Gate Post 119. No.119 February 2021
Gate Post Harrogate Rugby Union Football Club Founded 1871 Gate Post No. 119 February 2021 This newsletter is sent to all the supporters, current and past members of Harrogate Rugby Club for whom we have an email address. Your contributions would be most welcome along with your feedback. Burns Night January 25th is the birthday of Robert Burns and the Harrogate Touchline Internationals, always looking for an excuse for a celebration, would traditionally join together for a night out and a wee dram. Roy Guy recalls one Burns Night in particular. ‘Thinking of this took me back to a TI Burns Night Supper held at Claro Road in the small room later used as an office. My outstanding recollections are that the room was overcrowded, and I spent the evening being jammed against the wall by a very large Leo Niemic. When it was time to toast the haggis someone produced what was said to be a Burns first edition poetry book and the owner, together with our greatly lamented Glyn Smith, whilst attempting to find the correct passage, recklessly handled and thumbed through it as though it was a cheap magazine. Alcohol may have played a part in their behaviour.’ The photograph shows some of the TIs in the Claro Road office ready to celebrate. Left to right: Gordon Ogilvie, Brian Hemming, Glyn Smith, Malcolm Spark, David Bowen. Who’s Who Fotherby, David. Junior Chairman and Ground Secretary 2005 to 2007. Fowler, George. George appears on the Colts team photograph in 1948 and on the 1st XV photograph 1952/1953.
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