N° 5 – June 2012 Mobility Newsleer European mobility of young officers and trainers

“Founding fathers” of a common European defence This newsletter, edited with the support of the European Security and Defence College Editorial by Hans-Bernhard Weisserth Secretariat, intends to highlight information on (Head - European Security and Defence College Secretariat) mobility events as provided by the European Member States and their military higher While preparing for our forthcoming “Alcide De Gasperi" High Level CSDP Course a few days education institutes. ago, I googled “founding fathers of Europe” and learned from Wikipedia that “the Founding Fathers of the are a number of men who have been recognised as making a Content major contribuon to the development of European unity and what is now the European Union". However, there is no official and fixed list of founding fathers or a single event defining Page 3 LoD8 “Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, them. Robert Schuman is of course among those menoned. He became famous by his tout se transforme”… declaraon from 9 May 1950 inving the Germans and all other European countries to manage their coal and steel industries jointly and democracally in Europe's first supranaonal Community. Another is Paul-Henri Spaak, whose “Spaak report” formed the cornerstone of the Page 4 Mobility opportunies under the Iniave Intergovernmental Conference on the Common Market and EURATOM in 1956 and led to the signing, on 25 March 1957, of the Treaes of Rome. I should also add Konrad Adenauer and – last but not least – Alcide De Gasperi, who supported the Schuman Plan and also helped develop the idea of the common European defence policy. Page 5 General mobility opportunies

As regards what we call today a European Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), it was Page 10 General mobility demands driven, over some decades, by many events, iniaves and decisions taken at high polical levels. To name just some of them: the ; the WEU Petersberg Declaraon in Page 12 Officers’ mobility in words and acts… June 1992; the creaon of the in the same year; the FR/UK Declaraon at St-Malo in 1998; and the Amsterdam Treaty, which included the establishment of a High Representaves (HR) for CFSP/CSDP.

European Security and Defence College Secretariat: [email protected] 1 Editor: Sylvain Paile

Mobility Newsleer N° 5 – June 2012

Among the numerous figures who have contributed significantly to the development of the CFSP/CSDP over the past two decades, there is no doubt that Javier Solana, taking office as the first HR in October 1999, had a very strong and significant impact. The engagement of these personalies was of course crically important to achieve the necessary progress in the development of this policy. However, apart from this, progress depends too on the acve engagement of those working in this field on a day-to-day basis, down to desk officer level. I have personally observed this throughout my almost 20 years of personal praccal engagement in the CFSP/CSDP development, but parcularly in the context of the development and acvies of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC).

The ESDC, a project underpinned only by very small permanent structures and resources, could not work so successfully without the personal efforts, commitments and iniaves of so many civilian and military colleagues, at naonal and at EU level, ready to commit themselves and strive for progress. This is also true when it comes to the implementaon of the European iniave known by the term “Erasmus militaire”. In principle, they are all making a significant contribuon to the development of the European unity, certainly not as spectacular as the famous founding fathers did at earlier stages, and rather modest in terms of immediate impact. In other words, a significant increase of pooling, task sharing and task specialisaon in the field of training and educaon, including a potenal merger of naonal training instutes will most likely not result from a sub-group of “Erasmus militaire” but rather from polico-strategic consideraons driven by polical, economic and financial factors.

What WE can do in the context of “Erasmus militaire” is to make helpful steps in this direcon, promong a common European security culture and thus preparing the ground for what the Treaty on European Union defines as a longer-term objecve - a common European defence. It requires from all contribung “founding fathers” a principled posive atude and stance vis-à-vis the European project. The ESDC supports you in this through its acvies.

