuickTime, AVI, 3GPP, and Windows Media. Output media files include MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.263, H.264, 3G2, RealVideo, QuickTime, AVI, 3GPP, Windows Media, and Flash. If you want a hosted, exclusive server to transcode

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your files, use our dedicated hosted service. For a setup fee and a slightly higher monthly charge, you can gain the assurance of consistent, stable, and highly available transcoding. If you decide to host your own transcoding service locally behind your firewall, you can use our Remote Media Processor (RMP) to work with your transcode application, as well as to perform other heavy-lifting tasks for file manipulation, DRM encryption, and file transfers. Flexible delivery and storage mpx provides a clean, efficient interface for managing your (CDN), and a seamless integration with our video management solution means there is less maintenance and lower support costs. You can define and view servers for your account in the mpx console, where you have a number of ways to optimize workflow for your editors and producers. In the Servers view, you can change an icon to make it easier for your users to identify servers, and you can disable a server to prevent it from appearing in other views as an available destination for files.

In the console you can define settings to optimize workflow for your editors and producers. In the Allowed file formats field you can limit which file formats can be stored on the server by selecting them from a picker. mpx supports three types of delivery and can combine delivery types on a server-basis depending on the services your CDN offers: ■■ Streaming the file to the player for immediate playback when using streaming servers or servers that deliver thumbnails and progressive downloads ■■ Downloading the file to the client for storage and offline playback ■■ Pulling the file from an origin server and moving it to a CDN’s edge cache In addition to these types of delivery, we also offer Adobe Flash Media

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Streaming Server, adaptive streaming, progressive downloads, bandwidth throttling, load-balancing, and digital media system security. In keeping with our goal of offering tailored solutions, our growing network of CDN integrations gives you the flexibility to make the delivery choices that work best for you. Current integrations include: ■■ Akamai Technologies, Inc. ■■ Highwinds ■■ Amazon Web Services ■■ Internap ■■ CDNetworks ■■ Limelight Networks ■■ Cisco Systems ■■ StreamGuys ■■ EdgeCast Networks ■■ Velocix Customized Players thePlatform’s Player Service lets you launch unique players that are configured for PCs, Macs, mobile phones, and OTT devices in a matter of minutes — all through a hosted service. Player Service provides a simple to use console, so non-technical users can build their own players, choosing from eight different layout templates, multiple skins, dozens of color schemes, and more, within a matter of minutes. Key benefits include: ■■ Unique players are created on the fly ■■ Requires minimal resources – anyone on your team can create a great looking player ■■ Offers ad policy support for HTML5 including mid-roll support ■■ Inline preview features lets you view player changes while you work ■■ Players are hosted by thePlatform Our Player Service offers all standard features offered in our stand alone Player Dev Kit, without the need to build it through code or host it. Standard features for all players include full-screen playback, sharing, embed code, auto-start playback and support for our partner plug-ins. Other features include: Preview changes in real-time Configuring your player is a lot faster when you can view your changes while you’re making them. The tool’s preview pane allows you to view the player while you’re working in the console. This saves you the effort of going back and forth between consoles to ensure your player is right. Videos are automatically formatted for the right device The service’s built-in intelligence lets you present players in both Flash and HTML5. There’s no need to create and manage separate online video players for each viewer environment and you don’t need any additional code on your website. Using a single embed code, Smart Players automatically detect the devices viewing your video and deliver the appropriate format for that environment. Layouts dynamically resize to fit your selected content size regardless of the skin or layout with smart logic for aspect ratio resizing. Makes sharing easier You can increase social network reach by encouraging viewers to share videos on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. thePlatform’s Player Service is white-listed with Facebook for in-stream playback of shared links. Monetization Managing advertising online involves a number of considerations. Whether you have one or many ad solutions running at the same time, you need the flexibility to optimize your ad revenues while providing redundancy and comprehensive coverage across all your assets.

