CHEF EDITOR Syrja Xhelaj Ph. +355 067 40 16 619 email: [email protected]

EDITOR Nuri ~uni Kujtim Boric;:i

REPORTERS Eugen Shehu - Zvicer Perparim Kapllani - Kanada Agim Cani - Gjermani Enea Muhameti ·_Itali Eliton Pashaj - USA

CONSULTANTS Arian Leka Zenel Anxhaku Blerina Harizaj AgimZeka Besnik Anxhaku

DESIGN raxhi Bektash achieved his first Studiograf "A&N" , R ofPersia. In the manhood, he h PRINTED BY the lessons ofthe greatest mystic ofthat time, Publish House Perende; he had big moral successes and he Wt4 "Bektashi Wisdom" to his mystic ideal After, he wtts inspired by September, 2017 guide Hoxha Ahmet ]eseviu. In this wa~ he got /

lJ:ktashism today and challenges ofthe \ \ l.Jjuture. 1his international activity was tJ e} organized and held on 04. 06.2011, in a dose cooperation between the Holy Residence of World Bektashi Headquarter and the Tekke ofSaranda, which holds the name of''Haxhi Reshat Bardhi'~

Faqe 8-9

"70morrow opens the symposium about 1 messages forwarded from prophetic family in presence ofresearches from Turkey, , Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq etc. 1he word ofworld Head ofBektashi, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj ...

I am wondered by bektashianfaith lVJih the invitation of the Secretary W of the State of USA, Mr. john Kerry, the Head Grandfather" ofthe World Bektashi Headquarter, His Holyness, &lmond Brahimaj traveled toward to the Washington DC attended by Mr. Arben Sulejmani, Secretary for International Re/,ation.

7fze voice ofthe stuardess anouncing 1 that we were landing to Nexhef air­ port, made me to put imediately my front to the glass of the window. The Sun was so full that it seemed to me it gave much light than it needed to Karbala. Faqe 22-23 Haxhi Bektash achieved his first studies in the schools of Persia. In the manhood, he begun to fol­ low the lessons of the greatest mystic of that time, Lokman Perende; he had big moral successes and he was dedicated to his mystic ideal.After; he was inspired by the saint guide Hoxha Ahmet Jeseviu. In this way, he got settled in Sulxhe Kara Ujuk (Anatolia) and he founded there the first Bektashi tekke in the World, which became famous during the centuries and was transformed in a general Bektashi center. Very soon, the Bektashi dervishs and babas, achieved the geographical extension of Bektashism in the Small Asia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Ro­ mania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Egypt, Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania etc. In the beginning of the 16th century, the Bektashism had already its educational center for the formation of dervishs, in Dimoteka (Bulgaria), where learned 400 dervishs every year. Meantime, in the year 1826, Sultan Mahmud II, took very strong measures against the Bektashi tarikat (brotherhood);the Bektashi clergymen cap­ tured because dressed in their traditional uniform or because they practiced illegally their faith, were killed, imprisoned or interned.While, on December 13 of the year 1925, by a decision of the Turkish Parliament, were closed all the tekkes in Turkey. Under such circumstances, the World Bektashi Grandfather of that time, Sali Niazi Dede, who was the third Albanian World Grandfather; after the conversations with babas of Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Yugoslavia and Albania and after consulting the head of the Albanian diplomatic mis­ sion in Istanbul, decided to transfer in the Holy See of the World Bektashi Head Quarter.The Ill Bektashi Congress, which took place in Kor~e. in 1929, decided definitively this transfer. In a docu­ Tekke in Albania ment (Central State Archive, Fund 883, in the year 1932, file I, leaves 1-3) is written:"The Head of the tekke in Kirshehir; His Eminence Grandfather Salih Niazi, who is of Albanian kin and who is known as the Pope of all the Bektashis of the World, was constrained to get away of the great center of Bektashism and came to take place in Tirana as Grandfather ofAlbania, keeping also his high duty as the function keeper of this faith for all the World". In the years 1930-1941, the Grandfather Salih

4 "Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 Niazi Dede gave to the Bektashism Abaz Hilmi Dede ( 1945 - 1947),Ahmed the Prophet Mohammed, honor also the in Albania a new historical dimension Myftar Dede ( 1947 -1980), Haxhi Dede Prophetic Family-, FaFima, Hasan and and enriched day by day the Bektashi Reshat Bardhi ( 1991 - 20 I I), Haxhi Husein. The Bektashi tarikat (brother­ tradition of Haxhi Bektash Veli, which Edmond Brahimaj (I 0.06.20 I I). hood) respects all the people, indepen­ continues nowadays. He refused to sign The Bektashi believers believe exclu­ dent of their religion, id.~as, race, color the occupation of our country by Italy sively the only God.They are character-, or ethnicity.The Bektashi believers pray in 1939 and two years after he died as a ized by the tolerance towards all the in their sanctuaries. Meb and women, martyr for the fatherland.After him, re­ other faiths. The basis of their believe they consider each other as brothers specting the Bektashi code and customs, are the precious teachings of the Prophet and sisters. The Bektashi believers go came in this high position:Ali Riza Dede Mohammed and those of the Majestic so tekke when they want, not when the ( 1941 - 1944), Kamber Ali Dede ( 1944 Koran. Differently of the sunits,Albanian clergymen want. -1945),Xhafer Sadik Dede ( 1945 - 1945), ones and others, the Bektashis, besides The Bektashis are lea<;led and orga-

nized by a World Grandfather - this is the Bektashi tradition, since the creation of this faith until nowadays. Within the Albanian areas, there are 8 gjyshatas (regional Bektashi leading structures), which are those of Kruja, Kor~a, Elbasani, Skrapari, Viera, Gjirokastra, Kosova and Tetova. The Holy See of the World Bektashi Head Quarter keeps direct relations with the bektashi communities liv­ ing and acting in USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, Netherlands, Great Britain, Greece, Egypt, Turkey, nvited by the Organising Committee of the International Conference on IReligious Freedom, a few days ago, Baba Edmond Brahimaj travelled to Kochi, India. It was the first time that the Bektashi delegation participated in this international re­ ligious event and the organizers showed great respect and appreciation.This was also due to the fact that Baba Edmond Brahimaj would deliver a speech on the threatened freedom of in Macedonia. The quality of the organisation was evident Macedonia, Kosove, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Iran etc. from the beginning. Coming from countries Because of the strong influence of the communist dictatorship and by a special order of the State-Party, in the year 1967, in the isolated all over the world, religious leaders not only Albania were closed all the churches, , tekkes and other manifested their wisdom and sagacity but also religious institutions.After, as all the Albanian believers, the Bektashis their permanent vision. The marvellous city continued to practice secretly their faith and the traditional rites, facing, of Kochi provided everyone with the tradi­ often, big dangers and sacrifices, sometimes even the prison or the tional Indian friendliness and hospitality. The shootings. But even those repressive measures did not extinguish the Delegation of the World Bektashi Centre was faith of the Bektashi believers. In the years '90 of the last century, after accommodated in one of the most beautiful the establishment of the democracy in Albania, 200 Bektashi religious hotels situated in the centre of the city. We buildings and institutions were reconstructed.Actually, many tekkes held continuous meetings and discussions and dervishies are directed by numerous dervishs and babas. The with other religious leaders coming from all World Bekt.ishi Head Quarter is a juridical person, according to the continents in that hotel. International Right and to the constitutional laws of the Albanian State. The prominent religious leader, Dalai Lama, It functions on the basis of the principle of the centralism and that of the strong and conscientious discipline of the clergymen and on the gave a warm greeting to all delegations and basis of the collegial directing work, of the common responsibility and other leaders as well. The 33rd Conference fraternity, according to the Statute and to the Bektashi canonical rules. on Religious Freedom has introduced the On April 2 of the year 2011, passed away the World Grandfather of Bektashis, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi, who will be remembered for his precious contribution in the years 1967 - 1990 and to the resumption of the religious life in general and particularly of the Bektashism,after the establishment of the democracy in Albania. On June I0, 20 I I, the nvited by the Moscow Islamic University, High Grandfathers Council and the General Council, elected His Holy­ the Head of the World Bektashi Centre, ness, Edmond Brahimaj for the position of the World Grandfather of IHis Holyness,Edmond Brahimaj par­ Bektashis and actually the new World Grandfather is continuing the ticipated in the Conference on Islamic work of Dede Reshat. During the 6 years of his leadership, besides Civilisation. At the beginning of November, we the activity and the initiatives concerning the continuation of the travelled to Moscow along with the Head of most precious Bektashi traditions, His Holynes His Holyness, Edmond the WorldBektashi Centre to participate in the Brahimaj was received by the highest religious and state personalities 3-day Conference on the Islamic Values.We were in USA, France, Italy, Turkey, Iraq, Belgium, , South Korea, Rusia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Germany etc. He enjoys the support of all Bektashi communities, everywhere in the World.

6 "Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 New Dimensions discussion panels, where each representative has had the chance to kindly share their concerns or ideas related to the dimensions of religious freedom. On the third day of this conference, Baba Edmond Brahimaj delivered his speech. Firstly, he delivered the greetings of the Head ofWorld Bektashi Centre Hajji Dede Reshat Bardhi and then he talked about the active role of the World Bektashi Centre in Tirana. At the end of his speech, Baba Edmond Brahimaj stated:"Among other things, weAlbanians take pride on the life and works of Mother Teresa, a saint that did not stop providing help and sharing love until her last breath. The pure Bektashi belief, as well as other traditional beliefs in the Albanian territories and Balkans, have the great mission to live in peace and share love and kindness. We, the Bektashi believers, follow the principles of the Messenger On one of the days of the 33rd International Conference of God and we view our religious freedom as closely on Religious Freedom, the Bektashi delegation received a related to the religious freedom of other nations and warm welcome by the religious leader Dalai Lama. ethnicities. We believe that this freedom can take other ~'Winsdom ,, - reporter, dimensions only when we follow the paths that take us October 2010 to the Almighty God:'

We All Share a Common Destiny firstwelcomed by the Rector of the Moscow Islamic University, confronted each other. These battles have undoubtedly Dr. Marat Murtazin and his deputy.Dr. Alsu Sitdikova, in the provokedtragedies century after century and millions of people premises of this university. The heads of this scientific centre have survived these sufferings. This ishistory. Throughout the informedus on the student education programme, as course of history, especially in the Balkans, the famous Bektashi well as other teaching styles, which not onlycomplete quotehas been continuously mentioned: "We are brothers, the marvellous mosaic of , but they also emphasize the despite our race, religion and language". ltis our God that collaborative trends oflslam with early Russian Christianity. gave us everything and by being grateful to Him, The University's premises, excellent library and the rarefund we create brotherlyrelationships with everyone, in exchange of Islamic literature made our visit even more enjoyable.In the to His endless mercy and love. In conclusion, the Headof the second day of the Conference, our Delegation was welcomed Bektashi Centre stated:"We all share a common human destiny by the Mufti of Tatarstan,lldus, Dr. Nevzat ~1koglu, and Dr. and .are evenly exposed tosecularism and radicalism. Just like Mohamed Al Ashin from Saudi Arabia. In addition to sharingre­ families where love is profound and moral and divine valuesare ligious experiences in various discussions, something of special transmitted, the future of human societies will certainly be interest was the curiosity ofthe participants about Bektashism. bright if we consider each otherequal to the attention of the After the greetings of the religious leaders from Moscow,Turkey, Creator:' During the days that the Conference was carried out, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Tatarstan, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, etc., theHead of the World Bektashi Centre, conducted important in the main panel of this Conference, the Head of the meetings with religious leaders whoparticipated in this event. World Bektashi Centre, delivered his speech by saying Syrja Xhe/aj, Moscow, thatthroughout the course of history, driven by human, ethnic December 20 I I and religious trends, people haveprejudiced and violently __...,, ..~ that the bektashi faith has demonstrated in Albania and more. A warm greeting and pure messages of solidarity was brought in the symposium even by the chairman of bektashi community ' of Canada Mr. Muharrem Xhaferi. He assured the participants that thanks to the~rganization in branches and sections by cit­ ies, in cooperation ,With Canadian government it is in progress a good work to ol>en a tekke even in the remote continent. In the second panel, Dr. Prof. Osman Egri, from Turkey kept his paper about philosophy of peace and love that bektashi faith forwards. He brought an important moment of this faith, especially in plane of raising and keeping bridges with other religions.While the academic Ali Aliu from Macedonia, brought through his paper a full view of beginning, development and nowadays tendencies of bektashism, in Albanian territories of Tetovo, Gostivar and Monastery. ektastltsm today and challenges of the future. This A paperwork of high level, a detailed assay of life and work international activity was organized and held on of Hajji Dede Reshat Bardhi, was the one presented by world • .06.2011, in a dose cooperation between the deputy Head Father Hajji Father Sadik lbrokodheli. The real oly Residence ofWorld Bektashi Headquarter and and deep assay, brought in evidence all the work of Head Saint the Tekke of Saranda, which holds the name of "Haxhi Dede Bardhi, related closely with the surviving of bektashism in our Reshat Bardhi". country. Invited by the organizers of this symposium, Dr. Marat Except the numerous bektashlan oellevers who came from Myrtazin spoke about nowadays developments of Islam, and the Montenegro, and Macedonia, In Saranda :here were value of cooperation between taricates within islam and other also believers from all Albania. Regarding the papers, they ar­ religions. He also gave high considerations about organizing the rived from Turkey, Russia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Bulgaria.All symposium and invited both deputies bektashi head fathers the activity was held in the premises of hotel 'Mediterraneo" officially to participate in one of activities of Muslim University In Saranda, and what aecame notable were the good and in Mosco, where actually he performs the duty of Rector. The qualitative overviews about bektashian faith. It was led by two third panel, was opened by Prof. Dr. Hyscjn Osxhan from Turkey, Deputy Fathers Hajji Father Sadik lbrokodheli and His Holyness, who spoke about life and influence of Hajji Bektash Veliu, he Edmond Brahimaj. The interest for this symposium was high underlined the importance of preserving the bektashian values even by the side of Albanian state organisms, represented by by the side of Holy Residence in Tirana, while Sheh Hysen Ali minister on duty of Minister of justice, Miss. Brikena Kasmi and Hormova, stopping at the figure of Hajji Dede Reshat Bardhi the Chairman of State Committee for cults Mr. Rasim Hasanaj. brought the idea that we must learn these precious lessons Like in every previous activity, the international symposium and forward them to the future generations. Deputy Rector WU opened by ttte sounds of our national anthem, which was of Muslim University of Mosco, Miss. Sitdikova Rifatjevna also followed by keeping a minute of silence in honor of Hajji Dede stressed the tolerant tendencies of islam, and how bektashism Reshat Bardhl who now has gone off life. is seen as a group of ideas and practices very related with the In the first panel were the greetings followed by the papers. It time we are living in. She also attracted the attention of auditor was the represergadve ofTekke"Hajji Dede Reshat Bardhi" who claiming the important leading role of World Bektashi Head­ welcomed the pjtrtlcipants and spoke about the great work of quarter in Tirana. Dr. Stefan Naumov, held light on the old rela­ believers of the South ofAlbania, who made possible the raising tions of bektashian communities of Bulgaria with other Tekkes from foundations of this worship place and tekke within two in Balkan and stayed on cultures and modern tendencies that years.After this, the Chairman of State Comn;iittee for Cults faith has inherited even in the catholic religion, while Doc Parim Mr. Rasim Hasan11j focused on the great value of such activities. Kosova, trying to explain the bektashian philosophy of physical In the name of holy Residence ofWorld Bektashi Headquarter; and spiritual family, gave new ideas for challenges set before this His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj greeted all the participants. Dr. faith, before the numerous influences of life in western. Mahmond Khalilzade spoke in the name of foundation of Ehli­ Bejtit. who especially appreciated the conservation of wonderful 'Wisdom" reporter bektashi traditions, in the blossom of Albanian believers, while June, 2011 Mr. Nuh To~elik,director of publishing house "Prizmi" with the main office in Tirana, underlined the aspect of religious tolerance

8 "Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 r-other~ i .the .Eu.