European Security and Defence College Secretariat: [email protected] 2 Mobility Newsleer N° 5 – June 2012 LoD8 - Common modules: « Rien ne se crée, rien ne se perd, tout se transforme » … (« nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed » Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, French chemist, February 27, 1785) By Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-Marc Dulou French General Staff – Chairman LoD8

Since 2008, at the beginning of the European iniave on the exchange of young officers, modelled on Erasmus, all Member States of the Implementaon Group - Where there is no need, there is no training and educaon ; (IG) have had at heart to find new ideas to develop this European iniave. - All military academies have a training program which is already in need of their armed forces : it is fule to believe that we will be smarter than the The line of development 8, the last of the LoDs, is no less fundamental to the commanders of each academy ; future of “military Erasmus”. The purpose of LoD8 is to share training modules - You do not create a common module ex nihilo, we adapt an exisng module to so that any Member State could implement it in its own academy. transfer it to the repository of the modules of the Iniave. For instance, the module on the “Law of Armed Conflict” and the one on "Marime Leadership", both presented by France, will soon be used by other If these principles are followed, anything is possible! I urge Member States to Member States’ academies. foster the influence of their academies by exporng all common modules available! This boom-up approach, already agreed on at the 2008 in Stockholm Every year, members of the IG are looking for new ideas in order to suggest new seminar, today connues to prove itself efficient. Admiedly, some have already common modules. This step is not as simple as it looks and the difficules do not seen the limitaons of this approach. Therefore, I had to promote, for our stop there: once the theme of the module is proposed, we need a Member State French academies, the idea and the assets that proposing to share some of their to pilot the working group and to develop the module’s program and curricula. academic experse - with an endorsement by the members of the IG - would Finally, once the module is validated, if the module is never implemented, it’s represent to France and to Europe. The academies win in this exchange of best definively forgoen even if it was a great and remarkable work. This top-down pracces and enrich their enre training program. approach does not definitely meet the needs of the academies who shall benefit from the Iniave According to the principle of Lavoisier, there is nothing to create, nothing to lose, just things to transform for gains and further share! The LoD 8 may be an engine of the Iniave but provided we follow some basic principles and avoid working for nothing! We may name three of these LCL Jean-Marc Dulou principles:

European Security and Defence College Secretariat: [email protected] 3

Mobility Newsleer N° 5 – June 2012 Mobility opportunies under the iniave

to in in

Requirements/ of POC Country Institution aims Year Month Period Event Short description profile of the POC name POC email for

WH phone students ECTS participants invited following service(s) Number registration Latestdate Workflow Workflow EU Event

Theresan The CSDP-Module includes The Module will Col Dr. harald.gell 03-07 Common Module: 43-664-6 Military All 2012 Dec 5-oct-12 an IDL-phase and a one-week be provided in ~ 20 2 - GELL @bmlvs.gv. Dec CSDP-Module 22-2161 Academy residential phase English Harald at

Theresan Common Module: Basics for Crisis Management The Module will Col Dr. harald.gell 19-26 16 (+ 4 43-664-6 Military All 2012 Nov 21-sept-12 PSO-Sub-Module Operations / Peace Support be provided in 3 - GELL @bmlvs.gv. Nov staff) 22-2161 Austria Academy A Operations English Harald at

Theresan 29 Common Module: Basics for Crisis Management The Module will Col Dr. harald.gell Nov- 16 (+ 4 43-664-6 Military All 2012 Nov-06 5-oct-12 PSO-Sub-Module Operations / Peace Support be provided in 3 - GELL @bmlvs.gv. Dec staff) 22-2161 Academy Dec A Operations English Harald at

diane.gerib Common module The course will Air Force Cdt. Diane [email protected] 33-49017 All 2013 NK NK NK “Law of Armed be provided in NK NK - Academy Geribaldi r.defense.g 8444 Conflicts” English. ouv.fr

France thomas.flich Military y@st- Academy Common Module: English Pr. Thomas 33-66560 All 2013 Apr 9-11 Apr 15 Feb 1 week course. International 20 2 - cyr.terre- Saint-Cyr CSDP-Module proficiency Flichy 3228 net.defense Coëtquidan .gouv.fr

Includes an IDL phase (27 +357-228 Feb-23 March), a paper The module will Major (AF) Cyprus Ministry of 03-05 szambas@ 07721 All 2012 Oct 24 Feb CSDP OLYMPIAD writing (26 March- 18 June) be provided in 40 2 - Symeon Defence Oct mod.gov.cy +357-995 and a residential phase English Zambas 85539 competition (03-05 Oct).

