THE TORCHWOOD ENCYCLOPEDIA Author: Gary Russell Number of Pages: 192 pages Published Date: 09 Dec 2009 Publisher: Ebury Publishing Publication Country: London, United Kingdom Language: English ISBN: 9781846077647 DOWNLOAD: THE TORCHWOOD ENCYCLOPEDIA The Torchwood Encyclopedia PDF Book Whether this is your first pup or you are a seasoned dog-owner, the hints and tips in this concise guide are valuable and well informed. Contributions range from essays by renowned educators such as Pestalozzi, Froebel, Montessori, and Neill to the philosophical observations of Plato, Rousseau, Dewey, and Russell. Nanotribologicalpropertiessuchasroughness,friction,andadhesion are presented, as well as investigations of conditioner distribution, thickness, and bindinginteractions. Caring for Ties 12. Now that the government has been in power for more than 100 days, Black Gold Black Scorpion couldn't be timelier. This uniquely interdisciplinary study, located at the intersection of development economics, international investment law, and international human rights is written in an accessible language, and should attract the attention of anyone who cares about the role of private investment in supporting the efforts of poor countries to climb up the development ladder. Authors: Deborah Timmons (MCT, MCSE) came to the Microsoft technical field after six years in the adaptive technology arena, providing technology and training for persons with disabilities. Artificial Intelligence Methods and Tools for Systems BiologyThis book provides simultaneously a design blueprint, user guide, research agenda, and communication platform for current and future developments in artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to systems biology. Causey examines the elegiac nature of some of Lanyon's early work and asks to what extent his experience of war, death and physical destruction map onto his presentation of the imagery of western Cornwall.
Black Boi, Boss Bitch Lauryn Hill 18 Jan 1995 - 26 Sep 1998 BLACK QUEER LOOKS Y todo comenzo bailando.... 27 Oct 1998 “Y todo comenzo bailando”...The earliest memories I can recall of my existence are festive. 20 Pound Pots of pernil & pigfeet. Pasteles, Gandulez, Guinea, Pollo Guisado. Habichuelas. 5 different types of beans & 5 different dishes on one plate. Even if only 4 niggas pulled up to the crib, abuela was always cooking for 40. The image of her red lipstick stain on hefty glasses of Budweiser that once contained Goya olives is forever etched in my mind. This was that poor boricua family that stored rice & beans in “I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter” containers.The kind of family that blasted Jerry Rivera’s & Frankie Ruiz voices over dollar-store speakers. The kind that prized Marc Anthony, Hector LaVoe, El Gran Combo, La India, Tito Rojas. Victor Manuelle. Salsa Legends that put abuela's feet to work. My cousin Nina & her wife Iris who sparked their Ls in the bathroom, waving around floor length box braids, and bomb ass butch-queen aesthetics. “Pero nino, you hoppin on the cyph?. Uncle Negro or “Black”as we called him for his rich dark-skin, stay trying to wife my mom’s friends. 7:11 pm. 7 pounds 8 oz. October 27th. Maybe it was the lucky 7. Maybe it was fated for them to welcome another, intensely-loving Scorpio into their home. Or maybe it was just another blissful evening in the barrio. Where Bottles of Henny would be popped, and cousins & aunts & uncles you didn’t even know you had would reappear.
The Oxford Democrat. 1903. NUMBER 52. VOLUME 70. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, KH tiMh'.l lo; ili l 'y. oners, but Beverley soon suspected tl tt rutiler item, who was coining out 01 never fails. But he'll tell Clark to eta.v JUNKS, Fruit Marketing and Storage. *«W>4^3*4HfcHêHîMlHWHfr^ Furii «worth was on his guard in a C. THE a "tralllc In hah," ae the terrible bu-tl- u cabin nut far away, beard and knew where he is, and Vigo can do no more." ^ AMONG FARMERS. Some of the most and twin!;iing. lie set his jaw and uttered preening impor- ness had been named, was going on. the voice. What effect Helm's hold and appar- & Machinist, in- a< I!· htnh.· Smith tant relating to the fri\it f nil ugly oath: then qiii-k MA1NK. questions miH"î Savages came In from far away with Ho. lio. little cried artless talk h:id upon Hamilton's SOUTH PARIS, are those that out of the y4"i«P my lady!" ently at the with "SFLKD THIS PLOW." dustry grow he struck siucwlse pistol of general machinery, steam en in horticulture to scalps yet scarcely dry dangling at Adrien ne's captor in a breezy, jocund mind Is not recorded, hut the meager Manufacturer anil tools., .present tendency pro- his blade. It was a move which might mill work, spool machinery their belis. It made the Vir- "You wouldn't run over u facts at command show that ,'lties, drille made and duce each fruit in that section where it #| young tone.