A few days ago the debate on the role of religious com­ lowers shared their devotion and permanent cleansing of munities in nowadays social aspects was held in Brussels the human soul with each other, according to the great with the encouragement of the European Commission for saying of the ancient mystics: "In the man's heart there religious harmony. Under the framework of the People cannot be two loves. The man who loves God, cannot to People Programme and in cooperation with TACSO think of any other love." Project, senior representatives of religious communities His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj continued further by from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Mon­ saying:"Honourable guests! No other nation has endured tenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Iceland, Macedonia and Kosovo the efforts of the government to uproot religion from our attended this activity.They had the chance to share their souls like my nation has. In this framework, the Albanian opinions, as well as discuss with senior experts of the Bektashi have experienced such dramatic experiences. European Commission about the valuable role of religious In Albania this situation was unequalled because the at­ communities regarding social aspects. The Delegation of tention of millions of Bektashi believers worldwide was the Bektashi World Centre consisted of His Holyness, focused there. Nevertheless, even during these dark times Edmond Brahimaj Head of the BektashiWorld Centre and we did not lose hope. Mr.Arben Sulejmani from Macedonia. I believe that the leaders of the religious communi­ The first panel of the debate, composed of the European ties present in this room share the same opinion with Commission experts, shared their ideas and promoted co­ me about the fact that Europe requires us to maintain operation among religious communities, especially among our religious originality, tradition and identity.We should religious leaders to follow the most valuable religious live in this big and modern family following our spiri­ principles concerning social aspects of nowadays societies. tual principles, but always seeing each other as brothers. All the people present in this panel were eager to listen Brotherhood among believers undoubtedly encourages to the speech of the Head of the Bektashi World Centre, brotherhood among nations.This historical responsibility His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj Firstly, he talked about should make us conscious and able to accept each other the history of Bektashism, sta.rting from its emergence in every aspect. and development, which is 800 years old and is present Over the following days the members shared special nowadays thanks to important religious events. experiences related to the role and coordination of non­ Among other reasons, this religion survived because it profit organizations with the religious communities. is a testimony of its deep roots and love for the Creator. "Wisdom", reporter Throughout the centuries it had to face contempt, scorn October 20 I I and disdain but it overcame all of them, because its fol-

I_9 omorrow opens the sym­ of tomorrow, to come closer to uni­ Bektash Yeli wanted to plant, reflect­ posium about messages versal Islam mercy.Allow me also to ing fraternity for all his followers, Tforwarded from prophetic thank you in the name of HollyWorld and leaving messages for tomorrow. family in presence of re- Headquarter of Bektashi, and in the These two springs remain lot only an searches from Turkey, Albania, Azer­ name of millions of followers of Hajji inspiration for our faith but have been baijan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq etc. The Bektash Yeli, everywhere in the world. an appeal for millions of believers, in word of world Head of Bektashi, All of us gathered here today, I four comers of the world in order to His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj was believe we think the same when be on line of devotion and chastity, in well received in the first session of Prophet Muhamed (s.a.s) portended mentioning the Creator.The Bektashi this symposium. Among others he that "I have left you the Koran, and religion arrived in Balkan territories expressed that: "I am really lappy in my pure family" he also intended the since in XIII century, manifested per­ this wonderful audience, through shiny w~rd of High and the ex­ fectly the aforementioned orders of which comes to the sunlight, to the, cellent model of Ehli-Bejt. Both these Muhamed prophet (s.a.s) appreciat­ attention of various religious believers resources have lowed during eight ing and making evident the values of and communities, the Ehli- Bejt's mes­ hundreds of years of bektashism giv­ Islam doctrine.This manifestation was sages, our prophetic family, transmit­ ing us the divine right and providing of course neither demonstrated by ted in centuries. I wish this audience generations of believers with their force of spades nor by the drums of this peaceful day these pure words perfect attributions. It's this love for public criers. inspire the viewpoints and behaviors Koran and Ehli-Bejt that our Piri Hajji Away from noise and reputation,

10 I "Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 our pure faith, reached to touch the souls of thousands to any reality and more consequent to face the signs we of Christians in Balkan, who saw hope, peace and inspira­ encounter.Worn exactly with these feelings, the opinion tion in the word of prentice Hajji Bektash Veli.The reason of and fathers coped to transmit every time why Bektashi religion was fast spread on these territories more the signals of spiritual peace in Balkan. Regarding is that it came to Balkan like a real in Albania, it worth not to forget that 19th and 20th cen- value, as a flash of light in the un­ turies proved, that Bektashi clerics led by the motto enlightened religious mosaic, Bektashi clerics "No fatherland, no faith", played an uncomparable it came like a fraternity of role in Albanian autonomous movement. It can­ people who believe to a educated through their not be casual that the Albanian Joint of Prizren unique God. was founded in the Tekke of Frasher, in the I underline once more feelings and works the idea south of Albania, as it cannot be casual that that it's because of fra­ on the head of the first Albanian state, in ternity nature of this that belief and ad based on 1912, the majority of state men were of faith and its very deep holly willpower are reflected on Bektashi Faith. doctrine, that thou­ Later on, in our territories the love for sands of believers left over the universe and that love Ehli-Bejt was not considered separate from the pedant orthodoxy the love for fatherland, in any moment, for finding themselves to the rays touch all the creation the universal human freedoms, because in the cradle of thoughts and pure space. essential of holly spirit of prophetic family has acts of Ehli-Bejt. Even in our always been and still is the love for God, for brother, country in Albania, the Bektashi sister, for the man who is beside you, regardless race, faith, brought by Anatolia, from - saint and myrid of Hajji Bektash Veli, managed to have great spiritual ter­ ritories. There are even documents that prove that this faith has served like a preparation to reach in that preparation and evolution of Islam doctrine. In the later centuries, Bektashi der­ vishes and fathers reached to be raised in their doctrinal and social viewpoints, over malice and ire that this peninsula had in­ herited from its past. Bektashi clerics edu­ cated through their feelings and works the idea that belief and act based on holly willpower are reflected on over the universe and that love rays touch all the creation space.The transmitted by Imam Xhafer Sadiku that "Love is branch of acquaintance and understanding", has been and it still stays a model for the color, ethnic or spiritual and educational preparation. best honored works in viewpoint This wonderful belief certainly found a renaissance, of religious moral and of pu­ The Hadith transmitted in 1930, on occasion of arriving in Albania of Sali rifying the spirit, on its long Niazi Dede, follower of head of Bektashi Hajji and far road. Everybody by Imam Xhafer Sadiku that Bektash of Turkey. This outstanding cleric by already knows that the ' 0Love is branch of acquaintance coming and establishing in Tirana the world real and stable love is the 0 Bektashi headquarter signed a topnotch 0 it love that comes from the and u11dersta11ding' has been and moment not only for Albanian believers human heart and nature. still stays a model for the best honored but even for all our nation, and for believers Both these worlds go works in viewpoint of religious moral of other religions as well in the turbulent around with the attention Balkan. In these years Tekkes in Albania. to Creator, to his Saint, to and of purifying the spil'if, on its Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montene­ His endless perfectness. Ev­ long and for road. gro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Greece spread erybody is born from love and everywhere the feelings of peace and kindness, in one way or other he feels the inspired of pure principles of Ehli-Bejtit. love for God growing, for his sender, Syrja Xhelaj, for the imams and for the other symbols. We all without <;orum Haxhibektash - Turkey exceptions are influenced from this love, which is led by January, 2012 the attention of Creator, in real it makes us more sensitive 11 Bektashism is an Islam mystic doctrine, dealing with the spiritual perfection of the man. WE APPRECIATE THE For the believer, it is the leading way to the objective desired by him - the approach to the God. The roots of Bektashism, as an MESSAGES YOU Islam doctrine and practice, are in Koran and in the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed and of the saint imams. SEND TO US!

ome days ago, in the prem­ ises of Holy World Head­ Squarter of Bektashi, the special representative of Muslim Communities at American State Department, Farah Pandith and the special sent for supervision and anti-Semitism Fight, Hanna Rosenthal came for an official visit. They were also accompanied by the vice ambas­ sador of USA in Tirana Mrs. Deborah Johnes. It was the Head Father of Bektashi, his eminence, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, who after wishing of woman in bektashi religion, the On her side, Mrs. Hannah Rosen­ welcome, underlined the pleasure to World Father answered with a clear thal, thanked not only bektashi believ­ receive the honored representatives viewpoint, underlining the fact that ers but even them of other religious of USA. He, made a brief description bektashi women enjoy the same traditions faiths, who by their work of bektashi religion development rights in having the religious rituals in defense of Jewish people ranked in Albanian territories and further as their men or brothers. In addi­ Albanian nation to the side of nations and he stopped on priorities of this tion he expressed that: "Historically with excellent religious, ethnic or race religion nowadays. Referring to the bektashi believers have not covered tolerance. She also added that she importance of existence of a World their women with veils. Even in the was happy for Albanian families who Headquarter of Bektashi in Tirana, most obscurantist periods ofAlbanian faced the risk, the risk of receiving his eminence His Holyness, Edmond civility, they have been considered Jewish families illegally, whom a great Brahimaj, explained the way of com­ number belonged to bektashi religion. as members with equal rights in the ing of this Holy Residence from In support of this idea, His Holyness, community of bektashi believers, in Turkey and the attempts of bektashi Edmond Brahimaj expressed that that community that especially in Bal­ clericals of Albania to keep vivid the bektashi believers have been inspired kar;i has served and it still does even love in Balkan lands, the doctrine of their religious doctrine since , today as a significant factor of peace of Hajji Bektash Veliu. This doctrine, centuries, the one that has brought even formed already 800 years ago, and religious harmony. The voice of together people of different races, came enriching with new values, in bektashi women, lately organized ethnicities and nations under the full conformity with developments even in their forum, has always had peaceful flag of Hajji Bektash Veliut. in different times. Mrs. Pandith's in­ the attention and deserved respect in 'Wisdom'', reporter terest regarding the role and place the blossom of bektashi community." Apri/,2012

12 1 "Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 n invitation from "Yatra" up to the European Chancellors' desks. our national anthem starts to play I am could lot pass without spe­ It's a great honor and we feel lucky, next to Mr. Ekrem Bardha. It flows from cial emotions, except in a as members of World Bektashi Head­ the wonderful voice of Merita Halili. old jubilee as the I00 years quarter, to have the chance to celebrate Other tens accompany her in the solemn old of birth. What a meaningful name! this precious jubilee . Together with hall of the luxury hotel in Manhattan; I Yatra - Fire- place! Almost a magic word. the World Headfather of Bektashi, his saw the tears falling down from the eyes We all feel good when we go to the fire­ Grace, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, of Ekrem Bardha. He told me that this place.There we feel we are all the same, and the Secretary of Foreign Relations anthem has been sung c9mpletely there like kids. No titles, no grades, no air of of the World Bektashi Headquarter, Mr. in the roads of Manhattan, then where authority there.We are all brothers and Arben Sulejmani, were welcomed at the in Albania the real lines were censured, sisters, sons and daughters.The ongoing New York's airport from an outstanding It's God who said in voice, that nations of a great history, born I00 years ago, mission of nowadays "Yat ra". The con­ get vanished on earth, but Albania shall on the cradle of dreams, in the place versations were turned around the latest live, that's what we are fighting for! And of permanent freedom, of America. A events in our fatherland returning to the Albania really lived bequse wise men full century ago, the underground of history of pan Albanian federation. Espe­ like those of vatra who r:ealized that in our national conscience felt a powerful cially in the meeting with actual chairman t imes of strong Balcan storms they had movement. Nothing to do with matter of"Vatra" Mr. Gjon Buqaj, among others to hold somewhere tightly.And they did sysmiology.The heart of nation presaged we learned about timetables of the great not fail.The history of"Vatra' itself is the other movements related with so indis­ feast, of symposium, receptions suites history during which vatra's men raised pensable autonomist propensity as with and of the great dinner of "Vatra". Mr. their voice to defend the fates ofAlbania. wisdom shapes of this emblematic event. Gjon Buqaj did not forget to tell us that, The World Headfather of Bektashi, His People of "Yatra-Fireplace" from all Al­ bektashi faith has played an irreplaceable Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj delivered banian territories, on their first meeting role to the I00 years life of"Yatra". Fa­ also his speech in this meeting. He in the end of April 1912 decided unani­ thers and the outstanding bektashi intel­ thanked the initiators of this assembly mously to help the nation.An immediate lectuals, being aware of devise that "No for the invitation, on behalf of the Holy help, at any aspect especially in financing fatherland no religion" have cont ributed See of theWorld Bektashi Head Quarter, the men who got in hands the fate of the with everything, in every circumstances, assuring the presents for the progress country, organizing and raising the voice in service to the future ofAlba nia.When in the right sense of the Bektashi faith. Further, he spoke about the top events such the jubilee of "Vatra", underlining the excellent religious tolerance of the Albanians, which was manifested also during the last I 00 years among the "Yatra" members. Ending his speech, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj said: "In every initiative of "Yatra", Albania has been the first, in every work of "Yatra", the Fatherland has been the first.A strange resonance accompanied the pains of our nation up to here, to these coasts blessed by the freedom. Every time, in hard situations for our nation, theAlbanians looked hopefully to these parts, to their natural and secure protector. Our marvelous Bektashi faith, though its incontestable role for the religious harmony of the Albanians everywhere they live, is under obligation to "Vatra", anyhow. This obligation is linked to the opening of the first Bektashi tekke, in Detroit, Michigan, which could 113 not exist without "Vatra". The initiator preserving and safeguarding the tradition and the founder of this tekke, Father and to give evidence by their works that Rexhep, publically afirmed that could they are enriching this 800-years tradion. be not possible for our tekke to grow Another warm reception was reserved to THERE up and to flowrish without the help and our delegation by theAmerican Congress­ blessing by Fan Noli.This was one of the man Gary Peters.Together with Mr.Ekrem reasons because in the years that came Bardha, who is already the Honor Consul after, it was transformed in a warm fire­ ofAlbania in the United State ofAmerica, place for every Albanian, apart his faith we informed the high friend about the de­ or political position. Congratulating you velopments in Albania, especially about the for the I OOth anniversary of the birth of religious aspect.We know that throughout "Vatra", I pray the Sublime God to aug­ centuries of our long history theAlbanians delegation of the Holy See ment to you the will for greater works of different faiths had always fraternal rela­ of the World Bektashi Head and excellent ones. God bless America, tions between them, in the religious sense, AQuarter participated at the which was and which is so attentive to but we must not consider it as a gift we had nternational Conference our fates! God bless all of you! Amen!". once and for all.The World Bektashi Head­ organized by the University of Bologna, Italy, with the title: "The religious com­ In these days full of meetings and father, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, munities in Albania - the coexistence is conversations, we had a particular im­ closed his speech telling that we have to possible". Taking place in the ancient city pression by the cordial talk with the preserve and to def~nd the interfaith har­ of Ravena, by the end of October of this Americam Congressman Elliot Engel, mony in Albania and to put it up in higher year, 2012, this international Conference who is a wellknown personality for levels, in order to be the most conscien­ on the religious harmony was particularly all the Albanians. He received us in tiuous possible towards the developments interesting and exciting. The initiator of his office in New-York, together with and the context in which we are living. this Conference, the University of Bologna, the Chairman of the State Committee We have to see unified the traditional by this event wanted to make known the on Cults of the Republic of Albania doctrines and the purely albanian practices wonderful truth of the Albanians - the Mr.Rasim Hasanaj and the great friend in the nowadays european developments. ancient religious coexistence between of Bektashism Harry Bajraktari. Mr.Engel, On his part, the American Congressman, the believers of different faiths. All the after biding us welcome, congratulated expressed his pleasure about the excel­ religious communities in Albania was us once more the I OOth anniversary lent collaboration with Mr. Ekrem Bardha represented in this Conference by their of the foundation of "Vatra". Further, he and for the representation by him of the delegations. Our delegation was headed expressed the interest to know more Albanian community in Detroit.Although by the World Bektashi Headfather, His about the Bektashi faith, about the Holy his knowledge on Bektashism are not so Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj. Many clergy­ men, researchers and other personalities, See in Tirana and its relations with the deep, our friend expressed the higher from Italy and Spain, participated also in other Bektashi communities in the World. respect to the Bektashi doctrine, round that event. The first day of the Confer­ On His part, the World Bektashi Head­ which are gathered, among others, thou­ ence delivered their greeting speeches, sands of believers of the tekke of Father father, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, among others, Mr.Mario Bova.Ambassador, thanked Mr.Engel for the warm reception. Rexhep.The understanding among them President of the Association "Blue eye", Further, He informed the high friend about and the respect to the believers of the His Excellency Llesh Kola, the Ambas­ the recent developments in the Bektashi other faiths, is touching, said Mr.Peters. I sador of the Republic of Albania in Italy, Holy See, guaranteeing him that, apart the trust in your contributions in the future. My lord Giuseppe Vreuci, the Archbishop circumstances, the Bektashi clergymen Syrja Xhelaj, New York of Ravenna and Mr.Giovanni Luccheti, the in Albania, in all Balkans, in Turkey and in May, 2012 Director of the Juridical Department of other continents, are resolute to go ahead, the University of Bologna.All of them un­ derlined the particularity of the Albanians regarding the interfaith coexistence, this precious value that they offer to Europe, for which they dreamt and even fought, along centuries and actually, nowadays. In the second panel of the greetings, it was the turn of theWorld Bektashi Headfather, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, to deliver His speech. Thanking the organizers and the researchers for their attention to the Albanian believers, the World Headfather said: 'This initiative of our friends of the University of Bologna has good reasons. I wish that in these days, all of us, through our ideas and our messages, to have the possibility to point out, in different ways,