European Security and Defence College Secretariat: [email protected] 4 Mobility Newsleer N° 5 – June 2012 General mobility opportunies (1/5)


Requirements/ of aims POC POC Country Institution Year Month Period Event Short description profile of the POC Name for EU WH Email Phone ECTS following participants invited students service(s) Number Event registration Latestdate to Workflow in Workflow Workflow basic training in land forces Costel Lt.col. 0040269 Land Jul 29 - land navigation, camouflage (accommodation 1 per troncan 24 Apr Scouting training TROCAN 43299 Forces - 2013 Aug Aug 02 training, Reconnaissance and free, transportation military - 40-50 chargable) Jan. Basics for operational terrain Romania Jul 1 week Terrain analysis Third year cadets Min. 5 3 - 2013 analysis GEOINT Military Col. Engr. draducan 004021 Jan. exploitation of Basics for operational GEOINT Technical May 2 weeks 3rd/ 4th year cadets Min. 5 5 - RADUCAN [email protected] 3353668 - 2013 2013 aerospace analysis Academy U Dan o ext. 23 imagery Jan. Basics of operational electronic Jun 2 weeks Electronic warfare 3rd/ 4th year cadets Min. 5 4 - 2013 warfare bruno.va Naval Maritime Lt Vachon chon@ec Navy 2012 NK NK NK One-week course Navy NK NK - NK Academy Leadership course Bruno ole- navale.fr

France Military International tomasflic (00)33-6 Academy 1 Sep - Pr. Thomas All 2012 9-déc NK semester of higher Full semester exchange English proficiency 9 20 - hy@hot 6560322 Saint-Cyr 20 Dec Flichy strategic studies mail.com 8 Coetquidan

Col Dr. harald.ge (00)43-6 06-24 8- Summer Alpine General Alpine Summer Course The Module will be 16 (+ 4 All 2012 Aug - 75 GELL ll@bmlvs. 64-622- Aug juin-12 Training for international students provided in English staff) Harald gv.at 2161 24-29 Theresan Symposium High Level Lecturers on (28-29 Austria Military on Common "CESDCulture topics" (28 & 29 karlheinz Sep 70 Col Mag. +43-502 Academy 27 July European Sep: Graduation Celebrations). .braun@ All 2012 Sep on Cadets, trainers (the first 4 - KarL-Heinz 01-20-2 2012 Security and Completion of an e-learning and bmlvs.gv voluntar 70) BRAUN 9105 Defence of a paper may be awarded with .at y Culture ECTS basis) European Security and Defence College Secretariat: [email protected] 5

Mobility Newsleer N° 5 –June 2012 General mobility opportunies (2/5)


to in POC POC invited in WH of EU of POC aims Email Phone Institution Year Month Period date for Event Short description Country Name ECTS following service(s) registration participants Workflow profilethe of Event Number Latest Requirements students Workflow Civilian LTC jaroslav. October Academic Bachelor Study and Jaroslav kozubek+42072 Army 2013 28 Feb. 15 180 1st Year in Logistics Military KOZUB @unob. 4692556 students EK cz Bachelor Study Civilian LTC jaroslav. October Academic in National and Jaroslav kozubek+42072 Army 2013 28 Feb. 15 180 1st Year Defence Military KOZUB @unob. 4692556 Economics students EK cz LTC jaroslav. Bachelor Study October Academic Military Jaroslav kozubek+42072 Army 2013 28 Feb. in Military 15 180 1st Year Acredited three year study program students KOZUB @unob. 4692556 Management EK cz Bachelor Study Civilian COL in libor.dra Air October Academic and Libor +42097 2013 28 Feb. Communication 15 180 zan@un Force 1st Year Military DRAŽA 3444972 and Information ob.cz students N Czech Defence Systems Republic University Civilian COL Bachelor Study libor.dra October Academic and Libor +42097 Army 2013 28 Feb. in Weapons and 15 180 zan@un 1st Year Military DRAŽA 3444972 ammunitions ob.cz students N Three modules of selected courses for 1- Europe Civilian LTC jaroslav. semester students´ mobility within Erasmus an Erasmus Study and Jaroslav kozubek+42072 2013 October Semester 31 Aug. programme: - National Defence Economics - 30 30 Univer Mobility Military KOZUB @unob. 4692556 - Military Management - Economics and sities students EK cz Management 1 week course. Students learn to create maps project, task forces and integrate them into NATO´s structure, create logistics reports - LOGUPDATE COL zbysek.k (00)420 March, and LOGASSESSMENT in the project LOGFAS, All 2013 LOGFAS Zbyšek orecki@ 9734439 October costing procedures for supply management of the units witch are devoted to the international Korecki unob.cz 55 operations - using the Sustainment Planning Module European Security and Defence College Secretariat: [email protected] 6

