Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous Vegetables Cruciferous vegetables are high in fiber, Individuals with thyroid function concerns vitamins, and minerals. They also contain should consume these vegetables mostly indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and other important cooked (vs. raw). natural phytochemicals. These elements There are many to choose from, so if you’re change the way estrogen is metabolized and choosing these wonderfully nutritious vegeta- may prevent estrogen-driven cancers. They bles as a regular part of your diet, be sure to also provide tremendous support to the liver keep up the variety. If you wish to experiment for detoxification. Chopping or chewing with them raw, try juicing, fresh salads, mari- cruciferous vegetables results in the nated salads, and adding sprouts or greens to formation of these bio-active products. Eating your sandwiches. If you’re cooking them, try these vegetables either raw, lightly sautéed, steaming, sautéing, stir-frying, and roasting. quickly stir-fried, or steamed is best to retain In all cases, try to avoid microwaving vegeta- the full array of nutrients. But the most bles in plastic bags, as the process may de- important thing is to eat more of them! stroy more nutrients in foods and can transfer harmful compounds from the plastic Cruciferous Vegetables are Natural Detoxifiers arugula flowering cabbage napa cabbage bok choy garden cress radish, greens and sprouts broccoflower horseradish rapini (broccoli rabe) broccoli kale (green, red, lacinto, etc.) real wasabi greens and sprouts kohlrabi rutabaga brussels sprout komatsuna siberian kale cabbage mizuna tatsoi cauliflower mustard cabbage turnip root; greens chinese broccoli (kai-lan) mustard seeds, black watercress chinese cabbage mustard seeds, brown collard greens daiko mustard greens mustard seeds, white .
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