10-C THE DETROIT TIMES Monday, May 21, 1945 By Carl Anderson DOUBLE TROUBLE 8y Maclean " getting —— lilili *Y"Vfrsty [henry'-you're fp==n . hijpiii-!- -MiffliriTvooz is ,!,!l^!lj p||l| pnn '^lj|l:[ Tcome back an' letme'l ' PLUMP/ WWY DON'T YOU _A teluinO' ' J ' JJ^ I —•—¦ - ‘(uTauaa.m ebkJ_) ? Gri ’'j yjfs*' SfSw [r— y~— —T 'gfb ItJi —^nyJuEßE!^

By Walt Disney AND OINIE By Bay! Eoqa'ly DONALD DUCK LEM 7 GOT a A [yVwAVEMT e Ers ') l^


y O l LAFF-A-DAY TIMES DAILY CROSSWORD A I ti N 4' HOWS 1 1 —Rftlnn. flinhf* 74—t- iitß . . b 12 Alikin tanat >. 2 l—Garni' tui> 3 7—Katt *t«i 1 ti -l.lkr *lf 30—Jr»t l. 23—High piifkl. If—N«f 2 3—Furl 1 »—ri.i on a* 2-t Bny'i nirtrarm*. 1 1 Sl a i«ni r k » ' H—i, • re* I< rifr. fWTTTWm~WJ] 12 i Cully- 17—(M\ N 1— Hatai i—Ex 'tf i l«ll « f »..rrn» 3 Mechlin lan. ; 4Care lufdlv 7 7 -y—Tom >Tt. L). t h Memorandum h<«ik» 7 - I—>tn*« timed at P—slarch«i, , Palm 14—Hull «»* 1 7—firrl f tin aitfmr. 20—1’UMtkr hil.. •.* * —nirpra'p ' 72 ~«pMk *• “ !* 23—Male s<-e*f. * iifniiiiii Hi ukchold By B°y Cran» 24 animal. 2*>— f.fare ofT *1 a ivllable 3fi—Exist ___M| 2Z-= Va.ut-d. m»* W *b yy* m . ?s -C' nstellatlon. ' t CTS jo—Bar If DP^j fnrmatlnn MV¦ KUSBAI.S TAUT SQUA»- SADNESS IN HIS f'/Bii DOVOU n M^H SwECT^TOcS^LEfT SUtP ) A 31—Kind f>! nr* —. bt'WfiflHHfi 2HE HA! PSEMOnL 31—1 ng-eared rodent i77tV “s—*'nv> ire P 9 TT-te l 7 » — -- ¦ ?! 'r’r jolt.LMt.ja- sfsjj ii! t...t I i V//Y/A~zM S-il A ¦•' ,•'•••¦? *m quotation 7 Vrtr tnrrnptv lvnTb.\o j\k aum pe oCiTy- kc\ jpt npmvju hk eg id—- BnA|£jsp|l|u j —E>i-vir“ A| sip t T EIC T ' greatest llw • irday's Cr\ ptoquote: The p|q]a t sl|r r E[r,ts r-f .n i.n.'U i* to he conscious ot none—- p e\ *" * a y| —l,l DcUMI IIM '; . • * bx Klri (- FealuiM Syndicate, Inc. me m\ Saturda) k Intkff “Oh! Leave alone with dream**!” Hatlo Hew Vacation Policy New Trials Asked THE DETROIT TIMES DAILY RADIO GUIDE THEY'LL DO IT EVERY TIME By Jimmy MONDAY / WELL- /y// )' ( NEW ChiCk L* (SO ink- ' JND-LLi by DSR By 4 in Policy Case WWJ—9SO WJLB—I4OO WJBK—I49O Approved WXYZ—I27O ? c_ ¦* _ Tim# WJR —l6O CKLW—BOO ( OF Bu > w~-»-ON / ANOTHER ONE OFF TELL HIM TO HAviL - MCE J Four convicted defendants in >JO * servicemen’s Rhythm 'talnur New*. Alu*k Girl Marne* ’lerr? and PlratevD New* y'f'. TMP DESK And \ LOO \ ", >mg Al«ni Lite Jack Arm*tr>n|-'1 SWEET’ \ RSACNTO UJtT ”is MC- ~0 uX-K r.ew \ac ition policy to all em- Ranting today petitioned JO Mu*n lor Millions Radio lack pot lu*l Plain Bill M \ PUT AWA"* THE SCRATCH - ) trial had arrell Captain MidnUhlD War Job* Mountain l M 5004 s Bar I. (Shop Uriel l»m Mu front Pa*e I \ OLD PAIGLIBLIR kS OUT HERE NOW DivS'D-'-Fp. XaA 3 / ploy t> of the 1 *\stem today Recorder's Judge Paul L. Krause HiS >SI: ~ feN,NK> New* by Iru- l»ay in Beslem-N New War J»b»-E Muncal C»estalU-M for Knh Kowley-N Kollln- Home " NOU*gg HERE, .. y , approved by the com- new trials Teas* **• P- 'N TO &E 6 HIM. NEW Vtl 1 was ' DSR New* <*ln**»m Ranters , 15 I rili*-lest Profe**or lieiilng MrflttgS 7 They are Walter Tuill, who 30 l*.oi tarn ( lioru* ( mica Kbumha >pnrt* Review lee bmlts-N ’ OLD \ Martin OuESSTHE ! HieOLDPAi A-M m»s.