Mobility Newsleer N° 5 – June 2012 General mobility opportunies (3/5) POC POC POC Country Institution Month Event Short description Name Email Phone

1 week course. It combines a number of lessons and formative tests including performance and progress during zbysek. Standard COL (00)420 exercises. To prepare officers for the ability to solve issues contain Planning process, Advance Planning, Crisis korecki operational Zbyšek 973443 Response Planning, Cdr’s Planning Guidance, Terrain Analysis of AOR and transport and Movement activities. @ procedures I Korecki 955 Initial planning conference + personal experience and appointment in working group tasks. unob.cz

1 week course. It combines a number of lessons and formative tests including performance and progress during zbysek. COL (00)420 Host Nation exercises. To prepare officers for the ability to solve issues contain Host national Support planning process, korecki Zbyšek 973443 Support including financial and medical aspect. Initial planning conference + personal experience and appointment in @ Korecki 955 working group tasks unob.cz zbysek. 1 week course. It includes a number of lessons and formative tests including performance and progress during COL (00)420 Logistics korecki exercises. To prepare officers for the ability to solve issues contain Logistics Reconnaissance issues. Initial Zbyšek 973443 Reconnaissance @ planning conference + personal experience and appointment in working group tasks Korecki 955 unob.cz

Logistics Reports 1 week course. It includes a number of lessons and formative tests including performance and progress during zbysek. COL (00)420 and M&T in NATO exercises. To prepare officers for the ability to solve issues contain LOGISTICS REPORTS and M&T in NATO korecki Zbyšek 973443 and in the Czech and in the Czech AF and issues connected with road, Air, Railway’s and Naval Transportation. Initial planning @ Korecki 955 AF conference + personal experience and appointment in working group tasks. unob.cz Czech Defence TBD Republic University zbysek. Standard 1 week course. The aim within MEL/MIL during planning process of the preparation and executive phases: to COL (00)420 korecki operational prepare officers for the ability to solve issues based on NATO and national SOP. Initial planning conference + Zbyšek 973443 @ procedures II personal experience and appointment in working group tasks. Korecki 955 unob.cz Reception, Staging, Onward zbysek. COL (00)420 Movement and 1 week course. Activities. It includes a number of lessons and formative tests including performance and progress korecki Zbyšek 973443 Integration during exercise. To prepare officers for the ability to solve issues contain RSOM processes and CORSOM. @ Korecki 955 (RSOM) & unob.cz CORSOM 1 week course. Current International Security Environment (Threats, Trends, Risks), Main Actors (Organizations, LTC pavel.fo (00)420 International Agencies, NGOs, Private Military/Security Companies), Security Threats and Vulnerabilities, Security Pavel ltin@ 973443 Security Course Environment Forecasting, Economics of Security, National Security of Critical Infrastructure, Security/Defence Foltin unob.cz 003 Research. martint. Weapons and 1 week course. It focuses on the ballistics, ammunition and small arms principles and operation. During two COL (00)420 macko ammunition – weeks participants will be familiarized with effects and evaluation of small arms, their drives, mechanisms, Martin 973444 @unob. Small Arms mounting, aiming devices, and testing. Macko 953 cz European Security and Defence College Secretariat: [email protected] 7

Mobility Newsleer N° 5 – June 2012 General mobility opportunies (4/5)

POC POC Country Institution Month Event Short description POC Name Email Phone

1 week course. This course comprises an intensive introduction to the computer networks as layered ISO/OSI and TCP/IP models are. It is focused on most important Ethernet vlasmil (00)420 COL Vlastimil Computer networks versions, WLANs, VLANs, Spanning Tree and IPv4/IPv6 protocols suites including VoIP .maly@ 973443 Malý questions. Next, the course also deals with the security issues. It is completed with hands unob.cz 572 on labs.

