Coast Guard, DOT § 80.501
Coast Guard, DOT § 80.501 (d) An east-west line drawn through southernmost extremity of the spit of Beavertail Light between Brenton land at the western end of Oak Beach. Point and the Boston Neck shoreline. (d) A line drawn from Jones Inlet Light 322° true across the southwest [CGD 77±118a, 42 FR 35784, July 11, 1977, as amended by CGD 79±036, 44 FR 22458, Apr. 16, tangent of the island on the north side 1979. Redesignated by CGD 81±017, 46 FR of Jones Inlet to the shoreline. 28154, May 26, 1981, and amended by CGD 84± [CGD 77±118a, 42 FR 35784, July 11, 1977; 42 FR 091, 51 FR 7786, Mar. 6, 1986] 63169, Dec. 15, 1977. Redesignated by CGD 81± 017, 46 FR 28154, May 26, 1981; CGD 84±091, and § 80.150 Block Island, RI. amended by 51 FR 7786, Mar. 6, 1986. Redesig- The 72 COLREGS shall apply on the nated by CGD 87±008b, 52 FR 25218, July 6, harbors of Block Island. 1987] § 80.155 Watch Hill, RI to Montauk § 80.165 New York Harbor. Point, NY. A line drawn from East Rockaway (a) A line drawn from Watch Hill Inlet Breakwater Light to Sandy Hook Light to East Point on Fishers Island. Light. (b) A line drawn from Race Point to [CGD 77±118a, 42 FR 35784, July 11, 1977. Re- Race Rock Light; thence to Little Gull designated by CGD 81±017, 46 FR 28154, May Island Light thence to East Point on 26, 1981, and CGD 87±008b, 52 FR 25218, July 6, Plum Island.
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