June 1982 vol. vn NO. 6

Department of interior. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Technical Bulletin Endangered Species Program, Washington, D.C. 20240 Emergency Protection Approved for Two Ash Meadows Fishes

An emergency rule listing as Endan- age that has occurred to the fragile area dace as Endangered therefore extends gered two fishes that occur only in Ash in recent years, Ash Meadows is still protection to all three levels of springs. Meadows, Nevada, was published in considered a relatively lush oasis in Protection did not come in time, how- the May 10 Federal Register and took what is now one of the most arid re- ever, for the Ash Meadows killifish effect immediately. The Ash Meadows gions of the world (average annual rain- (Empetrichthys merriami), which is now Amargosa pupfish (Cyprinodon neva- fall 70 mm). Hundreds of and ani- extinct. The Ash Meadows killifish was densis mionectes) and Ash Meadows mal species, many of them endemic to restricted to the same lower-elevation speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus the area, are associated with the wet- springs that contain the two emergency- nevadensis) depend on maintenance of lands and depend on them for survival. listed fishes, but it was eliminated by their fragile spring habitat in the Mohave Both the Ash Meadows speckled predation from exotic species. Other Desert. A large residential and agricul- dace and Ash Meadows Amargosa members of the genus Empetrichthys tural development in the area poses an pupfish are restricted to the area's have also been extirpated from their imminent threat to the species' survival. larger warmwater (24° to 30°C) springs Nevada spring habitats. The Pahrump Under the temporary listing, protection and related outflows. Unfortunately, killifish (Empetrichthys iatos latos), also for the fishes and their habitats will ex- many of the area's aquatic habitats an Endangered species, is the only sur- tend for 240 days (until January 5, have been degraded or lost altogether viving member of the genus. Develop- 1983), giving the Service time to pro- in recent years. Another Ash Meadows ment of Pahrump Valley, which is next ceed with a permanent rulemaking. species, the Devils Hole pupfish (Cypr- to Ash Meadows, caused the failure of inodon diabolis), is endemic to a water- the only spring containing the Pahrump Unique and Diverse Ecosystem filled limestone cavern and was listed killifish and it now exists only in refugia. Ash Meadows, an intermontane val- as Endangered in 1967. Three years The Ash Meadows region also has an ley located about 110 kilometers north- later, the Warm Springs pupfish (Cypr- extraordinarily diverse freshwater mol- west of Las Vegas, is a unique and di- inodon nevadensis pectoralis), which lusk fauna, which is currently being verse desert wetland ecosystem made inhabits the small middle-elevation studied by Dr. Dwight Taylor of Tiburon, up of several dozen springs and seeps springs, joined it on the Endangered list. California. Of special interest are two dotting an irregular north-south contour Listing the Ash Meadows Amargosa species complexes of snails which are line for approximately 16 km. During the pupfish and Ash Meadows speckled Continued on page 3 Pleistocene Epoch, the area was cov- ered by an extensive system of inter- connecting rivers and lakes. As the cli- mate changed and the surface waters House and Senate Pass gradually receded, the fishes and other aquatic species of the region were left Reauthorization Bills stranded in the remaining springs and their associated outflows. These springs Two bills which further amend and • streamline the exemption process; were isolated in three stages. Devil's reauthorize the Endangered Species • establish new criteria for the ex- Hole, located at the highest elevation, Act of 1973 were passed by the U.S. port of Appendix II species under was isolated first, followed by a series House of Representatives and the the Convention on International of small middle-elevation springs. The U.S. Senate on June 8 and 9, 1982, Trade in Endangered Species of larger, lower-elevation springs were iso- respectively. H.R. 6133 and S.2309 Wild Fauna and Flora; and lated last, and it is these springs that will next go to a Congressional Joint provide habitat for the two fishes cov- Committee for resolution of dif- • reauthorize the Act for 3 years. ered by the emergency rule. All of