14 "Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 IGIOUS COEXISTENCE ASA VALUE

the waves of the history, but it was developed and progressed, for the sake of its tolerance. The renowned actual researchers of l_slam, think that in the times when the turks controlled big regions of the World, they made social, political and economical laws, which had a universal nature.The osman tolerance and spirit of reconciliation were a result of the soufism, which really was grown up in Anatolia. Especially among the Turkish population the soufism became very popular, sooner than in other islamic countries. Since the time of the founder of the Bektashi tarikat (brotherhood), Haxhi Bektash Veli, until nowadays, the moral qualities, the respect to the others and the understanding has been the yeast of the Turkish people. In this sense, the spirit of tolerance and dialogue, diffused by Bektashism and other tarikats (brotherhoods), had expressed so good the cultural dimension of ~slam.The_ renowned coeval theologian Sejjid Hysein Naser, living just the interfaith dialogue. Since some times this dialogue is in m the United States ofAmerica, commented sometimes ago:"ln the center of attention.All the media in all over the World, speak Islam, the soufism has been during several successive centuries, the secret heart which renovated the religious intellectualism, the ~nd_ writ~ about it. Certanly the theologians in their chairs analyze 1t discussing endless about sayings and contradictions; the same Islam world and its relations with the other religions". I think that we cannot conceive out of danger the interfaith ~appe~s in churches, in mosques, in tekkes and other religious mst1tut1ons of other faiths. Even, instead of religious conflict, the dialogue and the harmonious religious coexistence in Albania, debate takes place in the media, trying to explain according to although they are a precious heritage from our ancestors since the ancient times and adapted to the modern developments of their different interests the religious dialogue or its absence.Thou­ sands of lecturers spoke before us, thousands of other lecturers the albanian society. Because of the extreme isolation of the will speak after us. I think that the most important is how this country and the official violation of the religion during the so­ cialism, now, in the years of the democracy we note efforts to dialogue goes to the soul, to the heart of the modern people. Which are the possibilities and the force to reduce as much introduce in Albania radical attitudes, pretending different kinds as possible the number of the "solitary men", which ideology of influences. Especially some albanian young men, who studied in equalizes the life with the maximalization of the financial means. different asian countries, try to introduce to the believers different Our sensivity in this matter and the collaboration between us ideas, attitudes and practices that not rarely are in opposite with the traditional values of the religions in our country.Therefore, I and between the respective societies would be, undoubtfully, the good basis on which we can build the cultural foundations of the think that, better than until now, we have to pay attention to this phenomenon and to organize our common activities, according tolerance, ?f the comprehension and of the interfaith dialogue. to a strategy, which could defend the foundations of our ancient I would hke to underline since the beginning that the Albanian example in this context is a very significative one. In the history tolerance and in the same time it could make possible to enrich of our nation, strangely encircled by the blind rancour of the these precious values.We have to educate the new generations of believers with the sense of the responsibility and of the respect eastern and southern neighbours, the religious communities towards everybody who believes in God, apart the fact by which marched everywhen together, in peace and mutual comprehen­ side he climbs the mountain to have His attention. Only in this sion. For us, the religious leaders, this is not an ancient blessing of the Creator. I think that we can find the roots of this religious way we can protect these values, which belongs to the religious communities and in the same time have formed their historical harmony into the depth of the religious doctrines, especially of identities". In the second day of the Conference too, the speakers the Christian one, which all of us have joined until XIV - XV century. I think that all of us, being here, today, we share the idea underlined the fact that the religious coexistence is an expression that in the foundations of the Christian doctrine has been and of the emancipation of a nation and also a priority in the moral and spiritual continuity of its identity. remain the principles and the values of the love and respect, The visits to the wonderful cathedrals and churches of Ravenna, even veneration, towards the human universality. It makes more sensitive the religious ambient in Albania towards the doctrinal to the old building of the the Municipality and to the sepulcher of Dante Alighieri, enriched the Conference with particular ensemble, giving new expressions to the monotheistic trend­ emotions. ies, fighting against every abuse with the religion. Bektashi faith, which was formed 800 years ago, not only survived resisting to Syrja Xhelaj, Ravenna, Oaober 2012 J15 nvited in Macedonia by high Albanian authorities, the that the "Harahati B_aba" tekke play~fl- ..- its ipcontestable Former-President of Croatia, Mr.Stipe Mesic;:, payed role for the organization and the action of tlfe fighters for a visit, these days to the Bektashi tekke "Harabati­ freedom, during the great events of the years 191O-I9 l2, I \ Baba", in Tetove. He was accompanied by several which leaded to the proclamation of the lndipendence of local authorities and Albanian intellectuals, distinguished Albania on November 28, 1912. in the activities on the occasion of the Centenary of the Further, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj said:"Here, in lndipendence of Albania. Firstly, Mr.Mesic;: was received by this tekke, many generations of Bektashi believers from the World Bektashi Headfather, His Holyness, Edmond the Albanian territories, kneaded their ideas, according to Brahimaj and further by numerous Bektashi believers the great device "There is no religion without Fatherland". ( came from Tetove, Gostivar, Kerc;:ove and Kumanove.The They came to the door of this tekke' with their scrapes visit in the historical ambients of the tekke excited the and their sorrows, they took here the fire of the talks with curiosity of the honored friend, who was interested on dervishs and babas and they left smiling and full of hope. more information, not only about the building of tekke, Their thought was clearer after coming here, because our but also about the Bektashi faith in general. Bektashi doctrine itself has been and remains an eternal Considering the interest of Mr.Stipe Mesic;:, the World need of the purification of the spirit and to fill it by the Bektashi Headfather His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj love for the Creator. Inside this great and unshakeable told him about the history of "Harabati Baba" tekke. He love are grown up the other loves - for the Fatherland, said that the origins of this tekke go the past centuries, for the family, for the traditions, for the neighbour near but its precious values are not only museal ones. Firstly, by, apart his nationality or race.Just because this reason, we must not forget that this tekke, as well as the other because it has been always a defender and initiator of the Bektashi tekkes, was transfomed in a patriotic fire-place. best and the most ancient Albanian religious tradition, In the meydans of our tekkes, together with the light of this tekke is now under the blind pressure of different the belief to God, the believers of the Albanian territories segments, allegedly religious ones, which has usurped the learned the history of their country, took knowledges holy places of this Bektashi masterpiece. In any case, we about its great events and about the works of the martyrs remain firm to keep chaste the flag of our faith, remaining for the prosperity of the nation. It is wellknown the fact always a model of the religious harmony and tolerance and waiting for the energic action of the community of Moslems,as well as that of the Government of Macedonia. On his part, Mr.Stipe Mesic;: said, among others that this day was a special source of inspiration for him. He knew the painful road of the survival of this faith and the contri­ bution of its clergymen, everytime, comprising the difficult situation during the communist regime in Albania. In the end he said:"I admire your survival and I am convinced that you have not only the due calm and maturity, but also the real engagement of the internationasl mechanisms, in the Region and widerly, for the progress of the Bektashism; you have also the will and the trend to stay over these actual events nowadays and to be framed in the first ranks of the ideas and actions leading the Albanians to the doors of the european civilizations". "Wisdom", reporter December, 2012

16 1 "Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 ome days ago, in the context of conference of Muslim leaders of Ballkan, held in Tirana, his SExcellency Dr. Mehmet Gurmez, at his request, was welcomed at our Holy See, by the World Bektashi Grandfather, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj. Since at the beginning, should be said that the visit was very friendly, and it was a new station for the mutual relations. It was the World Bektashi Grandfather who welcomed our friend from Turkey, reminding briefly that the mutual relations have always been sincere and keen to­ wards a real and fraternal cooperation. He brought to the attention of the Turkish Muslim Leader and of the other Friends who accompanied him, the fact that the Holy See and the ex-World Grand father, Haji Dede Reshat Bardhi has been visited by high personalities ofAnkara in Albania, as he had been welcomed too by famous personalities of United before chal enges ofIslam

academic and eligious world. hese meetings and mutual Dede eshat Bardhi as done and still oes commendable conversations have made t he initiatives and move•ments job every da ' both in terms of raising cult objects and in be discussed fraternally serving t his way not only to the reestablishing the former ones. Simultaneously with his collaboration between two institutions but even to the vision, he is putting the Bektashi faith alongside t he other development and growth of Islam in nowadays. In addition, religions, in the nowadays coming challenges before Islam. His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, underlined the idea that The steps forwarded till now are promis•ing, because they the bektashi tarika, not only in Albania but even in Balkan are related to the enrichment of tradition of this faith and and wider, is represented to the highest levels, being con­ are harmoniously linked with Islamic piety. sidered as a sound branch in the ancient body of Islam. "Wisdom", reporter The bektashi faith, born 800 years ago in Turkey, still tries May, 2012 to embellish the mosaic of Islam, with its doctrinal power, with the comprehension of monotheist faiths and above all with its advanced vision. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Gurmez, by his side thanked the World Bektashi Grandfather and expressed his belief that the existing relations w ill be more evolved, in good faith in God. Focusing on the emotions of this reception, Germez said: "I feel lucky. I am excited too. In such courtesy recep•tions, we usually put fresh flowers. In your splendid table, instead of flowers I see Kuran Kerim. This is very significative. No tarika can be born, grown and developed without the precious lessons of Ku ran. Bektashism, as it is witnessed to us, has been and still is a faith that builds bridges, bridges between religions, ethnics, and between peoples. I catch the occasion, to thank His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj,

117 Secretary of State Mr. John Ker'I invit I e Head Grandfather of World Bektashi Headquarter, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaf t partfd t in trh Ramadan lffar dinner hosted in hi g

the invitation of the Secretary of the When the all people were accommodated according the tate of USA, Mr. John Kerry, the Head protocol, the Secretary of State Mr. John Kerry began his W randfather" of theWorld Bekt:ashi Head­ welcoming speech "Assalamu Alaikum. It's wonderful to be quarter. His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj here with everybody. We are joined this evening by a really traveled toward to the Washington DC attended by Mr. remarkable group of people.And I want to welcome Arben Sulejmani,Secretary for International Relation.With a my former colleagues from the United States Congress very careful protocol of the State Department, this Ramadan who are here, members of the Diplomatic Corps who are lftar dinner moreover was outlined as a sincerely meeting here, some of whom I saw just last night as we received where the people exchange their ideas for the actual situa· many of them here. But I also especially want to recognize tion and the future of religious in world.• Top level religious our Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Boko~and Rashad leader. congressmen and representatives of the Islamic I~ Hussain. President Obama"s Special Envoy to the Organtm­ stitution in USA. gathered together to illuminate the actual tion of Islamic Cooperation.We're delighted to have them faith situation. emphasized an important fact that the vast here. (Applause.) armada of those who work and inspire the peace around Most importantly - and I 'Sa'/ this without :iny artifice -ev­ the world needs more and more supporters. ery single one of you were invited here because you are all Under the directly concern of the Ambassador ofAlbania doers.You are all active.You're all engaged.You're all involved in USA. Mr. Gilbert Galanxhi, His Eminence Headquarter. His in trying to make the world a better place, and you're all Holyness.Edmond Brahimaj introduced to the wide intellec­ involved in reaching out to other people and practicing, if tual meeting some of his ideas regarding the Bektashi order. not your faith, certainly practicing the best tenets of how The conversation between His Holyness. Edmond Brahimaj human beings can live together. and the Assistant Secretary of the State Mr. Philip Reeker And we are celebrating the holiest month of the Muslim focused on the latest event in the bektashi 1eke .. Harabati­ calendar year. Ramadan. It is a time for peaceful reflec:don Baba" in Tetova.Very well infonned with this issue, Mr. Reeker and for prayer. It is a time for atts of compassion expressed his highest consideration for the 8ektashi Com­ and charity. So to all of you tonight, :ind to the millions of munity in Macedonia. as an essential community that has American across our land, and to the many more Pla1ed an important role in building communication bridges around the world, R.Miadan Kareem. among other religions in this country. He really esteemed the role of the bektashi clerics and Head Grnndfather of World Bektashi.