1 week course. The course deals especially with the problems of antennas and radio waves propagation, the problems of data modulations, including the practical views of signals vlasmil (00)420 COL Vlastimil Radio Communication during the time as well as in the spectrum. The basic description of GSM and UMTS .maly@ 973443 Malý systems will be realized. In conclusion the participants of the course will be introduced with unob.cz 572 the activity of satellite facilities and systems.

1 week course. The course introduces principles and technology solutions of integrated vlasmil (00)420 networks. Architecture of contemporary telecommunication system is presented. Students COL Vlastimil IP Telephony .maly@ 973443 Czech Defence get acquainted with commonly used standards and interoperability issues when integrating Malý TBD unob.cz 572 Republic University IP telephony with legacy telecommunication systems

1 week course. This course starts with intensive introduction to the algorithms construction vlasmil (00)420 and debugging. It is focused on introduction into programming, using of contemporary COL Vlastimil Algorithms and Programming .maly@ 973443 integrated development environments (IDE) for application development. Students get Malý unob.cz 572 acquainted with object oriented programming basics.

1 week course. This course deals with the role of modelling through a system life cycle. It is vlasmil (00)420 focused on architecture and working principles of military live, virtual, and constructive COL Vlastimil Military modelling and simulation .maly@ 973443 simulation systems. Way ahead in bringing simulators closer to mission area and the role of Malý unob.cz 572 modelling and simulation in networked battlefield (NEC).

1 week course. This course starts with intensive introduction to the embedded system, vlasmil (00)420 Programming of Embedded COL Vlastimil single chip processors and their architecture. The course provides the knowledge & skills .maly@ 973443 Systems Malý necessary to install IDE, make basic configuration and simple programs on processor. unob.cz 572

European Security and Defence College Secretariat: [email protected] 8

Mobility Newsleer N° 5 – June 2012

General mobility opportunies (5/5)

Requirements/ POC POC POC Country Institution Year Month Period Event Short description profile of the for

WH Name Email Phone ECTS participants invited service(s) Numberof Eventaims registration Latestdate to following Workflow in Workflow in Workflow EUstudents The aim of this exercise is to provide students the training and the development of leadership functions, techniques and skills, + 351 Leadership knowledge and behavior 4 cadets (max 2 July 3-5 1st Jun English Proficiency ------219 678 Field Exercise modulation adjusted to the per country). 969 different proposed situations. LtCol Air Force afa.euafa Air Force 2012 Practical resolution of problems, Carlos Portugal Academy @emfa.pt induction of stress situations, Lopes starvation and lack of sleeping. Basic Survival Introduction to basics on survival + 351 and 4 cadets (max 2 July 3-9 1st Jun in mountain, walking, climbing, English Proficiency ------219 678 Mountaineerin per country). rappel, slide. 970 g Course MAY Navy / 31Aug-2 Fall semester Studying and living in ENM with ENM 2012 AUG 31TH 3rd / 4th year students 1to2 - - 0034 Marines 2Dec term Academic validation 2012 C.C. sbladur@ 98680483 AUG Blanco fn.mde.es 4 (Mil. Navy / 5Oct- Fall trainng A week of instruction and training 2nd / 3rd / 4th year ENM 2012 NOV 31TH 1to2 - - 8244834) Marines Nov week with Spanish students students 2012 Joint seminar MAR university of air Joint seminar University of Air richfra@ 34968189 Five 1 nd /2nd / 3rd / 4th /5 nd Cte. AGA Air Force 2012 JUL 31ST force academy Force Academy. Military History - - ea.mde.e 172 (Mil. days year students Ichaso 2012 military history Culture. Aeronautics s 8342172) Spain culture