these ferences. A complete analysis of the final wetlands are fed by a local aquifer Both bills contain amendments to: 1982 Amendments of the Endan- consisting of "fossil water" that entered • speed up the listing process, gered Species Act will be given in a the ground-water system more than • allow for "experimental pop- future issue of the BULLETIN. For 10,000 years ago. ulations;" background information on the The organisms of the region evolved • provide for more involvement of amendments listed above, consult in isolated waters, adapting to their indi- permit and license applicants in the January, March, and May 1982 vidual habitats and undergoing a high the consultation process; issues of the BULLETIN. degree of speciation. Despite the dam- Habitat Conservation Plan and Endan- gered Species Section 10(a) Permit, San Mateo County, California (F.R. 4/6/82). The proposed Federal permit would be for taking of Endangered mis- sion blue butterflies (Plebejus incari- does missionensis) incidental to imple- mentation of a conservation plan, which includes construction of residential housing on San Bruno Mountain. The habitat conservation plan is incorpo- rating various commitments from private landowners, local governments, and the Federal Government. It is designed to conserve and enhance as much of the remaining habitat as possible for the mission blue and other species of con- REGIONAL BRIEFS cern in the area, while allowing limited development that would not have signif- Endangered Species Program re- pair, and are optimistic about nesting icant adverse effects on the species. gional staffers have reported the fol- behavior exhibited by a third pair some Key elements of the plan will set aside lowing activities for the month of 45 miles away that indicates the possi- habitat favored by the butterfly, foster May: ble existence of another chick. The nest the growth of the butterfly's host , Region 1—The California condor of the third pair is in a cave and cannot reverse the invasion of competing brush (Gymnogyps californianus) is in the be seen well from the observation post, species, alter the initial construction news again. After witnessing the loss of but the biologists hope to be able to plans, and establish research/monitor- two eggs this season fronn one breeding confirm the possible chick in the future. ing programs. pair, biologists with the Condor Re- The Service has published a notice of On April 26th, the Fish and Wildlife search Center have confirmed the pres- intent to prepare an Environmental As- Service and University of California- ence of a chick produced by a second sessment on the San Bruno Mountain Berkeley botanists and pedologists (soil scientists) inspected the China Hat for- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 3, Federal BIdg., Fort Snelling, mation north of Merced in Merced Washington, D.C. 20240 Twin Cities, MN 551 1 1 (612-725- County. This formation contains some Robert A. Jantzen, Director 3500): Harvey Nelson, Regional Di- of the oldest soils in California, nearly 3 (202-343-4717) rector; Daniel H. Bumgarner, Assist- million years in age. Moreover, China Ronald E. Lambertson ant Regional Director; James M. Associate Director and Engel, Endangered Species Hat has a mutlitude of mima mounds Endangered Species Program Manager Specialist. and vernal pools; the latter are season- (202)343-4646) Region 4, Richard B. Russell Federal ally wet depressions that harbor a John L. Spinks, Chief, BIdg., 75 Spring St., S.W., Atlanta, GA unique flora. Approximately 15 pools Office of Endangered Species 30303 (404-221-3583): James W. contained succulent owl's clover (Or- (703-235-2771) Pulliam, Regional Director; John thorcarpus campestris var. succulen- Richard Parsons, Chief, Christian, Assistant Regional Direc- tus), a Federal candidate for listing and Federal Wildlife Permit Office tor; Alex B. Montgomery, Endangered a State-listed endangered plant spe- Species Specialist. (703-235-1937) cies. This discovery significantly in- Clarl< R. Bavin, Chief, Region 5, Suite 700, One Gateway Cen- Division of Law Enforcement ter, Newton Corner, MA 02158 creased the known range of the plant. (202-343-9242) (617-965-5100): Howard Larsen, Re- U.C.