Sexual Orientation and Trans Sexuality 101 Michael L Krychman MD Executive Director of the Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine Associate Clinical Professor UCI AASECT Certified Sexual Counselor Developmental Sexuality Review • Things do go wrong! – Chromosomal – Hormonal Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation are Different! • Every individual has a – biological sex – a gender identity – a sexual orientation. – (All can be considered fluid!) • Being transgender does not mean you’re gay and being gay does not mean you’re transgender. – There is overlap, in part because gender variance is often seen in gay context. – Masculine females and feminine males are often assumed to be gay; – “Anti-gay” discrimination and violence often targets gender expression, not sexuality Anatomy does not determine sexual orientation Homophobia is different than Transphobia Case: Ego Dystonic Bisexual Transgender Male becoming a female Has both a male and female partner Parts: heterosexual Identity: homosexual Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation are Different! • Coming out as gay is different than coming out as transexual • Trans people are often marginalized in G/L context. • How do we apply cultural competency lessons that apply around heterosexism to gender variance? • CDC categorizes MTFs and partners as MSM; • neither partner self-identifies as MSM • Power relationship between HCP and client is intensified; provider as gate-keeper who must give ongoing “approval” Development of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Etiological
LGBTQ Resource Roundup Gender Bisexuality Queer and Race and Activism Family Health International Allied Identity/ Trans Youth Ethnicity Organizations Expression We Happy Interweave Advocates for Unid@s GetEQUAL Family World International National Trans Youth Acceptance Professional LGBT Organization Project Association for Association for Women Transgender Health YES Institute Bisexual Campus Pride National Black Queer Rising Family Gay and International NARAL- Resource Justice Diversity Lesbian Gay and ProChoice Center Coalition Project Medical Lesbian Human Association Rights Commission National Center BiNet USA It Gets Better Immigration SoulForce PFLAG National Council for Planned for Equality Alliance on Global Equality Parenthood Transgender Mental Illness Equality Transgender All Things Bi Draw Your Line Causes in Human Rights Family Equality GLBT National Amnesty Intersex Legal Defense Common Campaign Council Help Center International Society of and Education North America Fund TransFaith American Trevor Project Brown Boi National Gay SAGE Pride Institute International Organization Online Institute of Project and Lesbian Lesbian, Gay, Intersex Bisexuality Taskforce Bisexual, International in Trans, & the United Intersex States of Association America Trans Student Bisexual Courage Audre Lorde GLAAD Families Like Substance International Equality Organizing Campaign Project Mine Abuse and LGBTQ Youth Resources Project Mental Health & Student Services Organization Administration Gay Teen Astraea Lambda Legal National Global Respect
LEED V Living Building Challenge: Critical Evaluation
LEED v Living Building Challenge: Critical Evaluation Vera Straka1, Lilia Sousedova 2 1Associate Professor, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada 2Graduating Student, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada Abstract LEED is entrenched in North America as one of the most prominent green building certification standard. LEED is not without flaws. It is developing to address some of its shortcomings, namely related to the building performance over building’s life span. New emerging green building rating systems such as Living Building Challenge (LBC) are much stricter and go beyond the building itself. LBC does not only consider actual building performance rather than the predicted one but it addresses its context. It encompasses humane scale, universal access, social justice, health and urban agriculture. It is much closer to the concept of net zero energy and it is thriving for net zero environmental impact. LEED Gold and Platinum buildings are reaching high environmental standards and number of certified b buildings is increasing exponentially. In this paper, four case studies of the top rated LEED office buildings in Southern Ontario are investigated. Common categories of LEED points scored by these building are described and their comparison matrix is presented. The summary of the case studies is used to define a typical LEED building. This building is then evaluated for compliance with LBC and imperatives not met are investigated in order to determine what strategies would need to be adopted to improve the LEED design. The projects which are candidates for LCB designation are studies to assist with identification of differences. Paper concludes with the findings of this comparison and discussion on their implication.