Speak English. 24 (Infantry:6, Students wich Cavalry:2, Artillery: MAR Exercise finished their 6, Antiaircraft 34976739 19-26 TCOL. ialbcel@e AGM Army 2012 JUN 31ST comprehensive Military Planing Execice speciality. To know artillery:2, - - 661 (Mil. Jun Albiñana t.mde.es 2012 Integration Military Planing Engineering:6, 8839661) Methodology Telecommunication (tactical level) s:2)

European Security and Defence College Secretariat: [email protected] 9

Mobility Newsleer N° 5 – June 2012

General mobility demands (1/2)


) etc for

aims Profile of the Number of POC Country Institution Event POC Name POC Email expected exchange participants phone following amount ( Expected service(s) Criteria recognition Event to (ECTS, (ECTS,

CSDP module and PSO module / TEWT in a CMO Students 2 / module NG NG scenario Military remy.coupez@st- Academy All LtC Rémy COUPEZ cyr.terre- NK France Saint-Cyr CSDP Olympiad Students 2 NG NG net.defense.gouv.fr Coëtquidan

Exercise comprehensive Students 3 NG NG integration

Czech Republic Students and Erasmus University of All Erasmus exchanges teaching staff, 12 bilateral NG Jaroslav Průcha [email protected] NK Defence including researchers agreement

Estonia Numbers of staff National Common modules and available for [email protected] Defence All Students and staff NG NG Nele Rand NK exchanges of staff exchanges not yet e College defined

Nicola Bulgaria Vaptsarov France, Belgium or 0359 052 Navy Weaponry training 1 NG NG Svetlana Baneva NK Naval Netherlands 552 374 Academy

European Security and Defence College Secretariat: [email protected] 10

Mobility Newsleer N° 5 – June 2012

General mobility demands (2/2)

Profile of Criteria for the Number of Country Institution Event recognition Expected (amount) POC Name POC Email POC Phone expected participants (ECTS, etc) exchange Eventaims to followingservice(s)

Theresan Common modules 2-4 Students for [email protected] (00)43-664-622-21 Military All “CSDP”, “LOAC”, Students NG NG Col Dr. GELL Harald Austria each Module v.at 61 Academy “Media Training”

Military Basics for Crisis 4th year Col. engr. Dan 0040213354660 Romania technical Management 2 ECTS cadets RADUCANU [email protected] ext.238 Academy Operations (CMO)

European Security and Defence College Secretariat: [email protected] 11

Mobility Newsleer N° 5 – June 2012

Officers’ mobility in words and acts…

Reading and debang

- Commandante Juan Jesus Pavon Coton, “La iniciava de intercambio de jovenes oficiales de la Union Europea” Ejercito de erra espanol, No.852, March 2012 (in Caslian). Available: hp://www.ejercito.mde.es/publicaciones/revistaejercito/sumarios/2012/852.html

- Henrik Furst & Gerhard Kummel, Core Values and the expedionary mindset: Armed Forces in Metamorphosis (2011) (eds.). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

-Military Academic Forum (MAF) 2012, symposium on European Security and Defence Culture “ Cizen Soldier – Soldier Cizen”, Austria (25-27 September 2012). Informaon: [email protected] and hp://jg.milak.at/MAF/sites/2012/maf12.php. Registraon : hp://www.almath.at/Aufnahmeverfahren/default.asp?ID=6

- 15th Civil-Military Relaons Seminar, " Armed Forces and Society in the 21st Century - Values Needs and Ends”, Naonal Defence Academy, Vienna, 14-16 November 2012. Informaon: hp://www.bmlv.gv.at/organisaon/beitraege/lvak/ihsw/cmr15.shtml

Browsing Next meengs:

-Iniave for the exchange of young officers: hp://www.emilyo.eu/ Implementaon Group: - 12 June 2012, Brussels (BE) - 4 October 2012, Paphos (CY) -Conference of Superintendents of Naval Academies: hp://www.eunaweb.eu/

-European Air Force Academies (EUAFA): hp://www.euafa.eu/output/login.php - List and websites of the European basic educaon and training instutes: hp://www.emilyo.eu/

Comments, suggestions, information? Please visit the website of the Initiative: Or write to the ESDC Secretariat: [email protected] 12