-Berkeley researchers are at- TECHNICAL BULLETIN STAFF gional Director; Gordon T. Nightin- tempting to preserve a portion of this Clare Senecal Kearney, Editor gale, Assistant Regional Director; unique area. Michael Bender, Assistant Editor Paul Nickerson, Endangered Species Region 2—For the second time in 2 (703-235-2407) Specialist. years, the captive female Mexican wolf Regional Offices Region 1, Suite 1692, Lloyd 500 BIdg., Region 6, P.O. Box 25486, Denver Fed- (Canis lupus baileyi) at the Wild Canid 500 N.E. Multnomah St., Portland, OR eral Center, Denver, CO 80225 Survival and Research Center at St. 97232 (503-231-61 18): Richard J. (303-234-2209); Galen Buterbaugh, Louis, Missouri, has produced a litter of Myshak, Regional Director; Edward B. Regional Director; Charles E. Lane, pups. This year's litter includes 2 fe- Chamberlain, Assistant Regional Di- Assistant Regional Director; Don males, bringing the total number of rector, Sanford R. Wilbur, Endan- Rodgers, Endangered Species Mexican wolves in captivity to 12, half of Specialist. gered Species Specialist. which are females. Region 2, P.O. Box 1306, Albuquerque, Region 7, 1101 E. Tudor Rd., Anchor- The red wolf (Canis rufus) captive NM 87103 (505-766-2321): Michael J. age, AK 99503 (907-276-3800, ext. breeding program has produced three Spear, Regional Director; Robert F. 495): Keith M. Schreiner, Regional Di- Stephens, Assistant Regional Direc- more litters of pups this year, bringing rector; Jon Nelson, Assistant Region- the total number in captivity to 56. tor; Jack B. Woody, Endangered Spe- al Director; Dennis Money, Endan- cies Specialist. gered Species Specialist. Region 4—The Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Regions cosponsorship with the U.S. Forest Region 1: California, Hawaii. Idaho. Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Pacific Trust Territories, Region 2: Arizona. New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Region 3: lilinois, Indiana, Iowa, fvlichigan, f^innesota, f^issouri, Ohio, and Service, Gulf Coast Community Wisconsin Region 4: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida. Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South College, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Region 5: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine. Maryland, Service, will host a red-cockaded Massachusetts, New Hampshire. New Jersey. New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont. Virginia, and West Virginia Region 6: Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, , and Wyoming. woodpecker (Picoides [=Denrocopus] Region 7: Alaska borealis) symposium, January 27-29, The ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN is published monthly by the U.S. 1983, in Panama City, Florida. Those Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240. Continued on page 5 GPO—361-580 RECOVERY PLANS Continued from page 5 BOX SCORE OF SPECIES LISTINGS

Eastern Indigo Snake ENDANGERED THREATENED SPECIES* Category U.S. U.S. & Foreign U.S. U.S. & Foreign TOTAL The eastern indigo snake (Dry- Only Foreign Only Only Foreign Only marchon corais couperi) historically Mammals 15 17 224 3 0 21 281 occurred throughout the southeastern Blnls 52 14 144 3 0 0 213 United States coastal plain, from South Reptiles 7 6 55 8 4 0 80 Carolina to Florida and west to southern Amphibians 5 0 8 3 0 0 16 Louisiana. After habitat loss and Fishes 28 4 11 12 0 0 55 overcollection for the pet trade, howev- Snails 3 0 1 5 0 0 9 er, only southeastern Georgia and pen- Clams 23 0 2 0 0 0 25 insular Florida are thought to support Crustaceans 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 sizeable populations. Both States give Insects 7 0 0 4 2 0 13 the snake full protection, and it was Plants 52 2 0 7 1 2 64 listed by the Service in 1978 as a TOTAL 194 43 445 45 7 24 758 Threatened species. •Separate populations of a species, listed both as Endangered and Threatened, are tallied One of the major recommendations of twice. Species which are thus accounted for are the gray wolf, bald eagle, American alligator, green sea turtle, and Olive ridley sea turtle. the recovery plan is to conduct addition- al field studies to locate eastern indigo Numtier of species currently proposed: 10 populations and delineate their habitat. 