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There are five key paths to monetizing your broadband video content: 1. Content security. To protect your high-quality content from unauthorized use or viewing, you need to add license security, which consists of using a digital rights management (DRM) system. DRM encryption technology actually modifies the file in such a way that it is “locked” until a user is given a “key.” thePlatform’s system supports Widevine and the Microsoft Windows Media DRM framework, which is available from Microsoft as part of Windows Media Server, the Windows Media Format SDK, and Player. Windows Media DRM 10 allows subscription-based DRM content to be played on supported mobile devices. 2. Ad policies and integrations. Video ad policies define when, how, and for whom ads play, and from which source the ads are served. thePlatform offers integrations with more than 15 advertising and monetization technology providers who support ad-based, subscription-based, and pay-per-view initiatives: ■■ AdoTube ■■ Brightroll ■■ Panache ■■ ■■ DoubleClick ■■ PayPal ■■ ADTECH ■■ EyeWonder ■■ ScanScout ■■ Auditude ■■ FreeWheel ■■ Tremor Media ■■ BlackArrow ■■ Google AdSense for video ■■ YuMe 3. TV Everywhere. Consumers want to watch their favorite cable programs online, and the time has come to give them TV Everywhere. thePlatform is a leader in enabling TV Everywhere deployments. We can build authentication adaptors that TV Service Providers and Programming Networks can use to translate the consumer’s user credentials into the format required by each authentication system. In addition, TV Service Providers and Programming Networks can use our content authorization services to apply various types of policies to content in one seamless solution. 4. Commerce. You need flexibility in the ways you sell your content so you can quickly adapt to new business models. thePlatform’s system includes extensive support to enable users to purchase content via different pricing models, including subscription, pay-per-view, video , rental, and bundling. In addition, we can help you develop web and mobile storefronts for consumers to purchase content. 5. Syndication. Syndicating your content through a variety of channels will put your video in front of audiences and expand your business. thePlatform offers an end-to-end feature set and a wide range of scalable options—including syndication via feeds, media, and players—that you can mix and match to meet your needs. Expand your audience From the beginning, we’ve been focused on supporting our customers’ varied syndication models. We’ve heavily invested in learning from customer deployments. In the process we have constantly reinvigorated our system to match the pace of industry changes, and we continue to add new outlets, formats, devices, and integration partners along the way. thePlatform supports virtually any mobile, over-the-top, or web video sites with a smart content ingest process, metadata matching, and required file formats for each destination: ■■ Syndicate players to any site that will embed your player. You control the user experience from start to finish. ■■ Syndicate feeds to any video player that will accept Atom or RSS feeds. Send your content to multiple devices, outlets, and content platforms that accept standard feeds. ■■ Syndicate media using Connectors to distribute your content directly to another system in the proper format. Connectors include: AT&T™, GoTV™, mobitv™, QuickPlay™, , Helio™, MSN Video, YouTube™, iTunes™, Yahoo. With mpx you can trust that your video will get to your audience in the right format at the right time. Secure premium content To keep video management and playback in line with your business goals, you need to put some gates up between your media and your audience. Some gates you may want to leave open part of the time, and others may require a toll. The important thing is that the system you choose to manage content access gives you flexible security options that help you create the business model you want. There are two basic points at which you need to secure your online video: at the media file level, and during playback. thePlatform’s solution protects your content at both of these points.

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Media File Security You’ll use file-level security to secure the content as it moves through your datacenters and on to the content delivery network (CDN). It’s essential that your video management system let you set the following types of file-level restrictions: CDN security The architecture of your video management system should let you easily control content delivery. thePlatform handles CDN security by using a server object, which is a file containing various information about a CDN used by an account, such as storage URL, description, and whether the server supports streaming delivery. Each server object creates a secure CDN connection with a saved password and login name that is included in its details. Server objects can be used and reused across any and all of your media. If you have to make changes to a server object, you only need to change it in one place. This provides centralized control of your video on a CDN and reduces risks from misuse and tampering. You can also upload content directly to a CDN with secure FTP or Aspera from behind your firewall. Local storage security For our customers who prefer to store and work with some (or all) of their Fast and Secure Protocol (FASP) content in a location that meets particular file processing and security requirements, we developed the Remote Media Processor (RMP). The RMP runs as a Microsoft Windows service on a server that can reside behind your firewall to manage files on your network efficiently and securely. You can send files through your local transcoding farm to make lower-resolution files for web or mobile playback, and use our Aspera plug-in for the RMP2 to deliver video content at maximum speed. Playback security mpx provides an advanced set of security features that enable granular control over the viewer access. These capabilities include: Stream Caps: You can limit the number of content streams being played simultaneously, whether it is applying limits to different pieces of media, or a single piece of media. Content Restriction Windows: There may be times you want to restrict content for a limited window, and then removed after a certain period of time. Example: You can require authorization for the first seven days your media is online, and make it available only to viewers with a subscription. After seven days, everyone can view it. Then, after a certain time or on a specific date, the content would expire completely. The system also allows you to set relative availability and expiration dates on particular restrictions. Example: You can make content available immediately for end users, but prevent syndication partners from making it available for five days. Or maybe you want to set a general rule that content always expire 30 days after it’s available. Other methods for securing playback include: ■■ Feeds: Limiting who can view the feed at the public URL ■■ URL: Requiring user tokens or keys to access playback or public URLs ■■ IP address: Allowing or denying access to content based on the client device’s IP address ■■ Geo-restrictions: Controlling access based on the end user’s physical location, including region, city, zip code, area code, and DMA ■■ Domain: The web site from which content is embedded ■■ Device identification: The web browser or device the end user uses to make the request ■■ DRM: Locking file access with encryption processes ■■ Entitlements: Setting specific viewing rights by user or video file