Contents 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 Acknowledgements | Copyright For my wife, Debra Powell, for allowing me to bask in her light and become more. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. WENDELL BERRY, “The Peace of Wild Things” 1 My name is Saul Indian Horse. I am the son of Mary Mandamin and John Indian Horse. My grandfather was called Solomon so my name is the diminutive of his. My people are from the Fish Clan of the northern Ojibway, the Anishinabeg, we call ourselves. We made our home in the territories along the Winnipeg River, where the river opens wide before crossing into Manitoba after it leaves Lake of the Woods and the rugged spine of northern Ontario. They say that our cheekbones are cut from those granite ridges that rise above our homeland. They say that the deep brown of our eyes seeped out of the fecund earth that surrounds the lakes and marshes. The Old Ones say that our long straight hair comes from the waving grasses that thatch the edges of bays.
NEWYDDION DINAS TYDDEWI ST DAVIDS CITY NEWS Gaeaf 2020 Winter Mayor’s Letter and Christmas Greetings As this is my first letter, I would like to thank the Councillors for electing me as the Mayor with my wife Sylvia as Mayoress of St Davids City Council, supported by Councillor Alan York as the Deputy Mayor. I will endeavour to serve the local community during this unprecedented time to the best of my ability. I also take this opportunity to thank my predecessor, Cllr Mike Chant and Mayoress Sue Chant for all the valuable community work they did and contributed to over the last two years. For those who do not know me, my formal Sikh name is Balbir Singh Sehmi, but I am known as Bira Sehmi. I was born in Nairobi, Kenya (pioneering Sikh family in East Africa last century). I was educated in Nairobi and London. I have worked in various well-known international architects’ practices in London, Surrey, and Hampshire. My wife is a local born farmer’s daughter (the late Perkin and Enid Jones) and I have been coming to St Davids since mid 1960’s. We have been full time residents since 2010 and I was elected as a City Councillor in May 2017. I am a committee member of St Davids Community Forum, Memory Cafe, Friends of Oriel y Parc and St Davids Historical Society. My interests are cooking, cricket and spiritual healing. Well what a year it has turned out be. This pandemic has affected us all in one way or another. During this pandemic, the local community has shown its strength and agility in assisting those who needed the most help in whichever way they could with their generous donations.
Welsh Athletics Milestones Recalled by Clive Williams 1860 John Chambers holds a sports meeting at Hafod House, Aberystwyth - probably the first record of an athletics meeting being held in Wales 1865 Chambers organises “athletic sports” at Aberystwyth. 1865 William Richards, born in “Glamorgan” sets a world record for the mile with 4 mins. 17 ¼ seconds. 1871 St. David’s College Lampeter and Llandovery College hold athletics “sports” meetings. 1875 Newport Athletic Club formed and holds “athletic sports.” 1877 Cardiff-born William Gale achieves the phenomenal deed of walking 1,500 miles in 1,000 hours. He was the world’s leading pedestrian. 1879 Llanfair Caereinion Powys-born George Dunning sets a world 40 miles record at Stamford Bridge of 4:50.12. 1880 Newport AC represented by Richard Mullock at the formation of the AAA at The Randolph Hotel, Oxford - Chambers also there. 1881 Dunning effectively sets an inaugural world record for the half-marathon when he runs 1:13.46 on a track at Stamford Bridge. The distance is actually 13 miles 440 yards, i.e. further than the designated half marathon distance of 13 miles 192.5 yards. 1881 Dunning becomes the first Welsh born athlete to win the (English) National cross country title. 1882 Roath (Cardiff) Harriers formed. They amalgamated with Birchgrove (Cardiff) Harriers in 1968 to form Cardiff AAC.1890. 1890 Will Parry, born in Buttington, near Welshpool wins the (English) National cross country title for a third successive year. 1893 First Welsh amateur track championships held as part of an open sports meeting. Just 2 events held - 100 yards and mile won by Charles Thomas (Reading AC) and Hugh Fairlamb (Roath).