8 plants In Georgia, the snake is strongly asso- Number of Critical Habitats listed: 50 Number of Recovery Teams appointed: 69 ciated with xeric sandridge habitat, and Number of Recovery Plans approved: 54 depends on gopher tortoise (Gopherus Number of Cooperative Agreements signed with States: polyphemus) burrows for refuge and 38 fish & wildlife overwintering sites. Once suitable habi- 11 plants May 31, 1982 tat is located, the plan calls for acquisi- tion and/or management of areas nec- New Publications "International Trade in Plants—Focus essary to maintain viable populations. on U.S. Exports and Imports," by Thom- Additional legal protection on the State as Gibson, Niall McCarten, Faith level for both the eastern indigo snake "Rare Plants of New York State," by Richard S. Mitchell and Charles T. Thompson Campbell, and Linda Mc- and the gopher tortoise is advocated. Mahan is now available from Traffic Sheviak, 1981, is available for $8.00. (U.S.A.) for $9.50. Order a copy by Captive propagation and monitored This New York State Museum publica- sending a check (payable to World reintroduction efforts are another impor- tion (Bull. 445) has 96 pages and 55 il- Wildlife Fund-U.S.) to Traffic (U.S.A.), tant part of the plan. The Alabama Co- lustrations. To order, make your check operative Wildlife Research Unit is al- 1601 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Wash- payable to New York State Library and ready in the fourth year of an eastern ington, D.C. 20009. mail to Gift and Exchange Department, wndigo propagation/restocking program. New York State Library, Albany, New "Amphibians and Reptiles in Pennsyl- [For details regarding the unit's activi- York 12230. vania Checklist, Bibliography, and Atlas ss on the eastern indigo, see the No- A cumulative index of the Endan- of Distribution," by C.J. McCoy, March iber 1981 BULLETIN.) gered Species Technical Bulletin (July 1982, is available for $4.00. This Spe- 1976-December 1981) is now avail- cial Publication of Carnegie Museum of able. Copies may be requested by writ- Natural History (No. 6) has 91 pages QoPies of recovery plans are avail- ing the Office of Endangered Species, and 74 maps. Order copies from the able Wildlife Refer- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 18th and Carnegie Museum of Natural History, ence Service, Unit i, 3840 York Street, C Streets, N.W., Washington, D C. 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Penn- DenveTl* Colorado 80205. 20240. sylvania 15213.

June 1982 vol. vn No. 6

Department of interior U.S. Fish and wildlife Service Endangered Species Program, Washington, D C. 20240 Technical Bulletin POSTAGE AND FEES PAID US DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Int423 V

V Rulemaking Actions—May 1982 Blue Pike and Longjaw Proposed for Deregulation

The Service has proposed to remove covery Team contacted all State fish Erie. It was one of several species of the blue pike (Stizostedion vitreum and game agencies in an effort to deter- deepwater ciscos utilized by the glaucum) and the longjaw cisco (Core- mine the species' status. After all par- smoked fish trade and was a very im- gonus alpenae) from the U.S. List of ties responded negatively regarding the portant species of the fishery of the Endangered and Threatened Wildlife pike's presence in their State, the team . This fish has not been and Plants (F.R. 5/25/82). Available concluded that the fish was extinct and seen in Lakes Erie and Huron since the data indicate that both species are recommended its deregulation. Over- late 1950's. The most recent collection extinct. intensive fishery, which disrupted self- of this species was in 1967 in Lake Historically, the blue pike was found stabilizing mechanisms within the blue Michigan. The decline of the longjaw in Lakes Erie and Ontario, and the pike's population, is probably the cause cisco and the cisco fishery in general is Niagra River. They were abundant in of the extreme fluctuations and ultimate usually attributed to fishery and envi- the commercial fishery of the late crash of the fishery. Deterioration of ronmental problems. 1800's but by 1915 landings began to water quality during the late 1950's and Comments and materials concerning fluctuate extensively. Populations de- early 1960's contributed to the decline this proposal should be sent by July 26, clined in the late 1950's and never re- of the species. 1982, to the Regional Director, U.S. covered, the last confirmed specimens The longjaw cisco was indigenous to Fish and Wildlife Service, Federal Build- being taken in the late 1960's. the Great Lakes basin and occurred ing, Fort Snelling, Twin Cities, Minne- In a 1977 survey, the Blue Pike Re- only in Lakes Michigan, Huron, and sota 55111.

