Cheshire Rugby Football Union (1875) HANDBOOK 2014 / 2015 Cheshire Rugby Football Union ________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP CARD SEASON 2014/2015 Name…………………………………………………………… Club……………………………………………………………… As a member of Cheshire RFU Ltd I/We agree to abide by and to be subject to the Rules and Regulations of Cheshire RFU Ltd and the RFU. Cheshire Membership Subscriptions Annual Subscription £15.00 Life Membership £120.00 Please apply to: Jane Cliff Individual Members Secretary 1 Alcumlow Cottage, Brook Lane, Astbury, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 4TJ. 01260 270624 E-mail:
[email protected] 2 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given to all MEMBERS That the Annual General Meeting Of the Cheshire R.F.U. Ltd Will be held at Chester R.U.F.C Hare Lane, Vicars Cross, Chester On 11th June 2015 at 6.30pm. Cheshire Rugby Football Union Ltd. Incorporated under the Industrial & Provident Societies Act 1965 No 28989R 3 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT It has been a great pleasure to have spent the last season as President of Cheshire RFU and I am looking forward to carrying on for my second season of office. I have visited approximately half the Clubs in Cheshire and hope during my second year to have visited the vast majority of our member clubs. I have been to clubs who are playing in the National Leagues and the next visit has been to a club struggling to put out one team at the lowest league level. The striking feature of all clubs is the hard work and dedication of the volunteers many of them past players of advancing years who, week after week, in all weathers turn up to do their regular tasks and support their team.