* ion. 4§ \ Lowell Thom** Eyes M Taanie row Bill HEN.HONEN w as fined and Saul Kohn, Kdward 600 /N, V * quires . vnolf chased the last j exact nv • The policy u that those Weisberg Joseph Bommarito, Club Headline MICInn-N Warsaw tfhoevV Mall Bar and JaiL RlrkwiMid V I niton lewl* Supper > ¦ luslc Doo ?*» whxr enter >¦ IS llrdda Hopper *ului « Hie W rid Niw* Havmond f. **wln* ' one out THE l call an offiui i aimed forces re- whom prison Thin* ''*• all of received sen- bull.* ti> •• C.Udersleese-D {•> Jn I Tank* Lone Kanter-D ve two week vacations in the " Muslr e^ tences. Judge Krause set May- 700li World and t v \^ <; (^iAwwk-V ca!< vt in they leave hoes-A Italian nder ar which for the hearing. o* »op-\ (fill Brown Calvalrade Ainrrha Ted Malone Warsaw f.i -28 - ofi similar during the " Lum uni vacations .IS New* Ace ...... nllate-D1 Ahner-U I krsinian Hr-J Alim People The A olce-M Blind . . JO Burn* and \*k M •* cm endei year in which they re- 800\ •« <»rrman .%mffirin DETROIT OXIMES '*'** turn. C.abnrl Heater-1 Irlephone Hour C hanre for Tank II ilian Hour-> Radio Ili a lei II '* •• Horn H'iniin Publlstird rvrry A'erk D*» Evt-nli r mifl |ft n in , f '• lemple RspHMR AtA+TftTISKMKN T Sunday Morning By the Time* Publishing 30 llh Heller Half Inlormallnn Plea*e .Hpnlllihl Band* •• Cum,enj at 1235 Times Square. Detroit 31. 9004, m •• OeirnlC-C»reek-J Michigan rielrolm.reeht 'ews a a OO brrren C-ulld Parliu MiNallr Portrait* in Mu»li Reunion ISA Second-C less •• g *wm* I lub Entered et Detroit, Mich it | u New* o Bo*n “ Mlsrrtane quartet Piles—Get Mali Matte: 30 Twu cut qnlv Politlral Talk l>r 1. q Ta be annoamed TELEPHONE—CHERRY bBOO 111 tin by mail to Subscription rate advancei N.w> 'ey* M«*nal Potpourri I- * V News %M GaindwtU Nr Now any place In the United State*. Canada or J* *' Relief Report Rlrliard Harkn -*s W aahinglon Mexico. (On Canadian subscription* add 10*.* 15 .Innni* t arrnl.M Uuiil wani tuars *....», JO knthnny * T Author - Plavhou*e saludn* Amign* _7“ v o* -nberns in the last 40 to cover war Import tax i den lrea*ur HIM Datly and 4» I lliol | I*l net 'I Ks;*MM Seatl M ;i\? way quick no# ye.j- i oun | ( f. .r• ¦ * - flintiiieiK ib inn r DAILY *"d News SUNDAY 7 SO Bob N News Todai's Tunes Remember Son* War Jobs-T Musit A . • .ill (IritKIKRtS. wa- 40 l.oiicw. New* " DAILY AND SUNDAY 2J IS Mulliolland \ar. Happy Joe-V Re»,.|||r Roundup „ ist |< ... , |*iii>il.i*r. .'lmii j back jo Awing Mitfi Top of Morning m ¦ WEEKLY " m \• If n»l *l»l tflif**! DAILY 30c 7004S Nm m 11 Neas bv Grant I.'