
Jan 27, 2020 Agenda

• Sacraments Overview • Source and Summit • Old Testament Typology • Jesus and the Jewish Passover • The Real Presence • Rules • Q & A Natural & Supernatural Luke the Evangelist

The of Luke The Acts of the Apostles Vol I: The life of Christ on earth Vol. II: The life of Christ in the Church The Word made Flesh – The BODY The Mystical BODY – The SPIRIT

Body - Natural Ascension Spirit - Supernatural

7 Requirements for Sustained Life 7 Sacraments for Our Eternal Life

Birth Baptism (re-birth) Nourishment (food & drink) Eucharist (true food) Growth to maturity Confirmation Injury – first aid Reconciliation Disease - healing Anointing of the Sick Procreation Matrimony Governance Holy Orders Sacraments - Overview • Thomas Aquinas, “the sacraments contain the power of God, but the Eucharist is God.” • All 7 Sacraments point us toward holiness, the path to heaven. “The 6 other Sacraments point toward the Eucharist.” Fulton J Sheen The Source & Summit

• In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus taught us to pray: – Give us this day our “Daily bread” – the food we need…super-substantial bread (what we truly need) epiousios • Food for the journey …Source of life…”unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.” John 6:53 • The SOURCE of life • God Himself, THE SUMMIT , the pinnacle, the destination of the journey. • The Eucharist is the Source and Summit of the faith. • The central focus, the goal of the spiritual life, as well as the fuel that gets us there. Family Meals - Scripture

• Typology – Symbols; prefiguring – “New lies hidden in the old, and the old is revealed in the new”. St. Augustine – Old Testament – God’s imperfect revelation. • Eden – animals were provided for food. • Man offers animals as a sacrifice to God; thanksgiving. • Abel the sacrifice that was pleasing/acceptable.. • God ultimately asks Abraham (Gen 22) to sacrifice his only son… • Quick overview of the biblical roots of “right worship”: – Animal is offered for God. Gifts are returned to God. – The flesh is roasted and consumed in a family meal. – The blood is offered as a libation to God; sprinkling of the blood on the people as a sign of the covenant. – Celebrated in the same way throughout salvation history. – A sacred meal, a family meal -- sacrum convivium. – Isaiah Lavish meal on the mountain of God. • Why Sacrifice? – In a fallen world, there is no without sacrifice. History of Worship – Old Testament Typology

4000 2000 1200 130 1 33 50 100 397 BC BC BC BC AD AD AD AD AD

Preached Written Lived Liturgy Old Testament Gospel Gospel

Gospel Bible

Early Church



& &

offered offered

Abel Abel


Abraham Abraham

46 46 books

Passover & Passover

27 NT 27 Books



47, 47, 20:7

St Paul Paul St

Gen Gen 22

St John St


1 1


Septuagint Septuagint


Church Fathers Church

Offering of of Offering

The TheLast

Christ’s Ministry Christ’s


Greek Greek

Gen Gen 4:4 Noah) (and

Council of of Council Carthage

Acts of Acts the Apostles

Melchizedek Gen 14 Melchizedek

Moses Moses

Sacrifice of of Sacrifice


Bread Wine & Bread Blood Blood the of Covenant

Animal Sacrifice Priestly - New Passover Passover The Synagogue New Lamb Liturgy New Moses History of Worship - Old Testament Typology

4000 2000 1200 130 BC BC BC BC

Old Testament

offered offered

Abel Abel

Abraham Abraham

46 46 books

Passover & Passover


Gen Gen 22

Gen Gen 4:4

Septuagint Septuagint

Offering of of Offering

Greek Greek

Melchizedek Gen 14 Melchizedek

Moses Moses

Sacrifice of of Sacrifice

Bread Wine & Bread Blood Blood the of Covenant

Animal Sacrifice Priestly - Passover Synagogue Liturgy The Passover - Remembrance • Fundamental Jewish feast. • What was the Passover? Exodus 12 • Who was passed-over? • Freedom from Egypt? What were they freed from? • Passover Seder meal: • Scripture • Responses • • Wine and unleavened bread • Lamb of the sacrifice (led by the father) – “It is because of what the Lord did for me, when he brought me out of Egypt.” • Family Meal – in communion The Passover Meal – Jewish Traditions

• Why a lamb? • Animal sacrifice – no communion without sacrifice • represents the Hebrew children who were passed-over • The blood of the lamb was spread over their door posts as a sign to God. • Thus the Seder meal culminates with the sacrifice of the unblemished lamb. The lamb is then consumed. • Freedom from the bondage of slavery. • Yom Kippur the day of atonement….scape goat, blood of the sacrifice for the atonement of our sins. (lambs blood is shed for the sins of us all) • Repeated in the Temple, on the alter, on the Holy Mountain, presided by the priest…Holy of Holies; Ark, Menorah, Bread of the Presence…

