Virtual Reality Urban Modelling - An Overview Emine Mine Thompson Margaret Horne David Fleming School of the Built Environment School of the Built Environment School of the Built Environment Northumbria University Northumbria University Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract This paper offers an overview of the increasing use of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies for the simulation of urban environments. It provides a summary of cities worldwide where three-dimensional computer modelling is being utilised to aid urban planning. The study considers the need for a digital representation of cities and raises issues pertaining to advantages, barriers and ownership. A case study of a pilot project on the visualisation of Newcastle upon Tyne is examined to show an approach adopted for the representation of this city in North East England. The process of this visualisation is summarised and future research is outlined in relation to this city model. Keywords Virtual Reality, 3D Modelling, Visualisation, Ownership, City Models, Town Planning, Newcastle upon Tyne England. 1. INTRODUCTION rate and objective to the cause, we call this Forensic The modelling of an urban environment, from aerial Modelling. view maps of medieval times to more accurate city “The importance of 3D reconstruction of buildings, plan projections of Renaissance to inexpensively pro- cities and urban landscapes is becoming more recog- duced-standardised, printed 2D maps of 19th Century nized and acknowledged” (Horne M, 2004). Urban is not a new concept. Over the centuries these 2D planners are making use of computer technology for plans and representations and maps made for different many reasons, and research areas have been classified purpose have helped develop our cities.