date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 1 stephen austin date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 2 william bec nell date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 3 jim bec wourth date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 4 william h. bonney, jr. (billy the id) date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 5 james "jim" bowie date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 6 james "jim" bridger date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 7 christopher houston " it" carson date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 8 george catlin date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 9 william clar date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 10 date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 11 william frederic "buffalo bill" cody date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 12 date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 13 david "davy" croc ett date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 14 date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 15 date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 16 thomas fitzpatric date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 17 john c. fremont date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 18 date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 19 date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 20 john coffee "jac " hays date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 21 james butler "wild bill" hickoc date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 22 "doc" holliday date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 23 sam houston date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 24 date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 25 mirabeau lamar date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 26 date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 27 date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 28 james w. marshall date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 29 bartholomew "bat" masterson date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 30 annie oa ley date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 31 zebulon pi e date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 32 date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 33 jon a. torsteinsson rue (snowshoe thompson) date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 34 date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 35 jedediah strong smith date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 36 john sutter date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 37 william m. "bill" tilghman, jr. date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 38 william b. travis date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 39 joseph reddeford wal er date and place of birth: date and place of death:

state(s)/territory(ies) lived or wor ed in: significant contribution(s) to history:

interesting facts: 40

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