ASH MEADOWS eral Register. These species are the vole (Microtus montanus nevadensis), spring-loving centaury (Centaurium has not been reported in over 20 years namophilum var. namophilum), Amar- and is probably extinct because of habi- Continued from page 1 gosa niterwort (Nitrophila mohavensis), tat disturbance. In 1980, the Service Ash Meadows gum plant (Grindelia published a separate Notice of Review found within a 5-mile radius in Ash fraxinopratensis), Ash Meadows stick- on a related mammal, the Amargosa Meadows, and contribute to the area leaf (Mentzelia leuoophylla), Ash Mead- vole (Microtus californicus scirpensis). containing the highest concentration of ows milk-vetch (Astragalus phoenix), This candidate for listing is thought to endemic species in the continen- King ivesia (Ivesia eremica), and Corru- inhabit the general region just south- tal United States. Most of these mol- gated sunray (Enceliopsis nudicaulis west of Ash Meadows. lusks have not been scientifically de- var. corrugatum). Two other candidate scribed and named. The same factors plants included in the Notice of Review that jeopardized the desert fishes, pri- occur in Ash Meadows and elsewhere; Threats to the Habitat marily groundwater pumping and the in- these species are the Tecopa bird's- Although early attempts at agricultuii troduction of exotic species, led the beak (Cordylanthus tecopensis) and in Ash Meadows failed because of tj Service in 1976 to propose the Ash the alkali mariposa lily (Calochortus area's salty, clay soils, there was Meadows turban snail {Fluminicola striatus). The Astragalus and Mentzelia newed interest in the late 1960's erythropoma) as Threatened. In 1979, are currently listed by the State of early 1970's. Large tracts of land y^ere' the proposal was withdrawn because of Nevada as threatened with . plowed, and groundwater pumps ^jj. the listing schedule deadlines specified version ditches were installed to support in the 1978 Amendments to the Endan- One small endemic mammal once gered Species Act. Current evidence in- found in the area, the Ash Meadows an agricultural operation. This activity dicates that F. erythropoma, as pro- posed, comprised more than one A view of Point of Rocks Springs, Ash Meadows, before (below) and (right) species. The Service is now evaluating development. The pool and its outflow once were habitat for both of tt^^ recently the status of at least 12 Ash Meadows listed fishes. snail species, and expects to include them in a general Notice of Review on animals which will be published in the Federal Register later this year. Another Ash Meadows endemic that may appear on the same Notice of Re- view is the Point of Rocks Spring naucorid (Ambrysus amargosus); un- fortunately, this insect may already be extinct because of the diversion of water from its single spring habitat. The Ash Meadows riffle beetle (Stenelmis calidae oalidae) also is restricted to only one aquatic habitat. Devil's Hole, but it benefits from the habitat protec- tion given to the Devils Hole pupfish. Seven plant species endemic to Ash Meadows are considered candidates for future listing, and were included in the general Notice of Review on plants pub- lished in the December 15, 1980, Fed-

J destroyed many plant and animal popu- Construction activities in Ash Mead- lations, along with their wetland habitat, ows would clear large tracts of essential by altering the land surface and lower- habitat, extirpate many plant and animal ing the water table. In 1976, a series of populations, and alter surface drainage negotiations and court cases culmin- patterns. Utilization of surface water ated in a landmark U.S. Supreme Court from springs, along with pumping the decision limiting the amount of ground- aquifer, would eliminate most surface water pumping in the Devil's Hole area flows, lower the water table, and inter- of Ash Meadows to protect vital water fere with the very slow groundwater re- levels in the only known habitat of the charge, all of which would destroy Subspecies of the Amargosa pupfish Devils Hole pupfish. The Supreme downgradient wetlands. The initial de- (above) and specified dace (beiow), Court saved the habitat of the Devils velopment phase has already begun, occurring only in a few Ash Meadows Hole pupfish by recognizing the prior and some habitat has been modified. springs, were listed in the emergency water right of the 40-acre disjunct PEC has constructed roads in the area, rule. portion of Death Valley National Monu- several of whch connect different Illustrations by Carol Mortensen ment surrounding Devil's Hole. The springs, and it has substantially altered court decision was not based on endan- surface flows and spring hole mor- gered species protection, but instead on phometry at these sites. Several springs water rights. Although the Ash Mead- have been excavated by heavy equip- ows wetlands are interconnected by the ment. (PEC has applied for permission same aquifer that feeds Devil's Hole, from the State of Nevada to divert water from many of the other Ash Meadows the effects of groundwater pumping on Effects of the Rule the water table vary according to loca- springs.) In addition, approximately tion; therefore, the 1976 Supreme Court 1,000 acres of cotton have been In its emergency rule, the Service de- decision did not necessarily preclude planted. These events complement the termined