18 "Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 I am wondered by bektashianfaith

he noted French researcher Mrs.Laure Cam­ This happened because in our spiritual Univers the bau, came in Tirana, recent days, after the invi­ Freedom gained the merited place. Is a very nice one T tation of His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj,World this sentence of Imam Ali(Peace upon him!): "Man! You Grandfather of Bektashis. Her acquaintance are born free by your mother and father. Don't become with Bektashism is an ancient one. She studied especially a slave of anybody". the folkloric traditions of this faith.Through analyti- This powerful human sentiment made pos­ cal researches Mrs.Cambau discovered that 111is sible to the Bektashi faith to survive in Bektashism is present in Albania since powerful lmmn11 sentiment the dramatic context of the spiritual eight hundreds years and nowadays made possible to tlie Bektashi faitl1 to developments. United by the de- it contains new values and a new votion to the Creator, our free spirit and for that Bektashism is smvive in tire dramatic context of tlie spiritual soul faced successfully the adored more and more by the developments. United by tlie devotion to the great religious and national people and it gains new spiritual Creatoc~ our free soul faced successfully the great challenges, testifying not only dimensions in all the World. an epochal resistance but religious and national cl1alle11ges,, testifying not also the inspiration for the Before this invitation, His Holy­ only; a11 epochal resistance but also the generations". ness, Edmond Brahimaj and Mrs. inspiration for the generations'~ 'Wisdom", reporter Laure Cambau met together in Paris. February, 013 In that meeting, His Eminence made the acquaintance of Mrs.Cambau especially with the story of the establishing in Albania of the World Head Quarter of Bektashism, as well as the geography of the tekkes in all the Albanian territories, some Bektashi traditions in Balkans etc. Also, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj informed Mrs.Cambau about the countries and nations who conserve and enrich every day those traditions, adding other contemporaneous values to this faith. Together, in Paris, they brought the impressions from the Meeting of the Poets in Struga, where have been present Bektashi motives too.

The visit in Tirana was a special joy for Mrs.Cambau. She was received in the Holy See of Bektashism by His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, who resumed for Mrs.Cam­ bau the priorities of Bektashism in the context of the actual religious developments.Answering to the interest of the well-known researcher concerning the exciting continuity of Bektashism, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj brought some concrete examples. Among others, His Eminence said: "In despite of 800 years since the birth of this faith, the values of Bektashism were not dwindled but on the contrary they increased and grew up. 19 Commemoration of the birthday ofthe Profet Mohamed a.s

n the occasion of tion to the Prophet Mohamed a.s. cial place is dedicated to the work of the birthday of the Further, H.Selim Muc;a underlined the Prophet Mohamed. Mr.Veliaj said O Prophet Mohamed the high moral an human values that the personality of the Prophet (Peace upon him!), which characterized the great­ Mohamed left indelible tracks in the The Moslem Community of Albania est Prophet of the Mankind and Mankind history and in that of the organized a Symposium on the topic especially the Koran ajet: "Really religions. "In this commemoration "Prophet Mohamed a.s. and the Hu­ you(Mohamed) are on a high moral day we must reflect about what rep­ man Dignity". At the beginning of this level".Among others, H.Selim Muc;:a resented the prophetic personality, event a piece from Koran was sang said: "Who wants to perfect his because his model is precious for by the theologian Elton Karaj, who is moral, must take the example from everybody who looks for a moral the imam of the Et 'hem Bej the nature and from the brilliant be­ and virtuous life" - said Mr.Veliaj. in Tirana. Further it was presented a havior of Mohamed (a.s. ), who, since In his speech, Mr.Veliaj spoke documentary film on the life and the 14 centuries, enriched the Mankind about the interfaith harmony which work of the Prophet by the highest moral qualities". characterizes the Albanians of all The Chairman of the Moslem Further, Mr.Erion Veliaj, Minister of the faiths, appreciating it as a pre­ Community of Albania H.Selim the SocialWelfare andYouth,gave his cious asset and an exceptional value Muc;:a, in his greetings to the Sym­ greeting speech. Mr.Veliaj expressed of which we are proud of. "We posium, thanked the participants for his special pleasure for participating are proud of Moslems, orthodox, accepting the invitation, considering at this event and underlined that in catholic and of the believers of other it as a sign of respect and apprecia- the world literature and especially in faiths, because through them we the precious heritage of Islam, a spe- offer to the World a very rare and precious postcard" - said Mr.Veliaj. Mr. Veliaj thanked H.Selim Muc;:a and his stuff for the excellent work and the values they transmit to the Albanian society, sharing with the Albanian citizens the problems and troubles they have to face. His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, theWorld Grandfather of Bektashis, gave also a greeting speech to the participants at the Symposium, congratulating all the Moslems wherever they are and sharing with them the best wishes. 'Wisdom': reporter February, 013

____2_ 0_1 "Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 Best Wishes to Bektashi Believers

nvited by the Head of the Muslim Diyanet ofTurkey, Prof. IDr . Mehmet Gormez, a few days ago the Head of the Bektashi World Centre, His Holy­ ness, Edmond Brahimaj conducted an important meetings tour in Turkey. Accompanied by the Counsellor for Religious Matters, in the Turkish Embassy located in Tirana, Mr. ~aban lslek, he first visited the Muslim Diyanet' in Ankara. In the presence of multiple print and broadcast me­ dia and prominent senior religious figures, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Gormez welcomed the Head of the Bektashi World Centre and expressed his gratitude to their arrival. The Head of the Bektashi World Centre en­ paths of development. Gormez added: "In the framework sured Mr. Gormez that every visit in The Head of the Bektashi World of the latest religious developments, Turkey, especially in the premises of Centre, His Holyness, Edmond especially in the Balkans, I under­ the Muslim Diyanet, were of special Brahimaj thanked Mr. Gormez for stand your activities and concerns. importance to the Bektashi World the invitation and then sent the well It is true that in Albania, Bektashism Centre. wishes of the BektashiWorld Centre is the backbone of establishing an Moreover, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Gor­ to all Muslims in Turkey. interfaith dialogue and it is true that mez provided an overview of the Moreover, he talked about the there are powers that are interested recent activities of the institution broad and multifaceted activities of in removing you from Islam. I am glad he leads, emphasizing the good rela­ this BektashiWorld Centre regarding that you, as the Head of the Bektashi tions between the Diyanet and other religious, social, moral and identity World Centre, follow the steps of , which are strengthening aspects. The Head of the Bektashi Hajji Dede Reshat Bardhi, who was based on mutual respect and love. World Centre addressed the devel­ also consistent in every public state­ Gormez further talked about the opment of Bektashism in the Balkans ment, by defining Bektashism as a Bektashi Order and mentioned that and highlighted the most important sound branch in the ancient trunk of the Bektashi Dervishes were the first qualities of this Order, which by per­ Islam. For that reason, but also due to share Islamic lessons and doc­ fecting themselves in the soul of the to your other activities, I am telling trines in the Balkan Peninsula. This believer, lead him to the attention of you that our doors, the doors of the was the reason why Islam in these the Creator through a safe way. Muslim Diyanet ofTurkey are always territories was quickly embraced After carefully listening to the open to you:' and by virtue of the universal Mus­ speech of the Head of the Bektashi Syrja Xhelaj, lim mercy, our Order found endless World Centre, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ankara, March 2014


e voice of the stuardess palm-trees and the date-trees, showed His voice awaked the waves, the nouncing that we were more and more clearly their terrestrial longing for the the Karbala Knight. Tanding to Nexhef airport, forms while we were approching to the The motif of the martyrization has made me to put imediately land, challenging the angelical Universe. a special place in the religious epos, my front to the glass of the window. I dont' know why, but in these minutes since the most ancient times. Formerly, The Sun was so full that it seemed to I remembered like lighting the Saint, Annemarie Schimel wrote thjat since me it gave much light than it needed Dede Reshat Bardhi. So many times, in from the myths of the anacient times to Karbala. Eufrat, along which the lunches or dinners with the believers, in the Near East and in the Far East, greennery was intermingled with the when, thanks to his excellent intuition, we heard about heroes who fell fighting ancient epos, was flowing peacefully, he understood that the souls were get­ heroically.The names ofAttis and Osiris, tranquilly, as if the old-time tragedy did ting drunk by talking, he sang that magic which come from Babylonian twilights, not happen in its sides. It seemed that song, with the poem of Nairn Frasheri, serve as excellent models of the idea only some grey-white birds, flying in big starting: that the continuation of the life could flocks enjoying the May day, gave life to Oh you, Karbala field not be possible without the death and its waters.The yellow sandy dunes, the Standing to my eye_ that the blood sheded for a saint work is more precious than any other thing.The sacrifices appeared since those times as means for arriving sublime levels of the life.The Biblical and Coranic confession of Ibrahim shows, in incomparable way, the moral chastity of this sacrifice. Since the Nexhef Airport it was reserved a special reception to our del­ egation, headed by His Holiness Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj, the World Grandfather of the Bektashis. The Iraqi brothers looked curiously to the World Grandfather and through their wishes they transmited the nice saying: "Let the Supreme Allah accept the zijaret"! The hot tea, bananas and a lot of different juices were offered to us, together with the questions that don't ceased. They were interested on Balkans, on Albania, on our historic and religious destinies. Later, thinking about our tire­ some itinerary, they accompanied us to • Karbala, with 2-3 small cars, respecting high level security rules. We were accomodated in the hotel which keeps the name of our honored Imam Hussein, situated only ~ hundred meters from his tyrbe. ,......

"Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 We had a white night but we could and Seljucs and you can satisfy your cu­ and after he said to the World Bektashi not sleep. Our accompanist, Muhamet riosity observing pages of Koran which Grandfather: "Come, sit down here, Abibi, extremely lovely with us, sug­ read lmamAli.There we saw decorated near me. In the house of Imam Husein gested us to repose for some hours carpets with ancient mystic motives, as we are all servants, there are no first or and after to go to the blessed mezare well as the golden box used by the saint second persons". We are liberated by of Imam Husejn and Abaz Ali. But it is Fatima Zahra to keep her things.There the emotions when we SaJN the smiling the time of the noon prayer.The World are exposed also golden works came face of the Imam and his fraternal care Grandfather of Bektashis, His Holiness Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj together with Arben Sulejmani,Artan Shqiri and Hisen Sulejmani,joined thousands of pil­ grims praying the namaz in the interior ambients of Imam Husejn Mauzoleum. The Creator brought us in this World in the most charming forme, giving to everybody what we need.Among mil­ lions of creatures he gave us the riches of the wisdom and intelligence and he gave us the power of the mund, through which we find the way where to walk. He gave us the light for doing good works, making sure the eternal hap­ piness, in this World and in the other World.The namaz is our thanks for the from Osman Sultans and marvelous of our World Grandfather and when endless riches the Creator gave us. It crystal products gifted by Tsars of Rus­ we heard his sweet words. Through is the nearest way to link Him, the link sia. A kind of symmetry almost magic his words he expressed the idea that which brings us tranquillity and security, one, units the history in the sense of though Imam Husein (Peace upon him), illuminating us the soul and the mind. the past, by these rare objects. passed away here, in this place, almost The prayer brings us more and more Meanwhile, our attendant, Mohamed, sixteen centuries ago, he is remem­ nearer to the Creator. The Prophet informed us that the Imam of Karbala, bered in all over the World.All his life, Mohammed said that namaz is the light Abdul Mehdi El-Karbala is waiting for he worked and prayed for the peace. of my eyes. us, in thirty minutes, in the Holy See And when he SaJN that all his struggle Accompanied by Ibrahim Evahad, of the Mosque of Imam Husein. In the was in service of the human moral, of after the welcome and the tea, we visit anteroom we had tea and meanwhile the truth, of the right. he did not spare the Mausoleum of Imam Husein. This some journalists of newspapers and his life.Through that sacrifice of Imam museum, conceived as a small part of televisions came in, for reporting the in this place, blessed centuries ago. Paradise, contains almost all the phases meeting.The interest was a special one. augmented the fame of the Moslems, of the history of Karbala. Of course, The journalists are very prudent and putting them up, to the higher piedestaJ the staff of this museum attained at take care that the questions be done of the .As a great fighter these level for the sake of tolerant ideas in the right time and in the right place. for the great truth, He became an excel­ and thoughts, comprising every actor After, 2-3 young men, students who lent example, proving that the injustice of that story.There we saw collections helped voluntarily in such a cases of is a sandy fortress, which the destiny is of ancient weapons, came by kings of the receptions of the Imam of Karbala, to fall down by the wind. India, as well as ancient daggers gifted invited and accompanied us to the By the end of the meeting. the World by kings of Persia. There you can see reception hall. By a cordial "Salam Aley­ Bektashi Grandfather said~'I feel myself golden carpets of Abassids, Ubajads cum" the Imam bides us the welcome lucky because of the fact that now, after

