How Savate Turned into a Sport

Savate, also known as French or French foot fighting, is a form of martial art from which combines kicking techniques with western boxing. Unlike, or which allow the use of the knees, in Savate only foot are allowed. It is probably the only style where the fighters wear shoes. A male Savate fighter is called a savateur, while a female fighter is known as a savateuse.

In the Olympic Games of 1924, Savate was shown as a demonstration sport. In 2008, the International University Sports Federation recognized Savate as a sport. After this recognition, Savate become a sport under the University World Championships.

Grouping and regrouping

In 1965, French boxing teachers decided to establish the National Committee of French Boxing (Comite National de Boxe Francaise or CNBF). There were two groups among French boxing teachers, one the academic camp, comprising physical trainers headed b y Count Pierre Baruzy, and the other of white collar workers who were in favor of full- fighting in the ring. The two camps competed with each other throughout the 1970s. In 1973, the CNBF became Federation Nationale de Boxe Française (FNBF) and was controlled by the academic camp. The other group revolted and there was a split. A new federation called the Federation Nationale de Savante Boxe Française was created. The government, though, gave the right to offer teaching diplomas and championship titles to the academic group FNBF in 1975, which was renamed Fédération Française de Boxe Française, Savate et Disciplines Assimilées (FFBFS & DA). The warring groups ensured that French boxing missed a chance to be recognized as a in France and outside. It was only in 1978 that the two camps merged under the banner of FFBFS&DA and brought some purpose to Savate.

The origin of Savate

Savate is actually a French word, meaning old shoe. It comes from the heavy shoes that Savate fighters used to wear. It is said that sailors in the southern French seaport of came up with a fighting style, involving slaps with the open hand and high kicks. Closed fists could not be used because fighting with a closed fist could attract a legal penalty, since it constituted as a deadly weapon at that time. It was initially called jeu marseilles and later as chausson.

Two historical figures played a big role in turning the sport from to modern Savate. They are Michel Cassaeux, a pharmacist and Charles Lecour. Cassaeux started the first establishment to practice and promote Savate in 1825. In his version, head butting, and eye were disallowed. But even then the sport was not able to shake off its reputation as a technique for fighting on the street.

Charles Lecour, who was Cassaeux's pupil had seen a English boxing match. He thought Savate fighters were at a disadvantage because they were not allowed to use their fists. He learnt boxing and later combined it with chausson to create the sport of Savate.

What does savate constitute?

Savate is actually one of the safest to learn. While other forms of martial arts give colored belts to signify a learner's proficiency, a Savate learner's proficiency is indicated by the color of his gloves. A Savate learner may not necessarily change the color of his gloves when he moves to a higher rank. In fact, the fighter may use the same gloves even after receiving multiple promotions. Novice or new learners do not get any colors. Competition Savate includes styles like Assault, Pre-combat and Combat. Only four types of kicks and four types of punches are allowed.

Other forms of Savate

Savate did not originate as a sport. It was initially a form of self defense and it was used in street fighting in and Paris. Another form of Savate is called savate de rue or Savate defense. Along with punches and kicks, Savate defense allows and strikes together with throws, sweeps, locks, take-downs and . This includes six types of kicks along with four types of punches. Savate also includes stick fighting and it is a part of training in many Savate classes. Learners who only want to fight in competitions, may omit this part of the training. Go2Karate has a list of places that teach Savate. To find them, please go through our website.

Recognition on the world stage

It was after the International Savate Federation was formed in 1985, which later came to be known as the FIS or the Federation Internationale de Savate, that Savate began coming back into the spotlight. Savate was included in the SportAccord in 2013. The event showcases both Olympic and non-Olympic martial arts and combat games and is a platform to demonstrate to the world what the sport of Savate is all about.