4 Letters to the Editor ...Patrick Horne 27 ...Geoff
A NEWLY DATED MIDDLE WOODLAND POINT, RICE LAKE, ONTARIO ..•L.J. Jackson 5 ARCHAEOLOGICAL LICENCES, 1987, 3rd List Archaeological Wood Symposium Grand River/Waterloo Chapter, O.A.S. - Canoe Trip ...Lois McCulloch 16 Ontario Heritage Policy Review: 1) Comments by the Ontario Council of Professional Osteologists 17 2) Submission by the Windsor Chapter, O.A.S. 20 Press Cuttings: 1) Fort York Dig 22 2) Age Old Clocks 24 Letters To The Editor ...Patrick Horne 27 ...Geoff. Sutherland 28 ...Michael Gramly 29 O.A.S. 14th Annual Symposium - Rivers Through Time: Archaeology Along Our Eastern Waterways 31 !look Review: "Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History" ...M. T. Kelly 32 From The O.A.S. Office 34 newsletter publ ished by The Ontario Archaeological Soci~1.Y P.o. Box 241, Postal Station P, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2S8 The Ontario Archaeological Society Inc. P.O. Box 241, Postal Station P, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2S8 Second Class mail registration number 7009 Return Postage Guaranteed MORE THAN $58,000 AWARDED TO HERITAGE PROGRAMS BY MINISTRY OF CITIZENSHIP AND CULTLRE The O.A.s. was one recipient of part of the $58,533 in grants given to heritage groups and organizations for promoting local history, hiring interns and a var- iety of other programs aimed at increasing the quality of heritage conservation in Onta rio. "All of these grants will help to ensure the preservation of Ontario's rich her- itage," Minister of Citizenship and Culture, Dr. Lily Munro said. AMOUNT ORGANI ZATION PURPOs E $200 Township of Finch, Berwick To promote local history $200 Rota ry C1ub of Bowmanvi 11e, To promote local Bowmanville chari ties $2,300 Commanda General Store, To defray operational Commanda costs $200 St.
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