GENDERS & SEXUALITIES TERMS All terms should be evaluated by your local community to determine what best fits. As with all language, the communities that utilize these and other words may have different meanings and reasons for using different terminology within different groups. Agender: a person who does not identify with a gender identity or gender expression; some agender-identifying people consider themselves gender neutral, genderless, and/or non- binary, while some consider “agender” to be their gender identity. Ally/Accomplice: a person who recognizes their privilege and is actively engaged in a community of resistance to dismantle the systems of oppression. They do not show up to “help” or participate as a way to make themselves feel less guilty about privilege but are able to lean into discomfort and have hard conversations about being held accountable and the ways they must use their privilege and/or social capital for the true liberation of oppressed communities. Androgynous: a person who expresses or presents merged socially-defined masculine and feminine characteristics, or mainly neutral characteristics. Asexual: having a lack of (or low level of) sexual attraction to others and/or a lack of interest or desire for sex or sexual partners. Asexuality exists on a spectrum from people who experience no sexual attraction nor have any desire for sex, to those who experience low levels of sexual attraction and only after significant amounts of time. Many of these different places on the spectrum have their own identity labels. Another term used within the asexual community is “ace,” meaning someone who is asexual.
Classic FM Relocates Lawrie Hallett MIBS reports on Classic FM’s move last year to GCAP’s London Radio Centre. Classic FM’s production studio at Leicester Square n 9 May 2006 the UK’s two largest only when this rival group was unable to June/July 1999 edition of Line Up.) commercial radio companies – the raise the considerable pre-launch capital Classic FM enhanced its presence on O Capital Radio Group and the GWR needed for its proposed service that the FM (it now has 42 transmitters across the Group – completed their merger to form contract was awarded instead to Classic FM country) as well as raising its profile GCap Media plc. Soon after its formation, as the runner-up in the contest. through involvement in the ‘Digital 1’ and doubtless recognising the potential cost Once it had the green-light, Classic FM national DAB multiplex. It has also savings and operational synergies which wasted little time in getting on-air in 1993, broadcast via the Sky satellite TV system should arise, it was decided to consolidate and its transmitter network quickly since 1999 and the same service is available the London departments under a single expanded to cover 82% of the total on Virgin’s digital cable system, the Tiscali roof. The chosen location was what had population – just over the 80% required by (formerly Home Choice) network and, of been the Capital Group’s Leicester Square the INR1 licence. The old GWR Group had course, via the Internet. headquarters, so the former GWR broadcast provided technical expertise and support stations as well as a newly combined for the fledgling national broadcaster, and in Location, Location, Location national sales team have all taken up 1997 it bought out the entire company.
Key - $ = US Number One (1959-date), ✮ UK Million Seller, ➜ Still in Top 75 at this time. A line in red 12 Dec 98 Take Me There (Blackstreet & Mya featuring Mase & Blinky Blink) 7 9 indicates a Number 1, a line in blue indicate a Top 10 hit. 10 Jul 99 Get Ready 32 4 20 Nov 04 Welcome Back/Breathe Stretch Shake 29 2 MARXMAN Total Hits : 8 Total Weeks : 45 Anglo-Irish male rap/vocal/DJ group - Stephen Brown, Hollis Byrne, Oisin Lunny and DJ K One 06 Mar 93 All About Eve 28 4 MASH American male session vocal group - John Bahler, Tom Bahler, Ian Freebairn-Smith and Ron Hicklin 01 May 93 Ship Ahoy 64 1 10 May 80 Theme From M*A*S*H (Suicide Is Painless) 1 12 Total Hits : 2 Total Weeks : 5 Total Hits : 1 Total Weeks : 12 MARY JANE GIRLS American female vocal group, protégées of Rick James, made up of Cheryl Ann Bailey, Candice Ghant, MASH! Joanne McDuffie, Yvette Marine & Kimberley Wuletich although McDuffie was the only singer who Anglo-American male/female vocal group appeared on the records 21 May 94 U Don't Have To Say U Love Me 37 2 21 May 83 Candy Man 60 4 04 Feb 95 Let's Spend The Night Together 66 1 25 Jun 83 All Night Long 13 9 Total Hits : 2 Total Weeks : 3 08 Oct 83 Boys 74 1 18 Feb 95 All Night Long (Remix) 51 1 MASON Dutch male DJ/producer Iason Chronis, born 17/1/80 Total Hits : 4 Total Weeks : 15 27 Jan 07 Perfect (Exceeder) (Mason vs Princess Superstar) 3 16 MARY MARY Total Hits : 1 Total Weeks : 16 American female vocal duo - sisters Erica (born 29/4/72) & Trecina (born 1/5/74) Atkins-Campbell 10 Jun 00 Shackles (Praise You)