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Information Report No. 626 SENATE EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF 2018-2019 Filed at the President's Office of the Senate on 3 July 2019 INFORMATION REPORT DRAWN UP on behalf of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces Committee (1) by the Working Group on European Defence, By Mr Ronan LE GLEUT and Ms Hélène CONWAY-MOURET, Senators (1) This committee is composed of: Christian Cambon, Chairman; Pascal Allizard, Bernard Cazeau, Robert del Picchia, Sylvie Goy-Chavent, Jean-Noël Guérini, Joël Guerriau, Pierre Laurent, Cédric Perrin, Gilbert Roger, Jean-Marc Todeschini, Deputy Chairpersons; Olivier Cigolotti, Joëlle Garriaud-Maylam, Philippe Paul, Marie-Françoise Perol-Dumont, Secretaries; Jean-Marie Bockel, Gilbert Bouchet, Michel Boutant, Olivier Cadic, Alain Cazabonne, Pierre Charon, Hélène Conway-Mouret, Édouard Courtial, René Danesi, Gilbert-Luc Devinaz, Jean-Paul Émorine, Bernard Fournier, Jean-Pierre Grand, Claude Haut, Gisèle Jourda, Jean-Louis Lagourgue, Robert Laufoaulu, Ronan Le Gleut, Jacques Le Nay, Rachel Mazuir, François Patriat, Gérard Poadja, Ladislas Poniatowski, Mmes Christine Prunaud, Isabelle Raimond-Pavero, Stéphane Ravier, Hugues Saury, Bruno Sido, Rachid Temal, Raymond Vall, André Vallini, Yannick Vaugrenard, Jean-Pierre Vial, and Richard Yung. - 3 - CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 7 FOREWORD ..........................................................................................................................11 PART ONE - THE EUROPEAN UNION AS THE SECOND PILLAR OF EUROPEAN DEFENCE: A HISTORIC TURNING POINT TO ENSURE THE SECURITY OF EUROPEAN CITIZENS .............................................................................15 I. EUROPEAN COUNTRIES PROVIDING FOR THEIR OWN DEFENCE: A NECESSARY AMBITION ...............................................................................................15 A. A REALITY: THE UNITED STATES STILL PLAYS A PREPONDERANT ROLE IN THE DEFENCE OF THE EUROPEAN CONTINENT .....................................................15 1. The slow gestation of European defence poses no challenge to the preponderant role of the Americans ........................................................................................................................15 a) The birth of European defence... ...............................................................................16 b) no way questioned the preponderant role of NATO... ....................................18 c) ...nor the role of the United States as Europe’s defence partner .............................21 2. This is a reality that France must take into account, despite its unique situation in Europe ..............................................................................................................................24 a) The end of the “French exception” in NATO ...........................................................24 b) Strategic autonomy and nuclear deterrence ............................................................25 B. “SHARING THE BURDEN”: A NECESSITY FOR EUROPEANS ...................................28 1. The historical role of the United States in Europe since the Second World War..................28 2. Stabilisation does not yet mean rearmament ......................................................................31 3. Europe’s rise as a military power has only just begun .......................................................33 II. THE EU AS A MAJOR STAKEHOLDER IN EUROPEAN DEFENCE: THE NEXT STEP NOW BEING TAKEN ...........................................................................................35 A. THE EMERGENCE OF THE EU AS A MAJOR STAKEHOLDER IN EUROPEAN DEFENCE ..........................................................................................................................35 1. Strengthening the common foreign and security policy .....................................................35 a) Institutional reinforcement of the CFSP/CSDP .......................................................36 b) Permanent Structured Cooperation: “Sleeping Beauty” awakens .........................38 c) Article 42 (7): inroads by the EU into the joint defence of the continent? ..............40 2. A paradoxical decline in missions and operations ..............................................................43 a) Civil and military missions .......................................................................................43 b) A necessary revitalisation .........................................................................................44 c) The case of Operation Sophia ....................................................................................46 B. THE EUROPEAN DEFENSE FUND: A MAJOR TURNING POINT THAT REMAINS TO BE CONFIRMED ......................................................................................47 1. Rationale and context for the creation of the European Defence Fund ................................48 a) The political rationale for the creation of the EDF ..................................................48 b) The economic rationale for the creation of the EDF ................................................49 c) The revolutionary nature of the EDF ........................................................................50 2. The forerunners of the EDF: PADR and EDIDP ...............................................................50 a) The Preparatory Action on Defence Research .........................................................50 b) EDIDP, forerunner of the R&D segment of the EDF ...............................................51 - 4 - 3. The EDF, a capability action for the medium term .............................................................53 4. The indispensable European preference .............................................................................54 a) European taxpayers’ money .....................................................................................54 b) The negative reaction of the Americans is unjustified ............................................55 c) The case of the United Kingdom ...............................................................................56 PART TWO - FAR FROM THE UTOPIAN GOAL OF A “EUROPEAN ARMY”: A DYNAMIC THAT MUST REMAIN FLEXIBLE AND PRAGMATIC ..............................59 I. TWO MAJOR PARTNERS: THE UNITED KINGDOM AND GERMANY .................59 A. INTEGRATING THE UK, A VITAL PARTNER ..............................................................59 1. A context marked by the uncertainties of Brexit ................................................................59 a) A leap into the unknown? .........................................................................................59 b) A shift in the balance of relations at the EU ............................................................60 2. The need to invent “creative” partnership arrangements ...................................................61 a) The United Kingdom must be linked as closely as possible to European defence .......................................................................................................................61 b) Bilateral structural cooperation for European defence ...........................................62 B. GERMANY: AN INDISPENSABLE PARTNER ...............................................................65 1. Germany and defence, a complex issue ..............................................................................65 2. Germany’s natural role in European defence .....................................................................66 3. The imperative to overcome the difficulties of implementing a Franco-German partnership .......................................................................................................................67 a) The strong symbols of Franco-German friendship ..................................................67 b) A context transformed by Brexit ..............................................................................67 c) A partnership relaunched around major capabilities projects: FCAS and MGCS .........................................................................................................................67 (1) The Future Air Combat System (FCAS), a foundational project ...................................... 67 (2) The other component of the comprehensive agreement: the future ground combat system (MGCS) ................................................................................................................... 69 d) Implementation difficulties ......................................................................................69 e) Is it possible to reconcile the French and German conceptions of defence? ..........70 II. MAJOR STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS TO BE DEVELOPED ...................................71 A. ITALY, A BILATERAL RELATIONSHIP TO BE CONSOLIDATED ..............................71 1. A substantial amount of common ground ..........................................................................71 2. Various areas of excellence ................................................................................................73 a) A significant engagement in external operations ....................................................73 b) A Navy that is essential to the security of the Mediterranean ...............................73 c) An important stakeholder in the EDTIB ...................................................................73 B. BELGIUM:
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