Kent County Rugby Football Union Limited President Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer J Nunn Mrs. S C Taylor P.J. Dessent
[email protected] Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting will be held virtually, by a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 2nd September 2020, 7.00 pm registration for a 7.30 pm start. The members of the County Committee hope that you will be able to attend in this altered format. Agenda 1. Apologies for absence. 6. Election of Officers & Vice Presidents for 2020/21. 2. Minutes of the last AGM, held on 26th June 2019. 7. Election of Committee for season 2020/21. 3. Address of the President, who will propose the adoption of the Report. 8. Appointment of Auditors. 4. Minutes of the AFGM of 12th December 2019. 9. Any other business. 5. Proposed Rule Amendments – Paper attached. Report Executive Committee The work of the County Executive Committee in overseeing the finances and work programmes of the Kent RFU has - as with all of us - been disrupted by the season effectively concluding towards the end of March. This put paid to at least half of our programme of maintaining contact with our clubs which had been initiated with close to 50 clubs physically through our insight evenings in season 18-19. Despite this, communication we hope has continued to improve with our 70 clubs in full or associate membership in the County and we thank our Administration Manager, Tracy Pettingale, for the discipline around contributions and the presentation and content of our website which several other Counties have complimented us on and sought help to build similar sites.