History of Worship – A New Exodus

4000 2000 1200 130 1 BC BC BC BC AD Lived Old Testament


offered offered

Abel Abel

Abraham Abraham

46 46 books

Passover & Passover


Gen Gen 22

Gen Gen 4:4

Septuagint Septuagint

Offering of of Offering

Christ’s Ministry Christ’s

Greek Greek

Melchizedek Gen 14 Melchizedek

Moses Moses

Sacrifice of of Sacrifice

Bread Wine & Bread Blood Blood the of Covenant

Animal Sacrifice Priestly - Passover Synagogue Liturgy Jesus’ Ministry Begins

• How did John The Baptist address Jesus when it was revealed to him That Jesus was the Messiah? • Not Behold the Son of God, Not My Lord, • Not the Messiah, Not the Lord of Lords… • Rather….. “Behold the LAMB of God, who takes away the sins of the world!” • ….the one who is to be sacrificed…from God. • God will provide the lamb (Gen 22). • Obvious to Jews of Jesus’ time • Immediately people began to follow him. • Transfiguration discussion…”New Exodus”.

History of Worship – A New Exodus

4000 2000 1200 130 1 BC BC BC BC AD Lived Old Testament


offered offered

Abel Abel

Abraham Abraham

46 46 books

Passover & Passover


Gen Gen 22

Gen Gen 4:4

Septuagint Septuagint

Offering of of Offering

The Last Supper TheLast

Christ’s Ministry Christ’s

Greek Greek

Melchizedek Gen 14 Melchizedek

Moses Moses

Sacrifice of of Sacrifice

Bread Wine & Bread Blood Blood the of Covenant

Animal Sacrifice Priestly - New Passover Passover Synagogue New Lamb Liturgy New Moses Sacred Family Meals –

• Not surprisingly, Jesus continues with the family meal theme. • Meals in the Gospel of Luke take on a special focus. • There are over 19 stories in the Gospel of Luke alone where a meal is celebrated; these celebrations mark the unifying of a family or community. Sometimes a community of sinners. • Can you name an example of a meal or feast celebration in the gospels? Sacred Family Meals – New Testament

• Wedding Feast in Cana in John • Peter’s mother in law • Jesus dining with Matthew the tax collector and sinners • Dining with Simon the Pharisee (prostitute anoints Jesus); • Dining with the Pharisees (story about cleansing before eating) • Dining with the Pharisee and healed the man with dropsy (withered hand) on the sabbath. • Zachaeus • Wedding feast, man who didn’t wear the garment. • Parable about places of honor at the dinner table (who to invite) • Serve other supper rather than have servants serve you • Prodigal son • Multiplication of loaves • Last supper • Road to Emmaus…more on this later. • Charcoal fire Jn 21 at the Sea of Tiberias • Wedding supper of the lamb (Rev)

Last Supper – New Passover • Multiplication of loaves (at the Passover) – Took blessed broke and gave • Last Supper Meal…on the Passover – In the same way he took blessed broke and gave. – “This is my Body, do this in remembrance of me.” – “This is the cup of the new covenant in my blood” Jer 31:31. A new covenant written upon their hearts. A New Testament. • That cup they drank from was the 3rd cup of the Passover meal, as St Paul says, “the Cup of blessing, is it not a communion in the .” • The “New Moses” brings “True Bread” from Heaven. Jn 6:32-33. Jn 6:47-51 • 4th cup, the cup of consumation….”It is Finished”? – The Body’s work – The sacrifice – the Old Passover – New Passover… – A New Lamb… – A new family meal… • EAT the Lamb History of Worship – A New Exodus

4000 2000 1200 130 1 33 50 100 397 BC BC BC BC AD AD AD AD AD

Preached Written Lived Liturgy Old Testament Gospel Gospel

Gospel Bible

Early Church



& &

offered offered

Abel Abel


Abraham Abraham

46 46 books

Passover & Passover

27 NT 27 Books



47, 47, 20:7

St Paul Paul St

Gen Gen 22

St John St


Gen Gen 4:4

1 1


Septuagint Septuagint


Church Fathers Church

Offering of of Offering

The Last Supper TheLast

Christ’s Ministry Christ’s


Greek Greek

Council of of Council Carthage

Acts of Acts the Apostles

Melchizedek Gen 14 Melchizedek

Moses Moses

Sacrifice of of Sacrifice


Bread Wine & Bread Blood Blood the of Covenant

Animal Sacrifice Priestly - New Christian Liturgy Passover Passover The Mass Synagogue New Lamb Liturgy New Moses Real Presence – Is It Really Jesus?

• Body, blood soul and divinity • Accidents vs Substance • Paper and ink vs. Monitary value of different bills • Baby vs Old man – Same person different appearance • – Accidents/appearance stays; but the substance/reality changes. • Bread still looks like bread; wine still looks like wine • The substance changes • It is Jesus!

Real Presence – Is It Really Jesus?

