Minutes of the Committee Meeting Held at Chester R.U.F.C. on Thursday Llth January, 1996 at 6.30 P.M
Minutes of the Committee meeting held at Chester R.U.F.C. on Thursday llth January, 1996 at 6.30 p.m. Present· N.H.Middlebrook, (in the Chair), F.RPovall, M.Chatham, W.Gott, N.Morris, J.C.B.Pinnington, J.Wyatt, G.Kennedy, C.Gerrard, C.Monks, AJ.G.Senn, D.P.Wright, J.Taylor, A.J.Williams, D.AEwing, P.Reid, lM.Young, M.Cohen, AJones, B.Davies, M.Lord, D.B.Pye, D.Western, D.Mason, M.RWilliams, T.lF.Price, D.I.Adams . Apologies: V.Middleton, A.Koenen, G.Marrs, G.Cox, W.Buckland, L.Galey, P.Steeples, • M.Farr, D. Thom~on. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th Novenber, 1995 having been circulated were confirmed and signed. Matters Arising: County Championship Leagues for next Season. - London and South East and South West Divisions will continue the current formula. The North and Midlands Divisions will divide into three pools of four Counties with the pool winners, joined by the best of the second placed Counties, to progress to the quarter finals. Bon. Secretan's Report: The secretary explained why he had decided to second the proposai by Somerset C.RF.U. that Item 5 on the Special General Meeting Agenda should read: "To receive debate and approve in principle the recommendations contained in the report of the Rugby Union Commission. Such approval in principle is to be confirmed bya vote to be taken at the Special General Meeting and subject to a simple majority of those voting delegates present and those voting by proxy.
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