KERALA STATE ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission 2019-20 KPFC Bhavanam, C.V. Raman Pillai Road, Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram 695 010 Phone: 0471-2735544 | Fax: 0471-2735599 | Email:
[email protected] | Website : St. Joseph’s Press, Tvm KERALA STATE ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT 2019-2020 (To be placed before the Kerala Legislative Assembly, as per Section 105 of Electricity Act, 2003) 2 KSERC Annual Report 2019-20 CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. The Commission 3. Functions of the Commission 4. Chairman & Members of the Commission 5. Office of the Commission 6. State Advisory Committee 7. State Co-ordination Forum 8. Licensees 9. Proceedings of the Commission 10. Regulations issued by the Commission 11. Abstract of disposal of petitions 12. Orders issued by the Commission 13. Application of Information Technology 14. Associations with other bodies 15. Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) 16. Electricity Ombudsman 17. Compliance of the Electricity Act, 2003, and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. 18. Engagement of Auditors 19. Implementation of Right to Information Act 20. Legal Matters 21. Finance and Account 22. COVID – 19 Pandemic Annexure I- List of proceedings/hearing held by the Commission during 2019-20 Annexure II – List of inspections conducted by Junior Consultants during 2019-20 Annexure III- Annual Accounts 2019-20 Annexure IV- Separate Audit report of the Comptroller and Audit General of India on the Accounts for the year 2018-19 KSERC Annual Report 2019-20 3 4 KSERC Annual Report 2019-20 1. INTRODUCTION The Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission, established in the year 2002, entered into its 18th year of service in 2019-20.