23 almost a century, the doors of these Karbala to our eyes. ful towards our delegation. According saint tyrbes are_opened again for US, Travelling to Nejef, you feel yourself as to the traditions, for the people com­ the Bektashi dervishs and babas. I thank if you are approaching to a cold water ing from far away they serve meals, in you today, on behalf of those clergymen source.You are tired, you travelled for a clean ambients, embellished by mystic that have passed away from this life and long time through foot-ways of knowl­ symbols. Further we were accompanied who could not ~ouch at least once the edges and prayers, which lead in these to the marvelous hall of the reception tyrbe of Imam Husein.Also, on behalf places, you look for to approach to a and there, other attendants, untiring in of millions of Bektashi believers living spiritual attraction, to that attraction their service to us, took care that all be everywhere in the World, I bring you which was called halvah by the great done according to the protocol. In the the best wishes. Our faith, in these 800 mystics of the past, that means the appointed time, we were in the room of years, since its foundation ansd during solitude on the wings of the meditation. the Imam of the Imam Ali Mauzoleum, its developments, is always supported Without the perception of the weight Sheikh Dhiaa Zeineldeen. Just fraternally, by the High Koran, by the teachings of of the time and reality, suddenly we he embraces all of us and bides us the the Prophet Mohamed, by the intel­ found ourselves just in front of the Mau­ welcome.We could see clearly to him the ligence of the 12 Imams and by the zoleum of Imam Ali (Peace upon him) goodness coming from his spirit. When wisdom of Haxhi Bektash Veli. Even together with the humming crowd of theWorld Bektashi Grandaftherthanked nowadays, in our tekkes in Albania, thousand of pilgrims.All the surface of him for the welcome to the house of Kosove, Turkey, Macedonia and till the this complex, which was built centuries Imam Ali, he said: "It is our common United States ofAmerica, we go ahead ago and wich was grown up and which house. Nothing is divided in this broth­ following the footsteps of the sacrifice was embellished year after year, is an erhood".After congratulating theWorld of Imam Husein, we pray with His name oasis of peace, an oasis of relax, in the Grandfather, he was interested about in our lips and in our hearts, we wear sanctifying and magnetizing presence of all the members of the delegation and the mourning o( matem, we unit the our Imam himself. how were the visits to Karbala, Kufe and arms and the hearts, keeping always Here too, our guests are very care- Bagdad. He was glad when we said that we enjoyed the visits and we were very in your soul, which never will leave. It happy to visit these places and after, with is more than an inner need, indispens­ his soft voice, he asked again about our able for filling the empty of the spirit, works, about the Bektashism in Balkans just when the frightening metastases and in other countries,about the standing of the human egoism try to enter up to the sad realities of the deviations through its doors. In a such situatipn; from the war of God and about of the Schoun would say that the knowledge actuality of our Holy See. Obviously, we saves us, on condition that we have to understood that he was informed on the mobilize all we own. It wounds our religious activity of the World Bektashi nature, as the plough wounds the earth. Head Quarter and moreover he thanked The metaphysical knowledge is sacred. --- us for preserving and enriching every day Is the right of the sacreatrnngs to ask the traditions and the code of teachings to the man what he is. of Haxhi Bektash Veli. In His greeting Meanwhile the imam of medressa, speech, the World Bektashi Grandfather, Seit Emir Shubar, waited for us, in the His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, thanked presence of some of his best students. Imam Zeineldeen for the cordial recep­ He tells us shortly the history of this tion and transmitted to him the best medressa and mentions several distin­ wishes and blessings of all the Bektashi guished names of those benches, who believers. Further, he spoke to the pres­ now are leading mosques and museal ents evoking 2-3 historical moments, complexes, wellknown in all over the which are linked to the establishing of the Islamic world. Further, with his natural World Bektashi Head Quarter in Tirana amability. he said to the World Grandfa­ and to the disponibility of the clergy­ ther that the doors of this medressa will men for defending and developping the be open all the time for every student marvelous doctrine of this faith. In the coming from Albania, not only from the foundations of the titanic work of the tarikat (brotherhood) of Bektashis, but Bektashi dervishs and babas, apart the from each one of the tarikats. On his values transmitted by the High Korand part the World Bektashi Grandfather, and by the prophetic , has been after thanking for the fraternal recep­ and remain also the clear-sightedness tion, remembered that decades ago, and the devotion of . the Bektashi clergymen studied in the Not only with the doctrine, but also with medressa ofTirana. Sali Niazi Dede and to Him". Of course, is a the traditions, the history, the litterature after him all the World Grandfathers, awakes the Heavens. and the wisdom the precious features kept a hojja in the Holy See, willing of the twelve imams are fusioned one to firmly preserve the principle that with another and gave to this faith a real dimension of freedom and belief. After, we visited the saint tyrbe. The long queues of pilgrims seem as torrents of March, full of the water of the rains, leaving their beds. Rare are the persons of this World enjoying the happy chance to talk, in silence, with Imam Ali. Because of that, all of us became meditative and exultant. The word "Allah" was whispered by thou­ sands of voices and remembered me the hadith "Say"Allah" and leave all the useless talks". In that talking in silence we felt a breeze, as a spirit came from the Heavens, which you would like to keep firmly in your hands, in your eyes, It is celebrated before some time, through great emotions, also praised the role of the Tekke, in the sense of a moral school, glorious jubilee of the 60th anniversary of the opening of the first the storage and dissemination of valuable Albanian traditions. BektashiTekke in Detroit Michigan United States ofAmerica .The With interest was received from attendees and greeting of great event gathered together ,Bektashi believers, ambassadors, Bektashi World Head Grandfather, His Grace, His Holyness, Ed­ high religious figures as well as representatives of Michigan State. mond BrahimajAmong other things.he added:"Dear high religious Feast has become even more cheerful presence Bektashi World and state personalities ! Dear myhibane and believers of Tekke of Head Grandfather; His Eminence, His Holyness,Edmond Brahimaj, Baba Rajab ! Dear my brothers, BabaArshi Bazaj and dervish Eliton as well as full of friends and lovers of Baba Rajab, whose name Pashaj! Dear my friend and brother Mr.Ekrem Bardha, believer of obviously relates the whole story of the birth and development Bektashi Order! "It is a particular honor and pleasure for me to of spiritual thoughts , as well as the warm hearth ofAlbanianism. participate at the glorious 60th aniversary of the opening of the This unconventional values of Bektashi tekke, raised six decades firstAlbanian tekke in USA and to congratulate you on behalf od ago with the spirit, understanding finances and donating hundreds the Bektashis.Today we feel happy for the mission of this tekke. In ofAlbanian immigrants.all the present personalities took the speech this jubilee we reflect and we feel grateful and respectful for ever to and gave their impressions. Imam of Mosque, Haji Shuaip Gerguri the life and to the illuminating work of the clergymen who worked talked about Tekke values as a country where over the years, are in this tekke during these 60 years, and esapecially to Baba Rexheb embodied most relevant features universal mercy Muslim, while the Beqiri. Many people, men and women, old and young, christian, representative of the Catholic Church, Ndue George, welcomed moslems or hebrews, in 50 years, found support and comfort fraternal and patriotic spirit of the Bektashi. Baba Arshi Bazaj in to this mountain of faith, taking from him the blessings and his I 00 years in the shoulder, wished luck to all the participants, while holy spirit.Also, this jubilee gives us the privilege to congratulate the Ambassador ofTurkey, His Excellency, Fatih Yildiz, recalled the BabaArshi Bazaj and Dervish Eliton Pasha, who are following the wonderful Ankara's relations with the Holy of the Bektashi in Tirana. footsteps of Baba Rexheb and his spiritual chastity and depth".. . Dervish Eliton Pasha, was focusing more on the responsibilities The audience was impressed from a congratulation telegram of of today, reminded everyone that applies to gather more often and the president of USA Barack Obama, who among other things said: more open to the idea that this is valuable to be apply the yesterday, "I am pleased to join in celebrating your 60th anniversary. · but also today, as the combination of each other; in religious and Throughout our Nation's history, places of worship have brought national level, while ourAmbassador to USA, Galanxhi, evoked reli­ us together in the spirit of faith and love. Offering space for cel­ gious tolerance amongAlbanians, and especially highlights Bektashi ebration in times of joy and comfort in times of uncertainty ,they philosophy and attitudes. On his part, the chairman of the com­ help foster a strong sense of community and call on us to meet mittee of this tekke, but also one of the followers of the spiritual life's most sacred responsibilities to give of ourselves in service to father Rajab, Mr. Ekrem Bardha, brought to attendees in particular others.As you mark this special milestone, I hope you take pride outstanding contributions to the saint, from Gjirokastra, which had in your community's commitment to faith. May the years ahead a prophecy of Bektash Veli, when had said 890 years ago that be filled with continued blessings". • when my candle extinguished in the East, wiH light up in west. He "Winsdow", reporter RELIGIOUS ARMONY:

tis turned into a grand reception for all Albanians of any Too felt, within a stunning philosophy were Pope Francis religion or belief, arrival of Pope Francis. Of course, he conversations with representatives of religious communi­ Ichose our country, as the first in Europe to be blessed, ties, after which he said: "Albania is so sad what has been considering land of the eagle as a symbol of hope, il- witnessed violence and drama can cause the removal of God luminating the whole of the Albanian world. In two decades from life daily, in the name of an ideology that ends in idol ago, Pope Wojtyla was humbled in our land, in the name of worshipAnd thereafter man pale.This is what happens when suffering centuries, this, of nowadays prayed in the name of God leaves to human dignity and resembles what happened. hope and the future. Because really, we Albanians are having All religious communities must maintain traditions, despite this hope, we hit attack by fate, angry centuries of neighbors, great persecution. More important is moral rather than of the barbarism of dictatorship that we passed. economic construction of the country. Religious Harmony In his speech wise, among others, President Nishani would in Albania, is not only a gift from God, but is a gift to all, is the say precious friend:"We Albanians are ancient people, with foundation of freedom.We are all brothers and freedom of strong national consciousness.we have a language rooted religion is against any kind of totalitarianism. But should add as the unifying, our traditions and customs are same but that true religious freedom, avoids the temptation of intoler­ thank goodness in different ways.This fundamental act of our ance and sectarianism and supports attitudes of respect and lives, we have always done in peace and harmony with each constructive dialogue. I can admit that the lack of tolerance other. Constitute our spiritual edifice of Christianity with for the one who has religious beliefs different from ours, is Islam, these two major world religions, namely Catholicism, particularly insidious enemy, which today unfortunately is Orthodoxy, Sunni and Bektashi Mahometanism, which in the emerging in different regions of the world. bay of this ancient people, in shaping civilizations co Mediter­ "By the end of the meeting with the World Bektashi ranean, already know the dialogue . Albanians have passed Grandfather, after the presentation of the Protocole oNati­ along all historical processes, as unique units, ethnic, above can, the Pope Fransis, fraternally congratulated the Bektashis all National RevivalAs such we have succeeded to independ­ for their mission. The World Grandfather thanked the dear ence on 28 November 1912, in the I 02-Albanian state.We friend for the cordial visit to the Albanian land, as well as for are proud of this! Between us there is no discrimination, the messages of His words". no intolerance, no ekstemism, but mutual rspekt inherited 'Winsdow", reporter from generation to generation, harmony and full equality in September 2017 religion communities." _ ____t__ ~~ he J;;lead of Bektasi , His Holyness, Edmond In turn, the Head of the World of Bektashi religion, Brahimaj attend peace summit in South Seoul said he felt himself lucky that the Bektashi community of Korea, organized by the World Alliance of was already doing organic part of the World Alliance of Religions. Religions.This alliance today is certainly faces significant By special invitation of the organizers of the summit challenges, but if any of its member, inwardly feels obliga­ for peace, organized by the World Alliance of Religions tions to generations of today and tomorrow, obviously The Head of Bektashi World, His Holyness, Edmond it means convincing his speech. Brahimaj participated in this event by transmitting best Further, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj added: "as­ messages of Bektashi faith. In the stadium of 60 thousand semblies, receive priceless value, particularly today, when of participants to Seoul, the presence of the Bektashi connections and communications that underpin our delegation was accompanied with specific emotions and planet incalculable increase in dimensions when we obex aepl se , respecting in this way not nly our doctrine every day that despite what geograR ical positions ana and tradition, but also today messages of Bektashi Plane politics are in, we have a common destiny on this earth. interfaith in dialogue and understanding. Flows of world history, I believe that we have provided Further, has been President of the World Alliance of to all, learning valuable than worth, to join the great Religions, Mr. Man Hee Lee, who offered a special recep­ brotherhood, not only understanding, but even accepting tion for the delegation Bektashi. First, he thanked the wholeheartedly sensitive character, morals and religious delegation for the invitation of the organizers, to join orientation of the man we have in the wings, despite the this important event. Further, addressing the Head of change in race, color and ethnicity. Bektashi World , he expressed particular satisfaction of Invited by the organisers of the Peace Summit, or­ the highlighting meeting,, in the unfolding humanitarian ganised by the World Alliance of Religions, the Head of values and culture of Seoul heavenly Stadium. Finally, in World Bektashi Centre, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, these warm words, Mr. Lee would say:"I slncerely thank participated in this event and shared the best messages you and your arrival here, but also for your personal of the Bektashi order.The Bektashi Delegation was wel­ commitments, on top of this belief. The ,model make comed and applauded in the Seoul stadium with 60,000 enthusiast the Bektashi tradition not only for him but participants. Not only were our traditions and doctrine also for the ways and priorities shared with others, the respected but also nowadays Bektashi messages under divine and human brotherhood. For peace of the world the framework of the interfaith dialogue and tolerance. in a thousand way.You find in this context be your ways. Furthermore, the Head of the World Alliance of Reli­ We all try to restore universal light in this undertaking. gions, Mr. Man Hee Lee, warmly welcomed the Bektashi not only a deep optimistic desire, but especially your Delegation. Firstly, he thanked the delegation for accept­ determination." ing the invitation of the organisers and participating in tion of peace". 750 years ago, the founder of this , Hajji Bektash Veliu, wrote:"! built a lighthouse and I place~ it in humans. I named it heart. It is divine aiiCl\the greatest in th!s ~o~ld. The spirit ofl this lighthouse 1s divine knowledge. Ifs sky is belief. Its sun is wish. Its moon is love. Its stars are knowledge. Its mountains are prayers. Its trees are service. The leaves are attitude.The fruits are understanding. This lighthouse has four doors. The first is wisdom. The second is humil­ ity. The third is patience. The fourth is gratitude." The miracle of brotherhood has ex­ isted and keeps existing in Bektashism thanks to these wise sayings, tradi­ tional doctrines, as well as historic and ethnic contexts from 800 years ago up to nowadays. It is not a secret that this important event during these dif­ great dimensions, and when we are even today, when three, four or more ficult times. Moreover, he addressed sure that despite our geographic and Bektashi believers start their journey the Head of World Bektashi Centre political positions, our destiny on this to the Creator they become siblings and expressed his pleasure by high­ planet is one.The course of the world from the same parents, spiritually and lighting the emotions of displaying hu­ history with both peaceful and hostile physically. Their physical family has manitarian values and celestial culture events and full of great dangers has grown and the brothers and sisters in the stadium of Seoul. He finished provided us with the valuable lesson of the meydan identify each other as with the following warm words: "I that "It is necessary to unite and be­ biological brothers and sisters until sincerely thank you for accepting our come part of the great brotherhood their last breath. This magic and rare invitation, but also for your personal of understanding and accepting the reality of our times makes us feel commitments regarding this Order. sensitive nature, moral, and religious proud and contribute to enrich Islam The Bektashi Order does not only beliefs of humans, regardless the fact with great values, especially in the make me happy with its traditions but that we have different races, skin context of wars in the Middle East. also for the ways and priorities that colours and ethnicities:' Our tradition unanimously prohibited it shares with people regarding divine I believe that all of us share the and prohibits any war in Islam, and dis­ and human brotherhood. Towards same opinion that our characters, lan­ tortion of the trust in the universality world peace or thousands of paths? guages we speak, religious beliefs and of brotherhood. You have found your path. We all at­ cultural traditions will be diverse and The following days, the Bektashi tempt to restore light in this universal contradictory as long as our world is Delegation led by the Head ofWorld effort. I am very optimistic for your existent. However, irrespective of this Bektashi Centre held important will and determination:' unique diversity, we have been, are and meetings with senior state and reli­ Moreover, the Head of World will be creatures of the same God. Re­ gious personalities, whom they shared Bektashi Centre stated that he was ferring to a sole Father, we approach similar viewpoints with, especially happy that the Bektashi community a peaceful world with_our efforts and regarding the situation in the Middle became part of the World Alliance vision. The Order I represent today East, as well as the importance of of Religions. This alliance nowadays has a long history of 800 years. As strengthening a joint world front in is facing great challenges, but it will an Islam tariqa, Bektashism is a type order to fight killer religious extrem­ undoubtedly leave a mark if every of doctrinal and spiritual system that ism. In addition, His Holyness, Edmond member feels responsible for present approaches the hearts and conscience Brahimaj replied to the questions and future generations. His Holyness, of the believers aiming at alleviating of thousands of journalists in the Edmond Brahimaj added:"Such gath­ them from the burdens of mortal televisions of Seoul and Europe that erings have great values, especially life and bringing them closer to the participated in this event. nowadays when the connections and Creator. The essence of Bektashism "Wisdom", reporter 2014 communication in our planet are at is "brotherhood as a strong founda-

