
Monmouth Labour Party

Labour’s David Simcock wins Abergavenny Council election

17 August 2015

Labour candidate David Simcock has won the Abergavenny Town Council by-election which took place on 13 August. The election for the Cantref Ward came about because of the resignation of a Conservative Councillor.

After the count David said: “I'd like to thank voters for giving me the opportunity serve Cantref and to work with fellow Councillors to improve things for the town as a whole. This is a fantastic result for Cantref and for the great team who worked with me on the campaign. Now the really hard work begins.

“Talking to me on the doorstep, people have been keen to voice their ideas about improving Abergavenny. The Town Council’s decisions should take those ideas into account. It's good to live in a place where people care so much about the future of the town.”

A Cantref Ward resident in Mount Street said, “I’m pleased David won the election. He has knocked on many doors during the past month, so we know he is willing to work hard. I can't remember when we last had a Labour person representing people in Cantref Ward, either on the Town Council or on the Council. This is good news”.

A resident of Orchard Street said: “I voted for David Simcock because he has good ideas and has put in a lot of effort”.

Votes cast were as follows: David Simcock (Labour): 198, Roger Fury (Conservative): 170, Christopher Copner (Independent): 69.

Voter turnout at 26.5% was relatively high for a Town Council election.

David will be contacting Cantref Ward residents by newsletter during the next few weeks.

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This link gives more information about the Monmouth Labour Party • http://www.monmouthlabour.org/index.html

Published by Roger Harris, The , Deriside, Abergavenny, NP7 7HT.