>C SUNDAY Boh Row let N New* New* Roundup Martin Agron>ky t nil* Vlewpolnl-R New* AND 4Sc ( M« DAILY SUNDAY \|. lor dl ihr Happy loe-V Mlnulr Parade Burkeroo* her-R 15 11. Tre*.»nry h.lute All money »ent at aender a risk. Do not JO New. Polish rro|ram-5 Mulln.lD.id Var. ~ " stasnps drafl* *• Breakfast Alusle • '' send or All check aid Quit '- » fl r«>h 44 *"•» r . , _ 800 . _ _ L. money order* should be made payable to THE Program-V TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY. Know \merira N. w* I.lslen lo Breakfast Club-V Polish News Vsr. " » *\clu.*|v* " r,,1, h (JHOUIHXINB International New* Service ha: the IS Happy lomV rights to use for r«production lu anv form all New* Aer " JO Mu*l< Mirtk LabMtl ’’ news dispatches credited to It cm not other- 4ft Dearest Mother oaper 900 I wise In Your Carrier credlied this Tray femplr-R a w on Jallanl l.ady ll Mu*l. Robert SI. John Atorj-D Belhesda Polish " l.awton It I uhl -t World Lora _ ._ , ll] ... A YOUNG BUSINESSMAN pi ul Life Fashion Reporter Greal Wall.es I JO Mr* - s|»ry M»r« in T Road M ~ By JIM - I v |] * I News Jovre Jordan Li*trnin| Po>t-D STOWCR Hull hildrrn _ . . Repnrler-f Polish A*rl«ti«s The E/wt Honeymoon tiill Meet the R*nd-M Under* Keepers .< .1 P'-nnieftian Fl»hi* IS srrond llu-band * Soldier Wlfe-ll irnln* Ael Gil Miilm Rita Powers * WISH Rrl JO Brlrlit llorl.on s j!!.. INSWEiI?vI Srralc h lime New*1 U. re. SICK/SH Aunt lenn* Whafa J m.r Ides’ David llarumf) lark Berrh ___ Regiitrird S. Patent nOO4ft Off News, Help Mask as 00 Kite smith News Wu«le <»lamour Manor Wanted 4 “ Intermesao 4 7 3 6 4 7 I*s 3 1 *1 Ift Hi. Mstrr H Morion l»oniie*-M lip lop Mu«le „ 2 5 / New* Are N>v.s b» Grant News F P JO ll.len Irenl-n _ I * •!* KBBBECI E I N A I *• |] Gal sunday-D Melodies Man In servlie Tip lop Delroll e; Noontime Ouls-M 1 By Batteries •*#•?* Hour 4 ST “• 5 4 2 3 8 BURNS Polish News Maritime Day Muslr Baseb.ll STOMACH? life BeautifHl-D *ehool Jly* Perkins-I) Happy t»k Eoerth Lady of tharm-T Mrlrtly L UTS I G P F, H T Y G E IS Ma Ganc-V " " T New* .. JO Bernadine „ Ihnn * 2* 3 8 4 7 3 pip£°’ , Dr Mal-me so he announred Ml*«ha Kotllef - - 2H3T546 4ft J nunc - 100 ______Jo* F W O R I’ V W R U li E E ft two on a flue f edrlr to«|er I iehl-11 Eddie t haae sews c t.uirtlnc " slVur* a IS Rnonuri Rush lluchevAt Today's t htldren-D Muslr 4 *6 2 3 *. 2 i ** a ...sure Chest ‘i“ T 4 8" 5 JO Perry -Ala»on 'telod* llme-A| W»nyrn In White V ’* 1 onnff A V ( - ICNIBON I R L BECAUSE: Stomach quea*v, uneasy and upset? 200Aft I rna and lim News Rep>irler Hymns of hurrhes New* News. Mask 4 2 3 7 4 S Quiet and calm it with soothing Linda « Ist Ime Heartaopg II ur M Woman of America Appointment, Life 3*4f53H6 '• n F IS IdMof* DaucMer A arietit--M Ms Perkin*-D sj° .T!