29 n the blessed Day of , the speech of the the Twelve Imams will remain eternal spiritual leaders for _ Prime Minister of Turkey, His Excellency Mr Ah- us.Though we are in the new millennium here in Anatolia met Davutoglu, was received with interest by the we need a Haxhi Bektash and also we need a hazreti numerous presents.After greeting all the presents, Mevlana, to tell us the great truths. Some intellectuals to Mr.Davutoglu spoke about the tragedy of Karbala, evok- us are terrified if the name tekke is mentioned, but just in ing especially the mission of the Head of Knights. Further, this tekke we find the life and the inspiring work of Haxhi he spoke about the philosophical and religious values of the Bektash, therefore is necessary to change and to evolve tarikats and he said:"I am the first Prime Minister ofTurkey our concepts on tekkes. For the sake of the truth, I tell coming here to take the dua of Haxhi Bektash Veliu, in order you that I come from a family of Sunnit spiritual tradition, that our work to have a prosperous end.The Day ofAshura but it needs to know, all of you, that I cannot be the Prime is a great day, apart from the fact that in its foundations is Minister of Sunnits, but of all my citizens. Every citizen of the blood of Imam Husein, perfidiously killed by Jezidi, this the free Turkey - Sunnit, Bektashi or Alevi he may be, is adversary of the true way. In this case, I want to remember fully equal by the law and they are brothers between them. to all of you that we have an amanet(will, order) and we have Let me, brothers, to pray with the words: Let the Peace to fulfill it together, all of us. Let the God from the Heaven and the Clemency of the God be on you! The Peace and remove the quarrels between us.We must not permit the the Clemency of Ehli-Bejti, Imam Ali and Imam Husein hate to come down in this blessed country, because all be on you! Let us pray to the God that never could be of us, we are followers of Ehli-Bejti. But, my brothers, this repeated the tragedy of Karbala. new epoch is not opened today.At the very first I took "By the end of the activity, the presents visited the museal the difficult charge of the Prime Minister ofTurkey, I went part of the tekke. manifesting their interest on the precious immediately to the Tyrbe of Haxhi Bajram Veli and I had objects and on the places of the religious events in the past. his permission and his consent.After, I went also to hazreti The Turkish Prime Minister was accompanied by the World Mevlana and had his permission and his consent too.And Bektashi Grandfather, who demanded, among others, that today, we are together here, in the famous BektashiTekke this object must have again its original function, as a Bektashi of Haxhi Bektash Veliu, for giving the ikrar.All the Bektashis temple, visited every day by the people". and the Alevis know what it represents the historical "Wisdom'', reporter, mo ment of giving the ikrar.As Haxhi Bektash Veliu said, December 2014 the believer has to control the hand, the waist and the tongue, which is linked inextricably to our moral. Last year - continued further His Excellency Mr. Da­ vutoglu - in the blessed Day of Ashura, I was in Karbala. There, I felt the aroma of the history and the fragrance of the holy earth of Karbala. My brothers! If anybody forgets what happened in Karbala, forgets the Humanity. All of us, together with hazreti Husein, we are travelers. Also, alking about the tragic events which hap­ millions of people, from all over the World, resolute pened in Paris in January of this year, The to defend their faith or their faiths. So was the tragic TPrime Minister of the Republic of Albania, event which smeared Paris with blood, sprinkling Mr.Edi Rama, ex-pressed some ideas, in the the screen of our imagi-nation with the blood which presence of highest religious leaders of our country. was shed in one of the world capitals of the freedom After a special greeting to the participants of the of the thought and of the faith of the people. The Albanian religious delegation in Paris, he said, among demoniacal barbarity strangled some voices by the others: "The human coexistence became often a horrible violence of arms, but it arose a multi-million scene of macabre murders because of the deforma­ chorus appealing the name of Charlie in the name of tion of religious faiths. The centuries and, for us, the the hu-man dignity. I have not known any journalist of people living in nowadays, the last years, are witness the magazine "Charlie Hebdo".And in fact, ~he people of more and more shuddering crimes in the name of who knew them are more than the very few from the the prophets, hostages of the barbarism and of the millions united in the chorus:"We are Charlie".Who /' passion for power or for money, which entered in ac­ has followed that magazine, testifies that the journal- tion through the darkness, the ignorance, the poverty ists of"Charlie Hebda" were people with a high sense and the social desperation. Undoubtedly, not all these of humor, as all the illuminated minds are; they were crimes provoke the same social reaction. Certainly, artists, very good connoisseurs of the power of the many of them did not arrived to the eyes and to the pencil, fiery promoters of the power of the image; ears of the public opinion.While some others, which they were people that knew that the freedom of caused hundreds or thousands of people, as it hap­ the expression, the frveedom of the thought and the pened in Nigeria just some days ago, become meat of freedom of the objection are not negotiable. butchery for the beasts that claim to defend a faith, for "Wisdom", reporter us remain just the main titles of a day, on the top of January, 2015 the news editions on TY, bringing us information about the deaths, continuing further with other news, using the news about those horrible deaths as publicities for a new movie just appeared in cinemas. And the day after, all continues as noth­ ing happened. But sometimes it happens that such cruel crimes are committed in the face of the public opinion, by human beings transformed in demons. Just in these cases, when somebody or several people try to dictate their degenerated faith of a very small minority, on the stage of the human coex­ istence appears the dignity of with personalities of a mystic and progressive faith. Mrs. Ezber informed the World Grandfather that in Paris, since many years, the House of the World Cultures organized Days dedicated to different cultures from all over the World and she said that a 800 years old faith, which survived mostly , through its cultural messages, is always very attractive one. Further; Mrs.Ezber wanted to know more about Bektashism, not only the traditional religious aspect, but also about the cultural and doctrinal models which are so much represen­ tative nowadays. The World Grandfather of Bektashism, His Eminence Haxhi Baba Edmod Brahimaj,afterthanking Mrs.Ezberforthe cordial reception, made a short description of the history of the birth, the increase and the development of the Bektashi faith in the Asia of the past, in the actual Europe and in all those countries where t he Bektashi communities are pres­ ent. He said that Bektashism was born by the stratifications of religious elements of Islam and it was formed with the deepest human love.The BektashiTarikat (brotherhood), not only in a symbolic way but especially in its essence, means the reconciliation of the spirit, the moving away from t he material side of this World and the travel full of sacrifices and devotion to t he Creator. In this travel, which begins since when the believer pledges his word, many cultures are mixed, religious or not, which vivify the motion, which inspire it by the nectar of Bektashi songs (nefese), of the dances, of the everal high cu!tural and religious personalities re­ polyphonic song and other rites and customs. ceived the World Grandfather of Bektashism, His In this case the World Bektashi Grandfather told the last SHolyness, Edmond Brahimaj recent days in Paris. episode of the famous Souleiman with the ant, which was The cordial and interesting talks are focused to the written some centuries ago by the great mystic Attari. Mil­ cultural and identity roo~ of t he religions as well as on the lions of ants were going to work. Only one of them was not encouragement of the coliaboration between the religions, hurry. Before its ant-hill it faced a pile of sand and it took which are able to offer models and artistic achievements the granules of sand one by one and pushed them away. beloved by the believers of every religion. In the same time, The famous Souleiman looked it and said:Ant!You have not promoting the values of dialogue and tolerance, the experi­ the force and the patience. Even if you may live so much as ence of the Bektashi faith was appreciated as a model to be Noah did, even you may have the patience of Ejub, you cannot followed by the others. achieve this work! With your force you could never move Firstly, the World Grandfather was received by the 'Direc­ this pile of sand! The ant answered: Great King! In this way, tor of the House of the World Cultures, in Paris, Mrs.Arvad we can go ahead only with generosity!. Ezber. She said she was excited by this visit, even because of Syrja Xhe/aj, his familiar origin and that she admired meetings like that, Paris - May 2015-

isdom" S pecial Number, 2017 he BektashiWorld Leader, if appreciated, can accomplish their nent linguist and professor; Francesco His Grace, His Holyness, mission. However, in order to respect Altimari whom he shared different Edmond Brahimaj, par­ the ancient traditions of OLJ.\ faiths and opinions on the philosophical streams ticipated in the Second religions, it is necessary to know them, of nowadays religions. Meanwhile, International Competition of the within our reach and time, according the meeting with Prof. Dominique Mediterranean Countries Union. to the relationship we have with our Nogues was very interesting, because Senior representatives of the state, faith.We instinctively try to approach he was curious about the Bektashi different non-governmental organ­ the diverse options of the religion, vision regarding family and believers isations, as well as religious leaders but after all God is one and if we in the society. The Head of World from the Mediterranean countries, want to obey his will, it is necessary Bektashi Centre recited the ayat Africa and Middle East, have gathered to consider other believers the same where God orders:"Allah has prom­ in Palermo, Italy on 9-1 I October as we consider our brothers by birth. ised, to those among you who believe 2015, in their Second Competition Next, the meeting was enriched and work righteous deeds, that He on the economic, marine, cultural with the speeches and ideas of the will, of a surety, grant them in the land, and religious cooperation. It was the Great Mosque of Rome imam, Mu­ inheritance (ofpower),as Hegranted sea that gathered these personalities hammad Hassan Abdulghaffar, and it to those before them; that He will with the idea that it is worthwhile to the Catania Mosque Imam, Khalil establish in authority their religion, the stand next to each other in front of Abdelhafid. one which He has chosen for them the power of the sea and globalism The president of the Sant'Egidio and that He will change (their stat~). trends. Designed and oriented to­ community for Sicily, Emiliano Abra­ after the fear in which they (lived), to wards a comprehensive and specific mo; the mayor, Prof. Dr. Francesco one of security and peace!" cooperation to use every natural Milazzo and Chief Rabbi of Syracuse, Likewise warm and brotherly was opportunity and scientific resource, Stefano Di Mauro provided specific the conversation between the Head the multiple discussions, speeches and and meaningful examples related to of World Bektashi Centre and the presentations provided information the establishment of the interfaith dia­ mayor of Palermo, Leoluca Orlando, on the participating countries' major logue, as well as the new atmosphere who visited the Holy See of the concerns and effective solutions. that should characterise religions Bektashi World Centre a few weeks The international colloquium was regarding moral and social aspects. ago. Mr. Orlando was excited about designed in this context for the es­ During the event, the Head ofWorld the establishment of our magnificent sential presence of the interfaith Bektashi Centre, His Grace, His sanctuary and he stated that among dialogue among countries whose Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj met and other things, such a temple will make shores are washed by the sea. In this discussed with renowned personali­ the Bektashi around the world proud. colloquium different religious lead­ ties, who were present in this event, 'Wisdom" reporter ers of Catholic, Muslim and Jewish such as the professor of Philosophical October, 2015 communities, as well as the Head Sciences, Henry Franchini; the promi- of World Bektashi Centre, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj. The abovementioned activity was con­ ducted in full cooperation with the University of Sicily Rectorate and other personalities, civil and mili­ tary authorities.After the greeting of Bishop Domenico Mogavero, who greeted the participants and started the activity, the Head of World Bektashi Centre took the floor and talked about the multiple aspects that join religions, which n November 19, 2015 took place, in the hall together our Prophet Mohammed, Peace upon him of the "Skampa" Theater in Elbasan, the Inter­ and His Family, on the eve of His Birthday. Let the national Symposium on the occasion of the Mjestic God hear our marvelous words towards birthday of the Prophet Mohammed, Peace our Prophet Moham-med and satisfy our: wishes! upon Him, organized by the Bektashi Holy See, in In this commemoration and deep reflection day, we collaboration with the Bektashi Head Quarter of are together in our dicourse about the life and the Elbasan. Besides the believers who came from differ­ work of our Prophet, ent regions of our country, in this event participated which left indelible also the World Bektashi Grandfather, His Eminence traces not only for Haxhi Baba Ed-mond Brahimaj, deputies of the Alba­ the ls-lam World, but nian Parliament, representatives of the other religious for all the Mankind communities in Elbasan, representatives of the local history. The riodels powers and aca-demicians. The main messages and which fol-lowed our ideas which were expressed in this event were: the Prophed during His irreplaceable role of our Prophet in the rousing of the life, were the high­ highest moral and spiritual values, the transmition of est moral virtues, these values within the Prophetic Family, Ehli, - Bejti, therefore, everyone and the Bektashi heritage. of us who is look­ After singing a hadith and the National Anthem of ing to perfect his Albania, the World Bektashi Grandfather thanked moral, needs to fol­ all the participants and wished them good luck and low the example of pros-perity in their families. Further, he said: I have the brilliant work of the great pleasure to be with today and to honour the Prophet Moham-

34 "Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 med, which continues to il-luminate our souls even nowadays, after so much centuries. This common joy is linked to the felicitous idea that all of us are benevolents of Ehli-Bejti in the Albanian lands and we want to transmit the messages of the chaste family, so pure and divine, through our culture, through our arts, through our high moral. In the es­ sence of everyone of tari-kats, do not exist neither blind rancours nor dominant tenden-cies towards other faiths. On the contrary, we see ourselves as green branches of the grandiose plane-tree of Islam. Our subject and our main work and activity have been and will remain the propagation of the blessed word of Ehli-Bejti. I am proud that the Bektashi faith, preserved intact during eight centuries, since its foundation un-til nowadays, the brighting teach-ings of Qurani Kerim values, because, in every line of Qurani Kerim, in and of the Prophet Mohammed, Peace upon Him.We every word of the Prophet Mohammed and in the feel ourselves proud that even nowadays, we learn by wisdom of our Imams, has brightened everytime the wisdom of the twelve Imams, that we remember the idea and the goal to protect and to embellish the with tears in our eyes the Kerbala tragedy and that human life, far away from the things of this world and we don't forget the instructions of Haxhi Bektash especially, far away from all the forms of barbarism. Veli. Even in the most difficult years for the believ-ers, "Further, followed the scientific communications when in Albania the practising of the faith was pro­ of the clergymen and researchers, underlining the hibited by the Constitution , the dervishs, the babas idea that the learnings of the Prophet are and remain and the Bektashi believers, kept, through so much always actual ones. Also, the participants attended sacrifices, the sacred swear towards the Family of with interest the ideas of Dr.Valente - Italy and of Ehli-Bejti. I assure you, that the precious example of Dr.Aziz Abaz - Iran". this brighting family will serve the actual generation "Wisdom", - reporter and the gen-erations of the future, without distinction December 2015 of their religion and faith.The universality of its moral remains a challenge over all he times. Meanwhile, let me remember all of you that nowadays, some barbarians who have nothing in common with Islam, try to take hostage the blessed name of the Majestic God. Their crimes, unexampled in the history, are exactly the contrary of the mer ciful na­ ture of Islam; in fact they want to get dirty our universal

\ ... His4P-loliness the Pope Francis, with His think­ His speech the Pope Francis. Further. He said that ing eyes, started His speech by remembering the in His memory were recorded three images from marvelous impressions from His first visit in a Eu­ Albania. "I saw so much youth, in the streets, in the ropean country, in our Tirana. It was not difficult to squares, in my meetings. It is sure that for a nation understand every word of His Holin~ss; because they who has a youth like that - enthusiastic and sincere were transmitted by an interior enthusiasm, similar in its belief to the God, it is easier to face the unex­ to the bud of the new green grass. "You came to pected events the destiny reserves. Also, I thought the threshold of this century passing through great for a long time about the martyrs of your catholic spiritual and physical dramas. I understood it during clergy. I saw so much sadness, but also courage, in my sojourn in Tirana. I saw it in your eyes" - started their portraits. Courage and belief that the faith to