that "development of the Ash pumping in other areas of Ash Mead- destruction of habitat which has oc- Meadows residential community will ows. curred since the advent of agricultural cause the extirpation of the Ash Mead- activities at Ash Meadows. ows biological community." To help In 1977, the agricultural interest sold forestall further damage, the listing of approximately 14,000 acres of land in the Ash Meadows Amargosa pupfish Ash Meadows to a real estate develop- Habitat loss is not the only factor and the Ash Meadows speckled dace er, Preferred Equities Corporation jeopardizing the Ash Meadows endemic became effective immediately upon the (PEC). The imminent threat to the exist- species. As is the case with many other date of the Federal Register publica- ence of the Ash Meadows species is the "island " ecosystems, the introduction of tion, May 10, 1982. This action gives proposed development of the area by exotic organisms has had a serious im- protection to the habitat most immedi- PEC for residential, recreational, indus- pact. Competition from the mosquito ately jeopardized by development, and trial, and agricultural purposes, all of fish (Gambusia affinus) and sailfin is expected to help conserve other en- which would require great quantities of molly (Poecilia latipinna), as well as demic species in the area. water. Although the Bureau of Land predation by bullfrogs (Rana cates- Management is the principal landowner biana) and crayfish (Procambarus A formal designation of Critical Habi- in the 40,000-acre Ash Meadows area, clarki), were at least partially responsi- tat for the fishes was not included in the PEC owns the majority of surface water ble for the extinction of the Ash Mead- emergency rule because vandalism of rights. A recent report prepared for the ows killifish, and continue to threaten the restricted and very vulnerable habi- Attorney General of Nevada (The Sta- the Warm Springs pupfish. Ash Mead- tats could occur if detailed maps of the tus and Future of Ash Meadows, Nye ows Amargosa pupfish, and Ash Mead- springs were published. The emergency County, Nevada; Sid F. Cook and Cyn- ows speckled dace. An introduced rule carries the full protection of the En- thia D. Williams, 1982) estimates that aquatic snail (Melanoides) has reduced dangered Species Act, including the 368.4 percent of the total discharge populations of native snails in several prohibition of "taking" and of adverse water available in Ash Meadows would springs. The introduced species may habitat modification by Federal agen- be necessary if the development was also be having an impact on other cies. During the 240-day course of the completed. aquatic endemics in the area. temporary listing, the Service will pre- pare a proposal to extend permanent protective status to the two fishes, and Critical Habitat might be included at that time if it is shown to be beneficial to the species' survival. The condition of the other Ash Meadows endemic species also will be evaluated to determine the need for including them in the proposal for a final rule.


Since June 1981, free distribution of the BULLETIN has been limited to Federal employees only. This note is to assure you that the Service in- tends to continue free distribution to all who are now receiving the BUL- LETIN, and to any Federal employee who might wish to receive it in the future. REGIONAL BRIEFS on bald eagles in the lower 48 States. completing a final report. Although sig- New York State's endangered spe- nificant information on the life history Continued from page 2 cies unit plans to return to Alaska in requirements of the species was collect- interested in attending or participating July to obtain 21 more bald eagle ed, certain conclusions and recommen- should contact Don Wood, Division of chicks. All 21 collected last year and dations made in the report are prelimi- Wildlife, Florida Game and Fresh Water taken to the hacking site at Oak Or- nary and warrant further refinement or Fish Commission, 620 South Meridian chard, New York, fledged successfully. verification. In order to obtain the addi- Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (tel- Region 6—In October 1981, during tional information that is needed, BR ephone 904/488-3831). fall migration, a group of four whooping and the Service have entered into a Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leuco- cranes (Grus americana) were ob- Memorandum of Understanding to carry cephalus) have nested for the first time served at Ouivira National Wildlife Ref- out a Colorado River Fishery Monitoring in over 30 years in Arkansas. The nest uge in central Kansas. One week later, Program (CRFMP) until March 31, is located on the White River National after the group of four had migrated fur- 1985. The three objectives of the Wildlife Refuge; the pair of eagles using ther south, the refuge was visited by a CRFMP are (1) to expand information this nest layed two eggs and both have group of six whoopers. These 10 birds on the distribution and movement of hatched, although only one hatchling represent 13 percent of the population adult squawfish to and from spawning has survived as of May 26. of 79 birds that started the migration site locations with the use of radio- tagging, (2) to verify flow requirements One of the Florida panthers (Felis south from the breeding grounds in of adult squawfish in