_ RORIALL t N G G R It Relieves Pain PEPTO ri&mol. Help* bring prompt " Show World Matinee Mel«.Lai—dl H ail* In alarm Pepper Anuna lO . JO , Vo_-,„ir of„t Tasl 3 8 Hap,- Rlchl-D *„n|enle. 23746:;2 6 3 4 6 relief to sour, sirkish. upset stom- 30041 Mirny tl New* me-* to News A'lewt New*. Mnstc I M T S S Y Z_F F T_R L It Fights Infection ach acts retard gat /ormatton llou-e Party Waller t nmpton Backstare W Ife-D «... N_ L •• Nkk IS fonca Ithumhw Mella I'alla* D Ethel and Albert l nrle „ 4 3 1 6 and simple diarrhea •* 3* 6 6 '2 8 Pleasant-tast- 30 \pt»i lur *nfi» Jnni $-D 1 —wm D It Promotes Healing ing Non-laxative. A*k your drug- 400 x, 1 llr.p M*rritAn ft— l OL EGF SFPNHS Aartrly P— Politic li gist for PF.PTO BISMOL when your < D li-anu M Mask N New* IL—Religion T—l aik A— atomach upaet. Thmi uiassa is a pivc you a message u Program a tupplitd hy radio itotionr, iub/«fl to ~cned P*rl.cr J*fmi<*, ADVERTISEMENT , in Sevburn ind IrcJ hi* your fortune. Count the letters in your fiist name. If the number Hearing Set wtr int»s Iron* '0 cuunmer* VO. numbers, left to right. Then read the letters j Discharges Chaplin’s motion for a*erage a week, o» *» Back for dian Charlie route profits 110 hr the checked figures give you. 5-12 Joan Barry's in J Your Feet An Ni:\V YORK. May IfVdNSi— retrial of red-headed SIJf in war bond*, has >IOO the bank. charges that he fathered her I Sixteen veterans of the China- I red it M, liv*» it JtT Baldwin. and daughter, Ann was set at *. i* Burma-Inflia iheater were hark haby Carol attend* church St. Anthun* He Ice-Mint Treat in the ninth grade of St. STRAINS tod.i a ' AND "B itudent Get M*ppf, tooling Rpiirf For in thr l.’nitefl States today for i SsPRfIINS • • Anthony Ssic.ise and glee club Muiculor Achat ond Point Stiff Joint* Bruittft Burning Ctliou***—Put Spring in Your Stop diachaige under the |>oirtt system, j School. Pontiac Soldier Freed I LfcL MSCRABLE? tubjett*. I li* hobbie* are / • the such b(* are hi* favorite - group brought ft n*v« •• Don't rman thout tired, bnmin# feet. first to (j/'N V»'¥ Hnidafht nr J,.» busy DSR Mishaps Decline build- P»ir>» Don’t m an nhout mlluuien. fr- t ami itamp collecting ami im-Jcl airplane l\\. Jim D. Wilmot of Pont!Ac ] \ frj fuortiwi«l with bark by [ilan^. 1 \ f'o»ii»r r« «»• give them an Ice-Mint treat. Feel the com- l t.// O-.iiitiN* E»»» arrived at \ wils group of * *,M ,M forting. soothing of Tc«-'Wint 4riv- The rnrn LaGuardia The accident rate for the DSR in*- one of a Americans ou, ' k cTr '*' roolnaas ! (>ra**a, A |Tm X Hi* parent*, Mr an«J Mr* red in the army recently «' ... night Canadian ..i-|r,n inr out fte»y burninf aching tiredime. Field last after flying for for May has, so far dropped 5 I \ i l*r .'»!> illrfOlrd Rub lee-Mint over those u*ly hard «I* his brother, Daniel I. Wil- Ice-Mint way. At all druni ate. within hours. today by DSR official*. Are Better Boy*." mot, 17 N. Ardmotc, Pontiac.