September 2019 Number 27 FédérationEFC EuropéEnnE dE la CorrosionNewsletter • EuropEan FEdEration oF Corrosion • EuropäisChE FödEration Korrosion Focus on EFC Membership p.12 EUROCORR 2020 Recent EFC sponsored events p.24 bRUssEls, bElgiUm 6 - 10 sEptEmbER 2020 Iso 9001, Version 2015 CORROSION AND EROSION MONITORING ➠ Corrosometer® (ER Probes) ➠ Corrater® (LPR Probes) ➠ Microcor® (High Resolution Systems) ➠ Cosasco® - 2’’ Access Fittings, Coupons And High Pressure Retrieval Tools 4 rue Panhard – BP 13 Lts Lecoq Saint Paul 29 bis rue de l’Atlas 91830 Le Coudray Montceaux Fr 61230 Gacé - Fr BP 2062 44115 Basse Goulaine Tél. : +33(0) 1 64 93 92 30 Tél. : +33(0) 2 33 39 50 82 Port Gentil - GABON Tél. : +33(0) 2 28 21 12 13 Fax : ++33(0) 1 64 93 91 57 Fax : +33(0) 2 33 39 50 81 Tél. : +241 03 15 15 85 Fax : +33(0) 2 28 21 12 22 Email :
[email protected] Web : A few words from the EFC President Dear colleagues and friends, It is a great pleasure and honour to write to you as President of the EFC, a Arjan Mol 12th EFC President thriving and professional organisation which is making a major international (2019-2020) impact on reducing the economic and societal impact of corrosion. The increasing number and geographical diversity of new organisations joining the EFC demonstrates the global respect and prestige of this organisation. Hence, the EFC aims to grow and expand its technical-scientific leadership in Europe and beyond. For example, the EFC is co-organizing the First international Conference on Corrosion protection and Application iCCpA - EFC China 2019 in Chongqing China during 9-12 October 2019.