• How does that work???? Magic? Hocus Pocus… "Hoc est corpus meum" • It is because Jesus said so, and by the power of HIS words…we believe. • “This is my body” The new and everlasting covenant. • Through the authority of the church…the Pilar and foundation of the truth” 2 Tim • The priest, in the person of Christ…uses Christ’s words. • “Jesus’ words are more powerful than nature.” St • Rangers game…Elvis slides into 2nd base…I might holler out SAFE! ...Umpire has the authority, his words matter. History of Worship - From Genesis to 2020

4000 2000 1200 130 1 33 50 100 397 BC BC BC BC AD AD AD AD AD

Preached Written Lived Liturgy Old Testament Gospel Gospel

Gospel Bible

Early Church



& &

offered offered

Abel Abel


Abraham Abraham

46 46 books

Passover & Passover

27 NT 27 Books



47, 47, 20:7

St Paul Paul St

Gen Gen 22

St John St


Gen Gen 4:4

1 1


Septuagint Septuagint


Church Fathers Church

Offering of of Offering

The Last Supper TheLast

Christ’s Ministry Christ’s


Greek Greek

Council of of Council Carthage

Acts of Acts the Apostles

Melchizedek Gen 14 Melchizedek

Moses Moses

Sacrifice of of Sacrifice


Bread Wine & Bread Blood Blood the of Covenant

Animal Sacrifice Priestly - New Christian Liturgy Passover Passover The Mass Synagogue New Lamb Liturgy New Moses Real Presence – Did Jesus Say this? • John 6 • 6:53-56; “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” [Fagane vs trogane]. • 6:66; “this saying is hard, who can accept it?...many left him. • He then asks Peter if he will leave him…”You have the WORDS of everlasting life”. • After the multiplication of loaves Mk 6 & 8…you still do not believe…there was no bread in the boat, only one loaf. (BOAT/synagogue = church) • Not a symbol….Real flesh and blood. Real Presence Did the Early Church Believe In This?

• 1 Cor 5:7; For our paschal lamb, Christ, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us celebrate the feast, not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. • 1Cor 1 Cor 11:27-29; “Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. A person should examine himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself.” • Real Presence Road to Emmaus. Revealed in the breaking of the bread. Lk 24 • AA 2:42; AA 20:7 they dedicated themselves to the breaking of the bread. • "Assemble on the Lord’s day, and break bread and offer the Eucharist; but first make confession of your faults, so that your sacrifice may be a pure one.” Didache circa 70AD • "Make certain, therefore, that you all observe one common Eucharist; for there is but one Body of our Lord Jesus Christ, and but one cup of union with his Blood, and one single of sacrifice…” St Ignatius of Antioch 110AD • Real Presence, body blood soul and divinity. As the church always believed. True food for the journey. Eucharistic Miracles • Over 140 documented miracles • Miracle of Lanciano – 8th Century in Lanciano Italy – Priest struggled with the “real presence” – Saw 5 globules of ‘flesh and blood’” – Tested to be human blood; scientifically proven in 1970/1971 to be human heart tissue with blood type AB (same as the shroud of Turin and other Eucharistic miracles) • Sienna 1730 – Thieves a – The ciborium was recovered and the 300+ hosts have to this day not decomposed. • Buenos Aires, 1992, 1994, 1996 – Hosts placed in water after falling to ground – Turned to blood and flesh – 2004 analyzed at Columbia Univ. Living human heart tissue Basic Rules • Baptized Catholic – Why? Because we don’t believe in pre-marital sex. (no intimacy without covenant) – Regarding the Eucharist ... Let no one eat and drink of your Eucharist but those baptized in the name of the Lord.” Didache • Confession – in a state of grace (without mortal sin) – Worthy to receive, remember 1 Cor 11 right? • Fast for 1 hour (no communion without sacrifice) • Reverence • Bow is appropriate. • Hand or mouth • Can receive daily, possibly more than once in a day if in mass. • receive once per year Holy Communion • St. Maximilian Kolbe once said of the Eucharist; “If angels were to be jealous of man it would be that we receive the Eucharist” • Receiving God…communion with the Church…one bread one body. • Holy Communion – all together at the great family meal…my mom and dad in that sacred family banquet where time stops…Heaven on earth… • Scripture from Genesis to Revelation: – Sacrifice – no communion without sacrifice – Revelation: Wedding Supper of the Lamb….Lamb on the altar…New Exodus/Passover…Consummation of the covenant…God comes down and dwells with us. – Heaven on Earth. Discussion Questions

What do you think of when you hear Jesus referred to as the Lamb of God? Has that changed after tonight?

What was the Passover all about? How is the Passover meal similar to the mass?

Which Gospel does not have a last supper meal? Why not?

On the road to Emmaus, why could the disciples identify Christ only after the bread was broken and shared?

What does scripture mean by the “Wedding supper of the Lamb?”