Comparative Literary Studies Program Course Descriptions 2013-2014
Comparative Literary Studies Program Course Descriptions 2013-2014 Fall 2013 CLS 206: Literature and Media: LaByrinths Lectures: TTh 11:00-12:20, Fisk B17 Instructor: Domietta Torlasco Expected Enrollment: Course Description: This course will trace a brief history of labyrinths through literature, architecture, cinema, and new media. From classical mythology to cutting-edge computer games, the figure of the labyrinth has shaped the way in which we ask crucial questions about space, time, perception, and technology. Whether an actual maze or a book or a film, the labyrinth presents us with an entanglement of lines and pathways that is as demanding as it is engrossing and even exhilarating. As we move from medium to medium, or pause in between media, the labyrinth will in turn emerge as an archetypal image, a concrete pattern, a narrative structure, a figure of thought, a mode of experience....Among the works which we will analyze are Jorge Luis Borges' celebrated short stories, Italo Calvino's experiments in detective fiction, Mark Z. Danielewski' hyper- textual novelHouse of Leaves, films such as Orson Welles' Citizen Kane (1941), Stanley Kubrick's The Shining (1980), and Christopher Nolan's Inception (2010), and the more intellectually adventurous video games. Evaluation Method: 1. Attendance and participation to lectures AND discussion sessions (25% of the final grade). Please note that more than three absences will automatically reduce your final grade. 2. Two short response papers (15%). 3. Mid-term exam (25%). 4. Final 5-6 page paper (35%). CLS 211 / ENG 211:Topics in Genre: Intro to Poetry Lectures: MW 11:00-11:50, Harris 107 Discussion Sections: F 11:00, 1:00 Instructor: Susannah Gottlieb Expected Enrollment: 100 Course Description: The experience of poetry can be understood in it at least two radically different ways: as a raw encounter with something unfamiliar or as a methodically constructed mode of access to the unknown.
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