relation to spawn- concolor coryi), radio collared in Febru- Wood Buffalo National Park, Northwest ing success and survival of larval ary 1982 has been found dead. Daily Territories, Canada, to the wintering squawfish, and (3) to determine effects aerial monitoring since the date of cap- grounds along the coast of southern of flow fluctuation at Flaming Gorge ture indicated that the animal had been Texas. Because of past use of whoop- Reservoir on the survival and rearing of stationary since early April. A ground ing cranes, the refuge was designated young-of-the-year and juvenile squaw- search was made, and on April 16 the as Critical Habitat on May 15, 1978. fish. Dr. Bill Miller, the Service biologist remains of the male panther were found The March 1982 BULLETIN reported at Salt Lake City, Utah, who was project with the radio collar. The cause of death on the recovery plan that was approved leader for CRFP, will also head the has not been determined. The skeletal for the grizzly bear (Ursus arctos CRFMP. remains have been deposited at the horribilis). The plan has been printed, Florida State Museum, University of and copies are available from the Intensive night spotlight surveys con- Florida, at Gainesville. This is the first Denver Regional Office or the Billings ducted in the Meeteetse, Wyoming, radio collared panther that has died. It Area Office. area last November by the Service re- was estimated to have been about 7 The May 1979 BULLETIN related that sulted in at least nine different black- years old and was known to be alive as the Bureau of Reclamation (BR) and the footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) being recently as late March. Service had agreed to a study of the en- sighted. Extensive snow tracking efforts Region 5—On May 19, the Director dangered Colorado squawfish (Ptycho- this past winter by Idaho State Univer- approved the Chesapeake Bay Bald Ea- cheilus lucius) and humpback chub sity/Biota Research and Consulting, gle Recovery Plan, commending the re- (Gila cypha). Later, the August 1981 is- Inc., biologists resulted in evidence that covery team, headed by Gary Taylor of sue reported that additional studies indicated there may be 11 or more addi- the Maryland Department of Natural Re- were being conducted and that the tional individuals in the area. Work will sources, and the regional endangered bonytail chub (Gila elegans) was also continue on the ferrets this summer, species staff on the accomplishment. being studied. The Colorado River Fish- and probably next winter, to determine The plan is the first approved of five re- ery Project (CRFP) completed field the number of individuals and their gional recovery plans being developed studies in the fall of 1981, and is distribution.

Recovery Plans Approved for Clay and Eastern Indigo Snake

The Director of the Service has ap- bution have jeopardized the species. the Utah Department of Transportation, proved two additional plans to aid in Both the railroad and its maintenance both of which manage parts of the site, species recovery: the Clay Phacelia road bisect the only known P. argill- will encourage each to assist in con- (Phacelia argillacea) Recovery Plan, acea population, and most of the plants serving the habitat. signed April 12, 1982, and the Eastern are situated on privately owned land Since P. argillacea historically was Indigo Snake Recovery Plan, signed which could be further modified in the known from two locations, an intensive April 22, 1982. future. have moved through the survey of similar habitat in the region is population area, trampling some of the recommended to locate any additional Clay Phacelia plants, and rock squirrels have chewed existing populations. The plants and The clay phacelia (Phacelia argill- branches on some of the remaining their habitat are to be monitored period- acea) is a winter annual whose known individuals. ically to insure adequate conservation. current distribution consists of one The objective of the recovery plan is Another part of the plan outlines studies small population of about 200 plants to establish a self-sustaining population needed on the species' biology and along a railroad right-of-way in Utah of 2,000-3,000 individuals on 120 acres habitat requirements. Careful harvest of County, Utah. It was first collected in of protected habitat, and possibly to es- a small portion of the annual seed pro- 1883, but there was little knowledge of tablish at least one additional popula- duction could enable experimentation the species until its rediscovery by N.D. tion. An initial recovery phase will be to on , substrate needs, and Atwood in 1971. The plant was des- give the existing population more direct survival techniques. Long-term storage cribed and named as a new species by protection; this may be accomplished of seeds at the USDA-National Seed Atwood in 1973, and was listed by the through better control of animal damage Storage Laobratory in Fort Collins, Col- Service as Endangered in 1978. and through acquisition of a portion of orado, is mentioned in the plan as a Destruction of portions of the P. the habitat by a private conservation or- possibility to preserve the plant's gene- argillacea population and modification ganization, The Nature Conservancy. pool. of habitat within its very restricted distri- Liaison with the railroad company and Continued on page 6