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Local and hosted file processing While thePlatform runs its video management system as an application service provider (ASP), we serve clients with a variety of deployment requirements. Our RMP software is ideal if you want to run video publishing operations in a hybrid environment, mixing locally housed technology and storage with online hosted services to maximize efficiency and maintain flexibility. You install RMP on a server in your network to manage file transfer, encoding, and encryption as directed by mpx. By running RMP inside your network, you can avoid lengthy transfers of source and intermediate files across the Internet. With RMP’s hybrid solution you speed up your entire workflow, even when the largest and/or highest bitrate mezzanine files need to be processed, encoded, and moved to the right locations. Only when you release your media do files traverse the Internet to your content delivery network (CDN). And because RMP gets its instructions from mpx, there’s no new user interface to learn. The RMP is ideal in many scenarios, including the following: ■■ You have very large media files to be transcoded, encrypted, or otherwise processed, and you want to do some or all of that work locally. ■■ You want to make your workflow smarter and minimize the bandwidth used when moving files over the Internet for common workflow tasks. ■■ Your content or services are behind corporate firewalls, and you need a local server that can act as a proxy with the outside world to deliver your media files. ■■ You want to increase security by processing your high-quality media files on servers controlled by your organization before they travel across the Internet. User-friendly reports We understand that to move your business forward, you need good data on which to base decisions. Tracking the driving forces of your online video business is simple in mpx. With richer, more visual reporting tools, you can display the data you need in a user-friendly way. Get both a graph and a data table for a report:

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Use built-in or custom date ranges:

...or change the graph based on one or two pivot points:

You can also create shortcuts to reports, and search by title, asset type, ad policy, or other field ID. Expert help is always available The quality of our support and professional services reflects basic tenants of our development philosophy, including our commitment to accommodating and adapting to change, approaching problems creatively, and collaborating with others to accomplish the customer’s goals. When you onboard with us, you’re assigned a Technical Account Manager who makes sure you have everything you need to design, implement, and support your solution. A Corporate Trainer walks you through the system and answers your questions. Every customer of thePlatform has access to an Account Manager who helps with ongoing contractual, administrative, and technical tasks on a regular basis. Our premium technical support services are available to all customers; you don’t pay extra for 24/7 support. Our programmer-level technicians are there for you throughout the life cycle of your business. And you can always turn to our thorough Technical Resource Center documentation for instructions, sample code and fully documented APIs. And if you have specific configuration and development needs, our Consulting Services staff can help you with video players, commerce and monetization setup, and workflow management. ■■ Integrate a complete end-to-end solution across the entire broadband media workflow, from content ingest to metadata management and file transcoding, and from account and user policy management to content syndication and reporting. ■■ Get help designing, developing, and deploying customized video players with our Player Dev Kit. ■■ Implement robust end-to-end digital stores that include DRM, end-user management, payment processing, customer service tools, billing system integration, product catalogs, sales tax calculation, and storefront UI management. From our standard services to a completely customized development effort, we can help you build the right solution to fit your organization’s needs.

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The widest range of technology partnerships The demand for innovative digital media management and distribution is constantly growing. Combining our services with complementary partner technologies helps us provide a wider range of flexible solutions that offer you easy access to more options and innovations. We offer one of the largest menus of pre-integrated solutions available in broadband video. Our technology partner program spans the entire ecosystem of online video, including advertising management systems, ad sales networks, content delivery networks, and transcoding engines. Once we understand your requirements, our Technical Account Managers and consultants can help you evaluate your needs, review the best combination of tools available, and explain which partner technologies can give you the most benefit. When you talk to us about integrating partner tools such as transcoding engines or ad servers, we can respond succinctly because of our knowledge of this function as it relates to our built-in services. We help you make sense of it all. The complete solution You’ve got your own vision for online video, and you don’t want the systems you use to restrict where your business can go. thePlatform has designed our mpx services and interface so that you can grow and change, and manage your media in the way that best fits your team’s workflow. Whether you want a simplified, turnkey implementation or an a la carte approach to building a highly customized solution, mpx can meet your needs. To find out more about how mpx can help you meet your online video objectives, visit, or contact our sales team at +1 206.436.7900.


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1000 Second Avenue, Suite 1000 ©2010 thePlatform all rights reserved. thePlatform, thePlatform for Media, Inc., “Media Seattle, WA 98104 Publishing System,” “mps,” “mpx,” and thePlatform circle logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of thePlatform for Media, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. North America: [email protected] Asia/Pacific: [email protected] Rev.: 02/2012 EMEA: [email protected]