36 1 "Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 the God cannot be lost, even when Western Europe must open the doors theWorld,againsttheterroristicandviolence ideological ·politicians violate it of the hearts''. acts presented and made in the name of the and fight against it. But also the By the end of His speech, Haxhi Baba God. Of course, we have many challenges, religious fraternity in your coun­ Edmond Brahimaj said:"ls the will of the which we have to face in fraternity with the God, of course, that we, the Bektashis,are other brothers.Thank you again for receiving try is a very precious thing. It is a here today and we are talking as broth~rs , us and br~these moments~''. priceless spiritual richness. Every do. Let me, Excellency, to exp~ to You By the ei1d of the meeting, according to war, in its essence is an expression of the gratitude of millions of Bektashis, who the protocol, some minutes were reserved the devil's power. But the religious cannot foi:get,the contribution of the 11oly to the change of presents. The Pope Francis war is the more macabre than every SeeandYourcqntributiontoAlbaniaandto gave to all of us the gratitude of the Holy other thing.We, the Christians, have all over the World inspired by the freedom See and embraced us cordially. The World made wars in the past and now we and by the religious faithAs the Holy See of Bektashi Grandfather. His Holyness, Edmond feel ourselves repented. The only the Bektashism, we are trying to safeguard Brahimaj presented to the Pope Francis a our best traditions and to enrich them, picture in silver of the Ehli-Bejti Family.a copf way for the Mankind is the peace". in the doctrinal, social and moral aspects, of the 'Wisdom" magazine and the official Further; speaking to the World Bektashi convinced that we have to be in accordance annual calendar of the Bektashi Holy See for Grandfather; the Pope Francis closed Hrs with the impetuous developments of the theyear2016.lnthiscalendar;forthesakeofa speech with the words: "Especially the human life. happy coincidence, the picture of the month of religious leaders have a great mission.With Our faith, during 800 years of its exis- may, is the photo of the World Grandfather their moral authority and their concrete tence, since the foundation until nowadays, with the Pope Francis, during His last visit in example, they lead the believers to the could survive in different situations in the time AlbaniaThe CardinalTuran,smiling,said that perfection of the spirit, to the human andinthespace,thankstothecomprehension the next year the calendar of the Vatican goodness. I appreciate the fruitful ac:tivify of with all faiths and religions. Nowadays also will present the photo of the Pope Francis all the Bektashis and the goodness that your we travel together with the believers of the with the World Grandfather. So, more than faith emits''. other religions in the Wi1f to the God, with a visit, these symbolic moments ended The World Bektashi Grandfather; His theprofoundloveforthemthattheGodput the meeting between the brothers.An Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, thanked the togetherwithus,withoutprejudicesordoubts. "ending" which leaves open other meet­ Pope Francis for His warm and fraternal After what happened in Paris to the "Charlie ings, in other times and other places, for hospitality, as well as for His kind apprecia­ Hebda" magazine, we the representatives of the good of the human peace. tions towards Albania,Albanian clergy and the traditonalAlbanian religious communities, Syrja Xhelaj Bektashi faith. He expressed the message marchedtogetherwithbrotherstromallover Vatican,May 2016 that the relations between the Albanians and the Holy See date from many cen­ turies and they contributed to keeping alive the hopes of the Albanians to be a worthy part of the European family. So, we are approaching to the solemn moments of the Sanctification of Mother Theresa, who had Albanian origin and became the tender mother of all the poor men, of the unsheltered people and of the sick people of Calcutta and of all the World.Also the World Bektashi Grandfather expressed His high consideration to the initiative of the Holy See for beatifying of the clergy of the Albanian Catholic Church, who faced the ideological obscurantism, as the clergy of the other faiths inAlbania didAppreciat­ ing the open and wonderful ideas of the Pope Francis, the World Grandfather mentioned the emblematic expression of the Saint Father during His visit in a Greek island where thousands of refugees from the Middle East were installed: "Before opening the doors of the borders, the

37 quarter of century ago, Albanians turned the Center of Bektashi faith. 25 years ago, a group of believers, momentum of the good will, wanting to rebound supported by some Bektashi clerics and guided by our pa­ .l/Pl~a as soon as possible, with that faith anathematized triarch, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi, opened the doors of the y the ideology of the time, based on the love Holy See, opening doors of hopes between the most horrible of the Creator. They addressed the few places of worship system and ideology of the past. 25 years ago, with the bless­ remained without being destroyed, filling spaces altered ing of God and the saint Mother Teresa, we opened a new with great hope that they could find traces of the clergy, history of religion 800 years old, the doctrine of wise and the events of long ago or historical dates connecting with unifying Haxhi Bektash Veli, the philosophy of the wisdom of Christ, Mohammed or Haxhi the twelve Imams, generosity and Bektash Veli. In this context, patriotism of Bektashi dervishes the headquarters of the World and Albanian fathers, who fed the Bektashi, gathered in "Tirana­ generations of believers... I'm sure Internacional" on March 19, many of you are here today in this 2016, many authorities in higher room, joined in the idea that the religious positions, researchers foundation of every initiative of from several countries, as well as Our Holy See, the foundation of believers from Albania, Kosovo, every thought and action to rebuild Montenegro and Macedonia. confidence Bektashi are the mind, The great revival, that work of spirit, strength and light scatter spiritual estimated value was emblematic of Haxhi Dede Reshat seen in the perspective of the Bardhi. Who more and who less, Ahl al-Bayt tradition and in to all of us in this room today, we particular on the historical role have the great fortune to share to­ of Dede Reshat Bardhi. After gether; this warm atmosphere and singing a Qur'anic traditional parenting, to awaken His word.We anthem.The World Grandfather; have had great luck, that by kissing His Eminence, Haxhiji Edmond him in the unrivaled hand in the Brahimaj announced: way of Haqq, we get the strength " Bismalah Rahman Rahim! and hope of his face.We have had In the name of God, Most Gra­ great luck, to learn not only from cious, Most Merciful i honor the soft words, but also by His my brother, President of the warnings. We benefit of His spirit Albanian Muslim Community, and that spirit will accompany us Mr. Skender Brw;aj! Dear Min­ until our last breath, because that ister of Social Welfare andYouth, was His great spirit. Characterized Mr. Blendi Klosi! Dear brothers, by "Wisdom", none better than Bektashi clergy, coming from Dede Reshat, could not enter into Albania, Macedonia and Koso­ the spirit of the believers, in the vo! Dear ambassadors! Dear most remote Teqe of Albania, up scholars coming from several to Detroit in the United States. No countries! Faithful brothers and sisters! one better than he, has encouraged us, the younger genera­ Allow me, as the Grandfather of the Bektashi World, to tions of the Bektashi clergymen, on the road full of sacrifices. express to all of you who honor us with your participation, His name obviously relates everything we have achieved in my deepest gratitude for the fact that you qecome part of these 25 years worth of proud. If today Albania has become the symbolism of this day. Today's event, with the idea of a model of religious brotherhood, this means is definetely of rebuilding confidence through the Bektashi tradition of Ahl the historical role of Dede Res hat Bard hi, his vision and com­ al-Bayt and the historical role of Dede Reshat Bardhi, proves mitment. Wishing good luck to foreign researchers in their that we are aware of the way we came from and the way noble mission, please accept the expression of my sincere ahead us. United in ideas, attitudes, in any development time, desire: God bless you! Amin!". I believe that the will of the Great God, we will succeed, we 'Wisdom': reporter, 2016 will bear great responsibility on his shoulders historic World

38 1"Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 THE BELIEF IN FACE OF THE CHALLENGES OF THE TIME The Bektashi Holy See gathers in Tirana and Tetova 27 religious leaders and researchers from Europe, Middle East and Japan

or the first time in Balkans, religious leaders, re­ years for the religious freedom, which you show so easily, searchers and representatives of religious mecha­ so majestically". nisms in Brussels, collaborating with the World After, the Conference in question, which took place in Bektashi Head Quarter and with the Bektashi August 23-25, 2016, in the South-Eastern Europe Univer­ Community in Macedonia, have an interesting point of sity in Tetova, passed through the emotions of the prayer view on the religious faiths, not conclusions after wars, of Ali Gronner and was Derek Me Auley who invited to but interpretations of the reality, through eventual help of speak the high religious representative lvo Markovi~ . A the faiths for the solution of conflicts.The Conference was real thought and context accompanied his words, bringing anticipated by the massive participation at the pilgrimage to the auditorium the religious drama of Sarajevo and of to the Tomori mountain, just in its nicest days, by the end course pointing the principal responsible - Serbia. Further, of August. Mrs. Wydske, leader the World Bektashi Grandfather, of the International Organiza­ His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, tion for the Religious Freedom, by His speech underlined the idea based on Holland, making a that in the concept of the freedom synthesis of the diversity so of the religious faiths, the religious much desired by the believers and state leaders have a heavy load of different religions on Tomori on their shoulders and they have to mountain, was expressed: 'We be always in full coherence with the are wondered by the generosity traditions, with the realities and the of Bektashis here, who receive, regional developments. meet, accompany and talk with Further, the World Grandfather pilgrims of other faiths. Our continued: "During the history, the organization works since 126 peoples, because of their terres- trian, ethnic, religious or cultural trends and interests, prejudicious towards one another, faced one another even in ferocious physical collisions. Undoubtfully, these collisions caused great tragedies and endless pains. because through them moved, full of anxieties, the life of millions of people.We can agree or not but this was the history. During this history cannot be ignored the great devices of Bektashism for peace with ourselves and with the neighbor, resumed by the axiom: ''You are all brothers of one another". So, even if the Majestic God had made us present every thing, even if we pray to Him for every goodness in this temporary World and in the other one, we must not forget that we are brothers with common mother and father, with common past and future, just like in a family, where dominate the harmony and the mutual respect, where are inherited the perfect moral and physical values. If we consider ourselves within a great human family and we want to be near the attention of the Creator, our future will be, certainly, illuminated". Dr.Arben Sulejmani transmitted to the presents the serious problem of the developments in the Bektashi tekke "Harabati Baba", in Tetova. He mentioned con crete examples of the abusive attitudes towards the religious freedom, of the violation of the basic acts on the the rights and liberties of the believers, accompa­ nied by the absurd indiference of the public authorities and by the moral degeneration of the judiciary admin istration. By the end of his speech, Mr.Sulejmani told about the efforts undertaken from time to time by the international factor in Shkup, regarding the spiritual and physical usurpation of the ambients of the Bektashi tekke in Tetova. - After, was the turn of Dr. Hona Szent lvanyi from Hungary, who underlined the idea of finding of the com he Ecumenical Patriarch of Istanbul, Barthe­ men points of the religions and faiths, which could make lemy the First, received the World Bektashi possible the approaching of the believers. Meanwhile, T Grandfather, His Holyness, Edmond Bra­ she dedicated particular importance to the Bektashism himaj Some days ago, the Bektashi com- in Macedonia, congratulating the religious leaders and munities in all over the World, attentively followed the the believers there, for their calm and patience in the visit of the World Bektashi Grandfather, His Holyness, difficult situations they pass through. While Dr.Anita Eucehen, in the quality of the rep­ Edmond Brahimaj, to the Ecumenical Patriarch of Istan­ resentative of the Bureau in Brussels, thanking the bul, Barthelemy the First.After embracing one another Bektashis for their attitude, mentioned sufficient ex and the welcoming wishes, the Ecumenical Patriarch amples of the engagement of international mechanisms said: "I visited two times Albania. I feel and I nourish a and their help regarding different religious conflicts. special love for the Albanian people and for theAlbanian During the days of the Conference, the participants,in nation. It was forbidden to the Albanians to believe to this activity visited several churches, mosques and other the God, but they never lost the faith. The Albanians historical places in Macedonia. Meanwhile, a dinner suffered so much, but they were never vanquished by was offered in the ambients of "Harabati-Baba" tekke the history. I am very glad to receive, for the first time, in Tetova, were the participants, besides the kitchen, You, as the First Moslem Leader, of the Balkans and of enjoyed the cordial talks about the interfaith dialogue. Europe, of the World Bektashi Head Quarter, renown already in many countries of the World fo r nourishing love to the God to hundreds of mill ions of Bektashi believers.We have very special ceremony took place in the Holy Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj is appreciated for his contri­ See of the World Bektashi Head Quarter bution to the field of theology and to the harmony between Ain Tirana, where the World Grandfather of the religious communities, to the peace, to the love and to Bektashism, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, the goodness. " ... The mission of Baba Mondi is so near to was honoured by the title "Doctor Honoris Causa", ac­ the mission of Saint Mother Theresa. I am very happy to corded by the World Academy of Peace of the United have this opportunity, after a great struggle against my grave - Nations, in the presence of numerous Bektashi believers, malady, to come to Albania and to consign to him this title, deputies of the Albanian Parliament, representatives of in the name of the World Academy of Peace of the United the local powers, leaders of religious communities, many Nations" - said among others the academic Krishan. people from Kossovo, Very touched, briefly, the World Bektashi Grandfather, Macedonia, Montenegro and from the Albanian Diaspora His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, said among others:" ... I feel in different countries of the World. In this ceremony partici­ myself very happy, also because of the fact that the World pated and greeted representatives of the Albanian Govern­ Academy of Peace of the United Nations chose me for the ment, academics from Albania and from other countries, title "Doctor Honoris Causa", as a kind of gratitude and theologians and researchers. In the name of the World reward for the dialogue, the tolerance and the hope that Academy of Peace of the United Nations, the academic our faith, the faith of Haxhi Bektash Veli, transmitted since Madhu Krishan consigned the title to the World Bektashi 800 years to different peoples and countries". Grandfather, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj. 'Wisdom': reporter October 20 16

very good relations with Bektashis, since the times of your brilliant predecessors, Dede Ahmet and Dede Reshat. The collaboration be­ tween the faiths, with the Sait Father, the Pope Fransis, with Your World Bektashi Head Quarter and with You as their Great Spiritual Leader, with all the other religions, everywhere in the World, are and must be the main ways we have to construct for the saint cause of the Peace. Let us be together for the love, for the peace and for the human values". In his speech, theWorld Grandfather said among others:"The respect you showed to me, this warm reception, as a brother to his brother, is an historical engagement for me, in my way of service to the God, of service to the human values, of service to the Mankind. For us, the Pope and You, are leaders in service to the Peace and to the Progress. Your great work in the actual situation, your approach and spirit of col­ laboration with Judaism and Islam, are fundamental principles, because without peace and love between us, is not possible the peace and the love between the peoples and nations. In the second day of his visit, t he World Grandfather visited the An­ cient Cathedral of Saint George, where he was received as a Primary, with a very special great ceremony.The participants in this ceremony received with applauses and ovations the speech of theWorld Bektashi Grandfather, as the first Moslem leader considering the Christianity, the christian believers and their leaders as brothers. 41 High religious and public personalities in Italy received and expressed their special consideration to the World Bektashi Grandfather, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj

tfte World Bektashi Grandfather, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, joined the joy of the catholic clergymen and of thousands of albanian catholic be­ lievers. Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj attended all the magnificent ceremony and in this occasion he met several high personalities of Vatican, thanking them especially for the interest they show on the religious events inAlbania. The warm reception that the Pope Francis reserved to the delegation of the Bektashi Holy See in Vatican, in the month of May of this year, was also the subject on which they talked during this event in Vatican. Further, the World Bektashi Grand­ father travelled to Palermo. There, thanks to the collaboration with local religious and public authorities, the Bektashis are going to open a Bektashi teqe. In Castronovo, theWorld Bektashi Grandfather participated to the event which took place in the school. where His speech was attended with a great interest. Firstly. His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, spoke about the history of nAlbania. the Jubilee of the Char- one year ago He said:"Passing through the origin and the development of the ity was celebrated through great the Holy Door, we leave the Charity of Bektashism, since almost 800 years Iemotions.This jubilee is just a les- the Creator to embrace us and we shall agoAlso, He spoke about the doctrinal son. for all of us, for understanding be impressed further to be charitable stratifications which came from the that the Charity is the way to see the with the others, as the Holy Father is mystic tendencies in different countries brother near you with the same look of with us". and peoples. especially in the Middle which leaded to the birth of the the ~r,because the words and the In its essence, the Jubilee proves that East. Islamic tarikats (brotherhoods) and to sentiments are never enoughAll these, , the door of the holy charity is never the words and the sentiments. together closed but it is open every time, for all the enrichment of the best Moslem with the Charity, we must apply in ev- of us. It was a wonderful epilogue of traditions. ery minute of our life, in every human the Jubilee when the Pope Francis in The thought of the World Bektashi community. In this case we remember Vatican. created as a cardinal His Emi­ Grandfather about the irreplaceable the golden words of the Pope Francis; nence ErnestTroshani.The presence of role of the tarikats in the Balkan areas.

42 'Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 in the meaning of the construc­ of setting up a Bektashi teqe tion of bridges between two in this area, an expression of principal religions, Christianity the emblematic tolerance of and Islam, was considered very our Leader, Haxhi Bektash important and very significant Veli, in the ancient country one.The Balkan historiography, of the Christian security and in several cases bore wit­ Charity, strongly obliges us ness already that the tarikats to construct communication (especially the Bektashi faith) bridges and to develop the inculcated to their followers religious and human dialogue, not only the inexhaustible de­ in service to the most lasting votion to the Creator, but also peace". the will to live and to act in a The Mayor of Castrono­ community of brothers, apart vo, Mr.Francesco Onorata, from the ethnic appertaining. thanked the World Bekt.ashi Indeed, in Bektashism, both in Grandfather for His speech doctrinal and practical point of and His ideas and informed the views, the presence of several participants of the event about ethnic groups, races and lan­ the special contribution of the guages, under the same heaven, World Bekt.ashi Grandfather is considered every time as a to facing the new challenges of kind of religious and cultural Islam against the international mosaic, which only beautifies terrorism and against radical the life and the human destiny. religious attitudes. By the end By the end of His speech, of his speech, Mr.Onorata said: taking into consideration the 'We are haPr1f today to have very interesting questions by among us a charismatic reli­ the participants in this event, gious leader,who represents the His Holyness, Edmond Bra­ World Bektashism and who himaj, underlined: "In every emits everywhere 'Wisdom", faith, the religious context has intelligence and the mystic tra­ its importance, because of the ditions of His forerunners. The fact that the Koranic tradition prestige of the Bektashi Holy is linked to this context, as well in all over the World. See is reached by the sacrifices as the ways of collaboration between Sometimes ago, after e great work of many generations and this Vmeeting the faiths, in order to be united in their and efforts of Bektashi believers, we in­ today gave us the pleasure and the op­ devotion towards the Creator. But I augurated in Tirana the great multifunc­ portunity to understand that we came think we would be partial if we will tional building which is worthy for the in thisWorld to live in tangible harmony discuss and conclude about our past name and for the history we inherited. with one another". without taking into consideration the Of course, in its basis were the spirit A prayer for peace brought deep actual challenges, which are numerous and the will of the High God, accom­ emotions in the hall and after, the and difficult in the same time. After panied by the sublime abnegation of pupils of the school got around the some years, the Holy See of Bektash­ all generations of Bektashi clergymen, World Bektashi Grandfather in order ism will reach a cenwry of its presence who never separated the destiny of our to fix in photos this impressive event. in Tirana. We never avoided the great nation from the destiny of the Creator. The electronic and written media of historical responsibilities, but, on the We are conscientious that to walk in Castronovo transmitted to the public contrary, we firmly faced them, because their way it needs to do sacrifices every this fruitful dialogue. we are conscientious of our mission, day, but we are sworn and we will go 'Wisdom" reporter, extended in every Bekrashi community, fairly ahead, in the way of Hak.The idea December 2016

43 BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS IN SERVICE OF PEACE the pure brotherhood. In nice days but also in hard days, in different times and places, even in situations of extreme danger of wars, we, the Bektashis, called the brotherhood and the peace. Peace which came firstly by knowing ourselves. Centuries ago, our illumi­ nated Guide wrote:"Everybody who knew the God with the qualification "godly", has known himself in the quality of the humble, that means everybody has known his poverty by the things of this World, has known the unlimited riches of the God. Everybody who has known painfully himself, has known firmly the God. Everybody who has known himself by illumination, has known the most brilliant God. Meanwhile, by the generation of the renowned Bektashi clergymen, respecting each e year 2017 started by a good omen for the Bektashi one of them in different countries and times, I would distinguish the elievers, everywhere they live. On January 5, in our Holy wisdom and the clear - sightedness of my predecessors by Albanian T1ee, through the representatives of the World Academy origin, who transmitted even until the far Nevshehir, in Asia, together of Peace of the United Nations, the President of the with their devotion towards the Creator, also the love, the long­ United States of America Barack Obama delivered to the World ing and the contribution to their Fatherland.Almost I00 years ago, Bektashi Grandfather, the Gratitude for Peace, for His work in those clergymen responded with the force of the Great God and service of Peace and Fraternity, as well as for His continuous effort of the clear reason to the efforts for violating and discriminating to construct bridges between the peoples. the Bektashism, making possible not only the defense and the pres­ After, Mr.Hysi invited Dr.Otto F.Von Feigenblatt, the High Repre­ ervation of this precious riches within the Islam family, but also the sentative of the World Academy of Peace, to deliver the "Gratitude" further development and enrichment of the Bektashism in Balkans, to the World Bektashi Grandfather. His Holiness Haxhi Baba Edmond Europe and until the United States of America. Gratitude and deep Brahimaj said, among others:'These are very happy minutes for me. respect to the life and the work of hundreds of Albanian dervishs I am full of joy by this ceremony taking place in our religious spaces, and babas, who transmitted through the generations, in marvelous especially by the human love I feel around me and of course, by this and careful way, their spirit of love towards the Creator, with the Gratitude. Personally, I perceive the figure of the World Grandfather great hope that only the peace and communication bridges keep in as the image of a simple man, at the level of good parents, of those life every human society. who understand very well the God. I believe to the Bektashi Mission Sisters and brothers! and par-ticularly to the Mission of the World Bektashi Grandfather, After the according of this Gratitude to all of us by the President who will help the believers in good and bad days, just like the Mission Obama, allow me to remember you that the last year, our peace, the of the Great Albanian Mother Theresa". peace of all of us, living under the same sky, was struck very hard, was Further, through emotions and applauses, he delivered to His violated and covered by blood, through actions encouraged by the Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj the "Gratitude". On His part, the World devil.Also, the first hours of the year 2017 came together with the Grandfather was expressed:" ... It is a special honor for me to receive hateful crime of killing and wounding in Istanbul, which means that in this day of January 2017, the precious Gratitude from the Presi­ our peace not only is a fragile one, but it is also menaced by criminal dent of the United States of America, His Excellency Barak Obama. segments of the human society, which have ties with any kind of It is a special honor and pride, not only for me personally, but for barbarism but never with our God. Millions of Bektashi believers in all our believers in the World, for our cause that we inherited from all over the World, as well as nearly two billions of good and devoted our ancestors, which are transmitting to the actual gener:ation and Moslems, not only are afflicted because of those painful events, but to the generations of the future. It is a reward for all the sacrifices they are united in this pain with the families of the innocent victims, of the followers of our 800 years old faith, which was proclaimed as praying that their souls rest in eternity.We are all conscientious that unity between brothers and continues to remain a unity between the ferocity with which the terrorism strikes us in World level, apart brothers also nowadays, in ourWorld full of egoism and tendencies from the methods it uses, cannot be fought only by conferences and to leave the spirit of the Creator, the spirit of the family, the blessed slogans.We need, better than before, to consolidate the institution spirit of one another. This Gratitude, which identifies our trends of of the solidarity, within the family, within the love for one another, devotion towards the wisdom and the world peace, could not be accepting the diversity as a push to go ahead and not to revenge casual.The essence of the Bektashi faith, the substance of the doctrine against the others.Through this solidarity, so much indispensable, we and of the attitudes of this faith, is just the sense of the diffusion of would unite our forces, of the reason and the physical ones, the forces

_____4_ 4_ ;1 "Wisdom" Special Number, 2017 of the hearts and the divine ones, in order surely to the great peace of our human to accept and to love the people near us, to family. Therefore, the Gratitude coming be with him in hard times and in joyful times, today from the United States ofAmerica, pulling down every wall which separates us, I appreciate as an obligation in the great surpassing the conflicts by the respect and movements towards the understanding clemency towards the human being.Against and the harmony". the weapons which the others may use, our Very symbolic was this evening the , weapons, of the Moslems in all over the presence of the representative of the World, will be always the weapons of the Embassy of USA in Tirana, Mr: Geoffrey truth, of the universal clemency and love. A Parker: In his greeting speech, among Thanking you again for coming to partici­ others, Mr. Parker said that he filled pate at this wonderful event of the Bektashi himself good in this auditorium and that Holy See, wishing you luck and goodness in he shared the opinion that the Bektashi your families and in those of all the believers, Holy See, guided by Baba Mondi, is in the allow me to guarantee you that the World precious way of the faith which it repre­ Bektashi Center here in Tirana, is resolute sents, in the way of the consolidation of to go ahead following the most precious the religious dialogue, for understanding traditions of our faith, constructing every the situations, not only in Albania but day foundations of fraternal communication also in the Region, in the w~y of the bridges. Are just these bridge foundations construction of the peace between the that serve to the peace. We, naturally, have people, without distinction, for the good diplomats congratulated the World Grand­ chosen solidarity as our motto, because a of the human and religious values. Further; father and the other Bektashi clergymen. social and religious friendship will lead us the Albanian religious leaders, deputies and 'Wisdom': reporter International symposium in Tirana

n 20 May 2017, the World Bektashi Cen­ thus foreseeing the present-time religious situations ...". tre hosted the international symposium During this symposium, the participants attentively 0 at the Tirana International Hotel, titled: listened to the speeches of Dr. Mahmoud Khalilzadeh - "Imam Ali a.s and Bektashism". This Germany, Prof. Dr. Mesut ldriz - Bosnia, Mustafa Bajrami symposium was attended by state and local religious - Kosovo, Prof. Dr. Eric Geoffroy - France Dr. Sajjad figures, as well as researchers from different countries Hussain - Iran, Dr. Latifa Carol - India, Dr.Ahmed Azad around the world. The Head of the World Bektashi - Turkey, Prof. Dr. Metin lzeti - Macedonia, Dr. Ozgur Centre, His Holyness, Edmond Brahimaj, started the Arapoglu - Turkey, and Prof. Dr. Rais lsmailov - Russia. greetings by thanking the participants and stating:"! be­ During t heir stay, the foreign researchers visited some lieve that by reviving prophetic tradition of the Imam­ of the most renowned tekkes in Albania. ate and Hajji Bektash Veliu, we can better understand "Winsdow" - reporter ourselves and I believe we are in the right path; in the path of our religious identity to re­ mind present-day Europe that among civilised nations we are a people rich in values ..." . Moreover, the Deputy Head of Muslim Community of Al­ bania, Mr.Aga, highlighted once more the significant role of the World Bektashi Centre in preserving and developing the greatest values of this tariqah,

145 LET US CONTRIBUTE EVERY DAY TO THE PEACE fter the invitation of the Ger­ Chairman of the State Committee on Cults with them the syrup blessed by the spiritl.Jal man Bundestag and by the ini­ of the Republic ofAlbania, Mrs.LoretaAliko, leader and since that moment until your last JlliiillJ~n. tiative of the Albanian Embassy as part of the group of the South-Eastern breath, you enter in the great family of Ehli­ Germany, in the first days Europe, attentively followed the speeches Bejti, with the same rights and obligations of this June was celebrated in Berlin the of Mr.Josip Juratovic;:, German deputy, of as in the biological family. This significative "Prayer Morning", as a symbolic act of the DrAhmet Shala.as well as the expression of act, which unites brothers of a religious faith religious harmony. Besides the high public the ideas of the Mr.Yuk Drashkovic;,politician rising them in the height of the biological and religious personalities, in this event were and writer;the speeches of all of them trans­ brothers, has been and remains the philoso­ invited the leaders of the traditional religious mitted messages of peace between religions phy of the resistence of our brotherhood communities in Albania In the Ist of June, and peoples.The sessions were closed by a in the dangerous cross-roads of the history, the delegations were received by the Vice­ reception-dinner; in which, among others, yesterday, today and in the coming centtJries. President of the Bundestag, Mr.Johannes was present the President of the Republic If we see it in the context of the religious Singhamer; who, after biding welcome to ofAlbania, His Excellency Mr.Bujar Nishani. harmony in Albania, the times proved that the participants at the event, briefly exposed The second day of the event started the Islam brotherlloods and especially the the situations in Europe, especially speaking by the "Prayer morning'', in which warm Bektashis, regularly avoided blind rancours about the common values of the differ­ atmosphere, the Albanian religious del­ and Balcanic angers, caused by the race, ent faiths, about the education of the new egation drew attention and admiration of nationality, religious faith etc. By the point generations and about the religious identity the other participants in this event In the of view of our traditions, the first idea, the and culture. Further; several deputies of the meeting organized by Nehemiah Gateway, first word, the first work is just the bridge German Parliament made their speeches, which started by a film giving evidence of we have to build, to live just as equals, in speaking especially about the actual posi­ the religious harmony in Albania, the inter­ spiritml peace with ourselves and in human tive trends of the religion and mentioning est of the participants was a very great one. peace with the brother near us.Meanwhile, I also some cases of incompatibility to cli­ In this meeting, the World Grandfather of believe that the christian and sunnit belie.

n 14-19 September sages of peace and dialogue in its doc­ and present history.as 2017, the Head of the trinal essence. Meanwhile, these noble human and religious O World Bektashi Centre, brotherly feelings have made Bektashi always with the aim of His Holyness, Edmond clerics and believers, with their devotion life". Brahimaj participated in the Third Re­ to the Creator; to become one with the During the days that ligious Leaders Conference on World destiny of the nation and oftentimes they was carried out, the H Peace, organised in Seoul, South Korea. have opted for the sublime sacrifice to Bektashi Centre hel He was welcomed by the senior or­ protect its language, independence and discussions with pro ganisers of this event, who by inviting prosperity. Educating generations with the religious figures, such as. him for third consecutive year showed love for God, who brought us into this from Nigeria, Dr. Maria Bsa S their interest not only on the activities world, has never been viewed detached from Nicaragua, Dr. Na~em of the World Bektashi Centre, but also from wisdom and dialogues among faith from Afghanistan, Dr. Elza S on the impact of our Order on the and other believers, in spite of their race, Jakarta, Sheikh Abdur-Rahman Balkan trends directed towards the to approach human and divine prosperity. from Nigeria, Dr.Andrzej Pi European civilisation. The Head of the At the end of his speech, which was Poland, as well as other re!igi World Bektashi Centre shared with the attentively listened to, the Head of the They discussed about thclr participants the realities that faiths and World Bektashi Centre stated: "... The related to establishing in religions are faced with not only in the paths that lead us to the universal peace as well as the paths they $fi context of human developments but are various, extended in time, doctrine, At the same time, as a also the challenges imposed by different and in our every step.The World Bektashi est developments of te radicalisms. Centre has a significantly difficult mission, in Europe, discussions in During the three days of the Confer­ especially in the turbulent Balkans with foreseen sessions, brought ence, held at Grand Seoul Pamas Hotel, its history and wars, and aims at building attention a series of · special sessions were held to share the bridges towards religious brotherhood. trends that should be fol present-time experiences of religious We always support the blessed Islamic in one front in order to leadership in carrying out an effective and belief that seeking knowledge is worth regardless where it co long-term cooperation.Various examples being viewed at any time in complete it represents. were provided of the efforts of different unity with accepting others and respect­ leaders and religious leaders from around ing the religious the world to study, understand and coop­ identity of every erate with the religion or faith of other believer. This is the people, convinced that only such mutual only right path notion and relationship can maintain the towards the daily morality of a society. The idea that God cleansing of the is our guide and we came into this world soul by perfecting with His will is the only thing that unites our acttons. In our believers more than politics or different mission as servants ideologies ever could, despite where they of our God in the come from or where they want to go. sky and of believ­ In his speech during the second day of ers on Earth, we the Conference, the Head of the World try to reach the Bektashi Centre, His Holyness, Edmond heights of solidar­ Brahimaj, stated that among other things, ity, of which we existence, development and new spaces can perfectly un­ embraced by Bektashism _transmit mes- derstand the past ~~M1J&TfilJ~ llllil@11lfim~~@11lfimMJ~~@mlilmr. ~llmM"'•